The Warnings of Jude

The Warnings of Jude


Gary Primo

Feb. 26, 2011

The Book of Jude is the shortest book in Scriptures and yet it is so full of information. Jude was the brother of James (Yaakov) who was the brother of Yahshua. So Jude then was also the brother of Yahshua. Neither of these two brothers was truly converted until after the death and resurrection of Yahshua. Once converted; however, they became His staunchest supporters. Jude’s letter is not addressed to any one particular assembly, so it could be taken that it was a general epistle that was sent out to all the assemblies. Jude’s concern was about some men who had infiltrated the assemblies and were leading some of the members off toward a different and corrupted gospel. I was witness to such an act of deception while in the Worldwide Church of God. Fortunately, I was more focused on the Creator and his son than I was on church leadership and quickly saw through what was going on. Perhaps that is why this particular book holds so much meaning for me.

The Book of Jude

Jude 1 - Jude, the servant of Yahshua HaMashiyack, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by Elohim the Father, and preserved in Yahshua HaMashiyack, and called:

2 - Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.

I have often wondered why Jude did not come right out and say that he was the brother of Yahshua. It certainly could not have been because he was ashamed of Yahshua, else he would not have been following Him. Perhaps he felt unworthy to call Yahshua his brother because of his prior unbelief. When Judas was eliminated from the group of 12 apostles, neither Jude nor Yaakov were even mentioned as potential contenders for that position, yet it would seem that Yaakov was the leader of the group in Jerusalem. Perhaps Jude simply thought it to be boasting to link his natural bond to the Messiah in his writings – a boast he felt unworthy of. Such a natural bond, of course, was of no spiritual value, as Jude, like any of us, had his own salvation to work out. His natural affiliation to Yahshua did not automatically guarantee him salvation. Therefore, I believe it was of meekness and humility that Jude declined to mention such an affiliation.

3 - Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

In this verse Jude gives the topic he wishes to focus on – salvation. He also suggests that the brethren need to “contend” for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. The use of the word “contend” implies that there was some sort of competition for that faith. That competition was, of course, the false gospel being expounded by some in the assemblies which Jude is about to address.

4 - For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, unrighteous men, turning the grace of our Elohim into lasciviousness, and denying the only Master Elohim, and our Master Yahshua HaMashiyack.

The indication is here that these men who “crept in unawares”, did so deliberately. The reference to them “who were before of old ordained to this condemnation”, could very likely mean that they were formerly priests of one of the numerous cults that permeated the Gentile society at the time. The prime contender for the Messiah’s faith at the time (in Rome) was Mithraism or the worship of Mithras. If so, this could then be seen as a form of spiritual espionage. It likely began simply out of curiosity, where the priest of Mithras merely wanted to see what this new faith was all about. As we know, anything that is not of YHVH is of HaSatan. The priests of Mithras were already given over to another gospel (of HaSatan) that denied YHVH and His laws. Theirs was a gospel that gave the people false hope of salvation and turned the grace of Yahshua into lawlessness. This lawless gospel would later become the central doctrine of the Christian faith.

5 - I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that YHVH, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

Why was it that the common people who were called by YHVH into the faith needed to be reminded what that faith was that was “once delivered unto the saints”? Were the priests of Mithras that persuasive? Jude recalls to their memory the lesson of the early Israelites, who witnessed the awesome miracles of YHVH in the exodus account and yet still did not believe and rebelled against the Most High. Jude wished to show these men how they were doing the exact same thing as their predecessors. Were the Mithraites already teaching at this early date the doctrine of “once saved, always saved”? If so, Jude readily identifies it as a false doctrine, and that the penalty of eternal death awaits all who, after knowing the truth, turn aside after another gospel.

Why did YHVH allow it? He likely did so to test the people and the degree of faithfulness in their hearts. He tests us today in the exact same way. We are bombarded daily with false gospels. YHVH has already given us the gift of discernment; else we would not be at the level of truth we are at today. All truth must harmonize with Scripture. Anything that does not is a lie.

6 - And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

These angels, of course, were the fallen angels. Their first estate was the heavenly one. They left that habitation to dwell with the women of earth. It is difficult to believe that any angel would give up their heavenly habitation just so that they could enjoy a carnal relationship with a woman. It was these who became the pantheon of false gods worshipped by the heathen religions. They will face a judgment following the judgment of mankind.

