The Build-up to the Temple

The Build-up to the Temple


Gary Primo

July 8, 2011

I have included below an article from the Toronto Globe and Mail Newspaper.

It is prophesied that in the last days there will be a final man-made temple built in Jerusalem, replacing the current Moslem mosque. Could what is currently taking place lead to construction of this last temple. Please read the article below and I will carry on with my comments afterward.

Israel’s frontiers sizzle with violence on historic day


From Monday's Globe and Mail

Published Sunday, May. 15, 2011 9:24AM EDT

Last updated Sunday, May. 15, 2011 6:50PM EDT

A turbulent and deadly weekend has given considerable impetus to Palestinians’ drive for statehood.

Emboldened by Arab uprisings across the region, young Palestinians triggered widespread clashes at several Israeli border posts Sunday, making this May 15 – the day Palestinians mourn as the catastrophe when their people fled from the nascent state of Israel – as a day unlike any other.

“There’s never been a Nakba Day like this,” said an experienced Palestinian observer, referring to the event by its Arabic name.

Israel’s frontiers sizzled with confrontation as never before during peace time; from Qalandia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem, where a couple thousand very young people, including young women, attacked the Israeli checkpoint; to Gaza, where hundreds of Palestinians were shelled by Israeli tanks as they attempted to march on the Erez border crossing; to Lebanon, where Palestinian refugees stormed the Israeli border fence and as many as 10 people were shot dead.

Perhaps the biggest surprise was on the Golan Heights, where hundreds of Palestinian refugees from Syria cut their way through fences that mark the ceasefire line separating Israeli and Syrian forces. Several dozen made their way to the Druze town of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan. One infiltrator was killed and 30 wounded by Israeli fire.

“We are determined to defend our borders and our sovereignty,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a televised address Sunday evening. “It questions the very existence of Israel.”

Mr. Netanyahu has reason to be concerned. While the issue that has divided Israel and the Palestinian Authority to date has been the shape of a two-state solution based roughly on the border of 1967, Sunday’s protests by the Palestinian refugees from what is now Israel go to the very existence of the Jewish state.

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas replied that those protesters killed will not have died in vain.

“Their blood was spilled for the freedom of our Palestinian people and for its rights,” Mr. Abbas said in a televised address. Ultimately, he said, “the will of the people is stronger than the power of the oppressive forces and the occupiers.”

As many as 15 people were killed during the various actions, most of them in Lebanon or Syria, while one person was killed in Gaza.

As well, one Israeli was killed in Tel Aviv when a dump truck driven by an Arab Israeli plowed into a number of vehicles and pedestrians just after the morning rush hour. Police said they believe the incident was deliberate.

For many of the young people at the Qalandia checkpoint on the edge of Jerusalem, this was their first taste of teargas. “This is our intifada,” said a young man of 16, referring to the uprisings of Palestinian populations of the past.

The youths cited the region-wide Arab popular uprisings as inspiration. “The Israelis have to realize they’re not the strongest in the neighbourhood any more,” another young man said. “We are no longer alone,” he said, pointing to the incidents on the Syrian and Lebanese borders.

Many protesters also praised the recent reconciliation between the Palestinians’ warring Hamas and Fatah factions.

Indeed, the two powerful Palestinian groups took a couple of giant steps forward over the weekend.

In the West Bank city of Nablus on Saturday, 600 Hamas and Fatah followers joined Palestinian businessman Munib Masri in celebrating the historic reconciliation. Followers of Hamas, led by Aziz Dweik, speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, joined hands with leaders of Fatah led by Nabil Shaath, head of the parties foreign affairs department, and posed for pictures.

As those people partied, negotiators of both sides met in Cairo to hammer out an agreement on an interim government that would take Palestinians to national elections next year.

While no agreement had been announced by late Sunday night, a senior Hamas official did make it clear that the current Palestinian prime minister, Salam Fayyad, would not be acceptable to Hamas.

Looking ahead, Hamas leaders have said they are prepared to accept a sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital, but insist they will never accept Israel’s right to exist.

