The Blessing of the Sons of Jacob

The Blessing of the Sons of Jacob


Gary Primo

Feb. 7, 15

This study will mainly involve the blessings of Ephraim and Manasseh but will touch on the blessings given to all of Jacob’s sons and their modern day identities. The appendixes will reveal the different sites that reveal their identities. Some differ slightly in their identification, but that is to be expected. The two sons in which there is no dispute are Ephraim and Manasseh.

Aside from Judah (modern-day Israel) most of the identities involve Western Europe, the British Commonwealth and the United States of America. Yahushua promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous and the sands of the sea shore (Gen. 22:17 & 32:12). To the average person, the tribes of Northern Israel simply disappeared from history and were forgotten about. Yet, Yahuwah’s promises are always sure and true. So we must have the attitude that we are missing something, and not that Yahuwah is neglectful towards His promises.

Promises for the Last Days

Ge 49:1 ¶ And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.

Ge 49:2 Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father.

All of these promises were in regards to the “last days”. Not one of the sons of Jacob or Joseph saw the promises during their life spans. Since the promises were given almost 4,000 years ago, in is only natural that the progressive generations eventually came to disbelieve Yahuwah’s promises. That is only human nature. At that time no one understood when the “last days” were to occur. Most believed to see the end days in their own life-spans, just as many today believe. There have been numerous events in history that seemed like the end was near. Yet, it never came.

However, belief in Yahuwah and/or Yahushua demands that one believe every word and promise. If not, there is not much point in feigning belief. Ones faith will fall apart under its own weight.


Ge 49:3 Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power:

Ge 49:4 Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch.

Genesis 49:3 Genesis 49:4 . REUBEN forfeited by his crime the rights and honors of primogeniture. His posterity never made any figure; no judge, prophet, nor ruler, sprang from this tribe.

The prophecy concerning Reuben. He begins with him (v. 3, v. 4), for he was the firstborn; but by committing uncleanness with his father’s wife, to the great reproach of the family to which he ought to have been an ornament, he forfeited the prerogatives of the birthright; and his dying father here solemnly degrades him, though he does not disown nor disinherit him: he shall have all the privileges of a son, but not of a firstborn. We have reason to think Reuben had repented of his sin, and it was pardoned; yet it was a necessary piece of justice, in detestation of the villany, and for warning to others, to put this mark of disgrace upon him. Now according to the method of degrading, 1. Jacob here puts upon him the ornaments of the birthright (v. 3), that he and all his brethren might see what he had forfeited, and, in that, might see the evil of the sin: as the firstborn, he was his father’s joy, almost his pride, being the beginning of his strength. How welcome he was to his parents his name bespeaks, Reuben, See a son. To him belonged the excellency of dignity above his brethren, and some power over them. Christ Jesus is the firstborn among many brethren, and to him, of right, belong the most excellent power and dignity: his church also, through him, is a church of firstborn. He then strips him of these ornaments (v. 4), lifts him up, that he may cast him down, by that one word, "Thou shalt not excel; a being thou shalt have as a tribe, but not an excellency.’’ No judge, prophet, nor prince, is found of that tribe, nor any person of renown except Dathan and Abiram, who were noted for their impious rebellion against Moses. That tribe, as not aiming to excel, meanly chose a settlement on the other side Jordan. Reuben himself seems to have lost all that influence upon his brethren to which his birthright entitled him; for when he spoke unto them they would not hear, ch. 42:22 . Those that have not understanding and spirit to support the honours and privileges of their birth will soon lose them, and retain only the name of them. The character fastened upon Reuben, for which he is laid under this mark of infamy, is that he was unstable as water. (1.) His virtue was unstable; he had not the government of himself and his own appetites: sometimes he would be very regular and orderly, but at other times he deviated into the wildest courses. Note, Instability is the ruin of men’s excellency. Men do not thrive because they do not fix. (2.) His honour consequently was unstable; it departed from him, vanished into smoke, and became as water spilt upon the ground. Note, Those that throw away their virtue must not expect to save their reputation. Jacob charges him particularly with the sin for which he was thus disgraced: Thou went est up to thy father’s bed. It was forty years ago that he had been guilty of this sin, yet now it is remembered against him. Note, As time will not of itself wear off the guilt of any sin from the conscience, so there are some sins whose stains it will not wipe off from the good name, especially seventh-commandment sins. Reuben’s sin left an indelible mark of infamy upon his family, a dishonour that was a wound not to be healed without a scar, Prov. 6:32, Prov. 6:33 . Let us never do evil, and then we need not fear being told of it.

