The Seven Noahide Laws

The Seven Noahide Laws


Gay Primo

June 3, 2012


How many people have heard of the 7 Noahide laws before? I was brought up a Christian but now prefer to be called a Messianic Believer and have studied the Scriptures (both old and New Testaments) intensely for the past 30 years and have never come across anything even vaguely related to this topic. In fact I only heard of it several months ago. Yet the globalist elite have glommed onto this theory as if it were scriptural fact and are going to be building the laws of the New World Order on the back of this theory. You are going to find the ramifications of breaking these laws hard to believe, but they are absolutely true nonetheless. They are definitely going to shock you.

Here are the 7 laws as they are rendered:

1 – Thou shalt not engage in idol worship.

2 – Thou shalt not blaspheme God.

3 – Thou shalt not shed innocent blood of a human, nor fetus, nor ailing person who has a limited time to live.

4 – Thou shalt not engage in bestial, incestuous, adulterous or homosexual relations nor commit rape.

5 – Thou shalt not steal.

6 – Thou shalt establish laws and courts of law to administer these laws, including the death penalty for those who kill, administered only if there is one testifying witness.

7 - Thou shall not be cruel to animals (eating the flesh of an animal that is yet alive).

Apparently, according to those who dreamt up these laws, the first six of these laws were supposedly given to Adam and Eve for all of mankind from the very beginning. Since some do line up with the 10 commandments, there is some truth here. Supposedly they were reestablished by Noah following the flood with the addition of the 7th law. The penalty for breaking any of these laws is death by decapitation (Encyclopedia Judaica, p. 1192). There is no assumption of innocence till proven guilty. One can receive the death penalty by the testimony of just one eye witness, instead of two or three as the scriptures declare.

By now you are probably wondering what these seven laws have to do with Globalism and the New World Order. I will explain that shortly. Suffice it to say for now that at least one nation has already passed these seven laws into their law books, although they have not as yet implemented them.


So where did this theory come from? It came from the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah and applies only to Gentiles. This book is a collection of interpretations of the law made by Jewish Rabbis in an attempt to circumvent or put their own slant on Mosaic Law. Some of these interpretations are in steep contrast to the Scriptures but are valued by most Jews as being the ultimate authority, even over the Torah. These 7 laws are seen by the Jews to apply only to the Gentiles; who, if obedient to them, have a chance to make it into the Kingdom of God. The 10 commandments of Moses apply only to the Jews. In fact, in addition to these seven, are the rather unspoken laws that Gentiles are not to follow the customs and traditions of the Jews, nor are they allowed to worship on the Sabbath. These two addition laws also bring a punishment of death by decapitation.

More recently the push for these 7 laws to be forced upon the Gentiles has been led by a small group of Jews known as the ultra-orthodox Labavitch Movement, led by Rabbi Menachem Scheerson. Scheerson is seen by his followers as the prophesied Messiah and are waiting for him to publically claim his office. Although this group is but a small splinter group whose doctrines are somewhat based on Cabbala teachings, Scheerson has been proclaimed by one past U.S. President and the U.S. Congress as “universally respected and revered” and has “fostered and promoted these 7 Noahide Laws”.

These laws were put into force in Roman times as well. In fact these are the laws upon which the Roman Catholic Church was elevated to the status of the imperial state religion. In 325ce, at the Counsel of Nicaea, Emperor Constantine made the declaration of law that no Roman citizen (who was not a natural Jew) was to practice the customs and traditions of the Jews (which all the true believers were doing). Later Constantine enacted another law banning his subjects (again non-Jews) from keeping the Sabbath day (which the true believers kept) and proclaiming Sunday (the pagan day of sun worship) as the official day of worship throughout his empire. By transferring their obedience from God to this Roman Emperor, the Roman Catholic Church also changed from God worshipers to Emperor Worshipers. The reformation did absolutely nothing to change that aspect of their faith and therefore all of traditional Christianity is guilty of Emperor Worship. The only commandments given to man directly from God are found in the Torah and they have never changed. The claim that Constantine converted to Christianity is yet one more RCC fable. The reality is that Constantine converted the Christian assembly in Rome to a pagan assembly.

The Jews themselves had much to do with the edicts proclaimed by Constantine as well. They were overwhelmed by the number of Gentiles filling the synagogues, wanting to learn the Torah. They desired that the temple remain exclusive to the natural Jews; in spite of the Torah teachings in reference to proselytizing. This is when they dug up these 7 laws out of their Babylonian Talmud and presented them to Constantine demanding separation of Jews and Gentiles (especially Messianic Believers). Constantine complied. So basically the persecution of Christians ended with Constantine only in the respect of those who complied with the 7 Noahide Laws. All true believers who continued to follow the Torah were still put to death.

