What about the Children

What About the Children?


Gary Primo

April 3, 2021

One of the questions I was most often asked following my conversion from a common criminal to a son of Yahuwah concerned the keeping of Christian holidays and my not keeping them was, “But what about the kids?”. This question always drove me nuts. What about the kids? I am doing my best to raise them as per Yahuwah’s instructions; while you raise your kids to follow HaSatan’s directives. Whose kids are at greater risk?

I copied the following list of Scriptural passages dealing with children from the following website. I changed the order to chronological because that is the way I like to do things.

22 Important Bible Verses About Raising Children (2020) (biblereasons.com)

Deuteronomy 6:6 - “These words I am commanding you today must be kept in mind,

7 - and you must teach them to your children and speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk along the road, as you lie down, and as you get up.”

The commandments of Yahuwah are to be practiced every waking moment that we are alive. They are not suggestions; they are commandments directly from our Creator. They have a purpose, and that purpose is to help us complete our destiny to be born a completed elohim. But man doesn’t see it that way. Man likes to travel a road of his choosing, making up his own rules and beliefs. Such a man will likely never see salvation.

Verse 7 tells us that we are to talk about Yahuwah and His Kingdom to our children all the time. That is our responsibility before Yahuwah. Children has the unique ability to recognize hypocrisy immediately. Therefore, our actions must match our words. Hypocrisy leads to doubt; and when our children begin to doubt our words (on account of our hypocrisy) they see no alternative to seek their own way.

Psalm 113:9 - “He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise Yahuwah!”

There are many childless women who endlessly dream of having a child. Meanwhile, other women who are capable of having children think nothing of ending the life of their fetuses. Not many appreciate the blessings Yahuwah has given them.

My own wife (now deceased) appeared to be barren for the first 7 years of our marriage. Every time she conceived; she would lose the baby. Due to medical complications, she was running on only one ovary. The other had to be removed on account of a tubal pregnancy and a huge tumor that completely engulfed it. She also had up to 22 cysts on her other ovary and had pieces removed from it. The fact that she ever got pregnant was indeed a miracle. However, it was only after her 8th miscarriage that the doctors finally gave her a DNC. One would have thought she would have appreciated Yahuwah’s gift, and she did for a time. But when the kids became teenagers, she up and abandoned us all to go off become a crackhead. I was left with the responsibility of rising them on my own. It was not easy, but I am somewhat proud of the people they have become. They did not follow me spiritually (unfortunately) but from a worldly perspective, they are all fine citizens. I do yet remain hopeful that they will come around spiritually, as well. (and that may well be after I am gone).

Psalm 127:3 - “Behold, children are a heritage from Yahuwah, the fruit of the womb a reward.

4 - Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.

5 - Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!”

While most see their children as a reward, others see them as a curse. However, the curse is of their own doing. According to Yahuwah, we are to save off having sex until we are married, and we are to remain true to our partners for life. This is how a righteous person behaves. Instead, we have unwed teens glorifying “free sex” and having unwanted pregnancies. The result being millions of murdered fetuses per year on a global scale.

Another version of verse 4 reads, “Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands”. In the “old’ days, couples had very large families. There were a number of practical reasons for this, beside the fact that there was no form of birth control at the time. Life was basically based on agriculture and cattle. Life was also very harsh and dangerous had had to be defended at times on account of evil men trying to take what is not theirs. So, the more children one had, the more hands they had to help with the work and the defense of the family. They would be numerous enough to first form a tribe and eventually a nation. They were indeed a blessing to their parents (for the most part, at least).

Children today are basically raised with no discipline and certainly no instruction as to the Way of Yahuwah. Rather than teach life skills to their children, most are content to ignore their children and spend a fortune on digital toys to keep them amused and out of their hair. Is it any wonder that our children have no knowledge and respect for Yahuwah when they have none for their parents?

Proverbs 22:6 - “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”

Almost everything in a child’s life is based on example. Monkey see, monkey do. I hate to compare children with animals; however, I found that in selecting a dog, the younger the better, as far as training goes. Dogs I got at 5 weeks were the easiest to train. I had them potty trained in just two days and they never deviated. Training them in other behavior’s went equally well.

Proverbs 29:15 - “To discipline a child produces wisdom, but a mother is disgraced by an undisciplined child.

16 - When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes, but the righteous will live to see their downfall.

17 - Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind and will make your heart glad.”

Children always want the things forbidden to them (but then, so do adults). They need to understand “why” they cannot have or do something before it makes sense to them. So, don’t just say no; explain to them the reason why you are saying no. Take the time to teach them alternate behaviors that are acceptable and righteous. Do not leave them to figure out things on their own. By nature, that is what they prefer.

A parent is much happier with a disciplined child, but so is the child. They are aware that there are rules. Children need rules. It is something they are going to have to deal with all their lives. It may be the only thing separating a man with a successful future from a criminal spending most of his life behind bars.

