The Passover Blood Moon, 2015

The Passover Blood Moon, 2015


Gary Primo

April 4, 2015

(Sorry. Made a mistake creating the page and had 2014, when I meant 2015. Could not figure out how to change the url, so far.)

Well, here we are at the 3rd of 4 back to back blood moons. Prophetically blood moons signify coming war. Did that happen in 2014? Yes it did. Soon after the blood moon of Passover 2014 the Palestinians attacked Israel and sparked the invasion of Gaza. The American led coup of Ukraine and the Russian annexation of Crimea happened just before Passover (coup – Feb. 22; annexation Mar. 18). ISIS invaded Iraq and declared themselves a caliphate in July 2014.

These were all very significant events; all of which can be tied to the blood moon. ISIS has created a situation in the Middle East that caused the West to intervene and is promising to embroil the Middle East in a very long and bloody war involving just about every nation located there. America, NATO and the EU are preparing for war with Russia, which is most likely to become the 3rd world war on this planet. It is also threatening to turn nuclear.

The September blood moon event was accompanied by the beginning of the Shemitah year – the 7th year Sabbath rest. This year’s September blood moon will also be tied to the last day of the Shemitah and Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar. The last day of the Shemitah is the day that all debts were forgiven.

Just to give a brief example of what happened on the last day of the previous two Shemitah years; September 11 2001, the twin World Trade towers were attacked and fell. Two weeks later it was followed by the largest point drop in Wall St. history.

September 2008, the biggest stock market crash since the Great Depression. These were all warnings from Elohim to turn back to Him before it is too late. And, of course, that wasn’t happened. If the Shemitah follows the same pattern as it did with ancient Israel, each Shemitah event (warning) will become more dramatic, and if mankind does not repent and turn to Yahuwah, the possibility of economic collapse and/or war may be imminent.

Combined, these two factors, the blood moons plus the Shemitah, spell imminent danger, not only to Israel, but all of mankind. Many will say, “Oh, those laws only applied to Israel”. However, it was Yahuwah’s intention that Israel become a model for the rest of the world, meaning that they were to lead the world to the worship of Yahuwah and adopt all His laws. Of course, Israel failed miserably to even keep the laws themselves; and their punishment eventually came upon them.

Since the laws of Yahuwah were built right into the creation, they cannot be broken without a negative consequence. For every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Newton’s 3rd law of motion). Therefore, the natural consequence of breaking any of Yahuwah’s laws is immutable. It may take some time, but the consequences are certain. Since it can be said that mankind as a whole has not repented and turned back to Yahuwah, his destruction is sure and non-debateable according to nature itself.

In many cases the destruction does not come directly from Yahuwah, but from man himself (such as invasion from a foreign enemy). However, in each case it was Yahuwah’s will that granted the enemy the victory, to punish His rebellious children.

The words of this passage were meant both for the apostles of Yahushua’s time and the end-time generation of believers. However, scriptural prophesy is usually dual in nature and some that have already transpired will occur again, in more or less the same fashion. So let us check out these prophesies to look for any possible correlation.

Matt. 24:1 - And Yahushua went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple.

2 - And Yahushua said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

Yahushua was of course prophesying not only of the temple but the entire nation. Mankind always likes to build magnificent buildings and towers. They are the symbols of their wealth and Yahuwah’s blessings. The image of one of these grand structures (such as the temple was, being brought down brick by brick, is the symbol of the beginning of the end of that nation.

Jumping into the present, what monumental structure collapsed in our time? The Twin Towers, obviously. This was the sign from Yahuwah that America has crossed the final boundary in turning away from Elohim, and is about to go the same way as ancient Israel. It doesn’t matter who is visibly responsible.

This was a warning from Elohim to turn back to Him. So far America has refused and is moving even farther from Yahuwah than before the fall of the towers. In fact their politicians have even uttered the very same words of defiance as the ancient Israelites.

However, this is not only a warning to America but the entire world. Who but Yahuwah can destroy what He created? Who but Yahuwah sets up monarchs and takes them down? In the destruction of the towers, Yahuwah was warning of global chaos and great destruction.

What have we got now? We have Russia and the US facing off in a nuclear “Mexican standoff”.

3 - And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

Clearly, the apostles were inquiring about the end times. Like us, they believed that the end of time and the return of the Messiah would occur in their day. However, our measurement of time is meaningless to Yahuwah, to whom a minute is like a thousand years. Yahuwah operates on His schedule, not ours. That is why date setting is so crazy. Instead we are to watch for the signs in heaven and wade through all the false prophesies to arrive at the truth. And the truth is that this world is about to experience a monumental change and power shift. Not necessarily for the better.

