Who Is Yahushua?

Who Was/Is Yahushua


Gary Primo

Dec. 8, 2011

(57 pages)


I used to have this article on my old website, and for some reason thought I had it on my new site. I just found out today that it wasn’t but was one of the ones I had lost in the house fire so, I don’t have any copy of the original and have to do it over again. One of the problems I have in doing that is that I lost all of the reference books that I had collected over the years in the fire as well. I’m going to have to hit some of the used book stores and see what I can round up. For now I will do the best I can with what I’ve got and can only promise that I will be returning to and editing this article when I find the reference books I am looking for. In particular the books I am looking for are:

1 - A Hebrew Interlinear Bible

2 - Tyndale's New Bible Dictionary

3 - Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

4 - New King James (with center column reference)

If anyone can help me locate used or discounted copies of these books, your help would be very much appreciated. Of course, I will pay for any costs incurred.




/sʌn/ Show Spelled[suhn] Show IPA



a male child or person in relation to his parents.


a male child or person adopted as a son; a person in the legal position of a son.


any male descendant: a son of the Aztecs.


a son-in-law.


a person related as if by ties of sonship.



a male person looked upon as the product or result of particular agencies, forces, influences, etc.: a true son of the soil.


a familiar term of address to a man or boy from an older person, an ecclesiastic, etc.


the Son, the second person of the Trinity; Jesus Christ.

Those who are being called out of the worldly churches to seek out the Hebrew roots of their faith almost instantly run into challenges to beliefs and doctrines they had always assumed were the truth. The core of traditional Christianity lies in the Trinity Theory. This is where the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (spirit) are three separate individuals of a triune “godhead” or three parts of the same being. Nobody seems to be sure. It is very confusing. Other less traditional Christian churches believe in a dual “godhead”. The “Holy Ghost “ is kicked out leaving only the Father and the Son as either two separate beings that have always existed together, or two parts of the same being. Again, nobody is sure and it is equally confusing. Both concepts come straight out of paganism and were never part of the Hebrew mindset. Moshe, the only man to spend 80 days alone with the pre-incarnate Son on top of Mt. Sinai, would have understood and known about them. Instead, he came away and was later inspired to write what is called the Hebrew Shema, which is the core of the Hebrew faith that clearly states, “Yahuwah our Elohim is one Elohim, and we shall love Yahuwah Elohim with all our mind and heart.” and also that there is no one before or beside Yahuwah Elohim. To demonstrate this phenomenon more clearly, the Cabalists picture the creation as a dot in the center of a circle. The dot is the Creator, Yahuwah, and is totally separate from the creation. Nothing in the creation touches or comes close to Him. We will see an example of this later in Revelation.

Separating Fact from Fiction

The Trinity

To begin with, the “Holy Spirit” (which I prefer to call set apart spirit or the spirit of truth) was personified by later translators. The earliest translations have it only as “holy spirit”. The word “the”, which in cases such as these implies personification is omitted. Using upper case first letters also implies personification. This capitalization of the term did not appear in the earliest translation either, implying that it was talking of a thing (power) rather than a person.

We can read numerous stories in the Old Testament of servants of Yahuwah who in times of desperation were aided by the “spirit of Yahuwah”. It would come upon them and give them supernatural strength and stamina when fighting their enemies. It would afterward leave them and return to Yahuwah. In New Testament times, at the first Day of Pentecost following the resurrection of Yahushua, this spirit came in the form of flames that sat upon the apostle’s heads and caused them to prophesy and speak in tongues so that they might be understood by all the visitors in their own tongues. Afterword, this spirit stayed with his disciples and helped them to get though the tough road before them. This was compared throughout the New Testament to the Father living inside of them, telling them what to do and what to say. The Scriptures are also very clear that Yahushua was filled with this spirit (the Father’s). What need would there be for Yahushua to be filled with this spirit if he were indeed one part of the same being, or equal to the Father in any way? Would he not have been filled with his own spirit, which would have been equal to the Father”s? And, if He were indeed Elohim as the Father is, or one and the same person as the Father, who was it that He was praying to all the time?

The origin of the Trinity Theory lies in ancient paganism. It began with Mystery Babylon and its founder, King Nimrod. Nimrod, like most emperors demanded worship of himself. And he was indeed worshiped as a god. This was the post flood beginning of emperor worship. Following his death his wife, Semiramis, did not want to let go of her prestige. She proclaimed herself to be the “Queen of Heaven” and demanded that all worship be directed unto herself. Afterword, she became impregnated out of wedlock and to hide her disgrace, claimed that the infant came to her through immaculate conception and that it was Nimrod’s spirit that impregnated her. She also claimed that her son, Tammuz, was the promised son of “god” – i.e. the messiah. He was worshiped by the pagans under different names, but was basically the same person. All together there are 15 different pagan saviours - likely all from the same sourse. Thus we find statues and other depictions of the Father, mother and son throughout the ages dating back to that time. The Roman Catholic Church merely transferred this depiction onto the true Messiah, kicking mom out and replacing her with the “Holy Ghost”. Yet they still depict Mary, the mother of Yahushua as the Queen of Heaven and worship and pray to her.

The Binity

By the time the Romans adopted these Eastern pagan concepts, the father of the gods they worshiped was Zeus. There were several names through which they worshiped the son Apollo, Dionysus and Sol Invictus. Ancient Roman coins bore a head on both sides; one depicting Zeus and the other his son, Apollo. Though the names were changed, they were still Nimrod and Tammuz. This is where the dual godhead came from.

Indeed there were two beings involved in the creation of the angels and the entire universe. However, only one existed from infinity. We know Him as Yahuwah. The second person was the beginning of creation, a created spirit being, the only Son begotten of the Father. He is known to us today as Yahushua, the Son of Elohim. In pre New Testament times he was known by other names – the Son (ps. 30:4), the Right Arm of Yahuwah (all throughout the OT), the Angel of Yahuwah Elohim (again throughout the OT), and perhaps even Michael, the great prince and archangel (Dan. 12:1). Proof of that is a little sketchy so far.

Whenever someone is trying to pull a fast one on us they will use confusing but sophisticated sounding language to make us feel inferior to them. Most people feel that because he speaks to eloquently, he must know what he is talking about, and buy whatever he is selling. This is the way the Christian religion (starting with the Roman Catholic Church) has operated since its inception, selling a totally different gospel as the authentic one. I have found in my studies that one has to pay particularly close attention to the language used. Sometimes we have to do a little research to find the original language used. Most times the truth is right before our eyes, but since we are looking through the filter of what has already been crammed into our heads, we read right over it without thinking or by habit interpret it automatically as we have been taught. It is only when our beliefs are challenged that we take (or should take) a closer look.




/ˈmɒn ə θiˌɪz əm/ Show Spelled[mon-uh-thee-iz-uh m] Show IPA


the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.

This definition leaves no room for a second or third person of any “godhead”. Only one, Yahuwah Elohim, has ever existed and possessed the power of self-existence from infinity and only one is responsible for planting the seed of life we know as our universe. That seed of life was the only begotten son, Yahushua.

The Son

The Son, Yahushua, did indeed dwell with the Father for some time before the beginning of the creation of angels and the worlds. But that does not mean that he always co-existed beside the Father from infinity. Nor does it mean that he was equal to the Father in the sense that he always existed (like the Father) from infinity. I will get to the scriptural references and a detailed explanation soon, but let’s take a look at the language used in relationship to the Son. One is called the Father and the other His Son. How can anyone misconstrue the meaning of these terms? The word “son” simply means one who came forth from another being (i.e. was created by that person). He was not Yahuwah’s brother, partner, affiliate or anything like that. Yahushua was/is the only begotten Son of Yahuwah. In other words, he came forth from his Father in similar fashion as I came from my father – only he did not have a mother and I did.

How is Yahushua an heir? An heir is someone who inherits something from his parents, the ones who brought him forth or created him. It is the same with Yahushua. He is both the firstborn and only begotten of the Father. “Begotten” is another term that implies that he came forth or was created by the Father. The term “only begotten” implies that he was an only child – the only one of all creation to come directly from the Father. He was, in fact, the Seed of Creation, and from Him all life sprung via the power of the Father that dwelled in Him. As such, he was the only rightful heir to the throne. Yahuwah simply transferred all of His power and authority onto the Son, so that he could not only create the creation but represent Him before the creation (as the Word, Spokesman, Ambassador, Right Hand, etc). The Father, who has always had eternal (self-existent) life, could not perform this duty because of His purity and the impossibility of His ever dying. Anyone possessing eternal self-existing life can never again die. That is the meaning of eternal life. Because of His purity, the Father cannot dwell with incorruption. The power emanating from Him would destroy everything corruptible in His presence. He is the both culmination and source of incorruptibility. The Father needed someone who was of the creation to represent Him and present a perfect reflection of the Father, who could interact with mankind, without destroying them.

A lot of things on earth were fashioned after the heavenly order. If a family had children in ancient times, the firstborn male member would inherit all that his parents have. In the case of royalty, that would include the crown. There was always special favour shown the firstborn. This mimicked the heavenly order where Yahushua was the firstborn and; therefore, enjoyed all the rights of the firstborn. Everything on Earth is modeled after the heavenly. He was also an only child and therefore had no competition. Yahuwah would have had to make sure that His son was incorruptible before creating the rest of creation through him. And, of course, there was no one else around to tempt him to do wrong. Yahushua was the perfect reflection of the Father - incorruptible. However, he did not yet possess eternal life. He would not acquire that until after he achieved his victory over death.

We know that Yahushua was present with the Father at the beginning of creation of the universe and all life in it. That simply implies that he was created/brought forth/born before any of that happened making him the firstborn of the creation of Yahuwah Elohim. He may have existed alone beside the Father for thousands or even millions of our years. During that time he was learning from the Father and being prepared for the role he would later play in the creation of the universe, just as any prince in line to inherit the throne, goes through rigorous training and education to prepare him to assume that role. . I would imagine that a lot of planning went into the creation. It would have made the building of the Empire State Building or the CN Tower look like working with mini-bricks. I would have loved to have been there.

Also there is the question of the change from the Old Covenant and the New. For that to happen, one of the members of the agreement would have to die. And I am not talking about one man or a group or nation of men, but the entire human race. Instead, Yahushua, who represented the Father at all times, was the testator of the Old Covenant and since He did not want to destroy the human race, He sacrificed Himself. The New Covenant began with His resurrection. He was a New Creation, fully Elohim and fully qualified to enact a New Covenant agreement with mankind.

Last but not least we have the Father. Who is He? Where did he come from? How is it possible that he had no beginning? These are the foremost questions most people have when considering His glory. I am sure that these questions will be answered for us someday, but for now we merely need to know that He is the creator of all life as we know it. However, according to Scriptures, it was the Son, not the Father, who did the rest of the creating; but because the Father created the Son, He is ultimately the Creator of all things,

John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.

The progenitors of the Trinity Theory jump all over this verse claiming it is saying that Yahushua was one and the same as the Father. Let’s take a closer look at the wording. First of all, what beginning are we talking about? If the Father had no beginning, it could not be talking about that. “In the beginning was the Word” could just as well mean that Yahushua (the Word) was the beginning of Yahuwah’s creation. He also was with Yahuwah Elohim when the angels were created and later when the worlds (universe) was created. He was Elohim because He came from the Father who was also Elohim. My parents were humans and I came out a human also. What else would I have been? Because we were also created in the image of Elohim, we (both angels and mankind) are also sons and daughters of Elohim – and; therefore, ourselves elohim. To clarify, our present form is only temporary - a stepping stone to becoming fully elohim.

John 10:33 - The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone you not; but for blasphemy; and because that you, being a man, make yourself Elohim.

34 - Yahushua answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, You are elohim?

If he called them elohim, unto whom the word of Elohim came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

36 - Say you of him, whom the Father has sanctified, and sent into the world, You blaspheme; because I said, I am the Son of Elohim?

37 - If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

38 - But if I do, though you believe not me, believe the works: that you may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

If the Scriptures say we are elohim, we are elohim. Yet we are not fully elohim but are more like elohim in the embryo stage.

John 1:2 - The same was in the beginning with Elohim.

Again we have to ask what beginning we are talking about. Yahushua IS the beginning of the creation of Yahuwah Elohim. Therefore, it only stands to reason that He was present for that event.

3 - All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

This is what I have been talking about in other articles comparing Yahuwah to a planter who only planted one Seed; and in that one Seed was the genetic blueprint for the rest of the creation. Yahushua did the creating but the Father supplied him with the power of His spirit to do so.

4 - In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

We come back full swing to the ‘one seed” theory. Just as the life of an earthly plant is in the seed, so did all life in the universe spring from the one seed that Yahuwah sowed. It was the Father who gave Yahushua the power to create life by transferring upon him a full measure of His spirit and to show mankind the way to eternal life; therefore, life, or the source of it was in him when he was created and he is the light that draws mankind to the Way of Yahuwah.

And yet there remained one factor missing. Yahushua was not yet a completed creation. It was the power of the Father in him that was doing all the creating. Yahushua did not yet have eternal life; and by eternal life I mean the capability of sustaining one’s own existence. He did not acquire that until he was brought forth from the dead. Now only he and the Father possess this quality.

Many mistakenly think that the angels have eternal life, but that is false. Even they have to stand in the judgment and their reward for righteousness is exactly as our – eternal life. We will be JUST LIKE the Father – a source of life creating power – ready to bring life to the rest of the universe and perhaps eventually to create our own universes. The angels might enjoy a very long life span, but they do not yet possess eternal life, else why would they need to be judged? How could HaSatan and his followers have sinned if they already possessed inherent eternal life that can only be gained by achieving total incorruption? We do know from Scriptures that the fallen angels will be destroyed in the lake of fire. No one possessing eternal life can ever be destroyed. On the flip side, no one who remains corruptible can ever attain eternal life.

The prophet Ezekiel describes the end and destruction of HaSatan:

Ezek. 28:16 - By the multitude of your merchandise they have filled the midst of you with violence, and you hast sinned: therefore I will cast you as profane out of the mountain of Elohim: and I will destroy you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

18 - You hast defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities, by the iniquity of your traffic; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of you, it shall devour you, and I will bring you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold you.

19 - All they that know you among the people shall be astonished at you: you shall be a terror, and never shall you be any more.

