Engineered Crises = Compliance

Engineered Crises = Compliance


Gary Primo

Never let a “good” crisis go to waste. That seems to be the battle cry for pretty much every one of this world’s governments. Yes, man learned very early on the best way to manipulate anyone was to scare them into compliance. And even Yahuwah, Himself, utilizes these methods. When Yahuwah flooded Earth, it was the scariest period of human history. However, His action was for the benefit of man, not speeding his demise. And for a couple of generations, it seemed as if the flood had served its purpose. That is, until King Nimrod came along. Then the corruption started all over again.

Until Yahuwah called us out of this world, we likely never contemplated how strong our human nature was. And trying to overcome it is almost impossible. No matter how hard we try to put corrupt thoughts out of our minds they keep popping back in, reminding us that we yet have much work to do on our spiritual condition.

The crises going on today with Covid and Ukraine/Russia should serve as a reminder that nothing ever remains the same. Everything is always changing. That is simply the nature of the physical dimension. And sometimes, those changes are manipulated and controlled by those who engineer crises to achieve a conclusion that benefits only themselves; even though they will lead us to believe that they are doing in “our” best interests. Rarely is anything from any government in our (individual) best interests. When Yahuwah does it, He has only our best interests in mind. That is the major difference between our worldly governments and the Kingdom of Yahuwah. The worldly governments only seek to please their corporate and banking masters.

Nimrod used the crisis of marauding beasts and rampant crime to bring everyone inside massive walls for protection instead of relying on Elohim. When did Elohim ever order the construction of any major city? Never. Why? Because we were never intended to live in them. We were intended to live independently on our own land, carving out our own means of making a living, raising our families, and cultivating a fantastic future for ourselves. Israel was the model and it worked marvelously for a time.

So far, we have considered ourselves lucky not to be living in a country like Russia or China. However, every one of whichever nation we may live in has slowly but surely been evolving into a communist state before our very eyes. Increment by increment, all policy changes are ever leading us toward full blown communism and the end of all spiritual worship; and that is exactly the style of government the Global Elite intend to subject us all to.

Following Nimrod and his Babylonian Empire, numerous empires have risen and fallen. All except Israel followed the Babylonian blueprint. All failed except the last. It did faulter but rose again in a slightly different form – a church. You guessed it, I am talking about the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church. And that is the empire most of the world serves to this day, even if they are not of that faith. Yes folks, the Catholic model was never of Yahuwah, but of HaSatan, as are all who follow it. It is part of the 4th beast and will dominate until the return of Yahushua. And in the space of a few hours, it will all be brought to nothing. Other Empires have existed since, but none compared to the vastness of Rome in its hay day. And even fewer today know that it even exists. Yet it is the government behind all worldly governments.

Dan. 7:23 - This is what he said: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on the earth, different from all the other kingdoms, and it will devour the whole earth, trample it down, and crush it.

24 - And the ten horns are ten kings who will rise from this kingdom. After them another king, different from the earlier ones, will rise and subdue three kings.

25 - He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High, intending to change the appointed times and laws; and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, and times, and half a time.

As far as secular history goes, Rome died in 476 BC. So, how exactly did it differ from any of the others? Rome did not actually die. It merely changed hats. Instead of a political entity, it became a religious entity with a political heart.

Since we have already established that the prophesied Beast/False Prophet of Daniel has already come in the form of Emperor Constantine and the Roman Empire, I wonder now about these 10 kings. Have they already come or nearly all? Thanks to being kept spiritually blind by all the worldly religions, it is very likely that we simply did not recognize them. To do so, we must follow the clues.


1 – The 10 kings come out of the original (Rome). And since Rome is still alive and well, the 10 could pretty much come at any time; however, it is my belief tit will be at the end.

2 – Another king follows after them who in turn subdues (conquers) 3 other kingdoms (I can only guess they are of the first 10).

3 – Will speak out against Yahuwah.

4 – Will oppress the Saints.

5 – will change the appointed times and laws.

6 will rule over the earth and the Saints for 3 ½ years.

It will take some in depth study to figure out who the ten kings are, and I don’t believe the last one is here yet. I checked some other sites but found nothing that satisfied my curiosity. However, some of these things did occur in Constantine’s day and will likely occur again (as is the way of Scriptures). The following is some of the interpretations.

