The History of One World Religion

The History of One World Religions


Gary Primo

August 22, 2015

Are today’s elite the originators of the idea of a one world religion? Of course not! It is like King Solomon once said, “There is nothing new under the sun”. Every empire that has ever existed has attempted to form a one world religion. It is nothing more than a very vain attempt to control the minds and beliefs of all humans. However, Elohim has given us all freedom of choice, even if some wish to restrict that right; therefore, all attempts to consolidate all the diverse religions on Earth have eventually utterly failed.

The following is an attempt to link all of these attempts together into one big picture. I hope I can do this study justice.


Gen. 10:8 - And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

9 - He was a mighty hunter before Yahuwah: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before Yahuwah.

10 - And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

11 - Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,

12 - And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.

Nimrod was the first person following the flood to deny Noah as the official King and High Priest of the Earth. He was the great grandson of Noah through Ham and some believe him to have been a black man. I have no idea if that is true or not or just some racial thing, or what (if any) difference it makes.

As we can see, the Scriptures only allude to him very briefly. And yet this individual came to be central to all pagan religious cults on the planet. In other words, Nimrod became king of the Earth under HaSatan and his son Tammuz became the first worldly messiah.

The Book of Jasher gives a much more detailed account of Nimrod. The Scriptures completely omit Abraham’s dealings with this pagan monarch. Jasher tells of Abraham’s loyalty to Noah and how he defied and prophesied against Nimrod and was once was thrown into a fiery furnace and survived for 3 days without being harmed. Meanwhile, the guards who approached the furnace died from the great heat.

Nimrod not only created the world’s first one world religion, he also began the concept of emperor worship, setting himself up as Elohim on Earth – much the same as today’s leader of the Roman Catholic (universal) Religion, the Pope. He demanded that the people worship him and killed all who defied him. His numerous attempts to kill Abraham (Abram) all failed.

The Babylonian Mystery Religion taught man to worship and deify humans in place of the Almighty Creator. This was a throw-back to what HaSatan told Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Gen. 3:4 - And the serpent said unto the woman, You shall not surely die:

5 - For Elohim does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as elohim, knowing good and evil.

What HaSatan was telling Eve is that they were already elohim in their own rights and that the Almighty Creator was trying to divest them of their full potential. Of course, this was an outright lie. Yes, we were created to eventually become part of the elohim family; but there is a process that we must complete first. Man; however, was/is too impatient to complete that process. They want to be elohim now. Man’s impatience has been his own undoing and, those who continue to follow Nimrods blueprint to this very day, will never realize their full potential.

The Basis of Nimrod’s religion is sun worship. What that means is that he taught men to worship the creation rather than the Creator. Man, of course, is included in the creation.

In Greek Mythology, the “gods” emerged from a water deluge or chaotic state. This is really a description of the flood. The “gods” that emerged from that water chaos were Noah and his sons. They certainly did not deify themselves, but were later deified by mankind. For some reason, man needs a human god before him and the real Elohim. Therefore, Nimrod and all the notorious emperors that followed him were all deified and worshipped. Most did not have to be forced; they wanted and sought after a human to worship. The same is true of Catholics in regard to their Pope. Nimrod could; therefore, be considered the world’s first pope.

In ancient Hebrew ideology, the term “before Elohim” means “against” Elohim. In other words he was worshipped before, or in place of, Elohim. Today, in Catholic circles, the Pope is worshipped before, or in place of, Elohim. Again, I would like to recall what Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun”. History simply repeats itself over and over again, like making continual re-makes of the same movie – only with different actors.

Since the time of Nimrod, the world has continued follow the same religion. The only thing that changed was the man who was worshipped.

You surely recall the tower of Babel incident. Under Nimrod, man attempted to build a tower, by which to reach and conquer heaven. According to Jasher, the base of this tower was approximately 3 miles in diameter and reached above the clouds.

A building of a similar tower (or elevator) is being suggested today from which to launch space vehicles. It is planned to reach 20 miles into the atmosphere. Its announced purpose is to save money on a second stage and an enormous amount of fuel. Mankind is still seeking to reach heaven under their own (artificial) power and conquer it. If they could only see the glory that awaits them, if they, instead, follow Yahuwah!

Mystery Babylon continues to be the religion of choice for all global dominating empires up to this very day (as the rest of the study will show). Following the Tower of Babel incident the human language was confused and everyone began talking in different languages. Naturally, the names of their gods changed also. Therefore, the same god (Nimrod) continued to be worshipped by all nations, only under a host of different names. The same is true of his wife Semiramis who is still worshipped today by the RCC as the Queen of Heaven.

The Assyrian Empire

Assyria, a major Mesopotamian East Semitic kingdom and empire of the Ancient Near East, existed as an independent state for a period of approximately six centuries from c. 1250 BC to 612 BC, spanning the Early Bronze Age through to the late Iron Age. For a further thirteen centuries, from the end of the 7th century BC to the mid-7th century AD, it survived as a geo-political entity, for the most part ruled by foreign powers, although a number of small Neo-Assyrian states such as Assur, Adiabene, Osroene and Hatra arose at different times between the 1st century BC and late 3rd century AD.