4 - And Yahushua answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 - For many shall come in my name, saying, I am HaMashiyack; and shall deceive many.

6 - And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 - For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in different places.

8 - All these are the beginning of sorrows.

I am sure that everyone can identify with this prophesy and recognize that these events are happening in various parts of the world at this very moment. We have wars breaking out all through the Middle East, Africa and the Ukraine. Russia, China and America are threatening to nuke each other. We have the new Chinese Development Bank threatening to overtake and destroy the US throne as the world’s central currency and with it, the IMF and the World Bank. This in itself is cause enough for America to attempt to destroy China through a pre-emptive nuclear attack. America is confident that they can win a nuclear war with Russia and China. But as the recent Russian threat of nuking Yellowstone and the St. Andreas Fault reveals, the US may have certain vulnerabilities they have not taken into consideration.

Such an attack would not only destroy a great deal of the US and Canada, but in the case of the St. Andreas Fault, would cause a large portion to disappear altogether into the sea. This would cause a tidal wave such as the world has never witnessed before. Such a wave would have the capacity of travelling many hundreds of miles inland in quite a number of nations bordering on the Pacific.

Famines are presently happening all over the globe. Epidemics such as Ebola are erupting everywhere as are earthquakes and volcanoes. It certainly seems as if the end is near.

9 - Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.

10 - And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 - And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

In 1992, George Bush Sr. basically replaced the 10 commandments with the 7 Noahide laws. It was passed into US law that same year. Since then anything to do with Elohim has been removed from public display, and even speaking His name or His Son’s name can bring heavy persecution. Praying in public schools has been ban; yet Muslim children are allowed a special room to go and pray in. This law opened the door to persecution of Christians and Believers alike.

Albert Pike’s vision of three world wars included the destruction of the world’s 3 main religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam in the final world battle. The 7 Noahide Laws have opened the door for that to happen. And, who came up with the totally unscriptural 7 Noahide Laws? The Jews did, not even realizing that they were signing their own death warrant.

In the NWO only one system of faith will be “allowed”. It is prophesied to succeed where the former one world religion of Constantine (Christianity) failed. It will be the one world religion of demonic worship that many among the power elite already worship – Molech. The symbol of Molech worship is the all wise, ever seeing Owl (the symbol of enlightenment). Where they gather to worship every year at Bohemian Grove, these demonic followers bow and pray before a giant statue of an owl. Any who do not succumb to this system of worship, will be branded enemies of the state and worthy of death.

WW3 will not only be about power and greed, it will also be about forcing people to abandon their former belief systems and adopt theirs. It will be a war of ideologies.

12 - And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 - But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

14 - And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Iniquity (lawlessness against Elohim) is most definitely abounding. The Global Elite are going to do their best to force us to abandon following the Way of Yahuwah in any way, shape or form. Any who comply will lose out on any hope for salvation. Most who refuse to comply will likely be killed.

The love of many is indeed waxing cold. This love not only applies to our fellow humans but to Yahuwah as well. What kind of an upside down world hates its own Creator? How can any world continue to rebel against its own Elohim? Like I have stated before, it is like buying a new car, throwing away the manual ignoring everything that would add a longer and healthier life to that vehicle. In other words it is totally retarded. But that is the way man has been since Adam perpetrated the original sin.

And, since the end has not come yet, we might question if the gospel has indeed gone out to all entire the world. I am talking of the true gospel, not the one that Christianity sells. However, we have all witnessed and been a part of the rather large exodus from the one world religion of Constantine (Christianity) and are part of the movement to bring the truth to the world. This means that we still have much to do to fulfill our commission.

15 - When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whosoever reads this, let him understand:)

Such an abomination was placed in the “holy place” during the occupation by Greece.

Antiochus regarded himself as Zeus (hence his title, epiphanes, meaning ‘manifestation of’), the Greek God. He gave lavishly to Greek temples, including the Temple of Zeus in Athens. His self-view as the supreme God meant that he saw himself as having power over all the religions in his realm. He thus tried to systematically change the traditions of the Jews, based on the laws of Moses, to make them conform to Greek beliefs. He built a gymnasium in Jerusalem, where instead of learning their ancient law, the priests engaged in wrestling contests in the Greek fashion, which meant they were naked. Those who were circumcised endeavored to hide this. Antiochus' programs of Hellenization may even have involved altering the scriptures by, for example, introducing Greek cosmology into the Hebrew Scriptures. Texts say that people caught reading the Torah were punished, even killed; Sabbath observation was abolished and circumcision banned on pain of death.

