The Third Antichrist

The Third Antichrist


Gary Primo

April 16, 2010

The catalyst for this article is the television series “The Nostradamus Effect”. In this series the producers present what so-called experts interpret from the mysterious writings of Nostradamus. In particular there is one show in the series called “The Third Antichrist”. According to them, two have already come and gone. The third is yet to come, but may be living among us right now. The two that have already come to pass are (according to the series) Napoleon and Hitler. The third is also expected to be a charismatic political figure. I could not help but feel that this interpretation was somewhat incorrect.

Yahshua told us that there would be many false messiahs (antichrists) that would follow him. Along with many false prophets, there should likely be many beasts. The Beast and the False Prophet are intrinsically joined and cannot be separated. Each needs the other to exist. The Book of Revelation pictures the False Prophet riding the Beast power. The Beast needs the False Prophet to keep the people in line. The False Prophet needs the military might of the Beast power to conquer all nations and bring about globalization (one world government/religion). One religion in particular claims to be the “Universal Church”; in fact its name means exactly that, which is the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). The word “catholic” means “universal”. This name was chosen for it when it became the official state religion of the Roman Empire. What would have had to transpire for this event to have happened?

To begin with, the Romans hated the Jews. They still do. The sect of Believers who followed Yahshua was for centuries considered a sect of the Jews; therefore they were hated too. And because they were so vigorously converting the world, they were hated even more. Believers were being persecuted the most in Rome itself. The ancient Roman leaders seemed to have had no regard for human life or dignity whatsoever. They turned the murder of innocent Believers into sport and entertainment. They devised all sorts of torture devices and murder scenarios. They passed into Roman law that no Roman citizen was to practice any of the customs and practices of the Jews. We know from numerous accounts in the scriptures that Yahshua, his disciples and the Believers that followed all kept these customs. Therefore, the keeping of the Jewish customs became the point of evidence that convicted Believers of the first 3 centuries of violating this Roman law.

With the advent of Emperor Constantine, this whole scenario suddenly changes. The “church” as it is now called, suddenly gains the favor of the Empire and the persecution comes to an abrupt halt. Was in really Constantine who was converted or was it the church. Constantine continued to stand by the Roman law against Judaising, but the church, suddenly, was no longer keeping the customs of the Jews. In fact they were sporting a whole different set of customs and traditions. Where did they come from? As in past articles I have demonstrated that they came directly from Mithraism. Mithraism was the state sponsored religion before Christianity. All of its customs and traditions were “Christianized” and became the very same as what is observed by traditional Christianity today (ie; Christmas, Easter, Sunday). Along the way customs and traditions of other pagan groups filtered in as well. So now we have a false church, professing to follow Yahshua, whom they have made over into their “Christ” and keeping all the traditions, customs, holidays and weekly day of worship of Mithraism. The Christian Church of Rome has been the office of the False Prophet since its inception. So it only stands to reason that the False Prophet is an office, not any one individual. It has been held by numerous false prophets (popes). It has ridden on the back of every world dominating military power since that day. It is the perfect picture of John’s vision in the Book of Revelation of the woman dressed in scarlet, riding the beast.

When Mithraism saw that the assembly of Believers was growing at an alarming pace, they did a remarkable thing. Their priests disguised themselves and infiltrated various groups of Believers (wolves in sheep’s clothing, as Paul and other apostles forewarned). They worked their way into the leadership of the groups of Gentile Believers and eventually persuaded them of numerous false (previous Mithraite) doctrines. Eventually they were the ones who convinced these groups of Believers that it was in their best interests to get in line with the laws of the empire to avoid persecution. It was they who conspired with the Roman leaders to assume official state status.

When the Roman Empire supposedly fell, the political leaders merely disguised themselves as priests and hid themselves inside the church. They became the military wing of that church, or the Beast power. However, they did not have a standing army of their own. They realized that the only way for the church and the empire to survive, was for them to work their mischief incognito. In Daniel’s vision YHVH showed him that the Roman (4th) Empire was to last until Yahshua returned to establish his empire on earth. Since the word of YHVH is the only word to be believed, any true Believer must believe that the Roman Empire survived its deadly wound and is still alive and well today.

The military machine that the Vatican is using today is that of the United States of America. The Jesuits were expelled from Europe around the same time as the American Revolution for infiltrating and manipulating governments over there. They were also responsible for a number of murders and assassinations there. So, they flocked to Great Britain and the U.S. instead, setting their sights on the new world more so. Like their Mithraite predecessors they infiltrated the newly formed government incognito and influenced its laws and doctrines. The government of the U.S. today is easily identifiable with ancient Rome in its overwhelming race for world domination. Satan knows that he has but a short time left and the push is on to complete his goal of the total destruction for mankind. He is about to come very close to realizing his goal.

