The Only Proof Necessary

The Only Proof Necessary


Gary Primo

Dec. 15, 2019

In the beginning, man only had Yahuwah word/promise of eternal life and the way to gain it. However, until Yahushua made his physical debut man had no real proof that Yahuwah’s promises were true; and, of course, he had the adversary promoting the idea that Yahuwah was a liar.

So, Yahuwah sent them the proof they asked for and mankind (mostly) still did not believe it. Yahushua came to us as a man, suffered all that we suffer (plus a great deal more) so that He would know what it was like to be one of us (to better gauge our judgment). Through His resurrection, He proved His Father’s promises to be completely true and the adversary’s to be completely false. And yet, man (in general) still did not believe.

The adversary is a wily opponent in this epic battle over the hearts of men. His promise is more appeasing to mankind. They allow man to do whatever he pleases and still gain salvation. That is what the Christian religion is all about in claiming that the laws of Yahuwah are “done away”. His claim that we are already elohim is only partially true (the adversary’s trade mark – mixing truth with lies) yet we are not fully elohim. Just like all human children, we have to “grow up” into fully elohim beings. The adversary has convinced man that he is already elohim (while in a physical body) and is capable of bringing about salvation by physical means. Thus we have world scientists scrambling to extend human life as long as possible. Of course, that privilege is only available for those rich enough to afford it (the Elite). For us poorer folk it is death as usual.

The worldly Elite definitely believe they are already fully elohim. They believe that Elohim has favoured and blessed them by making them rich. And, there actually is a religious movement afoot that endorses such nonsense. It is this group that is behind the WH Prayer Breakfasts.

I believe the following site sums it up nicely:

Many believe that Christ’s signs and wonders were given to prove His Messiahship. Not so, according to the Scriptures! Christ said He would give one proof only to substantiate His Messiahship. Here it is: “Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matt. 12:38-40). Notice carefully, it was not Christ’s resurrection that was the proof of His Messiahship. Rather, it was the length of time He would be in the grave-three days and three nights! This 72-hour period, Jesus said, is what establishes His claim as the Messiah.

So this is the only thing we should base our belief in His messiahship on. The only question we need to ask is, Was He really in the grave for 3 days and nights, and did He really rise from the grave on the third day. If we lived in that day, we may have likely witnessed that event; but since we were not, we have to believe the witnesses, of which there were more than 500. That is much more than the two or three witnesses required for verifying something according to Hebrew tradition. These witnesses risked their lives to present their witness before the people. That is not what a normal, rational person would do if they knew they were lying. These witnesses were so convinced of what they witnessed, they continued in their witness of the event until they took their last breath. No amount of torture could make them recant. I know if I was promoting a lie and knew I was doing so, I would be very quick to recant if my life was being threatened. Therefore, I believe the witnesses over the “nay sayers”.

We asked for proof, we were given the proof and then we denied the proof. What a contrary bunch we are! Man simply does not wish to believe Yahuwah no matter what proof He gives us.

Matthew 27:63 - saying, “Sir, we remember, while He was still alive, how that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise.’

Yes, the Messiah knew He would rise on the third day. The Christians sort of go along with this doctrine, but then alter the number of days (1 ½ instead of three full days and nights) thereby supporting and denying it in the same breath. Their belief actually makes Yahushua out to be a liar, and, if a liar He cannot be the Messiah. Personally, I would not want to be in their shoes on the Day of Judgement.

So, what exactly did Yahuwah’s resurrection spell out for us? It proved that even though mankind brought the sentence of death upon himself, he still has a chance for redemption. If we had no such promise, it would make sense why the world hangs in such a precarious state. I mean, if there is no hope of redemption, why bother? What difference would it make if we are merely going to die anyway?

Yahushua’s resurrection was the proof that there can be life after death – if we desire and pursue it. Of course, that is all contingent of believing Yahuwah and obeying His voice.

Here are some other verses where Yahushua made the same claim.

Mark 8:31 - And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.

Following this verse, Peter takes the Messiah aside to rebuke Him. Can you imagine anyone rebuking the Son of Man? Peter had some nerve. And, check out Yahushua’s reply to Peter.

32 - And he spoke that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.

