The One Eyed Pyramid

The One Eyed Pyramid

The one-eyed pyramid is commonly known as the symbol of the Illuminate, a secret society formed in the 1700s with the stated goal of world domination. This goal is no different from the goal of every world dominating empire that has ever existed. This is the basis of the present-day theme of a One World Order or New World Order heralded by both of the Bush presidents when they were in office. The Illuminati is merely one of the satellite organizations of the Vatican and primarily of the Order of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits. Other such satellite organizations of the Vatican are the Knights of Columbus, Free Masonry, The Club of Rome, the Skull and Bones (which every American president since Roosevelt has belonged to), the Shriners and several others. It is common knowledge that the Jesuits were booted out of Europe in the late 1700s for infiltrating governments, influencing decision making and assassinating and planning to assassinate heads of states in those nations. The Jesuits needed to find a new home. Where did they go? They went to the not yet formed United States of America and Great Britain.

What better place to get a foothold than in a newly developing country. They were looking for a new military champion to partner with the Vatican and help them realize their goal of world domination. Also, since Christopher Columbus had claimed the new world for the king of Spain and the Pope, the Vatican saw all others as invaders of its territory. Their plan was the same as it had been previously in Europe, to infiltrate and gain positions of trust and prominence in the government of that nation. They operated in total secrecy. Their agents disguises themselves and blended into the rest of society, posing as judges, politicians, police officials, military personnel, school teachers, even ministers of other religions of Christian denominations. The average person would not recognize an agent of the Vatican if they saw one. They operate much the same as undercover cops. In some cases they have even spoke out against the Vatican publically, but in private are its most valuable agents.

One has to search rather diligently to find any trace of evidence of this fact. Most of the evidence is circumstantial. However, when enough circumstantial evidence is put together, it becomes obvious that it is far more than circumstantial or coincidental. This is exactly how our courts of law deal with circumstantial evidence.

It is commonly believed that the founding fathers of the United States were all Protestants. This is not necessarily so. As mentioned above, the Jesuits often infiltrate other denominations, rise to positions of prominence (even ministers) to influence all decision making by that particular group. They did it in Europe and there is no reason to not believe that they would operate is similar fashion in the U.S. and Great Britain. The reality of this is that they are traitors to whichever nation they are serving in. They have only one loyalty and that is to the Vatican and the Pope, whom they regard as “god on Earth”. The emblem shown at the site below is proof that the Illuminate/Vatican was involved in U.S. politics since its inception.

Author - Notice the one-eyed pyramid at the top of the illustration. This illustration represented the 13 states that made up the original union. This “all seeing eye” is also known as the Eye of Providence.

The following traces the origins of the One Eyed Pyramid, or the Eye of Providence.

Eye of Providence

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"All-seeing eye" redirects here. For other uses, see All-seeing eye (disambiguation).

For Eye of God, see Eye of God (disambiguation).

A Christian version of the Eye of Providence, emphasizing the triangle representing the Trinity.

The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It is sometimes interpreted as representing the eye of God watching over humankind (or divine providence).[1][2][3]

In the modern era, the most notable depiction of the eye is the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which appears on the United States one-dollar bill.

Author – The trinity, rays of light (sun’s rays), all seeing eye - all come straight out of pagan sun worship (i.e, Mystery Babylon).

Religious use of the Eye

Imagery of an all-seeing eye can be traced back to Egyptian mythology and the Eye of Horus. It also appears in Buddhism, where Buddha is also regularly referred to as the "Eye of the World" throughout Buddhist scriptures (e.g. Mahaparinibbana Sutta) and is represented as a trinity in the shape of a triangle known as the Tiratna, or Triple Gem.

In Medieval and Renaissance European iconography, the Eye (often with the addition of an enclosing triangle) was an explicit image of the Christian Trinity. Seventeenth-century depictions of the Eye of Providence sometimes show it surrounded by clouds or sun bursts.

United States

Original design for the Great Seal by Simitiere

In 1782, the Eye of Providence was adopted as part of the symbolism on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. It was first suggested as an element of the Great Seal by the first of three design committees in 1776 and is thought to be the suggestion of the artistic consultant, Pierre Eugene du Simitiere.[4]

On the seal, the Eye is surrounded by the words Annuit Cœptis, meaning "He approves (or has approved) [our] undertakings", and Novus Ordo Seclorum, meaning "New Order of the Ages". The Eye is positioned above an unfinished pyramid with thirteen steps, representing the original thirteen states and the future growth of the country. The lowest level of the pyramid shows the year 1776 in Roman numerals. The combined implication is that the Eye, or God, favors the prosperity of the United States.

