Faith Makes the Invisible Visible

Faith Makes the Invisible Visible


Gary Primo

July 7, 2019

Heb. 11:1 - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

2 - For by it the elders obtained a good report.

3 - Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of Elohim, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

This is the Biblical definition of faith. Below is the dictionary definition:



confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.

belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.

belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims.

belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.

a system of religious belief: the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.

the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.: Failure to appear would be breaking faith.

Well, my friends, it is my belief that there is plenty of proof for our faith in Yahuwah, even if the world does not see things that we see. The proof of a spiritual entity that created the physical universe is all around us. The very fact that we exist, should be adequate. Yet, HaSatan has put it in the minds of men that they are already gods and have full authority to choose their own course. So, let us examine this question carefully and see what we come up with.

The Universe Exists

The very fact that the physical universe exists, should be all the proof anyone needs of a Grand Creator. Yet our brilliant scientists have come up with every theory imaginable to seize that glory away from Yahuwah and credit it to “Mother Nature” the god whom they worship. And yet, a growing number of scientists who have been studying various nano-particles that make up our universe, have recently come to the conclusion that there was no way the universe created itself – that physical life is much too complicated and intricate to have happened by accident.

Of course, I totally agree with their conclusion. I have stated many times that it would have been impossible for the physical creation to have created itself. It is even more ridiculous than the theory that man evolved from apes. Everything in the physical universe is cycular, meaning it moves in cycles. Like looking at a perfectly formed circle, one cannot determine where it begins or ends. And, as with a wheel, alone it can do nothing, but when you exert an outside force the wheel moves and become useful. It is the same with physical life. We cannot determine a starting or ending point. The evidence for a supernatural Creator is endless.

The universe itself is a huge living organism. It is ever growing and expanding. It is much more than a collection of dead planets, but rather a collection of dead planets awaiting the time when they will all be brought to life. That will be one of our jobs as full spiritual creations. The universe is being prepared and conditioned for that great day.

Physically speaking, the physical universe should not exist. It needed an outside spark to bring it to existence. The laws of nature preclude that the universe could not have created itself out of nothing and without some form of intelligent design. The physical realm deals only with what already physically exists, and not with anything that does not yet exist. It is physically impossible for it to have ever created itself.

We Exist

We exist! That’s right! The very fact that we exist is proof of an external spiritual creator. While science spouts off a bunch of garbage about evolution, they cannot explain the great gap in intellect between man and any other creature. They laugh like little school children when we claim to be made in Yahuwah’s image; yet their explanations are even more laughable.

An ape might resemble a man in a number of ways, but they are missing the most important thing a man possesses that an ape does not – the spirit of Yahuwah dwelling in them and imparting intellect. An ape is limited in creating his own environment. He cannot speak, He cannot build monumental buildings, fly, drive, traverse the great oceans by ship or fly to the moon. They are severely limited by their physical boundaries. And, they can never step outside those boundaries.

We too are limited at this present time by our physical boundaries. Those boundaries will not change until we are born into the spiritual universe. This future belongs solely to mankind and does not apply to any other creature. Yes, there is no question that man is a truly unique creature. He possesses the ability to create, reason, plan, grow and raise our own food, educate himself and one another, create our own suitable environment, language, solve complicated mathematical problems, create transportation for ourselves, fly to the moon, etcetera. What ape can do any of those things? No, the lowly ape remains the same as the day it was created. And, although the scientific theory remains the standard teaching in most of our educational facilities, it is as much a condition of faith as with any religious entity. They merely have a different basis for their faith.

Yahuwah placed a portion of His spirit in the very first man, Adam. This spirit alone is the source of our intellect; yet, man likes to think that he came by this state on his own or by natural evolution. Anything to deny the existence of an Omni-present Creator!

What would we think if our children denied that we were their parents and are the ones that gave them life, or that we never even existed? It is not much of a stretch to imagine how hurt Yahuwah is on account of man’s denial of His existence. Rather than glorifying Yahuwah for His great work, man tries to attribute it to the elohim they follow, who is HaSatan, the elohim of this age. HaSatan is the product of the creation as well; and, he has taught man to worship the creation, rather than the Creator. All who obey HaSatan’s teachings elevate him as the elohim whom they worship over Yahuwah.

HaSatan must be quite pleased with himself right about now. And, it certainly seems like his plan is proceeding quite successfully. Yet HaSatan’s first folly involved self deception. HaSatan first deceived himself that he was already elohim and thought he deserved to rule over the creation in place of Yahuwah. And, obviously man believed HaSatan over Yahuwah making him the “elohim” they worship instead of Yahuwah. HaSatan believes he is already a finished creation and has taught man the same deception. If HaSatan were, indeed, a finished creation he would already possess eternal life and could not be destroyed. However, scriptural prophesy tells us that he will be destroyed and turned to dust under our feet. All who follow after him will meet the same end.