7 - Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

8 - Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

The example of Sodom and Gomorrah is often used throughout the Scriptures of a society gone totally wrong. Their moral decline dropped to a depth that knew no bounds. They exhibited absolutely no shame in pursuing their perverse pleasures when all the men of the city turned out to have their way with the two angels. Homosexuality was not likely their only sin. They probably engaged in all manner of sin (lawlessness) and took glory in that fact. Verse 8 describes their attitude. They pursued lawlessness to the degree that they even dreamt of new and more perverse ways to thwart the law of YHVH and taught others to do so as well. They “despised dominion” or the authority of YHVH, and spoke “evil of dignitaries” those who were chosen to serve YHVH – prophets, priests etc.

9 - Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, YHVH rebuke thee.

It is wrong for any one of YHVH’s creation to judge another. No one but YHVH has that authority. Yet these evil men were judging the Creator, himself, and openly defying Him and His laws.

10 - But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.

These men were so spiritually blind that could not see the evil in what they were doing. They firmly believed that what they were doing was right and good. It likely started with the socially elite and worked its way down from there to the common man who believed the former to be intellectually superior to them and thought that they should know better than they. But, like “brute beasts” without conscience, they sought freely after all manner of lawlessness.

11 - Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.

These three are examples of rebellions against YHVH and what became of such rebels. And here were these priests of Mithras following the same paths as these three examples. They had gone the way of Cain, which was the opposite direction from the way of YHVH. They were greedy for reward as Balaam was. They were likely being paid by the Mithraite leadership to do what they were doing – just like any priest or minister for hire today. The end for these individuals would be the same as that of Core when he led a rebellion against Moshe.

12 - These are spots in your feasts of charity (love), when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;

13 - Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

These men never should have been allowed into the assemblies in the first place – though they likely conducted themselves very piously in the beginning. However, those who still clung to the faith that was first delivered, should have recognized what these men were doing and casted them out. They likely worked their way through the ranks into the upper offices of the assemblies and became the ones themselves who were casting out dissenters of their false gospel. The true believers likely were very humble men who simply did not know what to do about the situation.

These men were definitely without any fear of YHVH. They were Gnostics, believing that the “god” of the Old Testament was an evil old “god” whom Yahshua had come to replace, along with all the laws, custom and traditions of the OT. It was from here that the later Christian doctrine concerning the replacement of the OT by the NT likely stemmed from, although no Christian would ever admit to being a Gnostic.

They were “clouds without water” in that they were empty of any true spiritual understanding. They were “carried about of winds” changing direction whenever they were caught in one lie. There was no fruit (or reward) in what they were teaching. One day they would be “plucked up by the roots” and cast into the eternal fire for destruction. “Raging waves” describes their self-righteous accusations that they hurled at others. They felt that if they acted passionately concerning their deceptions and spoke eloquently enough that the others would believe in their words. The waves of the ocean do not know what they are raging against, they simply rage for the sake of raging. So were these men, who did not truly know YHVH, and yet, raged against Him anyway. These men were self-righteous in the shame of being rebellious against YHVH and wanted all the others to join them in their shame. They were wondering stars with no direction or purpose that was based in truth. Their path was leading them and their followers in the opposite direction from YHVH’s path.

14 - And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, YHVH cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

Jude grants authenticity here to the Books of Enoch from which he quotes. I recommend that any who have not read these 5 extra-scriptural books do so. They are filled with much valuable information and fill in some of the gaps left by the Scriptures. In this quote Jude is picturing the returning Messiah with His heavenly host, to take over the reins of control of the earth from HaSatan. He will bring with Him judgment and will condemn all who believed in and taught unrighteousness.

15 - To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are unrighteous among them of all their unrighteous deeds which they have unrighteously committed, and of all their hard speeches which unrighteous sinners have spoken against him.

These men can be known by their speech and their deeds. All who are earnestly seeking after the truth should be able to recognize them. These will be condemned and all who follow them will have one last chance to separate themselves from them before following them to their eternal punishment - death. The Christian faith fits perfectly into the unrighteous category. All the lies they preach concerning Yahshua equates to denying HaMashiyack and speaking evil of Him. The doctrine that claims that Yahshua did away with the law, is speaking evil of Yahshua and robbing all who believe in that doctrine of an opportunity to develop any righteousness, for righteousness is the keeping of every word of YHVH.

