Archive of Daily Posts

Shalom All.

I created this page to archive my daily posts; so that you or I can refer back to them easily. I hope this proves to be a useful tool for all my friends.

Oct. 14, 2019

Feast of Tabernacles

The following was posted by Harold Smith of He Who has an Ear ministry. It is a very interesting read and as always, Harold supplies some very interesting Hebrew background that explains certain scriptures much more clearly.

Oct. 13, 2019

Peace on Earth and Good Will towards Men

This saying has successfully evaded the human race since the beginning of our time on the planet. Any periods of peace were very short lived. What is war all about anyway? Greed! One nation has something the other wants and they try to take it by force. This certainly does not reflect any “good will towards men”.

Yahushua’s millennial rule will be the exact opposite of what this world has suffered through these past 6,000 years. There will be one thousand years of peace and good will. The world will be a happy place full of love towards one another and prosperity and spiritual growth. But, in the end, we already know what happens. HaSatan is released from his prison and deceives mankind one last time – and, they flock to serve him. We also know the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over in the exact same manner, expecting a different result. The human race (except for us, of course) is quite definitely insane.

Oct. 12, 2019

Revelation 1:7 - "Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen.

Oh how we long to see that day. And yet, so many seem to have the attitude that Yahushua is delaying His coming, and carry on like they are not concerned about salvation at all. Just because we may never see this day, there are certainly to be some trials we will face that will determine our faithfulness and our advancement to salvation (or not).

As I have said numerous times, we still have over 200 years to go till the end of the 6 thousand years of man’s self rule, according to the Hebrew calendar. Therefore, I would not expect to live to see most of the end-time events. However, I do believe we are seeing the build-up to those events today.

Mostly all Believers, even the Apostles, thought they would see HaMashiyack’s return during their life-times, but did not. With the benefit of hindsight, we can confidently conclude that Yahushua’s return is yet some time off. Yet we should be living as if He were to return in our life-times anyway; for He is with us in the spirit already. And, we have some very important work to do – prepare the end-time generation for what they are about to face and the importance of enduring to the end. We only have till the end of our life-times to get it right. So, let us focus on that and not so much end-time prophesies.

Oct. 11, 2019

The Feast of Tabernacles

As we all know the Feast of Tabernacles represents the millennia rule of HaMashiyack, Yahushua for 1,000 years. Imagine what those 1,000 years will be like. No wars, no murders, no sickness, no dying, no stealing, no lies, no hunger, no depression and best of all, no religious confusion. The truth and only the truth will be all there is.

And yet, after 1,000 years in paradise the majority of those inhabitants will rebel one last time. Man, we certainly are a hard headed lot. But then, the world hosts HaSatan’s spirit, not Yahuwah’s and they are as dumb and blind as those lemmings that charge right off a cliff to their deaths. HaSatan’s spirit is a very powerful force and it is not easy to overcome. During this time his spirit will be imprisoned and will have no influence on mankind. But the minute he is released, the majority will once again enslave themselves to him. I am sure we have all had our times of weakness. Putting on the Armour of Salvation is primarily to protect us from this most formidable foe. If we can defeat him, the rest of mankind will be a piece of cake.

Over this seven day festival, we may wish to meditative on being with Yahushua during those 1,000 years, teaching the world the truth about Yahuwah. And, of course we cannot picture this period of time without contemplating the end of it all. All who rebel will be wiped out in the snap of the fingers. The only ones left standing will be the faithful who did not rebel. That will be us, brethren, the true and faithful.

Wishing all a fantastic feast!

Oct. 9, 2019

Immortality of the Soul

This video link is presented by none other than Jim Carrey, the actor. I am not sure what religion he relates to if any; however, the gist of his message varies little from HaSatan’s words to Eve – “You are already elohim”. Carrey should stick to acting.

Oct. 5, 2019

Fall Festivals

Before the fall feasts started, I send out an email asking everyone if they were keeping the days according to the Jewish reckoning of these days or according to scripture. I received varied responses. So, I simply had to go with my conscience and follow the scriptural commandments for these days. My reasoning is that even being one day off, could mean that we would miss out on some of the expected end-time events.

Obedience to His every word is a very huge concept in Yahuwah’s world. Disobedience leads to negative consequences and obedience to positive. This law was built into the very creation and everything in this universe runs on the concept.

Man’s disobedience has thrown the whole universe into chaos and the negative consequence has been the state of death, war and disease we find ourselves in today. However, the worst consequence of all is to lose out on eternal life.

Yahuwah set the calendar in the stars for a very good reason – so no man could mess with it. We can easily verify or deny any claim. This year the Jewish authorities are utilizing a tool of their own invention, known as “postponements”. This is where they alter/move the dates so that they do not get back-to-back Sabbaths (Saturday/Sunday – weekly/yearly). Oh my, what an inconvenience! There are actually three back-to-back Sabbaths this fall; one has already passed - Sept. 28/29, Oct. 12/13 and Oct. 19/20.

The Sabbaths (both weekly and yearly) are to be a delight, not some burdening thing to be avoided. Yahuwah set these dates for a reason and we had better believe He does know what He is doing. So, the following will be the dates I am keeping for the remainder of the season.

Atonement – Oct. 8.

!st day of Tabernacles – Oct. 13

7th Day of Tabernacles – Oct. 19.

Last Great Day – Oct. 20.

Follow the scriptures and you consciences, Brethren.

Oct. 1, 2019

Talk about throwing good money out after bad – this report spells out the ridiculousness of any benefit for the cost of “saving the planet” so far; which is almost nothing. What this report fails to mention is that one volcanic eruption throws more CO2 in the air than all of the manmade carbon put together. We know from Scriptural prophesy that there is to be an increase in volcanic activity towards the end-times and we certainly have been witnessing at least the beginning of that prophesy. These climate change people seem to be thinking like the ancients, performing child sacrifices to appease the storm gods. Only they are throwing money at the clouds, thinking that will change it. When it comes to man verses nature, man is the loser every time. And yet, he still doesn’t get it. The earth needs to be cleansed of stupidity, asap.

Sept. 29, 2019

Excellent Video

The following video was sent to me by my brother in the faith, Ed Nelson. The video mentions Ed by name and recounts his issues with traditional doctors giving him only months to live; but how Yahuwah made monkeys of them all. To Ed, all I can say is Yahuwah Bless. You have made Him proud.

Sept. 28, 2019

Conrad Black Predicts Huge win for Trump in 2020

I am pretty sure that all Canadians know who Conrad Black is. Also a number of Americans who may have followed the court case where he was kangarooed into prison for some supposedly shady business deals. As far as I am concerned, he is the best journalist Canada has ever produced, and that he was completely innocent of what he was charged with.

In this article, Black lambasts the corporate media for their Liberal-biased, corrupt practices and the spreading of lies, and lays out the facts of the matter in plain “truthful” language. Black claims he believes that Trump is going to win by a margin of 20 points over his opponents. If the American people end up in a situation where their vote actually does count, I agree with Black. Read the article for yourself and you be the judge.

Sept. 24, 2019

Ancient Aliens

I have been watching a series on Netflix called, “Ancient Aliens”. I would recommend it for the amazing things the archeologists have unearthed; however, I would stop short with their conclusions. The one thing that is readily apparent is that they made the series with the predisposition of the belief that humans were taught basically everything they know from ancient aliens that visited the planet from the earliest of times.

Of course, the scriptures attribute man’s sudden coming into knowledge to fallen angels. The series addresses this fact as well, claiming the angels were really space travelers and totally physical beings, not gods.

One of the presenters is Eric Von Däniken, author of “Chariots of the Gods”, and “Gold of the Gods”. Before I turned to Yahuwah I was an avid fan of Von Däniken. I was convinced that Elohim was an space alien. Then I discovered an error he made (perhaps intentionally) where he reversed two scriptures (I forget which) in order to suit his theory. I thought this was very dishonest and it turned me off of Van Däniken for good.

Yet, some of the discoveries being made, certainly raise a lot of questions concerning man’s ancient past. The series is quick to conclude that it was aliens who are responsible for almost everything. However, I stand by Yahuwah and am sure that there is a reasonable explanation for it all. I also believe that anything is possible and am not quick to dismiss something until I do some investigating. I suppose it is quite possible that there were other civilizations before ours. I also suppose it is quite possible that there is life on some other planets (including aliens of greater intelligence than us).

I have never seen an alien; however, my cousin and I saw a very strange sight one night while out on the lake fishing. We saw a light coming across the sky, like that of an airplane, only this one was flying in a very strange zigzag fashion, moving rapidly from side to side (not turning, just a sideways motion) which neither of us had ever seen before. We both agreed, “That’s no plane”. It eventually flew across the sky and disappeared behind some clouds.

Another time, a close friend and his wife were sitting on their deck one warm summer night and they suddenly heard a low pitched hum and looked up to see a strange, rectangular, flying object moving very slowly over their house (about 50 ft. up) towards the lake (about ½ a mile away).

So, I do not discount UFO sightings or the possibility that there really is other life out there in space. However, although the past may be intriguing to us, I think Yahuwah would rather that we focus on the future and attaining His Kingdom. If we do experience alien contact in the future, it certainly will be interesting.

Sept. 21, 2019

The “Science” of Evolution

The “science” of evolution is that it is the most unscientific theory ever devised. The simple fact is that it is a physical impossibility that the universe created itself. It simply does not fit with the known parameters of physical law. It is like the age-old question, “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” Everything about the physical creation is cycular, like a wheel, and one cannot tell the beginning from the end. The only physical and scientific conclusion is an extra-physical source.

I get so angry when someone starts spouting their evolutionary garbage at me. Yet, I manage to control my anger and explain how the physical universe operates and how absurd their theory is. It usually leaves them scratching their heads not knowing what to say. They are so used to regurgitating this nonsense unchallenged; they are in shock when someone throws a little truth at them.

HaSatan loves a good lie; and this is his best one yet. It denies not only an eternal Creator but the creation itself. And, of course, if there was no creation, there can be no Saviour either. Sadly, man loves the lie as much as HaSatan and are eager to please the god (HaSatan) that they all worship in one form or another and regurgitate all of his lies.

It is such a privilege to be amongst such a distinguished group of truth seekers. Bringing the truth to the world is an honour precious few are chosen to do. We must accept this responsibility with all due diligence and perform Yahuwah’s will at all times. The theory of evolution is one of the easiest lies to put to rest.

Sept. 20, 2019

Haunted by Our Past

How many have skeletons in our closets from before we were converted to HaMashiyack? Yahuwah knows I have my fair share. We all hope these skeletons never raise their ugly heads, but sometimes they do. This has become glaringly true in today’s political circles. When they cannot dig up any dirt on the opposition candidate, they search his past for any usable dirt.

The big story in Canadian news this week is a picture of Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, sporting a black face at a costume party during his college years. Of course, that seriously clashed with his present support of minorities. Now he is being labelled a hypocrite, a racist, etc. Well, Justin Trudeau may be many things (being a moron is at the top of my list) but I would not label him a racist just from an old college photo in blackface. People often go all out for such occasions. I see his blackface as merely getting into the character he was supposed to be portraying. In similar fashion, he was ridiculed for dressing up in Indian garb when he visited that nation.

To be clear, I am definitely no fan of Trudeau (or his father); however, the way people today are so quick to label someone a racist for the flimsiest of reasons, is getting ridiculous. Trump says one word the Libs don’t like and he is a racist. Trudeau donned a blackface at a college costume party and he is a racist. I call BS on all of it. And, labelling someone unfairly with this brand is especially sick, as it portrays them as some ignorant redneck. Perhaps we will someday be stuck with such a label for hating the ways of this world (abortionists, homosexuals, etc.). Who knows! So, let us be careful about branding anyone with such a label.

Sept. 19, 2019

Ohio College Normalizes Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation

This is a disgusting report that reveals the true depth of degeneration that seems to be taking over the world. Fifty years ago this professor would have been verbally drawn and quartered for such talk. Today he is more likely to be hailed as a revolutionary who is ahead of his time. Unfortunately we are going to see much worse before it gets any better. I pray Yahushua comes soon to put an end to this disgusting nonsense.

Sept. 14. 2019

The Lesson of Jonah

What was the lesson of Jonah? Basically, it was that when Yahuwah calls you to perform a certain task for Him, you’d better listen and perform it. Now, Jonah, I am sure was an Elohim-fearing individual, but Yahuwah knew already of the one thing he would baulk at, speaking to the authorities of the city. I know exactly what he must have been thinking for I have a deathly fear of speaking before an audience as well. However, in Jonah case, he knew he could possibly be facing death for such a move, if the people did not take kindly to his message.

I believe that many of us are in the same boat (or whale’s belly) as Job. We lack boldness at standing and speaking before crowds, especially ones of mixed beliefs. Such were the audiences that Shaul preached to. And, of course, he subjected himself to prison and many beatings for his efforts. However, that did not dissuade him in the least. He served Yahuwah alone. And, that was a great offence to the Jewish authorities and the pagan Greek/Roman systems of worship as well. Both thought of themselves as “God on Earth’ the same as the RCC since its conception. There is no such thing as “God on earth”. The Great Elohim of heaven and earth dwells in the heavens, as does His Son, the only True High Priest. No one else has ever been given the authority to represent Yahuwah on Earth. We have no need for an earthly government at all. Yahuwah can do very well on His own.

We often wonder why we do not display the same power of the spirit as the prophets of old and the apostles of the NT. I believe that this lack of boldness is the root cause. We are being a bunch of Jonahs whining from the belly of the whale “Why have you forsaken me?”

So, starting today let us all start praying for the boldness to serve Yahuwah is any way he chooses for us. Let us not end up in the belly of the whale.

Sept. 13, 2019

Prophets of Baal

The following comes from

An unfortunate parallel

It’s important to understand that in the New Testament, Balaam became known as a false prophet and a sad example of wandering from truth to greed. Thus, when Peter charges false teachers with greed, he supports this accusation by providing an Old Testament equivalent in Balaam (2 Pet. 2:15,16). The same happens in the Epistle of Jude: the false teachers fall into, “Balaam’s error for the sake of gain”.

The Evil Advice

However, in the Book of Revelation we hear sharp condemnation of not just Balaam’s greed, but of “Balaam’s teaching”. What did Balaam teach? In Numbers 31:16, we find a hint that Balaam advised (possibly King Balak) on how to get the Israelites to commit the sins of fornication and idolatry. The Israelites fell into wrongdoing due to these traps and as a result the Lord sent the plague among the people of Israel.

Discover the hidden layers of the Bible

As a result of Balaam’s deceitful counsel, Israel was led to worship idols and immorality. Jesus’ accusation was that like the Israelites, the church was being led in the same direction by the people who “hold to the teaching of Balaam”. You miss a lot if you don’t read the New Testament in its Jewish context. To discover the hidden layers of Jesus’ words, enroll in our course Jewish Background of the New Testament.

Oh my. Yes, we have many prophets of Baal operating in the world today – preaching for a pay cheque. And all they have to do is play on what their followers want to believe; that they are fine just as they are and their salvation is guaranteed (bought and paid for). No one is guaranteed salvation; one has to work for it. First they need to learn to be obedient to every word of Yahuwah. Then they are to work at becoming Yahuwah/Elohim.

Yes, there are many preachers operating purely out of greed. Their preaching always includes pleas for money. They may conduct their services before vast audiences; and some see that as proof that Elohim is with them; but nothing could be further from the truth. It is that small voice, crying out in the wilderness that we are to adhere to. That voice does not beg for money; it only begs our undivided attention.

Salvation cannot be bought; it must be earned by continually growing in the spirit until we, at some point, reach a state of perfection (maybe not totally in this life, but definitely in the next). Then we will be changed from physical to beautiful, eternal living, spirit beings. I can guarantee you, we will not see a single collection plate in the Kingdom. What use has Elohim for any of our money when He has all the riches anyone could want? Give prayer instead of dollars.

Sept. 12, 2019

The following is the Israel Biblical Studies web site. Their reveal the true Hebrew meaning of the scriptures that the translator could not translate. I learn a lot from their posts and I think you will too. Enjoy.,0.205446118.xtfeewzxzsh2wwcdsd&_atscid=3_2483_205446118_9862505_0_Txtfeewzxzsh2wwcdsd

Sept. 7, 2019

I apologise for my absence. I moved on Sunday and just got my internet hooked back up. Today’s blog is on a video by Jonathon Cahn that I thought was interesting and thought you would too. I do not agree with everything Cahn teaches, but some of his stuff is pretty interesting.

