Passover 2016 and the Jubilee

Passover 2016 and the Jubilee


Gary Primo

April 23, 2016

This year’s Passover is a special Passover that occurs every 50 years. This year is known as the Jubilee year. Very special earth changing events often happen during this time. As we all know, the Jewish festivals, both past and future, foreshadow very significant events for Israel and Jerusalem.

1917 was a Jubilee year. In that year, the Ottoman Empire fell and Israel was restored to the Jews.

In 1967, the next Jubilee year, war broke out against Israel. All her Muslim neighbours attacked her on the special Jewish high day of the Atonement. Her enemies hoped they were catching Israel with her pants down – but they got fooled. Israel defeated her enemies in only 6 days. Yahuwah was definitely on Israel’s side.

Yahuwah has fulfilled his promises to Israel. Now it is Israel’s turn. If Israel does not return to Yahuwah and accept His Son as the Messiah, things could turn ugly for them very soon.

Today it is 2017 on our common Gregorian calendar. This is a Jubilee year. On the Hebrew Calendar it is the year 5776. I am not sure how accurate this calendar is in regards to dating back to the time of Adam, nor when exactly the timing of the Jubilee years began. However the events of the last two proclaimed Jubilees certainly seem to substantiate that they were indeed Jubilee years. The first saw the return of Israel to the Jews. The second saw the return of Jerusalem to the Jews. The law of the Jubilee proclaimed that all lands lost be returned. This is unquestionably exactly what happened during those years.

Now, simply being a Jubilee year does not necessitate that any significant event is going to occur. However, there is one bastion that the Jews have yet to reclaim. That is the Temple mount. This piece of real estate still belongs to the Palestinians. What I am expecting for this Jubilee is that the Temple mount will be returned to the Jews and the building of the third temple will begin. We have until the Day of Atonement 2016 to see if this becomes a reality.

The following two videos by Jonathan Cohn are quite interesting in light of what we already know about the Jubilee year. I am not claiming that Cohn is perfect in his prophesies or absolutely correct. However, his conclusions are interesting nevertheless.

The following site reveals the plans that are currently underway to begin the rebuilding of this Temple.

Armed with this knowledge, it is easy to guess that, sooner or later, this temple is going to be built. And since it is also a well-educated guess that it will not be built without bloodshed, we can expect war to break out between the Jews and Palestinians living within Israel. In fact, I believe this war has already started. We have heard of numerous attacks on Jewish citizens living in Israel over the past year. There have also been incidents of Jews attacking Palestinians. Things are about to get a whole lot hotter soon.

The restoration of Israel is prominent in all Jewish prayers; as is the rebuilding of the temple. Ezekiel 41 describes what the final temple ordained of Yahuwah must look like.

Ezekiel 43:7 - And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places.

8 - In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.

9 - Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them forever.

Now I may be wrong, but this sounds more like a post-millennial (rule of HaMashiyack) prophecy rather than immediate. However, it is what the Israelis believe that matters today. They are looking to the complete restoration of Israel, which includes the rebuilding of the temple and the return to the animal sacrificial system.

Naturally, the Jews do not believe in Yahushua HaMashiyack, and; therefore, do not believe that the Levitical priesthood has been done away with and the Order of Melchizadek restored through Yahushua.

These last verses are talking of a time when the temple will no more be defiled. It will no more be overrun by foreign armies. It is talking of a time when the Jews will have universally accepted HaMashiyack as their promised Saviour. The Most High Elohim will at that time sit on His throne within the temple. It will be an everlasting temple.

The Jews will attempt to make this happen during their lifetimes. However, I believe that this temple will meet a similar end as all the others – destruction.

To date, the Jews have not recognized Yahushua as the Messiah. Therefore, this temple will not stand for all eternity. Their priesthood is definitely still corrupt, as it teaches against acceptance of HaMashiyack. The Jews also continue to elevate the Talmud above the Torah in their understanding of the Laws of Yahuwah. They also continue to ignore Yahuwah’s mandate that they declare the name of Yahuwah before the world and lead all the Gentile nations towards the Creator. Instead, they seek exclusivity and secrecy, in regards to their religion. They desire to keep the rest of the world out. Meanwhile, they are only succeeding in corrupting their faith all the more.

It has long been the desire of man to “make” the prophesies of Yahuwah come by their own hand. That is why the Babylonian Mystery religion first began. That is why every religion on earth has followed after the same pattern as their mother religion. Man wants to be his own god. He does not nor ever has desired to be under the true Elohim.

Israel, in particular, has demonstrated this basic human flaw repeatedly over its 3500 year history.

The first time was at Mt. Sinai shortly following the exodus. Yahuwah had Moses gather all of the Israelites before the mountain while it shaked and smoke billowed from it. This was the opportunity for the Israelites to begin a personal relationship with Yahuwah. Instead, they insisted that Moses talk to Yahuwah and then relay what He said to them. They wanted a human between them and Yahuwah.

The next time was when Israel insisted upon having a human king over them instead of Yahuwah. They had the best king over them of any nation. They had a king who was incorruptible and eternal; and they rejected Him for a king who was entirely corruptible and limited by death.

Over the years, Yahuwah sent many prophets to Israel. Most were killed for their efforts. Finally Yahuwah sent His own Son, Yahushua, to deliver their final warning. They killed Him also. Since it was the pre-incarnate Yahushua who always dealt with Israel, they actually denied him three times.

