Becoming Like Adam

Becoming Like Adam


Gary Primo

March 11, 2017

What do I mean by the title of this article? Naturally, we already became what Adam became – creatures of sin. I am talking of what Adam was like before he gave way to sin.

In the very beginning of the Book of John, the Apostle John lays out the relationship between the Father and His only begotten Son.

John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.

2 - The same was in the beginning with Elohim.

3 - All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

4 - In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

“In the beginning was the Word.” The Word, of course, was the being we know as Yahushua. He was the beginning of the creation of Elohim. He was also the only begotten Son of Elohim. The Fathers role in this physical creation began and ended with this one created being. All the rest of creation was created by Yahushua in His pre-incarnate form.

“The same was in the beginning with Elohim”. Only these two beings existed in the beginning. No one knows for how long they remained so. I can imagine it took some time to train Yahushua for the path that He was to follow.

Proverbs 8:22 - Yahuwah possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.

23 - I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.

24 - When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water.

25 - Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth:

26 - While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.

27 - When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:

28 - When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:

29 - When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:

30 - Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;

31 - Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.

“All things were made by him (the Word); and without him was not anything made that was made.”

Yahuwah created Yahushua, and Yahushua created everything else in this universe. The universe that we can witness with the naked eye was created to be temporary. This was so, in case something went wrong, it could be destroyed with a single word from the mouth of Yahuwah. If everything went right, all would be changed in an instant from temporary to eternal without sin or death ever entering the picture.

When Yahushua created Adam, He was mirroring His Father’s creation of Himself. Adam was Yahushua’s “only begotten son”. Yahushua attempted to bring Adam up in the path he was expected to follow; however, Adam failed Yahushua when He gave way to sin. That left Yahushua with two choices; destroy the creation and start over, or become the sacrifice for sin, Himself. We all know what choice He made.

Up until this point, Yahushua, Himself, was not fully Elohim. He was a created being, and; therefore, not fully equal to the Father. He did not become fully equal until following His sacrifice, when He became the Firstborn of the New Creation. He had to be created this way so that in the case that He failed and gave way to sin (disobedience to Yahuwah) as did HaSatan, He could also be destroyed. Once anyone enters the New Creation, he/she will fully possess inherent, eternal life, and can no longer be destroyed; thus the need to purge out all thought of sin before achieving that state. From the point that Yahushua entered that state, He became fully equal to the Father.

I am sure that many, like me, often wonder, “What this world would be like if only Adam had not have sinned?” My personal thoughts are that he would have completed his training until he was deemed perfect, and then he would have been translated into the eternal sphere. It has also always made me wonder, why no man made it past the age of around 1,000 years of age. Was that (1,000 years) the allotted time of perfecting?

Another thing I have often wondered about is whatever became of Adam afterword? Did he repent? Was he forgiven? Does he yet have a chance for eternal life? The Scriptures are painfully silent on the answers to these questions. Some may think to refer to the “Book of Adam” to find answers; however, I have examined that book and deemed it a fraud because of its repeated references to the “Trinity”. Whatever became of Adam, I can only speculate that since he followed a similar path to HaSatan, he may be made to suffer the same fate.

However, the one son that Adam created (through Eve) did follow the path of righteousness until his life was taken from him by his brother, Cain. Able was a type of Messiah and he died in righteousness. Some might assume that he went directly into eternal life; however, since Yahushua is called the “Firstborn” of the New Creation, that simply cannot be the case with Abel. He lies in his grave to this very day awaiting resurrection from death.

For the purpose of this study; however, I am going to try to remain focussed on Adam’s life before he took the fateful bite from the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. His existence up until that time mirrored the relationship between Yahuwah and Yahushua. That was a one-on-one relationship with his Creator, Yahushua. I believe that if Adam had of succeeded in his purpose, this would have also been the relationship that each and every descendant of Adam would have enjoyed. Can you imagine sitting on the Father’s knee, like a small child, and receiving up-close and personal instruction and warm, loving embraces from him throughout our training period?

Think about what it felt like when your children were small and sat on your knee, and the feeling of joy that it created in you. It was as if your hearts were one. There was a feeling shared between you of total trust. And then what happened? That child became a teenager and everything went sour for a time. Fortunately, most grow out of this teenage stage into adults and once again re-enter that relationship of mutual love and trust with their parents. Does this not sound similar to what our relationship with Yahushua was like?

Many of us had some sort of early church upbringing. We went to church every Sunday, kept Christmas and Easter, and believed that we were one with Yahuwah. Some may have then drifted away for a time (like me). With me, I found discrepancies in what I was being taught during my confirmation classes and what the Scriptures actually taught. When I asked the Minister about them, he told me to read the Bible for myself to find the answers. I did not follow his advice until some 20 years later. Instead, I drifted from atheism to Von Danikinism (space aliens). And, I did not even begin reading the Bible because I had any interest in Elohim; but rather to prove it a bunch of bologna. It was during the course of reading the Scriptures that Yahuwah began to speak to me (through my mind) and turned my thinking around. By the time I finished the Book of Revelation, I was a dedicated Believer, and have been so ever since. And, I am sure that many of you have had a similar experience.