Isa. 14:12 - How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations!

13 - For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of Elohim: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 - I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

15 - Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Of course, man is also a master of self deception. Like HaSatan, man thinks he is already elohim and that this life is all there is. Yet, the definition of an elohim is someone who cannot die because they possess eternal life. Well, there is no argument that all men must die. It is simply a part of life. So, stupid mankind has resigned itself to the fact that they will never see any life beyond the grave, and; therefore, do not need to follow after Yahuwah. Or, they have deceived themselves into following a manmade religion that lies to them and tells them that they go to heaven and eternal life immediately upon death. Well, one thing I am sure of is that most of my friends and family members who have passed away are more likely to be in that other place, if it actually existed. Yet, some lying Christian ministers promoted them instantly into heaven and eternal life, regardless of the fact that they harbored no belief in Yahuwah or any god, whatsoever.

Man tends to believe almost anything that tickles his ego. One thing my father taught me regarding the home renovations and dealing with women, was that woman love flattery and that by buttering them up, one can get just about anything they want. A case in point came up one time when I was working with him and we had no source of water on the job and needed to seek permission from the closest neighbour to use their water. Well, my father was warned in advance that the woman next door was a cranky old so-and-so. So, he knew exactly what to do. When he went to her door and she answered, the first thing he told her was how much she looked like a certain movie star. He not only got the water he needed, but anything else he asked for, also.

Now I am not placing such naivety strictly on women, men are no different. In fact, I would say that men have a much bigger ego than women, and love even more so to have that ego stoked. Remember that when trying to get a raise from your boss.

For man, faith in one’s own abilities is the norm, more so than faith in Elohim. He only believes in the here and now because that is all he can physically see and touch. He has stifled Yahuwah’s spirit in him and allowed his carnality to take over and consume him. If he cannot see it, it simply cannot exist. Yet, real physical evidence of Yahuwah’s existence does exist, that demands the existence of an external Creator. Naturally, science attempts to come up with a different interpretation of the evidence than we do. It is like when we go to court. A determined prosecutor will view the evidence with the mindset of gaining a conviction; while the defence lawyer tries to turn the evidence around in an effort to get his client exonerated. We must not be like the defence lawyer in matters pertaining to Yahuwah, seeking excuses for our behaviour, even if we have to fabricate it ourselves. Such are self deceived and will never see the Kingdom of Yahuwah.

The Physical Evidence

Is there actual physical evidence of a Grand Creator? Of course there is! The greatest proof of all is the existence of any physical creation at all. There is no way the physical creation could have created itself. Physically speaking, there has to be material already in existence for it to grow and develop. So, where did that material come from? No matter what science teaches, there is no getting away from this fact. The physical creation does not possess the ability to form something out of nothing; and that is exactly where Yahuwah started from and remains the only logical conclusion as to our origin.

Rom. 1:20 - For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Elohim-head; so that they are without excuse:

21 - Because that, when they knew Elohim, they glorified him not as Elohim, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 - Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

Science (a vast collection of fools) wants us to believe that everything came about as per their Big Bang Theory. Well, it is my contention that they stole this theory straight from the pages of scripture, which say that He spoke the universe into existence. The “big bang” was the tremendous noise it made when it burst into existence. .

Heb. 11: 3 - Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of Elohim, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

“Someone may object: “Nothing came from nothing; nothing ever could.” This memorable line from The Sound of Music means simply that nothing cannot make something. It does not mean that Someone (God) cannot make something where before there was nothing else but God. In fact, everything that comes to be has a cause. So when the universe came to be, it too had a Cause (God).”

Job 38:6 - Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;

7 - When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of Elohim shouted for joy?

Verse 7 is speaking of the worlds bursting into existence. The scientists stole this concept directly from the Scriptures. The worlds did indeed burst into existence from nothing. Of course, the scientists have to add their own twist to this revelation in attributing creation to the act of simply bursting into existence on its own without the aid of a Creator. They do not even try to explain how.

The following quotes demonstrate the absurdity of their argument. The first is pro-creation and the second is pro-evolution:

Cosmologist and Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Alan Guth, had this to say:

“The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing—zero, nada. As it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nothing”.