In getting to know my children’s friends, I encountered a good number of messed up children and parents. One young girl preferred my home to her own and spent one entire summer with us. Her mother was quite happy to be free of her, if only for that short time. We cannot tolerate bad behavior from either a child or a parent.

A child cannot be blamed for the bad example their parents set for them. Such behaviors totally destroy any ability to distinguish right from wrong. In my own hometown, as well as in surrounding towns, I have witnessed the crack epidemic’s effect on parenting. As I said before, my own wife fell victim to this epidemic, also. However, it seems that once they begin such behavior, it quickly becomes the only thing that consumes their every thought. They forget about their children and can only focus on their addiction. Alcohol and prescription drugs are just as bad.

Proverbs 12:1 - “The one who loves discipline loves knowledge,

but the one who hates reproof is stupid.”

A well-disciplined child is likely to be more successful and happier in life than not. It helps them through school, in the workforce and in their marriages and raising children of their own. How much happier is a child who is raised to know and fear Yahuwah? Yes, with children, a little fear is a good thing. However, it is the fear of punishment that should be feared, not the parent. However, some parents carry things too far.

If we are to expect compassion from Yahuwah, we must show compassion towards others, and especially our partners and children. Everyone puts on their “good faces” when in public, it is in the home where their true nature often reveals itself. The only ones needing to fear Yahuwah are sinners. For those who are faithful to Yahuwah, that fear quickly turns to love, and the purest form of love. If a well-disciplined child loves their parent, as well disciplined adult loves Yahuwah, they are well on the road to eternal happiness.

Luke 18:15 - “Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them.

16 - But Yahushua called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of Elohim.

17 - Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of Elohim like a child shall not enter it.”

In certain ways, we must become as children to gain salvation. Children are innocent and have to learn proper behavior. Yahushua demonstrated here just how important a child is to Elohim. He is their Father just as He is our Father, and He will hold us responsible for their behavior. Our job is to raise a child whom Yahuwah can be proud of.

John 13:14 - “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.

15 - For I have given you an example, so that you will do as I have done to you.”

Yes, Yahushua always led by example. The Pharisees and Sadducees condemned His behavior because it did not follow their rules; however, He did adhere to Yahuwah’s rules. But His accusers did not give a hang about Yahuwah’s rules; they placed their own rules above the Law of Yahuwah (and still do). Sadly, those Pharisees and Sadducees will never see salvation, even though they witnessed firsthand Yahushua’s graduation to eternal life.

2 Corinthians 12:14 - “Here for the third time I am ready to come to you. And I will not be a burden, for I seek not what is yours but you. For children are not obligated to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.”

None of the Apostles ever received or asked for money for their teaching. All they would accept was food and lodging. They were not like the TV evangelists we see all the time, parading around in $3-4 thousand dollar suits in front of vast TV audiences like proud peacocks, and their congregations clinging to their every word and getting robbed of their child’s inheritance afterward. There is nothing like the blind leading the blind. But where else are they to turn? The true Word of Yahuwah is almost silent these days. All everyone has been taught is HaSatan’s lies, that they are fine the way they are and have no need to change. The truth is that if we wish to ever see salvation, we absolutely must change.

We are under an obligation to care for our child and build a future for them. One way we do that is by saving up an inheritance for them. Instead, these days, parents tend to seek their own pleasure before the needs of their children. By the time they die, there is often nothing, or very little, left for the kids.

Galatians 6:10 - “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (This includes our children)

Well, this is certainly not always the case, is it? How many times have we had the opportunity to do good but walked away instead? How many times have we witnessed unrighteous behavior within our own congregations and turned a blind eye? It must not be so. If such behavior is being witnessed, we have an obligation as a servant of Yahuwah to confront the unrighteous behavior. It is an act of love to do so and should not be regarded as “none of your business”. It is our duty to assist others in the congregation in the attainment of salvation (or we may lose out ourselves).

Ephesians 6:1 - “Children, obey your parents in Yahuwah, for this is right.

2 - “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise),

3 - “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.”

4 - Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of Yahuwah.”

Of course, the obvious question here is, “What if the parents are not ‘in Yahuwah’?” Can they still bring their children up to be respectful and obedient? Of course, they can. I know of many examples. However, being devoid in any knowledge or understanding of Yahuwah, they remain lacking.

Children are no different from adults when they act blindly out of anger. When angry, they might behave badly out of revenge. (I was famous for such behavior when I was young). Most of us were never brought up in the way of Yahuwah, but could there have been something in our upbringing that led us to Yahuwah anyway? Even some who are not in Yahuwah, seem to have a natural moral code they live by. I believe they are often the ones Yahuwah calls to become a part of His family. Of course, Yahuwah knows everything and sees qualities He likes in us that we aren’t even aware of.

Philippians 3:17 - “Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do.”

It was Paul and Timothy who wrote this letter to the congregation at Philippi. They admonish that congregation to follow their example, which was primarily the same as Yahushua’s example. If we want others to follow our example, we too must follow the example of Yahushua. If not, everyone, not just our children, will recognize our hypocrisy. We must be faithful to the example of Yahuwah in all ways and at all times.