This is what being created in the likeness of Yahuwah means. He is creating a family. He is reproducing Himself. When I think of the creation and the thought that went into it, I am totally awed by the degree of intelligence and knowledge the Father must possess; and one day we are going to possess all of His intelligence and knowledge, too. This is what any good father would do, pass on all of his knowledge and experience onto his children.

This is what Paul had to say on the subject.

Col. 1:15 - Who is the image of the invisible Elohim, the firstborn of every creature:



/ˈkri tʃər/ Show Spelled[kree-cher] Show IPA



an animal, especially a nonhuman: the creatures of the woods and fields; a creature from outer space.


anything created, whether animate or inanimate.


person; human being: She is a charming creature. The driver of a bus is sometimes an irritable creature.


an animate being.


a person whose position or fortune is owed to someone or something and who continues under the control or influence of that person or thing: The cardinal was a creature of Louis XI.

Col. 1:18 - And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

19 - For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;

A creature is one whose existence is a result of being created. Here Yahushua is being compared to the all the other creatures (Col. 1:15). Yes, we are creatures, but not in the creepy sense that Hollywood depicts creatures in its horror flicks. Paul is quite clear that Yahushua was “the firstborn of every creature”, i.e. the beginning of the creation of Yahuwah Elohim. He cannot be both a creature (product of creation) and an eternal living spirit, else what did his sacrifice gain Him? If He already had this eternal life, what was there for Him to inherit?

Obviously the Hebrews knew that Yahuwah had a son because it says so in Proverbs 30:

Prov. 30:4 - Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name, if you can tell?

Why would Yahuwah have asked this question if His son did not already exist? How would anyone know his name if he did not exist?

Col. 1:16 - For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Again, Yahushua was likely filled with the Father’s spirit from the day he was created and therefore possessed the power of his Father to create the universe and all life in it. He was the perfect reflection of Yahuwah by the full measure of the Father’s spirit of truth dwelling in him. All things were created by him and for him, meaning that Yahuwah created the Son for this express reason. Yahushua did do the creating, but the Father created him: therefore, the glory for all creation goes to the Father.

17 - And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Yahushua was created before anything else in the creation – before the angels, before the worlds. He was the beginning of the creation of Yahuwah. It was only Yahushua and his Father for some undefined period of time before anything else was created. Don’t forget that time as we know it, does not exist outside the Earth’s atmosphere and that one day in heaven is one thousand years on earth.

18 - And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

One part of Yahushua’s glory is being the firstborn (beginning) of all creation. Another part of his glory is being the firstborn from the dead and firstborn into the new creation (or the completion of the creation process). Yahushua “is the beginning” of the original creation. He is also the first to be raised from the dead to the full glory that is purposed for each and every one of us. Therefore, he is the firstborn of the new creation of Elohim of those who are the exact likeness of the Father. Having eternal life means that we will be our own source of life. We will no longer be dependent on any other being for the continuation of life. We cannot ever again die. Yahushua has “preeminence” in all things since he was originally the firstborn of all creation, and He is also the firstborn of the new creation. Thus he enjoys the rights of firstborn in both cases.

Still not convinced? Good. I love a challenge.

Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth.

I happen to be a believer in the “Gap Theory” – that there was a gap of undetermined time between verse 1 and verse 2 of Genesis. Not that I believe 100% in the accuracy of carbon dating but by the fact that we are approaching the end the Great Cycle. The Great Cycle is the length of time it takes our solar system to complete its orbit around the Milky Way. That length of time is 25,625 years. December 21, 2012 marks the end of that cycle. On that date the Earth will be back in the very same place in the universe where it was 25,625 years ago. Obviously if the Earth is at the end of this cycle, it must have existed at the beginning of it. Whether the Earth is more than 25, 625 years old and has experienced more than one Great Cycle is not known, but it is at least that old.

Therefore, verses one and two are talking of two separate beginnings – one the creation of the worlds and the other the seeding of the atmosphere of the Earth to support life and in particular, mankind.

2 - And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters.

What have we learned about man’s endeavors to explore space so far? We have learned that water is essential to any possibility of physical life. The Mars Explorer is searching desperately for any signs of water or microbes on that planet, as proof that life may have existed there at one time. So far they have come up empty. Therefore, Yahushua had to alter the Earth’s atmosphere first, to produce a breathable atmosphere and water. Some contend that He bombarded the earth with algae, which in turn produced out atmosphere and water.

Gen. 1:26 - And Elohim said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

27 - So Elohim created man in his own image, in the image of Elohim created he him; male and female created he them.

The term “Elohim” is generally accepted as a uni-plural word. However, there is also a singular form of the word, Eloah. Although the term Eloah is rarely used in the Scriptures, where it does appear, it is referring to the Father alone. Here the use of the words “us” and “our” implies plurality. So, we know that we have at least two Elohim doing this work. It is also possible that the angels were included by this term as well for it is not limited to merely two beings. Throughout the Scriptures angels are referred to as both “sons of Elohim” and as elohim. That means that the angels were created in the Father’s image as was mankind, making us all both sons of Elohim and Elohim. Moshe was to be “as Elohim” before the pharaoh of Egypt and before the children of Israel. The ancient judges of Israel were also referred to as elohim.

What is it that makes us so different from the rest of the creatures on Earth? It is the fact that we were created in the Father’s image and are creator beings just like our Heavenly Father. We create what we need in our daily lives to make our existence more comfortable – i.e. clothing, shelter, gardens, roads and means of transportation. There is no physical reason for this difference that our scientists can determine. Of course, they do not take into account a spiritual connection.

Gen.2:7 - And Yahuwah Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

There are instances in the New Testament where Yahushua breathed the spirit of Yahuwah onto his disciples. I believe that the terminology used here infers the same thing – that along with the breath of life, he breathed on the first man a portion of the spirit of Yahuwah, and this is what separates mankind from the rest of the earthly creatures. The Book of Jasher has it that Elohim breathed into man the power of speech.

Another thing to note here is that man is a living soul, he does not possess one. In fact all creatures are living souls. A soul is not some supernatural thing separate from the body.

The following passage of Scripture is a controversial one. Progenitors of the Trinity Theory deny the messianic slant to these verses and insist that the author is still talking of wisdom in the feminine sense. However, we must, once again, look at the language used here.

Prov. 8:22 - Yahuwah possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.

If this is talking about wisdom, wouldn’t Yahuwah always have possessed it? Yahuwah possessed Yahushua in the sense that He filled Yahushua with His spirit and was thereby fully indwelling the son and living his life through him. One possible reason for doing it this way is that since the son was a created being, he could exist with corruption without destroying everything in his path. The power and the purity of the Father is such that no form of corruption can survive His presence. Why is it here giving a time frame from when He possessed it? In 1 Cor. 1:24, Yahushua is described as the Wisdom and the Power of Yahuwah. His “works of old” were the creating of the worlds. The “beginning of His way” began with the creation of Yahushua.

23 - I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.

This verse confirms what I said above. The term “set up” as used here means the same thing as “brought forth”, born or created. From everlasting could mean that he was in his Father’s loins from everlasting, destined since everlasting to be the saviour of mankind. In other words, Yahuwah’s plan could have been figured out well in advance of the creation of Yahushua, the beginning of the creation of Yahuwah. And if he was set up before the earth was, he definitely pre-existed his earthly manifestation.

24 - When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water.

25 - Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth:

26 - While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.

Again “brought forth” means exactly the same thing as created. The author seems to be stressing this point for clarification.

27 - When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the q depth:

28 - When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:

29 - When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:

Would it not already be assumed that Yahuwah’s wisdom was with Him when he performed these actions? Wouldn’t Yahuwah’s wisdom have been with Him since infinity? What reason was there for making this statement if not talking about the Son, the beginning of Yahuwah’s creation?

30 - Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;

31 - Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.

The term, “brought up with him” is used quite frequently of a child being “brought up” with his or her parents. One can only imagine what it would have been like being Yahushua, the beginning of the creation of Yahuwah – Father and Son – alone – for an unknown length of time. He knows the Father like no other being in existence; and from the sound of this verse, theirs was a very joyful existence. Even though most of mankind has turned their backs on Yahuwah, we are still his delight. This speaks volumes of Yahuwah’s capacity for love. Like any human prince in line for the throne, Yahushua was “brought up” in a special way that would have prepared him for what was to come. He was learning to become that perfect reflection of the Father. He was “brought up” to intercede for the Father with the creation. He was “brought up” to be trusted with the enormous responsibility and special privilege that His Father created him for.

32 - Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.

The ways of Yahushua are the exact same as the ways of Yahuwah. They think, speak and act as one. According to John’s report in chapter 17 of his gospel, the son prayed earnestly that all of his followers become one with Yahuwah as He and the Father are one. This cannot be talking of the two of them being one and the same person; else it would mean that Yahushua was praying that that all of his followers somehow become one and the same person as the Father as well. That is not only impossible, but ludicrous as well.

33 - Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.

34 - Blessed is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.

The doors talked about here is the doors that Yahushua opened for all of mankind, offering them free, unobstructed access to the Father. The Son is the Word that we listen to; and we who actually hear and comprehend him receive a blessing – the opening of those doors (along with the opening of our minds and our hearts to receive the Messiah and allow him to indwell us).

35 - For whosoever finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of Yahuwah.

What is it that we read back in John 1:4? “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.Who else could this verse be talking about but the son, Yahushua? Life (the Father) was in Yahushua from the day he was created. Yahushua now possesses eternal inherent life and is no longer dependent on the Father for His continued existence. Therefore, He is qualified to grant life to His followers. Of course, this does not nullify the fact that that life originally came from the Father.

36 - But he that sins against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

Wrongs his own soul” simply implies that he wrongs his own existence, or the purpose of that existence.

all they that hate me love death” – Death is the penalty for sin. It was Yahushua who delivered the law to mankind that defined sin. All sin is directed first against Yahushua and through him against the Father. The death talked about is eternal death.

The wording in Exodus 23, where speaking of the Angel of Yahuwah, is quite similar to Psalm 8:36. The authors of the New King James capitalized the word Angel to imply deity or representation of a deity (i.e. the Son). In other words they recognized that these verses were talking of the Son as a created spirit being; yet they still insist on a triune godhead.

Ex. 23:20 - Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.

21 - Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him.

In this case "Angel is capitalized, denoting deity. The Father's name was in Him. Yahushua was the only being of the creation to fully possess the authority of the Father before the rest of creation. It is easy to see how man confused Him with the Father. The fact that this "Angel" had the power to forgive sins, reveals who He really was.

Matt 3:16 - And Yahushua, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

17 - And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Mark 1:10 - And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

11 - And there came a voice from heaven, saying, You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Luke 3:22 - And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, You are my beloved Son; in you I am well pleased.

In these passages the Father identifies His son in front of all the witnesses present. He does not hide or mask his identity as in the OT where he is usually introduced as "Elohim", an "Angel" or the ‘’right arm” or "Word" of Yahuwah.

Yahushua’s Own Words

Let’s now examine Yahushua’s own words in this regard.

Matt. 22:41 - While the Pharisees were gathered together, Yahushua asked them, Saying, What think ye of the Messiah? Whose son is he? They said unto him, The Son of David.

42 - He said unto them, How then does David in spirit call him Master, saying,

Why would Yahushua have to wait on the Father to make his enemies his footstool if he were already fully co-equaled with the Father? Why would he invite him to sit on his right side if they were one and the same person? How is it possible for anyone to sit beside himself?

43 - If David then call him Master, how is he his son?

44 - And no man was able to answer him a word, neither dared any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.

Yahushua was the son of David through his human genealogy. He was David’s Lord or Master Because He was the Elohim through whom David worshiped the Father. He is the specially appointed Elohim, who was the mirror image of his Father who interacted with mankind on the Father’s behalf. He is the one referred to as Elohim throughout the Scriptures. The Father and Son are one spiritually and thus when we address the Son were are addressing the Father at the same time. The Father is distinguished from the Son by the designation, Yahuwah Elohim or Eloah.

John 6:32 - Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.

33 - For the bread of Elohim is he which cometh down from heaven, and gives life unto the world.

Yahushua is the bread that came down from heaven. He is also the one who gave/gives life to mankind both physically and spiritually. His word leads us to eternal life and is our bread and meat (spiritually speaking). Before he came, mankind faced only death. He had no hope of resurrection from the grave until the Messiah offered himself up as the only perfect sacrifice for sin.

John 8:41 - …Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even Elohim.

42 - Jesus said unto them, If Elohim were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from Elohim; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 - Why do ye not understand my speech?

Yahushua was saying here that even though these Jews were born of Yahuwah they followed their progenitor, Adam, in choosing HaSatan as their Elohim and father over Yahuwah. In rejecting the Messiah they were once again rejecting the Father as well. In killing him they symbolically killed the Father as well. That is why the Jews did not comprehend his speech. They established their own doctrine as presented in the Talmud and put that before the Torah, which they were spiritually blind to. Also, the Son was both born of the Father and was sent by the Father.

John 8:54 - Yahushua answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honours me; of whom you say, that he is your Elohim:

55 - Yet you have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying.

If Yahushua were one and the same being as the Father He would indeed be justified in honouring Himself. Instead He honored the One who was greater, the Father who created Him. The Father honored His Son by appointing Him over all things – i.e. the creation and the way to eternal life. He honoured him again when He granted Him eternal (self-existent) life in the new creation, of which He was again the firstborn. Yahushua knows the Father like no one else. He dwelt with the Father alone before any of the rest of creation was created. They became united in spirit and purpose. In this manner only is He one with the Father. And, how could He be the firstborn of the new creation if he were not one of the creation in the first place?

John 12:27 - Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. 28 - Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.

Yahuwah glorified His Son's name when He first created Yahushua and again when He raised him from the grave as the firstborn of the new creation.

29 - The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spoke to him.

30 - Yahushua answered and said,

This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.

31 - Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. 32 - And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

Some think that Yahushua raised himself from the grave. This is all part of the Trinity/Binity theory, believing since he was one and the same as the Father or two beings of equal status that Yahushua had the power to resurrect himself. This is simply not true. Part of Yahushua’s glory was that he divested himself of all his former glory to become 100% human. To truly be an example to mankind, he had to go through all the stages that a human must go through – birth, life and death. He was graveyard dead when he was in the tomb for three days and nights.



