Israel’s Messiah vss. the Roman “Jesus”

Israel’s Messiah vss. the Roman “Jesus”


Gary Primo

How far does the corruption of Roman Christianity go? From names to doctrines, all is intended to lead people away from the true faith towards Constantine’s counterfeit. Following in the footsteps of all his predecessors, Constantine thought himself to be “God on Earth”. All worshipped pagan gods. All used military force to convert and dominate the masses. Constantine also used military force, along with craft and deceit, to win over the masses.

At some point in time, Constantine realized he was losing to the True Followers of Yahushua. Therefore, he designed his own religion that incorporated all of the different pagan religious doctrines and traditions and added only a hint of “Jewish” flavoring. Constantine’s religion taught that the old Jewish law was done away and that this is what Shaul (Paul) supposedly taught the Gentiles.

Gal. 1:14 - And profited in the Jews’ religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.

2 Thess. 2:15 - Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

Shaul (Paul) is heralded by the Christian faith as doing away with the (Jewish) law. There is NO truth in their assertion, as these two verses clearly reveal. Shaul refers to himself as a “zealous” defender of his fathers’ traditions. These are the same traditions that he taught to his gentile audiences. And he indeed, followed them himself.

The traditions they were taught were the Jewish traditions, not the Roman traditions. Shaul was formerly a Pharisee. He formerly persecuted Believers and even officiated at their executions. He was converted when he had a face-to-face encounter with the resurrected Messiah on the road to Damascus. From that point on he was the most learned and gifted of all the Apostles. He had an awesome and fearful calling – to take the Gospel of Yahushua to the entire world through the Gentiles, challenging the Roman State religion of the day. Being labelled the Apostle of the Gentiles does not mean that Shaul converted to the pagan mindset of the Gentiles, but rather, he converted thousands of Gentiles to the Hebrew traditions.

In masterminding his new religion (which Constantine himself was never a part of) Constantine saw plenty of room for corruption, as Shaul’s words were sometimes confusing and difficult to understand.

2 Peter 3:16 - As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

Peter is speaking of some who were “unlearned and unstable”. They were unlearned because they only had limited knowledge of the Jewish traditions and none whatsoever of the meanings behind them. So, what did they do? They “wrest” against the teachings of Shaul.


verb (used with object)

to twist or turn; pull, jerk, or force by a violent twist.

to take away by force:to wrest a knife from a child.

to get by effort:to wrest a living from the soil.

to twist or turn from the proper course, application, use, meaning, or the like; wrench.

It is, in fact, a common human trait that when they do not “know” something or understand it, the invent their own truth. (E.g. – so many man-made religions.) Basically, they made their religion their own, by twisting the truth to their own flawed understanding.

They did this also with all the names in the Scriptures. Elohim became God (Baal-gad). Yahushua (Joshua) became “Iesous” (praise Zeus) in the Greek and “Jesus” in the English. And, of course, they swapped out all the traditions and customs of the Jewish faith for pagan ones as well.,is%20etymologically%20related%20to%20another%20biblical%20name%2C%20Joshua.

Jesus (name)

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For the central figure of Christianity, see Jesus.

Jesus (IPA: /ˈdʒiːzəs/) is a masculine given name derived from the name Iēsous (Greek: Ἰησοῦς), the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua or Y'shua (Hebrew: ישוע‎).[1][2] As its roots lie in the name Yeshua/Y'shua, it is etymologically related to another biblical name, Joshua.

So, “Jesus” came from “Iesous”, and “Iesous” came from Yeshua? Poppycock! Iesous basically means “Praise Zeus”. I can assure everyone that there is absolutely no equal in the Hebrew language. The Hebrews would never take the name of a pagan god on their lips.

The Christian translators had the chance of correcting this error by utilizing the true translation of this name, “Joshua” but chose to translate from the Greek instead. Neither the Greeks, Romans, or English wanted anything to do with anything Jewish. Yahuwah forbid! The only form of the name of our Elohim that the English translators preserved is the word halleluiah (originally Hallelulyah).