Perhaps due to its use in the design of the Great Seal, the Eye has made its way into other American seals and logos, notably the Seal of Colorado and DARPA's Information Awareness Office. It is also part of the City Seal of Kenosha, Wisconsin.


An early Masonic version of the Eye of Providence with clouds and a semi-circular glory

Today, the Eye of Providence is usually associated with Freemasonry. The Eye first appeared as part of the standard iconography of the Freemasons in 1797, with the publication of Thomas Smith Webb's Freemasons Monitor.[5] Here, it represents the all-seeing eye of God and is a reminder that a Mason's thoughts and deeds are always observed by God (who is referred to in Masonry as the Great Architect of the Universe). Typically, the Masonic Eye of Providence has a semi-circular glory below the eye. Sometimes the Eye is enclosed by a triangle.

Popular among conspiracy theorists is the claim that the Eye of Providence shown atop an unfinished pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States indicates the influence of Freemasonry in the founding of the United States. This was dramatized in the 2004 Disney film National Treasure. However, common Masonic use of the Eye dates to 14 years after the creation of the Great Seal. Furthermore, among the members of the various design committees for the Great Seal, only Benjamin Franklin was a Mason (and his ideas for the seal were not adopted). Indeed, many Masonic organizations have explicitly denied any connection to the creation of the Seal.[6][7]

Author’s Note – The symbol was merely passed on from the Illuminati to the Masons. Both are satellite organizations of the Vatican; therefore, both serve the same master and entertain the same goals and ambitions. This is all part of the genius of the Vatican. When one of its chapters fails, another one picks up the slack. To say that only Benjamin Franklin was a Mason is incredibly naïve in light of what we know of the Vatican and how it operates. The Vatican had for centuries (since Columbus) considered all of the New World their domain and would never give it up without a fight. You can bet the farm that more agents than Benjamin Franklin were involved.

Eye of Horus

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This article is about the ancient Egyptian symbol. For the video game, see Eye of Horus (video game).

The Wedjat, later called The Eye of Horus

An Eye of Horus or Wedjat pendant

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health. The eye is personified in the goddess Wadjet (also written as Wedjat,[1][2][3]Uadjet, Wedjoyet, Edjo or Uto[4] and as The Eye of Ra[5] or "Udjat"[6]). The name Wadjet is derived from "wadj" meaning "green" hence "the green one" and was known to the Greeks and Romans as "uraeus" from the Egyptian "iaret" meaning "risen one" from the image of a cobra rising up in protection.[7]

Wadjet was one of the earliest of Egyptian deities who later became associated with other goddesses such as Bast, Sekhmet, Mut, and Hathor. She was the tutelary deity of Lower Egypt and the major Delta shrine the "per-nu" was under her protection.[7] Hathor is also depicted with this eye.[8] Funerary amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus. The Wedjat or Eye of Horus is "the central element" of seven "gold, faience, carnelian and lapis lazuli" bracelets found on the mummy of Shoshenq II.[9] The Wedjat "was intended to protect the king [here] in the afterlife"[10] and to ward off evil. Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their vessel to ensure safe sea travel.[11]


Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky god who was usually depicted as a falcon. His right eye was associated with the sun Ra. The eye symbol represents the marking around a Peregrine Falcon's eye that includes the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the eye. The mirror image, or left eye, sometimes represented the moon and the god Djehuti (Thoth).[12]

wedjet – Eye of Horus

in hieroglyphs

The eye as hieroglyph and symbol

There are seven different hieroglyphs used to represent the eye, most commonly "ir.t" in Egyptian, which also has the meaning "to make or do" or "one who does."[4] In Egyptian myth the eye was not the passive organ of sight but more an agent of action, protection or wrath.

In arithmetic

Hathor showing her sacred eye inherited from Wedjat—depicted in the Papyrus of Ani

In the Ancient Egyptian measurement system, the Eye Of Horus defined Old Kingdom number one (1) = 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64, by throwing away 1/64 for any rational number. Eye of Horus numbers created six-term rounded-off numbers. The Old Kingdom definition has dropped a seventh term, a remainder 1/64, that was needed to report exact series. During the Middle Kingdom that included the eleventh through fourteenth dynasties, exact series definitions and applications were often written by 6-terms, or less. The Egyptian fraction notation scaled to volume unit remainders to 1/320 hekat. For example, the Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll, the RMP 2/n table and the Akhmim Wooden Tablet wrote binary quotients and scaled remainders. The metaphorical side of this information linked Old Kingdom fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and 1/64, to separate parts of the eye.

