The Family

The Family


Gary Primo

Sept. 7, 2019

Anyone following my blogs knows that I have been pursuing this story and trying to dig up everything I can find. For those who have not heard this before, you are in for quite the shock, as was my experience. I will let Wikipedia provide a summary.


The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power is a 2008 book by American journalist Jeff Sharlet. The book investigates the political power of The Family or The Fellowship, a secretive fundamentalist Christian association led by Douglas Coe. Sharlet has stated that the organization fetishizes power by comparing Jesus to “Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Bin Laden” as examples of leaders who change the world through the strength of the covenants they had forged with their “brothers”.[1][2][3][4] It was published by HarperCollins.

One year after the book's initial publication, the sex scandals of prominent members of the Family, Nevada Sen. John Ensign and South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, as well as accusations that the Family was illegally subsidizing the rent of members of Congress and involved in the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which would have imposed the death penalty for homosexuality in Uganda, thrust the notoriously secretive organisation into the national spotlight.

Other Excepts

In 1974, a Family prayer group of Republican congressmen and former secretary of defense Melvin Laird helped convince President Gerald Ford that Richard Nixon deserved not just Christian forgiveness but also a legal pardon. That same year, Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist led the Family's first weekly Bible study for federal judges.

"I wish I could say more about it," Ronald Reagan publicly demurred back in 1985, "but it's working precisely because it is private."

"We desire to see a leadership led by God," reads a confidential mission statement. "Leaders of all levels of society who direct projects as they are led by the spirit." Another principle expanded upon is stealthiness; members are instructed to pursue political jujitsu by making use of secular leaders "in the work of advancing His kingdom," and to avoid whenever possible the label Christian itself, lest they alert enemies to that advance. Regular prayer groups, or "cells" as they're often called, have met in the Pentagon and at the Department of Defense, and the Family has traditionally fostered strong ties with businessmen in the oil and aerospace industries.

Rev. 13: 4 - And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5 - And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months

This group believes that all global leaders have been specially chosen by “God” to lead the global population into the Kingdom. If they are talking about the god of this age, they are correct. This sounds to me like a reunion of state and church. In by-gone days this was the way of the world. Governments were able to wield great psychological power over the masses via religion. It was the protestant movement that created the separation of church and state.

The dragon of Revelation 13 is, of course, HaSatan, the god of this world that the whole world worships. HaSatan gives his power to the beast – the power of grand deception – and causes the global masses to worship the beast (just as with all empirical leaders).

Of course, Christianity has been grooming their followers for the final, end-time Beast for approximately 2,000 years. In disobeying the commandments of Yahuwah (declaring His laws done away) they automatically obey and worship the only other choice they have – HaSatan. So, there should be no difficulty in deceiving them into worshipping the same beast they have been worshipping all along. Of course he will be introduced to the world as an entirely new beast – “God incarnate”.

All True Believers should know by his blasphemous words who he really is. Just as the sheep know their master’s voice, so do we know our Master’s voice and his alone is the one we listen to. We are the end-time followers spoken of in the Book of Revelation. We are the only spiritual light shinning in the vast darkness of HaSatan’s world. When the Beast is fully manifested, his reign will last only a mere 42 months/ 3 ½ years. In that short time; however, we will witness the greatest horror show the world has ever seen.

I can also see the RCC’s royal stamp on all of this. That is the longest existing example of a religious organization “giving its power” to the beast. They have influenced world leaders throughout all of their history via “secret” groups such as the Illuminati, Freemasons, etc. Is there any reason to think that they would operate any differently today? After all, the plan has worked so well, so far.

We have also seen a transformation of sorts in western politics where it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell a Democrat from a Conservative. Both are demonstrating that they serve the UN instead of the people who voted them in. And a sure bet would be that the Family is heavily involved in the UN as well.

Video/Rachel Maddow

Stated purpose – “Building more power for the already powerful” who will then take care of the poor privately.

The founder of this movement was a Norwegian immigrant named Abraham Vereide (deceased). He was succeeded by Doug Coe (also deceased). According to their theology, by supporting the wealthy, you automatically support the poor. They say that their “Jesus” had it all wrong (in going first to the poor) – but they have it right. Can you imagine any man claiming to have corrected a mistake made by Yahuwah? That is called self-worship – placing oneself above Yahuwah, which is exactly what HaSatan, and afterword Adam, did. It must not be so with us True Believers. We must follow every word of Yahuwah and never turn aside to follow the traditions of men.

