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Today’s Comments

Jan. 9, 2021

The New Testament

For a while now, I have been questioning the accuracy with which the New Testament was translated into our modern-day English Scriptures. Being that it was legitimized under Emperor Constantine's careful oversight, I believe there is plenty to be skeptical about. Out of curiosity, I searched the web for a complete list of changes made to New Testament. Here it is:

A Textual Key to the New Testament (

Even I was in shock when I viewed this list. The number of changes is unbelievable. I have not yet had time to go through them all but will likely do a complete study on them soon. Yahuwah Bless.

Jan. 2, 2021

New Year

While everyone is celebrating the popular pagan New Year and the end to a terrible past year, they have no idea what this year could bring. Well, there is also the "other" possibility also – that it could be much worse.

Some are so eager for good news, they are willing to invent or imagine it. The new vaccines are being heralded as the "savior" of mankind. We have no idea yet if the vaccines are a blessing or a curse. I was reading this morning that in the U.S. two deaths were reported from taking the vaccine so far. There was no mention of how many suffered moderate to severe side effects. Regardless, we are far from out of the woods yet.

But what I really worry about is the restrictions against religious gatherings. Right now, the virus is their excuse but in the future, it will be all political.

In the meantime, all we can do is hope and pray that it all comes to an end soon and we can get back to our normal lives (if that is ever again possible). Yahuwah Bless.

DEC. 29, 2020

Mandatory Vaccinations

So far, they have not made the new Covid-19 vaccine mandatory. What they are doing instead is just as bad. We have been hearing a lot about creating a vaccine passport. This passport will restrict all travel and access to public places to only those who can prove they have been vaccinated. (Cannot buy or sell unless they receive the mark).

They are not going to make things easy for us by any means. Every aspect of our lives are about to change in a very dramatic way. I never imagined that I would see this day within my lifetime, but here it is. We are all going to have to make this very significant choice. We must remember that the 144,000 will come from those who DID NOT receive the mark. Yahuwah Bless.

P.S. If any group desires to hold a legal service, have it inside a Walmart or Cosco store where there does not seem to be a problem with large gatherings. (pardon the sarcasm, lol)

Dec. 25, 2020

True Conversion

What is the first thing any new convert does after being called by Yahuwah? Why they head for the closest Christian church to be baptized and join that group. There they get bombarded with all the Satanic lies that Christianity passes off as truth. You may be a little concerned in the beginning asking, "What is the origin of these customs and traditions that I read absolutely nothing about in the Scriptures?" The answer is simple, Christianity is nothing more than a "melting pot" for all of the world's pagan cults.

But then, where does one go for fellowship and support when called by Yahuwah? How do they find us? That is a very good question. I believe that part of the answer is that we are not making ourselves visible enough. How can we be lights to the rest of the world if they cannot see us.

The end of the age is approaching, folks. We may have a very short time left to make ourselves over into the image of the 144,000 which will be accounted as worthy to escape the tribulation. We must not take anything for granted. We must be about making ourselves ready for the Kingdom RIGHT NOW! Yahuwah bless.

Dec. 22, 2020

Envision it, Believe it, Become it

There are 3 steps to achieving just about anything – envision the goal, believe you can achieve it and achieving it. The same thing applies to spiritual growth. Where Christianity promoted spiritual stagnation, we are to promote spiritual growth.

HaSatan does not support spiritual growth because he desires that we all fail. And yet, the world continues to worship him as the god of this world. If one worships the god of failure, it is only natural that the person will fail.

Instead, envision yourself already in the Kingdom. Believe with all your heart that you have what it takes to get there and get there. Yahuwah Bless.

Dec. 15, 2020

Sign of the Times

Every generation since the advent of the Messiah believed they would see the end of days within their life time. Our generation is no different. I would remind everyone that these events sometimes take a long time to fulfill.

Today's events are in tune with end time prophesies but then, there have been previous eras that seemed to be a fulfillment of prophesy also, but the end still did not come.

I have been harping about this subject for some time. It does not matter when the end comes; for us the time of our death marks the last chance any of us have for salvation. If we don't have things "right" by then, we are in deep trouble.