In the Middle Kingdom the 1/64 symbol denoted "rest" and "healing" as connected to the hekat, with the word dja being attached.

The "Eye of Horus" fractions were further discussed in the Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll following elementary definitions that built the Egyptian fraction system. Weights and measure subunits of a hekat were also connected to Eye of Horus numbers in the quotient, and as an exact remainder, the remainder including an Egyptian fraction and a ro unit, correcting the Eye of Horus 1/64 roundoff error. The ro unit, 1/320 of a hekat, is cited in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus and applied in the medical texts, i.e. Ebers Papyrus in two ways. The first replaced the hekat by a unity, 64/64 (in RMP 47, 82 and 83), and the second by 320 ro (in RMP 35–38). Exact divisions of 64/64 by 3, 7, 10, 11 and 13, written as 1/3, 1/17, 1/10, 1/11 and 1/13 multipliers, are also found in the Akhmim Wooden Tablet.


Arithmetic values


Wooden case


Faience vessel, Bes holding Eyes


Collection of amulets in the British Museum Room 62


Earthenware Wedjat amulet on display at the Louvre, c. 500–300 BC

(End of Quote)

Why is it that the government of a supposed Christian nation like the United States, and indeed all Christian nations, chooses doctrines, symbols, statues and other objects of ancient pagan worship to represent it? The following is short list of all that I can think of off the top of my head:

1 - Sunday as the official day of rest and religious worship. (As decreed by Emperor Constantine in 325 AD)

2 - Persecutes Believers who follow Jewish customs. (As decreed by Emperor Constantine shortly after 325 AD).

3 – Has a government set up exactly like that of ancient Rome.

4 – Has a statue of the ancient goddess Isis greeting everyone who comes into New York harbor?

5 – Has a pagan obelisk standing out in front of the nation’s capital.

6 – Has the one-eyed pyramid on its emblem and one dollar bill.

Other “curiosities” are that the first religious figure that any new president “visits” is the Pope; thereby honouring him as the foremost religious figure in the world. Next is the foremost African American figure (currently Jesse Jackson) to make the African American voters happy. These are all supposedly Protestant presidents. Why would they honour a Roman Catholic figurehead over a Protestant one?

Every President since Franklin Roosevelt has been a member of the Skull and Bones, a secret university sorority that “trains” future presidents in the way they must govern. The Skull and Bones is a secret Roman Catholic organization within a Catholic - run university and its greatest brain washing centre. It has the same objective as the RCC of complete world domination (i.e. One World Order). These men have only one true allegiance and that is to the Pope. They consider themselves as global citizens rather than American citizens. They see leading the U.S. as only a stepping stone to ruling the entire world. They are, in fact, traitors to the nation they pretend to serve.

They use the exact same tactics to incite the American people to go to war as ancient Rome did – the pretense of an enemy invasion or attack. Unfortunately, the U.S. (along with all other Western nations) are going the same route as Rome, in becoming a totally amoral society (likened to Sodom and Gomorrah) and YHVH will soon bring His punishment upon this society.

One of the methods of the Vatican is to use one nation to punish another. When they were kicked out of Europe the United States and Great Britain became their military champions and they empowered these two Great nations to punish Europe. Now that Europe is once again almost totally Roman Catholic, those roles are about to change.

I am willing to bet that no one except the Vatican really knows to what degree of a role they played in the development and promotion of the American Revolution. Perhaps it was they who actually incited the revolution. What better way to slip in unaware than during the middle of a conflict, when everyone’s attention is focus elsewhere? They already controlled all of South and Central America; and they also had a good foothold in Canada through the French population there. The last holdout was the U.S. Here they had their chance to secure all of the Americas under total Vatican rule and form a nation that would lead the world in its goal of eventual world domination.

The Vatican today operates exactly as it has since Rome fell in 476 AD, in extreme secrecy. They are the grand masters of deception. They knew that it would take centuries and a long line of Popes to realize their goal. Even though they occasionally ran into some road blocks such as getting kicked out of Europe, they were quick to reassemble and attack again. In Europe’s case they were back in by 1825. They are like pit bulls; you can only stop them by killing them.

With the United States, the Vatican saw their chance to form a “New” Rome, patterned exactly after the old. When a head of state behaves properly they are rewarded. When they behave contrary to Vatican wishes, they are assassinated. One can be assured that there are Vatican agents in some, if not most, of the top government positions of the U.S. hierarchy. In fact, the RCC works constantly and tirelessly to bring all of its harlot daughters back into the fold.

