Incorruptibility of the Spirit

Incorruptibility of the Spirit


Gary Primo

July 4, 2013

There seems to be much confusion concerning the spiritual realm these days. Many believe that our spiritual reward will be a spiritual rebirth where we will become like one of the angels. However, that form of spirit is yet corruptible; as we know from the rebellion of HaSatan and 1/3 of the angels.

We will end up judging the angels which invites the question, “What will be their reward”? We already know what their punishment will be. If they already posses eternal life, what greater reward could there be? Since HaSatan and his demons are going to be destroyed, they cannot possess eternal life.

Only that which is incorruptible can “inherit” eternal life. Yahuwah is incorruptibility personified. Possessing eternal life means that one has all power to sustain one’s own life and can; therefore, never be destroyed. Neither can they ever again do anything that is corruptible. Yahuwah will be totally convinced of that before promoting anyone into the new creation. They will be those who in this life time strived with all their being to conform their nature into that of the Father’s. This is accomplished by becoming one with the Father (as Yahushua did) in both mind and spirit.

This is what leads me to believe that there are at least two levels of spirit beings. One is the Father. He is the Creator. He created both spirit and mortal flesh; therefore, is it possible that He is something other than flesh or spirit or a higher order of spirit.

The book of Hebrews tells us that Yahushua was originally of the same nature as the angels – yet he was specifically created (the only begotten son) for a special purpose. When he satisfied that purpose, he was elevated to a position “above his fellows” (other angels/created spirit beings). Yahushua is now of the same substance or nature as the Father, a life force unto himself – living incorruptibility. It would seem that this is the highest order of spiritual being.

Both mankind and angels were created in the image of the Father. We were created in the image of our physical father as well. We are of the same substance as our physical father. Our life pattern will naturally mirror his.

Our task is to make this image over into the image of our spiritual Father and Creator, Yahuwah. Just as Yahushua was the express image of the Father, so must we be. We accomplish that by subjecting ourselves to every word that proceeds from the Father’s mouth, plus having faith in (swearing allegiance to) the Son

How does this work? If you were Joe Citizen and you had your choice of two world leaders to serve under, knowing one to be evil and the other good, you would naturally chose the good king. Subjecting yourself under that king would mean that you would be expected to live by the laws that king commands. If one persisted in disobeying the commands of the king, one would either be killed, imprisoned or get booted out of his kingdom.

Earthly royalty is patterned after the heavenly. Remember, these morons think they are gods. Their word is the law of the land. Yahuwah is the King of the entire universe. How much more would He expect His word to be adhered to?

Yahuwah; however is smart enough to test out His prospective subjects before allowing them into His Kingdom. Therefore, we are being tested here and now to see if we are worthy (incorruptible) enough to be granted entrance. If it is found, at the time of judgment, that we did not strive with all our being to make our image over into that of the Father’s, we will be denied. It is as simple as that. There will be no free rides. No one will be promoted by any less means than Yahushua’s example – he “loved righteousness and hated iniquity (lawlessness)”. Also, he was faithful unto death.

Millions around the world profess a belief in the Jewish Messiah; yet, few follow in his footsteps. Yahushua is the High Priest and King of this universe. His word is law. Yet few of those who profess his (supposed) name live lives of obedience to their professed King. When entire nations become so corrupt, Yahuwah brings His destruction upon them. Individually, destruction will follow the judgment. Those who are fence sitting, not entirely committed to serving Yahuwah will not survive the tribulation (spiritually speaking).

Which of us fully possesses the mind of Yahuwah? If our answer is, “Not me” then we have a great deal of work to do. We cannot afford the luxury of resting from our labours. None of us know when death is going to take us. We want to make sure that we are found to have been doing everything possible to become one with the Father, before the Angel of Death comes for us.

Anyone that believes they are going to escape the final tribulation is mistaken. That will only happen if they die before it comes. Any Believer alive when this time comes, will be effected in some way by it. Some may escape the final 3 ½ years, but all will experience the first 3 ½ years. It is by this trial that Yahuwah will truly know our hearts. We want to use this opportunity to prove, without a doubt, that we are loyal and true, and desire more than anything else to be like our Father and our eldest Brother. If this is not first and foremost in our hearts, we are not worthy of the Kingdom and will never see the new creation.

Yahuwah is not messing around here, folks. He means business. We can manufacture images of how perfect in Yahuwah we are at this moment but if we do not measure up to the full stature of Yahushua, we have nothing to boast about.

We have only one chance at salvation. We have been given the honour of being called for a very special purpose. We must not take this honour lightly; or think that Yahuwah is going to do all the work for us. Our job includes taking on the mind of Yahuwah and becoming lights to the rest of the world.

In the beginning of the spreading of the gospel, the disciples were converting thousands in a single day. How are we doing with converting others? What seems to be the problem? Are the people we are trying to convert truly seeing the Messiah in us, or just another counterfeit?

What we need to do is step back from ourselves and try to see what others are seeing in us. Does our body language match our speech? Does our example mirror that of Yahushua? Are there signs and miracles witnessing of our works? Do we possess even a portion of faith the size of a mustard seed, that we can calm seas and move mountains? Is it any wonder that people do not believe our report?

Sometimes it is difficult to look in the mirror and be honest with what we see. We might shave, put on makeup or change our hair style to try to make ourselves look better. However that does not work spiritually. Spiritually we may be able to put on a false front in front of other humans and even fool them to a degree, but Yahuwah, who has the ability to peer directly into our hearts sees everything. We can’t fool Him. We are connected to Him through the spirit and he knows our every thought, word and action. We are completely exposed and transparent before Him.

Yahushua loved righteousness and hated iniquity. Do we love and hate the same things? To what degree are we following in Yahushua’s footsteps?

This journey is for all or nothing, folks. We either qualify for the Kingdom or we don’t. The qualifying factor is the degree to which we have likened ourselves to the Messiah and the effort we have put into it. There will be no second chance. We must get it right this time around.

Let’s begin today to put this calling first and foremost in our lives and overcome all the temptations of this world. Let us become living incorruptibility. That is what Yahuwah is and that is what we are purposed to become.

Yahuwah bless
