A World Consumed by Strong Delusion

A World Consumed by Strong Delusion


Gary Primo

April 22, 2017

2 Thess. 2: 9 - Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 - And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 - And for this cause Elohim shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 - That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

After I first read the Scriptures in their entirety, one of my dominate questions was, “Whatever happened to the assembly/”church” I had just read about in the New Testament?”

I had been raised in the Anglican Church, but also had experiences with the Roman Catholic and Baptist churches through various family members. I could not see any resemblance between the first century assembly and any of the churches I had any experience with. That is when I began my own search for the “one true church”. Finally, I thought I had found it within the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). However, I was (and remain) still in the learning process. I continued doing my own studies alongside what was being taught through the weekly sermons.

When that church did a complete u-turn and began moving towards traditional churchianity, I immediately recognized the beginning of that change because I was so involved in my own studies. That is why I continue to admonish my readers to not believe any man, including myself, in regard to what the Scriptures actually say and mean, but study the Scriptures for yourself; and like the noble Bereans, test and prove everything that one is told. Men are fallible. Yahuwah is not!

Human beings are naturally lazy. We like taking shortcuts to save our precious time for things we value as more important. This is true even when studying the Word of Yahuwah. Most people do not mind attending church once a week and listen to some minister tout his (or the church’s) interpretation of scriptures; however, the people spend little time testing and proving every word that they heard. Their excuse is that they do not have the time. They do not have the time? What kind of response is that, when one’s eternal salvation is at stake? Who does not have the time to work towards achieving eternal life? It is the saddest thing I have ever heard!

Of course, our human nature plays right into the hands and the plan of HaSatan. He is the great deceiver. And because the world follows blindly after him, he is the god whom they worship.

The same is true of any man whom we choose to follow. How many people do we know who “idolize” a certain teacher above all others, and diligently follow every word that comes from the person’s mouth? Sure, they might search the Scriptures to verify what that person says, but they already have a preconceived idea of what those scriptures mean.

We have all known someone that has twisted the Scriptures to mean what they want it to mean. A very good example is the Christian community. Any True Believer is likely at a loss to explain how the Christian doctrines can differ so vastly from what the Scriptures actually say. Are we not reading the same scriptures? It would seem not!

At this point let us dissect and closely examine what the above passage of Scripture actually means.

2 Thess. 2: 9 - Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

Who is it whose “coming is after the working of Satan”? It is the anti-Messiah, of course. The question is, which one – for there have been many anti-Messiahs. Since there are only two ways to go in this age, the term “anti-Messiah” applies to all who have chosen HaSatan as their object of worship over the true Messiah and the true Elohim. Even the term “antichrist” reveals this deception, since the term is a Greek substitute for Messiah. The person of Christ is a completely different person from the Messiah. The person of “Christ” is actually a disguised version of the ancient Sun God, Tammuz. Therefore the real meaning of “antichrist” should be someone who against Tammuz, the false prophet, and should rightly belong to True Believers.

Of course, this passage is talking about one anti-Messiah in particular – the last one to come prior to the return of Yahushua. This anti-Messiah will be imbued with all the power of HaSatan, just like Yahushua was imbued with all the power of Yahuwah. He will be able to perform mighty miracles that mimic those of the real Messiah when he was on the earth. Those that are under the delusion that the religions of men have created, will believe he is the true Messiah because of these miracles. However, the anti-Messiah’s power is really the power of deception, or strong delusion. Few seem to realize what an enormous power this really is. Thus, we have an entire global population that is deceived.

I am not sure what the difference is between signs and lying wonders, bot in this case, both are part of the deception.

10 - And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Unrighteousness breeds deception. How it does this is by causing one to dream up excuses for one’s unrighteousness. An example of this is the homosexual question that is before the Christian churches today. How many have twisted scriptures (or simply omitted them) to agree with this new doctrine? How many actually have homosexual ministers guiding their assemblies – not in truth but in deception? How many of the people actually believe the deception?

Another example is the abortion issue. Women who get abortion always use the excuse that it is their bodies and they alone have the (woman’s) right to do with that life inside them as they please? This, of course, is nothing new to the human race. HaSatan has long fed the deception that killing one’s children is pleasing to their god.

And again, HaSatan is the god whom they worship. They acknowledge this fact by their actions (or lack thereof). People want to believe whatever they perceive to be true, that agrees with their lifestyle. They do not want to abandon the sin that they love for the truth of Yahuwah. It has been this way since the days of Adam, and it will continue until Yahushua returns. This is why most of the world will not recognize and will fight against Yahushua when he does return. Their love of the lie will have blinded them to any truth.

If we were to ask any Christian if they believed they are on the right road to salvation, they would all answer affirmatively. Of course, if they knew they were deceived, they wouldn’t be deceived. The dilemma of those who had once come to the truth and later abandoned it, is that they have come face to face with the truth and turned away from it. They are much worse off than someone who has lived under the deception all their lives and never knew any better. For them, it would have been better if they never were born.

11 - And for this cause Elohim shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

When people have the truth right before them and, instead, prefer the lie, Yahuwah sends them even stronger delusion so that they are (afterword) incapable of discerning the truth from the deception. If one repeats a lie often enough, others also believe the lie over the truth because that is what they want to hear.

