9-11 Discrepencies

9-11 Discrepancies


Gary Primo

May 5, 2010

The events of September 11, 2001, shocked the world. Over 3,000 people lost their lives. It was one of the worst terrorist attacks in modern history, if in fact it was totally a terrorist attack. My heart goes out to all the families of the victims that lost their loved ones that day. This article is not intended to belittle their grief. However, I feel it is necessary to expose the lies that the government fed everyone through the media. It was simply Pearl Harbor all over again. They knew this was going to happen. They not only allowed it to happen, but helped it to happen, so that they would have an excuse to invade and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq and control the oil supply. They have had plans for an oil pipeline stretching from Afghanistan to the Persian Gulf for years before the attack. In each case (9-11 and Pearl Harbor) the U.S. government felt that sacrifice of their own citizens was well worth the end result of getting into a war which the U.S. citizens would not have otherwise stood for. Ancient Rome pulled the same tactics in getting their citizens on board for a war – making them fear being attacked.

I was working in a customer’s home that day (taping drywall). The customer had the television on and we caught the very first report of the airliner crashing into the first tower. Naturally we first thought it was just a horrible accident. However, when the second flight struck the second tower, I turned to the customer and said, “That is no accident, that is an attack.” When the rumors that terrorists were responsible surfaced, it sounded quite reasonable to me. I did not become suspicious until the first tower collapsed. I have seen planned demolitions before, and that was certainly one of them. Later, testimonies by those who were the last escapees from the building, reported hearing explosions going of on the first floor as they ran out. Even later, an explosives expert confirmed my suspicions. Shortly after the FBI talked to the man, he recanted his opinion. One of my first questions was “How could terrorists have planted those charges right under the noses of the tight security there?” The answer, obviously, is that they did not. This could only have been an inside job. The following is the result of my investigations.”

The Flights

American Airlines 11


According to the above web site, 9 of the 19 terrorists were flagged as suspicious when they purchased their tickets. This normally means that they would have been taken aside and subjected to questioning and searches by airport security. Some of their suit cases were searched by not one of them were personally searched. This was a complete disregard of protocol. What caused them to be flagged was the fact that they all paid cash for their first class, one way tickets and some had no luggage or carryons.

NORAD was conducting a simulated exercise that day called Vigilant Guard. This exercise is conducted twice a year to practice for the possibility of a foreign attack on US soil. The exercise included simulated hijackings. Most of the more than one dozen participants had no idea what to expect and were ready for anything. In other words, they were fully staffed and alert. When the first plane struck, NORAD officials were confused as to whether it was an actual attack, or a simulation. The last communication with AA 11 was at 8:14 that morning. No distress call was made by the pilot. At 8:19, a stewardess makes a call to the airport from the flight phone describing what was going on. She reported that she could not get an answer from the cockpit and that they could not get inside. The call lasted about 25 minutes and ended around 8:44. Officials were skeptical and did not believe her. (Hello, why would she lie about something like that and why wouldn’t they believe her when they already knew the plane had changed course and disappeared off the radar screen? AA executives chose to keep things quiet until they could get more information and some sort of confirmation. At 8:24, one of the hijackers talks to air control, but the origin of the call could not be confirmed. FAA chiefs were contacted and informed of the possible hijacking, but instead of contacting NORAD immediately, which had been their protocol since 1964, they waited a full 12 minutes (till 8:37).

Another military exercise called Global Guardian had been going on for one week already. This exercise is designed to thwart an enemy nuclear attack. Hundreds of military personal are involved.

Apparently the military was not notified of the suspected hijacking until 8:37, a full 24 minutes after they lost contact with the plane. It is a good thing that it was not an atomic bomb that was speeding towards New York. In the last telephone communication from the plane at 8:44, the stewardess sees New York City and describes a rapid descent and repeats several times that they are flying too low. Then there was only static. The first fighter jets were sent up around the same time that the plane was crashing into the first tower at 8:46. Oddly enough President Bush seems to be the last person to be informed of the attack. Donald Rumsfeld learned of the first crash almost immediately, but does nothing about it, thinking it was only an accident and that it was a small plane.

Later, during the commission looking into the event, it is suggested that the plane severed several support columns, which led to the collapse of the building. How could they have known this? Would a plane made of light aluminum really be able to sever thick steel columns? Why were the reports made by the last people to leave the floor, who heard the explosions going off on the ground floor, ignored? The very last man to make it out alive after saving 12 people not only heard the explosions but saw one man coming up from the basement with skin blown off his face and arms exclaiming that there were explosions going off in the basement.