Dr. Dweik, who led the Hamas affiliated Reform and Change list in the West Bank in the 2006 election, said he hoped the world would recognize whatever Palestinian government emerges from the talks and deal with it “according to its actions, not according to which factions are below the surface.”

The popular speaker compared the situation to Israel’s government and the many extreme factions that comprise its coalition. “The world deals with the government, not the parties,” he said.

The most important thing for Palestinians, Dr. Dweik said, is to present a united front this September when asking the United Nations to recognize a Palestinian state.

Bonding between the two Palestinian sides remains the greatest hurdle still be overcome, he said.

This past weekend was a good start at achieving that.

End of Article

More than anything, it is desperation that drives people to rebel against authority. That is but one of the prime reasons governments try so hard to create jobs. When people can’t find jobs and there is no incentive or capital to start up new businesses, there is very little hope. When parents cannot afford to feed their children or provide proper health care for them, they get frustrated and angry. Most of these situations are the result of corrupt governments, which is why there is so much trouble in the Middle East today. So, in a way, I can understand the anger of the Palestinians today. The Palestinian authorities point the finger at Israel to divert such anger away from themselves, saying it’s all Israel’s fault, so that they can carry on with their corrupt policies. Naturally the average citizens are eager to do anything to change this situation.

Recently President Obama met with Israel’s Prime Minister and pretty much demanded a return to 1967 borders. His demands were met with an abrupt “no”. I couldn’t believe the president would even make such a demand. The situation in the Middle East is at the boiling point right now. War is inevitable. The way the borders stand now, Israel has a buffer zone to protect them. Naturally, Israel is going to do everything in their power to preserve their sovereignty and giving up the gains of the 1967 war is definitely not an option. President Obama’s demands seem more oriented towards bringing war, not peace. One of the results could be to finally expel all Palestinians out of Israel and take over all of Jerusalem. Then they would be free to tear down the present mosque that stands on the temple mount and rebuild the temple of Solomon. If you think the Arab world is angry at Israel now, wait until that happens. The war will grow so intense that the nations of Europe will have to intervene to stop the bloodshed. That is when the foreign armies are going to surround Israel and force it to submit to their demands.

This scenario may be years off yet. After all, according to the Hebrew calendar, there is still over 200 years left to the completion of the 6,000 years allotted by YHVH to mankind to govern himself. However, it may occur as a result of exactly the type of scene that is unfolding in the Middle East today. The Palestinians want to retain their mosque. The Israelis want to reconstruct their temple. Both sides would like to live in peace, but neither side sees a way to peace aside from going to war. Mankind has always had to fight for their freedom. There is nothing “free” about freedom.

According to the Scriptures there are a number of events that must occur prior to the rebuilding of the Temple. Primarily, as anyone can plainly determine by what the Scriptures tell us, Israel must end up solely in the hands of the Israelis. This will mean the expulsion of all Palestinians from the land. This will mean that a great Middle East war must occur. Israel must establish its dominance in the Middle East. In an all out war Israel may well pull out all the stops and use all of the weapons in its arsenal, including mini nuclear and neutron bombs. It is scary to think what the outcome of such a war will entail.

These prophesies begin in the book of Daniel. Remember that most prophesies are two-fold.

Dan. 7:1 - In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters.

2 - Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.

3 - And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another.

4 - The first was like a lion, and had eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given to it.

5 - And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

6 - After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.

7 - After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

8 - I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

There seems to be general agreement among the theologians as to the identity of these four Beasts. The first is Babylon. The second is Persia. The third is the Greco/Macedonian. The fourth is Rome. This fourth beast is prophesied to rule the earth until the return of the Messiah to establish His throne. The ten horns of this fourth beast represent 10 kings or kingdoms that are in league with Rome. The little horn is a separate body that dominates over the last 7 kings. This separate body is the Roman Catholic Church. With the incorporation of the Roman Catholic Church as the official state religion of Rome, the Roman Empire became the Holy Roman Empire. Even though the world believes that the Roman Empire “died” in the 5th century, it is very much deceived. The genius of this fourth empire is that it caused the empire itself to appear to have vanished, yet the official state religion of that empire survived and flourished.

