Government Controlled Faith

Government Controlled Faith


Gary Primo

Oct.18, 2014

The basis for this article is a news story that came out this week on Lesbian, Houston Mayor, Anise Parker, demanding to review the upcoming sermons of Houston pastors. She is specifically looking for any anti-Gay rhetoric.

Any religion or church group that applies for tax-free status is basically making a deal with the devil. In exchange for being free from taxation, these groups must comply with government standards as to what they can preach. They are also used by the government to sway the votes of their constituents. It is a nasty game; and one that I highly doubt Yahuwah approves of. It not only regulates freedom of religion, but freedom of speech, as well.

Of course, you might feel as I do, that all religions are of man and the devil. The only one that appears (on the surface) to be exempt is the Hebrew religion; but that one, also, has become so corrupted that it is barely recognizable compared to the original delivered to Moshe. So let the devil deal with his own followers. This article does not argue that point.

These religions will more easily adapt to the coming one world religion. They are already complying with all that the Government demands of them and many are already supporting homosexuality, birth control, abortion, etc. One of the 7 Noahide Laws, which are presently replacing the Ten Commandments, is complete obedience to civil authority.

Rev. 13:11 - And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.

12 - And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him, and caused the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, who’s deadly wound was healed.

Verse 11 is talking of the false prophet, the Vatican. Verse 12 is talking of the Roman Empire.

The Vatican is the Roman Empire. It never fell when Rome (supposedly) did. The Roman leaders disguised themselves as Catholic priests and hid themselves within the confines of the Vatican. They have continued to rule from the Vatican from that day to this very time. They have promoted numerous military champions over the years, but none have been as effective as their current champion – America. America is the new Roman Empire.

However, America is not really the Beast. There is a higher power operating right out of the Vatican known as the Society of Jesus or Jesuits. The Jesuit General’s office is that of the Beast. The current Jesuit General is a man by the name of Adolfo Nicolas. He is the current Beast. He controls and manipulates pretty much all that goes on in the world today. He is known (unofficially) as the “Black Pope” and wields power over the “White Pope” in much the same manner that national governments wield power over all state-sanctioned religions that enjoy tax-free status. So far, at least four acting popes and a host of former priests (whistleblowers) have been murdered by the Jesuits. Their typical weapon of choice is slow acting poison; but occasionally they use the bullet or blade to achieve their assassinations.

In this way the “White Pope” (False Prophet) has given his power to the “Black Pope” (Beast). All the different religions (denominations) that came out of the reformation are merely the harlot daughters of the Roman Catholic Church. They never did shed the “Christian” label and are only marginally better than the Mother church. They remain obedient to the same Roman Emperor, which signifies the god that they worship. They will have little difficulty reuniting with “mom”.

The Seven Noahide Laws were passed into American law by former U.S. President George Bush Sr. in the 1990’s. Of course, they could not immediately implement all seven laws as it would cause mass rebellion. Instead they patiently chip away at the religious freedoms of these groups bit by bit, until none is left. The name of “God” and all religious symbols of Christian worship are being removed from public places, along with the Ten Commandments. Churches are already springing up that teach Islam alongside of Christianity. They even have a name for the coming one world religion – “Christlam.” Most will offer little to no resistance in switching religions.

Can any of us really see the Messiah or any of his apostles switching religions to comply with civil authority? According to Christian beliefs this is exactly what they did. Most Christians believe that Yahushua created the Christian religion. Really? It was Yahushua in his pre-incarnate form that created the Hebrew faith and delivered it to the Israelites. Why would he abandon the faith that he founded, to follow the dictates of a 4th century Roman Emperor?

Christianity also claims all twelve of the apostles as their own – even though each one was a Jew and followed the Hebrew faith until the day they died. How can anyone be simultaneously members of two such contradictory faiths? There is also the fact that both Yahushua and his apostles all died more than 200 years before the (one world) Christian faith was established.

But that does not matter to Christians. They believe whatever they are told to. That is the whole idea behind Christianity – obedience to man, not Elohim. When obedient to a man, it is much easier to switch allegiances from one man to another. With Yahuwah there is only one choice. And, woe to the man/woman that leaves off following Yahuwah to follow a man. That is exactly what many Gentile Believers did to avoid persecution when Constantine created the Christian religion. It is also what ancient Israel did, and fell into disfavour with Elohim for doing so. We will have to wait and see who resists and who complies with the coming one world religion.

