The UN Farce

The UN Farce


Gary Primo

One thing the Russian/Ukraine war has revealed is what a neutered organization the United Nations is. And if this is any example of what the future One World Government will look like, the world is in deep trouble. The UN is the New World Order in infancy. The Eu is the first of 10 regions that will one day overtake the entire earth. Plato’s vision of Atlantis will become realized. However, the EU is experiencing a deluge of trouble also. So evidently it may not be as smooth a transition as they may have first assumed.

What I would have expected from the current conflict was for all the UN nations to confront Russia as one united force but that never happened, and it does not look like it will happen. My reason for thinking this, is that part of Plato’s vision was that if one of the 10 regions stepped out of line, all 9 other states would come after him in unison.

Meanwhile, what we have learned from history is that no nation really wants war unless it is unavoidable. In both WW1 and WW2, the Germans were given an open pass to invade the rest of Europe. People were hoping to close their eyes and pretend it was all just a nightmare. But it was not a nightmare. It was real, and it was all around them.

Until the end of WW2 we had the league of nations – which largely failed. Then, they qualified the definition of stupidity by trying the same thing a second time. Their greatest challenge remains – the human spirit. We were simply never intended to be dominated from birth to the grave. Our spirits cry out for spiritual freedom.

The Western nations have had it easy for too long. Now the East is rising. I believe we are headed towards a power shift; however, I do not believe it is going to work out quite as the West is anticipating. It seems that Russia, Mid-Eastern and Asian nations are waking up to the fact that together they have enough power to end up on top.

Both the US and Canada currently have Chinese troops training on our soil. The Chinese have been buying up enormous tracts of land and developing them. Why are our governments allowing such stupidity? It is like they have already surrendered to the Chinese.

The history of man has been full of power shifts. Nations are always rising and falling. There was/is always one certain nation that dominates, while the rest lick its boots. The Ukraine is currently licking the boots of the United Nations, striving to gain membership so that the UN would then be forced to come to their aid. The reason the UN wants nothing to do with having the Ukraine as a member is because they are Nazis. And, as such, they have attempted to commit genocide against Russian citizens in Donbass. But, of course, the mainstream media reported very little about that. It was the same in Crimea where they had two elections in which both resulted in a win for joining Russia. And yet the Western continues to claim that Russia annexed Crimea (as if by force). But isn’t that the way of politics – half BS and the other half propaganda?

Of course, The UN was not the first attempt at such a union. Nations often united when threatened with war. Some formed permanent federations so as to ensure future peace and security.

Josh 10:5 - Then the five kings of the Amorites—the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon—joined forces. They moved up with all their troops and took up positions against Gibeon and attacked it.

The 5 kings thought that their combined forces could defeat the invading Israelites. Yet, they were soundly defeated by the sons of Elohim. Once Yahuwah has set the course of history, no one can change it.

During world wars 1 and 2 we had two separate alliances facing off against one another. The Western Alliance won those ones. However, the next outcome may be different. Currently the Russian/Chinese alliance is most worrisome.

Rev. 13:16 - And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,

17 - so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 - Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.

For almost 2,000 years people have been trying to prophesy as to what this Mark of the Beast was to be – a tattoo, a microchip planted under the skin. No one guessed that it would come in the form of an injection that would literally change our DNA.

A Brief History of the Syringe and Injectable Medication - A-Plus Corporation (

The concept of the syringe stems from prehistorical implements such as blowpipes, poison-tipped darts, and other weapons used to deliver toxins into a person’s body. Records of using early versions of the hypodermic needle go back to Ancient Greece. These early syringes could only push liquids into existing body orifices, not penetrate the skin, while an Egyptian surgeon invented a type of syringe called a clyster that could deliver an enema or provide suction to extract nasal mucous. The concept didn’t change much for several hundred years.

In 1656, Christopher Wren is credited as being the first person to perform an intravenous injection. Using a quill attached to a small bladder, the Englishman injected a dog with alcohol during an experiment in Wadham College, Oxford. Using alcohol made it easy to observe the effects of the experiment (i.e., the dog becoming intoxicated). The process first required an incision in the skin before a vein could be accessed.

Wren unsuccessfully attempted injections in humans, but human experimentation was the focus of Johann D. Major’s work. In 1662, Major, a German graduate of Padua University, performed the first recorded intravenous injection in a human. Although his attempts ended due to poor outcomes, progress continued to be made. Regnier de Graaf developed a metal syringe in the 17th century. Resembling a modern device, it consisted of a needle directly attached to a metal barrel, designed only to trace blood vessels in human corpses.1

The use of syringes at the time was mainly limited to experiments that didn’t end well.

Well, I suppose some would say that they finally got it right when they successfully found a cure for several diseases. However, no one, in their wildest imaginations, ever thought they would develop it into a weapon.

Rev. 14:9 - And a third angel followed them, calling out in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives its mark on his forehead or on his hand,

10 - he too will drink the wine of Elohim’s anger, poured undiluted into the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented in fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.

11 - And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever. Day and night there is no rest for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”

The entire world has been worshiping the Beast/Rome via this False Prophet/ the RCC for 2,000 years. Everyone is looking to the future for this event, but it has already happened once and will happen again. The RCC is the perfect union of church and state. And it has, since its inception, considered itself the only legally, authorized religious entity on the planet. And, of course, Emperor Constantine, believing himself to be a god of equal rank to Yahuwah, saw nothing blasphemous in his actions.

