The Great Whore

The Great Whore


Gary Primo

November 22, 2011

There is much confusion concerning the identity of the Great Whore and her Harlot Daughters mentioned in Revelation 17. Most prominent religions try to cover up the identity of these prophetic characters because the finger points right back at them. Others picture the Roman Catholic Church as being the origins of this prophesy. Actually its origins date way back to approximately 2300 BC to ancient Babylaon. No matter what religion you were brought up in, you have been influenced in one way or another by the Great Whore.

Of course almost no one ever questions the faith they were brought up in. I mean, that would make their parents liars, their religion false and the society that they dwell in, pagan. Who wants to ever admit to that? Yet, some have questioned the faith of their forefathers and found them wanting for explanation of how they came about. Some have left the religion they were born into and simply joined another religion or denomination. At last count I heard there were over 800 different denominations of Christianity. I don’t know what the current number is, but I’d be willing to bet that it has grown substantially. There is only one true system of worship and the 1st century Believers called their faith simply, “the Way of YHWH” or “the Way”.

Well, let’s roll up our shirt sleeves and dive into this study of Revelation 17, shall we?

Rev. 17:1 - And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

The great whore is essentially the center as well as the root of all pagan worship; or should I say whoreship? The many waters represent the nations of Earth.

2- With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

The Great Whore originally found her throne in the ancient city of Babylon, which was constructed by the ancient king, Nimrod, somewhere around 2300 BC. Nimrod built numerous other cities during his reign; however, Babylon was the most glorious and spectacular of all and that is where Nimrod dwelt. When Yahuwah scattered the tribes and confused their language during the building of the Tower of Babel, their religious system remained intact. And so, the religions became known under different names depending on the language whichever nation spoke. They likely took on slightly different but hardly significant changes over the centuries; but they have one basic principal that unites them all. They are all contrary to the Way of Yahuwah and teach men the Way of HaSatan instead. Also, they all came out of the Great Whore, which is Mystery Babylon.

3 - So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

The term “woman” as used here represents a church or religious body. The beast is coloured red to represent whoredom. There always seemed to be a tight connection between religion and politics. The goal of every religion was to gain state sponsored status. The woman is filled with names of blaspheme, meaning that she worships numerous pagan deities – all but the One True Elohim. Her doctrines, customs and traditions also fall under the heading of blaspheme. At the time that John wrote this book, there were seven main nations and seven kings that were subservient to the whore. Later 10 new kings of 10 new nations would arise. At the time of John’s writing this book, Rome was the dominating power on the earth. So most of this prophesy is focused on Rome. However, the religious focus in Rome was heavily influenced by Eastern religions as soldiers stationed in far off countries brought some of those beliefs back with them.

The main system of worship in Rome when John wrote this book was Mithraism, one of the many forms of sun worship. Of course whatever system whichever reigning Emperor worshipped, the rest of the empire was expected to follow suit. And each Emperor fully expected to be worshipped first and foremost. By obeying the Emperor in matters of religious worship before the edicts of the Creator, the people made these tyrants their gods.

4 - And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:


This woman is decked out like any queen would be, with fabulous riches. Of course, being so decked out, she became the envy of all the nations of the Earth. Many presume that riches are connected with the favour of their gods. Even today, amongst the various church assemblies I have visited, the rich are treated more favourably than the poor in the congregation. I have been a member of two different corporate churches (Anglican and the Worldwide Church of God) and have seen the same thing in both, diametrically opposed churches. The rich are deemed more righteous because “the Lord” has blessed them with so much wealth. This seems to be a natural human concept and permeates all nationalities. The poor envy the rich. Yet the Scriptures tell us that Yahuwah favours the poor over the rich – in fact, Yahushua told his disciples that it would be easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to make it into His Kingdom.

The Babylonian religion is a “mystery” in one aspect because no one knows for sure how it came about; and for another, almost the entire Earth follows after it without ever questioning why. These are the two main questions we are going to examine in this article.

Babylon the Great, of course is the name of the city where it originated from. Yet I would be willing to bet that this system of religious worship predates the flood. Remember, that the angels who left their domain (heaven) and descended to Earth to mate with the women of men and create super beings known as giants and mighty men of renown. Being so great and powerful, the fallen angels and their descendants undoubtedly demanded of mankind that they should worship them in place of Yahuwah. According to Greek mythology, their gods emerged from a watery chaos. This watery chaos could mean two things – the condition of the Earth prior to the creation of man, and/or the Noation flood. Both are likely correct. Following the arrival of these fallen angels and the birth of their descendants, the entire earth became evil.

