Shedding the Cloak of Christianity

Shedding the Cloak of Christianity


Gary Primo

Jan. 19, 2019

Talk about swimming upstream! Those who have discovered that Christianity is as false a religion as all other man-made religions know full well what I am talking about. For approximately 2,000 years, mainstream Christianity has been following a clever counterfeit religion that was designed by Emperor Constantine for all his subjects to adhere to. Failure to do so resulted in torture and death. It does not matter if one is Roman Catholic, Protestant, Baptist or whatever; if you are keeping the commandments of Emperor Constantine over those of our Heavenly Father, you are part of the counterfeit.

If you have not read my e-book, “The Christian Counterfeit; Constantine’s One World Religion”, it is now available for free on my website under the heading “E-books by Author”. To sum up the evidence presented in it, Daniel 7:25 describes how we can identify the Antichrist.

Dan. 7:25 - And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

What were the “great words” that Constantine spoke against Yahuwah Elohim? That “No Roman citizen was permitted to observe the customs and traditions of the Jews”. In other words, his subjects must put obedience to the Emperor before obedience to the Most High. All True Believers beforehand, had strictly kept all of the Jewish customs and traditions and considered themselves part of the Jewish faith. All that afterward gave their obedience to Constantine (in fact) made Constantine the object of their worship. Like all the Roman Emperors before him, Constantine thought of himself as the prime authority and god of the planet. When Rome supposedly fell, the Roman leaders disguised themselves as Catholic priests and ruled the Roman Empire from within that institution to this very day. The world thinks that the Roman Empire fell and was never revived; however, through the RCC it has flourished and still rules the world. Remember Daniels prophesy? That Rome (the 4th Empire) would last until the return of Yahushua. It was to be “wounded” but would be healed and would endure till the end of man’s time of self rule. The world simply does not recognize the transfer of power from the state to the church. And the RCC has waged war against True Believers, and any others that threaten their authority, ever since. The Pope even openly declares that he is “god on earth”. The faction known as the Jesuits (represented by the Black Pope) is the military wing of that institution and the White Pope represents the religious wing. Really both work together as the religion of the Antichrist.

The Reformation did nothing to thwart or diminish the power of Rome. As long as those reformed churches continued to obey the dictates of Constantine, Constantine remained the god that they worshipped. For instance, none of the reformed churches changed any of their basic doctrines. They continued to observe Sunday as the weekly holy day and substituted former pagan feasts for the yearly holy days of Yahuwah. They continued to preach that the laws of Yahuwah were done away with. The continued the lie concerning the Trinity. The only thing they really did was continue within the same counterfeit. They may as well have remained in the RCC.

Today, I am happy to report that more and more people are discovering the false roots of Christianity and are coming out of that system. They have shifted their obedience, and thereby their worship, from Constantine to Yahuwah. I believe that it was the admonition to be like the Bereans that prompted this revelation. It has been 39 years since I took up the challenge and I am still frequently learning new truths as I continue to search and prove all things. The main gist of my studies prove that all of the religions of man are designed to obscure and lead as many as possible way from the truth and towards the lie. All are religions of the Antichrist. Their diversity and confusion works in perfect harmony with the goals of the Antichrist.

When I first read the Scriptures in their entirety, this is one of the first things that I picked up on – that the Christian religion I was part of did not follow what the Scriptures said at all. I began searching for what I felt was the true church and ended up in the Worldwide Church of God. Ten years later I was off searching again. The result, there is no true church today, at least in the organized sense. I found that the true church existed only in the hearts of individual Believers.

If our faith was contingent upon having an actual church building to worship in; what would one say in regards to the Jewish temple? Did the faith of the Jewish people disappear or diminish in the time they have been without a temple No, because they carried their faith in their hearts. Yahuwah fashioned the temple for man, not for Himself. Yahuwah needs no physical building. Only mankind does.