What actually happened was that when the rulers of that empire saw the surety of their demise coming, they hid themselves within the state church, posing as priests. From that position, they formed treaties with all the world dominating nations that followed and used the military might of those nations to exert their will upon the unsuspecting world. Think carefully about this. It was such a cleaver deception that it could only have come from HaSatan’s fertile mind. He alone could have seen its far reaching effect and eventual success (if not for YHVH’s intervention). You have an earthly body with no military of its own, linking to most nations of the world through one elect religion, and using the military might of those nations to do its will. When one empire has withered and faded away, another rises up to take its place. Meanwhile, the church remains intact through all of these centuries, without a scratch. Mankind always thinks in the present. No man could have possibly had such insight. It is the tendency of man to set goals that can be achieved within their lifetimes. In this case an office of the False Prophet was established to conceal the office of the Beast, which has been operating virtually unnoticed for the past 1,700 years. The offices live on through the centuries while the men who hold these offices die and pass away. There remains one fact that never dies, which is the ultimate goal of the Beast – total and complete domination of the entire world, both religiously and politically.

This Beast Empire has had 1700 years to grow in wealth and power – to infiltrate and dominate every aspect of our lives from early childhood (in our education systems) to old age (through our political, military and legal systems). Nothing remains that is not tainted by this system. Money = power and power = domination. Being the richest corporate organization on the face of the earth means that the RCC controls and guides the global economy. One thing we have to give HaSatan credit for is that he is indeed a genius. Unfortunately for him there is One who is smarter and will see His plan through to completion in spite of any interference by anyone.

The first three Beasts have come and gone and will never return again. All the prophesies concerning them are over and done with. However, the prophesies concerning the fourth beast remain even though some have already occurred once. Daniel was writing while under the power of the first beast. His prophesies pertaining to the first three beasts and the emergence of a fourth, have already come to fruition. The Book of Revelation carries on concerning the empire of the Beast (Rome) only.

Rev. 13:1 - And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

2 - And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Two beasts are revealed in this chapter. One beast rises out of the sea and one from the land. The only significance I can understand attached to the origins of these two beasts is that they represent the totality of world domination. They rule over both the sea and the land, leaving no place on the earth to hide from them.

Jamieson, Fausett and Brown:

This first beast expresses the world power attacking the Church more from without; the second, which is a revival of, and minister to, the first, is the world power as the false prophet corrupting and destroying the Church from within.

out of the sea--( Daniel 7:3 ; compare Note, peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. The earth ( Revelation 13:11 ), on the other hand, means the consolidated, ordered world of nations, with its culture and learning.

seven heads and ten horns--A, B, and C transpose, "ten horns and seven heads." The ten horns are now put first (contrast the order, Revelation 12:3 ) because they are crowned. They shall not be so till the last stage of the fourth kingdom (the Roman), which shall continue until the fifth kingdom, Christ's, shall supplant it and destroy it utterly; this last stage is marked by the ten toes of the two feet of the image in Daniel 2:33 Daniel 2:41 Daniel 2:42 . The seven implies the world power setting up itself as God, and caricaturing the seven Spirits of God; yet its true character as God-opposed is detected by the number ten accompanying the seven. Dragon and beast both wear crowns, but the former on the heads, the latter on the horns ( Revelation 12:3 , 13:1 ). Therefore, both heads and horns refer to kingdoms; compare Revelation 17:7 Revelation 17:10 Revelation 17:12 , "kings" representing the kingdoms whose heads they are. The seven kings, as peculiarly powerful--the great powers of the world--are distinguished from the ten, represented by the horns (simply called "kings," Revelation 17:12 ). In Daniel, the ten mean the last phase of the world power, the fourth kingdom divided into ten parts. They are connected with the seventh head ( Revelation 17:12 ), and are as yet future [AUBERLEN].