And also:

In 168 B.C.E. or 169 B.C.E. Antiochus marched to Jerusalem, slew Jason (last of the Zadokite High Priests) and dedicated the Temple to Zeus, erecting an image of Zeus in his own likeness on the altar, and, according to some sources, sacrificed a pig in the Temple.

The coming one world religion will bring with it a much greater persecution of Jews and true Believers. Another “abomination of desolation” is coming to the nation of Israel. However, a third temple must first be built before that can happen. When it does, Jerusalem will once again succumb to a foreign occupation of its lands. The occupiers will once again desecrate the temple and set up another abomination some sort of object of pagan worship. Not only the Jews, but the entire world will be forced to worship this same object including true Believers. .

16 - Then let them which are in Judaea flee into the mountains:

17 - Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house:

18 - Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

19 - And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

20 - But pray ye that your flight is not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day:

21 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

We know that during the Great Tribulation that a certain beast power will have gained control of the entire earth. With all signs pointing to a soon coming WW3, the winner of this battle will become that beast power. Yahuwah’s warnings to America to return to Him have been largely ignored. Therefore, I cannot see America retaining the title of the world’s greatest superpower for much longer.

In fact, following a nuclear devastation, there might not be much of America left at all. And, America’s elite seem perfectly prepared for such a scenario. They have their underground survival bunkers securely in place and outfitted with all they think they need to survive.

What they have not even considered is the fact that Yahuwah has turned His back on America, just as they have turned their backs towards Him. And, we all know that no one can hide from Yahuwah. He might cause some natural manifestation to destroy them, or have their enemies waiting outside the entrances to these shelters to take them down when they come out. Either way, they will not escape Yahuwah’s wrath or punishment.

22 - And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

In today’s environment I see two possibilities in this verse. Yahuwah will either intervene and a nuclear war will be averted, or it will be limited. For example; let’s say that Russia and China come up with a way to block American communications with their military machine and they do not receive the information that America has been attacked? Logic tells us that in such a case, they would not even know what is happening, much less be able to respond.

It could be all over for America in a matter of minutes. It only takes a nuclear missile, launched from Russia, 8-10 minutes to reach any target within mainland America. All the Russian and Chinese subs presently lying just outside of American territorial waters can reach their targets even sooner. If the American communication network is neutralized, the American people will be sitting ducks and find themselves up that well-known creek without a paddle.

The other possibility is that Yahuwah, Himself, will bring their punishment in the form of natural disasters. At the moment, California is suffering through a lengthy and devastating drought. The super volcano in Yellowstone Park is threatening to erupt. Devastating bands of tornados have been sweeping the mid-west and super hurricanes have been hitting the continental USA periodically. Yahuwah’s wrath could come in the form of any one of these natural disasters or it could come via a combination of all these factors.

No sin is going to go unpunished. America cannot stand forever with its back turned against Elohim and survive. It is as simple as that and historically provable.

But the fingers should not be pointing at America alone. This warning is going out to all the inhabitants of planet earth and we had better take notice, repent and return to Yahuwah before it is too late.

23 - Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is HaMashiyack, or there; believe it not.

24 - For there shall arise false messiahs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

What was it that Yahushua warned us about concerning following after signs?

Matt.12:39 - But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

What I think Yahushua meant is that an evil and adulterous generation will seek after a sign before they repent and turn to Elohim, which of course, might be too late for them by then. It is much better for any one of us to repent and turn to Elohim based on the one sign that Yahushua gave, the sign of Jonah, which was that the Messiah would be three days and nights in the ground and would be resurrected at the end of the third day. That is the only sign we should need to turn our spiritual lives around. Yet multiple billions are still seeking signs that signify the end is near before they abandon the pleasurable ways of this world and vigorously pursue the Way of Yahuwah. They are going to find themselves a day late and a dollar short by that time..

Isa. 9:25 - Behold, I have told you before.

26 - Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

27 - For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.

28 - For wherever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

29 - Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

Note that this says that it will be after the tribulation that this event occurs. Yet many are jumping to conclusions that the current Tetrad (series of blood moons) signifies this event. Not so, my friends. The Tribulation is not scheduled to begin until the advent of the two end-time witnesses, prophesying from Jerusalem. Their manifestation will coincide with a global drought/famine for 3 ½ years. They will be hated by all nations and the powers that be at the time, will try to kill them. However, fire shall proceed from their mouths and devour their enemies and all that would do them harm. They will also cause fire to come from the sky. None of this has yet taken place. Also, construction of the third temple has not even begun.