So, when shedding the cloak of Christianity, one of the first things to recognize is that one does not have to join a “recognized” Christian church to serve and worship Yahuwah. One can worship anywhere on this planet, openly and without restriction. This is how we enter into a personal relationship with Yahuwah – as opposed to attending a church service for an hour and a half every Sunday, listening to some fake minister rattle off a bunch of lies that we are already saved merely by baptism. The only path to salvation is contingent upon our becoming one with the Creator through obedience to his every word.

The prime message of the gospel is that we are to take on the nature of Yahushua to gain salvation. This is not contingent upon joining the right church because there is no right church. This is contingent upon emptying one’s self of all that makes us human and filling the void with that which will make us spiritual. We are trying to make the mind and will of Yahuwah into our own. And we are not to hoard this knowledge to ourselves, but proclaim it to the entire world. This is likely a huge obstacle to most as the average person does not like to draw undue attention to them; and, proclaiming the true gospel to the world does not garner the kind of attention we desire. Instead it brings hatred, animosity and sometimes death. Not many want to sign up for such a fate. However, this is exactly what Yahuwah has called us out to do. Are we to ignore Yahuwah’s desire for us and simply go with the status quo? I do not think that would gain us anything but eternal death.

I am sure that most are aware of the persecution that the Believers of the first several centuries endured on account of their beliefs. However, the persecution during the coming Tribulation is to be much worse. However, if the trial by death is what it takes to convince Yahuwah that we are indeed loyal and true, then bring it on.

I imagine that most reading this were brought up in the Christian (Antichrist) religion. We have been brainwashed since birth to believe that Christianity is the only true religion and that it was delivered to us by the Messiah, Yahushua. This is nothing but a big fat lie. In His pre-incarnate form, it was Yahushua, who interacted with the creation at all times representing the Father. It was He who interacted with Adam, Noah and Moshe. It was He who created the Hebrew religion. It was He who created the Jewish people and the spiritual system they followed. The early followers of Yahushua recognized and taught this truth. Following Constantine’s decree, that all changed. His Christian counterfeit declared that they were free from the laws of Yahuwah, and were now under the laws of Constantine. And, since Christianity still regards the laws of Constantine over those of Yahuwah, Christians remain dedicated to the Antichrist to this very day.

Constantine certainly was not the first Antichrist, nor will he be the last. The end-time Antichrist will cause Constantine to pale in comparison. He will bring about a persecution of the saints, the likes of which have never been witnessed in human history. He will possess all of the power of HaSatan and will deceive by wondrous miracles. This is why Yahuwah admonished us not to seek after miracles. It is not an easy task to discern between the miracles of Yahuwah and those of HaSatan. The gift of discernment is one we should all be praying for.

HaSatan has done everything possible to conceal his true identity and method of operation. One needs to expose the lie before the truth becomes apparent. That is where searching and proving all things becomes into play. We begin the journey as spiritual babes and as each truth is revealed, we grow in spiritual character until we are fully like HaMashiyack in mind and character. If one does not strictly follow the blueprint set before us, one will never see salvation. One will never even qualify if they do not know what the qualifications are. Traditional Christianity does not teach their followers the true qualifications. Instead they teach that we are fine the way we are and do not need to change. Nothing can be further from the truth. If we do not change, we will never see the Kingdom.

I have seen a lot in my 39 years of service to Yahuwah. I have seen some who were headed full steam towards the Kingdom suddenly slam on the brakes and change direction. Some simply stopped searching for the Kingdom altogether and returned to the world. Admittedly, there have been times when I felt like giving up too, but resisted. It is definitely not easy changing from physical to spiritual. It is almost like a leopard changing its spots.

The only unpardonable sin is, having once started the journey, to abandon it. The gift of discernment suddenly departs as we once again give ourselves over to the deception, proving that we love the lies of HaSatan over the truth of Yahuwah.