As we all know, the penalty for sin is death. Sin is sin, whether it be gossiping about another person or murder, the end result is the same. Sin is the transgression of the law (1 Jn. 3:4). However, there was no need for the law until sin manifested itself through Adam. Up until that point, sin did not exist, and: therefore, there was no need for the law. Obedience to the law was a natural component of Adam’s nature. When he succumbed to sin, it was not by nature, for the Scriptures clearly state that Adam was NOT deceived by the serpent, as was Eve (1 Tim. 2:14), but willfully sinned, knowing full well what the consequences would be. Why? Did his love for Eve exceed his love of Elohim? Did he not trust enough that Yahushua would provide him with another mate? We cannot be sure; but sadly, his choice sealed the fate for all of mankind.

It is unclear as to whether any form of man-made religion existed prior to the flood. It would seem that only particular men named during that period had a one-on-one relationship with the Creator. The very first man-made religion seems to have been contrived following the flood though Nimrod. That religion has become known as Mystery Babylon. Every man-made religion on earth today (in one way or another) follows that original blue print. Since the Tower of Babel and the confusing of the (then) universal language, that religion branched out into different forms of the original.

Yahushua re-delivered the law to Israel via Moses. Israel was intended to be the model and divine example to the rest of the world. However, the nation of Israel succumbed to deception and strayed from its intended design. The Jewish religion, today, bears little resemblance to the form of belief originally delivered.

The reason Yahushua created Israel was because of the failure of most of mankind to form the same one-on-one relationship with the Creator that Yahushua and Adam originally enjoyed. The law came into being because the natural nature of man (free from sin) had changed. The mistake that almost all of Israel made was in looking at and worshipping the physical keeping of the law only – and did not internalize it until it became an integral part of their nature.

This is the reason that Yahushua had to manifest himself in the flesh and die for our sins. Yahushua was meant to be our only example. However, I would dare say that, from the examples I have witnessed from my various experiences with man-made churches, that this prime goal has been hijacked and that most professing believers prefer to follow a man, rather than looking solely to Yahushua for their understanding.

Mainstream Christianity, today, was created by a man – a fourth century Roman emperor, no less. It was Constantine who sought to form a universal religion to consolidate his empire. “He whom you obey, him also do you worship”. It was Constantine who decreed that no Roman citizen was to follow the customs and traditions of the Jews (Council of Nicaea, 34b.c.). Later, he also decreed that no Roman citizen was to worship on the 7th day as the Jews did. He clearly distinguished Christianity from the Jewish faith, unlike the Believers of the first 3 centuries. All Christians who follow his commandments follow Constantine, and NOT Yahushua. If you believe that the Law has been done away with, the Sabbath has been changed to Sunday, the Holy Days have been replaced by Christmas and Easter and in the Trinity, you are worshipping Constantine as your god.

If you wish to follow Yahuwah, you must blow the dust off your Bible and begin reading it for yourself to receive the true instruction of Yahushua. And, even then, it will take some time to cast off all of the deceptions of HaSatan before you have a clear picture of the true gospel. I have not stopped learning new truths up to this very day (36 years); and I look ever forward to learning more. I believe myself to be an eternal student and only Yahushua to be a qualified teacher. I only share my studies in pursuit of “iron sharpening iron”. I have learned much from my fellow students – both positive and negative, but all have served as learning tools.

The biggest fault in most churches is that the congregation tends to depend on the minister of that church to do all the studying for them. Then they simply accept what they are told and move on about their daily lives. This is pure laziness. In doing so, they follow the errors of that minister. In doing so, they make that minister their god. Our duty is to study alongside of that minister, checking his words against what the Scriptures say, and either agreeing with or challenging his words.

The final word belongs to Yahushua. If we diligently seek out His word, He will not disappoint us. If we come across anyone who teaches a different message than Yahushua’s, we must declare that person to be a false prophet and avoid him.

Our all-encompassing goal is to make ourselves over into the image of Yahushua. This is in no way an easy task. Our carnal nature will remain with us until the day we die. We have a daily battle on our hands to beat down that nature of sin and allow Yahushua to transform us into a true man/woman of righteousness. We must never deceive ourselves that we are already there; for no one knows until the final hour what our state of faith truly is.

Until that time, we must strive to return to the very beginning, before sin entered the world, to the time that Adam truly was one with his Creator and the Law was part of his nature. This is our ultimate goal. We must achieve this state if we wish to inherit eternal life in the New Creation.

I truly do believe we are at least close to the end days, but irregardless, our personal journey ends with the cessation of our physical lives. The entities that are behind the present day globalist movement are seeking to return to a one world government, a one world religion and a one world language – i.e. a return to Babylon. True Believers will be tested beyond the endurance of most mortal men. We must endure till the end if we wish to see eternal life. May Yahuwah be with us all until that end.

Yahuwah Bless
