The Rainbow Covenant

The Rainbow Covenant


Gary Primo

Nov. 3 2018

I don’t know how many people have heard of this term before. I first heard it from the Followers of Yah website at I strongly recommend that all readers visit their site to view their free videos on the topic. Basically what it refers to is the end-time covenant the Antichrist will be making with the earthly population and the 7 Noahide Laws that all will be forced to adhere to, in place of the 10 commandments, which will only apply to the Jews. The breaking of any one of these 7 laws will be punished by decapitation. And, guess who was just reported wearing a rainbow cross? Why, the Pope, of course.

This theme is in no way new to planet Earth. Every empire that has ever existed has had their own “state” religion which they tried to force on the world. It all started with ancient Babylon and their brand of religion which is known as “Mystery Babylon”. It was given that name because no one knows where it came from. Of course the answer is, from the fertile mind of King Nimrod.

Of course, Noah was still alive at the time, as were his sons. The one who was meant to replace Noah was Shem. Nimrod challenged the leadership of Noah and Shem, which automatically challenged the One who established them as the true leaders of mankind. Nimrod was honoured by the population of Earth as a mighty hunter and warrior. He also built great walled cities to protect the people from wild animals and marauding humans. Naturally, Nimrod did not want the people returning to Noah or Yahuwah. So he invented his own religion which the people gladly followed. Those that did not were put to death.

Over the centuries a varied assortment of pagan gods emerged and every empire had their own religion which they championed. All, of course, were false. In fact the word “religion” literally means ‘Legions of Ra”. Ra was the ancient pagan deity of Egypt, or their sun god.

The Hebrew faith is the only one not invented by man, but it has been severely corrupted by the Jews; so much so that it is barely recognizable when compared to the ancient faith delivered to them directly from Yahuwah. Many attempts have been made to wipe all descendents of the Hebrews from the planet. All of these attempts failed.

Following the death of King Solomon, The nation of Israel was divided into two nations. The nation to the north was called Israel and the nation to the south was called Judah. Each had their own king. The Temple remained in Judah. So, if any living in the northern kingdom wished to continue serving Yahuwah, they would have to go to Judah to do so. The northern king, Jeroboam, feared that the people might want to reunite with Judah and leave him with no kingdom or crown. So he borrowed gods from the nations around them for his people to worship. They did so in high places on top of hills. This is not much different than what Nimrod had done previously. Both drew away the people of Yahuwah to worship pagan deities that could not speak or do anything else but sit and do nothing. They were absolutely useless. They both feared the loss of their power and prestige. In giving themselves over to their King (in obedience) they actually made that king the god that they worshipped. Every empire that has ever existed has repeated this grave error. Each was given time to repent of their idolatry but they did not heed and eventually Yahuwah raised up another group empire to replace the previous one.

By the time Yahushua came on the scene, the Hebrew faith was totally corrupt. So much so that they did not even recognize the Saviour they had been waiting so long for. They were so corrupt that they actually broke their own laws to have Him killed.

At the manifestation of Yahushua, Rome was in power. The Mithraic religion was one of many religions actively worshiped by the Romans. By the time of Constantine, it was the predominant pagan religion. In my opinion, Constantine was a very smart fellow. He could plainly see that his subjects were rapidly abandoning the system of worship that Constantine had championed. So, he came up with the brilliant plan to have priests of Mithras infiltrate the fledgling assemblies, work their way into offices of authority and CHANGE THE CHURCH. CHRISTIANITY IS THE STATE RELIGION OF ROME. IT IS THE CHURCH OF THE ANTICHRIST. It was Constantine that fulfilled the prophesy in Daniel 7 concerning the Antichrist

Dan. 7: 25 - And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.


What great words did Constantine say against the Most High? This has to do with the “changing the times and laws.” What times and laws did he change? At the council of Nicaea in 324b.c. Constantine decreed that no Roman citizen was allowed to keep the Jewish customs, traditions, Sabbaths or high days. Instead he decreed Sunday as the official day of worship for the Roman Empire. Christmas and Easter replaced Yahuwah’s annual holy days. Keeping any of the laws of Constantine over those of Yahuwah is an open challenge to the authority of Yahuwah.

