Blaming Elohim

Blaming Elohim


Gary Primo

May 11, 2019

I originally wrote of this topic on my daily blog: however, a brother from FOY suggested that I expand on this topic and make a “tract” of it. At this point, I do not know what a “tract” is, but I am waiting for a reply to find out.

Gen. 3:9 - And Yahuwah Elohim called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where are you?

10 - And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

11 - And he said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded you that you should not eat?

12 - And the man said, The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

This was the first case of a man blaming Elohim (along with the woman) for his own actions. If Adam had of freely admitted to his sin and asked for forgiveness, his story may have ended differently, along with that concerning the rest of mankind. I can find no evidence that Adam ever repented or asked for forgiveness. Some believe that because Yahuwah did not kill Adam right off, that Adam had repented and Yahuwah had forgiven him. Yahuwah may have forgiven Adam, yet he punished him just the same. And, it was not until the earthly manifestation of Yahushua HaMashiyack that this breach between man and Elohim was healed.

During the time of the exodus, the carnal minded Israelite often blamed Elohim for their misery, and then rather than repent turned aside and started worshipping their former Egyptian deities. This is the standard result of turning against Yahuwah; to return to our former beliefs, like a dog to its vomit. We have only two choices in this life, we either worship Yahuwah or we worship HaSatan; and HaSatan offers up multiple choices as far as religions go, but all are as similar as they are wrong. They may all worship different persons or things, but it all boils down to worshipping HaSatan. Scientists worship science. Atheists worship themselves. Everybody worships someone or something. It all has to change.

Prov. 19:3 - The foolishness of man perverts his way: and his heart frets against Yahuwah.

Blaming Elohim (or God) is something that usually occurs at funerals. Someone almost always make an idiotic statement like, “Why would ‘god’ allow this to happen”, or, “If there were a ‘god’, he wouldn’t have let this happen”. It would be funny if it were not such a serious subject. It was not Elohim that brought about the state of death; man brought it upon himself. Yahuwah had a plan A and a plan B for the human race. Plan A was that man would live and learn to take on the righteousness of Yahuwah, and that at some point of perfecting, that man would change by fiat into an eternal living being, without ever having to see death. Plan B was in case Plan A failed. If man chose not to follow after the righteousness of Yahuwah, he would initiate the process of death and a need for resurrection from the dead to gain eternal life. And, of course, this all depends on the degree of righteous one acquires and their devotion to Yahuwah.

The only time I have heard this statement being made, is at Christian funerals, because that is mostly the only ones I have attended. And, for a Christian to make such a statement is especially disturbing. Some I attended were for close friends and relatives, whom I knew did not have a spiritual bone in their body, yet claimed Christian status. Something I find very peculiar!

Of course, the real “god” Christians worship is the god of this age, who is HaSatan. And he is the one who tempted man to disobey Yahuwah and is ultimately to blame for bringing death to the world. However, this is not the elohim they have in mind when they place such blame, but the Creator Himself. (End of Blog!)

Romans 9:20 - Who do you think you are to talk back to Elohim like that? Can an object that was made say to its maker, “Why did you make me like this?”

Is this not what children often say to their parents – always deferring blame and pointing the finger back at us or someone else? Unfortunately, some carry such narcissistic behaviour into their adult life and suffer the consequences of it via troubled relationships with just about everyone.

Disobeying Yahuwah is equivalent to hating Him. All who do so, will never see eternal life; and that is all there is to it. We will not have a high profile lawyer in a $4,000 suit, pulling out every argument in the book to save our sorry backside. Yahushua will be the only Judge and Jury. His righteous spirit that has dwelt in us from baptism will be the one and only witness. Why is that? Because they cannot lie!

How many defendants beat the system in today’s courts? Just a few days ago, there was a story in the news of a rapist getting only time served and probation, because it was his first offence. Well, how does the court know it was his first offence? Just because it was the first time he got caught, it doesn’t mean that he hasn’t offended before and simply not get caught. I wonder what that judge is going to say to his next victim. I believe that all rapists are mentally ill, and only a few may be redeemable. It is not the actual sex act that they get off on, but the control factor. They are addicted to it, and like most addicts, cannot help themselves.

With stories coming out every day about morally corrupt politicians, judges and pretty much most in public office, is it any wonder that the system merely winks at such behaviour. It seems to me that the entire world is turning into Sodom and Gomorrah and is destined to receive much the same or similar punishment. And, once again, mankind is going to see the fiery rocks raining down on them and curse Elohim.