The tribe of Reuben is generally recognized as France. Perhaps the height of that nation’s power was the Napoleon Empire. However, it was comparably short lived. Like his forefather, Napoleon took some really big chances. His push into Russia (as later with Hitler) was the beginning of his downfall, culminating with the Battle of Waterloo.

During the 19th and 20th centuries, the French colonial empire was one of the largest in the world, behind the British Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Spanish Empire; it extended over 12,898,000 km2 (4,980,000 sq mi) of land at its height in the 1920s and 1930s. The French colonial empire was the second largest empire in the 17th century and the second largest empire in 1929 after Spain and Britain respectively. Including metropolitan France, the total amount of land under French sovereignty reached 13,018,575 km² (5,020,000 sq. miles) in 1929, which is 8.7% of the Earth's total land area. Also including Fezzan, captured byPhilippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque for Charles de Gaulle during the Second World War, it reached 13,518,575 km2 (5,219,551 sq mi), which is 9% of the Earth's total land area. TheFrench colonial empire's influence made French a widely spoken colonial European language, along with English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

France began to establish colonies in North America, the Caribbean and India, following Spanish and Portuguese successes during the Age of Discovery, in rivalry with Britain for supremacy. A series of wars with Britain during the 18th century and early 19th century, which France lost, ended its colonial ambitions in these regions, and with it what some historians term the "first" French colonial empire. In the 19th century, France established a new empire in Africa and South East Asia. Some of these colonies lasted beyond the invasion and occupation of France by Nazi Germany during World War II. At present, France possesses the second-largest exclusive economic zone in the world, just after the USA; it measures approximately 11,351,000 km2 (4,383,000 sq mi).

The greatness of France has paled in comparison to the UK (Ephraim) and America (Manasseh), Ruben’s two nephews by Joseph. Reuben lost his birthright to the two sons of Joseph. I believe the reason why next in birth order to Reuben (Simeon followed by Levi) were not chosen was because of their treachery towards Joseph.

Simeon and Levi

Ge 49:5 ¶ Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in their habitations.

Ge 49:6 O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they slew a man, and in their self will they digged down a wall.

Ge 49:7 Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.

Verses 5-7 These were next in age to Reuben, and they also had been a grief and shame to Jacob, when they treacherously and barbarously destroyed the Shechemites, which he here remembers against them. Children should be afraid of incurring their parents’ just displeasure, lest they fare the worse for it long afterwards, and, when they would inherit the blessing, be rejected. Observe, 1. The character of Simeon and Levi: they were brethren in disposition; but, unlike their father, they were passionate and revengeful, fierce and uncontrollable; their swords, which should have been only weapons of defence, were (as the margin reads it, v. 5) weapons of violence, to do wrong to others, not to save themselves from wrong. Note, It is no new thing for the temper of children to differ very much from that of their parents. We need not think this strange: it was so in Jacob’s family. It is not in the power of parents, no, not by education, to form the dispositions of their children; Jacob bred his sons to every thing that was mild and quiet, and yet they proved to be thus furious. 2. A proof of this is the murder of the Shechemites, which Jacob deeply resented at the time ch. 34:30 ) and still continued to resent. They slew a man, Shechem himself, and many others; and, to effect that, they digged down a wall, broke the houses, to plunder them, and murder the inhabitants. Note, The best governors cannot always restrain those under their charge from committing the worst villanies. And when two in a family are mischievous they commonly make one another so much the worse, and it were wisdom to part them. Simeon and Levi, it is probable, were most active in the wrong done to Joseph, to which some think Jacob has here some reference; for in their anger they would have slain that man. Observe what a mischievous thing self-will is in young people: Simeon and Levi would not be advised by their aged and experienced father; no, they would be governed by their own passion rather than by his prudence. Young people would better consult their own interests if they would less indulge their own will. 3. Jacob’s protestation against this barbarous act of theirs: O my soul, come not thou into their secret. Hereby he professes not only his abhorrence of such practices in general, but his innocence particularly in that matter. Perhaps he had been suspected as, under-hand, aiding and abetting; he therefore thus solemnly expresses his detestation of the fact, that he might not die under that suspicion. Note, Our soul is our honour; by its powers and faculties we are distinguished from, and dignified above, the beasts that perish. Note, further, We ought, from our hearts, to detest and abhor all society and confederacy with bloody and mischievous men. We must not be ambitious of coming into their secret, or knowing the depths of Satan. 4. His abhorrence of those brutish lusts that led them to this wickedness: Cursed be their anger. He does not curse their persons, but their lusts. Note, (1.) Anger is the cause and original of a great deal of sin, and exposes us to the curse of God, and his judgment, Mt. 5:22 . (2.) We ought always, in the expressions of our zeal, carefully to distinguish between the sinner and the sin, so as not to love nor bless the sin for the sake of the person, nor to hate nor curse the person for the sake of the sin. 5. A token of displeasure which he foretells their posterity should lie under for this: I will divide them. The Levites were scattered throughout all the tribes, and Simeon’s lot lay not together, and was so strait that many of the tribe were forced to disperse themselves in quest of settlements and subsistence. This curse was afterwards turned into a blessing to the Levites; but the Simeonites, for Zimri’s sin (Num. 25:14 ), had it bound on. Note, Shameful dispersions are the just punishment of sinful unions and confederacies.