/dɛθ/ Show Spelled[deth] Show IPA



the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism. Compare brain death.


an instance of this: a death in the family; letters published after his death.


the state of being dead: to lie still in death.


extinction; destruction: It will mean the death of our hopes.


manner of dying: a hero's death.


Yahushua was made 100% flesh and blood when he was manifested on Earth in human form. He had to be 100% human for his example to be genuine. He had to go through the exact same process as man to prove that the Father’s word was true and reliable. That means that he had to be as dead as any human would be – totally dead, with no conscious thought at all. How then could he raise himself from the grave? That would not have been something any human would nor could experience. Yahushua was 100% dead and dependant on the Father for resurrection from death, just like any of us will someday be. Having the power to raise himself from the grave any time he wanted, would have made his example totally bogus – a lie. It had to be the real deal or his first coming would have been a total waste of time. He always prayed to the Father – the one who was greater than he, both as his Father and his Elohim. He was 100% dependent upon the Father to resurrect him from the grave just like we are. He resurrected others while he walked the Earth by the Father’s spirit dwelling in him, but that spirit left him just before his crucifixion. That is why he asked of his Father on the stake (or tree), “My Elohim, my Elohim, why have you forsaken me?” He was totally on his own like any human would be.

Yahushua always knew by what manor he was to experience death and went willingly to his sacrifice because he knew that was the purpose for which he was sent. This is what is pictured when Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac. Just as Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only begotten son (from Sarah), so was Yahuwah willing to sacrifice His only begotten son for the salvation of mankind and glorification of His name. When Yahushua asked that the Father glorify His name, he meant glorify His name through and in Him. The Father answered from heaven that He had already glorified his name in the Son and would glorify it again. He was glorified in his appointment over all things spiritual and physical, being the firstborn of all creation and soon would be glorified again as the firstborn from the dead and the firstborn of the new creation. His purpose was to cast down the prince of this world, HaSatan, and reclaim the crown which would have been his if Adam had not rejected him. He knew that through his death and resurrection he would eventually draw all men who were of the Father to him.

John 12:44 - Yahushua cried and said, He that believe on me, believe not on me, but on him that sent me.

Again, Yahushua was directing all worship towards the Father who was greater than he. Only those who believed on the Father in sincerity and truth were able to recognize Yahushua and hear and understand his words. So, will it be when he returns. Only those who believe in the Father in all sincerity and truth will recognize him. Yahushua warned the people to listen to the Pharisees because they “sit in Moshe’s seat” and what they spoke was true enough, but their actions made them hypocrites. Therefore, they did not honour Elohim with all sincerity and truth. In return Yahuwah cursed their hearing of the word so that they would not understand Yahushua’s words. In the reverse order, since they did not believe in Yahushua, neither did they believe in the Father – but rather HaSatan was the "true god” they worshipped (although they were not aware that they were).

45 - And he that sees me sees him that sent me.

46 - I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believes on me should not abide in darkness. 47 - And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 - He that rejects me, and receives not my words, has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. 49 - For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. 50 - And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.

Both Trinitarians and Binitarians use verse 45 to support their mistaken assumption that they were two parts of the same being, not two literally separate beings. They fail to recognize that the son was created, raised up and trained as an only child to be the perfect refection of the Father that we were ALL purposed to be. Since it is the inclination of all men to worship a “god”” they can see, the Father gave them exactly what they wanted and still they did not believe. If Yahushua were to come again as a man, the world would again kill him. We cannot blame the Jews for killing him. No matter what nation he came to, the result would have been the same. It was for this purpose that the Father sent him.

Yahushua was sent to be the light of the world, but the worldly religions that had brought on the darkness, and those brought up in them could not comprehend the light. HaSatan so completely brainwashed them that they were expecting something totally different (a military type of saviour that free them of Roman oppression) and; Therefore, refused to believe that Yahushua was the promised Messiah. In a number of cases, pagan religions were already worshipping a messiah of sorts and could not fathom the difference between the real deal and their false messiahs. Yet Yahushua did not come to judge the unbelievers at that time. He came to save as many as the Father called.

The One who would judge the unbelievers will be the Father who will judge them on the last day of their existence. Although I am not sure, it is my hope that the truth will be revealed to them at that time and they will have one last chance to repent. I do have many loved ones who fall under the category of unbelievers (as I am sure we all do) and am deeply concerned about them. In verses 47 and 48 Yahushua affirms that it will be the Father who judges us in the last day.

The son was like an ambassador for his Father. He spoke only what he was commanded of by the Father (the king), the One who was greater than he (the prince). He brought with him the commandment of the Father that would lead men to eternal life.

John 13:12 - So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you?

13 - Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. 14 - If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 - For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. 16 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. 17 - If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.

What Yahushua is saying to his disciples is that they did well to call him Lord and Master (i.e. Elohim), but that the Father was greater than he. How could one part of the same person be greater than the other part? The Father was greater because He was the creator of all life – including Yahushua’s. Yahushua himself, though the only begotten son and imbued with all the power of the Father, remained a servant, and in that sense was no different from the disciples. He washed their feet demonstrating that he was merely a servant of the Most High Elohim just like they. How can anyone be a servant unto himself? Yahushua was the servant of the One who was greater – a totally separate being with a separate glory. Yahushua was also demonstrating that the disciples, also, were to be servants too, as well as rulers over those who would follow after them.

John 13:31 - Therefore, when he was gone out, Yahushua said, Now is the Son of man glorified, and Elohim is glorified in him.

32 - If Elohim be glorified in him, Elohim shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him.

This passage follows Judas” leaving the dinner table to betray Yahushua. Yahushua knew that he was soon to be glorified of the Father, but also, that the Father would be glorified through him once his followers witnessed his resurrection. We have here two separate beings with their own individual glories. The Fathers glory is that of being the ultimate source of all life. The son’s glory is that of being the firstborn and rightful heir of both creations – the present and the new. Yahushua will again be glorified when he conquers HaSatan, sin and death. HaSatan can already be referred to as “dead man walking” as he inches ever closer to his destruction. Another part of Yahushua’s glory was being the first of all created beings to complete the creation process and be granted eternal life. To say that Yahushua was equal to the Father in any way is to deny this particular part of Yahushua’s glory. To say that Yahushua always had eternal life like the Father, also denies this part of the Father's glory. If Yahushua always possessed eternal life, his human example would have been totally bogus and he would have confirmed HaSatan’s lie that we are “already elohim”, that we will “not surely die” and had no need to be judged and resurrected from the grave. It was HaSatan who inspired the belief of all worldly religions that we go immediately to heaven and eternal life the moment we die – no need of judgment and no need of resurrection from the dead. On top of that, if Yahushua already had eternal (self-existent) life, it would not have been possible for him to become corruptible flesh and blood or die. Corruption cannot inherit in corruption; and the opposite is also true - once one has inherited incorruption, they can no longer approach corruption without destroying it. The two simply cannot exist in the same space.

John 14:5 - Thomas said unto him, Master, we know not where you go; and how can we know the way?

6 - Yahushua said unto him,

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me. 7 - If you had known me, you should have known my Father also: and from henceforth you know him, and have seen him. 8 - Philip said unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffices us. 9 - Yahushua said unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? He that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father? 10 - Believe you not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he does the works. 11 - Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.

This is another passage that the Trinitarians and Binitarians use to support their claim of one Creator made up of two or three different parts. They simply cannot let go of their pagan roots and: therefore, love the darkness. Yahushua is currently the High Priest and King of all the creation. He is the mediator between the creation and the creator. This includes angels as well as mankind. No man can access the Father save through him. Since he was the perfect reflection of the Father, anyone that saw him saw the Father also. In Yahushua’s final prayer in John 17, Yahushua prays that the apostles and all who follow after them be one with the Father as he was. Does that mean that we are all going to be stuffed into the same literal body of the Father? NO! It means that we are to be one mentally, spiritually and emotionally with the Father as a man and wife are meant to be. Does a son born of a human father share the same body? Of course not! That would be ridiculous. How then, in this one and only case, is the only begotten Son of Yahuwah and the meaning of the word “son” suddenly translated to mean something totally different by the Trinitarians and Binitarians? Theirs is nothing more than one of the strange doctrines talked about repeatedly in the letters of the apostles written to the various assemblies. When we are baptized, it is a sign that we have repented, believe and are opening the door to the Father to dwell in us through His set apart spirit – the spirit of truth. From that moment on we live for and in the Father, not ourselves.

John 16:28 - I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.

John, again, is talking of three different things in the same sentence here. Yahushua “came forth” from the Father in the sense of being the only begotten son created by the Father, the firstborn of all creation. He came into the world as a human to complete his perfecting – taking on human form so that he might feel what we feel and be sensitive to our infirmities making him a more compassionate High Priest. He did not return to his same station of office with the Father he formerly held, but that of a brand new creation, possessing eternal, self-existent life – being both the source of his own continued existence and possessing the power to create life independently from the Father. This is exactly what is purposed for all the sons of Yahuwah, both men and angels, so that one day we will together bring life to the entire universe.

How could Yahushua be the firstborn of the new creation if he were not part of the original? How could he be the firstborn of every creature if he were not a creature (product of the creation) himself? What would have been the purpose of his coming at all if he were already fully Elohim, already possessing eternal life? It had to have been one of the creation to complete this task, else his entire example would be bogus. He came to show how we could be born into the new creation, by himself completing the perfecting phase and moving on to become the firstborn creature of the new creation that we all are intended to become.

John 18:37 - Pilate therefore said unto him, Are you a king then? Jesus answered, You say that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth hears my voice.

Again John is talking of both Yahushua’s original creation and his human birth. He was created as the only begotten son and heir to everything that is his Father’s. Like any prince he was raised up and trained differently than the others – to become king. This was the purpose Yahuwah had in mind for him when he first begot him. If he were already one and the same being as the Father, would he not already be eternal? What better witness could there be than one of the creation who was raised up with the Father, through whom He created all things. His witness was true, yet all of the educated priests, Sadducees and Pharisees could not comprehend what he was saying. If they had of truly been of the Father they would also have been of the truth and would have clearly understood Yahushua. The only thing that being educated in a rabbinical or theological facility does for a person is complete his brainwashing. They are much like doctors, acting like they are “gods” themselves, when they barely know anything beyond what is in their text books. Both Jews and Christians are guilty of putting their man-made doctrines and traditions before the true word of Yahuwah. This is evident in the Jewish Talmud and the way the Christian translators have fraudulently interpreted the New Testament.

John 20:17 - Yahushua saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my Elohim, and your Elohim.

According to the Torah when one touches a dead body they are contaminated and must go through a purification process for 7 days – remaining isolated “outside the camp”. Yahushua had to yet appear before the Father and show himself approved (be judged) before graduating to eternal life and his newly created body. Why would this have been at all necessary if he were already fully the Father or fully like the Father? No! This was something totally new for the Messiah, a state he had never known before. This ascension had to have been quite short time-wise, because later the same day he was back inviting his disciples to touch where he had been wounded. He was no longer defiled by death but had been rewarded with eternal life. Again, eternal life means that it is IMPOSSIBLE to ever die again. Therefore, Yahushua could not have possessed eternal life before hand else it would have been impossible for him to become flesh or die. The Trinity/Binity theories completely deny the meaning of eternal life and that Yahushua’s sacrifice was genuine. It makes Yahuwah out to be the liar and HaSatan the author of truth. It is total and absolute blaspheme against the Most High, even though they blaspheme out of ignorance and are not aware that they are blaspheming Yahuwah’s name in doing so.

Yahuwah was Yahushua’s Father in exactly the same way he is our Father – the source of our existence. Yahuwah is Yahushua’s Elohim, also, in the exact same manner as He is ours – the One who created us and gave us life: and the only One capable of judging us and granting eternal life to all who graduate into the new creation.

The Book of Hebrews

I am now going to jump to the book of Hebrews, as I believe that gives the more sure evidence of Yahushua’s nature.

Heb. 1:1 - Elohim, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 - Has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

If Yahushua had no beginning, like the Father, why did he have to be “appointed heir of all things”? Would he not have already possessed them? The statement, “by whom also he made the worlds”, leaves no room for argument that the son pre-existed his human manifestation and played a significant role in the creation. He also pre-existed the creation of the angelic realm and the universe itself, but that only confirms that he was the firstborn of all creation and was not yet a completed creation even though he obviously had proven by his faith in and obedience to the Father before he could represent Yahuwah as His perfect reflection. He was; therefore, eligible for progression into the new creation before he created the rest of creation but had to stick to the Father’s game plan, which was for him to become the perfect sacrifice for sin and the perfect example which we all have to follow to complete the salvation process.

3 - Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

The Father’s glory is that of being the Eternal Living Creator of the universe who has existed since infinity. The brightness of His glory would be the pride of His creation, the brightness of the Father’s glory and the express image of His (the Father’s) person, His only begotten Son - Yahushua. It was only after he purged our sins, conquered death and was raised to eternal life that he qualified to sit at the right hand of Yahuwah Elohim for the remainder of eternity. Was there a chance that he could have failed in his mission? He did have free will like all the rest of creation, and so, there was always that possibility, yet his choice was to remain true to his Father and what Yahuwah had purposed for him. He was tempted of HaSatan the same way we are yet remained true to the Father. He could not have been tempted as we are if he was always eternal as the Father is. No one can be eternal if there remains any possibility of succumbing to temptation and corruption afterword.

4 - Being made so much better than the angels, as he has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

Yahushua was made better than the angels by his trial and sacrifice, and by being the firstborn into the new creation. If of the same stature as the Father would he not have always been much better than the angels? Would he have not always had a more excellent name than they? Why is he being compared to the angels at all if he were not a created spirit being (a product of the creation), just like they?

5 - For unto which of the angels said he at any time, You are my Son, this day have I begotten you? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?

Again the word “begotten” means give birth to, brought forth or created. One is the Father, the other the Son – no different than an earthly father and son. Also, just like an earthly father and son, they are two separate and distinct individuals, not two beings rolled into one. They were only one in the sense that they thought spoke and acted as one, similar to the way it was purposed for a man and wife to become one. On the day that he was resurrected Yahushua became the first begotten (created) of the new creation. Again and again he is compared to the rest of creation and, in particular, the angelic realm. The human experience of a man and woman being joined in marriage and becoming one flesh truly is a mirror of the relationship between the Father and Son.