The seven heads are seven great kings and the ten horns are ten lesser kings, products of the seventh head, which are yet to come. All are related to one another through the Roman Catholic Church (the False Prophet). The primary seats of both offices are found inside one entity, the Roman Catholic Church.

False Prophet = The “White” Pope – Head of the Catholic Church. His job is to draw worship away from YHVH and towards the worldly system of government/religion – looking to our politicians to save us, rather than YHVH.

The Beast = The “Black” Pope – The Jesuit General – the head of the political/military wing of the Roman Catholic Church. The Black Pope excises authority over all beast powers (absent of the authority of YHVH) worldwide. His sword is the continued economic stability of the earth as we know it. Our survival has become so contingent upon our economic stability that if it collapses, so does life as we know it. The result of such a collapse will be chaos, confusion and war. The Holy Roman Empire becoming a world dominating force upon the earth will be seen as the only way back to stability and economic salvation. The world will beg the RCC to lead us. However, rather than a return to our once comfortable lives, the world will be one of communistic rule and mass slavery.

3 - And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

This wound ocured in 476AD. With the supposed demise of the Roman empire. It was healed when the “Holy” Roman Empire made its debut in the 9th century with King Charlemagne.

4 - And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

The Dragon, of course, is HaSatan, who gives his power to the beast. HaSatan is the god of this earth and exercises all authority over the earth. All of us who are true to YHVH are enemies of the state, traitors against the authority of the beast. We are already marked for death by this regime.

5 - And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

6 - And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against Elohim, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

The forty and two months talked about here is the final 3 ½ years of Global government with the RCC being the official state religion of that political entity. The religious headquarters will be established in Jerusalem. The catalyst for the starting point of this time period will be the establishment of the “abomination of desolation” in Jerusalem, on the temple grounds. If this beast worked miracles only and did not speak, many of YHVH’s elect might even be deceived. However, we, who know the true word of YHVH should see through this deception the minute he opens his mouth and starts proclaiming blasphemous heresies.

7 - And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Many so-called believers think that they are going to be whisked away to a physical place of safety or be raptured away to heaven so that they might avoid the coming tribulation. The truth is that precious few are going to come through this time period alive. This will be the final test of our faith. Is our faith strong enough to resist our tormentors and remain faithful to the end – even in the face of extreme torture and death? In reality, death is the only escape. Those who persevere unto death have no further trials awaiting them. They will be resurrected to eternal life at Yahshua’s coming. Death is the only true place of safety most of us have to look forward to. Once dead our tormentors can no longer hurt us.

8 - And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

This is not some small, obscure, demonic cult they are talking about. It is what is going to be the official state religion of the coming One World Order. YHVH has known the names of all who will follow the beast since the foundation of the world. Some are pretending to be followers of YHVH at this very moment but when faced with the final tribulation, their true colours will shine through. If YHVH is not sure of us, how can we be sure of ourselves. Think about those that have already been put through such a trial. Is our faith strong enough to keep us through such torture and extreme pain? In truth, none of will know until the time comes.

11 - And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

This beast is going to conform almost perfectly to the vision most of the world presently has of the Messiah (which is a false vision). He is going to be able to perform most of the same miracles as the true Messiah. The only thing that is going to give him away is going to be the words that he speaks. Many of us have heard the saying that, “even a fish would stay out of trouble if it kept its mouth shut”. If this beast kept its mouth shut, there is a very likely chance that even many of YHVH’s elect would be deceived by him because of the miracles he will perform. However, we who truly know the word of YHVH, should recognize this “False Prophet” by the blasphemous words that he speaks. His words will align with the false doctrines of the Christian churches today.

12 - And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

This beast exercises all the power of the first beast because they are indeed one entity – the Roman Catholic Church. One does not operate separately or contrary from/to the other. Their relationship to one another is quite similar to that of the Father and the Son. They are alike enough to be one – only with different goals, of course. The deadly wound occurred in 476 with the so-called demise of the Roman Empire and was “healed” in the 9th century will the coronation of King Charlemagne and the beginning of the “Holy” Roman Empire.