For their sins, Simeon and Levi were left without any national inheritance and were scattered amongst their brethren. The Levites eventually became the priesthood of Israel. I am not sure why.

Ge 49:8 ¶ Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.

Ge 49:9 Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?

Ge 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

Ge 49:11 Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:

Ge 49:12 His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.

Verses 8 – 12 - Glorious things are here said of Judah. The mention of the crimes of the three elder of his sons had not so put the dying patriarch out of humour but that he had a blessing ready for Judah, to whom blessings belonged. Judah’s name signifies praise, in allusion to which he says, Thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise, v. 8. God was praised for him ch. 29:35 ), praised by him, and praised in him; and therefore his brethren shall praise him. Note, Those that are to God for a praise shall be the praise of their brethren. It is prophesied that, 1. The tribe of Judah should be victorious and successful in war: Thy hand shall be in the neck of thy enemies. This was fulfilled in David, Ps. 18:40 . 2. It should be superior to the rest of the tribes; not only in itself more numerous and illustrious, but having a dominion over them: Thy father’s children shall bow down before thee. Judah was the lawgiver, Ps. 60:7 . That tribe led the van through the wilderness, and in the conquest of Canaan, Jdg. 1:2 . The prerogatives of the birthright which Reuben had forfeited, the excellence of dignity and power, were thus conferred upon Judah. Observe, "Thy brethren shall bow down before thee, and yet shall praise thee, reckoning themselves happy in having so wise and bold a commander.’’ Note, Honour and power are then a blessing to those that have them when they are not grudged and envied, but praised and applauded, and cheerfully submitted to. 3, . It should be a strong and courageous tribe, and so qualified for command and conquest:Judah is a lion’s whelp, v. 9. The lion is the king of beasts, the terror of the forest when he roars; when he seizes his prey, none can resist him; when he goes up from the prey, none dare pursue him to revenge it. By this it is foretold that the tribe of Judah should become very formidable, and should not only obtain great victories, but should peaceably and quietly enjoy what was obtained by those victories—that they should make war, not for the sake of war, but for the sake of peace. Judah is compared, not to a lion rampant, always tearing, always raging, always ranging; but to a lion couchant, enjoying the satisfaction of his power and success, without creating vexation to others: this is to be truly great. 4. It should be the royal tribe, and the tribe from which Messiah the Prince should come: The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, till Shiloh come, v. 10. Jacob here foresees and foretells, (1.) That the sceptre should come into the tribe of Judah, which was fulfilled in David, on whose family the crown was entailed. (2.) That Shiloh should be of this tribe—his seed, that promised seed, in whom the earth should be blessed: that peaceable and prosperous one, or the Saviour, so others translate it, he shall come of Judah. Thus dying Jacob, at a great distance, saw Christ’s day, and it was his comfort and support on his death-bed. (3.) That after the coming of the sceptre into the tribe of Judah it should continue in that tribe, at least a government of their own, till the coming of the Messiah, in whom, as the king of the church, and the great high priest, it was fit that both the priesthood and the royalty should determine. Till the captivity, all along from David’s time, the sceptre was in Judah, and subsequently the governors of Judea were of that tribe, or of the Levites that adhered to it (which was equivalent), till Judea became a province of the Roman empire, just at the time of our Saviour’s birth, and was at that time taxed as one of the provinces, Lu. 2:1 . And at the time of his death the Jews expressly owned, We have no king but Caesar. Hence it is undeniably inferred against the Jews that our Lord Jesus is he that should come, and that we are to look for no other; for he came exactly at the time appointed. Many excellent pens have been admirable well employed in explaining and illustrating this famous prophecy of Christ. 5. It should be a very fruitful tribe, especially that it should abound with milk for babes, and wine to make glad the heart of strong men (v. 11, v. 12)—vines so common in the hedge-rows and so strong that they should tie their asses to them, and so fruitful that they should load their asses from them—wine as plentiful as water, so that the men of that tribe should be very healthful and lively, their eyes brisk and sparkling, their teeth white. Much of what is here said concerning Judah is to be applied to our Lord Jesus. (1.) He is the ruler of all his father’s children, and the conqueror of all his father’s enemies; and he it is that is the praise of all the saints. (2.) He is the lion of the tribe of Judah, as he is called with reference to this prophecy (Rev. 5:5 ), who, having spoiled principalities and powers, went up a conqueror, and couched so as none can stir him up, when he sat down on the right hand of the Father. (3.) To him belongs the sceptre; he is the lawgiver, and to him shall the gathering of the people be, as the desire of all nations (Hag. 2:7 ), who, being lifted up from the earth, should draw all men unto him (Jn. 12:32 ), and in whom the children of God that are scattered abroad should meet as the centre of their unity, Jn. 11:52 . (4.) In him there is plenty of all that which is nourishing and refreshing to the soul, and which maintains and cheers the divine life in it; in him we may have wine and milk, the riches of Judah’s tribe, without money and without price, Isa. 55:1 .