Modern-day Application

By now you may have already guessed which nation has already passed these 7 Noahide Laws into their national law books. You are right – the United States of America. On March 20, 1991, George Bush Sr., with the consent of Congress, committed these 7 Noahide laws into the law books as the “Law of the Land” claiming that the forming of that nation was based on these laws, not the 10 commandments. They called this day National Education Day, U.S.A.

On January 18, 2004 the Druze leader in Israel, backed by Rabbi Boaz Kelly, director of the Chahad - Lubavitch Institution of Israel and chairman for the Worldwide Committee for the Seven Noahide Commandments, committed himself to the support of the 7 Noahide laws for all Gentiles.

One of the goals of the coming New World Order is to (like Constantine) have one universal religion, of which only the Jews are exempt. Just as Constantine had all dissenters put to death, so will the NWO. Here is how some of these 7 laws plus the other two yet unwritten laws, are to be interpreted and prosecuted.

1 – Thou shalt not engage in idol worship.

This will apply to Christian idolatry only, i.e. crosses, statues, pictures, etc. God has already been kicked out of U.S. and Canadian schools along with prayers and religious classes. A new proposal in the U.S. seeks to ban the wearing of crosses in public. Even belief in the Messiah will be regarded as Idolatry. In the future NWO, you will be beheaded for violating this law.

2 – Thou shalt not blaspheme God.

If you claim that Jesus Christ or Yahushua HaMashiyack (his actual name and title) was the Son of God or God himself, you will be found guilty of blaspheme and beheaded. Also included as blaspheme towards God will be those who maintain that the Jews killed the Messiah.

3 – Thou shalt not shed innocent blood of a human, nor fetus, nor ailing person who has a limited time to live.

This law will cover murder, abortion and euthanasia. This is strange in light of the abortion laws already in effect in most nations and the euthanasia laws that will soon be coming; and in light of the fact that one of the goals of Globalist elite is to reduce the world’s population by 70 – 90 percent to have a more manageable number for the NWO to control. They are already actively participating in this endeavor through abortion, birth control, poisoning our water and food supplies, creating air-borne viruses, vaccinations and war. However they intend to apply it, the penalty for violation will be death by beheading.

4 – Thou shalt not engage in bestial, incestuous, adulterous or homosexual relations nor commit rape.

This is also strange since the Globalist elite already practice some of these indulgences in one form or other themselves. My guess is that this law will only apply to the enslaved population. The elite will be above the law as they were in ancient Rome. Rome did not die in the 6th century as the history books claim but survived and has been active behind the political scene through the RCC all this time; thus qualifying Daniel’s prophesy that the 4th empire of his vision would exist till the second coming of the Messiah at the end of the age. Again the penalty for any of the above crimes will be death by beheading.

5 – Thou shalt not steal.

The penalty for this crime will also be death by beheading (all part of population control and creating a perfect race). In contrast, Mosaic Law for this crime merely requires that the thief be made to pay back 7 fold the value of the stolen item(s) to their victim or serve the victim until the debt is worked off. Mosaic Law will only apply to the Jews.

6 – Thou shalt establish laws and courts of law to administer these laws, including the death penalty for those who kill, administered only if there is one testifying witness.

In the future One World Order, there will be one global set of laws which all courts will abide by. The penalty of death will be melded out by these courts. The method of death will be by beheading (considered the most humane of all methods since death is instant). One can and will be sentenced on the testimony of only one eye witness. In contrast, under Mosaic Law, a minimum of two eye witnesses is required – three is even better. Mosaic Law will only apply to the Jews. These Noahide Laws are directed primarily at true Messianic Believers who continue to practice the customs and traditions of the Jews, keep the 7th day Sabbath and all the annual Jewish holy days, and follow and promote the teaching of the Messiah. The end time punishment of the Messiah’s followers was prophesied 1900 years ago in the Book of Revelation.

Rev. 20:4 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

The enforcement of these laws will cause a split in the traditional Christian churches when the people wake up to the fact that they have been deceived in their form of worship and turn to worshiping God in place of Constantine. They will be part of the great multitude that will come out of the tribulation. Most will be descendants of the northern nation of Israel that were taken into captivity 8 centuries prior to the Common Era and scattered amongst the other nations. This will be the prophesied end-time re-unification of the House of Israel.

7 - Thou shall not be cruel to animals (eating the flesh of an animal that is yet alive).