13 - And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 - And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

In Yahshua’s day, he warned his followers not to put all their faith in miracles. Why did he make this point? Certainly the miracles that he performed had a lot to do with the thousands of people who followed him. Yet, following His death, only about 500 remained faithful. The others placed all their faith in his miracles. They figured that Yahshua should have had the power to save himself from the stake. They concluded from the absence of such a miracle that Yahshua was not who they thought him to be. They should have been more in tune with the words that he spoke, not the miracles that he performed.

Yahshua had plainly predicted his death, but even his disciples did not believe him – not until they saw the proof of his resurrection. They all went their own way; back to whatever it was they had done before they knew him – as if he had never come. If he had not shown himself to them, the world might have never known that he had ever existed.

Only One has the power over death and that is YHVH. Yahshua never had the power to resurrect himself. He was totally dependent on the Father just as anyone else born of the creation. Even though he was the beginning of the creation of YHVH and His only begotten son, he, like us, had to go through the same process to achieve salvation. Why should we expect to be any different.

Afterward, his disciples proved who the Messiah was by the words of the Old Testament. There was no New Testament available to them at the time. Everything concerning the death and resurrection of the Messiah was written in the OT. Multiple thousands were converted because they were able to prove the Messiah through the OT. Yet the Christian faith declares that the OT was done away with and replaced by the NT. It is on the back of this horrible lie that so many have ridden down the wrong path to destruction.

15 - And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Many are going to see this as the miracle of miracles – the giving of life to an animate object. With today’s technology, this is not such a farfetched concept. It can be easily accomplished via the use of robotics or holograms. The world is going to be commanded to worship this beast. Those who do not WILL BE KILLED.

16 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

In this world there are only two choices given to mankind. One is to follow YHVH. The other is to follow HaSatan. There is a mark applied to the followers of each. The mark of YHVH is to obey His commandments and follow the example of Yahshua HaMashiyack. The mark of HaSatan is to obey him and follow his example. The Way of YHVH leads one to eternal life as Elohim-like beings who will bring life to the rest of the universe. The way of HaSatan leads one to eternal death. Yet it is HaSatan that 99.9% of the world follows. They have chosen to believe the deception rather than the truth. They will take their beliefs with them to the grave and will be resurrected to destruction in the “lake of fire”.

17 - And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 - Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

There are numerous interpretations of what the number, 666, represents. In both the Hebrew and the Latin each letter had a numerical value. In the Latin, the numerical value of the word VISA, totals 666. In the future, under the New World Order, One might need a visa to travel anywhere and to conduct business. Money will likely be replaced by plastic – VISA and MasterCard. One will not be able to conduct business without either of these two “visas”. The true followers of YHVH will be outcasts and may be refused either visa unless the pledge an oath of allegiance to the Beast. They will be forced to live in the wilderness just to survive.

In the Hebrew the term “Latin Man” has the numerical value of 666. This, of course, points directly to Rome. There are other interpretations as well but all pretty much point in a similar direction – the Way of HaSatan, which is enmity towards YHVH.


Every generation of believers in the Messiah have eagerly looked for signs that HaMashiyack would be returning in their lifetimes. Even the apostles thought His return was imminent. The prophesies of the Book of Revelation build upon those in the Book of Daniel. The author of Revelation (the apostle, John) saw a progression of events that must occur before HaMashiyack returns, some of which gave precise time frames. Here is a list of those events.

1 – The temple must be rebuilt. I cannot see this happening without a war between the Jews and the Arab world and the expulsion of all Palestinians from Jerusalem. Yet it is also possible that the catastrophic events prophesied to occur in 2012 could be the catalyst. The Jews are also awaiting the birth of a flawless Red Heifer as the signal to rebuild the temple.