The most obvious modern-day location of Judah is Israel. Yet the Jews, too, wandered and relocated elsewhere in the world amongst the Gentile nations. The Jutes of Southern Germany are thought by some to be descendants of the Jews, as are the Scots. The royal lineage of the nations of Ireland, Scotland and England are thought to be linked to King David’s royal line.

The story goes that when Babylon took Judah into captivity, all the male members of the royal family were put to death; but not the female members. At some point Yahuwah commissioned the prophet Jeremiah to take 12 Jewish princesses to the Isles of the North, generally interpreted as the British Isles. Some of the tribe of Dan had escaped to Ireland several hundred years earlier. Ancient Irish folklore tells of an ancient patriarch coming to Ireland with these 12 Jewish Princesses and of one marrying the king of Ireland.

The crown of King David was prophesied to change hands three times.

Ezekiel 21:25-27. “Now to you, O profane, wicked prince of Israel [Zedekiah], whose day has come, whose iniquity shall end,” thus says the CREATOR. “Remove the turban, and take off the crown [as did happen, through the first half of Jeremiah’s commission]. Nothing shall remain the same. Exalt the humble, and humble the exalted. Overthrown, overthrown, I will make it overthrown! It shall be no longer, until he [Shiloh] comes whose right it is, and I will give it to him.

Jeremiah took the 12 princesses of Judah to Ireland where one married the king of Ireland. Later, the same crown was bestowed upon the king of Scotland. From there it was transferred to England. The Queen of England wears this same crown today. The coronation stone that lies beneath the throne is said to be the same stone Jacob rested his head on when he saw the vision of the stairway to heaven. The name, “British” actually means “covenant man”. Thus the royal lineage of King David has continued throughout the years (just as Yahuwah promised) and America and Great Britain remain top players in world events to this day.

Ge 49:13 ¶ Zebulon shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for a haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon.

Zebulon is universally recognized as Holland or the Netherlands because of their close association to the sea.

Verses 13-21 Here we have Jacob’s prophecy concerning six of his sons.I. Concerning Zebulun (v. 13), that his posterity should have their lot upon the seacoast, and should be merchants, and mariners, and traders at sea. This was fulfilled when, two or three hundred years after, the land of Canaan was divided by lot, and the border of Zebulun went up towards the sea, Jos. 19:11 . Had they chosen their lot themselves, or Joshua appointed it, we might have supposed it done with design to make Jacob’s words good; but, being done by lot, it appears that it was divinely disposed, and Jacob divinely inspired. Note, The lot of God’s providence exactly agrees with the plan of God’s counsel, like a true copy with the original. If prophecy says, Zebulun shall be a haven of ships, Providence will so plant him. Note, 1. God appoints the bounds of our habitation. 2. It is our wisdom and duty to accommodate ourselves to our lot and to improve it. If Zebulun dwell at the haven of the sea, let him be for a haven of ships.II.

Ge 49:14 Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens:

Ge 49:15 And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.