Upon his creation, the Son entered into the same covenant (legal agreement) with the Father that Israel entered. In Yahushua’s case, he always remained faithful to that covenant. In Israel case, they always played the harlot. In this respect we are not to be content imitating Israel or limiting ourselves to our "Hebrew roots", but must go beyond that in becoming like our eldest brother, Yahushua.

This does not mean that they physically become one person. It simply means that they think, speak and act as one person – in perfect and total agreement with one another.

Heb. 1:6 - And again, when he brought in the firstbegotten into the world, he said, And let all the angels of Elohim worship him.

He was already the first begotten before he was brought into the world. He was the beginning of creation and the only one of the angelic realm ever to be changed into human form and the first of men born of a woman but fathered by Yahuwah. After his perfecting Yahushua became worthy of worship. He is now in every way like the Father save that he did not always exist like the Father. He was the first of all creation to complete the creation process and receive eternal life – the reward for faith and obedience to the only one at that time capable of granting eternal life – the Father. Only now is Yahushua of equal substance, eternal as the Father is eternal, save only that he did not always exist with the Father.

7 - And of the angels he said, Who made his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

8 - But unto the Son he said, Your throne, O Elohim, is forever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom.

Why should there be any question of Yahushua’s throne being forever and ever if he were already fully Elohim (eternal) as the Father is? Would not this throne have always been his? You won’t find any such statement concerning the Father anywhere in the Scriptures. That was always assumed.

9 - You have loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore Elohim, even your Elohim, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows.

The prime reason for Yahushua’s special anointment is because he loved righteousness (gained through obedience to the law) and hated iniquity (disobedience to the law). In other words he loved the laws of his Father and obeyed them to the letter. His love and obedience was so great that he was appointed as the Word of Yahuwah before the rest of creation. He was anointed “above your fellows”. His fellows naturally had to be his fellow created spirit beings – other angels. Yahushua is an Elohim as is his Father for he came forth from the Father. The Father is Yahushua’s Elohim, just as He is ours. He is the Father of all created beings created in his likeness. All such beings are considered Elohim even though they have not yet completed the creation process.

13 - But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool?

Once again Yahushua is being compared to angels and had to qualify to sit on the right hand of the Father. He was dependent on the Father to make his enemies his footstool. Does this sound like someone who has always enjoyed the same nature of Yahuwah or has always possessed the power of eternal life?

Heb. 2:6 - But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that you are mindful of him? or the son of man, that you visit him? 7 -You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honour, and did set him over the works of your hands:

How does all this fit concerning the son if he had indeed co-existed with the Father as His equal since infinity? If he already possessed eternal life, what need was there for him to go through all of this? How could it have even been possible? Again he is compared to angels being made a little lower than them (a man), being crowned with glory and honour, and being set over His works. Wouldn’t he have always been crowned with glory and honour? Why was he set over the work of the Father’s hands if he were one and the same being as the Father? To say that he was appointed to a position that he already held is simply absurd.

8 - You have put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.

Wouldn’t all things have always in subjection under his feet if he were fully equal to the Father or if he and the Father were co-parts of the same being? Why would Yahuwah have had to put all things under his subjection? If one and the same as the Father or equal to him in any way, would not all things have already been under his subjection? we do not yet see all things put under his subjection becuse we ar not yet born of the Kingdom.

9 - But we see Yahushua, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of Elohim should taste death for every man.

Yahushua was made lower than the angels by being made a man, born of a human mother, but Fathered by the spirit of Yahuwah, for the suffering of death. He was crowned with a glory and honour that he never before possessed. He tasted death for every man by the grace of Elohim. He was glorified by the Father after he completed this final stage of the creation process. This would not have been possible for someone who already has eternal life. Having eternal life means that death is no longer possible. To receive eternal life one has to prove that he is beyond corruption. This proof was not completely manifested in Yahushua until he, of himself, passed the final test – obedience unto death. He couild only perform ths test by becoming completely human. Yahushua did not have eternal life before his death and resurrection. He was as much in need of salvation as any of the rest of creation. He was dependant on the Father for this salvation. If he had not passed his final test, he would have remained in the grave to this very day. He was created to be the example for all the rest of creation (created in Yahuwah's likeness) to follow. This includes both the angels and mankind. He was not crowned with the glory and honour of being the first to complete the creation process and become fully as the Father until after his victory over death.

Heb. 2:10 - For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

Why would Yahushua have to have been made perfect through sufferings? If he always coexisted with the Father as an equal, or was part of the same being, would he not have already been perfect? The only logical conclusion here is that he was imperfect before his sufferings. He was not yet a complete creation. Now he is.

11 - For both he that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

He who sanctifies is Yahushua and those who are sanctified are all who are created in the likeness of the Father and called out to special service before all of creation. We are one with Yahuwah when we demonstrate our faith through obedience following Yahushua’s example. We are brothers in two ways; as created creatures in the likeness of the Father and having to experience death to complete the creation process (by obedience unto death) to gain salvation. Death is the most feared thing for anyone born of the creation. Being obedient unto death is the ultimate test of our faith and obedience, just like it was for Yahushua. Of course, there will be some alive at the time of Yahushua’s return who will be simply changed in an instant without having experienced physical death, but these will only be ones whom Yahuwah fully knows are already beyond corruption.

Heb. 3:1 - Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, the Messiah, Yahushua;

2 - Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house.

This is the only passage where I can recall the Messiah being referred to as the Apostle as well as the High Priest. Both are offices of a created being. Why is Yahushua’s faith is compared to the faith of Moshe – a mere man? A high priest always serves one who is greater. Being faithful to the One who appointed him means that Yahushua was faithful to One who was greater. They were definitely not two parts of the same being or equal in substance in any way, shape or form, else the Son would not have any need of such an appointment.

Parson’s Bible Dictionary


He was faithful (obedient) to the one who sent him and appointed him over all things. Now he is being compared to Moshe, another created being who was also faithful and obedient to the Only True Creator Elohim.

3 - For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house.

It was always Yahushua that interacted with mankind right from the Garden of Eden. It was he who spoke to Moshe from the burning bush, brought all the plagues on Egypt, parted the Red Sea, spoke to the Israelites atop Mt. Sinai and fought the enemies of Israel. It was Yahushua who established or “builded” the “House of Israel”. Israel was the house. Moshe was the first head of that house under Yahushua. Naturally Yahushua would have been “counted worthy of more glory than Moshe”. Yet he does not share the same glory as the Father in that he did not always exist with him. Even though Yahuwah created all things through him, Yahushua remains part of the creation – the firstborn.

4 - For every house is built by some man; but he that built all things is Elohim.

It was the Father indeed that built all things with Yahushua being the beginning of His creation and His workman who completed the rest of creation. Every house is built by some man” – i.e. a citizen of the creation – since it is man’s inclination to gather around himself others of like beliefs, creating a type of house, whether it be his own family, a small group of friends, a religion, a domination of any religion, a political party, etc. Meanwhile, Yahuwah (the designer) is creating his own house, for and through the Son (the builder and fellow citizen of the creation) of individuals totally and completely devoted to Him (the Father) in whom “there is no guile”. They can never again be subject to deceit, temptaion and corruption.

5 - And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after;

Moshe was a type of the Saviour. He physically saved them from slavery and oppression in Egypt; but at the same time he saved many of them from eternal death also. Moshe will most definitely be rewarded for his faith when brought up in the resurrection just like Yahushua was. Moshe served Yahuwah and was therefore a servant. In like manner Yahushua was also a servant of the Father.

6 - But the Messiah as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

We who believe and earnestly seek after Yahuwah through His Son are of the house of Mashiyack (and ultimately Yahuwah). The Levitical priesthood no longer exists (officially), though the Jews still carry on as if it does. The official priesthood that exists today is that of Melchizadek, who we will get to momentarily. The Jews do not recognize Yahushua and; therefore, do not recognize his office or any change in the priesthood. I have met some along my journey who completely gone back to Judaism. This is because they believed a man and did not take the question to Yahuwah himself (via His written word). If they had of taken the time to do their own study, Yahuwah would have revealed the truth to them. There was no official “New Testament” when the apostles were alive and witnessing of HaMashiyack. They proved his Messiahship by the Old Testament alone. Yahuwah’s spirit of truth revealed these facts to them. That same spirit will reveal the truth to us as well when we take the time to investigate.

The hope referred to here is the hope of salvation. Salvation is not something we receive at baptism. We are not “once saved, always saved”. We merely receive the hope of salvation. We can “hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope” by remaining obedient to every word (including the laws) “firm unto the end.” This is exactly what Yahushua did both in his pre-incarnate state and his human state, and this is how he graduated as firstborn of the new creation. We will not be officially saved until born of the Kingdom. In each of the 7 letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3, there is a warning of the possibility of losing one's salvation. Then what is this "once saved always saved" nonsense all about?

Heb. 4:14 - Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Yahushua the Son of Elohim, let us hold fast our profession.

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

The Earth has never had a High Priest the likes of Yahushua. All the others were born into sin. With Yahushua we have a High Priest untouched by sin, even though he was in all ways tempted as we are. An eternal being can never again be tempted or touched by sin. Therefore, Yahushua could not have become an eternal being until he was resurrected to eternal glory. None of this would have been possible if Yahushua was of the same glory (as in possessing eternal self-existent life) as the Father. It was only possible because he was of the creation, proved his faithfulness beyond any doubt and graduated to eternal life following his resurrection from the dead. Whoever the high priest is, they must be of the creation. Since there is only one Yahuwah Elohim, and He cannot be a High Priest unto Himself, this role had to of been held by one of the creation and in fact, always has been. Can the Father, Yahuwah, ever be tempted as we are? No, because He is already eternal and therefore above and beyond any form of corruption. He is the epitome of incorruption and Yahushua is only now like him.

Heb. 5:5 - So also HaMashiyack glorified not himself to be made a high priest; but He that said unto him, You are my Son, today have I begotten you.

Yahushua did NOT glorify himself but was glorified and “made” an eternal High Priest by the One who was greater. Following his resurrection he was begotten (reborn) into the new creation.

John 3:1 - There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:

2 - The same came to Yahushua by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from Elohim: for no man can do these miracles that you do, except Elohim be with him.

Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Elohim. 4 - Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?

Nicodemus was raised as a Pharisee. He knew only what he was taught and was blinded from the truth by the doctrines of the Jews. That is why the doctrine of rebirth was so strange to him. He had to have Yahushua, a man who had not even been educated in any rabbinical or pharisaical school, explain what this meant. Yahushua received his education straight from the Father as must we all.

5 - Yahushua answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of Elohim.

6 - That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

Of course Yahushua was talking of baptism and receiving the spirit of truth. Baptism is symbolic of the death of the old carnal man and the rebirth of the new spiritual man. He is still the same person but he now has the spirit of truth to reveal to him his sins and lead him in all truth. If that person is faithful unto death he/she will graduate into eternal life in the Kingdom of Yahuwah. Being born of the spirit of truth, we are to listen and comprehend what that spirit is telling us. We cannot see it but we can feel it there.

6 - As he said also in another place, You are a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.

It is always one of the creation that directs worship towards the Father. It has to be because all other beings other than the Father are of the creation. HaMashiyack was appointed High Priest by the Father. Why would the Father delegate His son to such an office if he were not one of the creation? If he truly always existed with the Father he would have been far above such a station and would have always been worthy of worship and would not have had to wait to be saved from death to receive such an appointment. Again, Yahuwah declared Yahushua to be his Son, whom He begot. He was actually begotten of the Father three times – at the beginning of creation, at his human birth and his birth into the new creation. Why, also, does he set up his Son after an earthly priesthood? The reality is that the Order of Melchizadek was set up after the heavenly order, of which Yahushua was always been the heavenly High Priest through whom all the angels worshipped Yahuwah Elohim.

8 - Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

9 - And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; 10 - Called of Elohim a high priest after the order of Melchisedec.

Yahushua had to learn obedience just as any other member of the creation. He was obedient unto death and therefore qualified as Saviour, King and High Priest. He had to be made perfect to become the author of eternal salvation. If he always shared the same glory as the Father, none of this would have been necessary or even possible. He would have always been worshipped as a co-equal or part of the same being as the Father. Instead, he was always the High Priest of all of the creation unto the Father. He only became the Eternal High Priest following his death and resurrection to eternal life.

Heb. 7:1 - For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high Elohim, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;

2 - To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation

King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; 3 - Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of Elohim; abides a priest continually.

The priestly order of Melchizadek was the original human priestly order of Yahuwah. It was fashioned (like most earthly things) after the heavenly order. The oldest living human on the Earth was the high priest. The oldest living member of each family was a regular or family priest. Melchizadek was certainly a type of the Messiah. There is no place in the Scriptures where any will find a genealogy for anyone named Melchizadek. Because none is recorded, Shaul makes the statement that he had no mother, father, beginning of days or end of life. However, according to Hebrew understanding, Melchizadek was merely a title for Shem, the eldest son of Noah, to whom the office of king and high priest of the Earth had passed following the death of Noah. Shem definitely had a mother and father and his genealogy is presented in the Scriptures. Also, Shem’s life overlapped Abrahams by some 100 + years and would have definitely been the only one Abraham would have addressed as the king and high priest of Yahuwah.

Yahushua, of course, being the beginning of creation and oldest being of the creation automatically qualifies as King and High Priest of the entire creation. Being the firstborn of the new creation, he automatically qualifies for this office in that respect as well, only he is now eternal, whereas before he was not. Using the example of Melchizadek, Shaul was merely giving his listeners an example they could comprehend. Yahushua has always been first in all things.

11 - If; therefore, perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?

The order of Aaron was not fashioned after the heavenly but after the earthly. Neither of the two orders was perfect in that neither had a high priest that was incorruptible. Shem may not have corrupted his office but by the time of Joshua, we find a king over Jerusalem named Adonizedek. It would seem that Adonizedek was the last of the priestly order of Melchizadek. When he heard that the Israelites were approaching he called on 4 other kings to join him in fighting the Israelites. If his was a continuation of the office of Melchizadek, he had certainly corrupted that office (demonstrated by his not recognizing and attacking the anointed of Yahuwah. So, Yahuwah gave the people a priesthood more to their liking, fashioned after the other earthly priesthoods. Only in their case Yahuwah was their only King – at least for a time.

12 -

For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. 13 - For he of whom these things are spoken pertains to another tribe, of which no man gave attendance at the altar.