E-book Online

Here is the full online E-book, “The Family”. This is a “must read”.

Excerpts from Introduction of the Book

Before moving into Ivanwald, I spent several months on the road, researching God in America for an earlier book. My quarry soon became the gods of America: a pantheon. Not Vishnu or Buddha or the Goddess, though they reside here too, but a heaven crowded with the many diff erent Christs believed in by Americans. There’s a Jesus in Miami’s Cuban churches, for instance, who seems to do nothing but wrestle Castro; a Jesus in Heartland, Kansas, who dances around a fire with witches who also consider themselves Christians; a Jesus in Manhattan who dresses in drag; a baby Jesus in New Mexico who pulls cow tails and heals the lame or simply the sad by giving them earth to eat; a muscle-bound Jesus in South Central L.A. emblazoned across the chest of a man with a gun in his hand; a Jesus in an Orlando mega church who wants you to own a black Beamer.

Within America, and indeed, all western nations, numerous gods and messiah’s are worshipped. People tend to choose their own “favorite” that satisfies their own needs and wishes. They honour their gods via a host of ancient traditions that they follow, which all came straight out of former pagan religions. I am not saying that they are aware of the iniquities they are committing. They genuinely believe they are serving Elohim. But the leaders of this group (the Family) know exactly what they are doing – trying to gain control of the whole world. But then, they are not the only ones seeking after that goal.

But such elected officials—means to an end—didn’t really impress Gannon because in the end he hoped for, the kingdom of heaven on earth toward which both he and the congressmen in the Family were working wouldn’t be a democracy.

Yes, these morons actually believe that they can bring about scriptural prophesy by their own means. They are so puffed up by their self deception that they believe they are already gods and have been chosen by “the gods” to lead the world. This will be a theocracy not a democracy – power from the top down. But then I do not believe democracy is the way of Elohim either.

This so-called underground is not a conspiracy. Rather, it’s a seventy-year-old movement of elite fundamentalism, bent not on salvation for all but on the cultivation of the powerful, “key men” chosen by God to direct the affairs of the nation.

Any road that does not lead to salvation is a one way street to eternal damnation. As Yahushua said;

Mark 10:25. - It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Elohim."

So, why would we wish to follow the religious leanings of a rich person? Such leanings are obviously balanced in their favour, not ours.

Populist fundamentalism takes as its battleground domestic politics, to be conquered and conformed to the will of God; elite fundamentalism sees its mission as the manipulation of politics in the rest of the world. Both populists and elites call their attempts to control the lives of others “evangelism.”

America is truly the most powerful nation on earth today. So, it obviously holds the reins on almost total global control. These elite realize that if they can control the U.S. (domestic politics) they will control the world. And now America has a billionaire president who also, it seems, has bought into the Family’s agenda (wittingly or unwittingly, I don’t know).

Evangelism is their method of control over the minds and lives of the masses. What about these TV evangelists that draw such huge crowds? We who truly seek Elohim recognize their hypocrisy right off. However, the people in attendance actually believe these blatant frauds because they tell them exactly what they want to hear – “Believe on “the Lord” and you shall be saved”. Well, the term ”lord” is one of the sub names of Baal; and Baal was a servant of HaSatan. So they are (in truth) preaching that HaSatan is the author of salvation in place of Yahushua. Thus, the Family is but one more false religion bent on bending the will of Yahuwah to match their own will. Thus it is impossible that anything they do or say is pleasing to Yahuwah. Nor will their followers be found pleasing in the sight of Yahuwah. We are each, individually, to seek out all truth for ourselves and concentrate on perfecting our own spiritual state first.

Part Two, “Jesus Plus Nothing,” brings the elite thread into the twentieth century through the story of the founder of the Family, a Norwegian immigrant named Abraham Vereide, and his successor, Doug Coe. Vereide counseled presidents and kings and was spiritual adviser to more senators and generals than Billy Graham has prayed with in all his days of bowing to power.