The strategy of the new union of state and church was not to use their own military, but that of whichever nation on the earth at any given time was the strongest. The church/empire never changed and remains the same. The military wing is known as the “Society of Jesus” or Jesuit Order. They have their own pope, affectionately known as the “Black Pope” in contradiction to the “White Pope” who visibly leads the church. This is the office of the Beast. All the White Popes who defied the Black Pope were unceremoniously murdered (most often by slow acting poison). They usually suffered months of extreme torment before death overtook them (Read “Vatican Assassins”, by Jon Phelps). It is an age-old story of state overriding religion and religious doctrine.

The goal of the RCC has always been complete world domination. The goal of the Roman Empire is exactly the same, so the two compliment each other quite well. Both have shown that they are totally ruthless in achieving their quest. It is difficult for me to comprehend that anyone can truly believe that conversion by force was ever Yahshua’s intention. The entire concept of conversion requires a change of heart. This cannot come about by force, but by heartfelt repentance. Today, multiple thousands of Christians will attend church every Sunday in the firm belief that they are doing the right thing. Most were likely born into whichever denomination that they presently serve. They never question their beliefs. They are not required to change anything in their lives and they are quite happy about that. They suffer little persecution for their beliefs unless they go to a Moslem country. Basically they fit in quite nicely with the rest of the world. Like most of mankind before them, they prefer to believe the lie, rather than take the hard road that YHVH laid out for our salvation. That road requires that we (Believers) be different and set ourselves apart from the rest of the world. We sanctify ourselves to YHVH alone and His laws. We want to change. We want to become like our brother Yahshua in all ways. We are willing to follow Yahshua wherever he leads us, without fear of being different and isolated from the rest of the world. Learning all truth is a lifetime commitment and often our understanding changes as we continue to grow. Most of us are coming out of former pagan/Christian groups and still have some false doctrines ingrained in our minds, but as we study and learn the truth, we must shed off these false doctrines and replace them with YHVH’s true doctrines. In traditional Christianity, their false doctrines have become the center piece of their faith and the prime focus of their faith. They worship their doctrines above their creator. This must not be so among true Believers. Our walk is a walk of constant change, weeding out all false doctrine as we go. I have seen too many come so far, then settle in thinking they now have all truth and need not grow any further. Nothing can be farther from the truth. We are involved in a learning process that continues for as long as we draw a breath.

The Roman Catholic Church has never supported independent thinkers. They were all quickly excommunicated, imprisoned, tortured or killed. The RCC is not interested in the truth. They already know the truth, but prefer the lie. The lie allows them much more control over the masses, and control is truly what they are all about. Roman Catholics see their Pope as “God on Earth”. Every world ruling emperor was also seen in this light. Noah, who after the flood, being the oldest human being alive, was considered the king and high priest of the entire earth. He was a humble man who would never have considered himself “God on Earth”, but was so deified by the people after his death. He is the source of the host of human gods who came to be deified and worshipped within the Greek pantheon. His sons were also so deified. The ancient Greeks believed that their gods originated from a watery chaos (ie. the flood). Who else emerged from the flood but Noah and his sons?

The office of antichrist began long before Yahshua’s physical advent. It began with the first organized religion following the flood, which was in the time of king Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah through Canaan. He attempted to form the same global, political/religious empire following the flood. He built large walled cities to “protect” his subjects from marauders and wild beasts that over populated the earth at the time. The reality was that these cities were more like prisons that contained his subjects and allowed him to more easily control them. I have lived in both the city (Toronto) and in the country and can truthfully testify that people in the country enjoy a lot more freedom than people in the city. However, people in the city seem to be quite happy being close to all the conveniences of hospitals and shopping malls being within easy traveling distance. Speaking for myself, I’d rather travel the distance than give up my freedom.

When we read about the earliest history of mankind in the Scriptures, there is no mention of temples that people worshipped in. That is because such temples are just another form of containment and control. Originally the entire earth was considered YHVH’s temple. The oldest living human was considered the king and high priest (the order of Melchizadek). The oldest living member of each family was considered an elder and priest over his particular family. After the time of Abraham the Order of Melchizadek fell into serious disarray. The eldest living human being at the time was Shem, the eldest son of Noah, but his office was being challenged by the religion that Nimrod established. Shem, whose life overlapped Abrahams by some 111 years, would have been considered the king and high priest of the entire earth. Shem is synonymous with Melchizadek.