Verse 29 is talking of a total absence of light from the two main sources, the sun and moon – not some brief darkening caused by a solar or lunar eclipse. The two never coincide naturally, so this has to be a supernatural occurrence. The eclipse that occurred during the crucifixion of Yahushua was just such an event. For three hours the earth was in total darkness. The stars were actually visible in midday. There is no natural eclipse that lasts this long. The inhabitants of the earth knew this fact at the time; and many nations inquired about and debated the reason for this darkness. Of course, it did not cause the entire earth to repent and turn to Yahuwah. Neither, likely, will the next.

However, I believe that this event will last much longer than 3 hours. It could be talking of a nuclear “winter” where the radio-active dust clouds will engulf the entire earth and block all light from the moon and the sun for as long as 6 months. Of it can be a supernatural event that defies all human understanding.

30 - And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

This event will end the period of man’s self-rule. As other verses indicate, there will be a certain time frame in which Yahushua has to “subdue” the earth and the nations thereof. Once subdued, Yahushua will reign supreme over all of mankind.

But note that “the tribes of the earth mourn” at His coming. Why? Because they were paying more attention to looking for a sign, than in true repentance and turning back to Yahuwah!

Some will repent immediately but most will attempt to make war against Him, thinking it is some kind of invasion of aliens from outer space.

Once subdued, the earth will finally rest from all the wars of humanity and a true and total peace will be manifested at last – at least for a thousand years when the forces of evil will once again be unleashed, and much of humanity will return to their evil ways and revolt against Yahushua. They all, of course, will meet a swift end and end all hope of salvation for those foolish individuals.

Blood Moons, the Shemitah and the Jubilee

I have always been confused as to why the Jews know the first month of the year is Abib, yet celebrate the new year in the 7th month. I did not know if they adopted it while in Babylon or was one of the changes Hillel made to the Jewish calendar in the 4th century. It is a fact that the seventh month on the Babylonian Calendar, Araḫ Tišritum, means the “month of beginning”, but actually signifies the beginning of the second half of the year. The actual beginning of the year, similar to the Jews, begins during the sowing season and is called, “Araḫ Nisānu”, meaning “month of the sanctuary”.

However, I think I understand it much better now that I understand the Shemita (at last) and will attempt to explain it for those still having questions about it. And, also, I cannot be sure just what degree of understanding it all I really do have, so if anyone has anything to add or correct, please email it to me. So here goes.

The Shemitah begins in the fall right after the harvest. At that time the harvest was fresh. Naturally one would want to begin this period with food that is as fresh as possible and take full advantage of the final harvest of the year. They would actually not have another harvest for 1 1/2 years; till the next spring harvest. I would love to know how they preserved the food for so long.

In the case of the Jubilee, they have to go 2 1/2 years from harvest to harvest. Therefore, they received 3 fold of everything in the pre-Jubilee Shemitah 49th) year.

This really required a great degree of faith and trust. I mean starving to death is not fun.

Also, how do we non-agricultural waifs keep this law? Obviously, the warnings of “The Harbingers” (same author) testify the Yahuwah’s judgement is coming down on America. Therefore, it is only common sense that it would apply to all nations. Does anyone have any ideas on that?

Anyway, I have come to believe that the answer lies with the timing of the beginning of the Jubilee.

Lev. 25:8 - And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.

9 - Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.

This (Jubilee) year occurred every fifty years. It appears that the Jubilee bears a striking resemblance to Pentecost. All land reverted back to its original owner. It began on the Day of Atonement (10th day of the 7th month).

The 49th year was also a Shemitah year. Therefore, they had two Sabbath years back to back. It only makes sense that they would more or less coincide with one another.

Therefore, I no longer believe their was some form of dirty business going on there, it actually was ordained of Yahuwah. No worries!

We are in the forty-ninth year now. It began on Tishri 1 last. It will end on the coming 1st of Tishri. Ten days later, the Jubilee begins. How can we ensure that we are not counted as one of the offenders? I would really like some input on this.

Concerning the Passover blood moon (2015) there have already been some very significant events unfold very close to the Passover.

1 – Russian nuclear advisor threatens to nuke Yellowstone and the St. Andreas Fault.

2 – Civil war erupts in Yemen

3 – Saudi Arabia forms a coalition with a number of other Arab nations to go after Iran’s puppet club in Yemen.

4 - Obama strikes a nuclear deal with Iran, which not only Israel, but the Saudis and Jordan see as a security threat.

5 – Briton leads 40 other nations in joining the Chinese Investment Bank (AIIB) – a clear indication that America is about to lose their dollar’s reserve currency status to China.