Then, of course, there remains the question of what is truth. There is an old saying that “truth is in the eye of the beholder”. In other words truth can be seen differently by different eyes. And, that would certainly be the case with a number of rather strange doctrines I have heard of being spouted by different Sacred Name groups. One of the dangers that we face is in looking for something to set us apart (or above) all the others. Our actions must be based on what is provable from scriptures. All scriptures dealing with any given topic must harmonize. If there is no harmony, we need to assume that we are not discerning the scripture properly.

And, of course we also have our families and friends to deal with. They likely think we have lost our minds. Meanwhile, the reality is that we have just found our minds. No one changed course faster and more dramatically than I did. One minute I was a drug dealer running around with a sawed off semi-automatic 22 cal. rifle to collect what was owed me; the next I was completely immersed in studying and learning the Way of Yahuwah. You had better believe that my family and friends were in complete shock.

I am sure that we have all had well-meaning individuals try to convince us that we are wrong and should return to the world. As well-meaning as these individuals are, they are no less the servant of HaSatan. As much as I try to persuade them of the truth, I have not been able to convert any of them. But then, it is Yahuwah alone that can open the minds of men, not us. If one is so enamored with the ways of this world, it is very difficult to change their minds.

In my e-book, “The Christian Counterfeit, Constantine’s One World Religion” I make the comparison between the separation of Israel and Judah and Christianity and Judaism. A hatred of the Jews was the basis for each separation. The King of the Northern ten tribes (Jeroboam) hated being under the authority of the Jews. Therefore he established his own brand of worship that followed the practices of their pagan neighbours. He established their own places of worship, idols to worship in place of Yahuwah. He changed the weekly day of worship from the Sabbath to Sunday. He changed the annual holy days to pagan ones.

Centuries later, Emperor Constantine made similar changes to the Christian religion. In 324 Ad. He decreed that no Roman citizen was to take on the customs and traditions of the Jews. And, a couple years later, he decreed that no Roman citizen was to observe the Sabbath or holy days of the Jews. In doing so, Constantine elevated himself to the god that they worshipped through obedience to him over Yahuwah. He created a very clever counterfeit, and the world (which hated Yahuwah anyway) quickly changed direction and followed after the lie. Of course he also followed after Jeroboam in substituting pagan holy days for the true ones (Sabbath to Sunday and annual ones to pagan. He also changed former pagan temples into Christian and renamed former pagan gods and made them “saints”.

The only way to shed the cloak of Christianity and take on the mantle of Yahushua is to empty our minds of all that we have been taught and think we know and allow Yahuwah to take over our minds and hearts. We do this through strict obedience to every word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahuwah. We learn this by studying the Scriptures for ourselves, studying and proving all things. We take our orders from Yahuwah alone and not from the mouths of lying Christian leaders.

Don’t even waste your time searching the various Christian denominations for any semblance of truth, because you will not find any there. The only true church is found in the hearts of True Believers. Such being the case, we have no need of a typical church building to worship in. The entire earth is our temple and we can worship anywhere, any time.

Being freed from the religious slavery of this world is indeed a monumental undertaking. It takes a great deal of time to uncover the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This is a process that takes almost a lifetime of study and we must never assume that we know it all and sit back and rest. If we live to see the final persecution, our spiritual survival will depend on our obedience to Yahuwah. The Antichrist of that day will be waging a very aggressive war against us. If we are not prepared to follow Yahuwah unto death we will not qualify. The suffering of death for our beliefs is the final testing for all of Yahushua’s followers. We should not fear it, as it is our final opportunity to prove our faithfulness to Yahuwah. It all starts with careful study of the word. It ends with taking on the full nature and substance of the Father as did our Eldest Brother, Yahushua. His is our only example. Do not look to any other man for your salvation. The Pope is not “God on Earth” as he claims but more like Satan on Earth. And, so are all who lay claim to this declaration.

Prov. 8:1 - Does not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?

2 - She stands in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.

3 - She cries at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.

4 - Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.

5 - O you simple, understand wisdom: and, you fools, be you of an understanding heart.

6 - Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things.

7 - For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

8 - All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.