United Airlines 175

UA 175 was hijacked between 8:42 and 8:46 about 140 miles north of New York City. Phone calls made from both planes reported what had happened, and there were definitely hijackers on both planes. The hijackers on this plane somehow managed to get both knives and cans of mace on board, even though 9 of the 19 hijackers had been previously flagged as suspicious. The first sign of a problem occurred between 8:46 and 8:47 when the flight transponder changed code twice in one minute. The military is not notified until 9:01, 14 minutes after the transponder changes codes. Afterward stories would conflict as to when the highjacking of flight 175 was first suspected and reported to authorities. The jet fighters were initially sent to NY City but were given no target, so they veered off towards Long Island after the second plane hit the south tower at 9:03 and remained in a holding pattern there.

Again it is suspected that the crash took out or damaged a number of support columns, which eventually led to the collapse of the building. What could not be realistically explained is why building number 7 collapsed in similar fashion, even though they were not struck by any planes.

American Airlines 77

At 8:54 the air controllers learn that AA flight 77 had also veered off course. Phone calls by one of the stewardesses and a passenger are received from the plane describing what is going on. Again, the hijackers are armed with knives and box cutters. How did they get these weapons on the plane? Later friends of the pilot, Charles Burlingame, would find it difficult to believe that with his high degree of military training, that he would easily give over control of the plane easily. And once again, no distress call was made. Flight 77 is alleged to have crashed into the Pentagon, however, many experts think it was a missile, not a 757.

United Airlines 93

Again, one of the hijackers on this flight was flagged as suspicious, but only his bags are checked for bombs. He is not searched. Two of the other hijackers are flagged as having connections with al-Qaeda, but are not searched. Six months after 9-11 it is reported by one of the flight attendants that two passengers of possibly Asian decent left the plane after a five minute delay is announced. No other mention is made of this incident by any of the other reports. Flight 93 ends up being delayed for 41 minutes due to a fire at the airport the day before, which caused a number of the runways to still be closed. Flight 93 is alleged to have crashed in a field in rural Pennsylvania. Many experts believe that the crash site showed more evidence of a missile strike than a plane crash.

Not one of the pilots on any of the planes ever sounded an alarm, as they are trained to do in the event of a hijacking. They are required to key a four digit code into the transponder when a hijacking takes place. It takes only seconds to perform. It was early reported that there were also bomb threats called into the control centers involved, but these reports were later denied. Also, at the same time Russia is performing a simulation exercise over their Arctic territory, which is being closely monitored by NORAD. Was this yet another intentional distraction? After hearing about the attacks, Russia quickly cancels the exercise.

At about 9:04, the DC Air National Guard realizes that the nation is under attack, yet no jets were launched until 33 minutes later. By this time it is realized that these are large passenger plans, not light aircraft as initially presumed. Yet, no action is taken until 9:37, after the Pentagon is hit. Even though the Secret Service is notified that there are more suspect planes in the air, no attempt is immediately made to remove the Vice President from the White House to safety. Vice President Dick Cheney was not evacuated until 9:37. By 9:06 all aircraft in the NY/DC airspace are ordered to clear that airspace. Yet between 9:09 and 9:13 the fighters are still in a holding pattern over Long Island instead of protecting NY. By this time they became concerned about running out of fuel.

Deena Burnett starts trying to contact her husband, Tom, around 9:09. She does not yet know that he switched to an earlier flight (93). A few minutes after her last attempt at about 9:25 she receives a number of calls from him. The hijacking of flight 93 is believed to have taken place at 9:26. Air defense does not issue the “shoot down” order until 10:01. The pilot of flight 93 confirmed receipt of the transmission warning him to secure the cockpit at 9:26. This was the final transmission from that plane.

The jet fighters that were launched from Langley did not go directly towards DC, but were instead redirected 150 miles out over the Atlantic. This will be a key piece of evidence later.

Every safety system that the U.S. had in place regarding air traffic fell apart that day. Was it a mere coincidence or was it all part of a government plan, similar to Pearl Harbor, where they merely wanted an excuse for another war, this time for a military invasion of the Middle East?

In each case terrorists who were flagged by airport security were never personally searched. The metal detectors failed to reveal the weapons the terrorists carried on board.

The cockpits of each aircraft were taken over without any alarms being sent. Air control ignored all protocol, not sounding any alarm until well after the hijackings were underway. The first jets sent up were held in a holding pattern over Long Island instead of over New York City. Later jets that took off were sent 150 miles out over the Atlantic, rather than to Washington. This may be the only hint of an explanation as to what really happened to AA flight 77, because as we are about to find out, they sure didn’t crash into the Pentagon.

The Twin Towers

Flights 11 and 175

The twin towers were built to withstand a significantly strong earthquake. All the statistics are available at:


American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower first between the 93rd and 99th floors. 102 minutes later the whole building collapsed. United Airlines flight 175 crashed into the South Tower 17 minutes later between the 71st and 85th floors. There was significantly less damage from the crash than in the North Tower, yet it collapsed first 21 minutes before the North Tower.