Genesis 6:4 - There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of Elohim came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5 - And Elohim saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

The Book of Jasher goes into much more detail concerning these individuals than the Scriptures do – even naming the fallen angels.

All the worldly religions originate from one source. That source is HaSatan (the adversary). He is the king of the demons and the god of this Earth. As I explain in my most recent article “Who is HaSatan”, he is most likely Abaddon, the king of the demons being held captive in the bottomless pit. He is also known as Apollo in the Greek. The Scriptures refer to him as the “lawless one” for good reason. He was the very first to rebel against the Law of Yahuwah.

Yes, the Law of Yahuwah predates the creation of man. His law is universal and applies to His entire creation, men and angels; and is not restricted to the Earth alone. How could HaSatan have rebelled if there was no law in place to rebel against? What other basis could the angels be “judged” by? What other basis, indeed, is man going to be judged by? The equation is simple – no law = no sin = no judgment. One simply has to look at our modern-day court system to see that this is true. It is a “no brainer”. It is simple common sense. Yet, the world has devised all sorts of totally absurd doctrines that attempt to explain that the Law of Yahuwah has been done away with and that we have the authority to make up any rules we like.

Following the flood Babylon became the center for the worship of lawlessness. It became the “mother” of all religions (save the original Hebrew). Every religion that came out of her is one of her harlot daughters.

6 - And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahushua: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

The term “saint” applies to all who have freely chosen to follow after the Way of Yahuwah, both before and after the earthly manifestation of Yahushua. It is, at no time in the Scriptures, applied as the RCC applies it – only to specially appointed individuals within their church. The Scriptural definition should apply to every member of their congregation. Of course we really know that none deserve that title save the true followers of Yahushua. These will not be found in any of the worldly, corporate churches; although they may be found in the process of seeking after the One True Elohim and getting ready to leave the comfort and security of their inherited religion.

Many true believers before the first coming of Yahushua were martyred for their faith, especially amongst the prophets of Yahuwah. Many thousands more suffered martyrdom after Yahushua’s coming. The world believes that the martyrdom of the followers of Yahushua ended when Emperor Constantine granted the RCC official status as the state religion of Rome. However, this is simply not so. This status was conditional upon two proclamations made by Constantine. The first was that no Roman citizen was to Judaise; that is follow the doctrines, customs and traditions of the Jews. The second proclaimed Sunday to be the official day of worship for all Roman citizens.

The RCC claims that Constantine became a Christian. Yet, there is absolutely no historical proof of this. Quite the contrary. Constantine’s conversion (they claim) came about supposedly when he saw a flaming cross in the sky and “god” supposedly told him that this was the banner under which he must conquer. Well, his “god” obviously was the “god of this earth” (HaSatan), as the sign which he saw had been the banner of Babylonian based religions for almost 2300 years and was not a sign that Yahuwah would have used. The “cross” they used was really a letter “t” which stood for Tammuz, the ancient “messiah” of Babylonian paganism (the supposed son of Nimrod). Also, following his supposed conversion, Constantine murdered his wife and son. There is no historical record of Constantine ever being baptized, save the RCC claim that they baptized him upon his death bed. But we cannot know for sure if that was true, or if he were even alive when they baptized him. I believe that was just a political ploy. Historically speaking it can easily be determined that Constantine worshipped Sol Invictus (the invincible sun) till the day he died.

Following the edicts of Constantine, the only followers who were executed were those who refused to comply with his decrees. These were Roman citizens who continued to Judaise and kept the Hebraic law, the seventh day Sabbath and the annual High Days of Yahuwah and the Hebrew religion. These were the true saints and they were indeed martyred.

Even the original Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church (EOCC), at first, refused to comply with Constantine’s demands. This could have been the prime reason for Constantine moving his base of operations from Rome to Constantinople, so that he could personally rectify this situation and bring the Eastern Orthodox Church under his dominion. After all, the Roman Empire included the land where this church was located. Of course the RCC stood firmly behind Constantine in bringing all citizens under their dominion. They may have allowed the EOCC to keep their name, but only because they were finally forced to adopt all of their doctrines, customs and traditions. There was much bloodshed during the time in between.

Even the apostle, John, marveled at this vision. Perhaps he thought he was seeing a vision of the true church in its future glory. However the angel quickly assured him that that was not the case.

7 - And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

8 - The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

9 - And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

10 - And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

11 - And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The angel quickly realized that John was succumbing to his carnal nature, in seeing only the outside wrapping rather than what lay underneath. The angel asked him why he marveled. Before John could answer (because he likely had no answer) the angel explains what this vision meant.