Not only did the Romans change the name of the Messiah, they changed many things that did not jive with their own traditions, concerning their pagan messiahs (all 15 0f them, making “Jesus” their 16th one}. They changed the date of His birth to match the traditional dates of all their pagan messiahs (December 25th). They did the same concerning His death, changing it from Passover to their pagan Easter (same time of death as all their pagan messiahs). Now, what are the odds that the True Messiah‘s life would follow the same path as all the pagan Messiahs. I would say, not particularly good. That would render Yahuwah as subservient to Nimrod, upon whom all pagan worship is directed. There is absolutely no way that Yahuwah would pattern His system of belief after the pagan ones. He is Yahuwah. It is either His way or the highway.

Another thing that was changed was the keeping of the Jewish weekly Sabbath and annual sabbaths. In 324 B.C., Constantine issued a decree that basically stated that no non-Jewish Roman citizen would be permitted to keep the Jewish customs and traditions. Several years later, he issued a second decree outlawing the keeping of the Jewish weekly and annual Sabbaths by any non-Jewish Roman citizen. These decrees officially ended the advancement of the true faith and promoted the advancement of Constantinian Christianity and made Constantine the Antichrist of scriptural prophecy and therefore the god that Christianity worships. Constantine fulfilled that prophecy by changing the laws and times, making Christianity the church of the Antichrist. And mainstream Christianity is still worshipping him almost 2 millennia later.

Twelve hundred years later, the Protestant religion was hailed as a return to the true faith. Yet, none of these pagan substitutes were changed. Its purpose was to contend against the hated Roman Catholic faith. Yet, they continued to observe Constantine’s edicts and thereby continued to worship Constantine (the Antichrist) over Yahuwah. That makes the Protestant religion the same as the Catholic only dressed up a little differently (one of the Whore's harlot daughters). Our Adversary loves diversity, as long as it is rooted in the same lies.

As defined here, world Christianity consists of 6 major ecclesiastico-cultural blocs, divided into 300 major ecclesiastical traditions, composed of over 33,000 distinct denominations in 238 countries, these denominations themselves being composed of over 3,400,000 worship centers, churches or congregations.' (Barrett et al, volume 1, page 16, Table 1-5, emphasis added)

Wow! 33,000 denominations in 238 countries. I didn’t even know there were this many countries in the world, but when I looked it up, this is what I found.,%20%201%2C811%2C570%20%2050%20more%20rows%20


There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

Not in the list

Not included in this total count of 195 countries are:

· Taiwan - the United Nations considers it represented by the People's Republic of China

· The Cook Islands and Niue, both states in free association with New Zealand which are members of several UN specialized agencies and have been recognized "full treaty-making capacity", but are neither member states nor non-member observer states.

· Dependencies (or dependent territories, dependent areas, dependencies) and Areas of Special Sovereignty (autonomous territories)

· Other countries recognized by the United Nations as not being self-governing

Only UN-recognized states are considered to be actual countries. The UN, of course, is the precursor to the New World (aka One World) Order. They do not recognize Yahuwah as having any authority over them. The only authority they do recognize is their own head of that entity. That person is currently António Guterres. Like with the RCC and their Pope, that person is the god the UN worships (keeping with the tradition of man creating his own gods). If one does not believe that the Vatican reigns over the UN, they are sadly mistaken. The RCC is the “Great Whore” and the UN is the “Beast” that she rides. Thus, all the doctrines of the Christian faith become suspect of pagan corruption.

Yahushua vss. “Jesus”


- Born in September (at the beginning of the fall sabbaths).

- Died in March/April (Passover).

- Championed Hebrew law

- Championed the Hebrew Elohim

- Restored the true intent of Hebrew law vss. Jewish tradition.

- His message was primarily pertinent to all the 12 tribes of Israel. Gentiles were only included as Hebrew proselytes. (were expected to conform to the Jewish faith).

- Taught that seeking oneness with the Father (John 17) was the only true path to salvation.

- Salvation is for the Jews first and Gentile proselytes second.

- Honoured his mother according to Hebrew law only.


- Was born in December (same as his pagan predecessors)

- Died on “Good Friday” (same as his pagan counterparts) and was resurrected on Easter (same as his pagan counterparts).

- Did away with Hebrew law and championed Roman law.

- Did away with Hebrew traditions, replacing them with pagan traditions.

R Replaced the “evil” Old Testament Elohim and instead championed the pagan gods of Rome.

- Had no concern for the twelve tribes, promoted Gentiles over Jews.