This law applies to the humane killing of an animal before it is consumed as food. In other words you will not be allowed to cut a limb from a living animal and eat it. I don’t know who presently would do such a thing, but this is the practical application. In the future; however, all forms of animal cruelty will be banned. Animals are already treated more humanly than humans (i.e. Genocide). All food cultivation will be controlled by the state. Humans will not be permitted to hunt, fish or farm to sustain their food supply. Humans will be imprisoned in great walled cities and forbidden to leave out of fear that they may endanger the environment. In reality, they will not be privy to how the government produces the food that they eat. If you think I am dreaming this up, a number of national parks in the U.S. have already been designated as off limits to humans. Those that remain available are protected by “environmental police” who do not allow humans to walk or sit on the grass because it poses a “danger to the environment”.

The Unwritten Laws

8 – No non-Jew shalt observe the teachings of the Torah.

Today more and more Christians are returning to the teachings of the Torah, rightfully preferring to obey God rather than a long-dead, fourth century Roman Emperor. These are part of the growing Messianic movement who are returning to the roots of their faith and the customs and traditions of the first century church. They will be forbidden by law under the New World Order from doing so. They will be foremost of those who will be rounded up for death by decapitation.

9 – No non-Jew will be allowed to keep the seventh-day Sabbath of the Jews or the 7 annual holy days.

Mostly all in the Messianic movement have returned to keeping the 7th day weekly Sabbath and the scripturally mandated annual holy days (Passover, Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day) rather than the pagan weekly Sabbath (Sunday) and holy days (Christmas and Easter). This is another reason why they will be the first to be rounded up for beheading. In contrast, the Torah teaches that the commandment to keep the seventh day of the week holy was proclaimed from the beginning of creation for all men.

Genesis 2:3 - And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Since there was no such thing as a Jew at that time, the 7th day Sabbath was meant for all of mankind. The term “Jew” did not come about until the northern nation of Israel separated itself from the nation of Judah to the south following the coronation of Rehoboam the son of Solomon (1 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 10).

10 – No non-Jew will adhere to the Mosaic 10 commandments. These will apply to the Jews only.

All of Christianity supposedly adheres to the 10 Commandments given to Moses. I am sure that the current, traditional, state-sanctioned Christian churches are either already teaching the change to the 7 Noahide Laws or soon will be, starting in the U.S. The 10 (only scriptural mandated) commandments will only apply to the Jews.

Laws Already on the Books

1 – The Global Anti-Semitism Review Act

This act was signed into law in the U.S. on Oct. 8, 2004. Under this act one is not to speak badly about the Jews in any way. One is not to attribute the death of the Messiah to the Jews. In reality, it was already established by God that Yahushua had to die for the people and it wouldn’t have mattered which nation he came to. His end would have been the same regardless. In the future, belief in the Messiah will be regarded as Idolatry.

Also, one will not be allowed to quote any Messianic scriptures. This, of course will lead to the banning of the ownership of Bibles, a throwback to the pre-1500’s when the Roman Catholic Church would not allow anyone to own a Bible. The defiance of this law was the greatest victory of the Reformation movement.

2 – The Genocide Act – (in accordance with the Convention on Genocide by the United Nations, December 9, 1949). See for the full act. Basically this resolution was drafted in respect to the millions who were systematically executed by the Nazis during WW2. These include 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1900 Catholic priests. On the surface this act reads like a good thing. However, as we all know by now it was the extermination of the 6 million Jews that draws most of the world’s attention. So, in the future, when the rest of the world is under the New World Order and its one globally mandated religious order, from which only the Jews will be exempt, this act will apply basically only to the Jews. In that respect, Article 2(b), which states, “Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;” will include what I have already mentioned above in regards to offenses against the Jews. Let me make clear the fact that the average Jewish person is not responsible for the enactment of these laws, just some amongst the ultra-orthodox members. I am in no way trying to incite hatred against the Jews or any other group.

Also, Act 15 of the convention, states, “If, as a result of denunciations, the number of parties to the present Convention should become less than sixteen, the Convention shall cease to be in force as from the date on which the last of these denunciations shall become effective.” When the New World Order is fully in force, there will only be 10 states (or unions - i.e. less than 16). Will that nullify this act?

Also to be taken into account that the United Nations is already guilty of transgression of their own act. By not stepping in and stopping the number of genocides that have already taken place around the world, they are guilty of aiding and abetting in these horrendous acts. They almost totally ignore the ones in Africa. They only briefly intervened in Ethiopia. How many years did it take for them to intervene in Czechoslovakia? They act like they are doing something by imposing sanctions on these nations. However, such sanctions generally only punish the victims of the atrocities and not the perpetrators. It seems that only the events that disrupt the flow of oil or threaten the global money markets get dealt with almost immediately.