In His Deaths

Isa. 53:9 - And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death (deaths); because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

According to Cahn, every translation of the original Hebrew text gets this wrong. It should be translated “deaths” (plural). Apparently in the Hebrew, such pluralisation implies uniqueness. So, there was something unique about Yahushua’s death, and Isaiah 53:9 tells us what that uniqueness was. First, he made his grave with the wicked. Sure enough, he was crucified between two criminals in a manner reserved for criminals even though he was totally innocent of any crime. Second, he was buried in the tomb of a rich man (Joseph of Arimathaea). Third, he died for us (in our place); therefore, he died many deaths. This demonstrates a love that we can barely fathom – agape love (for anyone, especially Elohim to have put himself through all of this, for us). I am sure that the more we keep digging; we are going to find numerous cases where the translations do not do justice to the original Hebrew. Check the video out for yourself and see what you think.

Aug. 31, 2019

The attached post is yet another excellent article by Harold Smith. Harold’s insight into the Hebrew mindset is eye-opening and refreshing to the soul. He exposes many commonly accepted assumptions and misunderstandings due to erroneous translations. Harold is indeed a great blessing for me and I hope you will find him so, also.

August 30. 2019

This guy may only be a sports figure, but he is parroting what scientist already believe – that science will solve all of mankind’s woes and enable us to live forever apart from Yahuwah. Their reality check will take place when Yahushua returns.

Got two for you today! This one is about a fossil found in Ethiopia that they are claiming to be 3 million years old and showing evidence of evolution. Science and their carbon dating are a joke. I can’t wait for Yahushua to return and set them all straight.

August 28, 2019

The Problem with Darwinism

The following article appeared in Canada’s National Post today. It puts forth the chief mystery concerning Darwinism, that it cannot explain the size of the human brain compared to primates and the strictly human attribute of the power of intelligent thought and communication.

The article touches on a second concern – where did the elements come from, from which life “evolved”. The only thing that comes from absolute nothing is absolutely nothing.

Thirdly, archeology seems to deny evolution as well, as all the fossils of ancient (modern) animals and humans seem to have appeared suddenly on the planet, leaving absolutely no evolutionary footprint. Of course I would argue against their carbon dating figures as to when all that occurred.

And yet, these same “scientists” stick stubbornly to the totally unscientific theory of evolution. No wonder Yahuwah considers the wisdom of this world but foolishness to Him. Denying an eternal Creator is like claiming that a gold fish is really an elephant. Yahuwah have mercy on stubborn and foolish man!

AUGUST 25, 2019

When the Creation was Perfect

I hear a lot of people state that we should be recreating the faith of a bye gone era; in particular to the beginning of the nation of Israel. I feel and have before stated that we should be going back to the time between when Adam was first created till the time he sinned. At that time, the earth was perfect as was all life on it. Everything and every creature were in perfect sync with Yahuwah. Lions ate straw. Adam and Eve ate vegetables and fruit. There was no need for animal sacrifice because sin had not yet entered the world. The state of death did not exist. Sickness and disease did not exist. Crime did not exist. There was no rain or violent weather. A thick mist watered the ground every morning and food was everywhere in abundance. There was true harmony anywhere you looked.

Then Adam sinned and the entire picture turned upside down. Yet, Yahuwah made man so perfect that he did live for almost 1000 years. I don’t know what is so special about that number but all it seems died just before reaching that age. I believe that if Adam had not sinned, he would have likely progressed to a point of perfecting (spiritually) where he would have been changed into immortality without ever having to taste death.

Should this not be the state of perfection we wish to return to - not sinful Israel? I certainly think so and it is that peaceful harmony that I seek. Is it achievable? I don’t know! But unless we try, we will never know. But, it is not Adam’s perfection we should be seeking but HaMashiyack’s. He is often referred to as the second Adam – but He was really the first.

AUGUST 24, 2019

What are We Seeking?

What is it we seek when we learn the truth about Yahuwah? Is it not like minded individuals to share the joyous news with? When I first read the scriptures, I did so on my own. I wanted to see for myself what it said. I had attended church years before up until the age of 13. And, after reading the scripture for myself, I knew there was something wrong. The church I grew up in was nothing like the assembly I had just read about. So that is basically what started me on the journey to discover all truth. And, the most wonderful part of the journey is sharing what I know with others and have them share with me what knowledge they have gained on their journey.

Yet, we seem like such a small group when compared to the grand audiences that turn out for those TV evangelists. We know what we are seeking. I can’t help but wonder what these people are seeking and why their journey took a separate path from our own. Do they actually see any difference between one denomination or another? When the United Church refused to baptise me, my mother simply switched to the Anglican Church. She rarely attended church herself but sent me and my sister with neighbours. I would observe and study everyone in the congregation while listening half hearted to some boring sermon. It was not until I was talking communion classes that I really began to read and ask questions about the Scriptures. When the minister couldn’t or wouldn’t answer some of those questions I got frustrated and quit. Years later I can look back on those times and wonder why were those people even there? Was it because their friends and neighbours attended? Was it because that church was close to where they lived? I just couldn’t understand how anyone could sit through all that dribble.

They all looked very pious and spiritual in their spiffy suits and dresses and put on a good act. However, we never know what people are like when not standing in the lime light. Are they really pursuing a relationship with the Father? Or are they merely interested in looking the part?

Of course, when we ask such questions of others, we should also gauge our own status using the same questions. We must never be seen as hypocrites. That would destroy our entire message. We must talk the talk and walk the walk. Nothing else will do.

August 23, 2019

I am the Chosen One

Wow! This revelation on top of the previous blog! If you watched the series documentary on Netflix called “The Family” you may recall that this is exactly what the Family tells every world leader and globalist – “You are the chosen one!”. And here Donald Trump is regurgitating this claim. I suppose he took the Family’s BS to heart at the last National Breakfast service.

When Donald Trump was elected, I was as shocked as the rest of the world. Before he began his presidential bid, I did not hold him in much regard. From what I saw and read about him it left me with the idea that he was just a pompous rich ass – part of the Billionaires Club/a globalist. When he began his campaign, I couldn’t believe my ears. This was a completely different Donald Trump than I had visualized. He sounded like he was actually against globalization and completely different from his rich counterparts. However, I planned to keep an open mind and see how things played out.

After watching “The Family” and reading about these boastful words come straight from Trumps mouth, I feel my initial distrust has been justified. Is “the Donald” playing the entire world? Is he merely staging a global revolution against globalism, merely to trick voters until he gains a second term? I am very wary now and will be monitoring his every word from here on in.

August 19, 2019

The Family

A few days ago, I began watching a series on Netflix called “The Family”. I wasn’t sure what it was at first, but it turned out to be a documentary about a certain Christian groups of excessively rich individuals that caters to the elite and global leaders of all regions. Their claim to fame is that their god, by enriching them, has called them into his service. In other words, they have been specially “chosen” by their god. It is a real eye-opener and well worth watching. The documentary names names and exposes their evil plot. I see this as a bold move to join all nations under one religious banner – false Christianity (otherwise known as the end-time one world religion).

Like with all things of HaSatan, they come deceptively close to the truth – just enough to make the lie believable. But not all have been fooled and some have come forward to tell of their experience with the group.

I strongly suspect that this organization (although they do not identify as such) is but one more satellite RCC group, like the Freemasons, Illuminati, Club of Rome, etc., etc. They have realized that religion can be weaponized and made to control the masses – just like with ancient Rome. This group does not even read from the bible. Their so-called “Bible Studies” do not involve studying the Bible at all. And, one thing that will shock you is what is revealed about the so-called “National Prayer Breakfasts” that are held at the White House.

I don’t want to reveal everything in this post. Watch the series for yourself. You won’t regret it. I do plan some further investigation and will present my findings when done.

August 17, 2019

Just Give It Away

I can’t remember the name of the person who sang this song, but it was a favorite of mine. The song was about a man and a woman divorcing and were discussing how to divvy up the matrimonial property. Everything the wife asked about the man’s reply was to “Just give it away, there ain’t nothing in this house worth fighting over.” If only all separations were so amicable.

What is it like when a man or woman divorces themselves from our Almighty Creator? I know that we have all known such; those who began the journey but bailed out because of some aspect of the life that didn’t sit well with them. Picture Yahuwah asking them, “Well, what about eternal life and fulfilling your destiny of becoming an elohim?” Their answer is, “Just give it away”.

Some things are definitely worth fighting over and this life (or following after Yahuwah) is definitely one of them. Once we begin on this journey, there should be no option of turning back. The example of Lot’s wife (turning into a pillar of salt) is applicable here. The conclusion of the lesson is, “don’t look back – only look forward”. If we keep looking back and longing for the past, we are eventually going to slip away, back into our old lives.

Look forward only, my friends. Have the picture of the Kingdom before your eyes at all times. Picture yourself in the Kingdom, an eternal righteous being discharging the duties of an eternal living elohim. There is nothing in this life worth clinging onto. NOTHING! Let it go!

August 14, 2019

Learning the Lesson of Patience

Well today was just one of those days. It started out fine. I was expecting to move into a low rental unit that I had my name in for 3 ½ years and finally it. I was first told that it would be mine as of the 1st of August. I met with the lady on the first as was told that they still had to paint the place and replace the flooring. She said I could move in on the 15th. So, in the meantime I gradually loaded my trailer with most of my stuff. I have a lot of tools from working in the home renovation business for many years and had to rent a storage unit to store them all in.

I was getting a little yancy because I had not heard anything from the woman as far as signing the lease, paying the money and getting my keys. So I called her three times this morning – no reply. I went over to the building and spoke to the maintenance man, Tim. He told me that neither the painting nor the flooring had been done yet. I freaked! He got a hold of the head woman in the housing department and she tried to tell me no date had been given. I argued that point with her. Apparently the worker that gave me the date had no business doing so. So here I am with my trailer packed and nowhere to go. Luckily my daughter is keeping the current apartment and so I can stay a little longer.

Boy, we are really tested to the limits sometimes and it is not always easy to hang on to one’s temper, but I didn’t do too bad. And, government agencies are the most trying sometimes. But, what can one do but pray for patience and hope for the best.

August 11, 2019

More Dirt on Monsanto

It seems that Monsanto is up to their old tricks again. They are attacking anyone challenging their methodology. This is likely the oldest political move there is – vilify and discredit one’s accusers. However, there is plenty of evidence to support those accusers. The declining bee population and increased cancer risks are but two of the main pieces of evidence.

Monsanto’s GMO products have already been banned from most of Europe. Why are they not banned here? Instead, our own PM Harper, strongly condemned Europe when they initiated the ban. It is one thing to support our southern neighbors and largest trading partner but to put millions of lives at stake in doing so is disgusting.

Big Business and especially Big Pharma are at war with the rest of mankind. Population control is their big agenda, nothing else (aside from big profits). There is only one way to stop them, STOP BUYING THEIR PRODUCTS. If the entire world boycotted Monsanto and stopped buying their products, I image they would change their ways in a huge hurry. So, that is what I am calling for – a worldwide boycott of Monsanto. Who’s in?

August 10, 2019

Yahuwah’s Admonition to King Solomon

2 Chron. 7:17 - And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my judgments;

18 - Then will I establish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.

19 - But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them;

20 - Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.

In the beginning, Solomon walked “walked before Yahuwah” and Yahuwah blessed him as He promised. However, later in life, Solomon left off walking before Yahuwah and allowed his vanity and pride to take precedence. He married a number of non-Hebrew wives who enchanted him into worshiping the pagan gods of the lands they came from. And, as promised, Yahuwah took part of the Kingdom from Rehoboam, Solomon’s son. Yahuwah always keeps his promises.

How about promises we make; especially to Yahuwah? A promise is a promise; whether we make it to another human or to Yahuwah. It makes no difference as the keeping of promises is part of the nature of Yahuwah we are to be adopting. Practice, practice, practice. That is what becoming one with Yahuwah is all about. Does Yahuwah turn a blind eye to our breaking promises to other humans – e.g. our spouses and children (likely the most common). I don’t think so!

It is the attitude more than the action that is the problem. It corrupts the general attitude involved with waking before Yahuwah. If we become nonchalant in one sin, we eventually become nonchalant about all sin. I think the best place to start practicing being one with Yahuwah is at home with our families. Be slow to anger and quick to make peace. Do not waste words uselessly that you will regret later. Ask Yahuwah for guidance in handling whatever situation. If the first one we think of is Yahuwah, we will remember our responsibility of becoming one with Yahuwah and hopefully handle the situation differently. One of the quickest ways of losing the respect of family members is to break promises. That is essentially something Yahuwah would never do.

Aug. 8, 2019

The plan of Saul Alinsky for the Enslavement of Mankind

(If control/click does not work, copy the address into your search engine)

This is a must read. This is no "conspiracy" story, but the absolute truth.

August 7, 2019

Extreme Water Shortage

It is hard to believe that ¼ of the world is suffering from water stress (e.g. no water). Water covers a significant part of the world and even more is under the earth. How is it that they freely drill all over the globe for oil and no one is searching for underground reservoirs. What about purifying ocean water? Surely with all the technology today they should have the technology to do something as simple as that.

Water and food are two basic human rights. Yet today we all are paying good money for water and food. The time is coming, folks, when we had better learn to grow and raise our own food.

A global drought is coming. I don’t know when, only when the two witnesses arrive on the scene. There will be no doubt who they are, as they will be bring the drought with them. A three year global drought is not something that will go unnoticed. I can only imagine the chaos and stress when that comes about.

Aug. 3, 2019

(Sorry for being away for a few days. I am in the middle of moving and reorganizing my life; and of course, I have had a flurry of calls for renovation work. Also, each of the past few Sabbaths, I have been plagued with computer problems. Only on the Sabbath. Hmm. Don't mean to sound paranoid, but is HaSatan messing with me?)


Just when we thought the scientists knew everything, it seems they are stumped over, of all things, gravity. They cannot figure out what it is or what causes it. All they know is that it exists. Of course it is a mystery that the universe exists at all. Yes, they have their theories about how the universe evolved, but a theory is merely an idea which is neither improvable nor disprovable, thus making it pure conjecture.

Meanwhile, scientists continue to adamantly deny the existence of an Almighty, Creator Elohim; and the fact that what they think they know is all guess work. What if gravity is merely the power of the righteous spirit of Elohim at work? For lack of a better guess, that is the best explanation I have.

Read the article for yourself and let me know what you think.

July 28, 2019

Carbon Dating

Scientists today use their improvable carbon dating scam to attempt to discredit the scriptural account of the beginning of life on this planet. Their carbon dating techniques depend entirely on the oxygen levels in our atmosphere remaining constant throughout all time. But what about before the flood? Were oxygen levels higher than they were previous to that event? Both animals and humans lived approximately 10 times longer. Reptiles, which do not stop growing as long as they are alive, grew to enormous sizes. Human foot prints found inside (over top of) dinosaur prints prove that man and dinosaurs were on the earth at approximately the same time. And those foot prints revealed that this human was 12 ft. tall. Yes I am repeating Dr, Dino’s research. In my opinion, his research is right on. Life on earth is soon to celebrate its 6,000th year anniversary. Let us all celebrate it by proclaiming Yahuwah’s greatness to the world.

Where the scientists go wrong is in not understanding that Yahuwah merely planted the seed of creation and it grew into an enormous, fascinating universe. That universe is alive and still growing (or evolving, if you wish). Instead of measuring the creation from its beginning (the seed) they are measuring from a point long following the seed, or after the plant is half grown. It is physically impossible for the physical universe to have existed or flourished from any physical source. The laws of physics simply repudiate any such claims. However, the spiritually blind scientists persist in their nonsense. The blind are indeed leading the blind.

June 27, 2019

Asteroid fools Scientists

Most do not think about these things; however, the possibility of the Earth being wiped out by an asteroid is a very real danger. My theory is that the only reason one hasn’t struck the earth is because of Yahuwah’s protection. I also believe that the Book of Revelation describes exactly such an event happening in the end times.

