The Living Universe

The Living Universe


Gary Primo

July 25, 2013

You may have heard me say (or write) before that Yahuwah only planted one seed, the Messiah, and that it was the Messiah that created everything else. John 1: 1-4 verifies that fact. It was Yahushua in His pre-incarnate form that created the universe.

John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.

2 - The same was in the beginning with Elohim.

3 - All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

4 - In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Since man depends on his five senses to interpret data, it is difficult for him to see beyond those senses. Therefore, he fails to comprehend the universe as a living organism and everything within it as essentially interdependent upon one another for continued life – much the same as the human body. Recent scientific research has proven that the universe is always expanding and growing – much the same as everything else in nature here on earth that lives and breathes. New planets and stars are being produced constantly and some die occasionally. They are no different than any other living organism within this universe. The fact that something is active, changing and growing is proof that it is alive with a life of its own, yet dependant on all its internal parts, including mankind. That is why the entire creation is awaiting the glorification of the sons of Elohim, to see it through the final stage of the creation process.

Another idea that I push is that the spirit of Yahuwah permeates every molecule that makes up the universe. His spirit or energy is everywhere and in everything. It is the binding force that holds this universe together. Without it all the molecules would virtually be dispersed into nothingness.

You may recall a time when the Jewish authorities demanded that Yahushua command his followers not to praise him (as if he were Elohim) and He told them that if these refused, the stones would sing out praise. He meant that Yahuwah’s spirit that resides in those objects would sing out.

Luke 19:37 - And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise Elohim with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen;

38 - Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of Yahuwah: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.

39 - And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.

40 - And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

This spirit or energy is what connects all of creation to the Creator. It is the power that holds all the separate molecules or cells together in almost everything. This is Yahuwah, himself, sustaining all life in the universe through the power of His spirit.

Some Yogis believe that if they can separate these cells enough to allow light to pass through, one could become invisible. As far as I know they haven’t accomplished that feat yet; however, some have mastered the art of self-levitation. Many among religious circles would call this demonism or witchcraft. However, these types of things are often attributed to the angelic realm. So, how can it be witchcraft?

My contention is that it is the spirit or power of Yahuwah that holds these molecules, as well as the molecules of all living things, together. Therefore, if Yahuwah wanted to “do away” with the creation, it would be as simple as withdrawing his spirit or power and dispersing all those molecules – everything would simply vanish in a heartbeat.

Albert Einstein once theorized that there certainly is life after death. He based his theory on a fact that all living things give off energy; therefore, possess this energy within and that energy never dies. Upon the death of any living organism, that energy simply returns to the universe (and to Yahuwah). That spirit/power/energy permeates the entire universe and is its heart and soul.

So, when we die, that spirit/power/energy leaves that non-functioning body and returns to its source, which is the universe, which is Yahuwah.

You have likely heard it said by survivors of near death experiences that in the moments before death, all pain vanished, a calming warmth swept over them and they felt themselves leaving their bodies and seeing a brilliant white light beckoning them. The body simply would not/cannot survive apart from this spirit. The body itself merely disintegrates and returns to dust. This spirit is the “life blood” of everything living; and, if the universe itself is a living organism so is everything in it. Once the “energy” leaves any particular organism, that organism can no longer live. The energy returns to the universe and to Yahuwah.

In death the body is free from pain and just falls away like that first stage of a rocket taking off, leaving the part behind that is no longer useful and continuing on its journey. Therefore, we never really die, we simply discard what we no longer need and move on with the rest of our journey.

Another purpose of this spirit/power/energy is to witness what is going on in the universe and act like Yahuwah’s eyes and ears. In the case of human beings, this witness can be used for or against us. It witnesses our good deeds as well as our bad. This witness will present its testimony (for or against us) in the judgment.

Another possible purpose of this spirit/power/energy is to store memory (ours) and to recall that memory (who we were/what we looked like, etc.) when we are resurrected and it enters back into us.

You may have also heard that human beings only use about 10% of their brain. What is the other 90% for? Why are we restricted to using only 10%? It makes me wonder if perhaps, before the flood, mankind did utilize 100% of their brain. They seem to have been capable of some pretty amazing technology, etc. for their time. If not then, perhaps it was when Adam and Eve were first created. Perhaps it was the introduction of sin that limited the use of our brains. What would we be capable of if we did have the use of the full 100%. I believe the possibilities would be almost endless.

If true, mankind really “shot himself in the foot” when he chose to reject Yahuwah and declare himself to be elohim. Perhaps it was the possession of such power of the brain that led man to believe that he was already elohim and had no need of the Father to exist.

Rejecting Yahuwah is like rejecting the spirit/power/energy that possesses us all. If we reject that, we reject life also. It is impossible to continue rebelling against the spirit without eventually facing the consequences.

