The Mark of the Beast

Mark of the Beast


Gary Primo

I am sure that most of us are looking for evidence of end-time prophesies in the current Covid-19 crisis. The globalists have been actively politicizing the virus – taking away civil rights, talking about forced vaccinations, getting rid of cash and forcing a digital economy on us, taking children away from parents who do not follow government recommended guidelines. More and more, the book, “1984”, is coming to life right before our eyes. What is a Believer supposed to do in the face of these heavily mandated measures?

For millennia, the Global powers have used religion as a political weapon to control the citizens. The popular image, of the Beast and False Prophet being relegated to the end days alone, is false. They have been alive and active throughout man’s history since at least the days of Nimrod. Every nation on the earth today has their very own state-sponsored religion. All follow the Babylonian model – making it the “mother” of all churches.

Did Hitler mark the Jews in any particular way? The following site gives a full list of laws passed against the Jews. Next time, it will be True Believers who suffer these things. In 1939, Polish Jews were made to wear a yellow star of David to identify them. In 1941, German Jews also had to wear a star of David.

What exactly is the Mark of the Beast? That is what this study will hopefully reveal. In total, there are 8 verses that mention the Mark of the Beast.

Rev. 13:17 - And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Rev. 14:9 - And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

Apparently, this mark can come in one of three varieties – a mark of some sort, the name of the Beast or the number of his name, 666.

What sort of mark could it be? Many think of a tattoo of the number 666. The second verse tells us where we might find this mark – on the hand or the forehead. None of the verses describe the exact nature of this mark. However, note that it does not say on the hand or forehead, but “in”. I can readily see it coming in the form of a microchip and being delivered via forced vaccinations. I admit confusion as to how they are going to do this with the forehead. Could it be that this is talking of two separate “marks” or are these terms merely metaphorical in nature? When we think of the hand we think of work. When we think of the forehead, we think of thoughts. Will having or not having this chip affect both our ability to work as well as reveal our thoughts? We already have the “thought police” in place in most Western nations. They scan the internet, checking everything we put out there and punishing those who speak their mind. These thoughts are often branded as racist, hate speech or conspiracy theories.

And, of course, Big Brother already has mainstream Christianity under its control via state sponsorship. Of most recent note, forcing mainstream Christianity to embrace homosexuality and abortion. And, of course, they are targeting all of society, not just Christians. And, naturally, all the sheeple have fallen in line behind their evil shepherds. These measures have also been forced on the education system, bombarding our children with homosexual orientation and so on. Why do our children need to know anything about such things at such a tender and manipulative age? Likely because this is the best age to begin the brainwashing. I highly recommend home schooling for all Believers.

Canada’s own Justin Trudeau was quick to show his UN, communistic nature when he began spouting UN style verbal diarrhea. I believe it began with the term “mankind”. He demanded that all Canadians start using the term “humankind”; in keeping with his de-gendering initiatives. Gone are the terms, “male” and “female”. With it are gone all sense of morality. We are being forced to accept homosexuality and transgender lifestyles as “normal” and acceptable. Just recently, Trudeau proclaimed that Canada does not belong to Canadians but to the UN, revealing his true nature, that of a communistic, UN patsy. Perhaps he believes that with all the brainwashing Canadians have been subjected to, we are primed and ready for a UN takeover.

Of course, the internet also works in our favor (for the time being) in awakening the global population to what is really going on behind the scenes and the news. Friends and family who once labelled me a “conspiracy theorist” are waking up slowly and beginning to agree with me. Is HaSatan's plan a conspiracy against mankind? Of course it is!

As the Covid-19 virus rages on, we can expect the loss of more and more of our freedoms as the globalist draconian measures replace the laws of our nations that were designed to protect us from such measures. A sheep has no idea that he is being led to slaughter until the very last moment. So will it be with mankind also.

It has already been mandated that employees of some businesses are being forced to get vaccinated before being allowed to work. The same goes for children going back to school. There are several nations that have already come up with a vaccine for Covid-19. However, they have been severely rushed and largely untested. No one knows what side effects will become apparent down the road.

A few years ago, our governments “cried wolf” with the H1N1 virus, claiming it too had pandemic potential. It quickly fizzled out, but many thousands who received the vaccine started experiencing the side effects 9 YEARS LATER. One such person just happens to live right next door to me. He told me of a sudden jump in cancer rates (by some 60%). Of course, this increase cannot be solely attributed to H1N1. However, all those who got vaccinated and came down with cancer 9 years later, make it very suspect. There are numerous other side effects being experienced as well. But because of the lengthy time between the vaccine and the suspected side effects and the lack of medical support, I don’t see too many law suites succeeding.