Issachar is generally recognized as Finland, although some include Switzerland.

Concerning Issachar, v. 14, v. 15. That the men of that tribe should be strong and industrious, fit for labour and inclined to labour, particularly the toil of husbandry, like the ass, that patiently carries his burden, and, by using himself to it, makes it the easier. Issachar submitted to two burdens, tillage and tribute. It was a tribe that took pains, and, thriving thereby, was called upon for rents and taxes. 2. That they should be encouraged in their labour by the goodness of the land that should fall to their lot. (1.) He saw that rest at home was good. Note, The labour of the husbandman is really rest, in comparison with that of soldiers and seamen, whose hurries and perils are such that those who tarry at home in the most constant service have no reason to envy them. (2.)He saw that the land was pleasant, yielding not only pleasant prospects to charm the eye of the curious, but pleasant fruits to recompense his toils. Many are the pleasures of a country life, abundantly sufficient to balance the inconveniences of it, if we can but persuade ourselves to think so, Issachar, in prospect of advantage, bowed his shoulders to bear: let us, with an eye of faith, see the heavenly rest to be good, and that land of promise to be pleasant; and this will make our present services easy, and encourage us to bow our shoulder to them.

Ge 49:16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.

Ge 49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

Ge 49:18 I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.

Dan was noted to be good ship builders and sailors. They travelled extensively and were known for colonizing in a number of nations. The foot print is usually given away in the names of their colonies. They usually begin with Dan, Din or Dun. Dan is primarily recognized as Ireland, but also as Denmark and Celtic tribes.

Concerning Dan, v. 16,v. 17. What is said concerning Dan has reference either, 1. To that tribe in general, that though Dan was one of the sons of the concubines yet he should be a tribe governed by judges of his own as well as other tribes, and should, by art, and policy, and surprise, gain advantages against his enemies, like a serpent suddenly biting the heel of the traveller. Note, In God’s spiritual Israel there is no distinction made of bond or free, Col. 3:11 . Dan shall be incorporated by as good a charter as any of the other tribes. Note, also, some, like Dan, may excel in the subtlety of the serpent, as others, like Judah, in the courage of the lion; and both may do good service to the cause of God against the Canaanites. Or it may refer, 2. To Samson, who was of that tribe, and judged Israel, that is, delivered them out of the hands of the Philistines, not as the other judges, by fighting them in the field, but by the vexations and annoyances he gave them underhand: when he pulled the house down under the Philistines that were upon the roof of it, he made the horse throw his rider. Thus was Jacob going on with his discourse; but now, being almost spent with speaking, and ready to faint and die away, he relieves himself with those words which come in as a parenthesis

Ge 49:19 Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last.

Concerning Gad, v. 19. He alludes to his name, which signifies a troop, foresees the character of that tribe, that it should be a warlike tribe, and so we find (1 Chr. 12:8 ); the Gadites were men of war fit for the battle. He foresees that the situation of that tribe on the other side Jordan would expose it to the incursions of its neighbours, the Moabites and Ammonites; and, that they might not be proud of their strength and valour, he foretells that the troops of their enemies should, in many skirmishes, overcome them; yet, that they might not be discouraged by their defeats, he assures them that they should overcome at the last, which was fulfilled when, in Saul’s time and David’s, the Moabites and Ammonites were wholly subdued: see 1 Chr. 5:18 , etc. Note, The cause of God and his people, though it may seem for a time to be baffled and run down, will yet be victorious at last. Vincimur in praelio, sed non in bello—We are foiled in a battle, but not in a campaign. Grace in the soul is often foiled in its conflicts, troops of corruption overcome it, but the cause is God’s, and grace will in the issue come off conqueror, yea, more than conqueror, Rom. 8:37 .

Gad is commonly identified with Sweden and Switzerland, but also parts of Germany.

Ge 49:20 Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.

Asher is commonly identified with Belgium and Luxembourg, South Africa. One site identified them with Scotland.

Concerning Asher (v. 20), that it should be a very rich tribe, replenished not only with bread for necessity, but with fatness, with dainties, royal dainties (for the king himself is served of the field, Eccl. 5:9 ), and these exported out of Asher to other tribes, perhaps to other lands. Note, The God of nature has provided for us not only necessaries but dainties, that we might call him a bountiful benefactor; yet, whereas all places are competently furnished with necessaries, only some places afford dainties. Corn is more common than spices. Were the supports of luxury as universal as the supports of life, the world would be worse than it is, and that it needs not be.