The “beast that was and was not” was to ascend out of the bottomless pit and was no other than Abaddon, the king of the demons (HaSatan). He was – prior to the flood. He was not – being imprisoned in the bottomless pit, even though his seed had already been sown. In the following verse the term “and yet is” was added. This is talking of his release from the bottomless pit. Since the angel was talking in the present tense, one would assume that he had already been released from the bottomless pit. This could also be taken to mean that his seed was yet present with the sons of man and still working his influence.

This also pictures what happened with the Roman Empire. According to Daniel’s prophesy, the forth kingdom was to last until the Messiah returned to claim his kingdom. Yet, according to historians Rome collapsed late in the 6th century AD. While Rome itself may have been conquered, the Roman Catholic Church was not. Many of the leaders of Rome merely concealed themselves as priests of the RCC and have ruled from that order to this present day.

There are numerous other organizations, secret and otherwise, that rule under the umbrella of the RCC – from worldly governments to the Mafia. In fact, by studying the Mafia, one gets a clear picture of exactly how the RCC operates. They have their hand in everything anyone can think of that generates wealth and above all, POWER. They operate primarily behind the scenes, and few realize the true extent of their power and influence in worldly politics. The Vatican, Mafia and the CIA are a sort of Unholy Trinity (not that there exists any form of Holy Trinity) and rule with an iron rod over most of the nations of this earth. They have controlled every president since at least Harry Truman and were responsible for the Kennedy assassinations. The offices of both the Beast and the False Prophet operate from within the RCC. They use the CIA and the Mob to take care of any business they want kept hush, hush. The Pope the world recognizes is the office of the False Prophet. He is known as the “White Pope”. The Jesuit General, also known privately as the “Black Pope”, is the office of the Beast. The goal of both offices is complete world domination.

The seven mountains (or hills) can both be talking of seven actual hills that Rome sits on or seven of the nations that are part of the Roman Empire. Both scenarios fit. The seven kings were likely rulers of Rome. At the time of John’s writing, five had already come and gone. One was currently presiding and the seventh was yet to come. I admit I have not yet been able to positively identify who these kings are – but I am working on it.

Parson’s Bible Dictionary

Caesar THE TITLE ASSUMED BY THE ROMAN EMPERORS AFTER JULIUS CAESAR. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT THIS TITLE IS GIVEN TO VARIOUS EMPERORS AS SOVEREIGNS OF JUDAEA WITHOUT THEIR ACCOMPANYING DISTINCTIVE PROPER NAMES (John 19:15; Acts 17:7). The Jews paid tribute to Caesar (Matt. 22:17), and all Roman citizens had the right of appeal to him (Acts 25:11). The Caesars referred to in the New Testament are Augustus (Luke 2:1), Tiberius (Luke 3:1; 20:22), Claudius (Acts 11:28), and Nero (Acts 25:8; Phil. 4:22).

These Caesars, alluded to in the New Testament could be the first four.

Parson’s Bible Dictionary

Revelation, Book of =The Apocalypse, the closing book and the only prophetic book of the New Testament canon. The author of this book was undoubtedly John the apostle. His name occurs four times in the book itself (Rev. 1:1, 4, 9; 22:8), and there is every reason to conclude that the “John” here mentioned was the apostle. In a manuscript of about the twelfth century he is called “John the divine,” but no reason can be assigned for this appellation. The date of the writing of this book has generally been fixed at A.D.96, in the reign of Domitian. There are some, however, who contend for an earlier date, A.D. 68 or 69, in the reign of Nero. Those who are in favor of the later date appeal to the testimony of the Christian father Irenaeus, who received information relative to this book from those who had seen John face to face. He says that the Apocalypse “was seen no long time ago.” As to the relation between this book and the Gospel of John, it has been well observed that “the leading ideas of both are the same. The one gives us in a magnificent vision, the other in a great historic drama, the supreme conflict between good and evil and its issue. In both Jesus Christ is the central figure, whose victory through defeat is the issue of the conflict. In both the Jewish dispensation is the preparation for the gospel, and the warfare and triumph of the Christ is described in language saturated with the Old Testament. The difference of date will go a long way toward explaining the difference of style.” Plummer’s Gospel of St. John, Introd.

Now, it is clear that the Roman Empire definitely had more than 7 rulers over it throughout its long history. That makes positive identification very difficult.