Rev. 8: 8 - And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

There is definitely a big event coming; much bigger than if this relatively puny asteroid had of struck us. The question is if we will be around to witness this event. Like I am always saying, we yet have over 200 years on the Hebrew calendar till the end of our 6,000 years, so it may not be too likely.

June 26, 2019

The Art of Communication

Communication is an art that takes a very long time to refine, and for some, it never happens. When we are young our conversations are ruled largely by our emotions. We may have had problems controlling our anger, indignation and other such emotions. Usually whatever popped into our minds was the first thing out of our mouths. And, sometimes those words got us into a lot of trouble.

Watching young couples today often reminds me of my own youth and how jealous I used to be. These days I am very laid back and take the time to allow myself to assess my emotions and what adverse effect my words may have at the time. In the relationship I am in now, we have never had a serious disagreement in the entire 7 years together, and I wonder if that is normal or just goes with age. I often wonder what happened to all the passion I used to feel. Or perhaps I just finally found Mrs. Right.

“Think before you speak” was something my mother always used to caution me about. A minister in the WGC reminded me of her. Whenever I asked him a question, there would always be a long pause before he answered. To this day I still respect that minister even though I am no longer in the church. This is one of the reasons I prefer to write, rather than talk, because then I have time to think about and weigh my words before releasing them. Hopefully it is working; and hopefully someone will let me know if it isn’t.

July 23, 2019

Making Good Decisions

Making good decisions comes from the experience we had in making bad decisions. It is all part of the learning process. I have noticed that with age I am taking more time to make decisions after weighing the experiences I encountered from previous bad decisions. Sometimes I may take about 3 days before I respond to someone to ensure my message is received in the manor intended. And, that all comes with the experiences I have had with messages that were received wrongly, or not as I intended.

Growing in the spirit follows roughly the same path. We all have bad experiences, repent, add it to our little black book of experiences and refer back to them the next time. They say that experience is the best teacher; and for me this is especially true since I am so bull-headed and have to try everything myself. But, I am sure I am not alone in that regard.

Some get discouraged by bad experiences and simply give up following after Yahuwah; and perhaps there have been times of trial and frustration when we have all considered giving up. But instead of giving up, we should be seeking what lesson it was that Yahuwah was trying to teach us. It took time for Job to figure out and accept what it was that Yahuwah was trying to teach him. In the end thing worked out for Job and things will work out for us as well. This walk is much more than a casual stroll. It is one filled with trials. And we should welcome these trials as they are intended to help us grow into full spiritual beings – elohim.

July 22, 2019

Prophesy Concerning “The Righteous One”

This Messianic prophesy is found in ‘The Wisdom of Solomon”, 2:12-22. I am not sure who is speaking, but it is definitely a conspiracy against Yahushua.

W. of S. 2:-12: - Therefore let us trouble the Righteous One; because he is not pleasant to us, and

he stands up against our doings: and he reviles us for our transgression of the

Torah, and records against us the trespasses of our audacity.

13:- He professes that the knowledge of Elohim is his: and he says concerning himself

"I am the Son of Elohim"

14:- He is a rebuker of our thoughts.

15:- He is heavy upon us even to behold: because his way of life is not like others,

his ways are different.

16:- We are esteemed by him as impure: he abstained from our ways like from impurity:

he blesses the ways and the end of the righteous, and he boasts that Elohim is his


17:- Let us see if his words are true: and let us test him by his departure.

18:- For if the Righteous One is the Son of Elohim, he will receive him, and deliver

him from the hand of those who rise up against him.

19:- With despitefulness and with torment let us examine him, that we may know the

concern of his humility, and be harmful to him.

20:- To a shameful death let us condemn him: we shall be upon him and shall question

his words.

21:- These insipid things they did think, and were deceived: because their own

wickedness has blinded them.

22:- And they did not know the mysteries of Elohim, neither hoped they for the reward

of the pure, and they did not discern an old soul without blemish.

July 20, 2019

Seeing Your Future Self

I was having an email discussion with a fellow Believer about how frustrating backsliding is. What helps me is picturing the Glorified Messiah as He is described in the Book of Revelation.

Rev. 1:13 - And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

14 - His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

15 - And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

16 - And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shines in his strength.

That’s right, folks. This is more or less what we are going to look like in the future. This pictures white hair being the natural state for resurrected eternal beings. Even our voices will sound different – like the sound of many waters. Our eyes will be illuminated like a flame of fire. The following short video shows what brass burnt in fire looks like. It does not look like brass at all. Or, perhaps, it is speaking of how the brass comes out of the fire and has time to cool off.

And our countenance will be as the sun shining in full strength. We will be blinding to look at for any physical creature.

So try picturing this image of your future self whenever you get discouraged and depressed over losing a battle to our own human nature, and see if it helps you, too

July 19, 2019

Fire Purifies

The title is meant as a sarcastic remark. I finally figured it out while watching a television show, The 100, why the world does not fear the fate of eternal death. It is a futuristic fiction and, as all such, it is easy to pick out satanic injections. In this series the crew has landed on another planet and are in a conflict with the previous residents, who happen to be humans who colonized the planet several centuries earlier (probably Globalists who fled earth when the nukes started flying).

I know, you are all wondering what the heck I am getting at now. Lol. The things I pick up on from shows like these is, if Yahushua was never to return, this is likely what our future would be like. After destroying the earth we would move on to make war with and destroy life on other planets. HaSatan definitely has us set on self-destruct mode. And along with death and destruction, mankind would also, in all likelihood, bring their satanic religions, customs and traditions with them. In the minds of the globalists they may even actually believe that they can accomplish what King Nimrod could not – fly up to heaven and slay Yahuwah. They thought they killed him on the cross also, but He rose again even more powerful than before.

Getting back on topic, in the show, the leaders of the first group have elevated to themselves the position of gods (same as the pope). The punishment they were bestowing on the new arrivals was burning them at the stake. Does that bring up memories of past history? But it was the statement the leader made just as he was about to light the fires that caught my attention, “Fire purifies”. Is this what the satanic globalist think – that the end-time lake of fire will purify them not kill them? That is hilarious! How could they achieve that interpretation of what the Book of Revelation says? They do not have to overcome unrighteousness at all; they merely have to wait for the refining fire to carry them through the gate.

Following are all the references to the lake of fire in the Book of Revelations:

Rev. 19:20 - And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

20:10 - And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever.

20:14 - And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

20:15 - And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Death is the cessation of life. Nothing and no one is going to come back if they suffer the second coming back. There simply is no coming back. But you globalists and all other Satanists can believe whatever you want. That’s fine with me!

July 16, 2019

"You Can’t Do That"

These are possibly the most hated words on the planet. Yahuwah knows that I hate being told I can’t do something. To me these words constitute a challenge and I just have to set out to prove “Yes I can.” Admittedly I sometimes find myself wrong, but at least I tried.

One such challenge I encountered when I was leaving the WCG. The minister at the time told me that I was not educated enough to interpret scripture. He was, of course, talking about graduating Ambassador College. So, naturally I just had to set out to prove him wrong; which was probably the best thing ever, since that is when I got heavily into my research. If I see that minister again, I will have to thank him.

On the other side of the coin, some do not like to challenge anything presented to them and simply agree with everything to avoid confrontation. Although meekness is seen as a desirable trait, there are times when we all have to stand up for ourselves, regardless of confrontation.

One example I can think of is King David. His young and tender age did not dissuade him from taking up Goliath’s challenge. Against all odds he ended up victorious with just a stone and a lowly sling. David’s trust in Yahuwah was what really won him the victory and we can have victory in our lives (whatever the issue) if we follow David’s example. Yahuwah Bless.

July 14, 2019

Becoming as Little Children

Matt. 18: 1 - At the same time came the disciples unto Yahushua, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

2 - And Yahushua called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,

3 - And said, Verily I say unto you, Except you be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 - Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 - And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receives me.

6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Of course, Yahushua was speaking of becoming as little children upon conversion. We become as children in the spiritual sense, not the physical. We begin our lives as children of Elohim; an empty vessel waiting to be filled with spiritual truth and knowledge of the Father. Like little children, we are anxious to learn and please our heavenly Father. The first 5 years, as in raising a child, we likely learn more than we will during our entire spiritual walk. Children need to learn all the ways of a child; and, as a child will often mimic their parents behaviour, so must we mimic Yahuwah’s behaviour.

Children often make mistakes, and are usually punished for them. So are we punished for our mistakes! For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If we behave wrongly the will be an equal and opposite reaction/punishment. And, of course, the most serious reaction is eternal death.

Children are like sponges, soaking up all the knowledge and wisdom they can during their formidable early years. The same goes for us; and we must humble ourselves before Yahuwah as one of these children. And, Yahuwah reacts as any parent would if anyone harms a child in any way.

So, let us all humble ourselves before Yahuwah, empty ourselves of all the physical garbage and present Yahuwah will a clean house awaiting to be furnished. Yahuwah bless.

July 13, 2019

Anomalies in Earth/Moon Relationship

This video reveals that the earth/moon relationship has some rather peculiar anomalies. One of the anomalies is that the earth’s gravitational pull is too weak to have captured a body close to its own size and hold it in orbit. Scientists are puzzled as to the origins of the moon and when it first appeared. The video implies that it is not like a regular lunar body at all. They suspect it is hollow. They also suspect that it did not come about naturally, but may be some sort of artificial satellite.

Of course there are not too many scientists who would readily include a spiritual factor in the equation – like an Almighty, Eternal Creator. The spiritual world is simply invisible to the physical mind. The receiving of Yahuwah’s spirit opens the door that separates the two realms. Yahuwah desires for us to see the spirit realm that awaits us, to inspire us to do greater works with even more determination.

We have been called to be lights/beacons to the world. Our job, as futile as it may seem, is to draw others to the truth of Yahuwah and teach them about His marvelous ways; and how all things are possible for Him. Science is only relevant to this physical realm and is completely blind to the spiritual. Therefore, they do not even seek an answer within the spiritual realm. This is like doing medical research without a placebo group. It just doesn’t work.

July 12, 2019

Isa. 53:5 - But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Yahuwah certainly moves in mysterious ways. He loves mankind so much that when all men transgressed His ways, He sent His Son to pay the penalty for their sins (for all who repent and earnest try to make themselves over into His image}. He could have just as easily wiped all life off the earth and started all over again but instead chose to stick to His original plan. And what if He had of chosen to start all over. Would He again allow HaSatan to temp His knew creation? I would say yes. How else can He test our loyalty and dedication?

Of course Isa. 53:5 is talking about our spiritual healing; though I am certain many think it is physical heal it is talking about. However, phrases such as, “wounded for our transgressions”, “bruised for our iniquities”, clearly apply to our spiritual transgressions and iniquity. Both are terms used in regard to lawlessness. It was because of our lawlessness that Yahushua had to sacrifice Himself. An innocent man had to be crucified so that our spiritual lives could not be snatched away from us. The one thing we have to remember is that we deserve nothing. It is only by Yahuwah’s grace that we are saved.

July 7, 2019

The following video reveals that Big Pharma and the mainstream media are partners in crime. Apparently as much as 70% of media profits come from Big Pharma via advertising in the media. That is a sizeable chunk of cash. Is it any wonder that the mainstream media continuously parrots whatever lies that Big Pharma wants published.

The sad truth that Big Pharma, our governments and Big Business are all playing us like fiddles. And, this problem is not only happening in the US, but all Western nations (at least) where Big Pharma has a strangle hold. What is their motive? The most obvious is profit; however, with all the Elite talk about the urgent need to depopulate the earth by up to 90%, It makes one wonder if this is but one of the means they plan on using.

I have a great distrust of the mainstream media and read news papers from all around the globe to ascertain what the truth really is. And I certainly do not believe too many working in the medical field. I mean I trust them to diagnose my problems but not to treat them. I seek out natural treatments every time. I am not interested in bandaides, I want a cure; and most cures for about 90% of today’s leading afflictions that are the result of poor diet and can be reversed by simply changing that diet.

Now, more than ever we must constantly pursue all truth, even if it leads us somewhere we really don’t want to go. Let us all be the champions of truth and help expose these lying Elite who have only their own best interests at heart.

July 6, 2019

Are We Terrorists?

The term “terrorist” is one of recent invention. Eventually it is going to grow into a cancer; where anyone that speaks, acts or has anti-government thoughts, will be branded as a terrorist. (Canada is the only Western country that rewards terrorists - $10 mn). Eventually the government will establish some form of state religion (some are calling it "Christlam") that will be the only state sanctioned religion (likely via the RCC) and any who do not prescribe to it, or practice their own religion in secret will be branded and treated like terrorists. And, I am sure that includes us as well.

Now, I am sure that none of us realized what we might be in for when we came into the faith. We weren't thinking anything but happy, joyous thoughts. If we had of realized it, we may have tied to run away from this calling. But the more we read about and practiced Yahuwah’s ways, the stronger our hearts led us to serve Him and perform His will. We are the apple of Yahushua’s eye. He loves and cherishes us all and deeply desires us to overcome absolutely everything this life throws at us.

In your trials (whatever they may be) focus on Yahushua’s trial, His death and His resurrection. Can you imagine being there when the Son of Man rose from the dead exactly as He promised He would? Yahushua talked often with His apostles concerning the Kingdom of Heaven but they could not comprehend what He was saying until after the coming of the Father’s spirit. We have that very same spirit dwelling in us too, and we have full authority to draw on the spirit for all spiritual understanding concerning the Kingdom. If you never ask, you will never get an answer.

Yes, the world will soon brand us all terrorists, but the only thing that will ultimately save us, will be our unbroken devotion to Yahuwah. Prey and meditate now, before that day comes, that Yahuwah’s spirit will be there with you and comforting you throughout even the most horrible ordeals. I hope everyone has all of their spiritual armor on and are ready for the final battle.

July 5, 2019

Well, the fireworks are all over for another year. If only mankind would celebrate Yahuwah’s plan for us with as much enthusiasm as they do their precious traditions. Yahuwah’s plan is so awesome that the majority of the human race simply cannot believe that it is true. They hold on dearly to this physical life like there is nothing beyond the physical for them. And, if their eyes are not opened for them there will be no future immortality for them.

How do we get through to such people? Have we not tried at some point to persuade some unbeliever of the great blessings awaiting the children of Yahuwah? Did it not become a lesson in futility? While it is up to Yahuwah whom He calls, it is still up to us to raise the alarm and declare Yahuwah’s plan for us all. We all have a role to play and if we are not about doing the work, we will be classified as lazy and slothful servants and receive the lowliest positions in the Kingdom. And, I know that none of us want that.

In the old days, in which the Apostles lived, life was much simpler. They would just go to the city center and preach to the multitudes. And, they would at times convert as many as one thousand people in a single day. Although we may feel unappreciated by those we preach to, we never know how our “preaching” is going to weigh on them afterward. This is basically what happened to me. I befriended a fellow from Newfoundland while living in Toronto. He preached to me (as a Christian) for the longest time. His words bounced off my thick skull until sometime after we parted ways. Then, after moving to Hamilton I found a Bible in the basement of the house we rented and I began reading it. It took over a year but I read the entire book from beginning to end. And at the end, the only question I had was where was the church I had just read about today. That was the beginning of the most amazing journey I had ever taken.

And, of course, we lead by example also. That means that we must not display any form of hypocrisy. Our actions must at all times compliment our beliefs. It is not an easy path we have chosen and we will likely have to struggle often with our nasty old human nature. However, if we keep our noses to the grindstone, we have an incredible journey and eternal life awaiting us. Halleluyah!

July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day, to all my American brothers and sisters! Independence is what we all dream about. However, true independence is not as easy to achieve as it sounds. As teenagers we likely dreamed of being independent from our “nagging” parents. Once we gain that independence, we realize just how much responsibility comes with independence. We have to pay rent and mortgages, pay bills, buy groceries and still manage to keep a little for ourselves. Then we have kids and the whole cycle begins again. It is at this point that we realize that our parents were merely trying to prepare us for the real world and that it was now our turn to do the same for our kids.

Yahuwah has his own rules that we must abide by to gain spiritual independence. Yahuwah is doing the exact same thing as our parents – preparing us for the spiritual world that is coming. This will be true independence. We will be totally self-existent with no need of any outside stimulus to support our existence. We will not need food, water, breathable air. We will not need a banker, a doctor, a politician, a policeman, a standing army or an undertaker. We will have eternal life, just like our Father and Eldest Brother.

Yes, brothers and sisters; that is what true independence is and until that day we have only the facade of independence – what freedoms our governments tell us we have. It is Yahuwah’s desire that we all gain true spiritual independence. Let’s not disappoint Him!

July 1, 2019

Steve compares Orwell's '1984' to today's politics

Like I always say, the global elite is using Orwell’s book “!984” and their playbook for turning our societies into an “Orwellian” nightmare.

The following is a critique of Orwell’s stance on religion – it had no place in his Orwellian future.

In his novel 1984, George Orwell created a world devoid of freedom and justice, truth and goodness. But there is another void in the book that critics seldom notice: the utter lack of religious faith. The absence of any vestige of religion seems to Christianity's advantage: The Orwellian world is such a desolate, inhuman, and horrifying place because, besides the self-evident reasons given in the narrative, its inhabitants lack the consolations that faith in God can give.

Whether one is in the true faith or one of the counterfeits, all religions provide a moral basis for its members to follow. Without any moral base, what would our society look like? That is indeed a scary thought.

True Believers have been commissioned with spreading the Gospel and converting all of mankind to the truth. We will be the number 1 enemy of the global state. We will be persecuted. We will be jailed. We will be tortured and many will be put to death for not denying our Elohim. Are we ready for the final test of our faith? Perhaps we all need to take a moment for some introspection and evaluate if we are indeed ready.

June 29, 2019

They Decoded The Sumerian Tablets..You Won't

Believe What They Found!

At the beginning they show two Sumerian tablets which basically tell the same story – of a Sumerian royal line spanning and incredible 222,600 – 241,200 years. Frankly, I have my doubts about that one. However, I have reviewed Steichen’s work and found it very interesting. Of course, being “respected” scientists they attributed statement concerning a people who fell from the sky to aliens. I would attribute them to fallen angels. These beings enslaved humans to work the mines and extract a vast fortune in gold from S. Africa.

In pondering why fallen angels would have any use for gold, I began to wonder if these angels knew a lot more about the future than we realize. They knew that in the future, he who had the most gold would rule the world.

According to other tablets discussed, the Sumerian dynasty ended, “when the waters covered the earth.” So these people who fell from the sky were most likely the fallen angels when they were kicked out of heaven. So now we have further confirmation of the scriptural account.

June 28, 2019

Teens of Anti-vaxxers Can Get their Own Vaccines

Once again parental authority over their children is being eroded. The state wants it all. But this is likely nothing compared to what is coming. From what is going on today, it is easy to see that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. I am talking about kids being taken away and parents being thrown in jail for ignoring government guidelines of how a child should be raised. These crimes are likely to include teaching Christian values, refusing vaccines, home schooling, etc., etc.

In this case, they have given children full authority over their medical treatments. And, as we parents all know, children simply do not have the smarts or experience to make such decisions on their own. Along with all the homosexual and transgender nonsense they are stuffing down our confused children’s throats, we can clearly see where this is heading. There is a war against Christianity coming and unfortunately, the world will not see any recognizable difference between True Believers and Christians. We will all be persecuted together.

What can we do about this situation? Aside from fleeing to the wilderness and living like survivalists, I don’t really know. We know from Scriptural prophesy what is coming. It is part of our final trial. No matter what, we must keep the faith throughout it all. All will be reunited in Yahuwah’s Kingdom. Amen.

June 27, 2019

Iceland Declares all religions are Weapons of Mass Destruction

While most religious groups are up in arms by this news, I cannot completely disagree with their argument. More wars have been fought in the name of religion than for any other reason.

We have at least 3 main religions that believe there is but one Elohim even though they address Him by different names. The main thing dividing them is man-made doctrines. But, isn’t that what all worldly religions are about – doctrines? They elevate their doctrines above the Word of Elohim and all of them are guilty of this – even the Jews.

It must not be so amongst us, Brethren. We are to be continually focused on the True Word of Elohim at all times. His doctrine is, “Make yourself over into the image of Elohim and inherit eternal life.” All that any man-made doctrine does is separate us all and lead us away from rather than towards this goal.

So even though Iceland’s reasons are completely atheistic, they do make some very good points.

June 25, 2019

Gender Politics has no place in the classroom

I am not sure what is going on in other countries, but here in Canada there is a serious issue concerning gender politics in primary classrooms. Any parent that objects is labelled homophobic. That term literally means “fear of homosexuals”. Since the scriptures speak plainly against the practice and gives us a clear example of how bad this practice can become, (Sodom and Gomorrah) and plainly state that no homosexual is going to make it into the Kingdom, Believers know full well where this is all going to lead. And, I am sure that we do not want our children and grandchildren being forced to accept such offensive and immoral garbage as the norm. It is anything but.

More and more the authority of the parents is being replaced and sidelined in favour of the state raising our children as they see fit. Aside from home schooling, the only thing we can do is teach them not to listen to such nonsense and listen only to Yahuwah. But the, how do we convince them that everything else being taught is ok. In their minds, they likely wonder why even waste their time going to school. It is definitely a problem we have limited control over.

The term “terrorist” is one of recent invention. Eventually it is going to grow into a cancer; where anyone that speaks, acts or has anti-government thoughts, will be branded as a terrorist. (Canada is the only Western country that rewards terrorists - $10 mn). Eventually the government will establish some form of state religion (some are calling it "Christlam") that will be the only state sanctioned religion (likely via the RCC) and any who do not prescribe to it, or practice their own religion in secret will be branded and treated like terrorists. And, I am sure that includes us as well.

Now, I am sure that none of us realized what we might be in for when we came into the faith. We weren't thinking anything but happy, joyous thoughts. If we had of realized it, we may have tied to run away from this calling. But the more we read about and practiced Yahuwah’s ways, the stronger our hearts led us to serve Him and perform His will. We are the apple of Yahushua’s eye. He loves and cherishes us all and deeply desires us to overcome absolutely everything this life throws at us.

In your trials (whatever they may be) focus on Yahushua’s trial, His death and His resurrection. Can you imagine being there when the Son of Man rose from the dead exactly as He promised He would? Yahushua talked often with His apostles concerning the Kingdom of Heaven but they could not comprehend what He was saying until after the coming of the Father’s spirit. We have that very same spirit dwelling in us too, and we have full authority to draw on the spirit for all spiritual understanding concerning the Kingdom. If you never ask, you will never get an answer.

Yes, the world will soon brand us all terrorists, but the only thing that will ultimately save us, will be our unbroken devotion to Yahuwah. Prey and meditate now, before that day comes, that Yahuwah’s spirit will be there with you and comforting you throughout even the most horrible ordeals. I hope everyone has all of their spiritual armor on and are ready for the final battle.

July 5, 2019

Well, the fireworks are all over for another year. If only mankind would celebrate Yahuwah’s plan for us with as much enthusiasm as they do their precious traditions. Yahuwah’s plan is so awesome that the majority of the human race simply cannot believe that it is true. They hold on dearly to this physical life like there is nothing beyond the physical for them. And, if their eyes are not opened for them there will be no future immortality for them.

How do we get through to such people? Have we not tried at some point to persuade some unbeliever of the great blessings awaiting the children of Yahuwah? Did it not become a lesson in futility? While it is up to Yahuwah whom He calls, it is still up to us to raise the alarm and declare Yahuwah’s plan for us all. We all have a role to play and if we are not about doing the work, we will be classified as lazy and slothful servants and receive the lowliest positions in the Kingdom. And, I know that none of us want that.

In the old days, in which the Apostles lived, life was much simpler. They would just go to the city center and preach to the multitudes. And, they would at times convert as many as one thousand people in a single day. Although we may feel unappreciated by those we preach to, we never know how our “preaching” is going to weigh on them afterward. This is basically what happened to me. I befriended a fellow from Newfoundland while living in Toronto. He preached to me (as a Christian) for the longest time. His words bounced off my thick skull until sometime after we parted ways. Then, after moving to Hamilton I found a Bible in the basement of the house we rented and I began reading it. It took over a year but I read the entire book from beginning to end. And at the end, the only question I had was where was the church I had just read about today. That was the beginning of the most amazing journey I had ever taken.

And, of course, we lead by example also. That means that we must not display any form of hypocrisy. Our actions must at all times compliment our beliefs. It is not an easy path we have chosen and we will likely have to struggle often with our nasty old human nature. However, if we keep our noses to the grindstone, we have an incredible journey and eternal life awaiting us. Halleluyah!

July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day, to all my American brothers and sisters! Independence is what we all dream about. However, true independence is not as easy to achieve as it sounds. As teenagers we likely dreamed of being independent from our “nagging” parents. Once we gain that independence, we realize just how much responsibility comes with independence. We have to pay rent and mortgages, pay bills, buy groceries and still manage to keep a little for ourselves. Then we have kids and the whole cycle begins again. It is at this point that we realize that our parents were merely trying to prepare us for the real world and that it was now our turn to do the same for our kids.

Yahuwah has his own rules that we must abide by to gain spiritual independence. Yahuwah is doing the exact same thing as our parents – preparing us for the spiritual world that is coming. This will be true independence. We will be totally self-existent with no need of any outside stimulus to support our existence. We will not need food, water, breathable air. We will not need a banker, a doctor, a politician, a policeman, a standing army or an undertaker. We will have eternal life, just like our Father and Eldest Brother.

Yes, brothers and sisters; that is what true independence is and until that day we have only the facade of independence – what freedoms our governments tell us we have. It is Yahuwah’s desire that we all gain true spiritual independence. Let’s not disappoint Him!

July 1, 2019

Steve compares Orwell's '1984' to today's politics

Like I always say, the global elite is using Orwell’s book “!984” and their playbook for turning our societies into an “Orwellian” nightmare.

The following is a critique of Orwell’s stance on religion – it had no place in his Orwellian future.

In his novel 1984, George Orwell created a world devoid of freedom and justice, truth and goodness. But there is another void in the book that critics seldom notice: the utter lack of religious faith. The absence of any vestige of religion seems to Christianity's advantage: The Orwellian world is such a desolate, inhuman, and horrifying place because, besides the self-evident reasons given in the narrative, its inhabitants lack the consolations that faith in God can give.

Whether one is in the true faith or one of the counterfeits, all religions provide a moral basis for its members to follow. Without any moral base, what would our society look like? That is indeed a scary thought.

True Believers have been commissioned with spreading the Gospel and converting all of mankind to the truth. We will be the number 1 enemy of the global state. We will be persecuted. We will be jailed. We will be tortured and many will be put to death for not denying our Elohim. Are we ready for the final test of our faith? Perhaps we all need to take a moment for some introspection and evaluate if we are indeed ready.

June 29, 2019

They Decoded The Sumerian Tablets..You Won't

Believe What They Found!

At the beginning they show two Sumerian tablets which basically tell the same story – of a Sumerian royal line spanning and incredible 222,600 – 241,200 years. Frankly, I have my doubts about that one. However, I have reviewed Steichen’s work and found it very interesting. Of course, being “respected” scientists they attributed statement concerning a people who fell from the sky to aliens. I would attribute them to fallen angels. These beings enslaved humans to work the mines and extract a vast fortune in gold from S. Africa.

In pondering why fallen angels would have any use for gold, I began to wonder if these angels knew a lot more about the future than we realize. They knew that in the future, he who had the most gold would rule the world.

According to other tablets discussed, the Sumerian dynasty ended, “when the waters covered the earth.” So these people who fell from the sky were most likely the fallen angels when they were kicked out of heaven. So now we have further confirmation of the scriptural account.

June 28, 2019

Teens of Anti-vaxxers Can Get their Own Vaccines

Once again parental authority over their children is being eroded. The state wants it all. But this is likely nothing compared to what is coming. From what is going on today, it is easy to see that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. I am talking about kids being taken away and parents being thrown in jail for ignoring government guidelines of how a child should be raised. These crimes are likely to include teaching Christian values, refusing vaccines, home schooling, etc., etc.

In this case, they have given children full authority over their medical treatments. And, as we parents all know, children simply do not have the smarts or experience to make such decisions on their own. Along with all the homosexual and transgender nonsense they are stuffing down our confused children’s throats, we can clearly see where this is heading. There is a war against Christianity coming and unfortunately, the world will not see any recognizable difference between True Believers and Christians. We will all be persecuted together.

What can we do about this situation? Aside from fleeing to the wilderness and living like survivalists, I don’t really know. We know from Scriptural prophesy what is coming. It is part of our final trial. No matter what, we must keep the faith throughout it all. All will be reunited in Yahuwah’s Kingdom. Amen.

June 27, 2019

Iceland Declares all religions are Weapons of Mass Destruction

While most religious groups are up in arms by this news, I cannot completely disagree with their argument. More wars have been fought in the name of religion than for any other reason.

We have at least 3 main religions that believe there is but one Elohim even though they address Him by different names. The main thing dividing them is man-made doctrines. But, isn’t that what all worldly religions are about – doctrines? They elevate their doctrines above the Word of Elohim and all of them are guilty of this – even the Jews.

It must not be so amongst us, Brethren. We are to be continually focused on the True Word of Elohim at all times. His doctrine is, “Make yourself over into the image of Elohim and inherit eternal life.” All that any man-made doctrine does is separate us all and lead us away from rather than towards this goal.

So even though Iceland’s reasons are completely atheistic, they do make some very good points.

June 25, 2019

Gender Politics has no place in the classroom

I am not sure what is going on in other countries, but here in Canada there is a serious issue concerning gender politics in primary classrooms. Any parent that objects is labelled homophobic. That term literally means “fear of homosexuals”. Since the scriptures speak plainly against the practice and gives us a clear example of how bad this practice can become, (Sodom and Gomorrah) and plainly state that no homosexual is going to make it into the Kingdom, Believers know full well where this is all going to lead. And, I am sure that we do not want our children and grandchildren being forced to accept such offensive and immoral garbage as the norm. It is anything but.

More and more the authority of the parents is being replaced and sidelined in favour of the state raising our children as they see fit. Aside from home schooling, the only thing we can do is teach them not to listen to such nonsense and listen only to Yahuwah. But the, how do we convince them that everything else being taught is ok. In their minds, they likely wonder why even waste their time going to school. It is definitely a problem we have limited control over.

The term “terrorist” is one of recent invention. Eventually it is going to grow into a cancer; where anyone that speaks, acts or has anti-government thoughts, will be branded as a terrorist. (Canada is the only Western country that rewards terrorists - $10 mn). Eventually the government will establish some form of state religion (some are calling it "Christlam") that will be the only state sanctioned religion (likely via the RCC) and any who do not prescribe to it, or practice their own religion in secret will be branded and treated like terrorists. And, I am sure that includes us as well.

Now, I am sure that none of us realized what we might be in for when we came into the faith. We weren't thinking anything but happy, joyous thoughts. If we had of realized it, we may have tied to run away from this calling. But the more we read about and practiced Yahuwah’s ways, the stronger our hearts led us to serve Him and perform His will. We are the apple of Yahushua’s eye. He loves and cherishes us all and deeply desires us to overcome absolutely everything this life throws at us.

In your trials (whatever they may be) focus on Yahushua’s trial, His death and His resurrection. Can you imagine being there when the Son of Man rose from the dead exactly as He promised He would? Yahushua talked often with His apostles concerning the Kingdom of Heaven but they could not comprehend what He was saying until after the coming of the Father’s spirit. We have that very same spirit dwelling in us too, and we have full authority to draw on the spirit for all spiritual understanding concerning the Kingdom. If you never ask, you will never get an answer.

Yes, the world will soon brand us all terrorists, but the only thing that will ultimately save us, will be our unbroken devotion to Yahuwah. Prey and meditate now, before that day comes, that Yahuwah’s spirit will be there with you and comforting you throughout even the most horrible ordeals. I hope everyone has all of their spiritual armor on and are ready for the final battle.

July 5, 2019

Well, the fireworks are all over for another year. If only mankind would celebrate Yahuwah’s plan for us with as much enthusiasm as they do their precious traditions. Yahuwah’s plan is so awesome that the majority of the human race simply cannot believe that it is true. They hold on dearly to this physical life like there is nothing beyond the physical for them. And, if their eyes are not opened for them there will be no future immortality for them.

How do we get through to such people? Have we not tried at some point to persuade some unbeliever of the great blessings awaiting the children of Yahuwah? Did it not become a lesson in futility? While it is up to Yahuwah whom He calls, it is still up to us to raise the alarm and declare Yahuwah’s plan for us all. We all have a role to play and if we are not about doing the work, we will be classified as lazy and slothful servants and receive the lowliest positions in the Kingdom. And, I know that none of us want that.

In the old days, in which the Apostles lived, life was much simpler. They would just go to the city center and preach to the multitudes. And, they would at times convert as many as one thousand people in a single day. Although we may feel unappreciated by those we preach to, we never know how our “preaching” is going to weigh on them afterward. This is basically what happened to me. I befriended a fellow from Newfoundland while living in Toronto. He preached to me (as a Christian) for the longest time. His words bounced off my thick skull until sometime after we parted ways. Then, after moving to Hamilton I found a Bible in the basement of the house we rented and I began reading it. It took over a year but I read the entire book from beginning to end. And at the end, the only question I had was where was the church I had just read about today. That was the beginning of the most amazing journey I had ever taken.

And, of course, we lead by example also. That means that we must not display any form of hypocrisy. Our actions must at all times compliment our beliefs. It is not an easy path we have chosen and we will likely have to struggle often with our nasty old human nature. However, if we keep our noses to the grindstone, we have an incredible journey and eternal life awaiting us. Halleluyah!

July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day, to all my American brothers and sisters! Independence is what we all dream about. However, true independence is not as easy to achieve as it sounds. As teenagers we likely dreamed of being independent from our “nagging” parents. Once we gain that independence, we realize just how much responsibility comes with independence. We have to pay rent and mortgages, pay bills, buy groceries and still manage to keep a little for ourselves. Then we have kids and the whole cycle begins again. It is at this point that we realize that our parents were merely trying to prepare us for the real world and that it was now our turn to do the same for our kids.

Yahuwah has his own rules that we must abide by to gain spiritual independence. Yahuwah is doing the exact same thing as our parents – preparing us for the spiritual world that is coming. This will be true independence. We will be totally self-existent with no need of any outside stimulus to support our existence. We will not need food, water, breathable air. We will not need a banker, a doctor, a politician, a policeman, a standing army or an undertaker. We will have eternal life, just like our Father and Eldest Brother.

Yes, brothers and sisters; that is what true independence is and until that day we have only the facade of independence – what freedoms our governments tell us we have. It is Yahuwah’s desire that we all gain true spiritual independence. Let’s not disappoint Him!

July 1, 2019

Steve compares Orwell's '1984' to today's politics

Like I always say, the global elite is using Orwell’s book “!984” and their playbook for turning our societies into an “Orwellian” nightmare.

The following is a critique of Orwell’s stance on religion – it had no place in his Orwellian future.

In his novel 1984, George Orwell created a world devoid of freedom and justice, truth and goodness. But there is another void in the book that critics seldom notice: the utter lack of religious faith. The absence of any vestige of religion seems to Christianity's advantage: The Orwellian world is such a desolate, inhuman, and horrifying place because, besides the self-evident reasons given in the narrative, its inhabitants lack the consolations that faith in God can give.

Whether one is in the true faith or one of the counterfeits, all religions provide a moral basis for its members to follow. Without any moral base, what would our society look like? That is indeed a scary thought.

True Believers have been commissioned with spreading the Gospel and converting all of mankind to the truth. We will be the number 1 enemy of the global state. We will be persecuted. We will be jailed. We will be tortured and many will be put to death for not denying our Elohim. Are we ready for the final test of our faith? Perhaps we all need to take a moment for some introspection and evaluate if we are indeed ready.

June 29, 2019

They Decoded The Sumerian Tablets..You Won't

Believe What They Found!

At the beginning they show two Sumerian tablets which basically tell the same story – of a Sumerian royal line spanning and incredible 222,600 – 241,200 years. Frankly, I have my doubts about that one. However, I have reviewed Steichen’s work and found it very interesting. Of course, being “respected” scientists they attributed statement concerning a people who fell from the sky to aliens. I would attribute them to fallen angels. These beings enslaved humans to work the mines and extract a vast fortune in gold from S. Africa.

In pondering why fallen angels would have any use for gold, I began to wonder if these angels knew a lot more about the future than we realize. They knew that in the future, he who had the most gold would rule the world.

According to other tablets discussed, the Sumerian dynasty ended, “when the waters covered the earth.” So these people who fell from the sky were most likely the fallen angels when they were kicked out of heaven. So now we have further confirmation of the scriptural account.

June 28, 2019

Teens of Anti-vaxxers Can Get their Own Vaccines

Once again parental authority over their children is being eroded. The state wants it all. But this is likely nothing compared to what is coming. From what is going on today, it is easy to see that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. I am talking about kids being taken away and parents being thrown in jail for ignoring government guidelines of how a child should be raised. These crimes are likely to include teaching Christian values, refusing vaccines, home schooling, etc., etc.

In this case, they have given children full authority over their medical treatments. And, as we parents all know, children simply do not have the smarts or experience to make such decisions on their own. Along with all the homosexual and transgender nonsense they are stuffing down our confused children’s throats, we can clearly see where this is heading. There is a war against Christianity coming and unfortunately, the world will not see any recognizable difference between True Believers and Christians. We will all be persecuted together.

What can we do about this situation? Aside from fleeing to the wilderness and living like survivalists, I don’t really know. We know from Scriptural prophesy what is coming. It is part of our final trial. No matter what, we must keep the faith throughout it all. All will be reunited in Yahuwah’s Kingdom. Amen.

June 27, 2019

Iceland Declares all religions are Weapons of Mass Destruction

While most religious groups are up in arms by this news, I cannot completely disagree with their argument. More wars have been fought in the name of religion than for any other reason.

We have at least 3 main religions that believe there is but one Elohim even though they address Him by different names. The main thing dividing them is man-made doctrines. But, isn’t that what all worldly religions are about – doctrines? They elevate their doctrines above the Word of Elohim and all of them are guilty of this – even the Jews.

It must not be so amongst us, Brethren. We are to be continually focused on the True Word of Elohim at all times. His doctrine is, “Make yourself over into the image of Elohim and inherit eternal life.” All that any man-made doctrine does is separate us all and lead us away from rather than towards this goal.

So even though Iceland’s reasons are completely atheistic, they do make some very good points.

June 25, 2019

Gender Politics has no place in the classroom

I am not sure what is going on in other countries, but here in Canada there is a serious issue concerning gender politics in primary classrooms. Any parent that objects is labelled homophobic. That term literally means “fear of homosexuals”. Since the scriptures speak plainly against the practice and gives us a clear example of how bad this practice can become, (Sodom and Gomorrah) and plainly state that no homosexual is going to make it into the Kingdom, Believers know full well where this is all going to lead. And, I am sure that we do not want our children and grandchildren being forced to accept such offensive and immoral garbage as the norm. It is anything but.

More and more the authority of the parents is being replaced and sidelined in favour of the state raising our children as they see fit. Aside from home schooling, the only thing we can do is teach them not to listen to such nonsense and listen only to Yahuwah. But the, how do we convince them that everything else being taught is ok. In their minds, they likely wonder why even waste their time going to school. It is definitely a problem we have limited control over.

June 24, 2019

Keeping it Simple

We hear quite a bit on the web of bickering between different persons or groups over religious doctrine. Some of the arguments are quite foolish and not the least bit uplifting. Typically churches split into different denominations because of doctrinal discrepancies. The WCG was an excellent example of this. How many different groups were produced from that split? Is there any unity of the spirit amongst such groups? Are they simply following a charismatic minister and doctrine of their choosing?

We have one High Priest and King. We have absolutely no need for any man to stand between us and Yahushua. We are no longer under the Levitical priesthood. We are once again under the leadership of Melchizadek alone. IN John 17, Yahushua prayed for His followers, asking His Father to make them one with the Father and the Son. Just like Yahushua needs no man to stand between Himself and the Father, neither do we. This is the only doctrine and the prime goal we should have before us – becoming one with Yahushua and Yahuwah.

This is what Yahuwah intended for Israel; but what ended up happening was pretty much as I described above. They disagreed over doctrine and split into 72 groups. See post below:

Sayyidina Rasulallah said:

There was disagreement amongst Jews and they split into 72 groups. In exactly the same way, there will be disagreement and divisions in my Ummah. It will split into 73 groups. Except for one of these groups, all the remaining will be thrown into Hell.

First and foremost, we need to pursue the oneness with Yahuwah that Yahushua desired us to have. Yahushua opened the door for us to have just such a relationship. He has provided us with direct access (through prayer and meditation) to the Father. The apostles had just such a relationship and because of that fact they were able to perform some amazing feats. Yahushua promised that future generations of Believers would do even greater things. Yet, we have seen little proof of that since the days of the apostles. Did Yahuwah change His mind, or is it us who have failed Yahuwah? I would say the latter!

For those still in any organized church group, be aware, if you are not perusing this goal most vigorously, you are simply “playing church” and wasting precious time.

June 23, 2019

Vatican Sets the Record Straight on Gender Theory

Reuters reported in June 10:

“The Vatican condemned gender theory on Monday as part of a ‘confused concept of freedom’, saying in a new document that the idea of gender being determined by personal feeling rather than biology was an attempt to ‘annihilate nature’. LGBT rights advocates denounced the 30-page document, called ‘Male and Female He Created Them’, as harmful and confusing, saying it would encourage hatred and bigotry.

“The document, the Vatican’s first on gender theory, was written by the Congregation for Catholic Education as an ‘instruction’ to Catholic educators on how to address the topic of gender theory in line with Church teaching…

“[The Vatican’s booklet] says gender theories are ‘often founded on nothing more than a confused concept of freedom in the realm of feelings and wants, or momentary desires provoked by emotional impulses and the will of the individual, as opposed to anything based on the truths of existence’… While the document is not signed by Pope Francis, it several times quotes from his speeches and teachings and those of previous popes…”

My Comments:

Well, it is seldom that I agree with the Pope, but I believe in giving credit where it is due. While he stands firmly behind the Catholic view on the LGBTQ movement, other Christian denominations are getting on board with their respective government’s demands for acceptance of the LGBTQ rights. I can clearly see what is coming next – pedophilia, bestiality (now allowed by the Canadian government) and Yahuwah knows what other forms of perversion are about to become the law of the land.

I believe the movement to depopulate the earth is firmly under way. And what better way to ensure a decline in child birth due to the whole world turning gay. The globalists view this war on children as the way to nip the “problem” in the bud (or in the womb). And for the one’s that do see the light of day, their vaccination programs will ensure that many will have a very short life span. I can also clearly see a movement coming to condemn all who stand for Yahuwah against the LGBTQ rhetoric and perhaps even imprisoning some for their views.

We are definitely headed toward a global Sodom and Gomorrah replay; and I do not believe that Yahuwah is going to stand for it much longer.

June 22, 2019

Well, I had a very interesting week. My family found an uncle that no one knew about. Apparently, my grandfather cheated on my grandmother and had an affair with a woman back in the early 30”s and had a child by her. Obviously, he did not stand by the woman in any way and they parted company. If not for DNA testing, we never would have found him. He had had his DNA profile taken some time ago and was searching for anyone that matched. Recently one of my nieces had her DNA profile done and with the help of computers, they matched them up. Even though we knew nothing of him, he seemed to know some information about my family. He knew my grandfather’s name. He must have known my father’s name too, because, apparently he had followed my father’s armature boxing career. So I wondered why he waited 84 years to contact us?

Then I started thinking back when I was in a similar situation. I had been adopted at 1 year of age and my mother told my sister and I about being adopted when we were old enough to understand what it meant. At first I was simply confused. I wondered about my parents often, and when I was in trouble with my adopted mother, I would wonder what my life would have been like if I had remained with my birth mother.

Years later, when my X and I were seeking to adopt we were required to attend classes for it, I mentioned to the head women that I had been adopted. She asked if I had ever searched for my birth mother and at the time I didn’t think I could because the records should have been sealed. Well, to my surprise, she told me that the law had been changed and I could enter my name in a data base and see what comes up.

A couple of years later, my name finally came up and they found my mother. To make a long story short, after only being allowed to write letters back and forth for about 6 months we finally got to meet and we have had a wonderful relationship with her ever since. However, before we met I was terrified and I imagine that is how my uncle felt also. Likely it is the fear of rejection that is predominant at times like those. But like as in my case he has lucked out. If nothing else, ours is a loving and welcoming family, and everyone is looking forward to meeting him.

June 19, 2019

I have been taking a biblical Hebrew course and every once in a while they send out tidbits of

information like this one.





Who was Joseph’s Father?

Every reader of the New Testament knows that it offers two genealogies of Jesus; in Matthew 1 and in Luke 3.Matthew begins with Abraham, while Luke begins with Adam. The genealogies are identical between Abraham and David, but from that point on they differ significantly. They don’t even agree on the name of Joseph's father; it’s Jacob in Matthew, and Eli in Luke. So who was Joseph’s real father?

A confusing genealogy

Traditional Christian scholars have put forward various theories that seek to reconcile these two accounts. One common explanation for the difference is that Matthew recorded the legal genealogy of Jesus through Joseph, according to Jewish custom, while Luke, writing for a Gentile audience, gives the actual biological genealogy of Jesus through his mother Mary. This argument is problematic, however, because both Matthew and Luke clearly base their genealogies on Joseph.

The Levirate Marriage

This strange discrepancy in Joseph’s lineage is easily explained if one knows the Jewish background—the law of levirate marriage (Deut. 25:5). A childless woman whose husband died, had to be married to her husband's brother and the first-born son of such marriage would carry the name of the deceased brother. Thus, Joseph's natural father was Jacob who actually “begot” him (as written in Matthew), while his legal father was Eli (as given in Luke).

Understand the inconsistencies in the Scripture

This is a wonderful example of how helpful and important the knowledge of Jewish background can be. The differences in the text of the Scriptures sometimes seems irreconcilable, but more often than not they are based on some background details that we are unaware of. Enroll in our course Jewish Background of the New Testament and you will be able to understand many inconsistencies in the Scripture.

Well, that was interesting. I never really looked into this question before, as I did not think it that important; but, I found this interesting. I had always believed the traditional teaching that one line was from Joseph and one from Mary, and had never questioned or looked into it any further; however, the explanation presented here makes much more sense.

June 18, 2019

Is Africa a Testing Ground for Man-made Viruses?

We have been hearing a lot about deadly viruses making a revival in Africa. Of course, the African people have a lot working against them – poverty, starvation, poor health care and an entire world that does not care. What better population for Western scientists to test their eugenics programs?

At the same time these Westerners are promoting open borders. That would mean that certain disease carriers from Africa and other 3rd world countries can freely walk across our borders and contribute to an epidemic in our nations.

We can complain to our respective governments, but then, they are the ones who are the problem. Globalists are like the Jesuits; they infiltrate world governments, work their way up into positions of power and then use every method of deceit imaginable to convince the population that Globalization is a good thing.

One World Government has been the chief goal of the Elite since the days of King Nimrod. The goal has not changed, only the players. Each hopes to succeed where others have failed. Each is trying to emulate Yahuwah’s plan for His universal Kingdom that is coming. Thinking they are already gods, these morons think they can bring about Yahuwah’s Kingdom by their own power and means. Too bad their plan is going to fail. But first it is going to seem to succeed for a short space. We definitely have an enormous job before us convincing the world that Globalization is a demonic venture and HaSatan is the mastermind of it all.

June 17, 2019

Assured Mutual Destruction

The title is a term that is thrown about quite a bit these days. Basically it is referring to an all out nuclear war. And, about all the average person can do is wonder, “What on earth is wrong with these so-called world leaders? Have they got a screw loose or what? Why can’t they work just as hard to establish world peace as they do making war?”

One of the greatest problems is that war is big business. Governments go to war to make the weapons makers happy. But there is someone else that is even happier and he is the one behind all efforts to destroy humanity. That person is HaSatan (the Adversary) and he has been trying to destroy the human race since the first man appeared on Earth. Adam was convinced by HaSatan (the serpent) that he was already elohim and mostly all of mankind has believed the same lie ever since.

At the end of Adam’s life, I am sure he must have known that he was not elohim, because a full elohim cannot ever die. I guess that is when the ideology came forth that we go immediately to heaven and live for all eternity there. I think there are going to be a lot of very confused people coming up in the resurrection.

June 15. 2019

The Pope Changed "The Lord’s Prayer"

Well, it seems that Pope Francis is following in the corrupt footsteps of all his predecessors dating back to Emperor Constantine, himself, when he changed the laws and the times for his Christian Counterfeit, and set himself up as the object of all mainstream Christian worship (god). And also, by listening to Constantine and following his commandments over Yahuwah’s, the people equally shared Constantine’s sin and in effect declared him their god.

Romans 6:16 - Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey-whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

Constantine perfectly fulfilled the prophesies concerning the Antichrist; and all the Popes that followed after him wore the same mantle. And so the line of Antichrists continues on till they culminate in the end-time Antichrist, who I am sure is going to come out of the Roman Catholic Church as well. The common thread amongst them all is that they placed their flawed, manmade laws above the eternal, perfect laws of Yahuwah. They all claimed to stand in place of Yahushua and even Yahuwah himself on Earth.

The part of Yahuwah’s Prayer that the Pope is concerned with is the part that says, ”lead us not into temptation.” The Pope claims that “God” (likely referring to himself) does not “lead” people into temptation. He claims that we should instead pray to “keep” us from temptation. The same word also means "trial". So what the Pope is in fact saying don't try us. Well, we are purified by our trials. Be are not being tempted as towards sin but purified. So the Pope is also saying that we are to rejoice in our trials because it brings us closer to Elohim. So, who does the Pope think he is to “correct” the Son of Elohim, the Elohim of the O.T. I wonder how may good Catholics are going to buy this malarkey up hook, line and sinker. It is really sad to think that man never did learn his lesson from the Garden of Eden fiasco and still believes that he is already elohim. What is even sadder is that a number of people (if they disagree with the Pope) may simply leave of seeking Yahuwah altogether, because of this fraudster. Should we not pray for these poor souls that have been so duped by Satan’s little helpers?

June 14, 2019

Well, today I was helping set things up for the Ride for Sight that is coming to my town this weekend. No outlaw bikers come to these rides, just regular people who love to ride. Some of the organizers have been life-long friends and even though I no longer ride, I like to help out for this very worthy cause and have done so for a number of years. In my town, it is always on the Father’s Day weekend and, of course, it usually rains. Well, the local weather forecast is calling for four consecutive days of rain, which included today. In spite of the rain, they plan to forge ahead with the ride; which leaves Saturday morning from Toronto for the 2 hour ride to Fenelon Falls. And, of course, I do not attend on the Sabbath.

So, what is my point? It is that there are some out there that may not believe as we do, but have hearts that are truly full of compassion. We know that Yahuwah judges the heart, and it is my belief that in the resurrection these people and others like them will gain the Kingdom because of the “natural” goodness that is in their hearts. And I also believe that when they are standing in the judgement and witness the glory of our Messiah, they will readily accept him. Now, I know this might sound unfair to those who have devoted their lives to Yahuwah for a long time, but that’s just how Yahuwah’s mercy works. Remember the parable about the prodigal son.

June 11, 2019

Practice for our Future Role in the Kingdom

In sports we always practice, practice, practice before a game. Should we also be practicing for our future roles in the Kingdom? What I mean by this question is, we should at all times be practicing to be “incorruptible” high priests and kings (the key word – incorruptible.

We all know and often feel our naturally carnal spirit sometimes warring against Yahuwah’s righteous spirit inside of us. Sometimes we commit serious sins when we are angry or upset and at times foul language might escape our mouths. Of course, there is righteous anger (such as with Yahushua and the money changers) and there is unrighteous anger such as murder. We need to practice control over our emotions and those annoying carnal thoughts that keep creeping into our minds unaware.

Yahushua’s is the example we are to emulate in all matters pertaining to this life.

“Think before you speak” is a most excellent path to follow. At times I get angry at someone; and I know that if I confront them in the state I am in, it won’t end well. Sometimes I take as long as three days to answer; however, during those 3 days I am in deep thought figuring out different ways to say what I want to say to the person in a manner that Yahushua would have handled it.

It is my hope that practicing this method of debate, will eventually lead me to think a little faster on my feet and be able to answer righteously right away, without having to think about it for 3 days. My aim is to keep pushing that carnal nature out and allow Yahuwah’s righteous spirit to grow and fill me to overflowing. If we keep excusing our behavior, as is the natural thing for us to do, we are literally rebelling against Yahuwah and disgracing Yahushua’s victory over sin.

Let it not be so amongst us. How is the world going to recognize us as children of Yahuwah if we are not behaving like Yahushua? If we are no better than the rest of the world, why would they listen to us, much less believe us. They only way the light that was in Yahushua reveals itself in us is to follow Yahushua’s example to the letter. And, I don’t care how righteous anyone thinks they are at this moment, there is always room for improvement.

May 31, 2019

Belgium investigates right-to-die group offering 'suicide powder'

Last Will provides advice to members on how to obtain lethal drug to end their lives

I am sure we have all thought about this in the event that we might end up totally incapacitated and unable to function in any way. In the old days, it was different. One did not have doctors around to artificial support life for as long as possible. Personally I have mixed feeling about doctors – especially GPs. I do not trust pharmaceutical drugs. I dumped all of my heart medication they put me on following my triple by-pass surgery and am instead relying on a natural substance to clear my arteries (Serrapeptase). Seven bottles and my arteries will be completely cleared and a regular maintenance program afterward will keep them clean. I have spoken to others who have been on this treatment and have had wonderful results. (I have an appointment for Nov. 28 for a vascular ultrasound, which I hope is going to prove the doctors wrong {again}, that arteries cannot be cleaned out.)

There are plenty of ways a person can commit suicide that do not require a doctor’s help. And, I can see these new laws quickly expanding into a program that allows anyone to seek suicide for any reason. The death-by drug overdose rates in Canada are currently higher than the murder rate. Just like the abortion rights activists pushing for the murdering of infants up to three years of age, when the whole mess started, no one thought it would ever come to that. And, here we are!

While I do believe in helping someone along who is suffering excruciating pain and has no hope of survival; I also do not believe in doctors “playing elohim” with our lives and using us as human guinea pigs. If I am that badly injured with no hope of survival and in unbearable pain, I want them to just let me die. That is the humane thing to do, not artificially supporting that life (if that is what you wish to call it), with all the pain that goes with it and adding to the person’s suffering.

And, of course there are always groups like the one mentioned in the article, who like to profit from people’s suffering. They are as sick as the doctors.

We know that human society is going to get much worse before it gets better (when HaMashiyack returns). What we are going to end up seeing is a global mass suicide epidemic. What better way to serve the globalists depopulation agenda than to convince everyone they have the right to take their own lives for any reason of their choosing? That only serves HaSatan’s agenda. I believe that Yahuwah put limits on what he could do to us. I do not believe he was allowed to kill us outright – but by stealth and craft. What better way than to convince us all to take our own lives. Then we would be doing HaSatan’s bidding.

May 29, 2019

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (May 15, 2019) — HILLARY AND OBAMA

This is a fascinating report by Jonathon comparing the lives and political leanings of Hilary Clinton to Jezebel of O.T. Israel. Hopefully, Hilary meets the same end as Jezebel did also.

I am so humbled and awed by scriptural prophesy. What a wise and all-knowing Elohim we have. Who else is like Him? I admit, I was never fond of Hilary; and when she called the people supporting Trump "deplorables", I though that was the biggest insult to the American people I had ever heard anyone utter. Whatever punishment she receives won’t be enough.

May 28, 2019

GOD HELP US ALL!!! What did Steve Hilton UNCOVER ON LIVE TV will have you shaking in your boots...

This video reveals the horrible and disgusting state of San Francisco today. Once considered the “go to” place by most of the rich and famous, it has been all but abandoned to the homeless, the homosexuals and criminals. Its once beautiful streets are today littered with dog feces and garbage. Homeless people are sleeping on the sidewalks. One point made by the narrator particularly caught my attention. It was a comment he made abound the absence of very many children on the streets; so much so that some are calling them an “endangered species”.

This is one of the things I wonder about when I think of Sodom and Gomorrah. We know there were children because the Scriptures say that all the men of every age came out to “know” the two angels. But, if the whole city was homosexual, who were making the children. So, there must have been some children (likely accidents) but not necessarily a lot. It also makes me think that there is a connection between homosexuality and total societal breakdown, as with Sodom and Gomorrah; which is why I call that particular sin “a society destroying sin”. Of course all sin can be considered destroyers of society, but with violating this one, which violates Yahuwah’s natural order of things, it seems to incite Yahuwah’s anger more than the others. I think, perhaps, this particular sin is a gateway sin, and that once you violate this taboo, and consider it normal and lawful and justify it in one’s mind, why not do away with all the laws. Is that not what Christianity did? Our governments today do not respect Yahuwah’s righteous laws more than their own; and some “Philadelphia” lawyer is always finding ways around them allowing serious criminals escape justice. And the psychiatrists are just as guilty. I believe the psychiatrists were right when they labelled homosexuality as a mental disorder. They only changed their stance out of fear from the homosexual communities. And where did that take place – San Francisco.

We are definitely living in a very, very sick world; and we are definitely in need of a Saviour. Yahuwah please speed your coming.

May 26, 2019

Jonathan Cahn: The Arch Of Baal In Washington D.C.

I do not believe everything Jonathon Cahn teaches; in particular, we are at odds over the timing of Yahushua’s birth. However, I find most of his videos very interesting and educational. And, I do not fear taking a good look at the material some people present to me and examine it for truth. Even if I initially disagree, I do feel we need to practice what we are to become (now, in real time) – righteous judges. Therefore we need to learn to examine all the pros and cons of any issue and rightly judge between them.

In this video, Jonathon covers the grand unveiling of the replica of the so-called Arch of Baal in Washington DC. He cites this as fulfilling certain prophesies he claims pertain to America’s last days. He (rightly) claims that America is following the ways of ancient (Northern) Israel, in abandoning their true Elohim for the worship of Baal.

I would only argue that this movement, towards open, Baal worship, began with the Statue of Liberty. Initially, it was a statue of the female, pagan deity, Isis (also known by various other pagan names). It was erected in September, 1875, likely near or on one of the Hebrew fall festivals. It was created for someone else (of pagan persuasion); then was bought up by the American government.

I could go back even farther than that; the founding fathers of America brought the worship of Baal with them to the New World. As I have written extensively about, Mainstream Christianity is nothing more than the worship of Baal under a new name – Iesous/Jesus/Baal, and has been since 324 ad, when Constantine decreed that no Roman citizen was permitted to practice the customs and traditions of the Jews, thereby fulfilling Daniel’s prophesy concerning the Antichrist and setting himself up as the target of Christian worship (Elohim).

True Believers are confronted on all sides, as the forces of HaSatan are many since they are represented by every man-made religion of Earth. Have no doubt that they will unite against and seek to destroy us in the days to come. The present-day abortion issue in the US may be the catalyst that that triggers either a total shift towards Baal worship; or the revival of true worship. But I fear HaSatan is going to win and our only hope is for the resurrection to come quickly.

May 25, 2019

Trans camp for kids

I could not believe this headline when I saw it the Toronto Star. Along with what I am seeing in my own town, certainly begs the question, “Is this how everything got started with Sodom and Gomorrah? There is a very notable movement going on where it appears that our children are being systematically brainwashed by the school system and our government to steal our children’s sexual identity. How difficult is it to tell a male from a female? Where is the confusion coming from? Where is it all going to end - legalized pedophilia, sex with animals, etc. The sickness of the sinful human mind knows no bounds. It is going to be a sad day for all such deviants when the stand before Yahushua in the Day of Judgement. I wonder how many are going to blame Elohim for their situation? Our school system here in Canada is such that they are teaching our kids this garbage from grade one. I for one think it is none of their business and it should be up to the parents to decide what they want to teach their kids and at what age. This clearly part of the NWO agenda - to take over the minds of our children and mold them into their twisted image. In the future, under the beast, the government will decide who mates with who and most parents will never see their children - heck, it might be that all children are produced in a laboratory. I am pretty sure I won't be around for that. We still have over 200 years on the Hebrew calendar till the end of the six thousand years we have been allotted. But it is up to our generation to do everything in our power to combat the beast and warn our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren that these things are sure to come, and, what they must do to escape.

May 24, 2019

Millions To Possible Die By The End Of The Year…Says UN Bombshell Report!

(Video below)

If they think the world is in a food crisis now, wait until the 2 End-time Witnesses come on the scene. We can likely not even imagine a global drought lasting for 3 ½ years. However, Yahuwah never lowers the boom without giving sufficient warning. While the world largely ignores the warnings of the Scriptures, Yahuwah is giving us a taste of what is to come. Is food going to be used as a weapon of war? It is not too far-fetched to deny. If one nation is starving and their nemesis is not, the possibility of one refusing food to the other and a war ensuing is highly probable. Of course the big question is, what are we to do to prepare ourselves.

When I worked in the home building business, I was in a number of houses of people of Asian descent, who converted their basements into gardens. Yes, the whole basement. At the time I laughed and thought it foolish. I mean, without proper ventilation, the house would be consumed in black mold and the veggies to spider mites. Yet, now I think this might be the way to go. An open garden is an invitation to thieves to help themselves; and, perhaps that was a big concern where they came from. In a 3 ½ year global drought, we can wager that people will be desperate enough to kill for food. Then growing in the basement makes perfect sense. We will also have to keep such gardens a secrete; because during the last recession, the government were actually raiding and confiscating food. We can wager that history will, once again repeat itself.

May 23, 2019

Robert Kennedy JR. Goes Nuclear on the Vaccine Industry and the Democratic Party

This video is a must watch. You may remember that shortly after taking office, President Trump commissioned Robert Kennedy Jr. to investigate the CDC and the vaccine industry. I am not sure if he has completed his investigation or is just reporting what he has found out so far. Be sure to watch to the end, to hear what he (himself a life-long Democrat) has to say about his own party and the corruption that exists between them, the CDC, the vaccine industry and various other health agencies. Kennedy's revelation is going to have huge consequences, and years and years of legal battles. Hopefully, in the end, vaccines will be made safe and over 150 vaccine related afflictions, which the insert labels now have to acknowledge and list, will become delegated to history.

May 23, 2019.

Pope calls for global governance to fight climate change

The article below was posted on Info Wars. In it, the Pope declares that a global entity is needed to enforce and regulate climate change laws of all nations. And so it begins; if this becomes a reality, I believe it will be the beginning of a global climate tax, to be paid directly to the UN (one of many Vatican/N.W.O. front agencies), and dispense as they see fit. This will be the first of many taxes to be paid to the UN. In the future we will see ALL taxes paid to the UN for equal distribution (or so they claim).

May 22, 2019

The NYT declares that “Pregnancy Kills, Abortion Saves Lives”.

Well, the New York Times has really outdone themselves with this “fake news” report. Can you imagine anyone claiming that abortion “saves” lives? Well, here it is. The author should get “The Idiot of the Year” award. I would dearly love to know what lies the ancients told the people to get them to willingly allow their children to be sacrificed? It must have been something along the line of “Sacrifice your children and the gods will reward you. What possible motive did the priests have for sacrificing children? What did they gain from it – other than absolute control of everyone’s soul. Aborting children, however, is not a modern day idea at all. Even before the flood, they had developed a way to make women infertile for life. Clearly, this is one of but many of HaSatan’s ways of destroying the human race. Hey, what better way than to deceive us into believing that killing ourselves and our children is a great idea.

May 21, 2019

Pope calls for global governance to fight climate change

The article below was posted on Info Wars. In it, the Pope declares that a global entity is needed to enforce and regulate climate change laws of all nations. And so it begins; if this becomes a reality, I believe it will be the beginning of a global climate tax, to be paid directly to the UN (one of many Vatican/N.W.O. front agencies), and dispense as they see fit. This will be the first of many taxes to be paid to the UN. In the future we will see ALL taxes paid to the UN for equal distribution (or so they claim).

