Was the Apostle, John, the Last Prophet of Yahuwah?

Was the Apostle, John, the Last Prophet of Yahuwah?


Gary Primo

March 18, 2017

This is a question that has haunted me almost since I first turned my heart towards Yahuwah and read the Scriptures for myself, in its entirety. I imagine that many of my brothers and sisters in the faith have wondered the same thing.

As we all know, John wrote the last book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation, which appears to reveal a number of events to occur from John’s time, up until the return of the Messiah, the purifying of the Earth and mankind, and finally, the coming of the Father to dwell with His creation. Was this the end-all prophesy of Yahushua? I know there is a passage in the Scriptures that prophesies that there will be a silence of the word of Yahuwah for a time before Yahushua returns. However, I failed to locate the passage. (If anyone can help me out with finding this passage, I would greatly appreciate it).

Did this silence begin with the creation of the Roman Catholic Church? We do know that the RCC would not allow any of its members to own a Bible for the first 1500 years of its existence. Has there been no other true prophet of Yahuwah since John? Why have no books of prophesy been added to either the New or Old Testaments since that time?

Most True Believers, today, believe that there has always been a remnant of True Believers that have existed from that time up to this. But precious little is truly known about them; and even less is known of any real prophesies of Yahuwah being revealed in that time. Does that mean that none existed? Or have they merely been concealed from us by the keepers of historical documentation?

Of course, the RCC has a number of prophets whom they honor as having received revelations from the Father, but all are suspect, and are likely false. All of those recognized as true prophets have been those who have diligently followed Yahuwah and kept His word and the Law. This cannot be said of any of the “prophets” of the RCC.

It is common knowledge amongst Sabbath keeping congregations that the RCC, with the backing of Rome, persecuted True Believers into (almost) non-existence. Since the RCC has controlled most of recorded history since that time, precious little is known of those groups that did escape the persecution and if their numbers included any true prophets. If so, whatever their prophesies were, have remained well obscured. Is this the silence of the word that the Scriptures talk about; or is it something that will occur following the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation, following with the execution of the two end-time witnesses? Or, could it be both? If only Yahushua were here today to enlighten us!

My guess is that those who escaped Roman persecution must have ended up outside the reach of Rome somewhere, likely in the far East. And even there they would have likely suffered new persecution by the locals there. Of a certainty, it was very difficult to keep the word of Yahuwah and the true teaching of Yahushua at that time. HaSatan certainly seems to have won out on his mission to shut off the word of Yahuwah from the world during that stage of this war.

Historically, Sabbath-keeping churches did not again emerge until the Protestant movement began. Their numbers were precious few even then, and they were persecuted by both the RCC and Protestant Sunday-keepers. Even then, not all kept ALL the word of Yahuwah, nor recognized the sacred names.

What do the Scriptures say about future prophets?

1 Cor. 13: 8 - Charity never fails: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

9 - For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

10 - But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

This passage sees to predict a falling away from the true word of Yahuwah. And that seems to be exactly what has occurred since the last prophesy of John.

There certainly have been numerous false prophets even amongst those who claim to do so in the name of Yahweh or Yahuwah. There have especially been a numerous false prophesies concerning the date of the tribulation and the return of Yahushua. Remember all the hype about December 21, 2012? That came and went. Nothing happened! I am sure that many read about the “Daniel’s Time Line” which claimed that the Tribulation began in 2011 and would end on September 23, 2017 with the astronomical appearance of the Virgin with the sun above her head and the moon below her feet. As ay student should know, the tribulation is to begin with the manifestation of the two end-time witnesses. During their prophesying there is to be a 3 year Global famine. The Scriptures also state, quite clearly, that the entire world would know who the two witnesses are and would hate and try to kill them. If the Daniel’s Timeline prophesy were true, they should have manifested themselves in 2011 and been killed in 2014. Of course, that did not happen.

Clearly, there is an abundance of false prophets on the earth today. And, I suspect there will be many more preceding the return of Yahushua. The only timeline given in the Scriptures concerning the Tribulation begins with the manifestation of the two end-time witnesses. And even Yahushua himself stated that He did not know when that was to be, but only the Father in heaven. When they do appear, we can then begin the countdown of the seven year period of the Tribulation and the return of Yahushua.

One mistake all of these false prophets make concerning the end of time is that they are going by today’s Gregorian calendar. According to that calendar, the six thousand years of man’s self rule ended in the year 2,000. However, according to Yahuwah, who gave Israel their calendar, there remains more than 200 years until the end of the 6,000 year period. By that reckoning, none of us living today will see that end.

I know it has been the earnest desire of every generation to witness these end time events, but all have missed out on them. Even the Apostles (at first) believed they would see these events in their time. Yet, this should be of no importance to any True Believer today. Our only concern should be in doing our utmost to develop the pure nature of Yahushua in ourselves before the end of our physical lives. Such nature will command obedience by nature to all the words and laws of Yahuwah. In other words, even the thought to sin, will no longer dwell in us. I, myself, cannot claim to possess such nature. And, even though I try as hard as I can, I do not know if I will be successful before my earthly demise. Regardless, this is what we are to be striving for.

Therefore, I can only conclude that if there have been any true prophets following John’s demise, their identities have been well concealed from the world, and we will likely not know who they are until Yahushua returns. The Beast (Rome) and the False Prophet (the RCC) have done a very efficient job of concealing the true servants of Yahuwah throughout the ages. In these days there has been a general awakening of the truth of Yahuwah.

“For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.” I certainly am under no delusion that I yet possess all knowledge in this regard. I am still very much a student. I prefer to remain free from all man-made churches, which attempt to sum up all knowledge in their “statement of beliefs” and their doctrine, which all appear to be set in stone. This attitude stifles all growth in the spirit. Our only guide is the Scriptures; and our only teacher is Yahushua. All who trust in a man (leader of their church), are going to be greatly disappointed when raised up to judgement. All who believe we are living in the last days right now are going to be equally disappointed. Our only last day is the final day of our earthly manifestation; and we had better be found doing all that we possibly can to get it right before that day comes.

In the meantime, I pray that all in Yahushua find and stay on the true path, and remain faithful till the end.

Yahuwah Bless