Centered on the Upper Tigris river, in northern Mesopotamia (modern northern Iraq, northeastern Syria and southeastern Turkey), the Assyrians came to rule powerful empires at several times. Making up a substantial part of the greater Mesopotamian "cradle of civilization," which included Sumer, Akkad and much later Babylonia, Assyria was at the height of technological, scientific and cultural achievements for its time. At its peak, the Assyrian empire stretched from Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea to Persia (Iran), and from what is now Armenia to the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt.

This is one kingdom that just refuses to die. It was revived again through the Ottoman Empire; and to an attempt to again re-establish this kingdom has been proposed by the current leader of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Ottoman Empire was just as powerful as or more so than the first Assyrian Empire and lasted for approximately the same length of time – 600 years.

With all the activities going on in the Middle East today, they may just be looking for a single entity to bring it all under control. The US is too hated to fit this role. It must be one of their own. There is already talk of Turkey allying themselves with Iran. Turkey currently boasts the largest military next to the U.S. Iran is rapidly on its way to becoming a nuclear state. This would definitely be a union of significant proportion. A forced peace is better than no peace – or so they naturally conclude. This was the way of all empires.

Under the control of the Assyrian Empire, the Northern nation of Israel, was led into captivity and dispersed throughout all the nations on Earth. Every empire that has ever existed has placed themselves before or against Yahuwah.

Although the Book of Daniel only mentions four world ruling empires, the others, like the Ottoman Empire, were merely extensions of the former four. The fourth empire mentioned in Daniel is the Roman Empire. He prophesied that this empire would continue up until the final coming of the Messiah to establish His millennial government on Earth. According to human history, that empire died in the 6th century A.D. That is not entirely true; but I will save that info for the section on Rome. You will see; however, that the Ottoman and Roman empires coincided with one another the entire time.

Assyrian religion

The Assyrians, like the rest of the Mesopotamian peoples, followed the Sumero-Akkadian Mesopotamian Religion, with the national god Ashur having pride of place at the head of the pantheon. This religion survived in Assyria from c. 3500 BC through to its gradual decline in the face of Christianity between the 1st and 10th centuries AD.[59]

Other major gods within the pantheon were Anu, Baal, Ea, Enlil, Ishtar (Astarte), Shamash, Tammuz, Adad/Hadad, Sin (Nanna), Dagan, Ninurta, Nisroch, Nergal,Tiamat, Ninlil, Mullissu, Zababa and El.

Native religion was still strongly followed at least until the 4th century AD, and survived in pockets until at least the 10th century AD,[59] although Assyrians had begun to adopt Eastern Rite Christianity (as well as for a time Manicheanism and Gnosticism) which, like Syriac literature, had its birthplace in Assyria between the 1st and 3rd centuries AD. Assyrians today are exclusively Christian, with most following the Assyrian Church of the East, Chaldean Catholic Church, Ancient Church of the East and Syriac Orthodox churches.

Assyria may have made some adjustments to their religion, but basically it remained the very same as the Babylonian Mystery Religion. The Emperor was similarly deified and worshipped as “god on earth”. All his subjects were forced to conform. Those who refused were militarily conquered and enslaved or simply killed.

One thing that came out of the Patty Hearst kidnapping was a medical term called, “the Stockholm Syndrome”. What it basically espouses is a condition where the victim gradually begins to see their captor as a type of messiah, simply because they allow the victim to live. They become compliant and eager to please their captor.

The same can be said of forced conversion by all leading global empires. Those who they conquered were so terrified, yet grateful for being allowed to live, that they too came to view their captors as messiahs. And so, they were easily conformed. It was the old “rather switch than die” philosophy.

As far as the ancient nation of Northern Israel goes, they had already converted to the various religions of their neighbours before they went into captivity in Assyria; therefore, they were easily absorbed into the Assyrian society, and once completely brainwashed, were allowed to migrate throughout all the nations on earth.

The Babylonian Empire

Babylonian Empire

The Babylonian Empire was the most powerful state in the ancient world after the fall of theAssyrian empire (612 BCE). Its capital Babylon was beautifully adorned by king Nebuchadnezzar, who erected several famous buildings. Even after the Babylonian Empire had been overthrown by the Persian king Cyrus the Great (539), the city itself remained an important cultural center.

Babylonia (Babel) was one of the cities founded by King Nimrod. It would naturally follow that the Babylonian Empire followed the same system of worship. The Babylonians also sought to forcibly convert all whom they conquered. When they conquered and took Judah into captivity, there was only a few reports of any of the Jews resisting such conversion.

Dan. 1:6 - Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:

17 - As for these four children, Elohim gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

Apparently changing the name of one’s captive is commonplace. Even when the Jesuits attempted to convert the North American natives, they changed their native names to “Christian” names. It is all part of the brainwashing and striping away of their former identity. Often Immigrants, when migrating to another country, voluntarily surrender their former names and change them to ones more like those common in that country. It symbolizes a surrender of their former nationality and adoption of a new nationality. Sometimes this also meant a change in their religious believes as well.