2 – Global government must become a reality. The Jews, historically speaking have always resisted any attempt to force them to abandon their spiritual beliefs. They may become the last holdout resisting the One World religion of the coming New World Order.

3 - The armies of Europe must invade the holy lands (perhaps with the pretense of bringing peace to the region) and surround Jerusalem. This is the 2nd half of a two-fold prophesy – the first being when Roman armies laid siege to Jerusalem in 70 AD. Behind the pretense of bring peace to the region will likely be the purpose of forcing the Jews to abandon their religion and accept the universal standard of the One World Religion (i.e. The Catholic Church).

4 – The emergence of a great western religious leader who will perform great miracles and cause the whole world to follow after him.

5 - The erecting of the abomination of desolation on the temple grounds, perhaps even right inside the “holy of holies”. From the date that this abomination is dedicated, one can literally count 3 ½ years till the final coming of HaMashiyack. During that time, the New World Order is going to encounter much resistance from Russia and China and, just before the end, a final battle between East and West in the Valley of Megiddo will ensue.

By studying these clues one can easily see a conflict between these prophesies and those that the 2012 doomsayers are spouting. Is the world going to end in 2012? I doubt it. Could it come close? It is possible. If the 2012 prophesies come true, that could be the catalyst that causes the world to clamor for a “savior”, i.e. the Beast and the False Prophet. We are told in the Book of Revelation that there will be great signs in heaven before the end of days. The prophesied events for 2012 may well be the same signs (either in whole or part) revealed to the apostle John.

Let’s take just one of the prophesied events for 2012. The earth will be passing through the galactic equator and magnetic poles of the earth are supposed to reverse. This may not sound like much in casual conversation, but in reality, such a phenomenon could likely exert tremendous force upon the earth’s surface – such as a global earthquake that could change the entire geographical map. No one really knows for sure. The last time we crossed the galactic equator was approximately 13,000 years ago – 7,000 years before the creation of modern man. We have no historical or geographical record of that event. However we do know that before the “creation week” the entire earth was covered by water. For all we know, that condition may have been caused by just such a phenomenon.

What world leaders and scientists are mainly preparing for is a series of super solar flares. They already have their underground facilities in place to “save” themselves, the largest of which is 35 square mile facility under the Denver Airport. The huge hole in our Ionosphere is getting larger. The latest measurements show that it is already 10 times the size originally reported and growing. Since it is our atmosphere that protects us from most threats from outer space, it is obvious that without such a safeguard, we are sitting ducks. Scientists know what damage a super solar flare will do to the earth and the citizens. There isn’t a thing they can do about it except to save their own skins. It is also quite possible that they are putting too much faith in their underground bunkers. A global earthquake could crush them where they hide. Meanwhile, the truth of the danger we are in is mainly kept from us, so we don’t panic and rebel.

Whatever catastrophes await us in 2012, I do not believe they are connected to the end of the world, or the 2nd coming of Yahshua HaMashiyack. Yet it is quite possible that at least 2/3 of the earth’s population will perish and create a world ripe for plunder. The proponents of the New World Order will take advantage of the situation to convince the remaining inhabitants that they need a One World Order to restore peace and end the chaos and madness that ensues. It is possible that the empowering of the final False Prophet will occur at this time also, drawing believers by the performance of great miracles into a global religious system. Jerusalem may be the last holdout resisting that order.

The main signs that we can be sure of is that the Temple has to be restored first before the abomination of desolation can be set up in it. The setting up of this abomination is the only act by which we can establish a time frame to the 2nd coming – 3 ½ years later. Should we be worried about the 2012 prophesies? Yes, we should. The stars don’t lie. Something significant is definitely going to go down. Is it going to be the end of the world? Perhaps as we know it, but not entirely. Is it going to mark the return of Yahshua HaMashiyack. I don’t believe so. Should we just sit back on our backsides and not worry about it? We must never do so. We are admonished to be ever vigilant and ready to move on a moment’s notice. We must never rest or think “that the Master delays his coming” as long as we draw a breath. We must live every day as if it is our last.

YHVH Bless