Yahuwah is the embodiment of all wisdom. If we wish to become “wise unto salvation”, we must follow in His exact footsteps.

2Ti. 3:15 - And that from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in the Messiah, Yahushua.

Faith is indeed the beginning of salvation, but it is certainly not the end. Merely professing belief in the Messiah is not enough to gain one salvation. Once having found faith, one needs to study Yahuwah’s word intensely to gain wisdom. Wisdom will come by faith; however, it will not come automatically or immediately afterward. I comes from a lifetime of study and searching. Anyone who is not serious about pursuing all truth regardless of the consequences should not even bother; for the odds are that they will crumble and fall when their day of persecution comes.

The days of Christianity are numbered. A new ‘one world religion is coming. It already has a name under which several new churches have sprung up. That name is “Christlam”. It will be a blending of all the different Christian denomination with Islam. We are being prepared for it by the current influx of Muslims into Western nations. In every country where Islam has gained a foothold, they eventually took completely over – usually through a great deal of violence. We can expect the same thing with Christlam.

The days that are coming are going to ripe with tribulation and it will take a very strong heart indeed that will survive it. The only ones the Scriptures say will escape it are the 144,000 (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes). As of 2010, there were estimated to be 2.2 billion Christians globally. That is roughly 1/3 of the worldly population. Yet, mostly all believe in a coming “rapture” or escape from the persecution to a place of safety. I have no idea how the number of that group grew from 144,000 to 2.2 billion, except for by wishful thinking. Read what the Book of Revelation says about this group and then name one individual that you know who fits the criteria.

Rev. 7:1 - And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.

2 - And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

3 - And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

4 - These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto Elohim and to the Lamb.

5 - And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of Elohim.

My advice is to assume the worst case scenario and hope for the best. If we prepare for the Tribulation by assuming we will have to suffer through it, we will not be disappointed. If we are chosen as part of the 144,000, we will be delighted. But at this point, I personally do not know of anyone I feel fits the criteria, including myself. I am not sure if the reference to being defiled by women is speaking literally of symbolically. In other places the term “women” is used of churches. So it can be speaking of worldly religions. A virgin could refer to someone who has never been a part of them.

The point I am trying to make is that only 144,000 are going to escape the coming Tribulation. Since we don’t know if we will be included in that number, we had better be prepared to face whatever trial Yahuwah has prepared for us. If it takes the suffering of death to prove to Yahuwah that we are worthy of His Kingdom we had better be prepared for it, else we are going to fail. If we thoroughly examine and judge ourselves before Yahuwah does, we will be much more prepared and capable of enduring during the suffering of death. Since this will be our final opportunity to prove our righteousness to Yahuwah, we should look forward to it rather than fear it.

In this life, finding the easy road is a piece of cake - simply follow the rest of the world. Yahushua never said that following him would be easy. In fact He warned us about exactly what we would suffer on account of following Him. Plus we have the examples of all the saints and prophets before us to consider. Believe me when I say, I am not laying claim to any high ground here. I am a student like all the rest of you, and all I can do is hope and pray for Yahuwah’s mercy. If I become one of the 144,000, great; in case I am not, I am trying to prepare myself (mentally and spiritually) for the suffering of death. Suffering that brief moment of torment is well worth the eternity that we are promised for overcoming. Now, let us examine what each of the 7 letters to the seven churches say about overcoming.

Rev. 2:7 - He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of Elohim.

11 - He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death.

17 - He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knows saving he that receives it.

26 - And he that overcomes, and keeps my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

Rev. 3: 5 - He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

12 - Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my Elohim, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my Elohim, and the name of the city of my Elohim, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my Elohim: and I will write upon him my new name.

21 - To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

Our mission (if we accept it) is to acquire all of the above rewards. Mainstream Christianity teaches that we will receive these things simply by professing belief in their “Jesus”; a fiction character that never existed. Yahuwah says we must work tirelessly to require it. Our salvation depends on who we believe. So let us pursue this end with all our energy and every fiber of our being.

Yahuwah Bless