I witnessed such an event in the Worldwide Church of God. The WCG followed the Jewish customs to the best of their understanding, which was in direct violation of Constantine’s order that no Roman citizen was to follow the ways of the Jews. Is it a coincidence that a former Roman Catholic, Joseph Tkatch, worked his way to the top of that organization and then destroyed it? They changed from a Sabbath/festival keeping, law abiding church to an apostate church in the matter of only a few short years. Protestants and all the other reformation churches are only a short step from their mother church to begin with. The coming New World Order will have little difficulty in uniting them all under one banner.


I feel confident in my belief that the One Eyed Pyramid will be part of the emblem of the New World Order as well. It expresses precisely how the RCC thinks of itself – the all seeing eye of God. It was the RCC that created the first Communistic model of government in Paraguay as early as the 1700s, well before Carl Marks wrote his Communist Manifesto. It is quite possible that Carl Marks was an agent of the Vatican. It is quite possible that democracy (as it is defined today) was also the invention of the Vatican. The people are given the allusion that they can collectively control the government and their destiny, but, in reality, it is “Big Brother” who manipulates and persuades the voters with their lies and deceptions. Once in power, the will of the voters takes a back seat to the will of Big Brother. In a state of true democracy (by dictionary definition), this would not be allowed to happen.


/dɪˈmɒk rə si/ Show Spelled[dih-mok-ruh-see] Show IPA

noun, plural -cies.


government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.


a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.


a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.


political or social equality; democratic spirit.


the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.


1525–35; < Middle French démocratie < Late Latin dēmocratia < Greek dēmokratía popular government, equivalent to dēmo- demo- + -kratia -cracy

The people are given the illusion of control to limit any attempt at rebellion. They are literally brainwashed into believing that their representatives actually are acting in their best interests. They are “sold a bill of goods” with every new law that is passed; that they are in the best interests of the nation – like the 2 Patriot acts. The mere title of these acts suggest that anyone opposed is not a true patriot. Meanwhile, they true intent of these two acts is to destroy the constitution of the United States and take away the rights of all its citizens. Rome operated in much the same way. They led the people to think it was all their idea (such as any decision to go to war) so that they could not come back on the true culprits. Rome often used the “threat” of invasion or attack to instigate a war with any group they wished to dominate. They would influence the people to the degree that they not only complied, but demanded such action. Two very good examples are how the U.S. got involved in a) the Second World War and b) the Afghan/Iraqi war. Both were instigated by events that their government either had a direct hand in or purposely allowed to happen, so that they might win the people’s favour in going to war. For WW2 it was the bombing of Pearl Harbour. For the Afghan/Iraqi wars, it was the blowing up of the Twin Towers. Both acts were seen as a threat to the sovereignty of the United States and both events triggered an emotional response from the citizens of the U.S. to respond with lethal action (i.e. war).

Having the symbol of the One Eyed Pyramid as any part of one’s banner tells everyone exactly who is behind it all, Rome. They may use their satellite organizations to cast all the blame on, but it is really the RCC that is control, as they have been since the fall of Rome.

The greatest circumstantial bit of evidence that I can offer is the fact that YHVH showed the prophet Daniel that the fourth empire was going to rule up until the Messiah returned to destroy them and set up his earthly kingdom. Therefore, they could not have completely died as the world supposes. The Book of Revelation describes the Beast as one who received a deadly wound but survived and recovered. Are we to put our faith the history books (which were likely written by the RCC) or in the Scriptures and the sure word of YHVH? The answer should be obvious.

The implications of the symbol of the One Eyed Pyramid appearing on the original U.S. emblem and the one dollar bill should be obvious; as should all the other pagan symbols representing the United States. If truly of YHVH, all of these symbols would be seen as abominations to the True Creator and Father of us all. One cannot profess with his mouth to follow the True Elohim and practice the customs and traditions of paganism. The two are starkly in opposition and contradiction to one another and wherever there is contradiction, you are sure to find HaSatan at the root. Whereas, with YHVH, there is never a contradiction. He tells us clearly how things are and how they will be. YHVH cannot lie. His very being is contingent upon Him being the epitome of righteousness in which deception and contradiction cannot exist. That is why He is the only One we can look to and trust to tell us the truth. His word is truth ALWAYS.

So, brethren, let us keep an open ear to any news involving the development of the coming New World Order and the symbolism it takes upon its emblems and other items, such as its eventual monetary denominations, to know, without a doubt, its true origins. We can only know the truth about someone or some institution by what comes out of their mouth, or what is practiced with their hand. Open your eyes and stay alert. Hopefully we all will survive long enough to witness YHVH victory over HaSatan and all his lies and deceptions.

YHVH Bless

Gary Primo