Daniel 1:7 - Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abednego.

It seems like these four, of all the children of Judah, were the only ones to stick to their faith in defiance of the royal command to bow down and serve the golden image (although I am sure they were not the only ones). If history repeats itself, as I know it will, many so-called stanch believers will abandon their faith as well in exchange for preserving their physical existence. We must be aware of this basic human weakness and prepare ourselves to remain faithful NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS to us or our family members on account of our beliefs.

Dan. 3:10 - Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of music, shall fall down and worship the golden image:

11 - And whoso falls not down and worships, that he should be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.

12 - There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; these men, O king, have not regarded yoou: they serve not your gods, nor worship the golden image which you hast set up.

13 - Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Then they brought these men before the king.

Dan.6:11 - Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his Elohim. 12 - Then they came near, and spoke before the king concerning the king’s decree; Have you not signed a decree, that every man that shall ask a petition of any Elohim or man within thirty days, save of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions? The king answered and said, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which alters not. 13 - Then answered they and said before the king, That Daniel, which is of the children of the captivity of Judah, regards you not, O king, nor the decree that you hast signed, but makes his petition three times a day. 14 - Then the king, when he heard these words, was sore displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him: and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him.

16 - Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions.

20 - And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel: and the king spoke and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living Elohim, is your Elohim, whom you serve continually, able to deliver you from the lions?

21 - Then said Daniel unto the king, O king, live forever.

22 - My Elohim hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocence was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.

Faith certainly does have its rewards. We have read of such stories throughout the Scriptures. Most of us have likely experienced answered prayers before. Daniel was full of faith. He prayed 3 times a day. He remained faithful even when threatened with the lions. And Yahuwah certainly did answer his prayers.

There is a great Tribulation coming. It is prophesied to be the worst persecution in the entire history of man. We have no idea what they are going to threaten us with to make us change or recant our beliefs. I pray that we all hold firm; but I know that not all will. I cannot even be sure of myself, not knowing for sure how much pain and suffering I can endure. However, I do know that the pain will be relatively short and that there is final peace in death; therefore, I hope that I can keep these two reassurances at the forefront of my thoughts when suffering persecution.

The Graeco-Macedonian Empire

The next world-ruling empire described by Daniel is the Greco-Macedonian Empire. That empire actually began before Alexander the Great came on the scene, but reached its zenith under his command.

Alexander the Great

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the ancient king of Macedon. For other uses, see Alexander the Great (disambiguation).

Alexander III of Macedon (20/21 July 356 BC – 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great(Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας, Aléxandros ho Mégas [a.lék.san.dros ho mé.gas]),iii[›] was a King (Basileus) of theAncient Greek kingdom of Macedon[1][2][3] and a member of the Argead dynasty. Born in Pella in 356 BC, Alexander succeeded his father, Philip II, to the throne at the age of twenty. He spent most of his ruling years on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, until by the age of thirty he had created one of thelargest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to Egypt and into northwest India.[4] He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of history's most successful military commanders.[5]

During his youth, Alexander was tutored by the philosopher Aristotle until the age of 16. After Philip was assassinated in 336 BC, Alexander succeeded his father to the throne and inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army. He had been awarded the generalship of Greece and used this authority to launch his father's Panhellenic project to lead the Greeks in the conquest of Persia.[6][7] In 334 BC, he invaded the Achaemenid Empire, ruled Asia Minor, and began a series of campaigns that lasted ten years. Alexander broke the power of Persia in a series of decisive battles, most notably the battles of Issus and Gaugamela. He subsequently overthrew the Persian King Darius III and conquered the Achaemenid Empire in its entirety.i[›] At that point, his empire stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River.

Seeking to reach the "ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea", he invaded India in 326 BC, but was eventually forced to turn back at the demand of his troops. Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC, the city he planned to establish as his capital, without executing a series of planned campaigns that would have begun with an invasion of Arabia. In the years following his death, a series of civil wars tore his empire apart, resulting in several states ruled by theDiadochi, Alexander's surviving generals and heirs.

Alexander's legacy includes the cultural diffusion his conquests engendered, such as Greco-Buddhism. He founded some twenty cities that bore his name, most notably Alexandria in Egypt. Alexander's settlement of Greek colonists and the resulting spread of Greek culture in the east resulted in a new Hellenistic civilization, aspects of which were still evident in the traditions of the Byzantine Empire in the mid-15th century and the presence of Greek speakers in centraland far eastern Anatolia until the 1920s. Alexander became legendary as a classical hero in the mold of Achilles, and he features prominently in the history and myth of Greek and non-Greek cultures. He became the measure against which military leaders compared themselves, and military academies throughout the world still teach his tactics.[8]ii[›] He is often ranked among the world's most influential people of all time, along with his teacher Aristotle.[

There is little mention of Alexander’s religious beliefs or if religion even played much of a part of his conquests. However, I do believe he had some sort of belief system which likely included a pantheon of gods. For the purpose of this study I will focus more on the Greek invasion of Judea.