Gal. 6: 5 - For every man shall bear his own burden.

We all need to remember, in pointing the finger at someone else, there are always 3 fingers pointing right back to us. Not many like to accept blame but prefer to try to pin the blame on someone or something else. And, of course, when all else fails, blame Elohim. We all need to stand up like the beings of light that we are supposed to be and confess our sins before Yahuwah – not try to hide them. That is such folly anyway, because the righteous spirit of Yahuwah will know immediately what we are trying to hide and call us on it. I don’t think any of us want to be in that position.

Telling one lie, leads to telling more lies to cover up the original. And we all know that no liar is going to make it into the Kingdom of Yahuwah. Neither is anyone who blames Elohim for their sins and natural consequences that follow after sin. I really like the Theory of Relativity in this regard. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This is especially true with sin and disobedience to Yahuwah.

Prov. 11:3 - The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.

Yahuwah established His laws even before ANYTHING was created – even His Only Begotten Son. How do I know this? I believe all will agree that the righteousness of Yahuwah has existed forever, and, that we are to be taking on the same degree of righteousness. We were created in the image of Elohim. That means that we are the children of Elohim and that is eventually what we are to become – Elohim. To do so, we must not only merely obey the law, we must become the law. We can only achieve that state, when even the thought to sin no longer exists in us. Is there any who claim to possess this status right now? Can we all agree that we have a lot of work to do in this regard?

I am certainly not suggesting that this is an easy task. Traditional Christians teach that we don’t have to do a thing but sit back and wait for the Glory of Elohim. Well, I hate to tell them but they are waiting in vain. They are among those whom Yahuwah never knew.

Rom. 14:12 - So then every one of us shall give account of himself to Elohim.

Most people live their lives as if this day is never going to come – the day that they are made to stand before the Almighty Creator of this universe and be judged. I wonder how many will throw the blame back at Yahuwah in that day? What do you suppose Yahuwah’s reply will be to them? Can you imagine yourself standing before the One True Elohim and wondering what He is going to say to you? We all wish to hear, “Well done, you good and faithful servant.” Before that time, we may like to do some introspection and ask ourselves, “Have I really been good? Have I really been faithful?" Better we ask this of ourselves before He asks it of us.

Most think they are incapable of attaining the same stature as Yahushua. However, they fail to realize that Yahuwah sent Yahushua to us, to show us by example, that if we model ourselves after him, that we will attain the same stature (not the same office, but the same stature). We will be Elohim, just as He is, but He will always be the King and High Priest. This is what we were created to become and should be the foremost goal in our spiritual path.

Ecl. 7:29 - Lo, this only have I found, that Elohim has made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions (followed after their own reasoning).

What does it mean that man was made upright? Does that mean created spiritually incorruptible? No, because the possibility to sin obviously resided in him. I would say he was sort of neutral at that stage; and that man’s current course was determined by Adam’s actions; and that if he had chosen to resist temptation, and eaten of the Tree of Life, rather than the Tree of Knowledge, we would all be eternal living, spirit beings by now, and that sin and death would have never entered our airspace. Adam and Eve were like empty vessels waiting to be filled; but had not yet learned patients and did not want to wait for Yahuwah to fill them. They, instead, bought into HaSatan’s offer – of instant salvation if they worshipped him.

No, it is not an easy thing to fight against our carnal nature. Carnal thoughts appear in our minds automatically, before we even realize they are there and chase them out. However; humans, like caterpillars, don’t seem to comprehend that they are to become butterflies/spirit beings. Has anyone ever heard of a caterpillar refusing to become a butterfly? Of course not! That would be ridiculous – right? So what is up with humans – we are spiritually retarded?

And we can never assume we have it all beat until we make it safely into the Kingdom. That is the purpose of the final Tribulation – to test and prove us worthy for the Kingdom. And it is going to be a most agonizing trial which is why Yahushua was made to suffer it. I n following His example, we must be willing to suffer this ultimate test. I don’t believe that there was ever a moment during His suffering when he had any sinful thought towards Yahuwah. So must it be when and if we are made to suffer through the Tribulation (remember than only 144,000 of the purest souls are going to the Place of Safety, and there is no guarantee that your name (or mine) will be on the list.

I would dearly love to assume that all reading this know what behaviours they are to avoid. But how do we get rid of those nasty thoughts. I honestly do not know, but if Yahushua did it, I believe we all have it within ourselves to accomplish as well. We just have to continue digging to get it all out. If we sit and do nothing, the job will never get done.