Also, the Scriptures are clear that the Two End Time Witnesses must come first, at the beginning of the tribulation. Since that event has not yet occurred, we cannot be in the Tribulation yet.

Until then let us keep our noses to the grind stone and continue doing what is pleasing in the sight of Yahuwah. Yahuwah Bless.

Dec. 12, 2020

Ho Ho Humbug

Well, it is that "magical" time of the year again when the Christian world honors its Roman God and his pagan, Roman messiah. It is called "magical" as no one knows its nasty little secrets.

For a holiday that is supposed to be about the birth of the messiah, it has become anything but. Instead, it is promoted as being "for the kids". Well, it is for the kids alright. It teaches them the lies of worldly religion, to worship the Antichrist and follow his Antichrist religion. It brainwashes them from an early age to believe all the lies of HaSatan and hate the truth. Spiritually speaking, it is the most pagan of all worldly celebrations.

We bare much ridicule for our beliefs. But then, that is the way HaSatan's world works. He is the father of all lies, and yet, the world prefers his lies to the truth of Yahuwah. Do not be dismayed by this fact, but stand up even more up and be counted for Yahuwah and the truth. Yahuwah Bless.

Dec. 2, 2020

A Created Pandemic

One indisputable fact about the Covid-19 Pandemic is that it was created in a lab. Being such makes it a bio-weapon, not a natural pandemic. One has to wonder why anyone would create such a weapon with no antivirus vaccine to go with it? It also makes one wonder if it's leaking was accidental of purposeful.

I certainly would not trust any vaccine that Bill Gates has anything to do with. His depopulation agenda is about to become very real. I was just reading this morning that his vaccine will render certain elements of our society infertile for life. This is basically history repeating itself. Before the flood, it was fashionable for women to have themselves made permanently infertile by some unknown method. In our day, it began with abortions and is now moving towards rendering the human race infertile. Along with the tracking microchips contained in the vaccine, people have good reason to refuse.

But how many are going to eventually give in when they can no longer travel, secure employment or receive medical attention. Our Adversary is going to make it increasingly difficult to avoid the shot. And then, there is the question of our children. How do we keep them safe when all of these forces are working against their future.

We are in for some very rough times and will be forced to make some very difficult decisions. But remember that the 144,000 will be made up of those who did not receive the mark. We have been forewarned. Yahuwah bless.

Nov. 26, 2020

Denying our Destiny

The most fundamental. aspect of our creation is that we were created in the image of the Creator. The Creator is an Elohim, and, if created in His image, that means that we also are elohim.

Yet, mostly all human beings deny this fact. Does a puppy not grow into a dog? Does a chick not grow into a chicken? We too are in a growth and learning process and if found incorruptible will advance to become full elohim beings.

Of all the created creatures, only man denies the purpose for which he was created. What a stupid creature we are!

Of course this all stems from Adam's sin. HaSatan convinced Adam that he was already fully elohim; and Adam ran with it believing that he possessed the power to distinguish good from evil. Even if Adam ever repented of his sin, that attitude has been passed on to generation after generation. Like wise old King Solomon once said, "There is nothing new under the sun. Everything is as it was." And, as far as accepting our destiny, mankind has not changed either. Yahuwah Bless

Nov. 25, 2020

Religion as a Political Tool

Religion has been employed as a political tool ever since the advent of Emperor Nimrod. Being the first emperor, Nimrod created his own, tailor-made religion to be the official state religion, in stark opposition to Noah and his faithful. It was the first of many false, pagan religions with the common theme of worshipping the creation above the Creator and a host of man gods.

Today, pretty much all nations have some religion as worthy of state sponsorship. All have the protection of civil law. All capture and unite the citizens of whichever nation. The other thing they all have in common is that they are all totally false.

There is only one true Elohim and one true Messiah/High Priest. We have no need of a man or any man-made religions. We have free and open access to them any time, 24/7.

Why do people flock to these pagan religions and ignore Yahuwah is because it makes them part of the majority. The problem with that is, if the majority is wrong, one will suffer the punishment for their wrong-doings and join them in eternal death.