The early E.U. consisted of only 6 nations - Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Germany, The Netherlands and Italy

One site lists these 10 – Spain, Portugal, France, Britain, Austria, Italy, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands. Many of these names are rather recent to history. Some did not exist, and some changed their names.

And another site claims that Daniel was speaking of divine deities/angels. I don’t think so!

However, from what I know, these nations will not even exist by that time. The New World Order plans to eliminate all national borders and replace them with 10 kingdoms. These 10 do not yet exist. That is, all except for the European Union, which is nothing more than a disguised communist dictatorship posing as democratic. We have no idea what they will be named. The 10 Kings have not yet been coronated. So, how can these people possibly know what they are talking about. Talk about bobble heads!

And yet another king is going to make his debut after the 10 others. And he is to subdue 3 kings for some reason (that is not given). This king will blaspheme Yahuwah and make war with the saints. He will change the appointed times (Sabbaths and Holy Days) and (Yahuwah’s) laws (ten commandments, etc.). And the saints will be given over to this king during the final 3 ½ years of the Tribulation. Mostly all of these prophesies were fulfilled by Emperor Constantine. And they will be reaffirmed under the end-time Beast whom we do not yet know.

Rev 17:11 - The beast that was, and now is not, is an eighth king, who belongs to the other seven and is going into destruction.

12 - The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but will receive one hour of authority as kings, along with the beast.

13 - These kings have one purpose: to yield their power and authority to the beast.

At this time, it is my belief that the Beast is going to come from the ranks of the Jesuit Society and that the False Profit will be whoever is Pope at the time. The RCC is the perfect union of state and faith, as far as pagan cults go. It is such a manipulating and powerful force that it controls almost all worldly governments – if not directly, indirectly. In the end, IT WILL BE THE GOVERNMENT!

Ever since the Israelites escaped Egypt, anyone keeping the Sabbath became a target of hatred and conflict. This is likely why Constantine corrupted the New Testament, because of his contempt for the Jews (Sabbath keepers). He, instead, created a new faith know as Christianity. It looked like the True Faith, as any good counterfeit would, but would never stand up to the test of truth. Constantine decreed in 324 BC that no Roman citizen was to keep the customs and traditions of the Jews. This basically banned anyone who was a Roman citizen from becoming a True Believer. Instead, they were FORCED to become Christians. Well, Constantine had no authority to do so. Who was he to change the laws and appointed times of Yahuwah? Yet, in seeking to be liberated from the horrible treatment afforded to True Believers, becoming a Christian may have sounded like the smart thing to do.

And on the other hand, the Jewish authorities were also persecuting True Believers. The Messianic movement is what the Hebrew movement was supposed to look like. And this was not the first time the enemies of Elohim have tried to do this (calling evil good, and good evil).

The entire Messianic movement was an engineered crisis. The Jews convinced the Romans that Believers were growing at an exponential rate and would one day take over Rome. Well, that was all the emperor needed to know. And so, Constantine came up with the ingenious idea to create a clever counterfeit – aka Christianity. And it was via Christianity that most of us were first deceived.

All of the Christian crusades against the holy lands were engineered crises. The RCC created Islam but afterward could not control her and tried to gain that control back. So far that has not worked. However, there is at least one Christian crusade yet to come. When all of the nations come up and surround Jerusalem in the last days. They will think if they can destroy Yahuwah’s city and His people, that it would leave Him powerless and destructible. Well, they can dream all they want but that is never going to happen.

Another engineered crisis was the Reformation. The Protestants wanted to separate from the RCC for teaching falsehoods. However, they never came to a full knowledge of the truth themselves. They continued to teach the commandments of/and worship Constantine and continued in their disdain for anything Jewish.

And, of course, of most recent note – the Covid-19 Virus. Covid-19 is not a virus, and the vaccines are not vaccines. The guidelines that qualify a virus do not apply to this virus. And, if it is not a virus, it’s a given that the vaccine is not a vaccine. I know of a friend who had a both shots and was just recently told that she had metal fragments in her blood. How can metal fragments get into someone’s blood aside from a vaccine? No, folks, the vax was indeed the Mark of the Beast and is designed to change our DNA. There is a rumor that this will change us into zombies. And there is a verse that may qualify that claim.

Rev. 9:6 - During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

And, of course, nobody can spin a crisis like Hollywood can. Have you noticed that Hollywood seems to precede reality? First a movie about a high-rise building collapse then 9-11. First a movie about a pandemic then Covid. We’ve been bombarded by zombie movies – what do you suppose is next?