33 - But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savour not the things that be of Elohim but the things that be of men.

In other words, Peter was guilty of denying the word and promise of Yahuwah. Peter believed the longstanding traditions of men over the word of Elohim. How often did Yahushua rebuke the Jewish Elite for doing the exact same thing?

Mark 9:31 - For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day.

John 2:18 - Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign show you unto us, seeing that you doest these things?

19 - Yahushua answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

20 - Then said the Jews, Forty and six years were this temple in building, and will you rear it up in three days?

21 - But he spoke of the temple of his body.

22 - When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Yahushua had said.

The Apostles themselves did not believe/understand what Yahushua was talking about. That is the problem with long standing traditions of men; they are not always based on fact, but more so, the carnal desire of man. They had been brainwashed into believing their religious leaders over Yahuwah – a fact that Yahushua was attempting to correct. Yet the Apostles did not believe or understand him until they saw the proof – saw, felt and spoke to Him following His resurrection. This is what it took for them to leave their traditions and return to the word of Yahuwah. Yahuwah had much more to say about the traditions of men (that they were mostly wrong) which will be the subject for a separate study.

Yahushua may have had a better chance if He had appeared before our courts today. Legally speaking, He had the best case ever presented. Not too many have 500 witnesses all saying the same thing. Yet, the court of world opinion still rejects Him. What does a guy have to do in this world to prove he is telling the truth? Yahushua sacrificed all to bring us the true word of His Father. The exact same thing is required of us today. If we reject our calling, we also reject Yahushua’s sacrifice.


Man has denied the plan of Yahuwah ever since the Garden of Eden. In fact, they have denied Yahuwah altogether! Yet, proving His existence is the easiest thing there is. Just look around you and study the characteristics of the physical realm. I compare it to a circle, without beginning or end. There is no way the physical creation could have created itself. That is simply not possible considering its nature. The only way that the physical existence could have been brought about is if it had an extra-physical source.

In a similar worldly setting, if you see a road sign warning of danger ahead, the natural and rational response is to obey that sign. I guess when it comes to Yahuwah’s warnings man is deaf, dumb and illiterate. Time after time, Yahuwah has proven his warnings are legitimate and true; yet we still believe Him not. We have been afforded every opportunity to change our ways yet remain ignorant. The only thing left for Yahuwah to do is to save the righteous and destroy the unrighteous. Naturally the world will blame and condemn Yahuwah for it all. However, whenever we point the finger of blame at someone else, there are always 3 pointing right back at ourselves.

Yes, the foolishness of man is not going to end anytime soon; and certainly not through their own endeavours. Man did not create himself! Man cannot bring about salvation on his own! And man certainly cannot bring about the promises of Yahuwah without Yahuwah.

And, we Believers must not fall into the trap of believing that we were somehow deserving of salvation. That it is a rite of passage! I know for a fact that I was in no way worthy to receive salvation. One can read the full story on my web page. I was not a nice law-abiding person at all; and I still cannot for the life of me see what Yahuwah saw in me. Perhaps it was my stubbornness in sticking to my guns when I am sure I am right. Regardless, I was definitely heading full speed toward eternal death when Yahuwah stopped me in my tracks. And, I am so grateful that he did.

The bottom line is that Yahushua pre-existed His human birth. He was the Elohim of the Old Testament who represented and perfectly reflected Yahuwah. He came to earth in human form to prove the validity of His Father’s promises. He was the Firstborn in numerous ways. He was the Firstborn of the entire creation. He was the Firstborn of a woman, but fathered by Yahuwah’s righteous spirit. He was the Firstborn into Yahuwah’s Kingdom.

Recently, a room behind a tomb that laid under the mount where Yahushua was sacrificed was discovered by a scientist named Ron Wyatt. This hidden room housed both the Mercy Seat and the Arc of the Covenant (long believed to have been lost). A sample of this blood was tested for DNA. They found only the one female gene, proving that Yahushua did not have any physical father.

About Ron Wyatt

I believe that the world is going to receive a good dose of truth before the end comes. What man does with that truth is an entirely different matter. Let us all rejoice that Yahuwah has afforded us this awesome opportunity and live as if we are grateful even if undeserving.

Yahuwah Bless