Under the Order of Melchizadek the law was assumed – more of less like the Ten Commandments. Under the Order of Aaron the original ten are again spelt out, but numerous other statutes and ordinances were added. Customs and traditions were established and soon they were more or less like their neighbours. Yet the people were still not content and the office of the high priest continually wrestled with corruption. We all know to what degree of corruption this office had come in Yahushua’s time. Yahushua was not even a Levite, but from the tribe of Judah, who under the law of Order of Aaron had no right to the priesthood. Therefore, the change to the law was that the Levitical priesthood no longer had the authority to serve in that position. The only legitimate priesthood today is the Order of Melchizadek of which Yahushua has qualified to be the eternal High Priest, incorruptible, in spite of which tribe he came from.

15 - And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there arose another priest,

16 - Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. 17 - For he testifies, You are a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.

28 - For the law makes men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore.

The law itself did nothing as far as preventing the corruptibility of the priesthood (or the people). It merely states who could be part of the priesthood. That was the tribe of Levi. Yahushua was merely re-establishing his original office, but as the firstborn of the new creation. Whereas previously he did not possess eternal life and therefore did not qualify as eternal High Priest, now, since he proved himself obedient unto death and was perfected by his sufferings and has been granted eternal life, he thereby qualifies as eternal High Priest.

Heb. 12:23 - To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to Elohim the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,

24 - And to Yahushua the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaks better things than that of Abel.

The term “church of the firstborn” is generally taken to represent the firstborn from the death; but Yahushua was also the firstborn of all creation. He became the firstborn from the dead because he perfected himself through obedience. Through obedience he became one with the Creator Elohim. His is the example ALL the rest of creation must follow – men and angels. He demonstrated that the Fathers word and promises are sure and reliable; and that Yahuwah’s plan is doable.

Yahushua is the mediator of the new covenant. A mediator is one who mediates between two opposing parties; in Yahushua’s case, the Creator and the Creation. Yahuwah cannot be the mediator; and since none are left but the creation, it has to be one of the creation doing the mediating. This is precisely what the job of the high priest is. The office of high priest has always been held by one of the creation. Yet now, Yahushua is just like the Father possessing the same eternal life as Yahuwah. The sprinkling of his blood, because he was the firstborn of all creation and perfected himself through obedience, completing the creation process, was more precious that the shed blood of Abel.

28 - Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve Elohim acceptably with reverence and righteous fear: 29 - For our Elohim is a consuming fire.

In the end, nothing that is corruptible will stand before the Creator. All that is corruptible will burn away as He approaches. Remember what Ezek. 28 says of the destruction of HaSatan.

Ezek. 28:18 - You hast defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities, by the iniquity of your traffic; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of you, it shall devour you, and I will bring you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold you.

Angels DO NOT possess eternal life. Corruption cannot inherit incorruption (eternal life). Eternal life means that one has to be incorruptible to receive it. Since 1/3 of the angels proved that they remained corruptible, they could not have possessed eternal life. They, quite simply, have a very long life span as determined by the Creator, Yahuwah. Why else would the angels have to face a judgment if they already possess eternal life? For every judgment there is a reward and a punishment. If they already possess eternal life, what greater reward is there for them? We already know that the punishment for HaSatan and all who follow after him is eternal destruction in the lake of fire. There is no turning back once someone receives eternal life. Corruption and death are no longer an option. Yahuwah is a consuming fire and when he eventual does come to Earth to dwell with His creation, all that remains corruptible will flee away and/or be destroyed. The final cleansing of the earth will be by a spiritual refining fire.

Heb. 13:8 – Yahushua HaMashiyack the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

9 - Be not carried about with different and strange doctrines.

Yahushua was originally the high priest of all creation. He remains the high priest today. He will remain the high priest forever. We are not to be carried about with “different and strange doctrines”, such as the Trinity or the Binity theories. Yahushua did not exist from infinity as the Father has. That is the Fathers glory alone. Yahushua was definitely a created being – the firstborn of all creation. His glory is in being the firstborn (the beginning) of the creation, heir of this universe, the first to be granted eternal life and the foremost example to the rest of creation of by what means all others are to receive eternal life. This will always be his glory. No one else created in the image of Yahuwah is ever or can ever match his glory. Apart from the Father, Yahushua’s glory is the greatest of all the creation and always will be. All different and strange doctrines come straight out of pagan worship and are of HaSatan.

Yahushua was/is the same yesterday, today and forever – the FIRSTBORN. He had to be first in everything to have preeminence in all things. He was the firstborn of creation. He was the first man born of a woman and sired by Yahuwah. He was the firstborn of the dead into the new creation. This glory belongs to him and him alone.

The Book of Malachi

The final two chapters of the Book of Malachi are messianic in nature.

Mal.3:1 - Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and Yahuwah, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith Yahuwah of hosts.

This verse is talking of the messenger of Yahuwah coming suddenly to His temple. That messenger, of course, is Yahushua. He was a messenger like any of the other angels, yet he was also the firstborn and the perfect reflection of the Father. Therefore, the Father came to His temple through the earthly manifestation of the son. The Father himself will not “come to His temple until Yahushua succeeds in putting away all corruption and sin, forever. Even then there will be no literal temple.

Rev. 21:1 - And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

2 -And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from Elohim out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

3 - And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of Elohim is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and Elohim himself shall be with them, and be their Elohim.

All of this is to occur following the millennial rule of Yahushua – after sin and death are permanently conquered.

22 - And I saw no temple therein: for Yahuwah Elohim Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

23 - And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of Elohim did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

In the future glorious city there will be no temple. The earthly temple was built for man not Yahuwah. He has no need of a temple. We who are now truly in Yahuwah have no need of a temple either. No matter where in the universe we are, we are in the temple of Yahuwah. Yahushua is the High Priest of this temple. Yahuwah did lighten it through His only begotten son who is the light thereof. In similar manner, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but the light bulb itself provides the light. Being the perfect reflection of the Father, it is the Father’s light that he is reflecting in the same way the moon reflects the light from the sun.

Mal. 4:1 - For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith Yahuwah of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

This verse is talking of the day when Yahuwah himself comes to dwell with man. The fire and power of His spirit will burn everything that is left corruptible in his path. Corruption cannot inherit incorruption; nor can it exist in the presence of incorruption (i.e. the Father). Falsely attributing the Father's glory to anyone of the creation corrupts the gospel of Yahuwah. By the same standard, taking glory away from the Son that rightfully belongs to him is like taking the Medal of Honour away from an innocent and deserving soldier. Yahushua fought long and hard for what he received and deserves the rightful credit and honour for his victory. We must peel away all of the layers of deception that HaSatan has weaved around us, blinding us to the whole truth of Yahuwah.

Paul’s Words

Ephesians 1:1 - Paul, an apostle of Yahushua HaMashiyack by the will of Elohim, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in HaMashiyack Yahushua:

2 - Grace be to you, and peace, from Elohim our Father, and from the Master Yahushua HaMashiyack. 3 - Blessed be the Elohim and Father of our Master Yahushua HaMashiyack, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in HaMashiyack:

Here Shaul twice makes a positive distinction between the Father and the Son as two separate beings. The Father has the ultimate glory seconded only by the glory of the Son. No other created in the image of the Father will ever share in either of these two different glories, but will have their own separate glory. Notice that in verse three Shaul declares Yahuwah to be Yahushua's Elohim and Father. How can Yahuwah be Yahushua's Elohim if they are one and the same being?

Col. 1:12 - Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

13 - Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

Throughout his earthly ministry, Yahushua always gave glory and directed all worship to the Father, and always referred to him as his Elohim. Yahuwah created Yahushua to be the light of the world, a reflection of His light. The saints in light are in HaMashiyack. For our reward, we will be translated into the Kingdom of Yahushua at the beginning of his millennial rule. The Father created this universe for the Son. Could it be that afterwords the Father might move on to create another universe while Yahushua and the saints bring life to the rest of this universe?

14 - In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

15 - Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

No man has ever seen the Father, who is invisible to all of mankind. The Elohim who has always interacted with mankind from the Garden of Eden on is the Son, Yahushua, whom Yahuwah created in his image and likeness. Perhaps this is what Enoch meant when he declared that the Son was hidden from the creation. He came in the Father's name, so everyone who thought they were dealing directly with the Father were really dealing with the Son and dealing with the Father through the Son. Yahushua was the Elohim that Moshe saw and interacted with. Yahushua was created with free will like all others created in Yahuwah’s likeness; and he freely chose unwavering obedience to the Father. He enjoyed the privilege of being raised up with the Father as an only child, before any of the rest of creation was created. He knows an intimacy with the Father like no other creature. He was fully trained in incorruption before the rest of creation was created. It is the Father alone who gives life and can take it away. If Yahushua had of ever failed in his mission, his life would have been taken away from him forever. However, his reflection of the Father was so perfect that the possibility of his failure was a highly unlikely option, especially now that he is self-existent.

16 - For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

The Father believed so much in his Son that He gave him all power and authority to create the rest of creation. All of creation waited on his victory over death to open the door to salvation for all created in the likeness of Yahuwah, both men and angels.

17 - And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

18 - And he is the head of the body, the church:

who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19 - For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

Yahushua is before all things in that he was the beginning of creation and therefore existed before the rest of creation came into being. No one knows how long of a gap that was. It could have been one thousand of our years or millions. Yahushua was both the beginning of creation and first born from the dead, so that in both scenarios he has preeminence.

The Witness of Jude

Jude 25 - To the only wise Elohim our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever.

Jude affirms the Hebrew Shema here. There is no way that the creation can be wiser than or as wise as the Father. The only true Saviour is the Father who created the Son and alone can grant eternal life. Yahushua is the first of creation to be saved and granted eternal life. He set the example for the rest of creation to follow if they entertain any hope of salvation. Since Yahushua is the perfect image of the Father and men and angels can only come to salvation by emulating his example that makes him a saviour also. Yet Yahuwah remains the only one capable of granting anyone eternal life. Yahushua may be the one doing the literal saving, judging and granting of eternal life, but because he was created by the Father, the ultimate glory always goes to the Father who created the Son for that very purpose.

The Book of Revelation

Rev. 1:1 - The Revelation of Yahushua HaMashiyack, which Elohim gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass;

If Yahushua were Elohim in the same sense that the Father was, why did the Father have to show him this revelation? Again, Yahushua is distinguished from the Father as two separate beings. The Elohim in this case is the Father who is the greater. He is Yahushua’s Elohim in the very same manner as he is ours.

5 - And from Yahushua HaMashiyack, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth.

Yahushua was a faithful witness, meaning that his witness was true and reliable. He did not witness of himself but of his Father. However, the term “witness” usually applies to an unbiased bystander, not a participant. In Yahushua’s case, he was both, but may not have been privy to all the things that the Father knew. Yahushua witnessed of the Father and His great glory, and of the Father’s plan for His creation. The good news or gospel of Yahuwah is that all who follow the example of His firstborn and only begotten Son will receive eternal life, just as the Son did.

Here’s that word “begotten” again. This time it means “born from the dead”. However, the key word here is “born”. That meaning does not change throughout the Scriptures. So where Yahushua is referred to as the only begotten of Yahuwah Elohim, it means that he was the only Son “born” to and of the Father directly. Everything else was created through the Father by the Son.

“Prince” is not a title that would apply to the Father. So why would it apply to the son if he were co-equal with the Father? A prince is the son of a king. Yahuwah is obviously the king and Yahushua was obviously his son, the prince. Again, this verse refers back to Daniel 12:1, “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people”. That's what makes me wonder if Michael and Yahushua are one and the same person. If not, it was the Son who appeared as Yahuwah and Michel was a prince of the angels under him. Yahushua now has a new name that no man yet knows. It is obvious by what is stated in Prov. 30:4, that no man knew his name before he was made flesh and blood for the purpose of ultimately perfecting him and enabling his victory over death. He was known only as Elohim and as Yahuwah, for he came in the Father's name. The term Elohim is not a personal name but a title. All the sons of men are also men, but they have personal names as well. That is why the Psalmist asked “What is my Son’s name, if you know”? There remains the distinct possibility that we will all be given new personal names when born into the Kingdom. Those names will be given us by Yahuwah. We will not invent our own names.

8 - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, said Yahuwah, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

The “Alpha and Omega” are terms that can and do apply to both the Father and the Son. It was the Father who began the creation process and it was the Son who was the beginning of the creation of Yahuwah. This particular verse as well as others refers to the Son; but I do have one verse marked where it refers to the Father. I will get to that one shortly. It is all Yahuwah’s show to begin with, so, naturally He was there at the beginning and He will be there for the completion of His plan. However, it was Yahushua who was the first to complete the creation process, of which we all must go through to see the salvation of Yahuwah. Therefore, the Son is also referred to as the Alpha and Omega. The Son’s glory can be rightfully attributed to the Father who created him; but the Son has no claim to the glory that belongs to the Father alone – that of being the Creator of all things.

10 - I was in the spirit on Yahuwah’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

11 - Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last:

17 - And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:

John is being shown a vision of the day of Yahuwah. This is celebrated by the Jewish festival at the end of the Feast of Tabernacles know in English as the Last Great Day. This will be the final day (or perhaps a year) when Yahuwah will bring to an end the 6,000 years allotted to mankind to determine his own destiny. Following this day or year Yahushua will begin his millennial rule.

Again the term “Alpha and Omega” here refers to Yahushua.

18 - I am he that lived, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Of course, Yahushua is talking here of his physical life, death and resurrection to eternal life. He is now alive forever more. Eternal life means that one will not nor cannot ever experience death again. That is why I contend that Yahushua could not have possessed eternal life before his human manifestation – else he could not have died; nor could he have become corruptible flesh and be tempted in all ways as we are.

The word “hell” should have been rendered “grave” not a mystical place of eternal torment. No such place exists in the Hebrew mindset. Having the keys of the grave and death means that Yahushua opened the door to eternal life for all who truly believe in and follow him. He also possesses the power and authority to condemn all who remain corruptible to eternal death. As the faithful and true witness, he will witness before the Father of all who deserve to be promoted to eternal life.

In chapters 4 and 5, Yahushua shows John a vision of heaven and Yahuwah’s throne. It is interesting to note the heavenly order revealed here.

Rev. 4:2 - And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.

