Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention


Gary Primo

Dec. 19, 2010

I am sure that most believers have a tale or two of divine intervention that has occurred in either their lives or someone’s close to them. Our spirits soar when we hear of such miracles and we all praise YHVH for His blessed wonders. In this article I would just like to give YHVH recognition for the miracles He has performed in my life.

To start off I had numerous answered prayers when I was first reading the Scriptures. My spiritual journey began as a challenge way back in 1981. A friend of mine used to come over and we’d play some guitar and party. He had formerly attended a Bible college in one of Canada’s Eastern provinces and would occasionally entertain me with some wild tales of Biblical prophecy. I had been raised in the Anglican Church, after the United Church refused to baptize me. I believe it was because I was adopted, I’m not sure. Now they allow gay and lesbians to be ministers, but back then they wouldn’t even baptize one poor bastard child. Anyway, I did not recall too much talk in the Anglican Church concerning prophecy. I left the Anglican Church discouraged with religion and church going and became a “Von Daneikenite” for a while. When I heard my friend’s version of Bible prophecy I realized that perhaps there was more to the Bible than I realized. So I began a project that took about a year to complete. I read the Bible from cover to cover. I started off reading as a skeptic, looking for things to pick apart. However, I soon became enthralled with the stories and began to hear YHVH talking to me in my head. I began to pray, and some of my prayers were answered in some unusual ways.

In 1983, my former wife, Beth, and I moved from Hamilton to Fenelon Falls, Ontario. It was towards the end of that year that I contacted the minister at the local Worldwide Church of God for a visit. I ended up joining that group and was baptized in March of 1984. Their method of healing was by praying, anointing with oil and laying on of hands. I had heard many stories of miraculous healings while there. So, since I was laid up at the time with a work related back injury and was hoping to start a temporary job the next day, I asked to be anointed. The minister said he would, but wanted to wait till the following week. I was a little disappointed about that because I didn’t know how I was going to hold up for a full day at work. Well, I went to work the next day and worked all day with no difficulty whatsoever. YHVH had granted me relief from my pain without going through the steps of anointing and the laying on of hands. It was then I realized that YHVH’s healing is contingent upon our faith, not any ritual act.

When I started attending the WCG in Peterborough, Ontario, Beth and I had been trying to have children, but Beth had a host of problems that required several surgeries and narrowed her chances of conceiving to almost nil. In fact, we had already filed to become adoptive parents. I had requested that the church pray for her and some time afterward she conceived. Three years later she conceived again. The nurses at the hospital called them both miracle babies and they were definitely very special to us.

One very good thing that happened because of our efforts to adopt was that I searched for and found my own birth mother. She had had me when she was 17 and it was a case of date rape. She thought it would be best if she gave me up for adoption and I did end up with very wonderful adopted parents. Along with my birth mother I discovered that I had 4 brothers and a sister. We have had a wonderful relationship ever since. I count both of these events as miracles and special gifts from YHVH.

Being in YHVH’s good graces goes a long way in preventing tragedy as well. There are some situations when we don’t have time to pray. Traffic accidents happen in a matter of seconds and the only thing that comes to mind is “I’m going to die!” Then at the last second something truly miraculous happens to save you from certain death. I have had that experience as well.

One day I was driving from Fenelon Falls to Brampton, Ontario. We had had freezing rain all night and the roads were treacherous and traffic was just crawling. I decided to take a short cut to get away from the traffic and turned off the main highway onto a side road. I was doing about 60kms (40mph) when I crested a hill only to find someone at the bottom of the hill only doing about 5kms with several cars trailing behind. I started fanning the brakes to slow myself down to no avail. I just kept sliding. At the bottom of the hill was a bridge where the road passed over a railroad track 30 feet below. The only thing stopping someone from going over was a simple guard rail. My uncontrollable slide was taking me straight for that guard rail and I resigned myself to the obvious conclusion that I was going to crash through the guard rail onto the RR tracks below. My eyes were closed. My hands were clenched tightly to the wheel. I was no longer even trying to control the car. I just knew I was going over. Suddenly I felt the car change direction and I gently eased back onto the road in behind the other cars. I noticed the drivers coming in the opposite direction were all driving by slowly with their mouths wide open staring at me. I knew right then that YHVH had intervened and that fact was witnessed by others besides myself. I would have loved to have had heard what it was that they saw. I certainly thanked and praised YHVH for that one.