Gen. 14:17 - And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king’s dale.

18 - And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high Elohim.

19 - And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high Elohim, possessor of heaven and earth:

20 - And blessed be the most high Elohim, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.

Salem was the original name of the city of Jerusalem (which means New Salem). It was then, as it is now, the holy city of YHVH. Since Shem was still alive at the time of this event, who else would have been its ruler? Does it not stand to reason since Shem was the oldest human being alive at the time and considered the king and high priest of the entire earth that he would have resided in the holy city?

My former church tried to claim that Melchizadek was actually Yahshua. This would have meant that Yahshua would have been physically manifested twice and died twice. Such a claim was totally unscriptural, and as far as I am concerned, ridiculous. But this sort of doctrine is exactly what I was talking about earlier. This is what the leadership of that church taught and all its followers readily accepted it simply because their leaders told them it was so. Anyone that challenged it was disfellowshipped. This church had become comfortable in its doctrines and did not want to change. When a new leader took over that church and began to promote more traditional worldly doctrines, the sheep blindly followed and now that church is keeping Sunday as their weekly day of worship and all the pagan holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc.). Of course not all followed and that church was seriously fragmented, but even many of the groups that separated themselves from her, continued in their former false doctrines, basically worshipping their former leader. We must never put that much faith in any human being. There is only One that we must follow faithfully and that is YHVH, with Yahshua as our example. Salvation is a serious matter and we have to be careful and examine every doctrine with complete immunity to see the truth for ourselves. Yahshua is the only member of the creation who has proved himself perfect in obedience to the Law and knowledge of the truth. He is the only one who has completed the process of salvation. He is the only one to have so far been born into the new creation. It is his example and his alone, that we must fashion our lives after. He is the only one that can lead us to salvation. We must be like the noble Bereans studying and proving all things to ourselves – not putting all our trust and faith in what any other human being says or does. Do we really want to place the hope of our salvation entirely on such human leaders when we already have a LIVING HIGH PRIEST who has truly shown us the way to salvation?

Rest assured, when we begin to separate ourselves from the world that the world will notice and we will be persecuted. In fact, if we are not being persecuted, we should ask ourselves why not. When the final False Prophet takes his office, true Believers are going to stick out like a sore thumb. They will be the Judaisers, keeping the doctrines and customs of their Jewish Messiah. The False Prophet will most strongly promote all the false doctrines of traditional Christianity, putting to death all who challenge him. This point of evidence will also tell us that he is the Antichrist and that we are not to follow him. We must resist unto death if necessary, for we know that we will be raised from death into the glory that YHVH has purposed for us, as true sons of YHVH.

No one knows the identity of the final False Prophet at this time, for he has yet to reveal himself. Like Satan, he will appear as an “angel of light”. Satan will give his power to this individual so that he will perform awesome miracles. No doubt there will be some Believers who fall for these miracles and revert back to their former beliefs. I have already witnessed such regression. However, it is not the miracles that we must look for, but rather the one point of evidence that I have been talking about throughout this study, which is the keeping of the exact same Jewish doctrines, customs and beliefs that our Jewish Messiah held. We should seriously examine any others that are introduced to us. We must one day stand before YHVH in the judgment and give account for ourselves. We will not be able to blame our lack of understanding on any other human being or church because we have always had the choice and opportunity to study and prove all things to ourselves. We will be without defense. We will be found guilty of denying YHVH and His Only Begotten Son and the supreme example that he laid down his life for. What verdict do you want to hear on that day – guilty or innocent?

In conclusion, the offices of the Antichrist and the Beast are alive and well today. The Antichrist is the present-day White Pope, Benedict XVI. The Beast is the present-day Black Pope, Count Hans Kolvenbach (“the most powerful man on earth” ). The United States of America is its military machine. These may not be the end-time False Prophet and Beast, but they do hold that office today and are laying the ground work for those who are to follow. Both offices are within one organization, the Roman Catholic Church. The religious wing rides the back of the political wing and is subservient to it. The so-called experts who claim to have interpreted the writings of Nostradamus are largely from the RCC and therefore would be obliged to lead all suspicion away from that organization. So, it is understandable that they point the finger elsewhere. As far as Napoleon and Hitler go, theirs was the military machine of their day, but neither were the Beast or the False Prophet.

I hope that this article has made this topic clear enough. If not, feel free to write me for more information. Also, if anyone has anything to add to this study, feel free to contribute.

YHVH Bless

Gary Primo