This is a trap that even true believers must be aware of. Their small study groups have the potential of turning into a common church, with their own sets of (set-in-stone) doctrines and customs. True Believers are to be searching for truth for their entire spiritual lives. We are a long way from knowing all truth, and we know it. Therefore we must be like the noble Bereans, searching and proving all things at all times. Never quit! Never lie down thinking we already know it all. Some day we will know all things but that day is not yet. Yahuwah Bless.

Nov. 20, 2020

Here in Canada, our "clown" PM has recently declared the pandemic to a wonderful opportunity for a great reset. Of course many, if not most, Canadians believe Trudeau is nothing but a UN mouthpiece anyway, but I think this news is upsetting to us all.

This "great reset' has been in the works since, at least, the end of the 1st world war. In its final stages, there will be only one legalized religion, the state religion of the NWO, which will most definitely be the RCC. The practice of any other religion will be outlawed and heavily persecuted – the time of trouble such as the world has ever known. We will soon be returning to the glory days of ancient Rome, when killing the people of Yahuwah for sport, will become the height of entertainment.

The "Nobel" Bereans of this generation, know where everything going on today is heading. The Book of Revelation is coming to fruition before our eyes – the day every believer has greatly feared. Fortunately we fear Yahuwah above all and will, hopefully have the courage to stand for Yahuwah when that day comes and we face our final trial. Yahuwah Bless..

Nov. 19, 2020

The Covid-19 Hoax

What this video on the Covid-19 hoax. Of course, it has been vilified and banned. Watch and judge for yourselves.

Nov. 14, 2020

Solving the World's Ills

The human race is quick to fall for the many political formulas for solving all of the world's ills; but the reality is that they only make matters worse. Man does not know the way of peace and that is all there is to it. Looking to any other man for salvation is an absolute waste of time.

There is only one way to peace and that is Yahuwah's way. And that way will not be upon us until Yahushua returns. In the meantime, we are to preach the way of peace regardless of personal reproach and be Yahuwah's ambassadors of peace. It is not easy to maintain that image at all times. We must exercise caution in everything we do and say.

We have witnessed in the recent U.S. elections, that anything involving past indiscretions was brought out into the light. Neither will anything be hidden about us on that day of judgment. Envision our role model with every situation and act and speak as He would have. If we are found doing our best to imitate Yahushua at all times, we will be found guiltless. Yahuwah Bless.

June 7, 2019

Exclusive: US homeopaths claim 'therapies' prevent measles and 'cure' autism

Personally speaking, I have been involved with homeopathic therapies for many years with wonderful results. They may not provide instant relief, which is what most people look for with the pharmaceutical drugs, but then that’s all these drugs do, is cover up the symptoms rather than root out the source and cure it. Perhaps the single most enlightening case I have encountered was when my former brother-in-law, Rob, contracted liver cancer. As far as the medical profession goes, this type of cancer is usually fatal. In Rob’s case, they found 3 large tumors on his liver and simply told him he had 3 months to live. Well, Rob could not accept that this was the end. He did his own research and came across a tea, made from the inner bark of a tree found most common in South America called “Teheebo” (Spanish) and “Pau-d-Arco” (Portuguese), which was being used successfully down there since the mid-sixties to treat and cure cancer. Well, within the same 3 months they had given Rob to live, he completely cured himself using this tea along with a change in lifestyle. Rob went for several checkups while treating his cancer and each time the findings showed his tumors being reduced significantly and eventually disappearing. That was more than 20 years ago. Today, Rob continues to drink one cup a day of this tea and remains cancer free.

And what did his all-knowing family doctor say to him after curing himself? “I don’t know what you did and I don’t want to know, but keep doing it.” Is that not the dumbest thing to come out of a doctor’s mouth?

The medical profession certainly does not have all of the answers to medical problems. Yet, they get their panties in a twist if one even mentions homeopathic remedies. And, not even wanting to know how Rob cured his cancer is simply beyond belief.

As for vaccine related injuries, this report rightly indentifies the qualifying source. Vaccines do not cure or illuminate anything. They add toxins to the body, which if not clear out immediately, fester and affect our health. They destroy the body’s natural immune system, which typically works quite well. They never completely get rid of anything; they simply put the disease into submission, only to come back years later as the same or mutated form of the disease.

