

Still Grasping at Straws

April 11, 2010


Gary Primo

Well, here we go again. Scientists have once again found skeletal remains, which they claim to be a missing link in the “evolution of ape to man. These ungodly men are so desperate to find proof that denies the existence of a divine Creator they will grasp at any straw as proof of their argument. The newspaper article below attests to this fact.

New hominid discovery announced; creature may be part of human line

Australopithecus sediba’s bones date a million years after the famous Lucy, and have a mix of primitive and modern features

See also:

Anne McIlroy

Globe and Mail Update Published on Thursday, Apr. 08, 2010 10:10AM EDT Last updated on Thursday, Apr. 08, 2010 7:15PM EDT

Researchers in South Africa have unearthed a new species of a hominid, a long-armed, pin-headed creature that may be part of the human line.

The partial skeletons of an adult female and a boy were discovered in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, 40 kilometres from Johannesburg.

Australopithecus sediba, as the species has been named, walked upright and had facial features similar to those of modern humans and brain shaped much like ours. But that brain was tiny and its arms were long as those of a modern orangutan, evidence that it was an accomplished climber at home in the trees.

The bones date back to between 1.78 to 1.95 million years ago, a million years after the famous Lucy, and have a mix of primitive and modern features. The new species is a transitional one, somewhere between Lucy and other ape-like Australopithecus species and the more human “Homo’’ species, including Homo erectus and Homo sapiens.

Sediba means wellspring in Sotho, one of South Africa’s 11 official languages. It was “deemed an appropriate name for a species that might be the point from which the genus Homo arises, says Lee Berger, a paleoanthropologist from Wits University in Johannesburg and one of the researchers who made the discovery.

Many fossils have been found in caves in the area, but Dr. Berger and geologist Paul Dirks found new places to look with the help of Google Earth. In August, 2008, his then nine-year-old son Matthew discovered a collar bone. There was a jawbone and tooth near by. Those bones, it turned out, belonged to a young male hominid who was probably between 9-13 years of age when he died.

The next month, a second partial skeleton - belonging to an adult female - was found nearby.

Those two skeletons are described in the latest edition of the journal Science. But since then, two more have been discovered, says Dr. Berger.

They are extremely well preserved and help fill a big gap in the fossil record.

“These fossils give us an extraordinarily detailed look into a new chapter of human evolution and provide a window into a critical period when hominids made the committed change from dependency on life in the trees to life on the ground,” he says.

The Theory of Evolution

The Theory of evolution is just that – a theory. A theory is something that there is no or little concrete proof of. If there was concrete proof, it would no longer be a theory, but a fact. While there is evidence that there is some form of evolution evident within any individual species, there is none of one species evolving into a completely different species. What makes man an entirely unique species is his extremely high level of intelligence and his ability to communicate. Without the ability to communicate, we would be very much like the other species of animals sharing our planet. In other words we would still be hunters and gathers, surviving by instinct rather than by our wits. YHVH knew this when He confused the language at the Tower of Babylon. When the men building the tower were no longer able to communicate with one another, they had to give up the project and separate themselves from one another according to their languages. Even though there is proof of evolution within a specific species, none have evolved any further as far as intellect and ability to communicate goes. Scientists are at a loss to explain this supposed evolution of the intellect and communication abilities of man.

Gen. 1:24 - And Elohim said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25 - And Elohim made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

26 - And Elohim said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 - So Elohim created man in his own image, in the image of Elohim created he him; male and female created he them.

28 - And Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

In contrast to the Theory of Evolution, the words of YHVH appear to be totally factual. A horse is still a horse. A cow is still a cow. A whale is still a whale. A bird is still a bird. Not one has evolved in intellect or the ability to communicate, except for whales and dolphins, however, theirs is a very primitive form of communication which they likely had from the moment they were created and did not “evolve” at all. There is absolutely no proof that any of these species evolved from one species to another.

Modern man suddenly came into being approximately 6,000 years ago. The proof that they were created in the image of Elohim and not any other creature lies in their vast intellect and communication abilities, and they seem to have had these abilities since the day they were created. Modern archeology is continually digging up proof that modern man was much more intelligent before the Noation flood than we previously thought. They had vast knowledge of the universe that we only recently re-discovered. There is evidence that atomic bombs were used anciently and even the knowledge of flight. Most of this ancient knowledge was lost with the confusion of language at the Tower of Babylon. Yahshua foretold that in the last days there would be a vast increase in knowledge. The prime catalyst for this increase was the coming together of a universal language and the invention of the computer, by which scientists from around the globe are able to communicate more freely. Today’s man is literally still catching up to the state of intellect they had before the flood. They are, in reality, no smarter than they were 6,000 years ago. In fact they are less smart.