This site lists some of the “suspected” side effects as “vague chronic pain and fatigue complaints such as arm pain, migraines, joint pains, fibromyalgia, weakness”. The way the Covid-19 vaccine is also being rushed; I expect there will be some side effects to this vaccine as well.

But, aside from side effects, how easy would it be to slip in a micro-sized chip to track and record us, listen to our conversation or even read out thoughts. And not only that but it could also transmit thoughts and punishments (such as shutting down all our vital organs with the push of a button). The technical world is gaining ground so fast we can barely keep up with it all. And. since the internet came about through the military, its intensions from the very beginning become suspicious.

Another interpretation of the Mark of the Beast is that the head represents belief in some vague deity and the hand represents doing the work of that deity; and that they are not literal marks at all. This interpretation may also have some merit. The mark on the hand could also involve the Sabbath and whether we work or not on that day. A good number of businesses are today operating 7 days a week. This is a huge problem for Sabbath-keeping Believers. I am sure that future restrictions will become much worse.

Rev. 14:10 - The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Elohim, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

14:11 - And the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name.

12 - Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Elohim, and the faith of Yahushua.

The original Beast was Nimrod. His brand of religion later became known as “Mystery Babylon” or the “Babylonian Mystery Religion”. Why is it called this is because no one knows where it came from! It simply emerged out of nowhere several generations after the flood. As is typical of human nature, man quickly forgets the bountiful mercies of Yahuwah and returns to his primordial state of rejecting all things of Yahuwah. Any and all opposition to their man-made system of worship is quickly labelled as evil and crushed. There has never been a separation of state and religion and there never will be.

Nimrod was also the first global Emperor. His claim to fame laid in the fact that he possessed the mantle of Adam, which was stolen from Noah by Nimrod’s grandfather, Ham. His followers saw that mantle as the source of their many military victories. They valued Nimrod above Noah. In following the dictates of Nimrod, the people made Nimrod the god they worshipped. That obviously made Nimrod become very “puffed up” and he convinced himself that he was, indeed, a god. He had statues made of himself and placed in centers of worship. Following his death, he continued to be worshipped as a god, his wife, Semiramis, as the Queen of Heaven and her bastard son, Tammuz, as the messiah . Nimrod was/is the model for every global dominating empire that followed in Nimrod’s footsteps. His story parallels that of Scriptures in a weird pagan way. It had to if he were to convince the people of its validity.

I know of no literal marks that Nimrod used to identify his followers, but they certainly elevated Nimrod above Yahuwah; and therefore, bore the mark of obedience to him on their forehead (in their minds) and did his work with their hands (likely violating Yahuwah’s Sabbath command).

Rev. 15:2 - And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of Elohim.

How do we gain victory over the Beast? By “keeping the commandments of Yahuwah and the faith of Yahushua” (previous verse). This is a spiritual “mark” that spiritually identifies the true followers of Yahuwah and will save them from whatever the Beast throws at them, as long as they don’t cave to preserve their physical lives. This journey is definitely NOT for the faint of heart.

Most of us will go to the grave before the end comes, but we will be raised to glory upon a totally new, spiritual Earth. We need to picture ourselves on that sea of glass, bathed in glory. That is our spiritual goal. And, to achieve it, we must resist the world’s efforts to convert us over into the image of the Beast. We must stand strong and stay focused on the commandments of Elohim and do our best to make ourselves over into the image of Yahushua.

Rev. 16:2 - And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

The endtime punishments are reminiscent of the plagues of Egypt. It is my hope and prayer that we will all escape these plagues, as did the Israelites of Moses’ day. As the Egyptians suffered greatly from the plagues of Yahuwah, so will the end-time generation, and perhaps, even more so.

Rev. 19:20 - And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

The world will most likely not even know they are receiving this mark. They will be deceived into taking it upon themselves. What could be easier than to disguise it as a vaccine supposedly designed to prevent some horrible disease?

The various religious institutions, which today dominated the world, are going to be cast down when Yahushua returns. There will remain only one system – Yahuwah’s. Yahuwah’s victory is assured.

Rev. 20:4 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahushua, and for the word of Elohim, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Mashiyack for a thousand years.

Wow! Can you see it now – you and I living and reigning with HaMashiyack for a thousand years (+++). How glorious will that be? That is the destiny that awaits us. Is it not one that warrants the trials we must suffer in the meantime? Is it not worth suffering the ultimate test of our faith (via a physical death) to achieve this ultimate victory?

Rev. 19:20 - And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Yes, the world dearly loves a miracle. They like to believe that all perceived miracles come from the god they worship, making that particular deity the true one. However, HaSatan remains a very powerful spirit being. He too is capable of performing miracles; and he will indeed be doing so in the last days.