Ge 49:21 Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words.

Naphtali is commonly identified with Norway and Sweden.

Concerning Naphtali (v. 21), a tribe that carries struggles in its name; it signifieswrestling, and the blessing entailed upon it signifies prevailing; it is a hind let loose. Though we find not this prediction so fully answered in the event as some of the rest, yet, no doubt, it proved true that those of this tribe were, 1. As the loving hind (for that is her epithet, Prov. 5:19 ), friendly and obliging to one another and to other tribes; their converse remarkably kind and endearing. 2. As the loosened hind, zealous for their liberty. 3. As the swift hind (Ps. 18:33 ), quick in despatch of business; and perhaps, 4. As the trembling, timorous in times of public danger. It is rare that those that are most amiable to their friends are most formidable to their enemies. 5. That they should be affable and courteous, their language refined, and they complaisant, giving goodly words. Note, Among God’s Israel there is to be found a great variety of dispositions, contrary to each other, yet all contributing to the beauty and strength of the body, Judah like a lion, Issachar like an ass, Dan like a serpent, Naphtali like a hind. Let not those of different tempers and gifts censure one another, nor envy one another, any more than those of different statures and complexions.

Ge 49:22 ¶ Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall:

Ge 49:23 The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him:

Ge 49:24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:)

Ge 49:25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:

Ge 49:26 The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.

He closes with the blessings of his best beloved sons, Joseph and Benjamin; with these he will breathe his last.I. The blessing of Joseph, which is very large and full. He is compared (v. 22) to a fruitful bouth, or young tree; for God had made him fruitful in the land of his affliction; he owned it. ch. 41:52 . His two sons were as branches of a vine, or other spreading plant, running over the wall. Note, God can make those fruitful, great comforts to themselves and others, who have been looked upon as dry and withered. More is recorded in the history concerning Joseph than concerning any other of Jacob’s sons; and therefore what Jacob says of him is historical as well as prophetical. Observe,1. The providences of God concerning Joseph, v. 23, v. 24. These are mentioned to the glory of God, and for the encouragement of Jacob’s faith and hope, that God had blessings in store for his seed. Here observe (1.) Joseph’s straits and troubles,v. 23. Though he now lived at ease and in honour, Jacob reminds him of the difficulties he had formerly waded through. He had had many enemies, here called archers, being skilful to do mischief, masters of their art of persecution. They hated him: there persecution begins. They shot their poisonous darts at him, and thus they sorely grieved him. His brethren, in his father’s house, were very spiteful towards him, mocked him, stripped him, threatened him, sold him, thought they had been the death of him. His mistress, in the house of Potiphar, sorely grieved him, and shot at him, when she impudently assaulted his chastity (temptations are fiery darts, thorns in the flesh, sorely grievous to gracious souls); when she prevailed not in this, she hated him, and shot at him by her false accusations, arrows against which there is little fence but the hold God has in the consciences of the worst of men. Doubtless he had enemies in the court of Pharaoh, that envied his preferment, and sought to undermine him. (2.) Joseph’s strength and support under all these troubles (v. 24): His bow abode in strength, that is, his faith did not fail, but he kept his ground, and came off a conqueror. The arms of his hands were made strong, that is, his other graces did their part, his wisdom, courage, and patience, which are better than weapons of war. In short, he maintained both his integrity and his comfort through all his trials; he bore all his burdens with an invincible resolution, and did not sink under them, nor do any thing unbecoming him. (3.) The spring and fountain of this strength; it was by the hands of the mighty God, who was therefore able to strengthen him, andthe God of Jacob, a God in covenant with him, and therefore engaged to help him. All our strength for the resisting of temptations, and the bearing of afflictions, comes from God: his grace is sufficient, and his strength is perfected in our weakness. (4.) The state of honour and usefulness to which he was subsequently advanced: Thence (from this strange method of providence) he became the shepherd and stone, the feeder and supporter, of God’s Israel, Jacob and his family. Herein Joseph was a type, [1.] Of Christ; he was shot at and hated, but borne up under his sufferings (Isa. 50:7-9), and was afterwards advanced to be the shepherd and stone. [2.] Of the church in general, and particular believers; hell shoots its arrows against the saints, but Heaven protects and strengthens them, and will crown them.2. The promises of God to Joseph. See how these are connected with the former: Even by the God of thy father Jacob, who shall help thee.