The reason given was that the fire weakened or severed some of the steel support columns. The jet fuel on board these planes was, of course, highly flammable yet only reaches a maximum temperature of approximately 800 degrees C. It would have burned up quickly (a matter of minutes), leaving only the office furnishings to continue burning at a maximum of only approximately 250 degrees C. Meanwhile the steel support beams used in the construction of these towers does not melt until a sustained heat of 1500 degrees C (approx. 2800F) is reached. It is difficult to believe that such a low amount of sustained heat (250C) could have weakened the steel at all. I used to be a welder and agree with the author of the site that one of the properties of steel is that the heat spreads outward. One has to hold the flame of a torch on one spot for some time before attempting to cut through the steel, waiting for it to appear cherry red before making the attempt. The temperature needed to cut through the steel is in excess of 1500C. As one can see on the videos of the crashes, the jet fuel ignited in a terrific ball of fire and quickly subsided, leaving only black smoke billowing out of the windows. The jet fuel only burns at 800C and did not burn long enough to make any impression on the steel columns. The towers were designed to support a tremendous amount of weight. The ground level supports would not have been in any way weakened by the fire high above, yet weeks later recovery crews were still finding pools of molten steel in the basement. The column structure was designed to withstand 5 times the heaviest case scenario. The last people out, including firemen, heard explosions going off all over the 1st floor as they escaped. A great number of the laws of physics were broken in this event, if the government reports are to be believed.

Here is another website to check out.


Flight 77 and the Pentagon

The following site, a take-off of the original French based site, demonstrates quite clearly that it was not a passenger jet that hit the Pentagon.


Here are the points of contention:

    • The original photos of the hole in the Pentagon wall (taken before the fire) show a hole only 9 feet in diameter and almost perfectly round. The exit hole (after the plane traveled more than 300 feet through several steel-reinforced, concrete walls looked much the same and was precisely at ground level.

    • The engines were located far out on the wings and easily detachable. The fuel was also stored in the wings. There was absolutely no damage to the wall outside of the 9 foot hole, where the engines should have penetrated and the fuel should have ignited.

    • The plane’s two engines were never found.

    • The black box was never found.

    • The remains of the fuselage were never found.

    • None of the remains of any of the passengers were ever found.

    • The entry hole was between the 1st and 2nd floors, yet the grass outside was not so much as touched.

    • The nose of the plane stood 14 meters off the ground. For the plane to have struck the building without touching the grass, it should have struck between the 4th and 5th floors.

    • There were only enough parts of an aircraft found to barely fill one wheel barrow.

    • Parking lot cameras only caught a small white blur above a narrow parking column, which the government claims to be the 757. Does it make any sense that no part of such a huge plane would appear in front of or behind the parking column?

The answer to all of the above discrepancies should be obvious. It was not flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon, but a missile fired from a fighter jet. The nose of the 757, which can be easily damaged by something as small as a Canada goose, could not possibly have survived traveling 300 feet through steel and concrete, making a perfectly round exit hole at ground level. Neither the black box nor the engines of the plane were ever found. No bodies were found. No debris from inside the plane were ever found. This was like no other airplane crash in aviation history.

What then happened to flight 77? Remember what I emphasized earlier, about the second wave of jets being deployed 150 miles out over the Atlantic after the shoot down order was given? That is where I believe flight 77 was shot down by U.S. fighter jets. They then fired a missile into the Pentagon (in an area that was under construction) to support their fabricated story concerning the fate of flight 77.

Flight 93

The Pennsylvania Crash

The following is from website


Final Call from Flight 93 Ended with Reports of Explosion and Smoke

The final call from Flight 93 ended with reports of an explosion and smoke -- the missile hit?

" eight minutes before the crash, a frantic male passenger called the 911 emergency number. He told the operator, named Glen Cramer, that he had locked himself inside one of the plane's toilets. Cramer told the AP, in a report that was widely broadcast on 11 September, that the passenger had spoken for one minute. "We're being hijacked, we're being hijacked!" the man screamed down his mobile phone. "We confirmed that with him several times," Cramer said, "and we asked him to repeat what he said. He was very distraught. He said he believed the plane was going down. He did hear some sort of an explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane, but he didn't know where. And then we lost contact with him."

The official government report is that flight 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after its passengers overpowered the hijackers. Why did it crash then, when they had a capable pilot traveling as a passenger on board? This last passenger from the plane reported hearing an explosion and seeing white smoke coming from the plane 8 minutes before the crash. What could have caused this? The “shoot down” order was given ½ an hour before the crash. The last fighter jets to take off had plenty of time to overtake the airliner. At least 5 people reported seeing a low flying, unmarked, white, fighter-style jet flying low to the ground minutes before the crash, which the FBI at first denied. Later they said there had been a customs jet and a private business jet in the area, well after the orders were given to all flights to land immediately at the closest airport.