Awe, Billy Graham! What a grand following he had. I remember a news story about him one time where he claimed that if his followers did not donate (a total of) one million dollars, “God” told him he would die.” I believe he later recanted. I cannot believe that anyone could buy into such bunk – but they do, and have since sin first entered the world.

Yes, Yahushua did offer counselling to the rich and powerful; but only in terms of condemnation. The Family has turned that concept completely around. They praise themselves as “the chosen ones”, chosen to lead the world. They have turned Yahushua’s condemnation completely around and upside down. They have made a mockery of the words Yahushua spoke.

This is not a book about the Bible thumpers portrayed by Hollywood, pinched little hypocrites and broad- browed lunatics, representatives of that subset of American fundamentalism that declares itself a bitter nation within a nation. Rather, it’s a story that begins on Ivanwald’s suburban lawn, with a group of men gripping each other’s shoulders in prayer. It is the story of how they got there, where they are going, and where the movement they joined came from; the story of an American fundamentalism, gentle and militant, conservative and revolutionary, that has been hiding in plain sight all along.

1 – How they got there? Well they got there through self deception and self glorification. First they deceived themselves that they were specially chosen and then began the process of self glorification.

2 – Where they are going? They are following their master, HaSatan; and therefore, will meet the same end.

3 – Where they came from? Straight out of Babylon! Yes, the faith they are following goes way back to the time of King Nimrod. Nimrod followed all the above mentioned formats. First he deceived himself that he was “the chosen one” over and above Noah and Shem. His self deception eventually turned into self glorification as he declared himself as the god of this world and even built a tower in an effort to reach heaven and kill the One, True, Eternal Elohim and Creator of all. Even in all his self gory, he remained a witless buffoon.

4 - Hiding in plain sight all along? Indeed, HaSatan has certainly been hiding in plain sight since mankind first appeared on the planet. Is it any wonder that his ministers do also? It is easy to deceive an unwitting world, simply tell them what they want to hear – “You are already elohim.” “We do not need to heed Yahuwah’s words or obey His laws to gain salvation.” “We can keep all of our former customs and traditions” even though they all stem from pagan worship.”

The doing away with Yahuwah’s Sabbath and High Days is nothing less than a flat out denial of Yahuwah’s plan of salvation and replacing it with HaSatan’s plan of mutually assured destruction. Black is white and white is black – that is the way of this contrary world. It is like a student wishing to be a scientist without doing the school work to get there. It simply does not work!


“Is there an organization?” I asked. “No,” he said, chuckling at my incomprehension. “Just Jesus.” “So how do you join?” “You don’t,” he said. He smiled again, such a broad grin. His teeth were as white as his sneakers. “You’re recommended.”

Wow! That really narrows down the playing field. However, I believe it is the same joining any church. First they meet with you and establish if you are in line with their teachings; and then they “recommend” you (or not). I remember in the WCG, any one daring to come to their own understanding of any given matter, where promptly excommunicated. One was even accused of being a witch.

Of course this is in direct difference to Yahushua’s teachings. First of all they were directed towards the Jews only, and from there, towards all of the Lost Sheep of Israel (lost tribes); and, of course, anyone else who believed. The apostles did not interrogate or pass judgment on any that followed and wished to join them. They did not recommend the followers to Yahushua. Yahushua knew immediately everything about them and if their faith was genuine.

They keep their organization invisible. Everything visible is transitory. Everything invisible is permanent and lasts forever. The more you can make your organization invisible, the more influence it will have.”

Did Yahushua wish this for His followers? Did He wish them to remain invisible? No! Anything but! He admonished his followers to preach the gospel to the whole world. And, that is exactly what they did – in the open, practically shouting it from the hills and mountain tops. Thousands were converted in a single day through their preaching. Who can boast that today? They were as visible as anyone could possibly get – even in the face of persecution and death. This is how Yahuwah wishes us all to be.

The Family’s only publicized gathering is the National Prayer Breakfast, which it established in 1953 and which, with congressional sponsorship, it continues to organize every February at the Washington, D.C., Hilton. Some 3,000 dignitaries, representing scores of nations and corporate interests, pay $425 each to attend.

I was quite shocked when I heard what Jeff had to say concerning the National Prayer Breakfast. I mean, I never really thought too much about it at all. As Christians, their doctrine dissuades them from following after Yahuwah; therefore, they are automatically following after HaSatan. Therefore, the only thing this National Prayer Breakfast meant to me was it was yet one more occasion for the worshippers of HaSatan to glorify their master.