Only ONE sits on the throne – not two or three. In fact, the person of the “Holy Ghost” is not mentioned anywhere in this vision - period. Nor is he mentioned anywhere else in Scriptures where a prophet of Yahuwah was shown such a vision. We will soon have our answer to where Yahushua is to be found.

Ezek 1:25 - Then there came a voice from above the expanse over their heads as they stood with lowered wings. 26 - Above the expanse over their heads was what looked like a throne of sapphire, and high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man. 27 - I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded Him. 28 - Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahuwah. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking.

In Ezekiel’s case, the vision that he saw was of the future throne of Yahushuah. The one sitting on the throne has the appearance of a man. Verse 28 explains that, “This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahuwah”. All the key words I have highlighted describe the Son.

Dan. 7:13 - I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

14 - And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

The one like the Son of man was the Son, Yahushua. The one referred to as the Ancient of days is the Father. They (whoever “they” are) bring the Son before the Father. Does either the Trinity or the Binity make any sense in light of this vision? Why would the Son have someone else bring him before himself or before one of equal substance?

Rev. 4:3 - And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

Yahuwah certainly likes to surround Himself with things of beauty and perfection. John describes the Father Himself as having the appearance of jasper and sardine. For those who don’t know their gems (like me) I dug up some definitions.

Parson’s Bible Dcitionary

Jasper (Heb. yashpheh, “glittering”), a gem of various colors, one of the twelve inserted in the high priest’s breast-plate (Ex. 28:20). It is named in the building of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:18, 19). It was “most precious,” “clear as crystal” (Rev. 21:11). It was emblematic of the glory of God (Rev. 4:3).

Sardine Stone (Rev. 4:3, RV, “sardius;” Heb. 'odhem; Septuagint, Gr. sardion, from a root meaning “red”), a gem of a blood-red color. It was called “sardius” because obtained from Sardis in Lydia. It is enumerated among the precious stones in the high priest’s breastplate (Ex. 28:17; 39:10). It is our red carnelian.

4 - And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

Notice that these 24 seats are “around” the throne – one would guess in a circle. This is exactly how the Cabalists describe the Father’s relationship to the rest of creation – as I mentioned previously, the dot in the center of the circle represents Yahuwah and the circle represents the creation. Interestingly in the temple and in the synagogues, the seats were situated in a circle and the person addressing the audience stood in the center an exact picture of the heavenly throne. Like I have stated many other times, the earthly order is fashioned after the heavenly.

There are many theories floating around as to who these 24 elders are. They are definitely created beings – some say angels and some claim they are prophets of old such as Enoch. I believe them to be created spirit beings (angels) who were held in the highest regard by the Father. The earthly definition is as follows:

Parson’s Bible Dictionary

Elder A NAME FREQUENTLY USED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AS DENOTING A PERSON CLOTHED WITH AUTHORITY, AND ENTITLED TO RESPECT AND REVERENCE (Gen. 50:7). It also denoted a political office (Num. 22:7). The “elders of Israel” held a rank among the people indicative of authority. Moses opened his commission to them (Ex. 3:16). They attended Moses on all important occasions. Seventy of them attended on him at the giving of the law (Ex. 24:1). Seventy also were selected from the whole number to bear with Moses the burden of the people (Num. 11:16, 17). The “elder” is the keystone of the social and political fabric wherever the patriarchal system exists. At the present day this is the case among the Arabs, where the sheik (i.e., “the old man”) is the highest authority in the tribe. The body of the “elders” of Israel were the representatives of the people from the very first, and were recognized as such by Moses. All down through the history of the Jews we find mention made of the elders as exercising authority among the people. They appear as governors (Deut. 31:28), as local magistrates (Deut. 16:18), administering justice (Deut. 19:12). They were men of extensive influence (1 Sam. 30:26-31). In New Testament times they also appear taking an active part in public affairs (Matt. 16:21; 21:23; 26:59). The Jewish eldership was transferred from the old dispensation to the new. “The creation of the office of elder is nowhere recorded in the New Testament, as in the case of deacons and apostles, because the latter offices were created to meet new and special emergencies, while the former was transmitted from the earliest times. In other words, the office of elder was the only permanent essential office of the church under either dispensation.” The “elders” of the New Testament church were the “pastors” (Eph. 4:11), “bishops or overseers” (Acts 20:28), “leaders” and “rulers” (Heb. 13:7; 1 Thess. 5:12) of the flock. Everywhere in the New Testament bishop and presbyter are titles given to one and the same officer of the Christian church. He who is called presbyter or elder on account of his age or gravity is also called bishop or overseer with reference to the duty that lay upon him (Titus 1:5-7; Acts 20:17-28; Phil. 1:1).

If the earthly is indeed fashioned after the heavenly one might assume that the 24 were specially selected angels appointed to their position. The only difference is the number. Israel had 70 and Yahuwah has only 24. Also, the heavenly elders are clothed in white robes and each wears a gold crown on their heads.

8 - And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Yahuwah Elohim Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

9 - And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever.

The sole purpose of the four beasts is to continuously praise and glorify the Father. No mention is made here of them praising and giving glory to the Son (yet). If the Son were truly co-equal with the Father would he not have been worthy of praise and glorification as well? They declare of Yahuwah, “which was, and is, and is to come” denoting that He has always existed, still exists and always will exist. This is His separate glory which none of the creation can lay claim to. The Father has always had eternal life, unlike the son, who was only granted eternal life following his victory over death. The four beasts give glory and honour only to the One who sits on the throne.

Rev. 5:1 - And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

2 - And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice,

Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? 3 - And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.

Naturally, the Father was worthy to open the book. This question was not being asked of Him, but of the creation. At first it seems that no one was worthy in heaven or on earth. Where was Yahushua? Why did he not step up right off?

5 - And one of the elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loosen the seven seals thereof.

At first John is perplexed and dismayed that no one is found worthy. Then one of the elders speaks to him and proclaims that one is indeed worthy – the Lion of Judah, the Root of David. Yahushua is both. The elder states that Yahushua has prevailed (been victorious over death) and is therefore worthy to open the seals. This book and the contents thereof may have been withheld from Yahushua up until this time.

6 - And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of Elohim sent forth into all the earth.

Finally Yahushua’s position in the royal court is revealed. He is not sitting on a throne beside the Father in the center of the circle; rather, he is part of the circle – i.e. amongst the creation. He has six angels assigned to him which along with himself are seven specially promoted created spirits of Yahuwah Elohim. Yahushua is both one of the seven and of the highest appointment of the seven. This is what is represented by the Jewish menorah. The highest candle represents Yahushua, who along with the other six are the most distinguished created spirits of Yahuwah Elohim. Does this mean that the person of Yahuwah is now eight rolled up into one? Of course not. Neither is He three or two. He is one. There is no other like Yahuwah.

7 - And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne.

The Father obviously agreed with the elder since He did not refuse the Lamb.

8 - And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

9 - And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to Elohim by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 - And hast made us unto our Elohim kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

It was only at this point in time that the four beasts and the 24 elders fall down before the Son and worship him (as the firstborn of the new creation), for now, since he is exactly like the Father in nature (the first and only one of the creation thus far to inherit and possess eternal life), he is worthy of worship. Yet because the Father both created him and gave him eternal life, it is always the Father who receives the ultimate glory. Yahushua was only promoted to a position worthy of worship because he was victorious over death. He tasted death not only for mankind, but all of creation.

This verifies my contention that the angels do not yet possess eternal life like most presume. The angelic realm was also awaiting the victory of the Messiah to become kings and priests of Yahuwah. And, where is it that they are to reign? They are to reign on the earth, not in heaven. Clearly the Earth is going to be the center of the universe where the Father Himself will one day dwell. Again there is no mention of the person of the “Holy Spirit” anywhere. If he did indeed exist, why is he not mentioned either as being worthy to open the book?

12 - Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

13 - And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

Again, if the Son always co-existed with as co-equal to the Father from infinity, why would his worthiness ever be questioned? It was only because of his victory over death that he was accounted worthy “to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing”. Again, would these not have already been his if truly co-equal to the Father? The author again distinguishes between the two as the One who sits on the throne (the Father) and the Lamb who steps inside the circle from the host of created spirit beings to accept his Father’s acknowledgement that he was worthy to open the seals.

Rev. 21:5 - And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

6 - And he said unto me,

It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7 - He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his Elohim, and he shall be my son.

Now it is he that sat upon the throne, the Father who personally addresses John and declares Behold, I make all things new – a new heaven, a new earth, a new Jerusalem; and indeed, a new creation. Those of us who overcome the world, as our eldest brother, Yahushua has, will inherit all of the things pre-ordained of us by Yahuwah. He will always be our Elohim and worthy of all glory and honour and we will be completed creations – fully sons (and daughters) of Yahuwah. The father will be worshipped for the glory that belongs to Him alone. The Son will be worshipped for the glory that belongs to him alone. Two different beings; one the Creator and the other the beginning of His creation and firstborn to eternal life. His family will, at last, be complete.

Rev. 22:8 - And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me these things.

9 - Then saith he to me, See you do it not: for I am your fellowservant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship Elohim.

In his confusion and great fear, John falls down before the angel and begins to worship him. However, the angel stops him and tells him not to do that. The angel declares that he is John’s fellow servant and brother. Since both men and angels were created in the likeness of Yahuwah, we are all sons of Yahuwah. Yet only those, who like Yahushua, conquer death and become completed creations will be considered His true sons of the new creation. The angel directs John to worship Yahuwah Elohim only just as Yahushua did, during his earthly ministry, always directed all worship towards the Father, never towards himself. Of course it is ok to worship Yahushua now, but worship him only for the glory that rightfully belongs to him. Thank him always for his great sacrifice and for showing us the way to the Father.

12 - And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

The reward that Yahushua will be bringing with him is eternal life. It will be given according to our works. Those who claim that salvation comes by belief in the Messiah only (and not by obedience to every word of Yahuwah), must close their eyes and ears when they come to this verse. As Yahushua received victory over death because of his works, so must we. Yahushua was sent to be our example of the truth of the Father’s word and the surety of His promises. He completed his task with flying colours. It might be said that he was an “honour student”. If we wish to receive eternal life as he has, we must follow his example in obeying his Father to the letter. There is absolutely no other way.


The term “Stockholm Syndrome” was invented following the Patti Hearst kidnapping. This where a kidnapped victim is so terrorized and traumatized by her abductors, while at the same time being grateful to them for not killing them, that they begin to see their captors as the good guys and their (the captor’s) enemies as their enemies. Out of fear for their lives, they begin to adopt whatever the “cause” of their abductors is. They begin to see their captors as their saviours. Once recued, it takes a very long time to get back to normal. It could be a matter of months – even years.

This is basically how HaSatan, the captor of all humanity works. We have in effect been kidnapped by him. He does terrorize us (by war, persecution and all forms of violence) and traumatize us (causing us to think irrationally). We are all under HaSatan’s spell and delusion in one form or another. We must not fall for his lie that we are already “gods” and responsible for our own destinies. All who are called out of Babylon by Yahuwah have to go through a process of deprogramming to un-brainwash us. We have to peel back ALL of the layers of deception that HaSatan has had these last 6,000 years to weave; and we have no idea of how many layers they are. If we did, we would not still be deceived that we already know everything. Some of these revelations that Yahuwah reveals to us do come as a complete and sometimes devastating shock.

This is what hidden sin is – sins that we are neither aware of are sins nor that we are committing them. No matter what doctrine you come across that challenges your present beliefs, you owe it to yourself to do your own study into the matter through the one and only source of truth – the Scriptures.

Believe no man NOT EVEN ME, but search and prove all things yourself. My method is to take key words that best represent the topic I am studying, check out their meaning in the Hebrew and with the use of a concordance, locate all instances where they appear in the Scriptures. Scripture interprets scripture. That means that whatever the topic, the truth lies in the harmonization of all passages pertaining to that topic. When we find verses that do not harmonize with the rest, we should first suspect tapering by the translators and search for the most original of writings to verify if it had been changed or not. If the verse passes that test, then we have to examine what exactly we have been taught to determine if it was yet one more part of our brainwashing.

During my very first reading of the Scriptures, I experienced the phenomenon of Yahuwah actually “talking” to me through my conscience, in the sense that my hidden sins were suddenly very clearly revealed to me. Since then I have experienced the same phenomenon through my investigations of different topics which challenged my beliefs at the time. Sometimes my studies proved the challenge to be true and sometimes they did not. I believe that anyone who takes the time to investigate these challenges will experience this same phenomenon as well. Yahuwah loves a truth seeker, as He did the Berians. One thing that we know for sure is that Yahuwah would never lie to us. So why look to any man (corruptible beings) for the truth when we have the availability of the Father’s spoken word right at our finger tips. Empty your mind of all presently known doctrines and seek only the truth, whatever that may be. Yahuwah will reveal it to you. He want you to be one with Him - one in mind and one in spirit, perfectly complimenting one another.

The general gist of the entire Bible is that man was created in the image of the Creator Elohim to create a family of elohim beings that will one day bring life to the entire universe. What this means is that Yahuwah was reproducing His own family. He is the One and Only Creator. Since he created Yahushua, everything that was created by Yahushua was ultimately created by the Father. The Son could have done nothing without the Father because he wouldn’t even exist without the Father. The Father fully intends to bring many sons to glory, just as He did with Yahushua. Before He can do this, He must know of a fact that we will never again become corrupted. If we are ever to see the culmination of the glory that is purposed for us, we must make ourselves over into the spiritual image of the Father as well as the physical.

Man, like the angels, was created with free will. This was so that both men and angels would someday freely choose to follow the Way of Yahuwah, becoming one with Him spiritually, as did His only begotten son, who was the first of all creation to gain eternal glory. All who gain this eternal glory will be part of the new creation, fully Elohim as the Father is, possessing eternal life, which is the power to sustain our own lives independent from any other being and also be able to create life ourselves. After that, we will go out into the entire universe and create life throughout it and perhaps someday our own galaxies. In Yahushua’s case, he freely chose the way of Yahuwah long before the rest of the creation was created. Yahuwah already knew of a certainty that the Son was beyond corruption. Yet he was set apart for the very special purpose of leading all created in the image of Yahuwah to eternal life through his own example.