6 – Iran sends war ships to Yemen and calls for a ceasefire. This could be an indication that they are going to get directly involved in the fighting there. It is curious as to whether this move had anything to do with the nuclear deal signed between the US and Iran.

These events all occurred halfway into the Shemitah year and in close proximity to the Passover and the blood moon. I would think it safe to say that there is a definite connection. The blood moon represents war, and it certainly seems like WW3 is well underway and is about to turn hot. The final day of the Shemitah, Elul 29, is when the economy will take a hit.

The only good side to all of this is, if we are the last generation, we will wake up in the Kingdom that much sooner.


Most of the information provided concerning the Shemitah and the Jubilee came from Rabi Jonathon Cohn’s book, “The Mystery of the Shemitah”. This book is for sale on a number of sites, including Its companion, “The Harbinger” (also written by Cohn) is a must read for all Believers as well.

One might wonder how Cahn deermines the timing of the Jubilee. I wondered too. He explains it near the end og ÈThe Mystery of the Shemitah.

The Jubilee is also known as the Year of Release – when all land returned to its rightful and original owner. It is a reminder that all things belong to Yahuwah and that we are only pilgrims on the earth.

In 1917, with the Balfour Declaration, the land of Israel was partially restored to the Jews. However, Jordan retained possession of Jerusalem.

Fifty years later, in 1967, the Six-day War took place where Egypt and the rest of the Gulf States were planning to annihilate Israel. However, Israel launched their own pre-emptive attack wiping out all the enemy’s air capabilities and forcing them to back off. In the process, the Israelis took control of Jerusalem back from the Jordanians and liberated that prised city.

Both of these incidents were examples of the land of Israel being returned to whom it rightfully belonged. The fact that they were exactly 50 years apart is what marks them as Jubilee years.

Like I said before, the laws of Yahuwah are immutable and the consequences of violating them are sure. They were built into the original seed of creation. There are specific consequences (blessings) for obedience and certain consequences (curses) for disobedience. They are both as sure as the spring rains follow the winter snow.

The Harbingers are warnings from Yahuwah. If the people listen to them and return to their Elohim, they will be blessed and spared. If they ignore the warnings and continue to pursue all worldly pleasures and turn further away from Yahuwah, they will be cursed and destroyed.

Observance of the Shemitah and the Jubilee is a demonstration of a nation’s faith and trust in Yahuwah. Such a nation is putting their lives solely in the hands of the Creator. It is a test of faith and obedience.

Again, I continue to question how we, as individuals, are to keep this observance and implore some help with the matter; so please send me your thoughts on this.

In the mean time, we might want to keep a close eye on world events taking shape surrounding and in conjunction with Yahuwah’s appointed times, His warnings (harbingers) and the four blood moons. We might also want to make plans to flee into the wilderness as the forces pushing a third world war take center stage and pray to Yahuwah for guidance.

Let us also pray for the rest of the general population of the Earth and that a nuclear Armageddon can be averted.

Yahuwah bless and cause His glorious light to shine on you all.


Appendix A

The Shemitah and the Jubilee.

Ex: 23:10 - And six years you shall sow your land, and shall gather in the fruits thereof:

11 - But the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie still; that the poor of your people may eat: and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner you shall deal with thy vineyard, and with thy olive-yard.

Lev. 25:1 - And Yahuwah spoke unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying,

2 - Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, “When you come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a Sabbath unto Yahuwah.

3 - Six years you shall sow thy field, and six years you shall prune thy vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof;

4 - But in the seventh year shall be a Sabbath of rest unto the land, a Sabbath for Yahuwah: you shall neither sow your field, nor prune your vineyard.

5 - That which grows of its own accord of your harvest you shall not reap, neither gather the grapes of your vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land.

6 - And the Sabbath of the land shall be meat for you; for you, and for your servant, and for your maid, and for your hired servant, and for your stranger that sojourns with you,

7 - And for your cattle, and for the beast that are in your land, shall all the increase thereof be meat.

Lev. 25:8 - And you shall number seven Sabbaths of years unto you, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven Sabbaths of years shall be unto you forty and nine years.

9 - Then shall you cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall you make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.

10 - And you shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a Jubilee unto you; and you shall return every man unto his possession, and you shall return every man unto his family.

11 - A Jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you: you shall not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed.

12 - For it is the Jubilee; it shall be holy unto you: you shall eat the increase thereof out of the field.

13 - In the year of this Jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession.

14 - And if you sell anything unto you neighbour, or buy anything from you neighbour’s hand, you shall not oppress one another:

15 - According to the number of years after the Jubilee you shall buy of your neighbour, and according unto the number of years of the fruits he shall sell unto you: