Evolution Debunked

Evolution Debunked


Gary Primo

Sept. 29, 2018


Scientists Baffled-New Discoveries-Darwinian Evolution Crumbling-Scientists Abandon Theory

The above ½ hour video shows amazing and indisputable proof that the Theory of Evolution is a bunch of hog wash, and that the Genesis account is more accurate in dating the age of Earth at less than 6000 years.

The atheistic scientists, of course, choose to stick viciously to the error than lose face before the global community. What they fail to disclose is that even Darwin, near the end of his life, admitted that evolution (his own theory) was impossible. Simply put, people will believe whatever they want to believe, no matter what indisputable evidence is placed before them.

Many people today deny or misconstrue what exactly constitutes demonic possession. When the Scripture tell us that HaSatan is the god of this world that means that the whole world is worshipping him. And, along with worshipping him, they are also worshipping all of his lies. This constitutes the condition of demonic possession. HaSatan is the same today as before the world began; and his purpose remains the same also. He used lies to persuade man that he was already god, and that he did not have to obey Yahuwah to achieve that state. He wishes to destroy mankind because man is destined to be elevated above the angels (including HaSatan) in the future. HaSatan; therefore, is hell-bent upon the total destruction of mankind.

Anyone who denies the creation is demonically possessed. They worship the lies that they promote to attempt to give credence to their ridiculous claims. Yahuwah loves the truth seeker; and, eventually, the complete truth is going to come out and all the layers of deception peeled away. The above information has just peeled away what is likely the major lie of the atheists – the Theory of Evolution.

The author of this video even reveals how dangerous it is for truth seekers (revealers) out there. They are actually at risk of being assassinated. But that is the way of the world these days. Hilary Clinton is a major suspect in the mysterious deaths of all who threatened to expose her crimes. Edward Snowden is in hiding out of fear for his life for blowing the whistle on the US government corruption. Julian Assange, is hiding out in an Ecuadorian Embassy for the same reason (whistle blowing). Dozens of whistle blowers around the globe have been assassinated (especially within the Catholic Church). Eventually, the truth will win out.

Getting back to the video, the proof against evolution is the soft tissue found on non-fossilized dinosaur bones. Such tissue, according to scientific fact, should not survive 10,000 years, let alone 65 million years, as the evolution scientists claim. These tissues are still soft and pliable and contain blood cells and DNA.

Of course the best proof for a non-physical Creator lies in the FACT that everything in the physical universe is cycular. Animals and humans are born from a seed, procreate (produce more seeds) and die. Every generation continues in this fashion. Plants begin from a seed, produce more seeds and die. Every generation of plant follows the same pattern. All physical life requires a physical seed. All physical seeds require a physical donor. So where did the original seed come from? The old age question of, “What came first the chicken or the egg?” comes prominently to mind. Picture a circle. Can you tell where the circle begins and ends? No you cannot! Therefore, the only way the Physical realm could have come into being would be from a non-physical force or spark. Life evolving from nothing is simply physically impossible.

This video reveals the absurdity of the evolutionary scientists’ argument. One of such was challenged and even offered bribe money (a donation) to at least test the samples himself and refused to. He simply did not want to know the truth, for he knew that if he discovered the truth, almost the entire scientific world would turn against him. One of the best known modern-day scientists is Stephen Hawking. He is famous for the Big Bang Theory. And, even though he is a devout atheist, his theory resonates what the Scriptures tell us about the origin of the universe – that Yahuwah spoke and the worlds burst into existence. And even when studying nano-particles, Hawking admitted that they could not have “evolved” but simply refused to admit the indisputable proof of a creation by a non-physical Creator.

This is much the same situation with the medical profession. They have a set system of beliefs and practices and they stubbornly resist any medical treatment outside those parameters. This is one crazy, backwards and upside down world we live in.

I would definitely share this video with all of your friends both inside and outside your spiritual family and see what kind of responses you get. My bet is that those outside the circle will reject the truth and seek ways to punch holes in the info. I’d be very interested in hearing back what manner of arguments you receive.

Yahuwah Bless
