Isaiah 13

Isaiah 13


Gary Primo

Babylon represents all that is evil in this world. It represented the first post-flood empire and produced the world’s first Emperor – king Nimrod. Nimrod formed the first government, built the first cities and created the first pagan religion. He had the first army and defended his people against both marauding beasts and humans. He was the first post-flood challenger to the divinely given authority of Noah.

Babylon has become a word that means pretty much anything that is the opposite of holy or sanctified. That pretty much sums up the current state of the entire world. And that is exactly how Yahuwah thinks of us.

Isaiah 13 describes this sin and the expected results of pursuing her pleasures. The following is what was about to befall Babylon for not listening to the warnings from Yahuwah. These can also apply today to any who do not heed the end-time warnings.

The Burden against Babylon

Isa. 13:1 - This is the burden against Babylon that Isaiah son of Amos received:

2 - Raise a banner on a barren hilltop;

call aloud to them.

Wave your hand,

that they may enter the gates of the nobles.

3 - I have commanded My sanctified ones;

I have even summoned My warriors

to execute My wrath

and exult in My triumph.

Normally one would not give an enemy a warning before striking. The element of surprise is a most important military maneuver. However, we are not Yahuwah’s enemies, we are His children; and in spite of our rebellious behaviors, He actually likes us. And, most of all He wants us to repent of unrighteous behavior and turn towards Him. He does not want to lose anyone.

4 - Listen, a tumult on the mountains,

like that of a great multitude!

Listen, an uproar among the kingdoms,

like nations gathered together!

Yahuwah of Hosts is mobilizing

an army for war.

Yahuwah has always used the armies of man for his own purposes since the flood. When Israel acted righteously, Yahuwah would favor them in war and in society. When they did not act righteously, they received punishment. In this case Yahuwah was raising up Assyria to overthrow Babylon because the king had sinned. In his place, Assyria would take over.

5 - They are coming from faraway lands,

from the ends of the heavens—

Yahuwah and the weapons of His wrath—

to destroy the whole country.

Yahuwah is not limited in either His mercy or His wrath. When we behave righteously, He showers us with blessings. When we behave unrighteously, we feel His wrath. Personally, I like His blessings better. These blessings and/or cursings can come upon us either as individuals or as a nation. Sometimes whole nations are punished because of a few bad apples. Israel experienced that a few times. How could a people experience the miracles that the Israelites did and still not fear disobeying Yahuwah? And they cannot excuse their actions by saying they did not have the Messiah at that time because they did. It was always the preincarnate Mashiach who led them out of Egypt. It was always HaMashiyack who led by the front (as a pillar of fire) and protected them from the rear (by a pillar of smoke). He has been interacting with man since the beginning of creation, even as He is still doing today. It was always Yahushua, the Son, who has always dealt with the creation on the Father’s behalf.

Western nations, like the U.S. and Britain today need to hear this message. Their power is waning and yet they know it not. They are allowing the enemy into their camp, and they are about to be betrayed.

6 - Wail, for the Day of Yahuwah is near;

it will come as destruction from the Almighty.

7 - Therefore all hands will fall limp,

and every man’s heart will melt.

8 - Terror, pain, and anguish will seize them;

they will writhe like a woman in labor.

They will look at one another,

their faces flushed with fear.

The Day of Yahuwah is that fateful day when the Creator of everything we see will say, “Enough is enough.” and lower the boom on mankind. It will be a time in history like no other. Even the sun and moon will turn against us.

9 - Behold, the Day of the Yahuwah is coming—

cruel, with fury and burning anger—

to make the earth a desolation

and to destroy the sinners within it.

The whole earth has been affected by sin, even the animal kingdom. Simply having the slightest inclination to sin is enough to bring ruin to one’s life and, indeed, the entire planet (just as HaSatan’s sin brought devastation to the entire universe. Yahuwah has no plans of tolerating it indefinitely. He is currently very angry with man. Man has gone right back to the days and the general social attitude of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yahuwah will not delay His coming or his punishment much longer.