Philippians 4:19 - “And my Elohim will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Yahushua HaMashiyack.”

When we live our lives in Yahuwah, He sees to our every need. When we live our lives outside of Yahuwah, we seek worldly favor instead. That is nowhere near the same thing. He will only grant favor to those who are seeking it and demonstrate a desire to follow His instructions to the letter.

1 Timothy 4:12 - “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

Old age does not automatically bring wisdom with it. Wisdom must be taught. Anyone not in Yahuwah is not wise, but stupid, as we learned back in Proverbs 12:1. The young are often not taken seriously by the elders. Yet, if a younger man is in Yahuwah, he should be esteemed wiser than the older man who is not in Yahuwah. Our goal is to become perfect in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity as was our eldest brother, Yahushua. We must eliminate all unrighteous attitudes and attributes before we can before we can be an example to others.

1 Timothy 5:8 - “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

Our responsibility towards our children and other relatives does not end when they turn 18. It extends throughout their entire lives (or ours). We are always to be there for them regarding all physical or spiritual matters. Any Believer who demonstrates any degree of disregard for their parental duties is worse than a non-believer because they have the knowledge of Yahuwah but, but ignore it.

2 Timothy 3:15 - “You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Yahushua HaMashiyack.

Of course, not all of us were taught the truth about the Scriptures from childhood. Most were taught the lies of Christianity, or one of the other worldly religions. I find it amusing seeing a Christian walking to church with a Bible tucked under their arm, looking so pious and proud. I wonder how they can be that close to the truth but never find it when it is right before their eyes and within easy hand’s reach. Do they even open it? If truly in Yahuwah, they would be searching and proving all things and not simply accepting what some other man tells them.

16 - All Scripture is inspired by Elohim and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”

When we purchase a new car, we are provided with a handbook on how to take care of that car. Well, Yahuwah provided us with an owner’s manual also in the Scriptures. It tells us exactly what we must do to gain repentance and salvation. If we follow it, we will inherit the Kingdom. If we do not, we will be found on the outside looking in – with any chance of salvation gone.

Titus 2:4 - “These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children.”

Why did these women need an older woman to tell them how to love their husbands and children? The answer is found in verse 1. “You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. The young women were not as experienced with sound doctrine as the older women who had a lifetime of experience behind them. In fact, every young woman getting married today, should have “the talk”.

Titus 2:6 - Encourage young men to use good judgment.

7 - Always set an example by doing good things. When you teach, be an example of moral purity and dignity.”

As we know all too well, young men do not always use good judgement. I know that better than anyone. It would be great to have someone to guide us through life and some do have such a person in their lives. For the rest, they just have to figure things out for themselves.

Being an example of moral purity and dignity is a tall order. At times emotional stress and other issues cloud our judgement and our human nature takes over. However, the closer we grow to the stature of Yahushua, the easier it becomes.

Hebrews 12:11 - “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

No one likes having to take medicine (correction) but sometimes that is exactly what we need to get healthy again. Spiritually speaking, it is no different. Yahuwah wishes us to perfectly reflect Him. If it takes correction to place us back on the correct path, it should be welcomed and learned from. There is no shame in being wrong if the person corrects the wrong and seeks repentance.

1 Peter 2:12 - “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify Elohim on the day he visits us.”

We do not always see the fruits of our labor right off. Sometimes it may take years before such fruit is realized. However, that fact should not dissuade us from doing whatever is right and good. Some will not respond to our teachings until the Messiah returns, and our words come flooding back to them.

1 Peter 2:16 - “Live as free people, but don’t hide behind your freedom when you do evil. Instead, use your freedom to serve Elohim.”

I have heard it said that freedom is just a word; that in reality, true freedom does not exist. Such a statement usually comes from the mouth of someone who does not know Yahuwah. Knowing and faithfully following Yahuwah is the only real freedom there is. That knowledge frees us from our natural human bonds and from our enemy, HaSatan. He no longer has a hold on us. We are on Yahuwah’s side of the divide.


It is no easy job raising children. However, if we think we have it tough, place yourself in Yahuwah’s sandals. How it must break His heart seeing His children behave the way they do. He even sent His Only Begotten Son to be an example to us, and what did we do? We killed Him. How do we change someone who doesn’t believe there is anything wrong with them?

Yes, raising children is tough, but it is also a great opportunity to practice what Yahuwah has taught us. Before losing it and exploding on our children out of anger, we should take a moment to think how Yahushua would have responded and act in kind. We must respond to them with the same patience and love that Yahuwah showed us. Teaching by example is definitely the best method.

Children just love to dress up in their parent’s clothing and act like their parents. Just watching them will demonstrate how they see us. Sometimes it may be scary. But it is always a learning experience.

The children are the future, and we must make sure they are ready to take it on. We can readily see the result of a society that does not know Yahuwah. Let us not be like them; let us be like Yahuwah!

Yahuwah Bless
