Ezekiel 9

Ezekiel 9


Gary Primo

Lately I have been sounding off a lot about the Mark of the Beast. I also mentioned that there is a Mark of Yahuwah as well. Ezekiel 9 reveals another time in History when the Mark of Yahuwah was brought into play. Simply put, the Mark of Yahuwah distinguishes those who are in Yahuwah (the Righteous) from those who are not in Yahuwah (the unrighteous). A mark on the forehead represents thoughts, belief, understanding, etc. The example here in Ezekiel is that the righteous in Yahuwah were marked to be spared, just as in Egypt when the blood on the door posts marked the righteous of Israel. If we are truly righteous in all that we do and think, we already have the Mark of Yahuwah upon our foreheads. The only thing that can remove it is if we fall away from following Yahuwah.

We all may feel confident that we will never fall away; However, historically speaking, this has not always been the case. True Believers have suffered persecution at all times – first from the Jews, then the Romans, then the RCC, then the Spanish, Turks, Russians and Germans. In fact, every world ruling empire since the Roman Empire has persecuted True Believes. Being that we are basically the same as Jews, we share in their persecution. And not all were able to withstand the persecution.

Meanwhile, True Believers never used persecution as a tool to convert people. They only used Yahushua’s example of love. For this they were whipped, tortured, and killed. Yet, they protested not; nor did they speak any blaspheme against Yahuwah. They simply kept their mouths shut and prayed. For them, death was the ultimate escape.

Execution of the Idolaters

1 - Then I heard Him call out in a loud voice, saying, “Draw near, O executioners of the city, each with a weapon of destruction in hand.”

2 - And I saw six men coming from the direction of the Upper Gate, which faces north, each with a weapon of slaughter in his hand. With them was another man clothed in linen who had a writing kit at his side. And they came in and stood beside the bronze altar.

Does the 7 candles Menorah come to mind when reading these passages? The center candle represents Yahushua, and the six other candles, the 6 archangels. What was the writing pad about? Likely to write the names of those who received the Mark of Yahuwah. Nothing that is unrighteous is going to survive as Yahuwah approaches to claim His Kingdom. We must; therefore, ensure that we are righteous in ALL things before that day.

3 - Then the glory of the Elohim of Israel rose from above the cherubim, where it had been, and moved to the threshold of the temple. And He called to the man clothed in linen who had the writing kit at his side.

We can only wonder how anyone who had the presence of Yahuwah right in their midst could ever stray from worshipping Him. How could we not be completely humbled by such a sight? Does our own human spirit so hate our Father that we just rebel against everything he tells us automatically? We are indeed very strange creatures.

Adam’s rejection of Yahuwah set the course for all his descendants. He freely chose the Mark of the Beast over the Mark of Yahuwah as did mostly all his descendants after him. Therefore, to gain the Mark of Yahuwah, they had to first shed the Mark of the Beast. In doing that, they separated themselves from the rest of mankind and were duly persecuted for their choice. HaSatan does not like to lose even one soul to HaMashiyack.

4 - “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem,” said Yahuwah, “and put a mark on the foreheads of the men sighing and groaning over all the abominations committed there.”

These were supposedly the people of Yahuwah being talked about here. And even among such there were those who were committing abominations. What is it about our enemy, HaSatan, that makes it so easy for him to deceive us into following after him? He uses elegant speech and flattery for the most part, telling us we are fine the way we are (like him) and do not need to change. Lies, lies, lies; all of it!

Yet, there were some who recognized HaSatan’s lies and saw through his deceptions, and for their faithfulness, received the Mark of Yahuwah.

5 - And as I listened, He said to the others, “Follow him through the city and start killing; do not show pity or spare anyone!

6 - Slaughter the old men, the young men and maidens, the women and children; but do not go near anyone who has the mark. Now begin at My sanctuary.”

So, they began with the elders who were before the temple.

What better place to start than right at the top; with the same leaders who deceived the people into committing idolatry? Many people tend to pick a man they regard highly to “follow” in place of Yahushua. In most cases that person has a high standing within our spiritual circle. Some do their best to mimic that person’s words and behavior. That is when we land ourselves in a pile of unspiritual manure. We are not to mimic any man in any regard; we are to only mimic our only Eternal High Priest and King, Yahushua.