Check out the following report (below) on this cure from the homeopathic practitioner himself:


June 4, 2019

Trump Cancels $2 mil. Contract to use Aborted Baby Parts for Research

Good for Trump! Aborted baby parts are becoming big business for the medical field. They claim it is for medical research, but so far they have come up with 0 befits related to the practice. And, I imagine they get paid big bucks for this useless research. This story fails to mention the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines which is causing effects similar to the side effects of cannibalism.

What is the reason behind such sick practices? Ask our Globalist masters! There is no rational, humanity-based reason, just plain greed and a depopulation agenda. And the majority of the population buys up their lies, hook, line and sinker. .

June 3, 2019

Toronto Muslim Reveals Global Future for Islam.

Listen to the arrogance of this man describing the Muslim plan to take over the world by sheer numbers, claiming that by 2060, the predominant religion on Earth will be Muslim, because while we limit the number of births of our own children, Muslim are popping out babies like there is no tomorrow. Study the history of Islam and you will quickly see that every country they got a foothold in, they have (eventually) completely taken control of.

I hate to tell this man that Yahuwah has plans of His own that do not include a Muslim Global theocracy. Neither do the plans of the Global elite. In the end, they will have us worshipping Molech, the pagan god that they worship openly at Bohemian Grove, Ca. every year, before a giant statue of the all-wise owl.

The end results of a 3rd world war, will have the Global population crying for a one world government and a one world religion to “save” them. Like the one world religion Constantine “invented”, this one world religion will attempt to merge all the pagan religions (every single one that is man-made) into one.

The only event prophesied to end the madness is the return of Yahushua HaMashiyack. But first man is destined to pay for the sin of believing HaSatan’s lie that we are already gods.

June 2, 2019

Toronto Professor Suspended for Telling Truth about Transgenderism

Truth is definitely the enemy of all liberals. The truth makes them cringe like they have just been “hooped” with a red hot fire poker. For years, psychiatrists classified homosexuality as a mental disorder. The only reason it was declassified was because at a convention of America’s 2500 psychiatrists to debate the matter, where only about 13% of them showed, they were so bombarded by homosexual protesters and death threats that the majority of this small percentage voted in favour of declassifying it as a mental disorder. There remains absolutely no scientific data supporting any normalization of homosexual lifestyles.

And just look at the way the homosexuals glorify their sin, marching in parades, demanding laws to support and expand their homosexual plans, Infiltrating educational facilities and governments to push their sinful objectives forward upon our children.

Every society and all global empires that sought out and glorified such sin have come to inevitable destruction. That is why I label such perversion as a society-destroying sin. Of course, all sin destroys our society, but historically speaking, this is the main one.

Almost all Christian churches have embraced not only homosexuality but abortion, also. Why? Because the government ordered them to! That is the problem all government sanctioned religions; to keep their tax-free status, they must dance to whatever tune the government plays for them.

Koodos to this Toronto University professor for telling the truth! If the liberals don’t like it, too bad for them.

June 1, 2019


This is all part of the Globalist's plan. 32 Degree Freemason, Albert Pike, can be accredited with causing the world so much pain and agony. The Globalists are and have been following Albert Pike's plan since the first world war. Check out this site for the complete story

Here is the plan for WW3

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Muslim Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained. physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

If you check out the sight, you will recognize readily that WW1 and 2 went off exactly as planned. So, there is no reason to not believe that WW3 will follow the same path to victory (for the elite).


For the last couple of days, the world has been grieving over the devastating fire that consumed the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Aside from its amazing architecture and the vast riches that were inside, I say good riddance to but one of way too many pagan Temples. But that is the way of HaSatan to obscure the outside with greatly distracting beauty to as to conceal the evil within. It reminds me of when the world wept for Tammuz, the pagan Messiah. How many wept when the True Messiah, Yahushua ben Yoseph, died? 500?

This is the season when we remember the sacrifice of the True Messiah, and again, there are precious few of us. The good news is, our numbers are growing daily, thanks to the internet, which is about to come under UN domain and control. The silencing of the word is coming, and, we are going to have to come up with new and inventive ways of reaching the masses. In Yahushua’s day, there was no internet; yet, there converted thousands in a single day by merely going out to places where they knew the public would be gathered and preaching the gospel in the open.