James 13 - Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of Elohim: for Elohim cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man:

14 - But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

15 - Then when lust has been conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death.

Mankind is definitely lawless by nature. They night steadfastly obey the civil laws of man, but not Yahuwah. And, I have certainly proved that true of myself. I no longer have a criminal record because I requested and was granted a pardon. (Don’t worry, they were only petty crimes). This I view as the same as asking Yahuwah to forgive our crimes against Him. The slate is wiped clean. All is forgiven. I cannot describe the feeling of relief and joy when I no longer have to check the box, “Do you have a criminal record” on job applications. And, when stopped by the police for any reason, was able to say straight faced that I had no criminal record.

We must think the same way concerning our spiritual condition as well. We must not hold onto the guilt we may have over our past lawless deeds. Such forgiveness comes at baptism. From that point on we are to demonstrate our appreciation towards Yahuwah by living sinless lives. We must believe that Yahuwah has fully forgiven us and we can declare that that we have no past (spiritual) criminal record. If sin came out of disobedience, salvation has to come from obedience.

Continually practicing living sinless lives leads (eventually) to the elimination of any thought to sin – unless we languish in such thoughts for too long and too often. Then, as we have witnessed with many, we eventually commit the physical act. We need to recognize these thoughts right away and chase them out of our heads. Perhaps the best way to do that is to force our thoughts onto Yahushua. Picture Him in all His present glory, with His face shining like the sun and His feet of burnished bronze. Fall on your face before Him and seek His forgiveness.

James 1:12 - Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which Yahuwah has promised to them that love him.

Not only are we going to be tried, we are being tried every minute of our spiritual walk – 24-7. What we are to do is glorify Yahuwah with each trial (instead of cursing Him) and thank Him for the opportunity to grow in the spirit.

Guilt over past sins and even current ones is what I see as the greatest roadblock for any individual seeking that “oneness” with Yahuwah that Yahushua prayed for in Jn. 17. However, I would like to introduce this passage first.

John 17:3 - And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true Elohim, and Yahushua HaMashiyack, whom you have sent.

This verse declares that there is only one true Elohim and that our objective is to get to know Him and His Only Begotten Son. So, how do we get to know Him? By living lives of obedience to Him! Christians worship a long-dead, Roman dictator (Constantine), through whom they worship the god of this age, HaSatan. I have replaced the pagan names and titles here for the real names and titles by which the Father and the Son desire to be recognized. Is it any wonder that Christian prayers go unanswered and they become discouraged and return to sin?

James 1:2 - My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into different temptations;

3 - Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience.

4 - But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be perfect, entire (complete) and wanting for nothing. That is something we all dream about. Yet, most either lack ambition, belief or are just plain too lazy to pursue it. Perfecting our character is a job that takes up all of our energy and all of our spiritual armour, every minute of the day, 24/7. We are to practice perfecting our character with all whom we come into contact with – from the lowly beggar on the street to the richest man in the town; and especially with all our brothers and sisters in the faith. Our interaction with them could be just the thing that helps others come to know Yahuwah and how He expects us to be.

I always queried about the WCG’s closed door policy. I favour an open door policy, where anyone from the street is free to join the service. I mean who are we to judge that person; or know that if inviting him in would turn him towards Yahuwah? I certainly never heard of Yahushua ever saying to anyone, “Go away, this service is for members only”, although He may be saying that on the Last Day.

1 Cor. 10:13 - There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but Elohim is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.

14 - Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.

15 - I speak as to wise men; judge you what I say.

One of the prime doctrines of traditional Christianity is that their “Jesus” replaced the nasty, mean old “god “of the Old Testament. LIARS! They would love it if Yahuwah were dead. Then they could do whatever their minds desire (the wicked old witch is dead mentality), with absolutely no conscience feeling of guilt. Is that not what was on their minds when they murdered Yahushua – “Oh. If we kill the lawmaker, we will no longer have to obey the law’. The Jews today seem to honour their Talmud over the Torah. In doing so, they defer their worship from Yahuwah to the Rabbis – just as the Christians did with Constantine. “Him whom you obey, him also do you worship.”

Christianity is also guilty of idolatry because they praise, call upon and worship the false pagan gods of Rome in place of the One True Elohim. They have statues/idols in almost every Christian church. When the end-time Antichrist comes, they will naturally gravitate towards him, because he is the one they have been worshiping all along. Constantine was the first Antichrist, and since it was he who created the Christian Church, it can only be said that Christianity is the religion of the Antichrist and all who follow it, worship him as their Elohim.

