Mutually Assured Destruction

Mutually Assured Destruction


Gary Primo

Aug. 8, 2020

At no time in the history of man has he had the potential to wipe out all life on earth (20 times over). Even the inventor of the nuclear bomb, Albert Einstein, lamented his discovery after he saw the destruction caused by the two that devastated Japan. The only other world event that may be considered close in devastation would likely be the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Ge 18:20 - And Yahuwah said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

Gen. 20:21 - And he said unto him, See, I have accepted you concerning this thing also, that I will not overthrow this city, for the which you hast spoken.

22 - Haste you, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till you be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.

23 - The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar.

24 - Then Yahuwah rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Yahuwah out of heaven;

25 - And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.

26 - But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.

27 - And Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he stood Yahuwah:

28 - And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.

29 - And it came to pass, when Elohim destroyed the cities of the plain, that Elohim remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when he overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt.

The only eyewitness to that destruction was Lot’s wife. Lot was forbidden by Yahuwah to look back. His wife ignored that instruction and was turned into a pillar of salt. The fire that rained down on these cities burned for days,

In man’s quest to become Elohim without the benefit of Yahuwah’s blessing, they likely salivated when thinking of such destruction and wanted such power to themselves.

Now, there is a great difference between Yahuwah’s punishment and men’s. Yahuwah was punishing Sodom and Gomorrah for their very grievous sins. At the top of the list was the sin of homosexuality. Man merely wished to rid the world of his enemies. The advent of the nuclear bomb and the attack on Japan brought the scope of man’s depravity to the forefront. And, of course, the global war hawks likely had an orgasm when the saw the damage they inflicted. In the matter of a few seconds, the fate of the world changed forever.

Today, almost every nation in the world either has nukes or are trying to attain them. The two main nuclear nations are, of course, the U.S. and Russia. Between the two, they have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the earth 20 times over. If either nation were to decide to launch an attack, there would be no, or extraordinarily little, life left on Earth. It would, at the very least, return man to the stone age.

And, of course, our leaders present this technology as an assurance of global peace. Their premise is that with the assurance of mutual destruction, no nation would dare use the bombs. Well, all I can say is, “If they used it twice, they will eventually use it again.”

Something else that they have come up with are EMPs (electro magnetic pulse). This technology can be used to cripple an entire nation or be made into a simple assassin’s weapon that could fit in a brief case and silently strike and shut down every organ in the body of its target. Russia developed this technology first, and that fact led to the US to build a defensive invisible grid over the entire nation to (hopefully) defend them from such an attack. Somehow, Russia out paced the US for quite some time. With the advent of Donald Trump, the US is only now catching up. The former nuclear treaty has been dissolved. Each side knows that the best military action is to be the first to strike.

To get around using atomic bombs, they developed the most powerful non-nuclear bomb ever developed, know as the MOAB bomb (GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast). It has been nicknamed “the mother of all bombs.,powerful%20non-%20nuclear%20weapon%20in%20the%20American%20arsenal.

The MOAB was first dropped in combat in the 13 April 2017 airstrike against an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Khorasan Province (ISIS) tunnel complex in Achin District, Afghanistan.[3]

On 13 April 2017, a MOAB was dropped[15] on an ISIS-Khorasan cave complex in Achin District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. It was the first operational use of the bomb.[3][16][17] Two days later, an Afghan army spokesman said that the strike killed 94 ISIS-K militants, including four commanders, with no signs of civilian casualties.[18] However, an afghani parliamentarian from Nangarhar province, Esmatullah Shinwari, said locals told him the explosion killed a teacher and his young son.[19][20] Former US military official Marc Garlasco, who served in the George W. Bush administration, said that the US had not previously used the MOAB because of worries that it would inadvertently hurt or kill civilians.[21]

In 2007, the Russian military announced that they had tested a thermobaric weapon nicknamed the "Father of All Bombs" ("FOAB").[23] The weapon is claimed to be four times as powerful as the MOAB,[24][2] but its specifications are widely disputed.[25][26]

MOAB is a concussive bomb, meaning it detonates above ground rather than penetrating hardened defenses.

Anyone within 300 meters will be vaporized, experts say, while those in a one kilometer radius outside ground zero will be left deaf.

Nangarhar residents said the bomb has had a lasting effect on the area.

“The ‘mother of all bombs’ was dropped here,” said Pacha Shinwari, a local resident. “You can see that the stones can be broken easily, the plants are dry, the trees are dry, the nearby houses are all destroyed–40 or 50 of them.”

“The government evacuated the people (before the bomb was dropped), but when we came back, we saw that the houses were destroyed,” local resident Mohammadullah said.

Some teenagers are suffering from skin problems following the bomb explosion.

“Many diseases have emerged in this area after the bomb was used. Most of them have skin problems such as acne and skin irritations,” local resident Jam Roz said.

“The agricultural yields are not the same as in the past. The harvests are lesser than in the past,” said Aminullah, another resident.

Medical doctors and analysts interviewed by TOLOnews said the use of such bombs leaves an impact on areas where it is dropped.

“There are some concerns about the emergence of diseases after the use of the mother of all bombs in Achin, but so far the public health directorate has not recorded any disease that is related to the bomb,” said Zahir Adil, a spokesman for Nangarhar’s Directorate of Public Health.