We do not need to guess about the Mark of the Beast anymore, it is already here, and we have not seen the end of the Elite trying to force the jab on us either. They will be doing their best to make sure that every single person on the planet receives the Mark.

Rev. 17:14 - They will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will triumph over them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and He will be accompanied by His called and chosen and faithful ones.”

By the time of this scene, Yahushua will have returned in His present state – a full spirit being, fully empowered to lead man into the spiritual realm. Man will be astonished at the sight of Him in all His splendid glory. He will indeed be a sight to see – and we will finally have an answer to what Yahuwah actually looks like.

Rev. 19:19 - Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army.

Where would we expect to see the “One seated on the horse”, why in Jerusalem, of course. That is where all the armies of the earth are going to gather for the final battle. And the “One” is, of course, Yahushua.

The Beast and the False Prophet will come to their fateful end and the millennium will commence. However, we will have not seen the end of HaSatan yet. At the end of the one thousand years, HaSatan will be unleashed once again, and again he will lead mankind to rebel. The battle will be short and sweet but quite intense. In a matter of moments, all the armies of man will have disintegrated into a pile of dust.

Rev. 19:20 - But the beast was captured along with the false prophet, who on its behalf had performed signs deceiving those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. Both the beast and the false prophet were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.

21 - And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the One seated on the horse.

And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

And even this is not the last time Jerusalem will be surrounded by her enemies. The “rest” that verse 21 is referring to is the rest who received the Mark. They will no longer qualify as human. They will no longer qualify for salvation or eternal life. They will only be qualified for the grave and eternal death.

Rev. 20:7 - When the thousand years are complete, Satan will be released from his prison,

8 - and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to assemble them for battle. Their number is like the sand of the seashore.

9 - And they marched across the broad expanse of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. But fire came down from heaven and consumed them.

10 - And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, into which the beast and the false prophet had already been thrown. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

As difficult as it is to believe, a very great multitude is again going to follow HaSatan in rebellion against the Most High. Their numbers are to be as grains of sand on the seashore. How can it be, that after one thousand years of learning at the feet of the Son of Almighty Elohim, that man would once again return to his vomit? He must be mentally retarded, or, at least, spiritually retarded. The last thing they are going to see is a great fire coming down out of heaven to consume them. And by then it will be too late. They will be given over to death for all eternity. What a shame, when we think of what they could have had.

And, at last, The Devil is going to get his just reward also – the very same end he intended for mankind. How fitting!


Man thinks he is already elohim, He sees no need or room for improvement to his spiritual state. As a matter of fact, he barely considers his spiritual state at all. He wrongly thinks he is all there is to this life.

Well, that would be a very sad conclusion of a life that began with so much promise. How could so flippantly throw away such amazing and wonderful promises? Anyone with half an ounce of intelligence should jump at the opportunity. However, Adam’s sin made us all into hard-headed, stubborn morons who will believe anything but the truth. Therefore, truth is something we are always seeking but never finding.

Is it any wonder that we are so easily duped by earthly leaders? We yearn for anything that supports our denial of Yahuwah and are so happy when we find it. Then we wonder why our lives are so cursed. Sadly, we are nothing but a race of nut jobs.

And, that fact is no secret to the Elite. They are counting on us being dumbed down and too fearful even to act to change the outcome. And, sadly, most are.

I feel that the NWO is going to have a tentative grasp on humanity anyway. After all, when has any Empire ever been capable of satisfying all of their population? There has, and always will be, opposition to a singular authority. That is simply something man has never been able to agree upon.

The New Testament and the Book of Revelation was written approximately 2,000 years ago and the Old Testament about 2,000 years before that. Combined, this marvelous collection of books, reveal the road man must take to achieve his purpose. In all of that time, man still has not figured out “the plan”; or, at least, does not believe it. A flood did not help. War after war and horror after horror – nothing at all helped. If not for the plan of salvation, which comes only by way of Elohim, man would eventually be relegated to a greasy little spot in history. Yes folks, if it were up to HaSatan, all of Yahuwah’s children would be willfully and joyfully obliterated, never even realizing what they missed.

The United Nations is nothing more than a futile attempt by men of absolutely no worth, attempting to overthrow Elohim gain the Kingdom for themselves. They are greedy little worms, parasites, in need of cleansing. The very structure of this organization belies the fact that they communist in nature, not democratic as they pretend. In a democratic society, A congress or parliament in Canada and the US create policy which an appointed senate has the power to delay but not veto it. In the EU it works exactly the opposite. The Commission of 30 designs policy which can only be vetoed several times before it is passed anyway. That is not a Democracy. That is pure communism, through and through.

Such will the form of government be for all ten regions of the New (communist) World Order. It will be like China on steroids.

A few years ago, a North American Union was in the works, but Canada rejected it. Ever since the Elite have tried to bring it about by other means. I would imagine it will be just as communistic as the EU.

We are almost there, folks. What we have been eagerly waiting for is almost here. Can we feel the excitement? Can we also feel some fear, knowing what is to come? I believe it is definitely time to start prepping. WE may have a 25 year depression to weather. We do not want to be the ones who did not prep (the 5 virgins) and be caught with empty lamps.

Yahuwah Bless