A recent bill passed in Canada is Bill C-250 which deals with hate crimes. It is an amendment that was added to the bill that concerns most religious groups in regards to freedom of speech. The best information I could find on this bill comes from the following web site. It started off as a private member’s bill introduced by New Democratic MP Svend Robinson, a self professed homosexual and gay rights advocate. It was passed into law on April 29, 2004. The concerns of religious groups is; “Critics of the bill claimed that it would prohibit reciting various scripture condemning homosexuality (or anyone else that is referred to as an abomination), while supporters pointed out that the bill added an explicit defense against any charge of incitement of hatred for opinions expressed in good faith based on religious texts. Critics of the law however, have expressed concern the courts will abrogate the religious loophole because "good faith" is not clearly defined.” It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the future. Let me make it clear that any such scriptures apply to the act, not the person, and if one sins by breaking any of the laws, they are as guilty as if they broke them all. Therefore, homosexuals and Lesbians should not be singled out for discrimination. We are all guilty of one sin or another under Mosaic Law.

Another Canadian bill that I have heard about but have not been able to find information on, concerns the freedom of law enforcement agencies on both sides of the Canada/U.S. border being able to without restriction enter each other’s countries and arrest whoever they please. Perhaps it is only a proposal at this time.


No matter how innocent or good these laws seem at the moment, there remains the distinct possibility that they will be re-written in the future to come into compliance with the 7 Noahide Laws and thereby punishable by decapitation. If anyone doubts that we could possibly return to such a barbaric and gruesome method of capital punishment; I have been informed by a number of different American sources that guillotines and plastic coffins are already being produce in mass in Georgia and other states. This is in accordance with Bill # 1274 of the Georgia House of Representatives (1995/960, Sessions HB 1274, Code Sections 17-10-38 and 17-10-44. The FEMA “re-education (re: concentration) camps” reportedly already have guillotines set up and waiting for heads to roll (sic). Homeland security is already bracing and training for an expected civil war in the U.S. Gun sales have double in the past several months. The Global economy is on the verge of collapse. All these things put together equals the writing on the wall, yet most of the world is completely blind to it all.

The collapse of the Global economy is going to be the catalyst for bringing in the New World Order. The collapse will be purposely brought about by the international bankers, just as they were responsible for the crash in 1929. Of course, they will place the blame elsewhere. When the NWO is firmly in place, the global bankers will be seen as the heroes for “rescuing” the economy and restoring a semblance of economic stability (all in their favor, of course).

All global law under the New World Order will be based on the 7 Noahide Laws. The only ones to be exempt will be the Jews and the elite leadership. Violations will be punished by decapitation.

This past weekend there was a meeting of the Bilderberg Group at the Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Virginia. In attendance were some 140 bankers, heads of large corporations and politicians from various countries including Canada and the U.S. Under the U.S. Logan Act, the U.S. politicians who attended are guilty of a criminal offence that equates to treason (as should be the Canadian politicians); yet I highly doubt that any will be prosecuted. You can visit the following sites to see what was on their agendas under the sections titled “Breaking News”.

Also, there is a new book out called “Ameroca’s New World Order” by Author Chris Tyson. (The word “Ameroca” is a play on words in regards to what the future North American Union currency is going to be called – i.e. Amero.) The following is a list of Chris Tyson’s credentials and what departments he has been trained in:

- A Bachelors Degree in criminology from the University of Florida

- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security

- The Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center,

- The Federal Emergency Management Agency.

- The National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center.

- The Office of State and Local Government Coordination Preparedness.

- Past member of the American Society for Industrial Security.

As you can well imagine, he has an excellent knowledge of what is going on behind the scenes In America and his deep sense of patriotism (and good conscience) could no longer allow him to serve his global masters. His is a rather brief but all encompassing overview of what the world can expect in the very near future. You can order his book through his web site at:

Although I would dearly love to believe otherwise, this is the reality that we face for our immediate future and the future of our children. All of this was prophesied 2500 years ago in the Book of Daniel and later in the Book of Revelation. Our only hope of deliverance lies in the return of Yahushua HaMashiyack (the Messiah) to set up and establish His millennial Kingdom of peace on earth. For non-believers, there is no hope. It is as simple as that. The tables are going to turn very quickly over the next few years. Are you ready for it? Are you prepared to sit back, do nothing and allow it to happen? Or are you going to stand up and be counted in the future history books as being amongst those who confronted the Globalists and did all they could to stop it?