Just like the Egyptian magicians of Moshe’s day, the end-time False Prophet is going to work awesome acts of magic to impress the gullible. He will create a (likely automated) image of himself for all to worship before. The whole world is going to be taken in by the miracles the False Prophet performs. True worshippers of Yahuwah will know the Imposter very soon after he opens his mouth to speak. His words will be rebellious against the Most High. They will be words of blaspheme against the One True Elohim and His Glorious Son. He will honor and hold himself up as deserving of all worship. He will proclaim himself as the "one true god". He will promote the Roman "Jesus" as the messiah. He will sanction Sunday as the only permitted day of worship. He will rail against the "draconian" laws of Yahuwah, proclaiming that they are done away with. He will proclaim Yahuwah to be the true adversary of mankind and himself to be the only true god..


We cannot know for sure what kind of literal mark may qualify as the “Mark of the Beast”, if any; however, we can and should know what the spiritual mark is. It is made up of two parts, disobedience to the commandments of Elohim and violating the Sabbath.

The Sabbath commandment was the first law ever commanded. It marks the beginning of obedience to Yahuwah. It is the simplest and most easily kept commandments of all. All worldly religions mark their day of worship on any but the 7th day. The Christians worship on the 1st day and the Muslims on the 6th day. This was not done out of ignorance, but purposely. It is worshipping on the seventh day that marks the true disciples of Yahushua, along with obedience to all 10 commandments (mark in the forehead), that “marks” us as belonging to Yahuwah. It is also the doing of Yahushua’s work (mark in the hand/working or not working on the Sabbath) that marks us as either belonging to Yahuwah or the False Prophet.

Am I saying that the Mark of the Beast will not be a literal mark? No, I am not! I simply do not know for sure; therefore, it could possibly be both. However, even a literal mark will stand for opposition against the word of Yahuwah and doing the work of HaSatan. If one is not of Yahuwah; they are automatically of HaSatan; and that covers every known religion on the planet. Even the Jews have corrupted their faith by holding their own made-up doctrines over the word of Yahuwah. They are no longer the people of Yahuwah; and are perhaps more an agent of HaSatan than any Gentile.

The theme of the Beast and the False Prophet has been with us since the days of Nimrod. However, there was one that followed Nimrod that has been positively identified as the Antichrist, and that is Emperor Constantine.

Daniel 7:25 - And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Constantine fulfilled this prophesy in 324 B.C. with his decree that no Roman citizen was to keep the customs and traditions of the Jews (laws); which was followed by a second decree declaring that no Roman citizen was to keep the weekly Sabbath or yearly sabbaths of the Jews (times). Constantine was always a Mithraite. He never worshipped the Elohim of Israel nor the true Messiah. The Catholic teaching, that he saw a flaming cross in the sky and converted to Christianity, is a total lie. Constantine did not convert to Christianity, he invented it. He did so through a clever intermingling of the customs and traditions of all the worldly religions of his day into one “universal” religion for his empire. In doing so, he became the Beast and the head of the RCC (or Pope) became the False Prophet. And Christianity has been the religion of the Antichrist ever since. This includes all the harlot daughters that came out of the Catholic Church.

First century Believers never called themselves Christians. They merely called themselves Believers; and the spiritual system they adhered to was called the Way of Yahuwah. Can all the religions of the world be wrong. They certainly can; and are!

As the world merged all its customs and traditions into one universal, pagan religion, we are to merge with the Father and His Son to the point that we are made one with them – with none being distinguishable from the other. Is this not the way the Son appeared to the world- indistinguishable from the Father? Is this not what Yahushua prayed for in John 17? This is entirely doable, folks. This is the way things were meant to be from the very beginning. This is the way things will be in the very end. Yahuwah’s plan will never fail. That fact is absolutely guaranteed.

Yahuwah alone knows the end from the beginning. And the theme of the Beast and the False Profit is one that has played over and over throughout history. We can know the end from the beginning also. It is not only all laid out in the Scriptures for us but is also laid out in history. Examining the two together makes for some very interesting and revealing revelations.

The human race, in general, cannot see or fathom the things of the spirit. To them it is like believing in ghosts. To see and understand the things of the spirit, one has to have their mind opened to such understanding, as we had at baptism. I have tried explaining it all to unbelievers and only received blank stares. They simply cannot comprehend it at all. Their minds simply have not been opened as ours have. We have, indeed, been blessed in this regard, and by continuously pressing forward in understanding, we will achieve what the world believes to be un-achievable. If we continue under the “mark” of Yahuwah, we will become glorious, eternal spirit beings indistinguishable from the Father and the Son – full elohim beings.

Yahuwah Bless