May 20, 2019


In this video, it is admitted that 3-4 month old. healthy, baby fetuses are being used in vaccines. I believe there is fine line between this and cannibalism. The second link is about the side effects of Cannibalism. Judge for yourself! Could this be the reason for so much vaccine injury to the neurological system?

Here is a short list:

People who eat people with a type of prion disease, a category of illness that also includes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans and Mad Cow Disease in animals, tend to have brains that look like sponges and neurological damage that takes away control over the body. In describing the most famous case of the cannibal’s disease, the Fore tribe in Papua New Guinea where women and children were dying off in the 1950s and 1960s, NPR says the flesh-eaters would start having trouble walking, and from there it was a rapid descent into losing control over their limbs and emotions — “which is why people called it the ‘laughing death.’” By a year later, the afflicted “couldn’t get up off the floor, feed themselves or control their bodily functions.”

In these rare neurodegenerative diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pathogens called prions affect proteins in the brain, causing brain damage. “Prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.”

In the case of the cannibal’s disease, those pathogens enter a healthy victim when that person consumes another person’s infected flesh. The Fore tribe members had cooked and consumed dead relatives as a way of honoring them. The survivors called the resulting illness “kuru,” NPR says, which translates to “shivering” or “trembling,” and it could have started when someone in the village developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob and was eaten. That disease affects about one in 1 million Americans, but it doesn’t spread in the same way because no one is eating them.

King of Vaccines

Side effects of Cannibalism

May 22, 2019

The NYT declares that “Pregnancy Kills, Abortion Saves Lives”.

Well, the New York Times has really outdone themselves with this “fake news” report. Can you imagine anyone claiming that abortion “saves” lives? Well, here it is. The author should get “The Idiot of the Year” award. I would dearly love to know what lies the ancients told the people to get them to willingly allow their children to be sacrificed? It must have been something along the line of “Sacrifice your children and the gods will reward you. What possible motive did the priests have for sacrificing children? What did they gain from it – other than absolute control of everyone’s soul. Aborting children, however, is not a modern day idea at all. Even before the flood, they had developed a way to make women infertile for life. Clearly, this is one of but many of HaSatan’s ways of destroying the human race. Hey, what better way than to deceive us into believing that killing ourselves and our children is a great idea.

May 20, 2019


In this video, it is admitted that3-4month old. healthy, baby fetuses are being used in vaccines. I believe there is fine line between this and cannibalism. The second link is about the side effects of Cannibalism. Judge for yourself! Could this be the reason for so much vaccine injury to the neurological system?

Here is a short list:

People who eat people with a type of prion disease, a category of illness that also includes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans and Mad Cow Disease in animals, tend to have brains that look like sponges and neurological damage that takes away control over the body. In describing the most famous case of the cannibal’s disease, the Fore tribe in Papua New Guinea where women and children were dying off in the 1950s and 1960s, NPR says the flesh-eaters would start having trouble walking, and from there it was a rapid descent into losing control over their limbs and emotions — “which is why people called it the ‘laughing death.’” By a year later, the afflicted “couldn’t get up off the floor, feed themselves or control their bodily functions.”

In these rare neurodegenerative diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pathogens called prions affect proteins in the brain, causing brain damage. “Prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.”

In the case of the cannibal’s disease, those pathogens enter a healthy victim when that person consumes another person’s infected flesh. The Fore tribe members had cooked and consumed dead relatives as a way of honoring them. The survivors called the resulting illness “kuru,” NPR says, which translates to “shivering” or “trembling,” and it could have started when someone in the village developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob and was eaten. That disease affects about one in 1 million Americans, but it doesn’t spread in the same way because no one is eating them.

King of Vaccines

Side effects of Cannibalism

May, 19, 2019

TO. Professor Suspended for Telling Truth about Transgenderism

Truth seems to have become the enemy of Liberal governments around the world, and most politicians and psychiatrists do not have the courage to stand against the homosexual lobbyists. Koodos to this Toronto University professor who does have the courage to stand up for the truth. Homosexuality and Transgenderism are definitely a mental disorder.

Older Article:

The following link tells the (almost) truth about how Homosexuality was removed from the list of mental disorder. It was not because of the result of any scientific study but was voted on at a meeting of American psychiatrists in 1974. The author of this article mentions that only about 55% of them voted in favour of the change. What the author does not mention is that of the 2500 psychiatrists in America at the time, only a small percentage (in the teens) of them showed up and, that it was 55% of this small group that voted in favour; and they admit they voted so because of the hordes of homosexuals outside the building who were attacking and threatening them with death if they voted no; and, that they had in no way changed their minds that it continued to be a mental disorder.

I do not see this sick trend subsiding any time soon. In fact I can see it getting much worse and becoming Sodom and Gomorrah on a global scale. And, it will likely continue and worsen until Yahushua returns and destroys all such individuals.

Can you imagine a homosexual meeting Yahushua face to face and demanding his “homosexual rights” and trying to argue that trans-sexuality is a gender? I class homosexuality as the most “society destroying” sin of all sins. Yahushua revealed His disdain for this particular sin when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The Scriptural account of the story reveals that “every man, of every age” came out to rape the two angels sent to save Lot and his family. Can you imagine an entire society of homosexuals? Well, I believe that we are witnessing, on a global scale, only the beginning of such atrocities. I hate to think what the situation will be like when Yahushua returns.


Vampires, Sacrifice, and the Cult of the Bull

“Vampires, Sacrifice, and the Cult of the Bulls. The Minoan Civilization was an advanced seafaring empire that flourished in the Mediterranean 4 millennia ago. The term "Minoan" refers to King Minos, who was associated in Greek mythology with the labyrinth and the Minotaur (head of a bull and the body of a man), which is usually identified with the site at Knossos, the largest on Crete, which according to Homer, once had up to 90 cities.” (from site).

Robert Sepehr is an author, producer and anthropologist. Thank you for your support:

When this video first caught my eye, I thought it was about some modern day cult. However, it is actually a history lesson about the Cult of the Bull. I found it quite interesting, as I am sure you will too.

One thing mentioned in this video is what is called the Great Cycle. That is the length of time it takes for Earth to complete its orbit of the Milky Way and return to its starting point. There is some discrepancies over how long this takes, but 25,625 years is the generally agreed upon time.

Shortly after leaving the WCG, I began following the work of Jim Rector (Cornerstone Publications), who some might remember. Jim published an article titled “2012 A.D., The End of an Age!”. Not all the info is up to date and accurate; as I am sure you will notice. However, if you wish to review the article, here it is.

(Fast forward to the chapter called “Galactic Alignment” )


Biblical Archaeology: Eden

While I cannot verify the accuracy of this guy’s claims, they are interesting, none-the-less; and, possibly true. We do know that Yahuwah banished Adam and Eve from the garden and set two Angels over it to guard its location and keep anyone from eating of the tree of life. What better place to hide it than under the north end of the Persian Gulf? The narrator uses the Scriptural description of Eden along with Satellite imaging to show where rivers that once traversed the land have all dried up, along with other anomalies.

I guess his guess is as good as anyone’s, and I am not sure of its importance to us today; but it is interesting anyway. I like to save these bits of information in case more info comes out in the future that I can compare it too.


Pope Declares: Satan Strong - Jesus Failed! (SDA SHOCKER INSIDE) (Change Lord's Prayer)

Well, well, well; the pope is showing his true colours in this video. He is declaring that Satan is strong and Yahushua is week; and, that Yahushua somehow failed in His mission. Well, their “Jesus” (Tammuz) certainly did fail, since he never existed in the first place; but Yahushua certainly did not fail. He passed the ultimate test with flying colours and in perfect harmony with OT prophesies. He is now a completed creation, which we all hope to be some day.

All I can say is that this Pope is surely following HIS master, who is not the Messiah but, instead, Satan the deceiver. And, of course, things are progressing (like in the days of Constantine) rapidly toward the establishment of a One World Religion, with whom else but the Pope at the helm. The global Catholic population is currently around 1.2 billion. That is roughly about 1/7 of the world population. Hopefully a goodly number of them will finely have their eyes opened when they mull the Popes decrees over in their minds a bit.

I posted a video recently of former Catholic priest, Alberto Rivera, telling how the Catholic Church created Islam. I wrote an article some years ago (below) examining the idea that the Jews may have been in cahoots with Constantine in creating Christianity (so as to retain their exclusivity and protect their faith). We do know that a number of Jewish scholars were hired to help with the final version of the New Testament. Were they also working to subvert the Word, so as to protect their own faith and lead Christianity astray?

Watch future events very carefully (if you are not already doing so) and look for similarities between what occurred under Constantine and what is happening now. I am sure you will see a similar merger of all the world’s religions into one; along with the advancement of persecution against all who refuse (basically all non-Catholic groups). . They will try to link us in with Christians, and I doubt if they will understand or care about our arguments to the contrary.

Did the Jews Create the Catholic Church?


Every now and then someone comes out with a ridiculous claim that the average person would consider laughable. One of the most ridiculous that has come out recently is the “Flat Earth” claim. The problem as I see it is that so many people buy into their nonsense. The video below comes from some flat earth clown, and this is the most ridiculous argument I have ever hear. You probably won’t be able to watch it to the very end because it is so ridiculous but try and suffer through the first couple minutes just to get the gist of his argument. I decided to check online to get an understanding of how many of these flatearthers there are. The most recent estimate is from Oct. 10, 2018 and was 42 million. That is up from 30 million two months previous. Boy, we really are nearing the end time – people are losing their minds.


In the social circles I travel in, I encounter individuals of all different financial situations. I was quite shocked several years ago, when I realized that some of these people were switching to disability from welfare for the flimsiest of reasons. I believe that someone discovered that with mental disabilities, it was difficult to assess the honesty of the individual describing their affliction. With mental illness, anyone can go online, memorize the symptoms and lie their faces off to their doctor and get on disability. Why would they do this? They receives better benefits, better drug coverage, no more job searches, No hassles or filling out annoying paperwork every month to receive benefits. In other words you are set for life – no worries, mate. Why are the doctors so willing to go along with this sham? It benefits the drug companies from whom many doctors get kick-backs.

Now I am not talking about those who legitimately disabled and cannot work in any capacity, but whose who are liars, cheats and common criminals. It is these “deplorables” (to steal a phrase from Hilary) who are bankrupting the system and stealing revenue from those who really need it. The result is a society which not only expects to be financially supported but demands it.

Who do they think is paying for all of this – the government? The Government has no money of its own; it all comes from hard working tax-payers. I don’t know about other nations, but the Canadian welfare/disability system has become a sick joke.

A good shaking is in order, and I am glad that Doug Ford is about to slam the hammer down. I only hope it falls on the deserving individuals and not those who are really entitled to it.

‘How will they eat?’ Alarm raised over revamp of Ontario’s welfare program for disabled


The following news report seeks to undermine President Trump’s trade and tariff plans with China. However, the author conveniently leaves out a number of facts that negate his claims. For starters, Ships are coming from china completely full of Chinese goods, yet are going back empty. That is not free trade. That is economic sabotage.

One thing the author is correct about is that the idea of free trade has been around for 200 years. It all revolves around the Illuminate’s dream of One World government without borders. This dream benefits only the Elite.

Historically, it was Great Britain that first attempted to implement free trade. With America and India, it was disastrous. America’s economy nose-dived and they were almost bankrupt, when they abandoned the deal and began the greatest period of prosperity the world has ever witnessed. As for India, they were completely destroyed and are still recovering to this day.

I am witnessing the results of free trade here in Canada right now. Mostly all of our manufacturing jobs are gone. Just trying to find products “Made in Canada” is a chore in itself. I can remember in the 60s and 70s, I could go out any day of the seek, apply for a job and start work the next day. Today we have 500 people lining up for a single job; weeks later after 3 job interviews, where they ask everything about you except the colour of your underwear, you may get the job. That is what free trade has done to our once booming economy.

We need to sink this ship before it goes any further!

The next two article/videos reveal how the world is going full “Sodom and Gomorrah”. Could we even imagine seeing such headlines a few short years ago? This is absolutely nuts.

Unlike other sins, Homosexuality can be classified as a society-destroying sin; as the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, where every man in the city of every age, converged on the house where Lot was entertaining the two angels wanting to “have their way” (have sex) with them. Some first time readers may not get the fact that they were talking about homosexual sex. Can you imagine if everyman in your city was homo or bisexual? It would be a moral disaster; one that Yahuwah does not and will not (for very long) tolerate.

China 'failing trans people' as young attempt surgery on themselves

Parents Sue School for Transgender Brainwashing


The Paranormal

How does a Believer explain the paranormal (ghosts).I suppose the easy answer would be to simply state that you do not believe in the paranormal. However, I cannot honestly make that statement; even though I have never had such an experience myself. Allow me to relate to you some strange things that happened with my dad’s family after they moved to Toronto from Parry Sound (Ontario).

My grandfather had come down first and rented a house where highway 410 crosses over Dufferin St. The ramp to get onto the 401, coming north on Dufferin and exiting onto the 401 Westbound, is where the house was located. Well, my grandfather was told by the neighbours that the house was haunted; however, he either did not believe in ghosts or felt they were just trying to dissuade him because he was Italian. If he did not believe in ghosts at the time, but he certainly did after the 9 months they spent there. He never admitted it but I’ll tell you how I know at the end of the story.

The story behind the house was that 2 drunks used to live there and that they fought all the time. They ended up killing one another in a fight where they both fell down the stairs and broke their necks.

Well, the family final made it to their destination after a 2 week journey by horse and wagon lugging all their earthly belongings and 5 children. The first paranormal incident occurred two days after the kids started school. My grandmother was up on the second floor, making the beds when one of the mattresses flew up in the air and the sheets flew all over the room. Shocked but not scared (yet), she began remaking the bed. The same thing happened again. This time she was terrified and ran out of the house screaming hysterically. One of the neighbour woman came to her aide and somehow managed to covey to her that the house was haunted.

Another time, my grandmother was cleaning down stairs. Feeling a little fatigued, she sat on the couch to rest. Next thing she sees the imprint of someone sitting at the other end of the couch and could hear and see fingers taping on the fabric on the arm of the couch. She was out of that house in a flash.

Other incidents include the kids hearing someone hammering on the floor under their beds after they got in them for the night; hearing the 2 drunks fighting and rolling down the stairs and crashing to the floor below while sitting at the dinner table, sometimes with guests; seeing a pair of eyes staring at them from the dark and hearing a voice saying, “Get out of my house”.

The worst part was yet to come. The entire 9 months they were there, they all looked and felt sickly; and everyone always complained about the taste of the water. (Except for by stubborn old grandfather, of course!) Just before they moved out, they called the city health inspector to come out and check their well. Considering that it was a sealed well, they were quite surprised at what they found inside – dead dogs, cats, rats, mice and skunks. It was a miracle that any of them survived.

Now for the proof that my grandfather at least thought there was something off about the house. Sometime after they moved out, my grandfather returned to the house and burnt it to the ground. Who would risk a charge of arson if they did not think it worthwhile (arsonists aside)? Now, all the family members told the exact same story as did some of their life-long friends who remembered the house. And, since I knew my family to be honest good people, I do not believe they were lying about what they saw and heard. I have also heard many stories from personal friends about similar occurrences in their lives.

So, in answer to the opening question, I think that I might answer, “I have enough trouble understanding the physical. I cannot even begin to understand the spiritual.


Copper Scrolls

The Link below tells all about some scrolls of copper found amongst the other scrolls at the same sight as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Apparently it was a list of location where at some point in history a vast amount of treasure was hidden by the Jews, likely to hide it from the Romans. The treasures weigh in the tons (of gold and silver). Interesting read.


This latest video by Lisa Haven reveals that the current Pope is solidly behind the movement towards a global government and the selection of ONE global leader (dictator) to to whom all nations will bow. This definitely matches with scriptural prophesy. Whoever this One World leader will be, one can be certain that he is either the Antichrist or is closely affiliated with him. However, in knowing how the Vatican operates (in secrecy and controlling the governments of all "Christian" nations from behind the scenes), I tend to think that the Antichrist will be seated on his rightful throne within the Vatican, and any One World leader will merely be his puppet (as with all the "Christian" nations today). Isn't great to know that when Yahushua returns, the Antichrist will be neutered (at least until the end of the 1,000 years) after which we will truly be free of him forever.