Luke Barnes, a non-creationist astrophysicist who is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Sydney Institute for Astronomy, University of Sydney, Australia, is scathing about Krauss and those who argue like him:

“First and foremost, I’m getting really rather sick of cosmologists talking about universes being created out of nothing. Krauss repeatedly talked about universes coming out of nothing, particles coming out of nothing, different types of nothing, nothing being unstable. This is nonsense. The word nothing is often used loosely—I have nothing in my hand, there’s nothing in the fridge etc. But the proper definition of nothing is “not anything”. Nothing is not a type of something, not a kind of thing. It is the absence of anything.”

Well, Luke Barnes may be a well recognized “non-creation astrophysicist”, but his math is atrocious. And he seems to contradict himself here. Every elementary school graduate knows that 0 +0 = 0. 0 x 0 = 0. 0 / 0 = 0. 0 – 0 = 0. No matter how one slices it, the only thing that nothing can create is nothing. Therefore, the fact that the universe even exists demands the existence of a non-physical Creator. If not the universe would still be in a state of nothingness.

Mankind was blessed with Yahuwah’s creative nature, but we still cannot create something out of nothing. The physical laws that exist, simply prohibit any such things from happening. To build a house we need material. To cook, we need material. To make clothing for ourselves, we need material. Yahuwah alone is the only one capable of making something from nothing merely by speaking it into existence. Therefore, He must exist!

Everything around us behaves in a certain order – the earth completes its journey around the sun in 365 days (or 360 on the Hebrew calendar). The seasons come and go perfectly in their order – never changing. The sun goes up, the sun goes down. We all take these things for granted, but everything had to have been set in this order. Order simply cannot come out of chaos. Rather, it demands the existence of a very intelligent designer.

No one will argue that the physical universe has certain laws that govern its behaviour.

The following site lists what exactly all the laws of physics are:

The list is long and I imagine it took mankind a very long time to learn them all. However, for any of these laws to even exist requires the existence of a law-maker. Laws simply do not invent or establish themselves. If everything we see were simply a random accident, there would be no laws and everything would be a chaotic mess.

The Planet Earth

The planet we all live on is also proof or a super intelligent force behind it all. We know that at least within our solar system, that Earth is the only planet capable of supporting life. If all such life simply “evolved” why has such a process not taken place on any of the other planets? How did the Earth end up being the perfect distance from the sun to support such life? How did we end up with the moon revolving in perfect harmony with the earth, and taking the exact same time to complete its cycle every month? The concept that this all simply evolved is absurd, bordering on mental retardation.

Of course, the earth was not created in this condition. It was once a chaotic mass of molten rock that took many, many years to cool and solidify, making it ripe for supporting life. Yet it remained barren until some spark initiated all life on her. But it was not the earth nor the sun nor the moon that gave life to this planet. It was the spirit of Yahuwah. The fact that we are the only known planet capable of such support, gives even more credence to the necessity of an intelligent designer. If evolution were viable, every planet should have some form of life that is conducent to its environment. Every solar system should have at least one planet capable of supporting life. The Mars rover is searching tirelessly for evidence that life once existed on Mars but have come up empty. They are also exploring the possibility of making it inhabitable themselves. The reason is that in the case of nuclear annihilation on Earth, the Elite can merely move to Mars.

Here on Earth the seasons also follow one another in perfect harmony. Spring seeding is followed by early summer and late fall harvests; and over the winter months the soil rests and rejuvenates itself. Everything works in perfect unison for the support of life. The periods of light and darkness are more or less evenly divided. The earth takes the same amount of time to complete its daily revolution. The moon provides its light every month for 26 days and is in darkness for 3, as a record of Yahushua’s time in the bowels of the earth. The sun sheds its light continuously, as a reminder that Yahuwah is eternal and unchanging. Everything in the universe tells the story of Yahuwah and His eternal greatness. However, only the spiritually gifted can see it and interpret the evidence rightly.


Yes, the evidence for creation is overwhelming, yet a non-believing world sees it not. They may as well be as physically blind as they are spiritually. Because of their lack of sight, they tend to invent their own reality. It must not be so with us, brethren. We need to believe and trust Yahuwah without question. If we do not understand something, we go to the scriptures and search for clarity and do not rely on our own human reasoning.

It is our faith that allows us to see and recognize things that are of the spirit. And we cannot expect those who are devoid of this spirit to see and understand anything of the spirit unless Yahuwah chooses them to. All we can do is keep putting the message out there and allow Yahuwah to call whosoever He will.

There is absolutely nothing special about us that we can see these things that others cannot. If not for Yahuwah opening our minds to the truth and driving us to seek His desire, we would be no different from the rest of the world. We have absolutely nothing in and of ourselves to boast about. All we can do is thank Yahuwah daily for this greatest of all blessings and demonstrate our appreciation by diligently doing the work we have been commissioned to do.

Yahuwah Bless