Joseph’s inheritance was divided between his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim is commonly recognized as the United Kingdom and Manasseh as the United States. The U.S. was to be the greatest single nation on earth. However, Ephraim is recognized as the greater. And, of a truth, America may have gained their independence from Britain, yet still pays tribute to the British crown.

Ge 49:27 Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.

Benjamin is commonly recognized as Norway, Belgium and Normandy. They are usually associated with the Vikings.

The blessings and promises of Yahuwah are always sure and guaranteed. The blessing Jacob placed on his sons were for the end time. The nations that came about from these blessings are definitely among the most blessed on earth. All of their blessings are of recent times.

The most blessed of all were the sons of Joseph – Ephraim and Manasseh. Of those two Ephraim received the greatest blessings. He was to become the greatest group of nations ever. And, he eventually received the crown for safe keeping till Mashiyack returns. This can only be said of the British Commonwealth.

Manasseh was to become the greatest single nation on earth – which can only be said of the United States.

Again, Yahuwah was sure to keep His promises. However, there were also cursings if the people did not hold up their end of the bargain (of repenting and turning back to Yahuwah) – which they have not kept. Instead, these same nations are amongst the most immoral nations on earth. They have abandoned Yahuwah and ostracized Him from their culture. Their god is science and technology. Through those two venues they have become convinced they are their own gods and can eventually unravel all the mysteries of the universe.

Yes, Yahuwah kept His promises, as always. However, the nations have not returned to Yahuwah as He desired them to and will soon experience the cursings for not doing so.

The greatest of these nations are the United Kingdom and the United States. These two will fall the hardest because of their greatness. They will be made to suffer the same humiliation as the Northern Kingdom of Israel did at the hands of the Assyrians. They will forfeit their greatness and be vanquished by their enemies, taken captive and removed from the lands they were given to possess. Hopefully they will be among the great multitude to come through the tribulation with their robes washed clean in repentance.

Perhaps the nation that is the most boastful of their blessings is the United States. They feel that because they were created as a “godly nation” that they have been blessed. However, the U.S. has never truly followed Yahuwah. The religions that formed the United States (such as the Puritans) came out of the Roman Catholic faith (harlot daughters of the Great Whore) and although they separated themselves from some of the doctrine of that church, they still show by their works that they remain obedient to a long dead, 4th century Roman Emperor in place of Yahuwah. They have (for the most part) abandoned the laws of Yahuwah and His Sabbaths. They may be “good Christians”, but Christianity is not the faith of Yahuwah. They have made the same mistake as ancient Israel in choosing other gods to worship and other laws to obey and other Sabbaths to observe.

In other words, Americans feel that their great blessing came by their own hand and that they were deserving of these blessings. In truth, they are no more deserving of these blessings than any of the other nations. It was only because of Yahuwah’s promises that they received the blessings – for they certainly did not do anything to deserve them.

And, if they do not turn back to Yahuwah (and do it soon) they are going to lose those blessings and inherit the cursings. Those individuals that have turned back to Yahuwah (for the most part) know what is about to befall their nation and are trying to warn the rest of the population. However, instead of listening to them, the general population, and their government in particular, have persecuted them.

Ancient Israel did the same to the prophets Yahuwah sent to them. And, when He sent His own Son, they persecuted and killed Him. If the Messiah were to come to any of the nations descended from Israel today, He would likely meet the same fate that He did when He came to the Jews. All who follow a different gospel than the one delivered by Yahushua, crucify Him anew.

In a recent book by noted author and Rabbi, Jonathon Cahn, “The Harbinger”, Cahn reveals that 9 harbingers have been already delivered to the U.S. A harbinger is a message from Elohim warning of impending nation disaster – if they do not repent and turn back to Him. The book should be of vital interest to all Americans. Basically, the book shows that America has received the exact same harbingers as ancient Israel received before their demise. The flames of America’s glory are about to be extinguished.

Of course, America is no better or worse than any other nation in regards to their relationship with Elohim. But I do believe that America was selected to be the greatest single nation on earth for a reason- and that reason was to be an example and a light to the rest of the nations. In that, America has failed miserably.

Great Britain has also failed in this respect. Their Prince Charles (at least) has been whoring after other gods and worships every year at Bohemian Grove, where they worship Molech, an ancient pagan god mentioned in the Scriptures. He is repeating the error of so many of the kings of Israel. He is likely to come to the same end.