Rom. 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love Elohim, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The whole purpose of Yahuwah creating man was that He wanted to create a family of Elohim to share His glory with Him. However, traditional Christianity even denies this fact. Most believe we are merely to become angels or some other form of lesser beings. This is horribly untrue. It also denies the word and power of Yahuwah. If one does not believe and trust in the power of Yahuwah to perform what He promises to do, they are simply unfit for the Kingdom.

Traditional Christianity also promotes the lie that since Yahushua paid the penalty of sin for us, sin no longer exists. They proudly proclaim that the laws of Yahuwah are done away with. Their reasoning is that since our past sins have been done away with, our current and future sins are forgiven automatically and immediately. We have all heard the saying that a lie told often enough becomes truth (at least in the mind of the individual). A good example of this can be witnessed today in the present political climate of the U.S. The liberal Democrats have been caught in some of the most outrageous lies ever told, yet they cling to these false narratives in the hope that if they repeat the lie often enough, the people will believe them and vote in their favour. I cannot wait for Yahuwah’s millennial rule when all such behaviour will be exposed and exterminated.

Yes it is easy to blame Yahuwah for all the things that go wrong in our lives. It is easier to blame just about anyone but ourselves. We know the law. We all have access to the Scriptures to teach us what the laws are and how to apply them in our lives. We have the greatest Teacher in the Universe waiting at our disposal to do just that – teach us. We need no other teacher. All other (human) teachers are corruptible and quite capable and willing to lie to us. It was, is and always will be impossible for Yahushua or Yahuwah to become corrupted, lie to us or make false promises. One must believe that before he can really commit to and trust Yahuwah.

The best example I can think of, where a man of the scriptures did not blame Yahuwah for his many terrible trials is Job. Even though Yahuwah allowed HaSatan to take absolutely everything from Him, Job did not blame his troubles on Yahuwah; but, instead, did much introspection to determine what he had done wrong.

So, why is it that HaSatan never gets the blame when the scriptures clearly reveal what he is up to?

1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

2 Corinthians 4:4 - The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of HaMashiyack, who is the image of Elohim.

There are none so blind as those who will not to see. Spiritual blindness is the greatest blindness of all. A number of physically blind individuals believed Yahushua and sought His healing. They were physically blind but not spiritually blind. Therefore I imagine they have gained the Kingdom. On the other hand, all the Priests, Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees who condemned Yahushua to death and celebrated His crucifixion, were spiritually blinded by their own self-righteousness. On the day of judgement, Yahuwah is going to say to these pompous asses, “I never knew you.” I might add that they never knew Him either.

2 Corinthians 5:10 - For we must all stand before HaMashiyack to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.

Some day we are all going to be made to stand before the Judge. It would be nice to stand before Him with a clear conscience; and, the only way to have a clear conscience is by being convinced in our hearts that we have made every sincere effort to follow Yahushua and obey every word of Yahuwah.

John 16: 32 - Behold, the hour comes, yea, is now come, that you shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.

33 - I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

I believe that the end time scattering has already begun. The True Believers of this age indeed seem to be scattered – a small group here, an individual there. The difference is that we are not scattered for our lack of faith, but because of our faith. We are to be lights and witnesses to the world. Does that mean that we have fully overcome the world? Not by a long shot! We all have to work continuously to retain our faith and determination.

Some in my former church criticize me because I do not assemble with anyone on the Sabbath (meaning them). My answer is that I do assemble with someone – Yahuwah and Yahushua, whom are always with me. Why on earth would I return to worshipping pagan Roman gods and the “group think” mentality of my former church? Salvation is something personal between us and Yahuwah. Belonging to the “right” church and following their “laid-in-stone” doctrines over the word of Yahuwah will never qualify anyone for salvation. It did not work for Israel, why would it work for us? We have to become one with Yahuwah through Yahushua, by modelling ourselves after Him. We must continually do regular introspection to determine our confidence that we are heading in the right direction. That is how we will achieve peace in our lives – in knowing that we have achieved something that no man, or even death, can take away from us. That is when we can know for certain that we have overcome the world.

James 1: 21 - Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

22 - But be you doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Doesn’t this seem to be the way with Sunday Christians? They go to church, think ok, I have done my duty, and then, return to life as normal. And, of course, they do not feel guilty, because their lying ministers have brainwashed them into believing that is all that is required of them. In a way I feel sorry for them and on the other hand I believe it to be their own fault for not searching and proving all things. WE ARE NOT TO BELIEVE ANY MAN IN THIS MATTER! We are to seek and believe Yahushua alone. This is our first and foremost lesson – establish a one-on-one relationship first and then seek out like minded individuals.