The original sin brought death. The flood brought a shortening of the human life span from almost 1,000 years to 120, and today, 70-90. As sin abounds further and further, our life spans diminish. The natural laws that Yahuwah built into the creation simply cannot be violated without resulting in some serious repercussions.

We are all directly connected to Yahuwah through His spirit. We have the inherent free choice to either take advantage of the existence of this spirit and use it to grow closer to Yahuwah and eternal life or refuse to believe it exists and die the eternal death.

Try picturing a door, in your mind, which only you have the key to open and gain full access to the Father and all that He has purposed for us. It has been closed all this time and you have been afraid to open it. That fear is generated from a general sense of fear of exposure. We fear exposing ourselves to the Father, even though He already knows everything about us and we know that He knows. On a human scale (dealing with other humans) it may be a good thing to hide your inner thoughts and feelings, but with Yahuwah we should feel perfectly safe in allowing Him in, resolving to live a life that is pleasing to Yahuwah so that we have nothing to be fearful or apprehensive about.

Yahuwah is not the bad guy. We have no reason to try to hide anything from Him (especially since it is totally impossible anyway). His sole purpose is to aid us in become full sons and daughters of Yahuwah and to succeed in entering into the new creation of a spiritual, rather than physical dimension. Corruption and death will be forever conquered. We will be able to move on and live rich, fulfilling lives (utilizing our entire brain) as spiritual sons and daughters of the great Creator for the rest of eternity.

The reward that awaits us far outweighs any importance we attach to the physical pleasures of this (physical) life. We are totally dependent on the universal energy that emanates from our Creator and sustains our continued existence. When we attain to the new creation, we will possess this energy ourselves and it will emanate from us, just as it does from the Father. We are creator beings just like the Father. Our future destiny will be to bring life to the entire universe. We are being called and trained to become Elohim. It is by far the most glorious calling anyone can imagine.


The entire Creation is tied directly to the Creator through this spirit or energy that permeates every corner of the universe. This spirit can rightly be called “the Spirit of Life”. Everything that this spirit permeates has life; even though we may not understand how some of these objects have life as we know it. If they have this same spirit, as Yahushua implied in Luke 19:40, stones are alive. They are merely a different form of life.

All Believers are convinced that Yahuwah is the source and sustainer of all life. It was by His spirit that the universe and everything in it was created. It is by this spirit that Yahuwah sustains all life; and it is by this spirit that Yahuwah will change the physical universe into a spiritual one. It is by this spirit that Yahuwah will change us from physical being to spiritual ones. It is the binding source of all that we see before us; which could possibly vanish in a heartbeat if Yahuwah decided to withdraw His spirit. It is the force that will promote us from physical being into spiritual ones. (Like they said in Star Wars, “May the force be with you. Lol.)

However, Yahuwah also built certain laws into His creation. When those laws are violated, it sends a shock wave through the creation and a chain reaction of events that are certain to follow. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the case of sin, those reactions are never good. The final stage of the creation process cannot be completed until all things corruptible are eliminated. Therefore, it is one of our chief duties to make ourselves incorruptible by adopting these universal laws in our hearts and on our minds – making ourselves into the image of the Father.

Fortunately we have Yahuwah’s promise that if we overcome (sin) and endure to the end, we will be promoted to the new creation. It is also fortunate that this plan works on an individual basis and is not contingent upon the entire human race coming to salvation together.

It is indeed sad that most of the population living on the earth today, as well as throughout the last 6,000 years, made the free choice to disassociate themselves from this spirit (through sin) and have no desire to reconnect. They have rejected life and freely chosen (eternal) death. They will get their wish.

Believers, who have reconnected to this spirit, have chosen life. We will be rewarded for this choice. Actually, the reward is automatic when we follow the universal laws of Yahuwah, just as the punishment for violating the law is automatic.

We have been given the privilege of having our minds, ears and eyes open to this universal truth – one that the rest of the world is totally blind to and freely chooses not to comprehend. It is by Yahuwah’s mercy and grace that we have been shown this glorious vision of this glorious future that awaits us.

There was nothing special about us. We did not deserve this revelation or salvation. Yahuwah choose us initially, we did not chose Him – that is, until after our conversion. We demonstrated through our baptism that we were freely choosing to bury our former selves, and be resurrected as new creatures (embryonic spiritual beings) and do everything required to advance to full spirit beings in the new creation. (FYI – if you have only been baptized in the corrupted name, Jesus, you might want to consider being re-baptized in the name, Yahushua).

This is a unique calling. The entire universe awaits the final completion of Yahuwah’s creation and the glorification of man.

Let’s not disappoint it.

Yahuwah Bless