Group prayer accompanied by fasting seems to be another effective way of seeking healing. We did it quite often in the WCG with some good results. Some years after leaving the WCG my mother’s blood pressure went through the roof. The whole family was extremely worried about her. So, I emailed them all and asked them to join me for a day of fasting and prayer. The only one who didn’t know about it was my mother. Well, I never asked any of my brothers or my sister if they had actually joined me, but a very impressive miracle did indeed happen. I called her at the end of the day after I had ended my fast and she recounted a remarkable tale of what had happened to her that day. My mother had been going to the nearby drug store to take her blood pressure reading every day. She went to the drug store on this day, as was her habit, tested her blood pressure and it was suddenly well within the normal range. She could not believe it and tested herself a second time. She got the same reading as the first time. She thought something had to be wrong with the machine and purchased her own blood pressure kit to take home with her and test it again. She got the same results with the home kit. When I was praying for her I repeated asked YHVH to do this to glorify His Name before those who would be witnessing it. My family’s beliefs are Christian, but different denomination. I saw this as a way to draw us all together for a common purpose. YHVH blessed the effort.

Of course there are numerous other little mini miracles that we cannot definitely attribute to divine intervention, but secretly we do. There are too many to list. Perhaps some readers have experienced healing though different means. If so, I would love to hear about it and even post your stories on this site (with your permission, of course).

The main ingredient in any method of healing is faith. Yahshua told us that faith would move mountains. By His faith, Yahshua could control the weather and the seas, walk on water, heal the sick and resurrect the dead. If our faith were as great as His we’d be able to do the exact same thing. So, let’s not ever believe that we cannot do more growing in that department. True faith is difficult for us naturally distrusting humans to comprehend. The reason for this is because our carnal experiences have taught us that we cannot totally trust anyone. Our lives in many cases have been a series of disappointments. Our faith in just about anything is most often a question mark. We simply do not know what we can trust in. Now that YHVH has filled you with the glory of His love we do know in our minds that He is the only one we can trust, we only need to open our hearts as well.

The mind has a way of protecting the heart. It builds an imaginary wall around the heart, and with every heart-break that walls gets higher. Some end up completely closing off their hearts and living lives isolated from society. When YHVH enters into our lives, we need to start tearing down that wall to allow Him fully into our hearts. When we start trusting Him, He will help us to trust others.

Yahshua’s faith stemmed from His “oneness” with the Father. John recorded what Yahshua had to say concerning this in His final prayer on the Mount of Olives.

John 17:20 - Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;

This was a prayer request for all generations of Believers to come.

21 - That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

To be “one with the Father” means, that we allow Him to fully possess us. We must empty our vessel of all that is corruptible before YHVH can enter into us. Then it is up to us, how much of YHVH’s Holy Spirit we allow in. If we only half fill the vessel, we are leaving room for corruption to creep back in. If we fill the vessel with YHVH’s Holy Spirit, we leave no room for corruption to come back. When we are truly one with the Father, the world will recognize us on sight. Our countenance will shine like the sun and we will be able to do all the marvelous works that Yahshua and disciples did.

22 - And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

23 - I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

The glory (or distinction) that the Father gave to Yahshua was that of being His only begotten son. That distinction qualified Yahshua (Michael at that time) to rule the universe under YHVH, channel the power of the Father through Him to create the universe and be the spokesman for the Father to all of the creation. This distinction has now been passed on to all who believe in Yahshua. YHVH considers us all His sons and daughters with the potential of having our glory grow to the same stature as Yahshua’s. YHVH desires that we all complete the creation process, as Yahshua had to do and as the angelic realm has also yet to do. We are intended to enter into the new creation before the angels so that we may judge them. Yahshua wants us to join Him as complete Elohim beings. As such we will naturally possess the full powers and eternal life of the Father.

Attaining such oneness with the Father is something we must work on as individuals. Thinking that because we belong to the “right church”, or are following the “right leader”, we automatically qualify for the kingdom is a fools dream. At some point in time we are all going to have to stand individually before YHVH and give account for our spiritual walk. There will be no minister or church to stand behind. YHVH is going to want to know what you did with your talents. If we did not use our talents to gain more Believers we will lose all hope of salvation. There is no man or church on the face of the earth that can earn your salvation for you. Do not buy into that lie.

Any churches that teach the “pay and pray” philosophy are lulling you into spiritual sleep. You will not be able to point the finger at them when standing in the judgment. There will always be three fingers pointing back at you. It is up to us as individuals to grow into the full stature of Yahshua and follow in His footsteps right into the kingdom. We must develop this oneness in ourselves between us and the Creator. We must lower all our defenses to allow Him to fully possess and work through us. We must put all our faith in HIM and no other. We cannot be lazy. This is something that takes much work. However, the reward is well worth it. The more faithful we become, the more YHVH will intervene in our lives.

YHVH Bless