Parson’s Bible Dictionary

Rome THE MOST CELEBRATED CITY IN THE WORLD AT THE TIME OF CHRIST. IT IS SAID TO HAVE BEEN FOUNDED 753 B.C.. WHEN THE NEW TESTAMENT WAS WRITTEN, ROME WAS ENRICHED AND ADORNED WITH THE SPOILS OF THE WORLD, AND CONTAINED A POPULATION ESTIMATED AT 1,200,000, OF WHICH THE HALF WERE SLAVES, AND INCLUDING REPRESENTATIVES OF NEARLY EVERY NATION THEN KNOWN. IT WAS DISTINGUISHED FOR ITS WEALTH AND LUXURY AND PROFLIGACY. THE EMPIRE OF WHICH IT WAS THE CAPITAL HAD THEN REACHED ITS GREATEST PROSPERITY. On the day of Pentecost there were in Jerusalem “strangers from Rome,” who doubtless carried with them back to Rome tidings of that great day, and were instrumental in founding the church there. Paul was brought to this city a prisoner, where he remained for two years (Acts 28:30, 31) “in his own hired house.” While here, Paul wrote his epistles to the Philippians, to the Ephesians, to the Colossians, to Philemon, and probably also to the Hebrews. He had during these years for companions Luke and Aristarchus (Acts 27:2), Timothy (Phil. 1:1; Col. 1:1), Tychicus (Eph. 6:21), Epaphroditus (Phil. 4:18), and John Mark (Col. 4:10). (See PAUL.) Beneath this city are extensive galleries, called “catacombs,” which were used from about the time of the apostles (one of the inscriptions found in them bears the date A.D. 71) for some three hundred years as places of refuge in the time of persecution, and also of worship and burial. About four thousand inscriptions have been found in the catacombs. These give an interesting insight into the history of the church at Rome down to the time of Constantine.

12 - And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

13 - These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

14 - These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

I believe that these ten kings will not make their appearance till the end time. Like the end time Beast, theirs will be a very short rule. It is my belief that these nations will come out of Europe. They will be of one mind (religiously speaking – worshipers of HaSatan) and will lend their military power and strength to the Beast. When Yahushua returns, they will turn from their earthly conquests to fight against the Messiah. Of course, this is talking about the final battle (Armageddon). They are likely the 10 foremost members of the European Union.

15 - And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

16 - And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

17 - For Elohim hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of Elohim shall be fulfilled.

When one takes into consideration how many nations that the RCC operates freely in, one can clearly see that this is the church that perfectly completes the picture of the Great Whore. As the leader of any nation desires complete authority over its subjects, one can readily understand that they would hate having to allow any of their authority to slip away from them. By such reasoning the United States of America is presently the most hated nation on the Earth. However, hatred, envy and respect all seem to go hand in hand. And yet verse 17 states that these nations are performing the will of Elohim. This is a tactic that Yahuwah often used in the past to punish Israel when they wandered off the true path He had revealed to them. In the end days Jerusalem will once again be at the center of the push for total world dominance. However, something big is about to happen in the U.S. as well. I am not sure if that will be destruction from within or destruction from without, but I am sure that Yahuwah is going to punish her for her many great sins.

18 - And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

There is only one city today that rules over the kings of the earth and that is Vatican City. It is both a nation and a city. It may be the smallest nation geographically, yet it the most powerful on the face of the Earth.