“This bomb has three effects. First, it impacts the eyes. People will feel irritation in their eyes. Second, it impacts the inner organisms of the people who breathe the air where it has been used. It also impacts pregnant women and newborn babies… Afghanistan is a laboratory now. Third, it has an impact on lungs,” military affairs analyst Atiqullah Amarkhil said.

So much for the US claims that no civilians were affected. A nuclear bomb, in comparison, can make no such claim, as proven by the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

A more recent event was the explosion of a facility in Lebanon this past week that was storing ammonium nitrate.

2020 Beirut explosions - Wikipedia

On the afternoon of 4 August 2020, two explosions occurred at the port of the city of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The extremely powerful second blast resulted in at least 158 deaths, 6,000 injuries, US$10–15 billion in property damage and an estimated 300,000 people made homeless. The blast was linked to about 2,750 tonnes (3,030 short tons) of ammonium nitrate—equivalent to around 1,155 tonnes of TNT (4,830 gigajoules)—that had been confiscated by the Lebanese government from the abandoned ship MV Rhosus and stored in the port without proper safety measures for six years. The blast was detected by the United States Geological Survey as a seismic event of magnitude 3.3, which reached Turkey, Syria, Israel, and parts of Europe, and was heard from more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) away.[1] The Lebanese government declared a two-week state of emergency.

There is still a debate going on as to whether this was a targeted attack or simply an accident. Even if it was an accident, it still be a good military target by a potential enemy. However, it would also be a declaration of war. If it was Israel who bombed it, I am sure the entire Arab world would rise up against her.

Getting back to nuclear destruction, the woman in the 10-minute video (below) describes what she witnessed as a schoolgirl at 13 years of age. She describes with vivid detail the horror of the explosion and the aftermath. She describes a scene on fire for days following the blast. Some estimates of the temperature of the ensuing fires was 4,000 degrees. This is reminiscent of the devices used to bring down the Twin Towers. That fire burned for weeks. When everything finally cooled down, evidence of thermite (tiny metallic balls) were found all over ground zero (evidence of an inside job) which, if true, makes George Bush the most demonic President of US and human history and the biggest mass murderer. The woman in the video goes on to describe the scene after they were able to go back and look.

The following site presents even more information.,burns%20within%20a%20radius%20of%20about%20three%20kilometers.

The result of the drop of atomic bombs in Japan

When the bomb fell in HiroshimaThe first thing people saw was an “intense fireball,” according to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The temperature at the epicenter of the explosion is estimated to have reached 7 thousand degrees centigrade, which caused fatal burns within a radius of about three kilometers.

ICRC experts claim that cases of permanent or temporary blindness due to intense light from the explosion, which also caused other vision problems, such as cataracts.

The whirlwind of heat generated by the explosion set fire to several square kilometers of the city, largely made of wood. A firestorm that consumed all available oxygen caused many suffocation deaths.

More than half of deaths estimated occurred in Hiroshima due to burns or related to fire.

Wow! Can you image being on site to witness such carnage? The Germans were working on the development of a nuclear weapon at the same time as the US, but the US beat them to the punch. Can anyone imagine what the world would be like today if the German Nazis had won that race?

Fire will once again come at the end of the millennial rule of Yahushua. This fire, like the one that struck Sodom and Gomorrah, will come from Yahuwah. It will completely consume and burn everything that remains corruptible. It will only be extinguished when every corruptible thing is completely destroyed. Then and only then will the world be free of corruption for all of eternity.


The mutual enemy of the entire human race is HaSatan (the Adversary), even though, at the same time, they worship this angelic being as their elohim. He has already rebelled once against Yahuwah. He was, of course, forced to concede victory to Yahuwah. Yet, because man elected HaSatan as the elohim they worship over Yahuwah, Satan was temporarily granted the position as man’s elohim.

The very first man, Adam, made this choice for the entire human race when he decided to obey HaSatan in place of Yahuwah. And so, like HaSatan, man rebelled against Yahuwah, even killing His Only Begotten Son. HaSatan (at first) thought this was his ultimate victory. That is until Yahushua rose from the dead, the Firstborn to the family of Yahuwah. Left with no other choice, HaSatan turned his attention to the destruction of Yahushua’s followers. He needs not worry about the rest of mankind, as they still worship him as their elohim. They will eventually kill themselves off anyway. The total destruction of man has always been HaSatan’s goal.

If man thinks his nukes are the ultimate killing machine, wait until they see what Yahuwah has in store for them. The earth has absolutely no defense against the great power of Yahuwah, nor do they have any weapon to compare to Yahuwah’s power. Can anyone imagine at what temperature the end-time cleansing fire will burn? Likely hotter than any fire that man has experienced or produced.

Rev. 20: 7 - And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

8 - And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

9 - And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from Elohim out of heaven, and devoured them.

Rev. 21: 1 - And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

The first heaven and earth will no longer exist. It will be replaced by the new earth and the new heaven. The entire landscape of the planet will be changed, and corruption will become a by-word of the past. Never again will destruction come to the planet. The entire physical world will be change to spirit and will endure for all of eternity. What a glorious Elohim we have. If only the world knew Him as we do.

Yahuwah Bless