When someone sends me an article they have written, I do take the time to read, study and critique it, so as to evaluate and compare it to scripture. I never take any man’s word at face value.

We certainly do deceive ourselves, when we are merely hearers of the Word/law only and not doers of it. That is like knowing our civil laws and not obeying them. Would we not end up before a civil judge to be punished? Is Yahuwah any different? Of course not! Yahuwah is like the top judge in the land. Man’s civil judgments are based on the law and so are Yahuwah’s. It only makes sense; and yet, we have these spawns of the Antichrist spouting their lies about the law being done away. Black is white, and white is black. And, the worst part is that they are so self-deceived, there is likely not much hope for them – at least that has been my experience.

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in Yahuwah with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.

6 - In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

We can trust in Yahuwah because He is the epitome of truth. There is not a single man on earth of whom we can honestly say that. All are capable of corruption and error in interpreting the Scriptures. The only one who is not, is Yahushua HaMashiyack, our only True Teacher, High Priest and King.

Proverbs 28:26 -Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.

Where do we find true wisdom? In the Word of Yahuwah and the example of Yahushua! Those who blindly follow any man and trust in them to interpret the Scriptures for them are fools and lazy reprobates. We can trust our salvation to no man – but Yahushua alone. Those who walk in the wisdom of Yahushua’s words, will be kept safe from the evil one.

Ezekiel 18: 25 - Yet you say, The way of Yahuwah is not just. Hear now, O house of Israel; Is not my way just? Are not your ways unjust?

This is exactly what a person demonstrate when they blame Yahuwah. In their arrogance and false self-perception, they cannot perceive their own fault and therefore try to blame Yahuwah instead. In the Judgement they just may have their fingers lopped off so that they have none to point at anyone else. We are the lawless ones (unjust), NOT Yahuwah.

Was not ancient Israel always griping and complaining about the injustice of Yahuwah? Was that not the cause of their downfall and their fall from grace? Let it not be so with us.

Ezek. 18:26 - When a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and dies in them; for his iniquity that he has done shall he die.

Isn’t this exactly what traditional Christianity has done? They may well have been more righteous before they became a Christian than after. They are constantly told that they are saved by faith, not works. But, that is only partly true. They ignore all the other scriptures that reveal the truth – that we are saved by both faith and works. We cannot take one misinterpreted scripture out and run with it. That is how misinterpreting scripture begins. One must seek out all the verses related to any given topic and seek harmony amongst them. That is the only way to find true understanding.


Does any reasonable criminal blame the judge for their actions and wrong choices? No! The ones that do are complete narcissists. Another anomaly today is to blame the parents for a child who turns bad. I considered my parents good parents. They didn’t drink or smoke, break the law and revered a higher power, even if they didn’t go to church. My father had his own business and I often worked with him. My mother went out to work when I turned 10. We had a summer cottage close to where I now live. We had everything we needed, and if we wanted more we WORKED for it. They taught my sister and I all the things a good parent teaches their children about right and wrong. And yet, I turned out to be their “wild child”. I certainly do not blame my parents for my wrong doings or bad choices. Nor do I blame any external influences (friends and society). And, if any shrink ever tried to blame them for my behaviour, I might just punch him in the mouth. We are all responsible for our own behaviour and the equal and opposite reaction to our behaviour. No matter how hard we try to cover it up or excuse it, we are the ones ultimately responsible; and, we had better beat that fact into our thick heads before we stand before the True Judge of all creation.

When we realize this fact, our spiritual growth might just take off in leaps and bounds. We won’t have any guilt, standing between and blocking our relationship with Yahuwah.

So, the next time you hear someone blaming Elohim for their circumstance, remind them that it was man who made the conscious choice to live a life in opposition to Elohim; of rebellion and hatred toward Him. Then when things go wrong, we blame Him. We must take responsibility for our actions and not ever attempt to point the finger at anyone else, especially Yahuwah. We are to be upstanding spiritual beings like our eldest Brother. We are not merely to follow Him, we are to become Him.

We all have our own minds, folks. No one is forcing us to sin. We alone are blocking our access to Yahuwah’s spirit and eternal life. We must clean up our acts if we ever wish to see salvation.

Yahuwah Bless