Parson’s Bible Dictionary

Babylon Map: Babylon THE GREEK FORM OF BABEL; SEMITIC FORM BABILU, MEANING “THE GATE OF GOD.” IN THE ASSYRIAN TABLETS IT MEANS “THE CITY OF THE DISPERSION OF THE TRIBES.” THE MONUMENTAL LIST OF ITS KINGS REACHES BACK TO 2300 B.C., AND INCLUDES KHAMMU-RABI, OR Amraphel(q.v.), the contemporary of Abraham. It stood on the Euphrates, about 200 miles above its junction with the Tigris, which flowed through its midst and divided it into two almost equal parts. The Elamites invaded Chaldea (i.e., Lower Mesopotamia, or Shinar, and Upper Mesopotamia, or Akkad, now combined into one) and held it in subjection. At length Khammu-rabi delivered it from the foreign yoke, and founded the new empire of Chaldea (q.v.), making Babylon the capital of the united kingdom. This city gradually grew in extent and grandeur, but in process of time it became subject to Assyria. On the fall of Nineveh (606 B.C.) it threw off the Assyrian yoke, and became the capital of the growing Babylonian empire. Under Nebuchadnezzar it became one of the most splendid cities of the ancient world. After passing through various vicissitudes the city was occupied by Cyrus, “king of Elam,” 538 B.C., who issued a decree permitting the Jews to return to their own land (Ezra 1). It then ceased to be the capital of an empire. It was again and again visited by hostile armies, till its inhabitants were all driven from their homes, and the city became a complete desolation, its very site being forgotten from among men. On the west bank of the Euphrates, about 50 miles south of Bagdad, there is found a series of artificial mounds of vast extent. These are the ruins of this once famous proud city. These ruins are principally (1.) the great mound called Babil by the Arabs. This was probably the noted Temple of Belus, which was a pyramid about 480 feet high. (2.) The Kasr (i.e., “the palace”). This was the great palace of Nebuchadnezzar. It is almost a square, each side of which is about 700 feet long. The little town of Hillah, near the site of Babylon, is built almost wholly of bricks taken from this single mound. (3.) A lofty mound, on the summit of which stands a modern tomb called Amran ibn-Ali. This is probably the most ancient portion of the remains of the city, and represents the ruins of the famous hanging-gardens, or perhaps of some royal palace. The utter desolation of the city once called “The glory of kingdoms” (Isa. 13:19) was foretold by the prophets (Isa. 13:4-22; Jer. 25:12; 50:2, 3; Dan. 2:31-38). The Babylon mentioned in 1 Pet. 5:13 was not Rome, as some have thought, but the literal city of Babylon, which was inhabited by many Jews at the time Peter wrote. In Rev. 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2, “Babylon” is supposed to mean Rome, not considered as pagan, but as the prolongation of the ancient power in the papal form. Rome, pagan and papal, is regarded as one power. “The literal Babylon was the beginner and supporter of tyranny and idolatry... This city and its whole empire were taken by the Persians under Cyrus; the Persians were subdued by the Macedonians, and the Macedonians by the Romans; so that Rome succeeded to the power of old Babylon. And it was her method to adopt the worship of the false deities she had conquered; so that by her own act she became the heiress and successor of all the Babylonian idolatry, and of all that was introduced into it by the immediate successors of Babylon, and consequently of all the idolatry of the earth.” Rome, or “mystical Babylon,” is “that great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17:18).

The author (likely Roman Catholic) of this account tries to differentiate between papal Rome and pagan Rome, but the two are one and the same. Rome and Babylon are merely two sides of the same coin. The Vatican is situated within the city limits of Rome, yet it enjoys diplomatic immunity from the rest of the outside world.

Virtually the same thing happened with Christian “reformation” as happened in the ancient world. The ancient Babylonian religion was dispersed and scattered when Yahuwah confused the language of the earth. Christianity was confused, dispersed and scattered when it rebelled against the mother church. In both cases, the mother church didn’t really care, because they still taught the same old lies of HaSatan. They merely lamented the loss of their power over these people and that is why the RCC continually tries to bring them back into its fold. Read the “Jesuit Oath of Supreme Induction” and see for yourself. It is readily available on the internet.

Those with whom the Reformation movement originated were not rebelling against the spirit of lawlessness that permeated that church but the power it held over them. They wanted “religious freedom” to worship and interpret Scripture how they saw fit. They certainly were not blind to the atrocities committed by the mother church. Yet they were spiritually blind to the abominations taught by that church. They did not seek out their Hebraic roots. They did not seek out the faith of the 1st century Believers. They merely sought to wrestle some of the power and authority away from the mother church and unto themselves. It may not have started out that way, but it certainly ended up so. The Church of England is a prime example. It was purely a political separation. Being raised in the Anglican Church I can assure you there is very little difference between the two save one is the state religion of Rome and the other is the state religion of England, which is economically and spiritually ruled by Rome anyway.

The exact same thing happened with the Hebrew religion when Judah and Israel separated. Again it was purely a political move. Yet, still, the Northern nation of Israel was soon found trying to discourage its citizens from returning to the Temple in Jerusalem to worship as their forefathers did. Instead they introduced the people to the worship systems of their neighbours and instituted their own brand of state sanctioned religion, which boiled down to whatever system any individual king demanded them to follow. They had no central place of worship, but merely worshipped in the “high” places, outside atop hills or mountains. They would do anything to distance themselves from the true worship of Yahuwah.

The Christian movement followed in the footsteps of the ancient nation of Israel in wanting to separate themselves from the true worship of Yahuwah. They wanted nothing to do with anything Jewish. They threw off the yoke of Judaism and sought after the religion of lawlessness. They wanted to be like their neighbours, free to worship as they pleased. They wanted an excuse to “take back” their former traditions and customs and reunite themselves with their families, friends and the society around them. They could not handle the isolation and persecution that worshipping the One True Elohim brought with it.