Main articles: Hellenistic Judaism and Hasmonean dynasty

During the Hellenistic period, Judea became a frontier region between the Seleucid Empire and Ptolemaic Egypt and therefore was often the frontline of the Syrian wars, changing hands several times during these conflicts.[71] Under the Hellenistic kingdoms, Judea was ruled by the hereditary office of the High Priest of Israel as a Hellenistic vassal. This period also saw the rise of a Hellenistic Judaism, which first developed in the Jewish diaspora of Alexandria and Antioch, and then spread to Judea. The major literary product of this cultural syncretism is the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible from Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Aramaic to Koiné Greek. The reason for the production of this translation seems to be that many of the Alexandrian Jews had lost the ability to speak Hebrew and Aramaic.[72]

Between 301 and 219 BCE the Ptolemies ruled Judea in relative peace, and Jews often found themselves working in the Ptolemaic administration and army, which led to the rise of a Hellenized Jewish elite class (e.g. the Tobiads). The wars of Antiochus III brought the region into the Seleucid empire; Jerusalem fell to his control in 198 and the Temple was repaired and provided with money and tribute.[73] Antiochus IV Epiphanes sacked Jerusalem and looted the Temple in 169 BCE after disturbances in Judea during his abortive invasion of Egypt. Antiochus then banned key Jewish religious rites and traditions in Judea. He may have been attempting to Hellenize the region and unify his empire and the Jewish resistance to this eventually led to an escalation of violence. Whatever the case, tensions between pro and anti-Seleucid Jewish factions led to the 174–135 BCE Maccabean Revolt of Judas Maccabeus (whose victory is celebrated in the Jewish festival of Hanukkah).

Modern interpretations see this period as a civil war between Hellenized and orthodox forms of Judaism.[74][75] Out of this revolt was formed an independent Jewish kingdom known as the Hasmonaean Dynasty, which lasted from 165 BCE to 63 BCE. The Hasmonean Dynasty eventually disintegrated in a civil war, which coincided with civil wars in Rome. The last Hasmonean ruler, Antigonus II Mattathias, was captured by Herod and executed in 37 BCE. In spite of originally being a revolt against Greek overlordship, the Hasmonean kingdom and also the Herodian kingdom which followed gradually became more and more hellenized. From 37 BCE to 6 CE, the Herodian dynasty, Jewish-Roman client kings, ruled Judea. Herod the Great considerably enlarged the Temple (see Herod's Temple), making it one of the largest religious structures in the world. The style of the enlarged temple and other Herodian architecture shows significant Hellenistic architectural influence.

This account does not go into much detail of what actually transpired. The following from 1 Maccabees does not enlighten us much either.

1 Maccabees

According to 1 Maccabees 1:54, the abomination was erected on the altar of burnt offering.[4]

1 Maccabees 1:54 "Now the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred forty and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol altars throughout the cities of Judea on every side;"

1 Maccabees 6:7 "Also that they had pulled down the abomination, which he had set up upon the altar in Jerusalem, and that they had compassed about the sanctuary with high walls, as before, and his city Bethsura."

Rabbinical literature[edit]

The rabbinical consensus is that the expression refers to the desecration of the Second Temple (Herod's Temple) by the erection of a Zeus statue in its sacred precincts by Antiochus IV Epiphanes.[6][7] Some rabbis, however, see in it an allusion to Manasseh, who is reported to have set up "a carved image … in the house of God".[8][9]

However, what we can glean from this info is that there was some form of official Greek worship in place that Antiochus IV Epiphanes tried to force upon the Jews. The result was that they rebelled and actually drove the Greeks out (for a short time).

The “Abomination of Desolation” in this case was a statue of Zeus. Zeus, of course is one of the deified names of King Nimrod. Therefore, it can be assumed that the official state religion of the Graeco-Macedonian Empire was some form of the Mystery Babylonian religion. Once again, the stewards of the empire were trying to force a one world religion upon all whom they conquered. The penalty for disobedience was death.

This time; however, it was not a mere 4 men who refused to buckle, but an entire nation. However, their victory was to be short lived. The Greeks were soon to be replaced by the Roman occupiers.

The Roman Empire

Now the amazing thing about the last two empires of Daniel’s vision is that they were yet hundreds of years into the future. The accuracy of Daniel’s prophesies are nothing short of amazing. Daniel not only saw their coming, but also their end. Of the fourth (Roman) empire Daniel had the following to say:

Dan. 2: 40 - And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and subdues all things: and as iron that breaks all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. 41 - And whereas you saw the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 - And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

What is it that made this empire different from the rest? It was a mixture of iron and clay! What does this mean? It means that it was partially strong (militarily) but was weak at the same time (spiritually) because the Roman military often conscripted young men from the nations that it conquered. These conscripts often brought their own religions with them. So, for a time, there were a number of different religions and pagan gods worshipped in Rome at the same time. It would not be until the time of Constantine when any attempt would be made to consolidate all the diverse religions within the Roman Empire. But we will get to that shortly.

