Dogs Return to Their Vomit

Dogs Return to their Vomit


Gary Primo

March 22, 2010

Satan has one goal in mind – the destruction of mankind and YHVH’s plan for salvation. He accomplishes his work through deception. Part of his deception is convincing people to worship falsely and believe that they already have the truth. The truth is that Christianity is nothing more than a melting pot for all of the world’s pagan religions, and in no way resembles the original Hebrew faith. True Believers know that the world is about to be introduced to the antichrist via a unified globally, state-sanctioned religion through the Roman Catholic Church. We should also know that the daughters of the Great Whore are going to reunite with their harlot mother in the end days. The following article out of the Toronto Globe and Mail newspaper, describes one of the first mass defections from one of the daughters (the Anglican Church) to rejoin its harlot mother.

Anglicans accept Pope’s invitation to join Catholic Church

Anglican Catholic Church of Canada, with 41 churches, was founded by traditionalists who didn’t agree with mainstream conventions.

Michael Valpy

From Saturday's Globe and Mail Published on Friday, Mar. 19, 2010 7:23PM EDT Last updated on Saturday, Mar. 20, 2010 9:43AM EDT

Two thousand traditional Anglicans in Canada have accepted Benedict XVI’s invitation to join the Roman Catholic Church under an agreement that will allow them to keep their liturgy, have their own bishop but acknowledge the Pope’s supremacy.

Bishop Peter Wilkinson of the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada said his tiny denomination -- which has 41 churches across the country -- has been pestering the Vatican for years to be taken in as a body. It was created by priests and lay Anglicans who refused to accept mainstream Canadian Anglicanism’s decision in the 1970s to ordain women as priests.

Bishop Wilkinson, who lives in Victoria, called the Pope’s decision to let groups of Anglicans join Rome en masse an “extremely generous offer . . . that just takes your breath away.”

Benedict issued his invitation last October as fractures in the world Anglican Communion – global Christianity’s third largest denomination – deepened over the role of women and homosexuals in the church.

The invitation was widely interpreted as a brick thrown through the window of Anglican-Catholic unity talks and an affront to Anglicanism’s spiritual leader, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.

But both Rome and Dr. Williams have said there was consultation between the two leaders over the invitation and several church scholars have pointed out that the Pope was pulling a thorn out of Anglicanism’s toe.

Church scholars also have noted that the invitation will appeal only to mainstream dissidents in the Anglo-Catholic, or high church, wing of Anglicanism, not the much more numerous opponents of liberal Anglicanism in the evangelical or low church wing.

The Anglican Church was created in England, as its name suggests, as a 16th century state church that with theological difficulty embraced both Catholics and Protestants. The tensions between the progressive middle and the two traditional flanks have been present throughout the church’s life.

“It’s a permanent divide,” Bishop Wilkinson said.

A letter from Anglican Catholic Church of Canada sent to the Vatican last Friday asked the Pope’s permission to form an interim governing council under Rome’s authority that would propose one to three names as candidates for bishop.

The Vatican without comment made public the letter yesterday. It refers to a “positive response” from Rome to the denomination’s request to become Catholic.

While the Pope’s invitation would allow married priests to continue practicing, their bishop would have to be celibate, said Bishop Wilkinson, who is celibate.

“I’m the only one, and I don’t know what that bodes. I’m not even going to go there. I’ve been at this so long and I’ve got to summon up enough energy to see it through.”

Rather than take the time to research the truth themselves, these individuals have opted to merely return to the cesspool they originated from. They see the RCC as being more conservative than their present church, especially in the areas of homosexuality, abortion and women evangelists. Well, who is more conservative than YHVH? The pope (the self-proclaimed “god of this earth”)? I don’t think so.

The origin of the word “religion” is the Egyptian term “legions of Ra” or army of the Egyptian deity Ra. However, the very first religious system was the one that ancient king Nimrod started. It is a man-made system that worships a man-made god and a man-made messiah. It is a system that pollutes the minds of men with lies and false hope. It is a system that desires total control of the minds of the masses. It is a system that has produced numerous wars and mass extermination. It is a system that is as far away from YHVH as east is from west.

YHVH calls us as individuals, and as individuals we have to open the spiritual portal in our mind that connects us directly with YHVH. We are responsible for our own search for the truth (it is not to be found in any one individual or church) and our own relationship with YHVH, and ultimately for working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. If we put all our faith in one church or one charismatic leader to find the truth and work out our salvation for us, we are doomed for failure. Upon baptism we have our own life line directly to YHVH and He will reveal His truth to us, if we allow Him to. Let no man deceive you. The one and only source of all truth is YHVH and He reveals it to us through the pages of His sacred instruction book – the Holy Scriptures. He talks to us individually through His written word. He reveals our shortcomings and areas of our lives that need improvement and change. He is the ultimate teacher with only a handful of students eager to learn.

In Yahshua’s final earthly prayer before his crucifixion, he asked YHVH to make his followers of one mind with Him as Yahshua was. He never said “help my followers to find the right church and the right charismatic leader. Yahshua open the door so that we might have the same direct access to YHVH that he had. The apostles are the best example of this door being open. It was that open door that allowed them to perform many of the same miracles as Yahshua. They communicated directly with YHVH on a daily basis and received instruction from Him. They lived their lives by YHVH’s spoken (and written) word – 12 examples for all the world to learn from. And yet eventually all that followed returned to the entrapments of organized, corporate religion – like dogs to their vomit.

We Believers must seek that direct portal to YHVH. It exists in each of our minds. We must not be lazy or complacent about it. We have a very important job to do and we need to swim upriver, totally against all that is worldly, to get it done.

May YHVH bless all who truly seek Him.

Gary Primo