Following the third time, when they rejected Yahushua, their nation and their temple fell. Their punishment was to be homeless for approximately 2,000 years. Certainly, during that 2,000 years some Jews have become believers in Yahushua; but for the most part, they continue to reject him. Going into the building of a third temple with this attitude is what will doom the temple. If they do not accept HaMashiyack, neither do they accept Yahuwah. Yet, Yahuwah always keeps His promises, even when the other party to the covenant does not.

The main question is, “Has the building of a third (pre-messianic) temple been ordained by Yahuwah?” I can find no authorisation for the building of such a temple in the scriptures. However, believing in the plurality of scriptural prophesy, I do believe that a temple, or part of a temple, will be in existence during the final tribulation. Whether it has the blessings of Yahuwah is another story. It may just be a Jewish attempt to invoke the prophesies of Elohim in their own way. If the case, I expect their endeavours to come to naught.

The end-time temple will be forever. It will never again be defiled. This cannot be said of whatever temple the Jews attempt to build. I believe that every effort will be made to prevent its completion by both the Muslim and Christian leaders.

This temple may not even be complete when the Beast sets up his “image” on this special site.

The Book of Revelation reveals the following concerning the image of the Beast:

Rev. 13:14 - And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 - And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Rev. 14:9 - And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 - The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Elohim, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 - And the smoke of their torment ascends up forever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name.

Rev. 15:2 - And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of Elohim.

Rev. 16:2 - And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

Rev. 19:20 - And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Rev. 20:4 - And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahushua, and for the word of Elohim, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with HaMashiyack a thousand years.

It only makes sense that such an image would be set up at a location that s central to all three dominant world religion – Judaism, Muslim and Christianity. That location is, of course, Jerusalem. Now, I have read that the Jews feel they need only the foundation to be completed before they can resume their animal sacrifices. Therefore, I wonder if the construction will ever get past that point.

The main reason I do not believe it will be completed is because it was not ordained of Yahuwah, but by the will of the Jews to initiate the prophecies of Yahuwah by their own means. This could be considered an abomination in and of itself, since the Jews have rejected Yahuwah through their rejection of Yahushua and have not yet repented of this action. However, the Scriptures are very clear that an image (idol) of the Beast will be set up in this location and all who do not worship it will be put to death.


Last year, during the triad of blood moons, we were served notice that war was coming to Israel. That was during the 7th Shemitah year. The seventh Shemitah is followed immediately by the Jubilee and the restoration of all things pertaining to Israel.

This year we are anxiously awaiting what this Jubilee year will bring. The number 3 is very significant to Yahuwah. The following site sheds some light on the subject:

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 3

The number 3 is used 467 times in the Bible. It pictures completeness, though to a lesser degree than 7. The meaning of this number derives from the fact that it is the first of four spiritually perfect numerals (the others being 7, 10 and 12). The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood were Abel, Enoch and Noah. After the deluge there was the righteous "fathers" Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (later renamed Israel).

There are 27 books in the New Testament, which is 3x3x3, or completeness to the third power.

Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour (3 p.m.). There were 3 hours of darkness that covered the land while Jesus was suffering on the cross from the 6th hour to the 9th hour. Three is the number of resurrection. Christ was dead for three full days and three full nights, a total of 72 hours, before being resurrected on Saturday, April 8, just before sunset.

Appearances of the number three

There were only three individuals who witnessed Jesus' transfiguration on Mount Hermon. Those who saw Jesus' glory on the mount were John, Peter and James.

The apostle Paul was an exceptionally well educated person. In three different occasions he quotes directly from Greek poets (Acts 17:28, 1Corinthians 15:33 and Titus 1:12). He also was privileged to visit the location of God's throne, which is in the third heaven (2Corinthians 12:2 - 4).

Therefore, I believe that the full restoration of Israel could take place over three stages. The first saw the return of the Jews to Israel. The second saw the restoration of Jerusalem to Israel. Both of these stages took place during the previous two Jubilee years. It only stands to reason that the third and final stage (the restoration of the Temple) will take place during this Jubilee year. Once again, it does not have to be fully restored for the sacrificial system to be restored. Nor does it have to be fully restored before the abomination of desolation is set up.

Again, since the Jews (as a nation) have not turned to Yahushua and repented of their past deeds, I cannot see Yahuwah’s hand in the rebuilding of this temple. If construction begins while the Jews remain adamant in their rejection of Yahuwah (through Yahushua), that will make the building of this temple an abomination in and of itself. They are not building it for Yahuwah but for themselves. Therefore, I feel that Yahuwah will ensure that it is never completed.

As always, Yahuwah is standing behind his promises. He promised to restore Israel in the end times. Since His word is sure and true, he has kept his end of the covenant even though the Jews have not kept their end of the deal. However, His patience will not endurer forever. His punishment is sure to follow if Israel does not soon wake up and receive Yahushua as their Messiah. I do not see that coming until the end of the Tribulation.

So, let us keep our eyes and ears open, and continue to pray for Jerusalem and the yet unbelieving Jews as this Jubilee year winds down. We still have approximately five more months until the end of the Jubilee year. Much can happen in that short expanse of time.

In the mean time, we must be sure that we are doing our part in lighting up the world with our light. Only light can repel darkness. And, that light can only be found in Yahushua HaMashiyack. Let us ignite the world with the light of truth, and fearlessly confront the Beast and his lies. Let not the blood of the world be on our hands.

Yahuwah Bless