HaSatan was created for a special purpose, also. He was created for the testing of all who are created in the image of Yahuwah Elohim. There was no sense creating men and angels with free will if there was only one choice to choose from. Satan’s very first act of deception was to become deceived himself. Then he set out to convince 1/3 of the angels that he was more powerful than Elohim and possessed the power to take over the throne. Like with man, he convinced the angels that they already possessed eternal life (like Yahuwah) and did not need to be obedient to Him. The angels may possess an undetermined life span, but their existence still fully depends on the will of the Father and they indeed DO NOT possess eternal life at this time. And, indeed, neither the angels nor man died instantly when they freely chose the Way of HaSatan over the Way of Yahuwah; so right away they believed that Yahuwah had lied to them and HaSatan had told them the truth. However, the first man, Adam, did eventually die and is now dependent upon the Father to raise him back to life again. We are not told specifically if Adam ever repented afterword. What we are told is:

Gen. 4:26 - And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of Yahuwah.

Gen. 5:3 - And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:

Gen. 5:6 - And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos:

Why was it that men did not call on the Father’s name till 235 years after he was created? One would have to assume that Adam did not repent; at least up until that time.

The following is the Trinitarian interpretation of what the term “son of Elohim” means:

Parson’s Bible Dictionary

Son of God (1) The plural, “sons of God,” is used (Gen. 6:2, 4) to denote the pious descendants of Seth. In Job 1:6; 38:7 this name is applied to the angels. Hosea uses the phrase (Hos. 1:10) to designate the gracious relation in which men stand to God. (2) In the New Testament this phrase frequently denotes the relation into which we are brought to God by adoption (Rom. 8:14, 19; 2 Cor. 6:18; Gal. 4:5, 6; Phil. 2:15; 1 John 3:1, 2). It occurs thirty-seven times in the New Testament as the distinctive title of our Savior. (3) He does not bear this title in consequence of his miraculous birth, nor of his incarnation, his resurrection, and exaltation to the Father’s right hand. This is a title of nature and not of office. The sonship of Christ denotes his equality with the Father. To call Christ the Son of God is to assert his true and proper divinity. The second Person of the Trinity, because of his eternal relation to the first Person, is the Son of God. (4) He is the Son of God as to his divine nature, while as to his human nature he is the Son of David (Rom. 1:3, 4. (5) Compare Gal. 4:4; John 1:1-14; 5:18-25; 10:30-38, which prove that Christ was the Son of God before his incarnation, and that his claim to this title is a claim of equality with God). (6) When used with reference to creatures, whether men or angels, this word is always in the plural. In the singular it is always used of the second Person of the Trinity, with the single exception of Luke 3:38, where it is used of Adam.

The numbers in brackets are mine.

1 – “The plural, “sons of God,” is used (Gen. 6:2, 4) to denote the pious descendants of Seth.” - This is an out and out lie. Both Enoch and the Torah confirm that these were angels, not the “pious sons of Seth”. In every instance where the sons of Elohim are mentioned in the Old Testament Scriptures except Hosea 1:10, the term denotes angels. This is what this passage actually says:

Hosea 1:10 - Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, You are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living Elohim.

Clearly this is speaking of the future and only pertains to those who graduate or are in the process of graduating into the new creation and eternal life. Of all others Yahuwah is going to say “You are not my people”. In similar manor, only the righteous angels who did not rebel are referred to as the sons of Elohim. The angels who did rebel are referred to as “fallen angels” or “demons”. In other words, they are not thought of as Yahuwah’s people either.

2 – “In the New Testament this phrase frequently denotes the relation into which we are brought to God by adoption”. - Naturally, when men rejected Yahuwah and chose HaSatan to be their “god” in Yahuwah’s stead, they were no longer considered sons of Elohim, but, rather, sons of HaSatan. To regain their status as sons of Elohim, they had to be adopted or “grafted” back into the family by following in the footsteps of our eldest brother Yahushua and freely choosing Yahuwah as their Elohim. We will not fully be sons of Yahuwah until we have put away all sin and through obedience take on the very nature of Yahuwah (become spiritually one with Him). There must be no chance that we can ever become corrupted again.

3 – “He does not bear this title in consequence of his miraculous birth, nor of his incarnation, his resurrection, and exaltation to the Father’s right hand. This is a title of nature and not of office. The sonship of Christ denotes his equality with the Father. To call Christ the Son of God is to assert his true and proper divinity. The second Person of the Trinity, because of his eternal relation to the first Person, is the Son of God.” - This is another out and out lie. Why is it that, in only the case of Yahushua, this definition of a son changes? If Yahushua was already eternal as the Father what need was there for him to “overcome all things” and become the firstborn of the new creation? How could he be the firstborn of the new creation if he were not one of the old creation? How can anyone who already has eternal life die? How can any incorruptible, eternal living being ever again be made into corruptible flesh and blood? This would be totally contrary to the definition of eternal life. How could the creation ever be equal to the creator? That is the exact same lie that the serpent told Eve, and everyone is still believing the same lie today.

The following is the Trinitarian definition of eternal life:

Parson’s Bible Dictionary

Eternal Life This expression occurs in the Old Testament only in Dan. 12:2 (RV, “everlasting life”). It occurs frequently in the New Testament (Matt. 7:14; 18:8, 9; Luke 10:28; compare Luke 18:18). It comprises the whole future of the redeemed (Luke 16:9), and is opposed to “eternal punishment” (Matt. 19:29; 25:46). It is the final reward and glory into which the children of God enter (1 Tim. 6:12, 19; Rom. 6:22; Gal. 6:8; 1 Tim. 1:16; Rom. 5:21); their Sabbath of rest (Heb. 4:9; compare Heb. 12:22). The newness of life which the believer derives from Christ (Rom. 6:4) is the very essence of salvation, and hence the life of glory or the eternal life must also be theirs (Rom. 6:8; 2 Tim. 2:11, 12; Rom. 5:17, 21; 8:30; Eph. 2:5, 6). It is the “gift of God in Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). The life the faithful have here on earth (John 3:36; 5:24; 6:47, 53-58) is inseparably connected with the eternal life beyond, the endless life of the future, the happy future of the saints in heaven (Matt. 19:16, 29; 25:46).

Graduation into the new creation and eternal life, “comprises the whole future of the redeemed”. It was asked in Revelation 5:1-5 “Who is worthy to open the book, and to loosen the seals thereof?” To his horror, John witnesses, “And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon” Then, finally, the elder tells John, “Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loosen the seven seals thereof.” If Yahushua were already fully Elohim (equal to the Father), already possessing eternal life from infinity, why would his worthiness to open these seals ever be questioned in the first place? The elder plainly states that the Lamb (Yahushua) “prevailed” and was therefore “worthy” of opening the book and the seals. He “prevailed” and was therefore redeemed, even thought, technically, he had never done anything to be redeemed for. He was always faithful. It was only for the sake of mankind and the angels that Yahushua had to go through this process. This was one of the purposes for which he was created.

Revelation 5 further states:

Rev. 5:9 - And they sung a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

10 - And hast made us unto our Elohim kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Yahuwah said unto my Master, Sit you on my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool?

3 - Yahushua answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

7 - Marvel not that I said to you, You must be born again.

8 - The wind blows where it listens, and you hear the sound thereof, but cannot tell where it comes, and where it goes: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

11 - And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

12 - Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

Even though the son proved that he was not in need of redemption, it was always purposed that the redemption of mankind would come through the shedding of his innocent blood. It was not until after his perfect sacrifice for sin that he fully became Elohim and fully qualified to “receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.” Would these attributes not have always been his if he were already fully Elohim as the Father was, and not the firstborn of all creation? Again, why would his worthiness ever be called into question?

4 – “He is the Son of God as to his divine nature, while as to his human nature he is the Son of David” – The Son was born of spirit just like the angels. Yet he was distinguished from all the other angels in being the firstborn of creation and the only begotten Son of Yahuwah. He was brought up and trained for the role he was to play in the finished creation. Yahuwah must have been quite certain that Yahushua was “worthy” before empowering him to create everything else. It was not Yahuwah that Yahushua had to prove his worthiness to; it was the rest of creation. He was/is the living proof that Yahuwah’s word is true and that HaSatan’s is false.



/dɪˈvaɪn/ Show Spelled [dih-vahyn] Show IPA adjective, -vin·er, -vin·est, noun, verb, -vined, -vin·ing.



of or pertaining to a god, especially the Supreme Being.


addressed, appropriated, or devoted to God or a god; religious; sacred: divine worship.


proceeding from God or a god: divine laws.


godlike; characteristic of or befitting a deity: divine magnanimity.


heavenly; celestial: the divine kingdom.



Informal . extremely good; unusually lovely: He has the most divine tenor voice.


being a god; being God: a divine person.


of superhuman or surpassing excellence: Beauty is divine.


Obsolete . of or pertaining to divinity or theology.

Yahushua only become “divine” and worthy of worship following his resurrection to eternal life.

Heb. 1:6 - And again, when he brings in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

Truth is twisted and distorted for one and only one reason – selfish gain. All the false prophets throughout history distorted the truth for this one reason. The same goes for HaSatan. HaSatan is the “god” that all false prophets worship, whether knowingly or out of ignorance. HaSatan is the father of all lies and liars.

Yahuwah did not distort anything when He inspired the writing of the Scriptures. Whatever is written in the Scriptures can be taken literally. Where the Christians have actually changed and omitted scriptures to distort the truth, the Jews wrote a completely separate book to accomplish such distortion called the Talmud which they value before the Torah. Yahuwah is the Father of truth and imparts the spirit of truth to all whom He calls. However, some still stubbornly cling to the lies of HaSatan, the former angel, whom mankind chose over Yahuwah to be their “god”. This is because they give in to the teaching of other liars instead of searching and proving all things for themselves. This is out of pure laziness. We are not to believe any man, but search and prove all things for ourselves. This is what I encourage all my readers to do in pretty much all of my articles.

5 – “Compare Gal. 4:4; John 1:1-14; 5:18-25; 10:30-38, which prove that Christ was the Son of God before his incarnation, and that his claim to this title is a claim of equality with God).”

Gal. 4:4 - But when the fulness of the time was come, Elohim sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

This is supported by Prov. 30:4 – “What is his name, and what is his son’s name, if you can tell?

I have already covered John 1.

John 5:18 - Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that Elohim was his Father, making himself equal with Elohim.

Is Yahuwah not the Father of all those created in his likeness? Are we equal to Yahuwah because of that fact? The Jews were definitely twisting Yahushua’s words.

19 - Then answered Yahushua and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do: for whatever things He does, these also does the Son likewise.

If the Son were one and the same being as the Father, why would he have to mimic the things that he saw the Father do? The Son admits that he can do nothing of himself. How can he then be one and the same person as the Father?

20 - For the Father loved the Son, and showed him all things that Himself did: and he will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.

Did the Father love himself? Did He show Himself all things? Is He going to show Himself greater things?

21 - For as the Father raises up the dead, and quickens them; even so the Son quickens whom he will.

22 - For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment unto the Son:

23 - That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honours not the Son honours not the Father which hath sent him.

The Son already confessed that he can do nothing of himself. Obviously what this passage means is that the son can only resurrect and “quicken” (promote to eternal life) and judge by the power and authority bestowed upon him by the Father. If the son (prince) of a human king was to come to your home and you disrespected him by telling him to “get lost” you would be disrespecting the king through your disrespect for the son. The son (prince) is brought up and trained to be like the Father so that he can one day assume that role. He at all times represents the king before all their subjects. If the son’s behaviour does not reflect that of the king, he becomes an embarrassment and runs the risk of being replaced by the next in line. In Yahushua’s case, he always acted honourably and the Father was always glorified through the Son. The Father, in return, glorified the Son, by promoting him as the firstborn of every creature into the new creation and eternal life. Now the Son is fully “grown” into the fullness of the Father and worthy of worship (the same as the Father). Yet the Father will always be worshipped as the Creator of all life and the Son the firstborn to eternal life.

24 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears my word, and believes on him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

At baptism we merely receive the “hope” of salvation and promotion to eternal life. To actually receive it we must take on the very nature of Yahuwah, as His Son did, to fully become Elohim.

25 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Elohim: and they that hear shall live.

The best example of this I can think of in nature to compare this to is the phenomenon of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. We are presently in the caterpillar stage. The cocoon stage is represented by death. The butterfly stage is represented by the butterfly emerging from the cocoon (being resurrected from the dead to a new life – as an entirely different creature).

26 - For as the Father has life in Himself; so has He given to the Son to have life in himself;

The Father always had life in himself (i.e. eternal life). The son did not always possess this life and had to be given it from the Father. If the son was always one and the same as the Father, or equal to him in any way, would he not have always had “life in himself” as the Father has? Why did the Father have to give him eternal life if he already had it? How can anyone who has eternal life ever lose it and regain it again? The entire concept totally violates the definition of what eternal life means. Eternal life means that YOU CAN NEVER DIE AGAIN! That is why Yahuwah has to be certain that we are above and beyond corruptibility BEFORE He grants us eternal life.

The Trinitarian and Binitarian theories are just that – theories, with no basis in truth whatsoever (much like the theory of evolution). In fact the concept is so absurd it is asinine. That is why the “right arm” declared that “The wisdom of man is foolishness to Yahuwah.” HaSatan has so blinded the world to the truth that man (without the help of Yahuwah) cannot comprehend it, even when it strikes them right between the eyes. It is nothing short of blaspheme against the Most High. This statement is not intended to be hurtful but a wakeup call to wake up and smell the coffee.

John 10:30 - I and my Father are one.

31 - Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

32 - Yahushua answered them, Many good works have I showed you from my Father; for which of those works do you stone me?

33 - The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone you not;

but for blasphemy; and because that you, being a man, make yourself Elohim. 34 - Yahushua answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, You are elohim?

35 - If he called them elohim, unto whom the word of Elohim came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

36 - Say you of him, whom the Father has sanctified, and sent into the world, You blaspheme; because I said, I am the Son of Elohim?

37 - If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

38 - But if I do, though you believe not me, believe the works: that you may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

All who were created in the likeness of Elohim ARE elohim, both of men and angels. The Jews misunderstood Yahushua the same as the Christians later did, only with two different objectives. The Jews thought he was being blasphemous because he seemed to be equating himself with the Father. The Gentile Christians openly equate him to the Father because they believed in a triune godhead before they ever became Christians; and they wanted to distance themselves from the Jews in obedience to the commandment of Emperor Constantine. They also came under obedience to Constantine in doing away with the law of Yahuwah, changing the weekly Sabbath and doing away with all of the annual high days. All who support the Trinity/Binity theories bring themselves under obedience to Constantine, thereby making Constantine the “god” that they worship in place of Yahuwah.