Mankind was not created after their own kind. They were created after the Elohim kind. Only man has a concept of a divine Creator. Only man can create or alter his own environment. Only man strives to become Elohim (on his own terms, of course). Only man has a sense of right and wrong and creates laws that all humans must live and be judged by. Only man grows and raises his own food. Only man has a creative mind where they design and build their own environment. Of course YHVH is the ultimate Creator, but the creative instincts of mankind are quite obvious and lend credence to the claim by YHVH that we were created after the Elohim or creator kind. Quite simply, we were created to become Elohim. However, mankind made the foolish mistake of listening to Satan’s lies, that we are already Elohim and have no need of YHVH. Satan taught us that we already have eternal life and that we automatically pass from one realm to another regardless if we follow YHVH or not. We ARE predisposed to become Elohim, but must follow the path that YHVH laid out before us and proved via the advent of Yahshua and his example. So far He is the only one to complete the salvation process and become the firstborn of an entirely new species (physical to spiritual).

The practice of denying Elohim started in the Garden of Eden. That is where Satan first made the claim that man was already god and that he would not surely die if he disobeyed YHVH. Man soon found out that Satan’s claims were lies, but chose his way anyway. They loved the lie because it freed them to decide for themselves the difference between right and wrong. Their first self-made decision was to eat of the forbidden tree. Their second was that it was wrong to be naked. Mankind has been denying and trying to hide their nakedness from YHVH ever since. They created their own gods and established their own priesthoods and religions. The only faith which at least started off living lives of obedience to YHVH was ancient Israel, but even they allowed corruption to continually seep in. Today true worshipers of YHVH are only found it small, scattered groups around the globe, not with any of the sanctioned religions. I call these free spirits, who base their faith purely on the Sacred Scriptures and nothing else. These select few have the courage and faith to stand before YHVH on their own two feet, rather than hide behind some religion or charismatic leader. In most cases they were born into one of the multitude of false pagan religions that predominate the earth, but took the initiative to challenge the false practices of their former faith. They blew the dust off their Bibles and took it upon themselves to find out what that Book of Books actually did say. They were rewarded by having YHVH open their eyes to the truth and set them on the true path to salvation.

Proof of the existence of a Divine Creator is all around us. He is not physical as we are. He is not spiritual in the same sense as the angels are. Remember, He created both realms; therefore He must be above and separate from each. Within the physical realm especially everything moves in cycles. Physically speaking there is no beginning point, neither is there an end point. There are physical laws that govern everything. This could not have happened by accident. There had to have been some sort of intelligent design. This design could not have come from the physical dimension. It had to have come from an outside source; else it simply could not have occurred.

Some day we will possess all knowledge concerning the universe, but only as YHVH reveals it to us. The spiritual plane that YHVH exists in is totally incomprehensible to the physical world. Once we are transformed and born into the new creation, as was our brother Yahshua, we will more readily understand. Until then it is really not that important. What is important is understanding who we are and what our purpose is. We were created in the likeness of YHVH. Therefore we are the offspring (sons and daughters) of YHVH and our purpose is to prove our faith, loyalty and obedience to Him to qualify to be born into the new creation. Then our eyes will truly be opened and we will see and know all things. Now we need the material YHVH has provided us to create anything. Then we will be able to create something from absolutely nothing, just as our Father can.

Our future is a glorious one indeed. Yet the vast majority of humans who have lived on the earth have denied not only YHVH, but the purpose He intended for us all. It is my hope that in the resurrection to judgment, these people will see the light and repent. Time will tell.

In the meantime, reports are going to continue to pour out from our government run media sources that try to support the demonic theory of evolution. The schools are going to continue to teach it. The laws of our countries are going to continue to enforce it. Some day we might be jailed simply for trying to teach our children and others anything contrary to the government enforced theories. Through it all we must remain faithful to our Creator and trust in HIM that His words and promises are true and sure. We will be tried to the limit of human endurance and beyond. Be strong my brother and sisters and endure until the end.

YHVH Bless

Gary Primo