Let us take the Christian doctrine that declares that Yahuwah’s Laws are done away with. Where did this doctrine originate? It originated with King Nimrod. Nimrod won the people over from Noah and his sons by his fame as a mighty warrior and hunter. These are traits that humans highly value; therefore they set Nimrod up as an object of worship; one that satisfied all of their human senses. Nimrod came up with his own system of worship in the same way that the Northern nation of Israel did following their split from the Jews, and for the same reasons – to separate them from the true system of worship established by Elohim. When you control the minds of the people, you control the people; and this has been what religion has been about ever since Nimrod and the creation of the Babylonian Mystery Religion.

This is why the separation of state and church has become a doctrine of the Christian community. Of course they love their tax exempt status more than the truth; therefore, they remain under the thumb of the state regardless of what they believe. It is the state that forced the Christian church to accept homosexuality and abortion or lose their tax exempt status. We all know what their choice was. It is Sodom and Gomorrah all over again. And, Yahuwah’s reaction is to give that person even more delusion so that there is no chance that they will ever come to the truth. They had their opportunity to learn the truth from the only one that has it and instead chose the lie. So be it. You may have your lie; but the truth will evade you from that point on.

If you are like me, you likely have numerous people in your lives who are continuously trying to drag you back into the lie. These can be family members, friends, neighbours or even former church members. All are grounded in the lie. All love the lie over the truth. All will perish with that lie.

12 - That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I do not believe that anyone purposely sets out to believe the lie over the truth. The reality is that we are all born into the lie. We believe the lie simply because that is what has been taught to us since birth. If not for Yahuwah calling us out of this world, we’d be living the lie to this very day. No one wants to be the odd duck. But that is exactly what True Believers are, the odd duck that goes in the opposite direction from the rest of the world. Therefore, we are braded as heretics, a cult or cultists and blasphemers. It is not because we diligently search the Scriptures seeking all truth. It is because the truth does not match up with what the world believes truth to be.

I do not know who this quote came from but it is certainly true. “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.” And it is human nature to follow the majority. Whatever the majority believes eventually becomes law, and woe to those who believe otherwise.

Today, through the invention of computers, we have the “thought police”. They are individuals that like to try to control what the population thinks and believes. The mainstream media is the weapon they use to guide us into thinking what they think and doing as they do. Any who resist their lies, are banished (from Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

Just look at what is happening in the US today. The Global Elite have been establishing their delusion for a very long time. They infiltrated the education system, the religious system and every other “system” one can think of, to slowly but surely brainwash almost half of the nation. Their plan was almost complete when along came the “odd duck” – Donald Trump.

Think what you like about President Trump (I am still waiting, like so many others, to see if his actions agree with his words). However, it certainly seems like he has thrown a monkey wrench into the plans of the Elite – and they are furious. Personally I am surprised that he has not been assassinated yet. However, it appears that not all were brainwashed. A majority of the people that voted him in, have all realized, to whatever degree, that the nation is not the same one that they read about in their history books. Most are scratching their heads in confusion, not seeing the real power behind their government, the Global Elite, but know something is definitely not right. Even the vast success of programs such as Alex Jones, the Drudge report, etc., etc., over the mainstream media belies the fact that people know they are being lied to and want change. I do hope that their faith in President Trump has not been for naught.

So, what is the truth? Spiritually speaking, one could go to every single church/temple/synagogue/mosque and never find the truth. All these institutions are man-made, just like whatever religion they trust in. There is only one Teacher we can trust in and he abides in all the homes that rightly serve Him. He will never lie to us. He will never deceive us. The biggest part of our journey to salvation is to uncover all truth and grow as much as possible into the image of the Firstborn. I have often compared finding the truth to peeling the layers off an onion. I have been involved in the salvational process since 1981 and am still uncovering new truths all the time. I have; therefore, come to the conclusion that we likely will not learn all truths in our physical lifetime. Therefore, knowing all truths is not the key to salvation. What is key, is believing that Yahushua is the Messiah and bring oneself under total obedience to the Father. Corruption cannot inherit incorruption. Whoever one obeys, he also worships.

Whoever loves unrighteousness (lawlessness), loves the lawless one, HaSatan. Because they follow him in rebellion against Yahuwah, they will be forever delusioned and follow the same path after their god, to destruction.

When do we know that we are fully out of the delusion? I would say “Never”. Like I have said before, I am discovering new truths all the time; and I expect that I will do so until I draw my last breath. The greatest delusion of all is in believing that we have all truth.

And I must say, that even amongst the groups and individuals that believe they have come out of the world and use the sacred names, worship on the true Sabbath and keep the annual Scriptural holy days, there are still many layers of the onion to peel away. Some have come up with all sorts of strange doctrine. In doing so they have followed their own understanding and not sought after Yahuwah’s understanding.

Such is the way of human nature, which is at all time enmity towards Yahuwah. We think we are already elohim, knowing right from wrong via our own understanding.

1 Cor. 3:19 - For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with Elohim. For it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness.

We must never think ourselves wise as Yahuwah is wise. We do not know all things as Yahuwah does. We will yet have some growing to do after we enter the Kingdom. Then, and only then, will all truth be revealed to us. So let us not be haughty, proud and found living in the deception that we already have all truth and are any better than the rest of the world; for that is when strong deception will overcome us. Let us always be found studying and following the only source of truth, Yahushua HaMashiyack, and allow Him to transform our human nature into the righteous nature that Yahuwah has purposed for us. This is the only way that any of us will ever see salvation.

Yahuwah Bless