As for the engine part weighing ½ a ton, the bounce theory simply does not hold water. If the rest of the plane came straight down nose first and created a huge crater in the ground that “swallowed” both the plane and its passengers, should the engine not have also buried itself in the ground since it followed the same projectory? Could the light debris (mail) have really traveled 8 miles with only a 10mph wind in less than an hour? Did they have it all loose in the plane or would it have been bagged in those big heavy mail bags. Why where they not burn up with everything else? Why were no remains of the plane or it passengers found at the crash scene? Why did witnesses report seeing burning parts of the plane falling from the sky? Why did Donald Rumsfeld and one other navy officer mention the plane being shot down, only to recant afterward? The questions go on and on. I am sure that almost everyone reading this has seen film footage of other airplane crashes. Can you recall there ever being a crash where no parts of the plane were found at the crash site – where no body parts were found - where there was only a large crater in the earth and nothing else? It really defies the imagination. The only thing that makes sense is that a U.S. military jet shot down the 757 with all its passengers on board and then fired a missile into the ground to resemble a crash site. Many Americans can simply not believe that their government could do such a thing, but they seem to forget that their government did practically the same thing at Pearl Harbor when they wanted to get into WW2.


On September 11, 2001, every safety measure that the U.S. had in place for such an emergency failed. Yet no one was held accountable. Could this have been merely a blunder of mammoth proportions or a deliberate manipulation of the events to suit the war plans of the Pentagon? It is common knowledge that the Pentagon had plans to invade Iraq since the George Bush Sr. days. Why did they seem to pay more attention to Iraq than Afghanistan? How did they manage to catch Hussein in a hole in the ground, yet they cannot find Bin Laden anywhere? Why was the FETEMA team flown to NY the night before the attack? Why were warnings from other intelligency agencies around the globe ignored? How can anyone believe that the U.S. intelligency agencies can be so incompetent? If the 9-11 events as reported by the military through the press are to be believed, some heads should have surely rolled.

If the rules of protocol had of been followed, none of these planes would have been hijacked in the first place. If the 9 terrorists who were flagged had of been properly searched, the weapons they used to overtake the plane would have been discovered. The planes would have been grounded and thoroughly searched. Over 3,000 lives would have been saved along with billions of dollars. However, the U.S. military, in their ultimate wisdom, deemed the sacrifice of over 3,000 of its citizens a small price to pay to initiate a war in the Middle East.

The twin towers were booby trapped. Would terrorists, limited in knowledge of sophisticated explosive techniques, really have been able to penetrate the tight security of the twin towers to get inside before the crashes and plant the charges that brought down the towers? Not likely. But a team of U.S. intelligency agents with the highest levels of security clearance could. For the terrorist to go from simple suicide and car bombs to such sophisticated technology is quite unlikely.

As for the U.S. government shooting down their own planes, the likelihood is very great, seeing as how it has already been confirmed that the shoot down order was given well before flights 77 and 93 “crashed”. Evidence of a plane crash was totally absent from both crash scenes, while evidence of a missile strike was painfully evident. Fearing the backlash from a shocked American public, the government concocted outrageous lies to cover up their actions. Sadly, the majority of brainwashed, flag waving Americans, believed their government instead of the facts. Whistleblowers, who have tried to bring the truth to the forefront, have been publicly ridiculed and discredited by the national press and government officials alike.

The U.S. government has been following a pattern set long ago by the Roman Empire. Is that any wonder given the fact they are working so closely with the Roman Catholic Church, the organization into which the leaders of the falling Roman Empire fled and hid themselves? The prophecies of Daniel tell of only 4 world ruling Empires – Persia, Assyria, Greece and Rome. The last empire, Rome, was prophesied to last until the return of Yahshua to set up his divine government on Earth. Since that has not happened yet, Believers are to assume that Rome did not die as supposed by history, but have been actively ruling behind the scenes throughout the past 2,000 years. They rule from the Vatican, but use the military might of whichever dominant power is in existence at the time. Today that dominant power is clearly the United States, and they are using the very same war strategies as their processors. The events of 9-11 were all part of an elaborate plan. They needed such an event to get the citizens of the U.S. behind their government in calling for war. It worked as well as it did in Roman days. Human sacrifice means nothing to these people. Their only goal is power and wealth. They seem to be succeeding in accomplishing those goals.

The lesson to be gained from this study is NOT to believe everything you hear on national TV/radio or read it the national newspapers and magazines. They are all controlled by the government. Also, don’t be too quick to dismiss the conspiracy theorists. They may be the only true patriots left.

YHVH Bless

Gary Primo