This empire was, according to Daniel, to last until the Messiah comes to establish His millennial Kingdom on Earth. Yet all of our history books contend that the Roman Empire died in the 6th century. How do we; therefore, justify Daniel’s prophesy? The answer is really very simple. Again, we will get to that soon.

Dan. 7:19 - Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; 20 - And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spoke very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. 21 - I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; 22 - Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. 23 - Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 24 - And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 25 - And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26 - But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. 27 - And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

The subject of the ten kings and their identities have long been debated by Scriptural scholars. Some contend that the three kings that are defeated by the 11th king was the first 3 empires. I do not believe that since it clearly states that the 10 were to come out of the fourth kingdom.

However, I am confused over the precise identity of these 10 kings. I have tried and tried to figure it out, but nothing significant has come to me yet. Perhaps one of the readers can help me out.

What I do know, concerning the coming One World Order and One World Religion is that it is going to be fashioned after Plato’s rendition of the type of governance they once had in the mystical nation/city of Atlantis. According to Plato, Atlantis was ruled over by 10 kings. They had a pact that none were to engage another in battle, but were to fight together against all opposition. The nation of Atlantis was somewhere off the coast of Europe; and may well have been North America before a seismic occurrence separated the two (or more) continents. If one compares the eastern coastlines of the Americas with the western coastline of Europe and Africa, one comes up with an almost perfect match, clearly showing that the two were once joined together.

Scientists recon this separation occurred millions of years ago, but with Yahuwah all things are possible and that separation may well indeed be of a more recent date. The similarities between certain native cultures (Aztecs and Incas) and Egypt (similar pyramids and temples) have also stirred the imaginations of researchers.

The plan of the New World Order Elite is to divide the earth into ten regions or kingdoms. All current national sovereignties will be done away with. The inhabitants of planet Earth will be sold a bill of goods claiming that this is the only way to global peace. And, for the most part, they will swallow this lie hook line and sinker.

Of course, this global empire will require a unified religious body to control the people. Since all the religions of earth all came from the same source, they can easily be reintegrated back to the original. And, reintegrated they will be.

The Elite already have their own system of worship. They gather every year at Bohemian Grove in California to worship before a giant owl (symbol of Molech worship) and perform mock sacrifices of infant dolls. More than one thousand of the world’s top leaders attend this gathering.

See the following list of attendees:

This will be the system of worship that will be forced on all the people of earth. Those who seem to deify their political leaders today (e.g. the US) will be easily transformed. All others will die – likely by beheading.

The Founding of the Roman Catholic Church

The founding of the Roman Catholic religion was also the founding of the Christian religion. Many believe the Christian religion to be the extension of the original faith of the True Believers. It is not; nor ever was. The Christian religion was merely Emperor Constantine’s version of a one world religion. It was a melting pot of all the religions within the dominion of the Roman Empire. It had only a bit of the Jewish ‘flavouring” thrown in to make it seem legitimate. However, the reality is that the Jews collaborated with the Romans to create the Christian religion so as to separate True Believers from the Jewish faith and protect their faith from the huge and sudden influx of Gentiles into their synagogues and the Temple, itself.

Constantine made two declarations that cemented that distinction. The first was in 325 AD. He proclaimed that no Roman citizen (Gentile) was permitted to follow the customs and traditions of the Jewish faith, unless they were indeed a Jew. The second came a few years later, declaring that no Roman citizen was permitted to observe the Jewish (7th day) Sabbath. Constantine declared the official day of Roman worship to be Sunday – the pagan day of sun worship. The Christian religion has followed the commandments of Constantine ever since. Even the so called “Reformation” did absolutely nothing the restore the original body of true Believers. They continued to honour the commandments of Constantine before those of the Almighty Creator, which was in effect a declaration of honouring Constantine in place of Yahuwah. “He whom you obey, him also do you worship”.

As I mentioned before, the Romans conscripted men from all the nations they conquered and those men brought all diversity of religions back to Rome. The main one adopted by the Roman authorities before Christianity came along was Mithraism (the worship of Mithras). The priests of Mithras were, of course, quite put out by the popular and overwhelming rise of the true Believers and wished to thwart their growth. So, what they did was secretly infiltrate that body of Believers and start leading some astray. These are the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” that the apostles warned the congregations about. If one were to transpose the teaching of Mithras over top of the teachings of Christianity, one can ready see the vast similarities. When one does the same with Judaism and Christianity, there is barely any resemblance. This is how one can be sure that Christianity is rooted in Mithraism, not Judaism. Of course, the nay-sayers contend that Mithraism got their doctrines from Christianity, not the other way around. But since Mithraism predated Christianity by over 300 years, I find that claim very difficult to believe.

The rivalry between the two systems of faith finally got to be too much for the Roman authorities and Constantine came up with the “perfect” solution – integrate the two into one common body, along with all the other religions within the Roman territory. Of course, the real true Believers resisted and continued to be persecuted. Those that did convert enjoyed some peace of mind physically, but suffered tremendously in the spiritual sense. Again, this was the Stockholm Syndrome actively at work. Sparing the lives of so many made Constantine the messiah of Rome; and the people were quick to fall in line.

