San Francisco, Sodom or Gomorrah

The following article was found in the Toronto Star newspaper.

San Francisco approves ban on public nudity, shedding its free-spirited image

Lisa Leff

The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO—San Francisco shed a vestige of its free-spirited past as local lawmakers narrowly approved a citywide ban on public nudity.

San Francisco eyes ban on public nudity

Casting aside complaints that forcing people to cover up would undermine San Francisco's reputation as a city without inhibitions, the Board of Supervisors voted 6-5 on Tuesday in favour of an ordinance that prohibits exposed genitals in most public places, including streets, sidewalks and public transit.

Boos filled the board's chambers after the vote. Gypsy Taub, a nudist activist who organized naked protests and marches in the weeks leading up to the meeting, disrobed in protest before sheriff's deputies escorted her from the room.

A federal lawsuit seeking to block the ban already has been filed.

Supervisor Scott Wiener introduced the ban in response to escalating complaints about a group of men whose bare bodies are on display almost daily in the city's predominantly gay Castro District. He said at Tuesday's meeting that he resisted for almost two years, but finally felt compelled to act.

"It's no longer an occasionally and quirky part of San Francisco. Rather, in the Castro, it's pretty much seven days a week," Wiener said. "It's very much a, 'Hey, look what I have' mentality."

Wiener's opponents on the board said a citywide ban was unnecessary and would draw police officers' attention away from bigger problems. Supervisor John Avalos also expressed concerns about what the ordinance would do to San Francisco's image.

"We are a beacon of light to other parts of the country, and sometimes there is a little bit of weirdness about how we express ourselves," Avalos said.

Exemptions to the ban would be made for participants at permitted street fairs and parades, such as the city's annual gay pride event and the Bay-to-Breakers street run, which often draws participants in costumes or various states of undress.

Under Wiener's proposal, a first offence would carry a maximum penalty of a $100 fine, but prosecutors would have authority to charge a third violation as a misdemeanour punishable by up to a $500 fine and a year in jail.

The law still must pass a final vote and secure Mayor Edwin Lee's signature to take effect early next year.

Site Manager’s Comments:

Shades of Sodom and Gomorrah! It would not surprise me if Yahuwah ends up destroying San Francisco in the same manner he did those two cities of old. Here you have these grown men wanting nothing more than to strut their junk to attract other male sexual partners and exposing the entire public to their depravity. Even prostitutes aren’t that bold. Everyone is so focused on not violating the rights of gays; while the gays don’t seem to care a less about the rights of anyone else.

The following is what I have observed over the years in regard to the Gay “revolution”. Being born in 1950, I have 62 years of observation under my belt. Back in those days homosexuals were victims of some pretty rough treatment, and I agree that such treatment was not right. However, I would not agree that their lifestyle is either natural or normal either. But I didn’t care as long as they kept it to themselves. After all I was not going around proclaiming to the world my sexual activities or preferences, even amongst my closest friends. Over the years I ran into more and more Gay people and got used to them, but tended to stick to my own kind. Then the legal system began recognizing the rights of Gays and I was ok with that in the beginning because I did not see it affecting me in any way. Of late; however, I have been noticing a frightening trend, especially since the education system began teaching that being Gay was normal and branding everyone that believes differently as homophobic and bigoted. From my observations, this did nothing more than to confuse the children concerning their sexuality.

Now that the taboo has been lifted, more and more youngsters are seeking to “experiment” with their sexuality. If the number of bi-sexuals does not already outnumber the fully Gay crowd, I believe they soon will become the “new normal”, as was the case in Sodom and Gomorrah. Young married couples will have to worry about both sexes where infidelity is concerned. I don’t believe that many, in the beginning, saw this coming when they passed all the Gay rights laws and cramming their beliefs into our children.

For the longest time, so called “experts” have been arguing whether homosexuality was a genetic or mental condition. I say they are both wrong. I see it as purely a spiritual sin.

Matthew 5:19 - Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

James 2:10 - For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

1 Cor. 6:9 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 - Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

In looking up these verses I noticed that the word “homosexual” has been removed from the Strong’s Concordance – likely the result of the new laws being passed. Here they use the word “effeminate” instead. Other similar phrases are used as well but all are intended to refer to homosexuality. I am not sure what "abusers of themselves with mankind" refers to.

Speaking out against homosexuality is now considered a hate crime and I am risking a great deal in speaking my mind now, but I feel that the negative aspects of this trend need to be addressed. For the record, I do not “hate” homosexuals. Rather, I am merely concerned for their spiritual progression into Yahuwah’s Kingdom, just as I am for all sinners – hate the sin, love the sinner, as is commanded and practiced by our only true example, Yahushua. All of mankind is painted with the same brush as far as Yahuwah is concerned.

If the source of this condition is a spiritual one, then so must the solution be a spiritual one. Unfortunately not too many people are concerned about their spiritual condition or are following the wrong path to salvation.

I have no idea why Yahuwah calls who he does, but I know that I certainly was not worthy of his calling when he did call me. Neither do I today feel worthy of such calling. I am just as guilty of sin under the law as the next guy and do not feel I have any right to either judge or condemn. The only thing I wish to address is the trend taking place amongst our youth. That is something that I am concerned about. To address this trend, one has to include the source of the trend, which is the education system. I can’t understand why the education system is so concerned with teaching any kind of sex to children so young. Whatever happened to the innocence of youth? It seems like everything about our education system is geared toward corrupting our children and turning them into moral degenerates rather than helping them.

Naturally when these kids are told it is ok to be Gay, some are going to want to experiment. How does this affect them in later years? Since this trend is relatively new, we do not know for sure. But I imagine it is all quite confusing for them. In later years, if they go straight and fall in love with someone of the opposite sex, they may have to live in fear their entire lives of their partner/ family/children finding out. It could have all sorts of repercussions we have not even thought about yet.

What is wrong with allowing the child's sexuality to develop naturally, without any pulling one way or another? Just let nature take its course. Since nature tells us that sex was designed to take place between a man and a woman, I believe that nature would win out in most cases. These kids do not need to be questioning their sexuality so young.

We all should be watching what develops in San Francisco as an example of what is going to be the “norm” in all Western cities. I congratulate the officials in that city for standing up for at least some form of decency. I only hope that officials in other cities follow suit.