10 - For the stars of heaven and their constellations

will not give their light.

The rising sun will be darkened,

and the moon will not give its light.

There could be a number of physical reasons why the sun moon and stars would have their lights diminished. However, in this case, I believe the cause will be entirely supernatural. But then we won’t be needing them much longer anyway. In the Kingdom, Yahuwah will be the sun and the Son will be the moon (brighter and lessor lights).

11 - I will punish the world for its evil

and the wicked for their iniquity.

I will end the haughtiness of the arrogant

and lay low the pride of the ruthless.

12 - I will make man scarcer than pure gold,

and mankind rarer than the gold of Ophir.

Even the word “evil” will not exist in the Kingdom. There will be no need for it. The only thing that will survive in the Kingdom is goodness – pure goodness. I have no idea why man would be scarcer than gold to find. I can only imagine that it will be the result of war – nuclear or otherwise. Or, could it mean that men will be scarce because the covid vaccine has changed them all into zombies/no longer human?

No one will be making jokes or snide remarks about either the Father or the Son in those days. The haughty, arrogant, pridefull and ruthless will be punished.

13 - Therefore I will make the heavens tremble,

and the earth will be shaken from its place

at the wrath of Yahuwah of Hosts

on the day of His burning anger.

14 - Like a hunted gazelle,

like a sheep without a shepherd,

each will return to his own people,

each will flee to his native land.

15 - Whoever is caught will be stabbed,

and whoever is captured will die by the sword.

Can you imagine any force so strong that it could shake the earth from its place? Revelation says the following on the subject. This is how Yahuwah punishes us for disobedience. The secret to avoiding such a consequence, is simple – OBEY YAHUWAH!

Rev. 6:12 - And when I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat hair, and the whole moon turned blood red,

13 - and the stars of the sky fell to the earth like unripe figs dropping from a tree shaken by a great wind.

14 - The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

Isaiah 13:16 - Their infants will be dashed to pieces

before their eyes,

their houses will be looted,

and their wives will be ravished.

17 - Behold, I will stir up against them the Medes,

who have no regard for silver

and no desire for gold.

18 - Their bows will dash young men to pieces;

they will have no mercy on the fruit of the womb;

they will not look with pity on the children.

19 - And Babylon, the jewel of the kingdoms,

the glory of the pride of the Chaldeans,

will be overthrown by Elohim

like Sodom and Gomorrah.

Babylon represents the world, not merely a city. The world has always persecuted the people of Yahuwah. And they will continue to do so until the Messiah returns. If only ancient Israel had obeyed Yahuwah, Babylon (the world) may have been cleaned up approximately 3 millennia ago. However, we are a stubborn lot.

Babylon (the world) is going to be overthrown by Yahuwah in a most decisive manner. No one will even have a second to contemplate a defense strategy. They will be defeated quite thoroughly.

20 - She will never be inhabited

or settled from generation to generation.

No nomad will pitch his tent there,

no shepherd will rest his flock there.

21 - But desert creatures will lie down there,

and howling creatures will fill her houses.

Ostriches will dwell there,

and wild goats will leap about.

22 - Hyenas will howl in her fortresses

and jackals in her luxurious palaces.

Babylon’s time is at hand,

and her days will not be prolonged.

Does the ancient city of Babylon still exist? - Search (

The remains of the city are in present-day Hillah, Babil Governorate, Iraq, about 85 kilometres (53 mi) south of Baghdad, and its boundaries have been based on the perimeter of the ancient outer city walls, an area of about 1,054.3 hectares (2,605 acres). They comprise a large tell of broken mud-brick buildings and debris.