I have noticed that more and more separate Christian groups are attempting to break down the barriers that divide them and unite into one group. I see this as the beginning of the formation of the end-time one world religion. The Vatican has even been inviting Buddhist monks to study in Catholic monasteries along side the priests. The Family identifies with this theology claiming that their “Jesus” has “infiltrated” the world, including all the world’s religions. So now, it does not matter what religion you belong to as long as it includes their “Christ”. Compromising is the way of man. With Yahuwah, there is no compromising. There is only the right way or the wrong way. And, this (the Family’s) is definitely the wrong way.

“The Fellowship’s reach into governments around the world,” observes David Kuo, a former special assistant to the president in Bush’s first term, “is almost impossible to overstate or even grasp.”

I can grasp it, and so should all Believers. We know what is coming. For a short period of time immediately before the return of Yahushua, the world will be under a one world government and a one world religion. We were all, at some time, under the spell of the Beast, showing that we were no different or better than anyone else. It is only by Yahuwah’s grace and mercy that we are where we are today.

At the 1990 National Prayer Breakfast, President George H. W. Bush praised Doug Coe for what he described as “quiet diplomacy, I wouldn’t say secret diplomacy.” Bush was apparently ignorant of one of the nation’s oldest laws, the Logan Act, which forbids private citizens to do just that lest foreign policy slip out of democratic control.

This is the same President Bush who on two separate occasions (that I heard) declared the need for a new world order. So, if he was praising Doug Coe, Yahuwah must be cursing him. People were always awed by Doug’s quiet and seemingly humble (almost Christ-like) manor. This seems to be his greatest enamoring quality for drawing others into his grand deception. And, it worked! That is why we must rely on the accuracy of the words a person is saying rather than be drawn in by whatever personal charisma the person displays. Remember, HaSatan was once perfect in beauty and at the top of the hierarchy of Elohim; and, as he was knocked off his throne, so will all his false ministers also.

Declaring God’s covenant with the Jews broken, the group’s core members call themselves the new chosen.

When did Yahushua ever declare His covenant with the Jews broken?

Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of HaMashiyack: for it is the power of Elohim unto salvation to everyone that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Gentile).

Yes, salvation was/is offered first to the Jews. Secondly it is offered to those presently considered Gentiles, but are really descended for one of the Lost Tribes (i.e. Lost Sheep). As Yahuwah declared of Abraham;

Gen. 22:17 - That in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

18 - And in your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because you have obeyed my voice.

Abraham’s descendants indeed multiplied and filled the earth. The problem is that they have lost their identity. They have spiritual amnesia. They may be trying to find their way back, but have chosen the wrong path. The paths that HaSatan offers are many. Yahuwah’s plan calls for only one true path to salvation.

This group took it upon themselves to declare Yahuwah’s covenant with the Jews broken and transplanted upon them. They are the new chosen. Salvation comes only through them. Hogwash!

Six questions for Jeff

1. Your exposé on The Fellowship, aka “The Family,” appeared five years ago. Has your understanding of the group changed?

Jeff - After I left Ivanwald, a team of researchers and I spent years combing through hundreds of thousands of documents in archives around the country. We discovered that as far back as the 1940s, when The Family began organizing congressmen, the group’s founder, Abraham Vereide, was praising Hitler’s “youth work” as a model to be adopted by Americans. He denounced Hitler himself, but he admired fascism’s cultivation of elites, crucial to what he saw as a God-ordained coming “age of minority control.”

Not many know that after WW2, the US provided a safe haven for a number of Nazi military officers. It would seem that the New World Order Elite have players in all governments.

As for an age of minority control, they do not intend to be a minority for very long. One of the plans of the NWO is to reduce the global population by 90%, which would more or less balance out the ratio of Elite to the common man. This would give them a more manageable number to control.

2. Given the unbelievable amount of influence brokered by the Fellowship Foundation, and by Doug Coe, why have so few national media outlets have picked up on the story?