And, of course, if they cannot reform us, they will kill us. Just ask the Branch Dividians. Oops, we can’t, they are all dead.

Our education system is also the tool of the government. Children are no longer considered the “property” of their parents, but rather, the state’s. The government reserves the right to take children away from parents at will and the education system has become little more than a spy agency for the government. If a child’s religious beliefs are any different from what is mandated by government, that child could be removed from their parental home and placed elsewhere. Soon it will be unlawful to teach our children any form of religion not mandated by government. Students will be asked questions such as (when shown a Bible) “Do your parents have one of these in your home?” In the future, merely possessing a Bible will bring a death sentence.

There are already numerous FEMA camps built throughout the U.S. and there are several in Canada. Any form of civil disobedience will not be tolerated. Violators will be cast into these camps where they will be tortured, used for guinea pigs and eventually beheaded. Some FEMA camps already have guillotines set up. They already have thousands of plastic coffins at the ready. They are all waiting for one singular event – the proclamation of martial law.

The Feds knew that the issue of homosexuality would be a contentious point to most religions (along with birth control and abortion). Surprisingly, the Roman Catholic Church has held out longer than most other religions (even if in word only); but now they too are planning to “lighten up” on their restrictions. Some Cabalists even believe that the Biblical condemnation of homosexuality applies only to men and that it is ok to be a Lesbian. The Scriptures make no such distinction.

There can be no compromising when it comes to obeying Yahuwah. There is only one straight and narrow path and that is the one that True Believers must follow. Any deviance will set us apart from Yahuwah. Many have deviated in the past and many more will deviate in the future. Those who do not deviate may very well be tested unto blood.

It will be against such as us that the heaviest of persecution will come. We will be arrested. Our families will be torn from us. All property and wealth will be taken. We will be ostracized by all of society. They will clamber for our deaths. They will think that they are doing the will of (their) god. In reality, they will only be doing the will of a man.

Soon after Israel conquered the “Promised Land” (with a great deal of help from Yahuwah), the people demanded to have a king over them in place of Yahuwah. Several generations later, they wanted a man-made religion like their neighbours. The entire story of man has been a history of rejecting his Creator, in favour of worshiping a man over Yahuwah. We all know how well that has worked. The time is coming when we all are going to have to make this choice. All I can say is, “Weigh your options carefully.”

I remember back in the days that I was with the Worldwide Church of God, the government wanted to audit their records. The church locked the doors and refused to let the auditors in. Their lawyers quickly arrived and disputed the illegal order. It was clearly a constitutional violation – and they won. In the future, we will have no constitution to fall back on. The law will be whatever the government says it is. This is already the case in a large swath of America.

America has already designated 100 miles inside all of its borders as a constitution-free zone. This law affects over 190 million Americans. The law, anywhere within this zone, is whatever Homeland Security says it is. No one living in this zone has any rights what-so-ever. They have no right to legal representation. They have no right to a trial. They can be thrown in jail indefinitely at the whim of the Feds. The American Elite have combined communism with fascism to form the most evil empire to ever inhabit the earth (the New World Order). And all of her allies are right in step behind her. No Western nation is safe.

As disturbing as this story about the Houston Mayor is, it is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a much, much worse persecution coming. Some of us old fogies may not live long enough to witness the full brunt of it, but we certainly are witnessing the beginning of it. However, if it does come in our time, we need to prepare ourselves (spiritually) for it.

Our model is before us in Yahushua. He silently suffered an excruciating death but remained faithful through it. Our words will only be twisted against us anyway, so it is better to say nothing. Almost all of the apostles (save John) followed Yahushua’s example.

This will be the final test, folks. We will need to pass it with flying colours to graduate into the Kingdom of Yahuwah and eternal life. All who deny Yahushua under duress will be considered unfit for the Kingdom.

All who live to please Yahuwah should look forward to the opportunity to prove their faithfulness unto blood; and not be afraid.

Yahuwah Bless