One of the reasons for the formation of the United States of America was religious freedom. However, the freedom they sought was not only politically motivated, it involved freedom from the true worship of Yahuwah as well. Not one of the religions formed in the U.S. sought the true form of worship. They all continued to worship under the mandates of Emperor Constantine. They refused to Judaise. They refused to worship on the 7th day. They refused to keep the annual High days. They refused to worship the One True Elohim, but preferred the worship of the ancient pagan trinity instead. That trinity comprised the worship of a father (Nimrod), a mother (Semiramis), and a son (Tammuz). The reality of the matter is that the Christian faith continues to worship Tammuz in the made over form of their “Jesus” to this very day. All prior artwork and statues representing the former Tammuz were conveniently transferred onto “Jesus”.

There is absolutely no evidence that Yahushua ever wore his hair long and bore effeminate features. In fact, when they authorities sought to arrest him they had to have him pointed out to them. He was no more recognizable than any of the other people; and the style at the time was for men to have short (Roman style) hair. The Scriptures themselves say that he was not desirable (handsome) in any way. Being a carpenter’s son also alludes to the presumption that he was likely quite strong and muscular. Nowadays a carpenter has an assortment of power tools at his disposal; but then everything was done and made with hand tools. I have used some hand tools in the past (when working where there was no electricity) and it would be impossible not to end up strong and muscular if using them all the time.

Neither is it recorded that at any time Yahushua took a Nasserite vow. Nasserite vows were rarely made for the rest of one’s life. There was usually a starting and ending point. At the completion of such a vow, offerings were made at the Temple. Paul made such a vow.

Acts 21:21 - And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs.

22 - What is it therefore? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come.

23 - Do therefore this that we say to thee: We have four men which have a vow on them;

24 - Them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law.

25 - As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication.

26 - Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.

The only biblical character to take such a vow for life was the ancient judge of Israel, Samson. The sign signifying the beginning of such a vow is shaving the hair off of one’s head. Then they are not allowed to cut their hair again until the vow is complete. The purpose was to grow closer to Yahuwah. Yahshua needed to perform no such custom to grow closer to Yahuwah. He was already one with his Father. Also notice that the rest of the Jerusalem council were in complete agreement with Paul that he had neither done or taught anything contrary to the Law of Yahuwah – that he was completely innocent of all the charges being leveled at him by the other Jews (vs. 21). Because Yahushua was without sin, he did not need to offer sacrifices up for his sins. Today, because Yahushua paid the penalty of sin for us, there are no more offering animal sacrifices for sin. None are greater or anywhere equivalent to the sacrifice that Yahushua made.

The only laws that were done away with are those applying to the Temple, which no longer exists and the Levitical priesthood which has reverted back to the Order of Melchizadek, of which Yahushua is the only true High Priest. However, all the other laws remain in effect. They teach us to become righteous. Yet we are not to merely obey out of a sense of duty. We are to learn to love the law (write them on our hearts) and commit them to our minds (till we take on the very nature of Yahuwah).

Every other religion on the face of the Earth has taken on the faith of lawlessness; and, in doing so, has taken on the Way of HaSatan. There are only two “ways” to go in this world. If we are not fully following the Way of Yahuwah, then we are automatically following the Way of HaSatan. It is as simple as that. The Way of Yahuwah leads to eternal life and the other to eternal death. Keeping the law, merely as a sense of duty, does not perfect us and in no way qualifies anyone for salvation. We must learn to allow the law to change our very nature, so that our righteousness may be above or higher than that of the Pharisees. We must perfect our nature, so that Yahuwah knows for certain that we are beyond corruption. Only incorruption can inherit eternal life and if we are not found striving with all of our being to attain such incorruption, the Messiah is going to say to us when we are raised in the judgment, “I never knew you.”

The “fruits of the spirit” were something that was commonplace in the 1st century assemblies. Why do we not see much of this fruit in our assemblies today? We do see an imitation of these fruits in some Christian assemblies; but do not be fooled; HaSatan is a miracle working False Prophet as well. The “miracles” witnessed in these churches are the fruit of HaSatan’s spirit, not YHWH’s. The only way of telling the difference is by what comes out of their mouths. The mouth reveals what is in the heart. If that mouth is teaching all sorts of things that the Scriptures teach us is abominable to Yahuwah, then that mouth belongs to a false prophet; and his “miracles” are not of Yahuwah.

Rev. 13:4 - And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5 - And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

6 - And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against Elohim, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

As anyone should be able to see, the only guide to deciding who the false teachers are, is by comparing what comes out of their mouths against the sure word of Yahuwah as we find it in the Scriptures. The Christian religion has even gone so far as eliminating the entire Old Testament altogether and only teaches from the New Testament. They try to separate the two in their efforts to erase the laws of Yahuwah. This pattern of thought follows perfectly in the teaching of the Gnostics – that Yahushua replaced the nasty, mean old Elohim of the Old Testament and that its laws, customs and traditions no longer apply to us. If you believe that, you are simply not fit for the Kingdom of Yahuwah. We must follow perfectly in Yahushua’s footsteps; for his was the only example given us to perfect our spirit. He was perfected by his belief in and obedience to his Father. Such is the only path to perfection for us as well.