Jeff - The problem is that we just don’t have a press that really wants to challenge power on issues they consider “personal.” Speaking at the 1985 Prayer Breakfast, Ronald Reagan said, “I wish I could say more about it, but it’s working precisely because it’s private.” That should have been an invitation for investigative reporting. Instead, the media, then and now, tends to acquiesce to elite secretiveness, not out of any conspiracy, but due to a culture of reverence for established power, liberal or conservative. Most journalists believe in meritocracy—not merely that it’s a good idea, but that it actually exists. They know some politicians game the system, but they’re committed to the idea that the system basically works. And it does, but not in favor of democracy.

The Mainstream Media in the United States is almost completely owned by the Vatican (the dominant religion of the NWO}. They publish what Big Gov tells them to write. Ronald Regan was definitely one of them. I wonder if this group has any connection to the activities at Bohemian Grove every year.

3. It seems like the National Prayer Breakfast, which The Family administers, is a big part of why the press doesn’t pick up on the story. It seems inconceivable that a group that attracts so many powerful public figures from around the world to its annual event could be up to anything untoward.

Jeff - It’s the Family’s only public event, but the few hours that the press is allowed to attend are the dullest thing imaginable, the blandest kind of ecumenical civil religion, with the main address presented by some figure distinct from the Christian Right—Joe Lieberman, or the Saudi Prince Bandar, or even Bono. How threatening is that? But internal documents tell a different story. “Anything could happen,” reads one, “the Koran could even be read, but JESUS is there. He is infiltrating the world.”

Yahushua is definitely infiltrating the world, but not in the manner this group is promoting. And, he would never participate in any religious service alongside a Muslim or Buddhist. He came primarily for the Jews and the Lost Sheep of Israel first and foremost. Any Gentile could come into the fold as a proselyte, only these were granted full membership immediately. They did not have to go through the regular proselyte process.

These people are teaching that their “Jesus” is for all religions. In other words, “You can keep your customs and traditions and your religion as long as you recognize “Jesus” as a great statesman and a unifying force. This is basically the exact argument Constantine used to draw converts to his new state religion, Christianity. Where man is always willing to compromise, Yahuwah is not. His word is law and eternal.

4. What happened to the young men featured in “Jesus Plus Nothing”? In the article, we get the sense that they are being groomed for leadership, both in the Family and in the world.

Jeff - The man who introduced me to The Family returned to a successful financial career. He’s not a boldfaced name, but he’s doing well, and The Family has always understood that there’s a lot of power to be found in the ranks of middle management, the men and (a few) women who actually do most of the work.

Gannon Sims went on to work as a State Department spokesman, and now he’s training for a pulpit. One of the brothers called me after the story appeared in Harper’s. To be honest, I’d hoped that they’d be as dismayed as I was to learn what The Family was really up to, but this brother—who asked that he not be identified—said, “I hope you don’t think I didn’t know all that.” That is, he’d known about The Family’s role in propping up dictators around the world, and he was just fine with it.

Of course they know what is going on. They feel they are doing the world (which is too stupid to handle great power) a great favour. And the sad part is that a very great many are sure to follow. And, common folks are more likely to listen to an average middle class person than a multi billionaire when it comes to faith. They are crafty, they are determined and they are very dangerous.

5. I remember that when you were writing “Jesus Plus Nothing,” the themes of secrecy and betrayal loomed very large in your mind. The Family was a self-avowedly secret group, engaged in essentially subversive acts of behind-the-scenes power-brokering. And you, meanwhile, were learning all this undercover, fully prepared to betray these young men with whom you lived. How do you look back on that betrayal?

Jeff - I used my real name, I took notes openly, I told them I was a journalist and that I was working on a book (my first), about unusual religious communities around the country. I told them the title, too, Killing the Buddha. Maybe they thought I meant it literally. Regardless, they had a pretty full dossier on me. I even talked about writing and betrayal with them—I tend to agree with Joan Didion’s assessment that “writers are always selling somebody out.” It’s inherent in the process. “Undercover” is a funny word, in that many people think it means the journalist has some kind of secret identity, maybe a fake mustache. I didn’t—it wasn’t necessary. The Family couldn’t imagine that someone might learn to speak their language without sharing their beliefs.

Sometimes people get so over confident they become careless. It seems the group became careless concerning this reporter. I wonder what they think of him now. At least, he went in not claiming to be anything but a reporter. Perhaps they thought that maybe it was time to reveal themselves.