Lisa Haven Video


Is the US really a Christian Nation?

This is something that I hear most often our brothers and sisters south of the boarder. But is it really a nation that truly follows Yahushua? No, it isn’t! Not as a nation, anyway. This is not a slight again my American cousins, I love them dearly; and they are no different than any other nation considered a Christian nation (including Canada, but they just happen to be the ones making this boastful claim the most.

How many in any of the Christian nations, are even true Christians? Now, personally I view Christianity as the religion of the Antichrist anyway, but they do not and truly believe they are following HaMashiyack. Some, even though they would call themselves Christian do not really believe in, or at least fear Yahuwah in any way shape or form. They were simply born into the Christian faith and therefore call themselves Christians. Well, I hate to tell them by Christianity is not a nationality, it is a religion. Even a country is not a nation. The term nation implies nationality, and Christianity is definitely not a nationality. It is a mixture of pretty much every nationality on Earth.

Whenever I am asked concerning my religious beliefs, I reply that I am an independent. By this I mean that I am not a part of any religion, state sanctioned or otherwise; because as far as I am concerned I am not a part of any present-day, man-made religion. I do recognize the most ancient Hebrew faith the only one delivered to us from Elohim. But 10 of those tribes are scattered throughout the earth with varying religious beliefs (none of which resemble the faith Yahuwah delivered to them). Only three remained in Judah, and even they have horribly corrupt that faith. As an independent, I feel I am declaring a one-on-one, personal relationship with Yahuwah, without any worldly corrupt attachment to any religion. After all, did Yahushua not say that we (once baptized) can access Yahuwah directly through Yahushua, the One True Saviour, High Priest and King?

I am sure I could write an entire article on this subject and I likely will, but it would be too lengthy for this blog.

Video by Lisa Haven.


The following report claims that “680 vertebrate species to extinction since 1500” (approx ,73 species per year). They are blaming it on us, the average global citizen and are trying to tax us all to take care of the problems. Well I maintain that today’s current “crisis’ can be squarely placed on the shoulders of Big Industry, and that they, not us, should be made to clean up their own mess. We have tropical rain forests being devastated to make room for corporate agriculture. We have sickos like Bill Gates spraying heavy metals on agricultural lands so that they cannot produce organically. The chemicals not only kill the soil but the bees too.

Statements like the following really make my blood boil, “Richer people are more likely to draw from the Earth’s bounty, while the destruction of ecosystem services is more likely to be done by the poor and vulnerable”. This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard. We are all grateful for the jobs that Big Industry provide for us, but then to turn around and blame us for the pollution that they have caused with any concern for the planet is a bit too much. And then the author makes the completely contradictory statement, “In a rare positive finding, the authors note that lands and waters managed by Indigenous people are often healthier than other areas”. Are not indigenous people the poorest of the poor?

In one statement he lays it all at the feet of the poor, and then commends the poor for taking the best care of their land. Of course indigenous people are better caretakers; it is their back yard they are dealing with. Who craps in their own backyard? It is the foreign corporations that are coming into these countries without a care and causing all the destruction. They should not only be made to clean it up, but there are many who should be behind bars.

He following is the only true statement the author makes. “But Indigenous territory is under pressure too, the authors warn, from resource extraction, mining, energy infrastructure and more.” This reveals who the real culprits are. I’m glad the author brought up the case for polar bears. Some time ago I read that global warming would kill off the polar bears; however, the latest report showed their number increasing instead (which seems reasonable to me – they can adjust to climatic changes as can we). Another report I read just recently, claims that Satellite images show a greener Earth today that a few decades ago. That only makes sense, since all of the Earth’s vegetation depends on Carbon to thrive.

The Earth has been around for a long, long time and has gone through many changes; but guess what? We are still here. The Ice Age killed off most life on Earth. Many species were permanently wiped. Yet when the ice melted, Earth came back to life and all was good. Yahuwah is certainly the most qualified to manage life here. He built into the creation blueprint certain laws that manage all of these things. Nature has always taken care of itself and always will, as long as man doesn’t mess it up. The real culprit in this crisis is Big Industry and they are the ones who should be made to clean up their act. “For ever action, there is a reaction” is the most real statement ever made in regards to the environment.

2019, 05, 05

Supporting Believers Abroad

I was wondering how many of us receive emails from abroad, from people who claim to be believers (even using the set-apart names), and as soon as you respond to the email, they hit you with a request for money. There are two such individuals who I have encountered, and I actually did send money to the one. Then he sent a picture of a starving child and a second request for money and I knew I had seen the picture before from another source – same child. I broke of communications with him after that. However, I didn’t do that fast enough. I had already posted him on my website for others to contact. I guess I am either hopelessly naïve or I just like to see the good in people.

Being servants of Yahuwah, we believe in being charitable; but that does not mean that we should become suckers to every con artist going. People from 3rd world countries are usually the ones pulling these scams and with the situation over there, one cannot judge them too harshly. They will stand before the One True Judge one day and I hope Yahuwah forgives them. After all, He forgave me all my wrong doings.

Anyway, I just wanted to get this out there and warn everyone to be wary of such individuals. Have a wonderful day.


Playing Church vss. the Real Deal

I grew up in a mixed religious family. My Mother was formerly United and my father was Roman Catholic. My mother tried getting me baptised at the United Church she attended, but because I was adopted and had been born out of wedlock, they considered me a bastard child and refused to baptize me. Now that same church is ordaining homosexuals as ministers. Go figure!

I never considered my parents as avid church goers, but they were good people never-the-less. My mother only attended at Christmas and Easter. My dad only attended weddings and funerals. My sister and I started attending at an Anglican church with some friends down the street. Everything was going fine. I attended Sunday school and eventually began confirmation classes. Always one to ask questions, I quizzed the priest on some matters and was told to look up the answers myself. I got mad and quit confirmation class and the church. Years later after committing myself to Mashiyack, I realized that the priest’s statement may have been of more value than I realized, since now I have a deep desire to uncover all truth, and I do it by believing no man, but searching and proving everything myself. Now I definitely would not look to an Anglican priest for any truth at all.

Yet I remember finding myself looking around at all the other people, studying their behaviour and mannerisms. I am not sure why. I do remember thinking, “Are these people for real?” Are they really here for God (what I called him then) or for social reasons.” I know myself and the other fellas were just there for the girls.

I often ask persons of the Christian persuasion why they chose the church they did. The most common answer is, “Because it was the closest to where I live”. In other words, they saw no distinction between any of the Christian churches and felt one was as good as another. I suppose being raised in a Christian family, especially Protestant, one may well feel that way.

I call this playing church, but such are also called Sunday Christians. In other words, they show up and put on an appearance just because they think it is the thing to do to “look good” with the community. I am so happy to be in the company of so many genuine truth seekers like myself, even if it is only via the internet. I have been totally turned off by churches and their “group think” philosophy. No man has the moral authority to tell us what we are to think and believe. We have one High Priest, one Teacher and one King. He alone has that authority.


Blaming Elohim

This is something that usually occurs at funerals. Someone almost always make an idiotic statement like, “Why would ‘god’ allow this to happen”, or, “If there were a ‘god’, he wouldn’t have let this happen”. It would be funny if it were not such a serious subject. It was not Elohim that brought about the state of death; man brought it upon himself. Yahuwah had a plan A and a plan B for the human race. Plan A was that man would live and learn to take on the righteousness of Yahuwah, and that at some point of perfecting, that man would change by fiat into an eternal living being, without ever having to see death. Plan B was in case Plan A failed. If man chose not to follow after the righteousness of Yahuwah, he would initiate the process of death and a need for resurrection from the dead to gain eternal life. And, of course, this all depends o the degree of righteous one acquires and their devotion to Yahuwah.

The only time I have heard this statement being made, is at Christian funerals, because that is most the only ones I have attended. And, for a Christian to make such a statement is especially disturbing. Some I attended were for close friends and relatives, whom I knew did not have a spiritual bone in their body, yet claimed Christian status. Something I find very peculiar!

Of course, the real god Christians worship is the god of this age, who is HaSatan. And he is the one who tempted man to disobey Yahuwah and is ultimately to blame for bringing death to the world. However, this is not the elohim they have in mind when they place such blame, but the Creator Himself.


For the last couple of days, the world has been grieving over the devastating fire that consumed the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Aside from its amazing architecture and the vast riches that were inside, I say good riddance to but one of way too many pagan Temples. But that is the way of HaSatan to obscure the outside with greatly distracting beauty to as to conceal the evil within. It reminds me of when the world wept for Tammuz, the pagan Messiah. How many wept when the True Messiah, Yahushua ben Yoseph, died? 500?

This is the season when we remember the sacrifice of the True Messiah, and again, there are precious few of us. The good news is, our numbers are growing daily, thanks to the internet, which is about to come under UN domain and control. The silencing of the word is coming, and, we are going to have to come up with new and inventive ways of reaching the masses. In Yahushua’s day, there was no internet; yet, there converted thousands in a single day by merely going out to places where they knew the public would be gathered and preaching the gospel in the open.

We were not called to keep the truth a secret. We were called to spread the truth to the world. When we stand before the Great Judge, do we want Him to judge us as lazy slothful servants, or even worse, Laodiceans? I think not.

It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work, folks. The forces of evil are fortifying their defences and preparing for the greatest assault against the truth that has ever been launched. These will not be times for the faint of heart. We must strengthen our hearts via the Word of Elohim and place all of our trust completely in Him.

A Religion of Freaks

Check out this report. This new religion which supports the use of witchcraft and mediums. Apparently they have a following of some 800,000 members worldwide. It could be a dress rehearsal for the coming One World Religion that will soon be upon us, which will include all the pagan religious beliefs on Earth.



We see a lot in the news and other offbeat publications about UFO sightings and alien life forms visiting and dwelling on our planet. Can there really be extra terrestrial life beyond planet Earth? Well the universe is certainly a vast area and I would suppose anything is possible. However, I am a more, “I’ll believe it when I see it” type of guy. In that regard I did witness one rather strange sighting of what I believe was something not of this world.

One day a few years back, my cousin and I were out on the lake fishing. We both noticed this peculiar object flying over us at about the same time. What was peculiar was the crazy zig-zag movements it was making. No aircraft of this earth that we knew of would have capable of moving that way. It was flying too high for either of us to get a close look at it. Then, all of a sudden, it was gone. And it was not one of those booze and fish trips either. We were completely sober.

Well that was my one and only possible alien encounter. Yet, from all the accounts witnessed by others in this regard; they cannot all be liars. And, is it really so far-fetched to believe with all the solar systems and earth-like planets out there that there is no possibility of extra terrestrial life? Perhaps Yahuwah wanted a backup plan in case His human experiment failed. Who knows! I suppose we will just have to wait to find out.


Ron Wyatt- The Ark of the Covenant

I don’t know how many of you have checked this guy out but he claims to have been in the hidden chamber under Jerusalem where the Arc of the Covenant (with the two stones Moshe wrote the 10 Commandments on), along with the Mercy Seat and the alter were being kept. They are believed to have been placed inside of this chamber when the Babylonians razed Jerusalem. Of course, he was not allowed to remove any of the objects, but he took photos. The sound quality is poor in parts of the video but pay particular attention to what he says about Yahushua’s blood, in regard to the Mercy Seat. If true, it is absolutely amazing.


John 17: 5 - And now, O Father, glorify you me with your own self with the glory which I had with you before the world was.

If any single verse verifies the original state of Yahushua, it is this one statement, made by the Messiah, Himself, in accordance with the Apostle John account. He had a glory before the world was. Therefore, He existed before the worlds (universe) were created. However, that does not necessarily imply that He existed from infinity like the Father. Paul explains it as follows:

Col. 1: 15 - Who is the image of the invisible Elohim, the firstborn of every creature:

16 - For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17 - And he is before all things, and by him all things consist

The Apostle John writes about this again in the Book of Revelation.

Re 3:14 - And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

This was Yahushua speaking again and declaring Himself to be the beginning of the creation of Elohim.

And, of course, we can’t discuss this topic without mentioning opening verses of the Gospel of John:

John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.

2 - The same was in the beginning with Elohim.

3 - All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

Some have confused John’s statement to mean that Yahushua always existed with the Father. However, one must examine what is meant by the term, “in the beginning”. Since the Father has no beginning, how can it apply to him? It has to mean the beginning of the creation of Elohim. And, since Yahushua is Yahuwah’s only begotten Son, He is the only thing the Father directly created. Everything else was created by the Son (under the Father’s direction). As I have said numerous times previously, It can truly be said that the Father created one Seed, in which was the blue print for the entire creation.


Isn’t it interesting that every generation of Believers since the days of the Apostles have believed they were living in the last days? All failed to see this all elusive day. I am sure that many fell away because this goal was not realized. Well, I can tell you that every generation of Believer has, indeed, lived in the last days – the last days of their lives to get it right and see salvation. That’s right; we all have till the end of our physical existence to get it right. Then, the door closes and we sleep until awoken in the resurrection to judgement – some to eternal glory and some to eternal damnation..

We cannot afford to wait on Yahushua to return and perfect us. We are to be working on such perfecting now, today, with all our energy and strength. We must take on the spirit and character of our Savior, Yahushua HaMashiyack, if we are to entertain such a conclusion. In Yahushua’s final prayer, in John 17, He prayed that the Father make His followers ONE with Himself and the Father. What does that mean? It means that the Father and the Son shared the exact same spirit of righteousness and the same righteous character; and that they are extending a most glorious invitation to us to join them. It was/is impossible for them to sin. The thought to sin never crosses their mind.

Is it so with us, my brothers and sisters? If not, if the thought to sin still creeps up on us unawares, that means that we still have work to do. How do we cleanse ourselves of all sin? Practice, practice, practice and much prayer and meditation! It can be done. Yahushua proved it can be. Let us all follow His example and purify ourselves according to Yahuwah’s standards. Don’t procrastinate. Start today. Your eternal life depends on it!


Well, things can certainly change in a week. Earlier in the week I received a notice from Amazon that since I had not sold a single copy of “The Christian Counterfeit”, that they were going to cancel my contract. Then yesterday I received another notice from them that I had sold some copies, and I would be receiving payment at the end of the month. Go figure! I don’t know what happened all of a sudden, but I am very pleased. I was having a difficult time keeping my spiritual drive going, thinking all my work was a flop. Yahuwah indeed works in mysterious ways.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and meaningful Passover this year. We never know which year will be the “big’ one, when all the end-time prophesies come to pass. I firmly believe that it will be at this time of year when the 144,000 will be whisked away to a place of safety; just as the Israelites leaving Egypt behind. I am also sure that only those keeping this feast in obedience to all the laws surrounding it in all truth and sincerity will be a part of the 144,000. Let us keep this fact in mind while celebrating this feast.


We hear a lot about the “war on Christianity” in the news lately. Of course when war is proclaimed, both sides need to defend themselves. This was all part of Albert Pike’s (32 degree Mason) plane concerning World War 3. It is and will be designed to merge all the world’s religions into one “One World Religion”. Funny, that was Constantine’s intent when starting the Christian faith, also. To bring it all about, the masterminds need to do is:

    • "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained. physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

My contention is that all the man-made religions on earth today are all pagan (including Christianity). Even the Jewish religion has morphed into some obscure religion barely recognizable from what was detailed for that faith in Scriptures. We must go back in Time (in our minds) to a time when there was no religious organizations (Nimrod’s was the first), when all of the great men of Elohim enjoyed and treasured an up close and personal relationship with Yahuwah. Every day was dedicated to Elohim, not just one day a week. Every aspect of their lives reflected their deep devotion towards Yahuwah. This, we must do also. We may not think of ourselves in the same playing field as these great men of Elohim, but as far as Yahuwah is concerned, we do have the potential to be just that great. We must have faith and believe that Yahuwah ‘s deepest desire is for us all to have the same great power of the spirit working in us as the Apostles had.

I believe strongly that it is the cares of this world that are hampering our progress. I confess that those cares can be quite overwhelming at times, but we are admonished to try anyway. Not even Yahuwah will fault us if we are doing our best.