The connection that Yahushua was obviously making was a spiritual one, not literal. He was spiritually one with the Father, not one and the same person, or a separate second or third person of a triune or dual godhead of the same substance as the Father. If he were indeed equating himself with the Father in that fashion he would have indeed been guilty of what the Jews were accusing him. Both Moshe and the Jews knew that Yahuwah already had a son who pre-existed his earthly manifestation. They also understood that he was a CREATED SPIRIT BEING, just like the angels; but was specially appointed and empowered above all other creatures to be the mediator (High Priest) between the creation and the Creator.

The conclusion of this matter is that we cannot take the glory that belongs only to the Father (of being the only one to have always possessed eternal life) and transfer it onto anyone else (i.e. the Son). The Son has his own separate glory of being the firstborn of all creation, creating the rest of creation by the power and authority of the Father and being the first to conquer death and be raised to eternal glory. Any doctrine that confuses these two separate glories is of HaSatan – i.e. the Trinity and Binity theories. All things that are of HaSatan are blaspheme against the Most High, Yahuwah Elohim.

Like I stressed in the article, “Who was HaSatan” we have multiple layers of deception that we have to peel back before we come to all truth. I have been peeling back these layers for over 30 years and know that I am not finished yet. We must continually examine the teachings of men through OUR OWN STUDIES and prove whether they be true or false; otherwise, when we stand in the judgment, Yahuwah is going to judge us as slothful servants and either grant us the lowest office in the Kingdom or not promote us to eternal life at all. We are not on a joy ride here. We must WORK OUT OUR SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING. Our salvation is far too serious an issue to sit on our backsides and totally trust in any one man’s or church’s interpretation of the facts. Trust in Yahuwah and Yahushua alone. They WILL NOT let you down or mislead you.

This question that we have just examined is merely one of those layers of deception that many have a problem with. I have had a good number of people (supposed brother and sisters in the faith) become angry with and distance themselves from me because of this doctrine. So far none have come back to me with their own studies, but merely regurgitate what others have told them. Although that result saddened me greatly, I have no alternative but to stick with what I firmly believe to be the truth. Hopefully they will come to the understanding of this doctrine before it is too late. I hope that I have done this article justice in proving beyond a doubt the validity of this doctrine. Again I stress, do not believe me or any other man in this regard, but search and prove all things yourself like the noble Berians did and were praised by Yahuwah for doing so.

Some also accuse me of being a Jew, or following the doctrines of the Jehovah Witnesses or the 7th day Adventists. Except for that of the Jews, I have never read any of the literature of the other two groups in regards to this doctrine. I first came across it while attending a feast of tabernacles with fellow independent believers near Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. The host of that feast was following a fellow by the name of Wade Cox of Australia and was trying to start up a corporate ministry under Cox up here. I can’t remember the name of that ministry, but I did have a falling out with both the host and Wade Cox sometime afterward when, basically, I refused to join their ministry and recognize Wade Cox as the only man on earth imbued with the truth of Yahuwah. Like I have said in the past, the truth is to be found “here a little, there a little”. That means that no one has all the truth and; therefore, we must be continually searching for it. It also means that just because someone is right in some of their doctrine that they are not necessarily right in all. Just because I share this doctrine with groups such as Jehovah Witnesses or 7th Day Adventists, does not automatically disqualify this doctrine. Nor does it mean that I believe all their doctrine. By the same standard, just because someone uses the “Sacred Names”, does not mean that he is correct in all his doctrines. When I had my falling out with Wade Cox he wrote me that if he was here with me he’d, “cut off my head with a sword”. Does that sound like a statement the Messiah would have made? Yet I did not dismiss all of his writings as untrue simply because of this one idiotic threat.

The whole truth is more allusive than any of us realize. For us to fully become as wise and knowledgeable as the Father will take much more time that our physical life spans will allow. In the mean time all we can do is continue to study and search for new truth. If we become ensnared in following only one man or one church we will be narrowing the resources that are out there and available to us. It’s a big world out there and there are plenty of truths to explore. Let us all be like the “noble Berians” searching and proving all things for ourselves and praying earnestly for Yahuwah to reveal all truth to us.

May Yahuwah bless and keep you, and cause his light to shine upon you.



The following is an exert from the ebook I am presently working on where I am triangulating the Torah, Book of Jasher and the Book of Enoch. Section 4 of Enoch has much Messianic information that is of great interest.

The Second Parable

Chapter 45

1 And this is the second Parable concerning those who deny the name of the dwelling of the holy ones and Yahuwah of Spirits.

2 And into the heaven they shall not ascend,

And on the earth they shall not come:

Such shall be the lot of the sinners

Who have denied the name of Yahuwah of Spirits,

Who are thus preserved for the day of suffering and tribulation.

3 On that day Mine Elect One shall sit on the throne of glory

And shall try their works,

And their places of rest shall be innumerable.

Yahushua is that Elect One. He has prevailed and earned the right to sit on his own throne of glory next to the Father. He will judge who makes it into the new creation.

And their souls shall grow strong within them when they see Mine Elect Ones,

And those who have called upon My glorious name:

4 Then will I cause Mine Elect One to dwell among them.

When we become the Elect Ones, our glory will be similar to that of Yahushua’s and he will dwell amongst us. This creation was made by and for him. His glory is the greatest of all the creation.

And I will transform the heaven and make it an eternal blessing and light

5 And I will transform the earth and make it a blessing:

And I will cause Mine elect ones to dwell upon it:

But the sinners and evil-doers shall not set foot thereon.

6 For I have provided and satisfied with peace My righteous ones

And have caused them to dwell before Me:

Only the elect and righteous ones will take their part in the new creation. They will be those who Yahuwah has chosen and called and who answered His call. They will be those who repented, were baptized, and who dedicated the rest of their lives to serving Yahuwah and Yahushua in truth, obedience to the law and dedication to seeking out and exposing all truth (and all deception).

But for the sinners there is judgement impending with Me,

So that I shall destroy them from the face of the earth.

Chapter 46

1 And there I saw One who had a head of days,

And His head was white like wool,

And with Him was another being whose countenance had the appearance of a man,

And his face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy angels.

The One with the head of days is the Father. The other being with the Father had the countenance of a man and “his face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy angels”. Of course this is talking of Yahushua who is with the Father but is like one of the holy angels. He has been elected over the angels and been appointed to his position, yet he is clearly one of them. At that point he had yet to be born of the new creation.

2 And I asked the angel who went with me and showed me all the hidden things, concerning that 3 Son of Man, who he was, and whence he was, (and) why he went with the Head of Days? And he answered and said unto me:

This is the son of Man who hath righteousness,

With whom dwelleth righteousness,

And who revealeth all the treasures of that which is hidden,

Yahushua possessed his righteousness before any of the rest of the creation was created. He possessed all wisdom and all knowledge before anything else was created. He was the only being to have been created directly by the Father. The rest of the creation was made by the Son. Yet at the same time, his form was as one of the angels and his countenance was that of a man, representing both the form that he was and the form that he was destined to become. He knew “all the treasures of that which is hidden”. That is the treasures of all knowledge and wisdom pertaining to the Father.

Because Yahuwah of Spirits hath chosen him,

And whose lot hath the pre-eminence before Yahuwah of Spirits in uprightness forever.

Yahuwah CHOSE Yahushua before He created him for this very special purpose. He trained him to fulfill this role for who knows how long. Time means nothing to them. He has the pre-eminence before Yahuwah and above every other creature.

4 And this Son of Man whom thou hast seen

Shall raise up the kings and the mighty from their seats,

[And the strong from their thrones]

And shall loosen the reins of the strong,

And break the teeth of the sinners.

Aside from the Father there is none greater than the Son. There was absolutely no doubt that he will end up victorious and would prevail.

5 [And he shall put down the kings from their thrones and kingdoms]

Because they do not extol and praise Him,

Nor humbly acknowledge whence the kingdom was bestowed upon them.

6 And he shall put down the countenance of the strong,

And shall fill them with shame.

The present day world leaders will go to their eternal demise in shame and humiliation, while Yahushua triumphs and reigns supreme.

And darkness shall be their dwelling,

And worms shall be their bed,

And they shall have no hope of rising from their beds,

Because they do not extol the name of Yahuwah of Spirits.

There will be no chance of resurrection for these evil men. They will remain in the “bed” that they made for themselves forever.

7 And these are they who judge the stars of heaven,

[And raise their hands against the Most High],

And tread upon the earth and dwell upon it.

And all their deeds manifest unrighteousness,

And their power rests upon their riches,

And their faith is in the gods which they have made with their hands,

And they deny the name of Yahuwah of Spirits,

8 And they persecute the houses of His congregations,

And the faithful who hang upon the name of Yahuwah of Spirits.

As if it isn’t bad enough that the unrighteous deny the Creator Elohim themselves, they feel they must all persecute the truth servants of Yahuwah as well.

Enoch 48

2 And at that hour that Son of Man was named In the presence of Yahuwah of Spirits,

And his name before the Head of Days.

3 Yea, before the sun and the signs were created,

Before the stars of the heaven were made,

His name was named before Yahuwah of Spirits.

The name of the Messiah was chosen (as a parent chooses their child’s name) for him in the presence of and before Yahuwah before the physical universe was created. The angels were not mentioned in this passage so they might have been there also. His name might have also been changed more than one time; as we know that he now has a name that no one knows. The Torah says the following:

Proverbs 30:4 - Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell?

Enoch 48

4 He shall be a staff to the righteous whereon to stay themselves and not fall,

And he shall be the light of the Gentiles,

And the hope of those who are troubled of heart.

5 All who dwell on earth shall fall down and worship before him,

And will praise and bless and celebrate with song Yahuwah of Spirits.

6 And for this reason hath he been chosen and hidden before Him,

Before the creation of the world and for evermore.

The identity of the Son had been previously hidden. Obviously the knowledge of his existence existed, but no one (on Earth at least) knew his name else why would Yahuwah have asked the question in Proverbs 30:4? Why and how was he kept hidden? I believe that the possible answer is that Yahushua always appeared as the Father’s representative and in speaking on behalf of the Father, in the first person, everyone assumed that he was the Father. Thus he was hidden. He came in the name of the Father.

10 And on the day of their affliction there shall be rest on the earth,

And before them they shall fall and not rise again:

And there shall be no one to take them with his hands and raise them:

For they have denied Yahuwah of Spirits and His Anointed.

The name of Yahuwah of Spirits be blessed.

It is Yahuwah that anointed Yahushua. Therefore, since it is always the greater who anoints the lesser, they CANNOT be of the same stature and glory. Neither can they be one and the same person. This is how the Trinitarians and Binitarians get confused, because in the Scriptures the two really are indistinguishable and this is the manner in which Yahushua, the Son was hidden.

Enoch - Chapter 49

l For wisdom is poured out like water,

And glory faileth not before him for evermore.

2 For he is mighty in all the secrets of righteousness,

And unrighteousness shall disappear as a shadow,

And have no continuance;

Because the Elect One standeth before Yahuwah of Spirits,

And his glory is for ever and ever,

And his might unto all generations.

3 And in him dwells the spirit of wisdom,

And the spirit which gives insight,

And the spirit of understanding and of might,

And the spirit of those who have fallen asleep in righteousness.

4 And he shall judge the secret things,

And none shall be able to utter a lying word before him;

For he is the Elect One before Yahuwah of Spirits according to His good pleasure.

The great glory of the Son was also hidden from the world. His glory is separate from the Father’s in that the Son was created by the Father. He was the ONLY one created DIRECTLY by the Father – i.e. the only begotten Son. In fact, he was begotten THREE times. He was the firstborn of all creation. He was the first to be born of a woman, yet fathered by the Creator Elohim. And finally, in the culmination of his glory, he was the first to be born of the new creation. He was elected or selected from the beginning and purposed for the glory that belongs to him alone.

Enoch – Chapter 50

3 They shall have no honour through the name of Yahuwah of Spirits,

Yet through His name shall they be saved,

And Yahuwah of Spirits will have compassion on them,

For His compassion is great.

This simply means that none are WORTHY or DESERVING of salvation. It is ONLY by Yahuwah’s good pleasure that any receive this blessing. We have been under the sentence of death since the day we were born. It is not by our works that we are saved, but by the works of our eldest brother Yahushua. He, by himself and of his own free will, chose obedience to the Father’s every word and thus qualified himself as the Messiah who would lead the righteous of creation from the grave to the new creation.

Enoch – Chapter 51

5a For in those days the Elect One shall arise,

2 And he shall choose the righteous and holy from among them:

For the day has drawn nigh that they should be saved.

3 And the Elect One shall in those days sit on My throne,

And his mouth shall pour forth all the secrets of wisdom and counsel:

For Yahuwah of Spirits hath given (them) to him and hath glorified him.

If you find the numbering of these verses or the changing of styles a little confusing in the Book of Enoch, you are not alone. Since these were added later, I would just ignore them except for reference sake.

The Elect One (Yahushua) will sit on the Father’s throne. This creation was made for him. This is his inheritance. Who knows what the future holds. Perhaps Yahuwah will go off to create new universes? Perhaps He has already created more than one. We simply have no idea. We only know the here and now. And all we know right now is that the Father “programmed” all of his attributes into the Son and that he is the perfect reflection of the Father.

Enoch – Chapter 54

4 And I asked the angel of peace who went with me, saying: ' For whom are these chains being prepared ? ' And he said unto me: ' These are being prepared for the hosts of Azazel, so that they may take them and cast them into the abyss of complete condemnation, and they shall cover their jaws with rough stones as the Lord of Spirits commanded.

Once again, the names “Satan” and “Azazel” appear to be synonymous – speaking of the same being. If not, then Azazel must be his prototype on Earth – a false messiah.

Enoch – Chapter 55

4 Ye mighty kings who dwell on the earth, ye shall have to behold Mine Elect One, how he sits on the throne of glory and judges Azazel, and all his associates, and all his hosts in the name of Yahuwah of Spirits.'

Yahushua will sit upon and judge from the Father’s throne, fully representing the Father before the rest of creation.

Gen. 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.