Human Gestation Reveals Yahuwah's Festivals

I received this email this morning directing me to the video link at the bottom of the page. It reveals a very interesting correlation between human gestation and the festivals of Yahuwah.I highly recommend watching it.

A Mystery From HaShem – Human Gestation & the Annual Festivals

Posted by boxxingcat on September 19, 2012 in Adonai's Perspective

Stages of Life

Have you ever sat down and pondered the mysteries of life? Have you ever wondered about the various stages of life that we go through and why we go through them? Have you ever wondered if there is something far more significant about the physical stages of our lives than we have known before? Many of the great thinkers of mankind have pondered these thoughts and have come up with many unique ideas. But HaShem has topped them all.

It is from the ponderings of these thinkers that some of the religions of this world today have risen, such as the ethical and philosophical teachings of China’s Confucius[i] or the Greek governing system espoused by Plato[ii] or the Western religious concepts (mostly adhered to in Christianity) about a hierarchy or structure of existence with God at the top as portrayed in Aristotle’s ‘ladder of life’[iii]. All of these relate to the stages of mankind’s existence from the state of birth to death.

Even Michelangelo grappled with the tangible elements of human life by drawing the most accurate diagrams of the human body now acknowledged as part of the foundation for modern medicine. But it has not been until this day and age that mankind has the ability to ponder the very beginning of human life and to see something very profound that ties our very existence to the Plan of HaShem.

Through the scanning and testing equipment which modern medicine has developed in the past few decades, man has been able to map out the stages of human life even before the moment of conception. The information gathered by these devices has generated a new awareness of our lives and the stages each of us live through. So we ponder and become amazed at the awesome ability of a sperm to penetrate an ovum (egg) and begin the process of cell division, which divides at a super rapid state so that within a few short weeks, we can see the formation of a human being.

One of the most profound questions we can ponder is this; why did HaShem create us to go through these various stages of our lives – stages which we now see right from the moment of conception all the way through to the moment of death? Is this meant to be a mystery which only HaShem is to know the meaning of and we are to remain left in the dark? We have all heard the standard answer whenever something unexplainable takes place; “The LORD works in mysterious ways”. But does He? The answer may be a surprise. Look at the statement made by a prophet Amos in Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret counsel To His servants the prophets.”

This article is being posted to address the ‘mystery’ of the stages of our lives from conception to birth.

A number of years ago, a Jewish man by the name of Zola Levitt, was working on research for a book he wanted to write for new parents. In his research he talked with a gyneacologist who was showing him the step-by-step process of the development of a single cell into a human baby. God opened the eyes of Zola to see the beautiful correlation between the gestation of human life in the womb and the observance of the seven annual festivals of Israel given by HaShem to Moses at Mt. Sinai. He completed his book and titled it: “A Child Is Born”.

The following video hosted by the late, Zola Levitt imparts a very unique perspective about our Elohim’s plan which He is now bringing forward for us. It is such a wonderful item to learn about and enables us to understand with a bit more clarity the reason why our Elohim has appointed the festivals at their specific times. We read in Leviticus 23 about the festivals and we see details that are very specific as to when we are to keep each one. There is a very good reason for this and we will find out more as we see the video.

Studying these festivals and learning that they proclaim the wonderful and glorious plan He has established for mankind is a great revelation and blessing to us all. We get to realize that everything He is doing is focused on us and the seven annual festivals give us details about why He is focusing this plan on us. Ultimately, this is being done for His benefit, because He is establishing His Family and His progeny by creation of us. The information passed along in this posting will add yet another dimension to our understanding of His great plan, giving us a view from His perspective so we come to realize just want this benefit will be for HaShem as we come to the completion of His plan.

HaShem blesses us in so many wonderful and unique ways. We have learned and are still learning so much about the plan which our Elohim has started for us before He created all that is physical. He has given us the way of salvation in His Son Yeshua by extension with the written words of Torah given at Mt. Sinai. We have a destiny as a people and as individual persons.

This information (as disclaimed by the video’s host) is not doctrine, but theory, yet we must not discard this – it is something we should truly ponder about our lives. We must remember the principle of Torah patterns, such as the exodus of our ancestors out of Egypt to the last generations’ exodus from the four corners of the earth (Jeremiah 23:7-8). Another example is the pattern given in the story about the offering of Isaac which relates to the spiritual understanding that HaShem provides a sacrifice – in this case, His own Son, Yeshua. Yet another pattern is the story of Joseph and how this is a prophecy about the Messiah. These and so much more are examples in Torah of patterns. Through the remembrance given to us by the Ruach HaQodesh (John 14:26) we come to know how to unwrap the mysteries of HaShem by observing that which is physical so we can understand that which is spiritual.

The following link is to the half hour video about the correlation between human gestation and the seven annual festivals – the spiritual gestation of HaShem’s children in the womb and the building of His Family.