Is Islam the Beast?

Is Islam the Beast?


Gary Primo

July 12, 2014

This morning I watched and listened to a video presentation by Rico Cortez. Rico has enlightened many of us in the area of Jewish customs and traditions through his videos. Rico is fully convinced that Islam is the Beast. In the following video he gives some very good facts and interesting interpretations of those facts. My critique of the video does not deny any of the facts Rico puts foreword – only the conclusions. .

Ricco Cortez

Is Islam the Beast?

As much as I respect Rico and his teachings, I feel that Rico is not seeing the big picture here. It has always been my contention that scripture interprets scripture; and that scripture cannot be wrong. That is the premise of all my studies.

One of the most prophetic and revealing books of the Scriptures is the Book of Daniel. In it Yahuwah reveals through Daniel the future political evolution right up to the return of HaMashiyack. Daniel was prophesying during the rule of the Babylonian Empire. His vision showed that 3 more empires would follow. The last empire, which Yahuwah tells Daniel will exist right up until the return of Yahushua, is commonly recognized as Rome.

Therefore, if we are to believe this prophesy, we must examine history in a completely different light. If, as the history books tell us, the Roman Empire ceased to exist, how could Daniel’s prophesy be true?

The answer is simple. When Rome fell, the leaders hid themselves within the Roman Catholic Church disguised as priests. They have ruled or otherwise manipulated world affairs ever since from inside the Vatican. In this manner the Vatican becomes the perfect replica of the combined offices of both the Beast and the False Prophet; and, Daniel’s prophesy remains viable.

In 1534 a new version of the political/military wing of the Vatican was formed. It was christened the “Society of Jesus”. It is otherwise known as the Jesuit Order.

The following link will reveal the true nature of that organization.

The RCC is split into two offices – that of the “White” Pope and that of the “Black” Pope (Adolfo Nicolas). The White Pope is visible to all. The Black Pope is visible to almost no one. The White Pope takes his orders from the Black Pope. The evidence of this lies in the fact that four White Popes have been murdered by agents of the Black Popes for failing to comply with their bidding. All who leave the order and blow the whistle on them have been murdered. This seems to be the general MO of the Vatican. If anyone does not agree with them, they kill them.

In numerous letters written by the apostles, Believers were warned to beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. At the time of their writing their biggest opponent in converting the Gentiles was the Mithraic religion of Rome. The priest of Mithras were famous for masquerading as members of other faiths, working their way up the ranks and influencing the directions of those groups. They began doing the same thing with the congregations of Believers. It was likely such priests that paved the way for Gentile Believers to conform to the Christian counterfeit.

Emperor Constantine was also a worshiper of Mithras. He later diverted his worship to Sol Invictus, an offshoot of the Mithraic cult. Constantine supposedly converted to Christianity when he saw a flaming cross in the sky. Yet, he was not baptized until on his death bed. No one can be sure that he was even alive or what state of mind he was in when this supposed death bed baptism took place.

Regardless, Constantine was one of many who have held the office of the Beast. It was he who formed the world’s first state-sanctioned, one world religion. It was a merger of all the religions within his empire. In other words, it was Constantine who first formed the office of the False Prophet, which was formed not after or according with the teachings of Yahushua, but rather, the teachings of Mithras, Sol Invictus and other equally pagan sources.

Since that time the entity of the Roman Catholic Church has operated in much the same fashion as their progenitors, the priests of Mithras. They pose as members of other denominations, work their way up to positions of influence and begin to change that group’s thinking and understanding. They do the same thing with the governments of host nations and control everything from Government policy to commanding the military. They firmly believe in the age-old military concept of “divide and conquer”. They will also play one group off of another and incite them to make war upon one another (these days through the CIA).

The predominant goal of the RCC is to be the only religion and only government on the face of the earth. That is what the crusades were all about. That is what both world wars were about – build-ups to the grand finale.

Recently Catholic monasteries have been hosting joint classes attended by both Christians and Muslims. It is no mystery who is behind the new Christlam movement. While the RCC changes its stripes once more, they will distance themselves from all other Christian denominations. They will comply with the Seven Noahide Laws and distance themselves from following after Yahushua (or their Jesus). They are directing their followers to follow after and worship the Beast. Meanwhile, the Beast is part of who and what the RCC is.

The following statements are not meant to be racist in any way – just a statement of facts. The RCC is light years ahead of Islam when it comes to the art of deception. Islam is merely following the pattern of their tormentors in an attempt to fight fire with fire. Even the nation of Israel now has a political theater similar to their former masters – the Nazis. So does the U.S. What is at the root of this trend? Human nature and the thirst for ultimate power!

One thing the Muslims have been witness to is the gross hypocrisy of the RCC. They preach a gospel of peace and then use military might to convert the population. Muslims rightly do not see HaMashiyack at the helm of that church because he is not there. Is it any wonder that they have formed a united front to fight this enemy?

The charges that Rico Cortez levels at the Muslims can equally and even more so, be leveled at the RCC as well. Both want to be the universal religion upon the earth. Both are ruthless in achieving their goals. Both are types of the Beast and both are types of the False Prophet. But the predominant one remains in Rome.

The following site documents the efforts of the Vatican to take control of Old Jerusalem:

The goal of the Vatican is clearly to replace both the Jews and Muslims in the “Holy Land” and try to redefine and control end-time events. The Muslims have a similar plan – to drive all Christians and Jews out of the Holly Land, and indeed off the face of the Earth. Again, this is a fight fire with fire strategy. And, it is clearly the Vatican who initiated the conflict.

The RCC came into existence approximately 300 years before Islam. It has had that much longer to cement its foothold on the inhabitants of the earth. It has had that much more time to accumulate vast wealth. Wealth equals power. The more you have the more powerful you generally are. They have had that much more time to finagle their way into positions of authority in almost every nation on the earth. Islam uses loose immigration policies to gain such entrance. It has even managed to place one of its own at the helm of the Untied States of America. The odds are very good that through this president they will succeed in bring down the U.S.

What will the Vatican do if their current champion is defeated? Why, they will simply seek out another champion – likely Europe or Great Britain.

Islam does not operate in this specific manner. Instead of hiding and fighting their wars behind the skirt of another nation’s military force, they fight openly and directly. They are leaving themselves wide open to extermination. The Vatican may have lost a few battles, but they are still in the war that they initiated shortly following their establishment as the state religion of Rome. It has survived all of its champions. It will, according to Daniel’s prophesy, continue to do so until the return of Yahushua.

While Daniel’s prophesy may not be completely fulfilled yet, it soon will be. I have full faith in the Word of Yahuwah that it will be so.

No offence, Rico, but I think that you are off the mark in regards to this subject.

Yahuwah Bless