All nations are in need of repentance! All nations are going to be affected by the end-time prophecies. All nations are going to be punished by Elohim. In the words of King Solomon, “None are good, no, not one”. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of Yahuwah. The nine harbingers delivered to the U.S. should be a warning to all nations. If Yahuwah can humble a nation as great as the U.S., what chance does any other nation have?


Of course a nation does not represent all its citizens. There are groups of Believers in every nation. Many Believers may well be descended from ancient Israel. These are the Lost Sheep of Israel, whom Yahushua was sent to gather. Therefore, these same promises and curses apply to us too.

We may not be able to do much more than sound the alarm, but that is all that is required of us. The blood of the nation is no longer on our hands if they do not listen.

However, on a personal level we can do much more. We have our own personal battles to deal with. We must continuously be growing into the full stature of HaMashiyack. Until we reach that stature we have nothing to boast about.

We must see beyond the physical and project ourselves into our spiritual future. We must be acting today as if we are already kings and priest of the Kingdom. Our secret weapon is the love of Yahuwah. We must first possess that love before we can project it onto others. Love conquers all. That is how we are going to make it through the great tribulation.

Also of important note is the fact that none of these nations received the promises of Yahuwah by their own hand. In other words, they did not receive the blessing because they were actively obedient to Yahuwah. They merely received the blessing because Yahuwah promised they would. The recipients of the promise were then expected (by Yahuwah) to seek after Him. They have obviously not done that; therefore, the curses are coming.

Just as Yahuwah first brings judgement to the House of Israel, so will He first bring judgement to the sons of Jacob – that is the nations that came out of them. There will be no escaping that judgement. If it does not come in the form of foreign invasion, it will come via natural causes such as severe weather, tornados, volcanic eruption, severe solar flares or earthquakes.

The need for a call to national repentance is stronger now than ever before. No nation or people is strong enough to stand up to the wrath of Elohim; and His wrath will soon be coming upon the earth.

Are you ready for Yahuwah’s wrath? I don’t think anyone is. Even many Believers expect to be whisked away and escape it all. Not so, my friends! Only 144,000 will experience such an escape. Many will be left behind to witness for Yahuwah during the tribulation.

The wheat will not be completely separated from the chaff until after the harvest. Many are going to be martyred. Many are going to be too weak in the faith to endure the tribulation and will turn their backs on Yahuwah. This will be a repeat of what happened to Believers during the Roman days. Their faith did not save them physically, but it did save them spiritually. The tribulation will be the final test of our faith. If we do not pass, all hope for salvation will be lost forever.

Judgement is coming for all the sons of Jacob. There is only one way to escape it – national repentance. However, our words of warning are falling on deaf ears. We will be hated for our words. We will be persecuted. We will be imprisoned, tortured and killed. However, we must be found doing the will of Yahuwah no matter what.

May Yahuwah bless us who continue in obedience and walk by our side through the tribulation – whatever that might bring.

Yahuwah Bless


Appendix A

Location of the

descendants of Israel

Tribal Name

Likely Country Identity


Republic of South Africa










(one of Joseph's two sons)

United Kingdom


(one of Joseph's two sons)

The United States


Primarily modern nation of Israel

(the Jews) but also scattered among

other nations descended from Jacob


Living among the various nations

descended from Jacob






Living among the various tribes

descended from Jacob



Appendix B

Appendix C

Identification Genesis 48-49Modern

Reuben(Jacob's first born) "Unstable as Water" Northern France

Simeon "scattered within Israel" Welsh and Jews

Levi "scattered within Israel" (priesthood)(Israeli, Scots and scattered within Israel)

Judah "The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah" Royal sons of Perez and Zerah: includes the royal lineages of Ireland, Scotland, and England. Ethnic Israelis; Occidental (white) Jews , Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews; also sons of Shelah:

Dan "Serpent by the Way" (mariners, adventurer-colonists)Ireland & Denmark

Naphtali "hind let loose: he giveth goodly words "Norway & Sweden

Gad "Gad enlarged crouches like a lion "Switzerland

Asher "Royal Dainties"Belgium and Luxembourg, South Africa

Issachar "Strong Donkey couching down between two burdens:" Finland

Zebulun "Haven of the Sea & Ships:"(merchant traders / calligraphers / invented the printing press)(Holland) Netherlands

Ephraim "Multitude of Nations"British Commonwealth

Manasseh Joseph's first born: "A Great People (Nation) United States of America

Benjamin "Ravin as a wolf:" (mariners / merchant traders / Vikings)Normans, Iceland, Quebecois