And, when one thinks about it, pretty much all of the 20th century (and all of human history) was engineered and all roads lead to the end of the human race. I do not know about anyone else, but it makes me very angry when anyone tries to manipulate me. Fortunately, we have the Kingdom to look forward to where no such activity will be taking place.

The execution of our Messiah was also an engineered crisis. Yahushua had done absolutely nothing deserving of death, making His death nothing but cold-blooded murder. The Jewish leaders engineered a crisis – that Yahushua was stirring up a rebellion against Rome and it was sure to end badly. Knowing now what we do about Rome, perhaps it was a rebellion against Rome that Yahushua was speaking of. Nip it in the bud, so to speak.

The formation of Christianity was also a manufactured crisis. Rome needed a religion that would unite the empire. Soldiers were returning from abroad, bringing home numerous strange gods and systems of worship. As long as it is not the truth, mankind is completely satisfied.

The Tribulation is also to be a manufactured crisis – partly of man and partly of Yahuwah. Man wants destruction, Yahuwah will show them what real destruction looks like. Since mankind is on a dedicated suicide mission anyway, Yahuwah might as well help them along. Then he can bring His Kingdom all the faster.

Bring us up to modern day, we have a manufactured/engineered virus with an equally manufactured/engineered vaccine. This crisis has done untold damage to the freedoms of mankind. Most just stepped up to the plate with their sleeves rolled up ready to be chipped. When reading about the Mark of the Beast in times past, I never would have thought it would have been accepted so easily. Of course, one could say there was a lot of psychological enforcement.

The prime motivation for forcing this shot on the world is entirely Satanic. They want to change the nature of man. They are going to literally change our DNA so that we are no longer sons of Yahuwah but sons of HaSatan. Currently Yahuwah signature appears in the DNA of every single human being. The Satanists are planning to change that to HaSatan’s signature. HaSatan’s original vision will be realized for a very short time. He will likely be in the middle of a grand celebration (celebrating his own greatness) when the end comes abruptly upon him (just as happened to the king of Babylon).


Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall but the Last Kingdom will never fall. It will last for all of eternity. I wonder why Hollywood never made a movie about this Kingdom. I can only guess that it is too real for them.

Truth, these days, is often first labelled a “conspiracy theory”. Then a couple of years later, after much heated debate, it is deemed to have been true all along. Then the mainstream media comes out with the story as if they were the ones who broke it. And the public falls for it every time.

Dan 2:45 - And just as you saw a stone being cut out of the mountain without human hands, and it shattered the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold, so the great Elohim has told the king what will happen in the future. The dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy.”

Following the advent of the final human kingdom, Yahuwah will come, as King of kings and Lord of lords and reclaim His Kingdom. This is an absolute forgone conclusion. It is as sure as the sun coming up tomorrow.

Yahuwah’s word is the only truth! He alone is trustworthy. He alone holds the future in His hands. He alone can bring eternal life.

There is only one truth, my friends, and that is Yahuwah’s. There is no compromising it and no changing it, even though that has been the objective for 6,000 years. It is eternal. And it is the only way we can gain salvation and eternal life.

And yet, our nemesis will not give up trying to deceive and mislead us until he is a pile of ashes. That’s right folks, HaSatan is going to suffer the exact same fate as he fated mankind to suffer. And how appropriate is that. A just punishment for the most heinous of criminals. He will even emerge following 1,000 years of imprisonment, only to start up his criminal career all over again (for a very short time.) And then – no more.

No one is more devoted to disobedience than our nemesis. HaSatan is totally devoid of love except for himself. He is totally self-absorbed and self-deceived. He actually thinks he can use man to take over the universe from Yahuwah and Yahushua. He may have been created “perfect in wisdom” but he will go down in humiliation, dishonor and a laughingstock. The world will gaze after him in bewilderment as to why they had ever followed such a being.

And, in the end, I believe that the same will be said of current and past Christian leaders who have led the masses away from, rather than closer to Yahuwah. What worse crime is there than being the source that led anyone away from Yahuwah. Such a one is not deserving of salvation themselves.

In the end, the true sons of Elohim will be clearly known. We will not be obscured by the myriads of false religions that abound today. We will stand far out and above the rest in eternal glory and power. We will be Elohim!

Yahuwah Bless