- Claims “belief” in and “following” him was all that was needed for salvation.

- Salvation is for the Gentiles first, Jews second.

- Christianity had elevated Mary to a position of worship above the Messiah (a transition from the worship of Isis to the worship of Mary).


Obviously, there is something terribly amiss with the Christian religion and the messiah they follow. They also worship a different elohim than the Jews (baal-gad) in place of Yahuwah. Even some groups I have fellowshipped with in the past, continue in the use of the corrupted names, even though they follow mostly all the other Jewish laws and sabbaths. I cannot understand how they can remain unconvinced that they continue to worship Constantine by following his commandment (basically, not to Judaise}, rather than Yahushua’s teaching that “Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matt. 5:18)

Of course, Yahushua was speaking of Jewish law – the only law that was ever handed down directly from Yahuwah to man. Yahuwah even wrote the law down for us with His own finger, on two stone slabs to be preserved forever. These two stone tablets were stored in the “Arc of the Covenant” which until recently was presumed lost or destroyed. Well, I am overjoyed to tell you that they were indeed found just recently by an archaeologist, Ron Wyatt, stored in a secret cave, found hidden behind another tomb and located directly under the crucifixion site. Fully intact were the Arc and the Mercy Seat. In fact, Ron found droplets of Yahushua’s blood on the mercy seat,Himself%20inscribed%20the%20ten%20commandments%20%281%20Kings%208%3A9%29.

In the book of 1 Timothy 2:5,6 we read the following:

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”

It is important to notice the tense of the words of verse 6, “to be testified in due time”. This indicates that there was a “testimony” about something relating to Christ’s sacrifice that had not taken place at the time this was written. Historically we know that the first letter to Timothy was written many years after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. In fact, the Greek word that is translated “due time” in this verse means literally, “at the appropriate occasion”. This means that there was something about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for sinful man (the ransom) that at a later, more appropriate time, was going to be used as a testimony to the world. I believe that this testimony is the revealing of one of the many biblical archaeology discoveries of Ron Wyatt; specifically the Ark of the Covenant.

The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has been found on the Mercy Seat (the solid gold lid) of the Ark of the Covenant that once sat in the Most Holy Place of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. That Ark still contained the tables of stone on which God Himself inscribed the ten commandments (1 Kings 8:9). It was hidden in a cave chamber underneath the Calvary escarpment on or about 586 BC, just prior to the destruction of the old city of Jerusalem and the temple by the Babylonian army. That chamber was located directly under the spot where, approximately 615 years later, Jesus was crucified.

We read that when Jesus died at Calvary there was a great earthquake, that the “rocks were rent” (Matthew 27:50,51). The rending of that rock created a fissure that communicated between the top of the cross hole that held the cross of Jesus and the top of the cave chamber where the Ark of the Covenant was hidden. Shortly after His death (and the rending of the rock) a soldier stuck a spear into Jesus’ side to determine whether He was dead. When that happened the apostle John records that blood and water flowed from His side.

“But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.” John 19:34,35

John was specifically impressed to “record” this event and to draw attention to it, to declare that it was true…………… that it really happened just as he wrote it. Moreover, it was recorded to assist our belief, ie. faith.

We now know that the blood and water traveled down through the crack in the rock and was deposited on the top of the Ark, onto the Mercy Seat.

In addition to this info, DNA testing was done on the blood droplets found could produce only the one chromosome of the mother – none from any human father. You should see the looks on people’s (unbelievers) faces when I tell them that.

Yes, folks, there is a huge difference between the Jewish Yahushua and the Roman Jesus. One is the Son of Elohim and the other is the son of who-knows-who. You can take your pick of any one of the populous pagan gods. “Come out of her, my people” is a favored scriptural verse (Rev.18:2). It most certainly is a reference to pagan systems of belief (which basically all man-made religions are).

Today, I do not know how many True Believers there are. I do know that we are vastly surrounded and outnumbered. Meanwhile, the worldly religions continue on, deceiving and corrupting almost the entire human race. It is simply not right that the truth takes a back seat to fiction. HaSatan has man under an almost hypnotic trance and a false sense of security/salvation. He definitely seems to be winning the war at this point. However, in his arrogance he is going to fail in the end. His destruction will come swift and sure. Then the whole world will know the truth. Hallelulyah!

Yahuwah Bless