We were not called to keep the truth a secret. We were called to spread the truth to the world. When we stand before the Great Judge, do we want Him to judge us as lazy slothful servants, or even worse, Laodiceans? I think not.

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work, folks. The forces of evil are fortifying their defences and preparing for the greatest assault against the truth that has ever been launched. These will not be times for the faint of heart. We must strengthen our hearts via the Word of Elohim and place all of our trust completely in Him.


We hear a lot about the “war on Christianity” in the news lately. Of course when war is proclaimed, both sides need to defend themselves. This was all part of Albert Pike’s (32 degree Mason) plane concerning World War 3. It is and will be designed to merge all the world’s religions into one “One World Religion”. Funny, that was Constantine’s intent when starting the Christian faith, also. To bring it all about, the masterminds need to do is:

  • "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained. physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

My contention is that all the man-made religions on earth today are all pagan (including Christianity). Even the Jewish religion has morphed into some obscure religion barely recognizable from what was detailed for that faith in Scriptures. We must go back in Time (in our minds) to a time when there was no religious organizations (Nimrod’s was the first), when all of the great men of Elohim enjoyed and treasured an up close and personal relationship with Yahuwah. Every day was dedicated to Elohim, not just one day a week. Every aspect of their lives reflected their deep devotion towards Yahuwah. This, we must do also. We may not think of ourselves in the same playing field as these great men of Elohim, but as far as Yahuwah is concerned, we do have the potential to be just that great. We must have faith and believe that Yahuwah ‘s deepest desire is for us all to have the same great power of the spirit working in us as the Apostles had.

I believe strongly that it is the cares of this world that are hampering our progress. I confess that those cares can be quite overwhelming at times, but we are admonished to try anyway. Not even Yahuwah will fault us if we are doing our best.


Well, things can certainly change in a week. Earlier in the week I received a notice from Amazon that since I had not sold a single copy of “The Christian Counterfeit”, that they were going to cancel my contract. Then yesterday I received another notice from them that I had sold some copies, and I would be receiving payment at the end of the month. Go figure! I don’t know what happened all of a sudden, but I am very pleased. I was having a difficult time keeping my spiritual drive going, thinking all my work was a flop. Yahuwah indeed works in mysterious ways.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and meaningful Passover this year. We never know which year will be the “big’ one, when all the end-time prophesies come to pass. I firmly believe that it will be at this time of year when the 144,000 will be whisked away to a place of safety; just as the Israelites leaving Egypt behind. I am also sure that only those keeping this feast in obedience to all the laws surrounding it in all truth and sincerity will be a part of the 144,000. Let us keep this fact in mind while celebrating this feast.


Isn’t it interesting that every generation of Believers since the days of the Apostles have believed they were living in the last days? All failed to see this all elusive day. I am sure that many fell away because this goal was not realized. Well, I can tell you that every generation of Believer has, indeed, lived in the last days – the last days of their lives to get it right and see salvation. That’s right; we all have till the end of our physical existence to get it right. Then, the door closes and we sleep until awoken in the resurrection to judgement – some to eternal glory and some to eternal damnation..

We cannot afford to wait on Yahushua to return and perfect us. We are to be working on such perfecting now, today, with all our energy and strength. We must take on the spirit and character of our Savior, Yahushua HaMashiyack, if we are to entertain such a conclusion. In Yahushua’s final prayer, in John 17, He prayed that the Father make His followers ONE with Himself and the Father. What does that mean? It means that the Father and the Son shared the exact same spirit of righteousness and the same righteous character; and that they are extending a most glorious invitation to us to join them. It was/is impossible for them to sin. The thought to sin never crosses their mind.

Is it so with us, my brothers and sisters? If not, if the thought to sin still creeps up on us unawares, that means that we still have work to do. How do we cleanse ourselves of all sin? Practice, practice, practice and much prayer and meditation! It can be done. Yahushua proved it can be. Let us all follow His example and purify ourselves according to Yahuwah’s standards. Don’t procrastinate. Start today. Your eternal life depends on it!


John 17: 5 - And now, O Father, glorify you me with your own self with the glory which I had with you before the world was.