Just as the Greeks employed Jewish scholars to write the Septuagint, the Romans also employed Jewish scholars to write the New Testament. They, of course, claimed that the Old Testament was replaced by the NT and that their “Jesus” replaced the OT Elohim. Of course, any true Believer knows that this is nothing but a pack of lies.

If everything was created by and through the Messiah, then He is the Elohim of the OT as well as the New. The Father, of course, created the Son, and is; therefore, the Creator of all things, but He did so through the Son. Therefore, it has been mainly the Son with whom the creation has interacted with since the dawn of time.

The Gnostics also claimed that the OT and its Elohim were replaced by the NT and “Jesus”. Even though the Christian faith denounces Gnosticism, they nevertheless follow the very same teachings.

Generally people do not take the time to study the origins or roots of their faith. They love their traditions and long to keep them intact. They seldom care if their beliefs are based on truth or not. They would rather just go with the flow – or what is popular and “fashionable”. True Believers do not fear going against the flow. They only fear the wrath of Yahuwah.

Constantine did exactly what every other world dominating emperor did; try to form a one world religion. Through the Roman Catholic religion, Constantine was likely the most successful Emperor in regards to forming a one world religion. The RCC enjoyed the backing of the Roman forces to convert the masses. Over time no one even questioned their beliefs. They simply went with whatever they were taught from birth, without question.

Until Yahuwah opened the eyes of true Believers, we all followed that exact same path too; and if we did not have our eyes opened, would we still be following that same path. Therefore, we have nothing to boast of in regard to being any better or smarter than the rest of humanity. If not for the grace of Yahuwah, we would be just like they are. And, there is a very real possibility that many will return to the Babylonian system of faith when the real persecution begins.

This exact same thing is happening right now with the migrant crisis in Europe. A number of the migrants have been dumping their Muslim beliefs to join the Christian ranks, with the hope that they will be more readily accepted by a host nation. And, although we never hear about it, I am sure that some Christians in the war torn zone have converted to Islam to save themselves from persecution. It is just a natural by-product of fear. And, none of us can say of a certainty that we will not succumb to such fear. We will not know that until that trial comes.

The Roman Empire, Still Alive and Well

As I said previously, the Roman Empire did not die in the 6th century as historians proclaim. The leaders of Rome merely disguised themselves as priests of the Roman Catholic Church and have continued to rule through that entity ever since. That church has always been divided into two wings – the spiritual and the political. The spiritual wing puts on the front for the political wing so that almost no one is focused on what is really going on behind the scenes. In the 1500s the political wing was taken over by the newly established Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Even though they had no military of their own, they utilized the military might of whoever happened to be their military champion of the day. Such a champion has changed its face numerous times. Today that champion is the United States of America. The Vatican was heavily involved in the War of Independence that solidified that nation as being the chief global power on earth. Let me explain.

The Jesuits were kicked out of Europe in the late 1700’s. They were not very popular in England either, following the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. So they turned their attention to the developing nation of America.

The Vatican has always operated through foreign entities and at one time or another found their military champion within one of the nations of Europe. However, the Europeans soon grew wise to and wearied of the Jesuit tactics; which often involved infiltration of government bodies to influence and control their decisions. Iy also included assassinations of heads of state. The chiefs of these entities are Freemasonry and the Illuminati. Both these entities were involved in the War of Independence. The proof lies in the Illuminati symbol at the top of all official records – the One-eyed Pyramid. The Vatican had gained a very large foot-in-the-door with this move. Finally, a nation that they had total control over and one that would prove to be their greatest military champion of all time.

Along with Americas, the Vatican also gained control of almost all of North and South America. The Latinos were already staunchly Roman Catholic, as were the French Canadians. They were later joined by Irish and German RCs. Within a very short time the RC’s infiltrated and controlled every office of government in the US. Every recent US president, shortly following his rise to office, has an audience with the Pope to receive his marching orders. When the CIA headquarters was located in the Twin Towers, there was an RC cathedral right across the street; complete with a secret tunnel, leading to a secret elevator that linked the two offices. NO OTHER RELIGIOUS BODY WAS EVER AFFORDED THIS CONVENIENCE!

Another fallacy of common American belief is that they won the War of Independence from Great Britain. Great Britain may have conceded to the American demands for autonomy, but they never surrendered. And, the US of A to this day still pays tribute to the British crown.

Of monumental importance today is the fact for the first time in the history of the RCC, a Jesuit now sits in the office of the White Pope. There has always been a Black Pope (Jesuit General). And, the Jesuits have always sought to hold both offices. In the past, at least 4 “white” popes have been poisoned by the Jesuits. The fact that they now control both wings of the RCC, spells imminent disaster for the human race.