Did the Church of Rome “ware out” the true saints throughout the centuries that have passed? You’d better believe it! In fact, the true saints were almost driven into extinction. The term “Aryan” used to mean something quite different from what it means today. It did not used to be associated to white supremacy at all, but were faithful Believers who fought the Church of Rome vigorously and were almost entirely wiped out. Wherever the people of Elohim have established themselves, in whatever century, they have mostly all been driven into obscurity or killed.

As for the last highlighted section I have no definite conclusion. Scripturally, it usually means 3 ½ years. This is definitely speaking of the Antichrist of the last days. The apostle, John, tells us that there were any Antichrists in his day, whereby he mistakenly believed he was in the last days.

1 John 2:18 - Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

I wonder what happened to True Believers during the reign of all the different Antichrists throughout the ages. I do not have any ideas on how the 3 ½ years applies to Constantine; or if it has to.

Naturally, the followers of Yahushua were all Jews in the beginning. Following the crucifixion a growing number of Jews and priests joined the Believers. The Jews feared they would eventually take over the synagogues and quite possibly even the Temple. Of course, the Jewish leaders could not allow that to happen; so with the help of Rome, they had True Believers labeled as “Christians”, a term that was not used by the Believers themselves. This label was coined after the name given the imperial cheer leaders at the time, Augustiani (ergo, Christiani. The Romans forced them to register as a religion that was totally separated from the Jews.

Once again spiritual divisiveness occurred, with the Jews being the only ones allowed by their state to keep the ways of Yahuwah. Being kicked out of the synagogues and the Temple, some Christians began returning to their former pagan customs and traditions, which the fake Mithraic teachers applauded and encouraged. Before long they succeeded in repeating the same error as the northern nation of Israel. Instead of leading its members closer to Yahuwah, they led them further away.

Constantine succeeded where other emperors of the past had failed – in creating a universal religion throughout the empire. And here we are 1700 years later with the Christian religion still following the dictates of a 4th century Roman Emperor over the clear commandments of Yahuwah. World history claims that Rome fell in the 6th century but the scriptures claim that the fourth beast (Rome) was to last until the final coming of Yahushua. The fact is that the Roman Empire has continued up into our day via the Roman Catholic Church. In remaining obedient to Constantine, the Christian world continues to worship Constantine as their god over Elohim. It will not be destroyed until after Yahushua returns.

There is yet to come another counterfeit, one world religion that will indeed take over the entire earth, with the end-time Antichrist presiding over it. It too will be designed to lead people away from rather than towards Yahuwah. The world, at that time, will be under a one world government; so naturally, it has to have its own one world religion to control the people. For a while now the cultivators of this one world system have been slowly brainwashing the masses via legal apportions (child sacrifice by any other name), legalizing homosexuality (right back to Sodom and Gomorrah) and euthanasia (self murder) in some nations. The 7 Noahide Laws were signed into existence in the U.S. via President George Bush, a frequent attendee at the Bohemian Grove ceremonies. The Rainbow Covenant, along with the 7 Noahide Laws, will be the law of the land. Mostly all the population will sign onto this covenant – except for True Believers.

The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:[7][8]

1. Not to worship idols. (define idols)

2. Not to curse God. (which god?)

3. To establish courts of justice. (Who decides what is just or unjust?)

4. Not to commit murder. (What about abortion?)

5. Not to commit adultery. (Spiritual or physical?)

6. Not to steal. (What about the stealing of souls?)

7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. (including farm animals that have been raised for consumption).

When fully under the universal government, the penalties for violating any of the 7 Noahide Laws will result in decapitation. Some of the FEMA sites already have guillotines in place. Hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins are at the ready. The world is primed and ready for a one world government and religion. The world is ready to commit spiritual suicide.