We have to remember that it was not the Father himself who interacted with mankind – it was his son. The power of the Father is such that he could not even approach such a corrupt planet without it bursting into flames and burning up all that is corruptible in His path. Because the son was not yet perfected, he could approach and even dwell with corruption. He became the light in the darkness because of his righteousness.

To become righteous, there has to be some sort of guide for becoming so – something by which righteousness can be separated from unrighteousness. We certainly cannot be judged if there are no criteria by which to be judged. The claims of the Christian churches are so ridiculous they are almost laughable; however, their situation is anything but humourous. They have changed and/or twisted the Scriptures to their own understanding. The vision they have of salvation is nothing more than a pipe dream. They have been deceived into believing that their salvation is assured. Meanwhile they are edging ever closer to destruction and do not have a clue to their predicament.

These Christians are the greatest tormentors of the true Believers. They view us as some sort of obscure Jewish sect or a cult. They accuse us of such things as believing in a salvation by works (of the law). They cannot comprehend the difference between the keeping of the law out of a sense of duty and writing them on our hearts to take on the very nature of Yahuwah. They have eliminated the judgment by claiming that they receive salvation immediately upon baptism; that they go on to heaven and eternal life immediately upon death. They believe they were judged already in this life and that they passed with flying colours. No one can escape the judgment – the real judgment – where every individual stands alone before the Creator of this universe, looks Him square in the eye and awaits His judgment. Some were/are/will be judged in this life, but most will be judged following the resurrection. Until we are judged and found incorruptible, we cannot pass into the Kingdom of Yahuwah, where nothing corruptible will be allowed to exist. Since the Christian faith teaches contrary to the law, there is only one judgment that can be rendered - CORRUPTIBLE!

The Christians have deceived themselves, but we must not. We are still in the midst of discovering all truth and any new doctrines that come to our attention must be examined and judged by the words of Scripture whether they be true or yet one more lie of HaSatan. Remember, HaSatan will not give up on us untill we take our last breath. We are not above becoming corrupted and floundering back to our former beliefs. I have seen it happen in numerous cases. And the ones that I have witnessed (returning to their vomit) were all men that I had perceived as being much more righteous than I. Indeed they were headed in the right direction; then, for whatever reason, they stopped dead in their tracks, did a 3-point turn and headed right back in the direction they came from. The first few times it happened I was floored. After that I was only mildly shocked.

Not all that have the privilege to hear the truth embrace it fully. Their carnal nature often gets in the way. That is what keeps us from loving Yahuwah back to the same degree that He loves us. That is what prevents us from writing the Laws of Yahuwah on our minds and in our hearts and becoming like He is – incorruptible.


What I try to present in my writings is the “big picture”. That picture is like a jigsaw puzzle with numerous pieces to it. We cannot perceive the “big picture” ahead of time in this case because we do not have the picture on the outside of the box (of the jigsaw puzzle) to go by. We cannot see the whole picture until we have put all those pieces together. And that is why the Way of Yahuwah is a mystery to most of mankind. He is looking for those who earnestly seek after and strive to apply all of the truth in their daily lives. He is looking for those who do not give up halfway through the puzzle and invent doctrine that claims the puzzle is complete. There is more than one winner in this competition, for the winner is not only the person who finishes the race first, but all who gave every ounce of their energy to completing, or trying to complete, the race; and did not give up until they drew their last breath. Yahuwah gives “A’s” for effort.

The office of the Great Whore began 4600 years ago in Babylon. With the scattering of the languages and people at the Tower of Babel, this form of religion was dispersed throughout the world under different names. However, it was basically the same system of worship – of the creation, not the creator. It has been called Sun Worship ever since. Walk into any Roman Catholic Church today and look for all the sun symbols (round disks) on display. Look for all the idols - statues of their “Jesus” and the “Virgin Mary”. They call their Pope father and worship him as a god. They proudly trample the laws of Elohim while instituting their own laws and customs. Blaspheme everywhere you look. This is the church of the Great Whore today.

Walk into any other Christian Church. The decorations and symbols are a lot simpler but they are still around. But most importantly, listen to what comes out of the mouth of each – and they all sound the same. All are cut from the same stone. If you’re lucky to find a Pentecostal church you can enjoy a really good show – people talking in tongues and flopping around on the floor like a fish out of water. Then a healing line forms and everyone has a “catcher” standing behind them. When the minister comes before them, prays and smacks them in the forehead with the heel of his hand, they fall backwards, as if on cue, into the waiting arms of their catcher. Whether they are healed or not is unclear, but everyone enjoys the show.