For a long time now, I have claimed that the RCC contains both offices of the Beast and the False Profit. Again these are offices not men, for many men have held these offices. Mind you, the men that hold these offices in the end days will be the worst of all. These offices have been held by men for safe-keeping until the ruler of this planet (HaSatan) and his demons are released from the bottomless pit.

Rev. 13:4 - And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

The dragon is the office of the False Prophet, which is held by the White Pope. That office has now given over its power to the Black Pope, which is the office of the Beast. And now all the Roman Catholics will worship the Beast (the Black Pope), just as they formerly worshipped the White Pope. And, since this entity controls its mightiest military champion of all time (the USA) one might well ask, “Who is able to make war with him?’

And so, Daniels prophesy did indeed bear true. The fourth empire of his vision did not die in the 6th century as the historians claim, but has indeed survived up to this very day and will continue to rule the earth until the Messiah returns to establish His Kingdom on Earth.

However, we are not done with this grand plan yet.

The RCC Creates the Islamic Faith

No matter how hard they tried to defeat the Arabs militarily, The RCC was unsuccessful at conquering this group. So they did what was their habit of infiltrating, dividing and conquering.

The following are excerpts from this site.

How the Vatican Created Islam. The astonishing story from ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera which was told to him by Cardinal Bea, while he was at the Vatican.

Mohammad began receiving “divine revelations” and his wife’s Catholic cousin Waraguah helped interpret them. From this came the Koran. In the fifth year of Mohammad’s mission, persecution came against his followers because they refused to worship the idols of Kaaba.

These are the three primary motives for this deception.

1. Eliminate the Jews and true believers, which they called infidels.

2. Protect the Augustine monks and the Roman Catholics.

3. Conquer Jerusalem for ‘His Holiness’ in the Vatican.

And so, Islam was created to further Vatican interests. It was only meant to remain intact for a short time. However, the conquest of Jerusalem and the establishment of Roman Catholic headquarters there have proven to be an elusive dream. If not prevented by the Jews, it was prevented by the Muslims. Yet, the RCC has certainly not given up on this goal. The reason for this is because it was always the plan for the two faiths to eventually unite into one global religion. This is in the process of happening today.

“This site is dedicated to exposing the deadly heresy of Chrislam which denies the deity of Jesus Christ and seeks to merge the church with Islam. Chrislam is one of the many end times deceptions warned about in the Holy Bible.”

Was this merely an afterthought or was this the plan all along? I believe that it was the plan all along. The numerous mentions of “Jesus” and “Mary” in the Koran may have been intentional so as to lay the common ground work for an eventual union of the two religions. Of course that would not be fully implemented until the Jews and true believers were wiped off the face of the earth.

“We are brothers, We are a family of God. Not one of us is better than the other in His eyes. He loves us both. The future can only be won against the “Evil one” by all of us standing strong together.”

Malcom X

The “Evil One” that this site refers to is, in reality, Yahuwah. It is fully anti-Yahuwah and totally pro-Allah (or, any god but Yahuwah).

Chrislam, or the “Will of God Mission,” is a Nigerian syncretic religion which mixes elements of both Christianity and Islam founded in the 1980’s in Lagos, Nigeria. Chrislam uses both the Bible and the Qu’ran as their holy texts. The sad reality is that Chrislam is now being practiced here in the United States, and being supported by over 130 “pastors.” This has stemmed from the gutless motivational preachers of our day who embrace the ecumenical movements that seek to harmonize Christianity with other false religions and cults.

The more popular this religion becomes, the faster people will convert to it. It is what is known “the snowball effect”. Of course, it is a typical human trait to gravitate toward anything that is contrary to the Way of Yahuwah. Once our cherished celebrities begin to adopt this system of faith, the rest of the population will blindly follow.

However, the Global Elite believe in one system of faith for the people and one for themselves. They, themselves, practice the ancient faith of Molech worship. They meet every year in Bohemian Grove, California to worship before a giant statue of the all-knowing, all-seeing owl (the symbol of Molech worship); and make mock sacrifices of dolls (infants) to their treasured deity. One day Molech worship may be the only form of worship left on Earth. However, to begin with, I believe that Chrislam is going to be the dominant religion of the New World Order.

Religion of the Future

By now I am sure all Believers know of the Elite’s intension of creating a one world religion. As I have already inferred, the Roman Empire was mortally wounded, but survived; and it has been operating behind the closed doors of the Vatican ever since it’s supposed defeat. They have utilized and supported the military might of whichever nation throughout history was the most dominant. They remain basically invisible, but are one of the greatest driving forces behind everything that is going on around the globe today. This might also represent the mixture of iron and clay reported in Daniel’s prophesy. They are weak in that they do not have a standing army of their own; and strong through their external military champions.

The Roman Catholic Church and the Christian religion in general, was the one world religion of Emperor Constantine’s day. Unlike the faith of the True Believers, the RCC had to force conversion on the masses via military might.

The reformation brought some relief from the totalitarianism of the RCC but in no way restored the true Way of Yahuwah. They did not restore the Sabbath, annual set apart days or the Laws of Yahuwah. They, instead, held strong to the commandments of Constantine, making Constantine their god.