The plan of Yahuwah is quite simple. In creating mankind, Yahuwah was creating His own race of beings. Yes, we are to become fully elohim in the same manner as Yahushua. We were given freedom of choice with the hope that we would freely choose to follow Yahuwah. Those that choose that way must change their nature by internalizing the Laws of Yahuwah so that they become obedient by nature. Corruption can in no way inherit incorruption. Nothing that remains corruptible will ever see eternal life.

HaSatan is clearly the god of this world and has succeeded in deceiving the entire human race. He did not obtain this office by right of birth, but was elevated to this office by the free will consent of mankind. He can only rule over us if we allow him to. His way is the way of destruction. And that is exactly where the world is headed.

The proponents of the New World Order know exactly what they are doing and how to control the population via the global economy. They will create a global recession that is estimated to last 25 years. Most of the global population will starve to death. In the end we will be begging for our governments to “save” us. They will claim that a one world government is the only road to salvation; and a weary population will give in readily.

At this moment, a growing number of the Earth’s population is waking up to workings of the globalists via the internet. That is why they are contemplating and endorsing internet censorship. The globalist love to keep people drugged up and dumbed down so they are compliant and easily manipulated. However, a global recession will be the main factor in bringing the New World Order to fruition.


Although I believe the end times are yet a couple of hundred years away (according to the Hebrew calendar and when the 6,000 years end) there are definitely many ways in which it is already upon us. Change sometimes takes time – one increment at a time. The Globalists will continue to push their agenda, and certain individuals will continue to expose and fight against them. HaSatan will enjoy his victory for a short time; but eventually Yahuwah will be victorious. There is absolutely no way that HaSatan can win. He is corruptible, therefore he can and will be destroyed.

The prime goal of all True Believers is to develop the nature of Yahuwah within themselves. We develop that nature by writing the Laws of Yahuwah on our minds and our hearts. The Christian community has written the laws of Constantine on their hearts and minds. They openly defy and challenge Yahuwah by submitting to Constantine in obedience rather than unto Yahuwah. They will suffer the consequences for such treason – which is eternal death.

I know that most True Believers are already awake and warning the world of what is coming. Most have pledged their allegiance to Yahuwah by bringing themselves under obedience to His commandments. However, many still struggle to internalize those commandments until they are part of our nature. Of course, I am including myself in that number. The thought to sin is continually with me, but I am continuously striving to overcome them. That is the best any of us can do – our human nature is just that strong. Yet, Yahushua taught us all we need to know about overcoming sin and making righteousness our nature. We must stay focused on Yahushua alone and not allow any human to stand between ourselves and salvation. We have only one righteous teacher, High Priest and King. We have no need of another. We have the commission of studying and proving all things via the scriptures on our own. We have the words of our Messiah plainly preserved for us in the Scriptures and have no need of another teacher.

Now, the scary part of our commission is that we clearly stand the chance of having to sacrifice our lives for HaMashiyack. Most amongst the Christian community believe they will escape to the Place of Safety in the end; but I say that we had better prepare our minds for the possibility that we may be required to sacrifice our lives when the time comes. Otherwise we may be overcome with great fear when we are brought before the courts, and, out of that fear we may just deny Yahuwah and give way to our tormentors. My only advice is to do what Yahushua did – keep our mouths shut and not utter a word.

Every generation has believed that the end was coming in their lifetime. And, the world has certainly had enough Antichrists to make that belief reasonable. There may yet be a number of Antichrists to come on the scene before the final one. The words that they speak (against the Most High) will be what distinguishes them from the true prophets of Yahuwah. We must compare their words against Scripture to recognize them. We must follow the example of the “noble” Bereans, searching and proving all things on our own, if we wish our work to be recognized by Yahuwah. We cannot afford to be slothful in this regard. Even though we may not be living in the last days, we only have until the end of our physical lives to get it right. Therefore, we are living in the last days as far as our physical lives are concerned.

Yahuwah Bless

G. P.