All these churches are the culmination of the work of one being – HaSatan. He is the author of chaos and confusion. What better way to obscure the Way of Yahuwah than to throw up a smoke screen of hundreds of different religions and denominations, all preaching basically the same message, yet at war with one another over the slightest variance in beliefs. Does this sound like a system of worship Yahuwah would have instituted?

There always has been only one true High Priest before the Creator of this universe, and that one being is Yahushua. This is one of the purposes he was created for. Under Yahushua would have been the high priest of the earth – the oldest living human. Under that high priest was a system of lesser priests – the eldest living member of each family. This system became known as the Order of Melchizadek. Like the Way of YHWH itself, this priestly order was either rejected or corrupted by man. So, Yahuwah instituted a system that resembled the worldly system but taught the true Way of Yahuwah. That system was called the Levitical priesthood. It was to serve the chosen people of Yahuwah till the perfect sacrifice for sin was found. That perfect sacrifice came in the person of Yahushua. Following his sacrifice and resurrection from the grave as a complete creation, the Order of Melchizadek was re-instituted and Yahushua is once more the only true, incorruptible High Priest.

We have absolutely no need of any worldly religious system. We have no need for church buildings to worship in or to keep Yahuwah in a box where we can visit once a week and feel redeemed. The entire universe is Yahuwah’s Temple. One may feel free to worship Him no matter where they are on the face of this earth. Every living thing is filled with the spirit of Yahuwah. There is absolutely nowhere in the universe we can go where Yahuwah is not present (through His spirit). We cannot hide from Him or pretend He doesn’t exist, for the evidence of His existence is all around us at all times.

Yahushua opened a door for us that allows each and every one of us to approach the throne of Yahuwah all on our own, without any man, religion or church standing between us. We can do what the children of Israel refused to do, approach the Almighty Living Elohim on our own – without a mediator. We are His children – sons and daughters all. Why wouldn’t a caring, loving Father welcome us with open arms? The only thing standing between us is sin. Once we put sin out of our lives, and embrace the Laws and the Way of Yahuwah there is nothing left to stand in our way. It is really that simple.

Yet the religions of this world like to complicate everything. By doing so they create chaos and confusion, but that is part of their power and control over the people. And they hang on to such power with all their might. They don’t even try to please Yahuwah. Their only interest is in power and control. Like a skillful puppeteer they dangle their congregations on strings, all believing their salvation is contingent upon adhering to every word the False Prophet says. It is a sad and pathetic state this world is in, yet they all believe they have it made. They believe their salvation is assured and that they will be granted eternal life in heaven the instant they die. What more could anyone ask for. The only problem is that it is all a lie.

Repentance = Baptism = the beginning of the salvation process = obedience to every word of Yahuwah = death and resurrection = the judgment = eternal life (or eternal death).

This is the one and only formula that will lead us to the Kingdom of Yahuwah. It is quite simple. There is no need to complicate any of it. Yahuwah has provided us with His instruction book which anyone of us can read on our own and find out about the Way of Yahuwah. We need no worldly religion, church or charismatic leader to have and enjoy the special one-on-one relationship with the Father that He desires for us. We need only have the faith and trust to walk through the door that Yahushua opened for us. When we do we will find Yahuwah waiting for us with open arms and weeping openly for joy that we have found our way to Him.

Neither the Great Whore, nor any of her harlot daughters can have any power over us unless we give our power over to them. Do not be impressed by their wealth or the vast numbers of people that follow them. Do not rest YOUR salvation upon what they tell you. They are liars all. You are responsible for working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. No one else can do it for you. We must focus on that special one-on-one relationship that Yahuwah desires to have with each and every one of us. When we are fully of one mind with Yahuwah, incorruptible, having developed in ourselves the very nature of Yahuwah and Yahushua, we will finally be fit for the Kingdom.

The rest of the universe is waiting upon our success so that all life can move forward to the next phase – for us, eternal life as kings and high priests in the world to come. What better reward could anyone ask for? Is it not worth focusing all of our energy on that reward now – in this life? We must not procrastinate. We must roll up our shirt sleeves and get to work right away. We are going to only have one chance at this. We must not allow it to pass us by. We must continuously repeat to our selves “I am a son of Yahuwah. I was created to become like Him. I was created to be a king and priest in His coming glorious kingdom.” We must repeat this until we fully believe it.

Yahuwah Bless G.P.