I believe that there has always been a remnant of True Believers throughout the 2,000 years since the resurrection of Yahushua. They may have been very small at times, but they always existed.

Today a great awakening has taken place. Many people are questioning the faith of their fathers and are converting to different religions in an elusive pursuit of truth. Some find the true path; some do not. Others find the true path and end up abandoning it. That, my friends, is the one and only unpardonable sin.

Full global control has been the vision of every empire that has ever existed. However, that proved to be a monumental task, beyond the ability of every empire so far. This time around; however, we have one factor that is definitely a game changer.

The global banking cartel has succeeded in forming an international monetary system upon which the entire world depends. Then they get the nations so indebted to them that they eventually go bankrupt and have to surrender their sovereignty to service their debt. Greece is on the brink of this situation right now. When the global economic crash comes, all the other nations will fall like dominos and the bankers, along with Rome, will rule planet Earth. .

The New World Order will need an official state religion. Religion is the best way to control the minds of men. Every government knows this and utilizes that fact to their advantage.

Of course the Elite; themselves, would never be content being part of a common religion. They have their own belief system which is made up of concepts such as special enlightenment, mysticism and occult practices. It makes them feel superior to the rest of humanity. Alex Jones of infiltrated their meeting at Bohemian Grove California several years ago and filmed their secret ceremony, complete with the mock sacrifices of children. It was incredibly creepy.

See for yourself:

Many might think the “religion” of the NWO would be atheism, but that particular brand of ideology does not benefit from the emotional side of a god based religion. It is the emotional issue that brings out the intense devotion of the members. It is almost a perfect form of brainwashing.

Like the one world Christian religion before it, Chrislam will be forced upon the people by lethal force. For many it will not be a free choice conversion, but the only way to physically survive. Is that what Yahushua taught? Of course not! Such a conversion to the true Way of Yahuwah would be absolutely meaningless. Yet, the religions of men have always operated this way.

A period of indescribable persecution is coming upon all True Believers. Without taking on the name and number of the Beast, we will be unable to buy or sell anything, or even to hold a job. We certainly may have to “escape to the wilderness” just to be able to survive (hunting and gathering). Hopefully, we are presently preparing for that possibility.

Many today believe they are going to be whisked away to a place of safety or raptured up to heaven in advance of this event. I do not believe that to be true. Certainly 144,000 are designated to be taken out of it, but we have no idea if we will be part of that group or not. So it does no one any good to get too caught up in that hope. It is better to be prepared for the worst than to be overly confident of escape.

Naturally, the concept of a one world (anti-Yahuwah) religion is satanic. The Scriptures plainly state that HaSatan is the god of this earth and implies that all of mankind follows after this being. He already feels that he has won a great coop from Yahuwah in “capturing” all of humanity and holding them hostage. His desire is not for us to succeed in progressing to the Kingdom of Yahuwah. HaSatan desires the total destruction of mankind and the plan of Yahuwah. That is where any concept of a man-made one world religion leads us. That is why they are all doomed to fail.

The success of HaSatan’s plan is dependent on him convincing man of the counterfeit over the true form of worship. He makes it to look as if it is one and the same as the plan of Yahuwah. Of course, any good counterfeit has to look as close to the real thing as possible to deceive anyone. But HaSatan did not create only one counterfeit. He created many with the hope that each would destroy one another. And that is basically what is happening in the Middle East right now. .

Yahuwah’s one world religion is different from HaSatan’s in that it is designed to benefit mankind, not destroy him. It is designed to help man achieve the full potential intended in his creation – to be a full, eternal living, self existing member of the elohim family. We stand to gain a most glorious future.

Yahushua will have to “subdue” the Earth when he returns. Just like Sodom and Gomorrah, man will be so corrupted that he will think we are being invaded by aliens and attempt to battle Yahushua and his angelic forces. They will be met with swift defeat.

The rest will come to see Yahushua as the great liberator. Having suffered so badly under Satan’s rule, they will be only too glad for a change. For many it will be the first time that they will have heard the good news and truth of the Kingdom. They will rejoice as they never have before.

And so, many think this will be the end of the story. But the end is not yet. HaSatan will yet have one last chance to deceive mankind.

Rev. 20:7 - And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

8 - And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

9 - And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

10 - And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Incredibly, following one thousands under Yahushua’s rule, a very great multitude will again be deceived by HaSatan and convinced of his one world religion and even that they can defeat Yahushua. This is how great HaSatan’s knack is for deceiving. He looks and acts like the real thing but is a total counterfeit. The one thing that gives him away is the words that come out of his mouth. This is how we are to recognize him – by comparing what he says to the word of the Scriptures. If they do not complement one another then one is the real thing and the other is the counterfeit.

We have a wily enemy in HaSatan. We must not deceive ourselves that we are immune to his deceptions; but must test every word we hear against the word of Yahuwah, to determine if they are true or not. There is only one source of truth and only one teacher of truth. We must be suited up with all the armour of Elohim if we expect to defeat this monster.