When we read of the horrible way Yahushua was treated by the religious elite of His day, we have to ask, “What was wrong with these people?” Twice they had Elohim in their midst, dwelling alongside of them and both times they rejected Him. When exactly did they throw off the Mark of Yahuwah, which their forefathers were blessed with, and take on the Mark of the Beast? I believe it was when then elevated their own Talmud above the Torah (writings of the Rabbis over the Word of Yahuwah). However, it may have started long before then.

7 - Then He told them, “Defile the temple and fill the courts with the slain. Go forth!”

So, they went out and began killing throughout the city.

This seems rather unusual, Yahuwah telling them to defile the temple. Usually, He was telling them to honor the Temple and keep it incorruptible. However, the corrupted Priesthood already occupied and corrupted the Temple. Perhaps their actions demanded that they be killed where they stood as an example to the people who believed them righteous and an example to be followed. They were certainly “wolves in sheep’s clothing” and there remains plenty of wolves in sheep’s clothing today. The only way to recognize them is to compare their words with the Word of Yahuwah. If their words do not match His, remove yourselves immediately from them.

8 - While they were killing, I was left alone. And I fell face down and cried out, “Oh, Yahuwah Elohim, when You pour out Your wrath on Jerusalem, will You destroy the entire remnant of Israel?”

The prophets of old often thought they stood alone before Yahuwah. However, there was always a small remnant that remained faithful to Yahuwah. They may not have stood out as plainly as the prophets, but they were there, likely keeping a low profile out of fear of their corrupt spiritual leaders.

9 - He replied, “The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great. The land is full of bloodshed, and the city is full of perversity. For they say, ‘Yahuwah has forsaken the land; Yahuwah does not see.’

These are usually the types of responses from someone who has done wrong but refuses to take responsibility for their actions. We cannot defy Yahuwah’s clear instructions and expect blessings from Him. That is totally absurd! And yet, almost the whole world does it and blame Yahuwah when their punishment comes. That is why Yahuwah is calling us out of the world and oh, what a glorious calling that is. We are not to act like they do. We are to act like our High Priest and King, Yahushua. If we are to suffer punishment for anything, let it be for our unrelenting service to Yahuwah.

10 - But as for Me, I will not look on them with pity, nor will I spare them. I will bring their deeds down upon their own heads.”

Yahuwah has no pity for such unrighteous individuals, and neither should we. No matter who it is that is attempting to entice us back into the world, we must resist them. It could be a close friend, relative or even one’s spouse. No matter who it is, they are of the world and; therefore, of HaSatan. We may be just a speck of sand in a sea of sand but if we bear the Mark of Yahuwah, He will find us and He will save us.

11 - Then the man clothed in linen with the writing kit at his side reported back, “I have done as You commanded.”

Again, the man clothed in linen represents Yahushua. He stands alone as having never committed any sin. He has already received His reward. Now it is up to us if we receive ours. We will only achieve that if we model ourselves after Yahushua. Yahushua has indeed done everything His Father commanded Him to do. He is the pride of Yahuwah’s creation. Won’t it be exciting to hear Yahuwah say that to us?


There are many roads that lead to Rome, but only one that leads to the Kingdom. If we are not one that one road, we are likely on one of the others. Whenever we get lost while driving, we pull out a road map for directions to find our way. We must do the same thing when we get on that one road to the Kingdom, seek directions if we get lost. However, instead of finding those directions on a road map, we seek them from the Word of Yahuwah.

Not many find this road because they are simply not looking for it. They are quite comfortable where they are. They believe the false sense of security their lying teachers have lulled them into. They believe that their messiah (HaSatan) will save them. Meanwhile, he is the one seeking to destroy us all.

If the Mark of Yahuwah represents those who obey Yahuwah, the Mark of the Beast represents those who disobey Yahuwa,.where does that leave Christians who believe and teach that Yahuwah’s laws were done away with? They are certainly not obedient; therefore, they all bear the Mark of the Beast. If anyone is not faithful to Yahuwah, they are automatically faithful to HaSatan. In the same manner, if one does not bear the Mark of Yahuwah, they automatically bear the Mark of the Beast. There can be no fence sitting in this business. We have to choose one way or another. And we had better choose carefully and avoid any detours.

Yahuwah Bless