The ancient city of Babylon was destroyed

when was the ancient city of Babylon destroyed - Search (

When was ancient Babylon destroyed? In 1595 BC the city was overthrown by the Hittite Empire from Asia Minor. Thereafter, Kassites from the Zagros Mountains of northwestern Ancient Iran captured Babylon, ushering in a dynasty that lasted for 435 years, until 1160 BC.

Modern-day Babylon is the world at large. The attitude of Babylon has indeed survived up to this day. The attitude of ancient Babylon was enmity to Yahuwah then and remains so to this day. So, what can the world expect to happen to it? Pretty much the same thing that happened to ancient Babylon – and the same thing that happened to Sodom and Gomorrah – cleansing by fire. That fire will burn only what is corruptible. It will not touch or harm anything that is incorruptible. And it will continue to burn so as to destroy anything corruptible that approaches.


Old King Solomon was quite right when he stated that there is nothing new under the sun. The world simply keeps on repeating the same mistakes it has always made. And every mistake has everything to do with disobeying Yahuwah. Therefore, the commonsense solution would be to OBEY Yahuwah. However, since man is devoid of any common sense, he is doomed to his pathetic fate.

Now, it is my hope that recent events involving the Corona virus and vaccines have wakened up many, that the time of the end is nearer than most think. How many, when hearing the language used in regard to the vaccine, immediately recognized it as coming right out of the Book of Revelation and knew that it was the Mark of the Beast? I also wonder what those who took it before they realized what it was are thinking now? How does one undo what is already done? Sadly, I have no answer for that. I imagine they are excusing/justifying it in their minds somehow.

However, we do know that there is going to be a great multitude that will repent and turn to Yahuwah during the tribulation and will receive the seal of Yahuwah. I would imagine that these would have all taken the Mark. Is redemption possible even for those who receive the Mark? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Yahuwah’s capacity for forgiveness is indeed remarkable.

What is coming is going to be very bad. Save for the spirit of Yahuwah dwelling in us, none would have any chance of survival. We are today witnessing how many different angles they are attacking us from. Mostly all efforts to defend oneself are futile. They poison the air, the water, the food, force us to inject who-knows-what into our bodies and flat out tell us that they need to depopulate the earth by a whopping 90%. This is the biggest mass murder event in the history of man. HaSatan must be dancing the happy, happy dance. And we are the ones bringing him such joy.

Yes, folks the attitude of Babylon survived the demise of that city and is very much alive today. The only way that man can shed this attitude is by repenting and turning to Yahuwah. The result, man already thinks he is elohim and worthy of worship. He simply does not seem to understand what incorruption is. One cannot become an ever-living elohim as long as one speck of corruption remains. One cannot choose which laws to obey and which to discard. The intention of the law is to build righteous character so that Yahuwah can allow us a place in the Kingdom. If we do not build righteous character, then we will not be allowed in. It is as simple as that. So, why is the world so confused? Because HaSatan convinced us that we are already elohim. And, if already elohim, what need to pursue becoming one. From a Satanic mindset, it makes perfect sense. And so, man has made almost no effort to pursue his purpose or destiny. And although he believes that this life is all there is, he is at his wits end seeking artificial ways to achieve immortality.

Before Yahushua comes, HaSatan must come. He will attempt to set up the Kingdom of Man in place of the Kingdom of Yahuwah. The question I have is, is HaSatan self-deceived enough to believe his own lies? My guess would be yes. After all, if a person would know they were deceived, they would no longer be deceived. I suppose it would be HaSatan’s pride and vanity that made him so.

For the Believers, they are being tested every day on multiple levels – with family and friends, at work and at play. We have an opportunity at the end of each day to reflect on the days events and judge our reactions to them. Were they righteous actions? Did they please Yahuwah or disappoint Him? In this way we can assess our spiritual condition and make improvements where necessary.

We don’t have much time left – only till the end of our physical lives. And, since we do not know when that will be, it is best to be always ready. We are approaching the finish line folks. Let’s give it our all.

Yahuwah Bless