6. So is your book a betrayal?

Jeff - According to their belief in themselves as a “new chosen,” an anointed elite that have replaced the Jews in God’s esteem, I am still a member of The Family. And yet here I am, baring their secrets to the world. Does that make me a journalist, or a traitor? You need to enter the moral gray zone between those two terms if you’re going to really explore the inner workings of power. You have to be an insider and an outsider at the same time.

If Jeff entered this journey fully disclosing who he was and what he was doing there, how could this in any way be a betrayal? No, Jeff was there to do his job and that is exactly what he did.

Democracy Now

A secretive group known as The Fellowship, or “The Family,” is one of the most powerful Christian fundamentalist movements in the United States. The Family’s devoted membership includes congressmen, corporate leaders, generals and foreign heads of state. Author Jeff Sharlet profiles the group in his book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.

How does a group that operates largely in secret become one of the most powerful Christian fundamentalist movements in America? Invisibility is indeed a powerful weapon! They have no definitive leader, they have no definitive organization. They simply are. They could be anyone – you neighbour, you kid’s teacher, even certain family members. You would simply consider them a good person spouting commonly accepted Christian values.


You may recognize these names from recent headlines: Sen. John Ensign, Rep. Bart Stupak and Rep. Joe Pitts. Stupak and Pitts have become familiar names through the media's health care overhaul coverage; their abortion funding amendment introduced an 11th-hour twist as the House of Representatives approached a vote on a landmark health care bill.

Ensign was the focus of media attention over his affair with a campaign staffer. Just last night, a Nevada man disclosed that he found out about his wife's affair with the state's junior senator — his best friend — via a text message.

The common factor among these political players is their involvement with the Family, a secretive fellowship of powerful Christian politicians that centers on a Washington, D.C., townhouse. Investigative journalist Jeff Sharlet has written extensively about the influential group in his book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.

Who else in this world operates under a cloak of secrecy? HaSatan! This group is merely following the same game plan as their master. Deceit is their second greatest weapon. Like their master, they know if they can control the minds of their victims they can control the entire global population (via a one world religion). Of course, this is how ancient empires controlled their flocks via a state sponsored religion of one sort or another. It is how they will control the masses under a one world government as well. They appear as doves but are really serpents, poised and ready to strike.


There is another agency that operates largely behind the scenes, which is the Vatican. The Vatican has long had its “secret agents” infiltrating all offices of government in most nations. For the longest time, even the Scriptures were considered secretive and no one was allowed to own a Bible. The power that the Vatican wields from its secret hiding places is vast and even a little enviable.

In the late 1700s, Europe caught onto the Vatican game and expelled all Jesuits from Europe. Where did they go? To England and America! Their efforts did not succeed in England as well as they did in the U.S. There they created a whole new Vatican/Jesuit nation, the United States of America. They guarded this secret so well, that even today most Americans have no idea of how badly they were played. Most of the founding Fathers of America were Freemasons – one of the most secretive societies of the Vatican along with the Illuminati, the Club of Rome, Knights of Columbus, Shriners, etc. All put on one face for the public and another for their highest orders. No matter how one slices it, by claiming the Pope is “God on Earth”, the US follows the blueprint laid out by one or another, or all of the secretive Vatican organizations and in particular, the Vatican itself.

I continue to warn all of my readers that it is the personal relationship one has with our Creator that pleases (or displeases) Yahuwah; not what man-made religion one belongs to.

Organized religion was the beginning of a psychiatric phrase known as “group think”. That is where the members of any given group are encouraged to all think the same – like mindless lemmings. They have a core set of beliefs they all believe in and adhere to – all commandments of men, not of Elohim. In a person relationship, there is only you and Yahuwah. We study His word and receive instruction from Him alone. We have no other elohim before us, only the one true Elohim; and certainly, not a man.. His word is the only source of truth there is.

So, I admonish everyone to keep going with your personal relationship with Yahuwah. We are definitely on the right path in that regard. In the mean time, we should also be keeping a careful eye on this group, known only as the Family, as I see it evolving into the end-time one world religion.

Hang on to your hats, folks. The end is near, and we are witnessing the beginning of it right now. This is about to become a very rough ride.

Yahuwah Bless