If any single verse verifies the original state of Yahushua, it is this one statement, made by the Messiah, Himself, in accordance with the Apostle John account. He had a glory before the world was. Therefore, He existed before the worlds (universe) were created. However, that does not necessarily imply that He existed from infinity like the Father. Paul explains it as follows:

Col. 1: 15 - Who is the image of the invisible Elohim, the firstborn of every creature:

16 - For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17 - And he is before all things, and by him all things consist

The Apostle John writes about this again in the Book of Revelation.

Re 3:14 - And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

This was Yahushua speaking again and declaring Himself to be the beginning of the creation of Elohim.

And, of course, we can’t discuss this topic without mentioning opening verses of the Gospel of John:

John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.

2 - The same was in the beginning with Elohim.

3 - All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

Some have confused John’s statement to mean that Yahushua always existed with the Father. However, one must examine what is meant by the term, “in the beginning”. Since the Father has no beginning, how can it apply to him? It has to mean the beginning of the creation of Elohim. And, since Yahushua is Yahuwah’s only begotten Son, He is the only thing the Father directly created. Everything else was created by the Son (under the Father’s direction. As I have said numerous times previously, It can truly be said that the Father created one Seed, in which was the blue print for the entire creation.


Ron Wyatt- The Ark of the Covenant

I don’t know how many of you have checked this guy out but he claims to have been in the hidden chamber under Jerusalem where the Arc of the Covenant (with the two stones Moshe wrote the 10 Commandments on), along with the Mercy Seat and the alter were being kept. They are believed to have been placed inside of this chamber when the Babylonians razed Jerusalem. Of course, he was not allowed to remove any of the objects, but he took photos. The sound quality is poor in parts of the video but pay particular attention to what he says about Yahushua’s blood, in regard to the Mercy Seat. If true, it is absolutely amazing.



We see a lot in the news and other offbeat publications about UFO sightings and alien life forms visiting and dwelling on our planet. Can there really be extra terrestrial life beyond planet Earth? Well the universe is certainly a vast area and I would suppose anything is possible. However, I am a more, “I’ll believe it when I see it” type of guy. In that regard I did witness one rather strange sighting of what I believe was something not of this world.

One day a few years back, my cousin and I were out on the lake fishing. We both noticed this peculiar object flying over us at about the same time. What was peculiar was the crazy zig-zag movements it was making. No aircraft of this earth that we knew of would have capable of moving that way. It was flying too high for either of us to get a close look at it. Then, all of a sudden, it was gone. And it was not one of those booze and fish trips either. We were completely sober.

Well that was my one and only possible alien encounter. Yet, from all the accounts witnessed by others in this regard; they cannot all be liars. And, is it really so farfetched to believe with all the solar systems and earth-like planets out there that there is no possibility of extra terrestrial life? Perhaps Yahuwah wanted a backup plan in case His human experiment failed. Who knows! I suppose we will just have to wait to find out.


Blaming Elohim

This is something that usually occurs at funerals. Someone almost always make an idiotic statement like, “Why would ‘god’ allow this to happen”, or, “If there were a ‘god’, he wouldn’t have let this happen”. It would be funny if it were not such a serious subject. It was not Elohim that brought about the state of death; man brought it upon himself. Yahuwah had a plan A and a plan B for the human race. Plan A was that man would live and learn to take on the righteousness of Yahuwah, and that at some point of perfecting, that man would change by fiat into an eternal living being, without ever having to see death. Plan B was in case Plan A failed. If man chose not to follow after the righteousness of Yahuwah, he would initiate the process of death and a need for resurrection from the dead to gain eternal life. And, of course, this all depends o the degree of righteous one acquires and their devotion to Yahuwah.

The only time I have heard this statement being made, is at Christian funerals, because that is most the only ones I have attended. And, for a Christian to make such a statement is especially disturbing. Some I attended were for close friends and relatives, whom I knew did not have a spiritual bone in their body, yet claimed Christian status. Something I find very peculiar!

Of course, the real god Christians worship is the god of this age, who is HaSatan. And he is the one who tempted man to disobey Yahuwah and is ultimately to blame for bringing death to the world. However, this is not the elohim they have in mind when they place such blame, but the Creator Himself.

Interesting Videos

The Testimony of Caiaphas regarding the Resurrection of Jesus Christ