16 - These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.

I met a number of such individuals in my experience with the WCG. Even at that time, while I was still convinced of the sincerity of that organization, I knew that something was wrong and scary about these individuals and did my best to steer clear of them. At the time I was still receiving “milk” and had not yet progressed to “strong meat”. It was a vulnerable time for me and I thank YHVH for granting me the gift of discernment. It was certainly not because of any great wisdom on my part.

It is my belief that such individuals can be found in any and all congregations of men. Therefore, I teach against following after any one individual or “church” except the one and only Name under heaven by which salvation comes. The Way of YHVH is plainly spelt out throughout the Scriptures and one needs only to read YHVH’s word him/herself to gain true understanding. Just because a person holds a high office in an organization and speaks eloquently does not qualify him as being the “right” man for the job. The Greeks used to pride themselves on their oration abilities and loved a good, convincing speaker. They judged not what was being said but how it was delivered. Most was just so much verbal diarrhea and intellectual masturbation (those who talk just to stroke their own ego), but they ate it up anyway.

17 - But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Master Yahshua HaMashiyack;

18 - How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own unrighteous lusts.

19 - These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

The words of the apostles are the only ones that we need concern ourselves with. Those whose words differ from those of the apostles are liars. They warned us that there would be “mockers” walking after their own unrighteous lusts. Their lusts were purely carnal and like any beast of the field, without conscience. We can recognize them by studying the word that was first given to us through the apostles and compare them to what these scoffers are saying. The apostles have already been sealed as the true servants of YHVH and their witness is true. We may only believe others as their words confirm those of the apostles. If their word varies in any way, they are not to be believed or followed. Theirs is the spirit of lawlessness, not of YHVH.

20 - But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,

21 - Keep yourselves in the love of Elohim, looking for the mercy of our Master Yahshua HaMashiyack unto eternal life.

We are never to stop studying the word of YHVH, but are to continue building ourselves up and strengthening our faith until we draw our last breath. I have known many who have simply lain down in the faith thinking that they know it all and need not learn anymore. Until we achieve the righteousness of Yahshua, we still have a ways to go. We cannot rally around one or several points of doctrine and say, “That is enough”. Until we reach the fullness of the glory that is Yahshua’s, we must keep pursuing the truth and not rest. We are to believe no man, but search and prove all things by the word of YHVH.

We keep ourselves in the love of YHVH by bringing ourselves under every word of His law, for YHVH loves righteousness and so should we. We are not to think that our salvation is guaranteed, as it can be snatched away at any time, should we stray from the true path. We must continually hold the light of Yahshua before us to light that path. He is the only child of the creation to complete the creation process so far and the only example we should look to.

22 - And of some have compassion, making a difference:

23 - And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

24 - Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

Those who are new to the faith are like newborn babies in need of nourishment. We are to be gentle with these new converts, for they have not yet learned all of the word of YHVH. They are there by faith in Yahshua only. This was what the contention in Acts 15 was all about. Some of the hardcore Jews were insisting that the Gentile believers be circumcised right away. The apostles took a gentler approach so as not to scare these new converts away before they knew all of the word of YHVH.

Some come into the faith with preconceived ideas that they learned in their former churches. These need the fear of YHVH instilled I them to turn them toward seeking all truth and hating all the lies that they had formerly been following after. At the same time we must be continually working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, knowing that until our deaths there is always the chance that we will slip up and lose out on our own salvation. We are not to look down on others less imbued in the knowledge of the truth, but work with them to ensure their salvation as well. If we cause them to stumble and lose out on their salvation, their blood will be on our hands.

25 - To the only wise Elohim our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.

There is only one all wise Elohim and that is the Father of us all. Yahshua is secondary in that He had to learn wisdom from His Father. Yahshua is the High Priest between mankind and the Creator of all life. He is not as great as or greater than the Father. His glory is of being the firstborn of all creation to complete the creation process. The Father’s glory is that of being the Creator of all life and the only true Saviour. After all, it was He who saved Yahshua from the grave. To Him belong all true majesty, dominion and power forever. All who deny Him will receive the punishment of eternal death. Therefore we must all pray that our faith does not waver and that we continue to push ourselves to grow in the word and become like our brother, Yahshua.

YHVH Bless
