The Bull of Nimrod

The Bull of Nimrod

By; Gary Primo

October, 7, 2016

The following news story came from the Guardian News Agency, UK. What we are really witnessing in this news story is the symbolic history of pagan worship. Just as in history, the image of Nimrod (or Nimrud) keeps getting knocked down, but again rises back up to its former glory. And now, the one place where many think is the capital of Christendom, chooses to rebuild and resurrect Nimrod once more.

As I have claimed in numerous articles posted on my site, Christianity is nothing more that Emperor Constantine’s version of a One World Religion – a collection of all the pagan religions that existed within his empire at the time. There is very little Jewish or Hebrew flavouring in the Christian religion, which seems strange when its origin is supposed to be from that source.

Here is the article to which I am referring.

The Article

Bull of Nimrud destroyed by Isis to be recreated in Rome

Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Rome

Thursday 6 October 201609.22 BSTLast modified on Thursday 6 October 201617.10 BST

The human-headed winged bull of Nimrud that was destroyed by Islamic State last year will come back to life for tourists visiting Rome’s Colosseum in an exhibition designed to ignite a debate on the preservation of cultural heritage.

Rising From the Ashes: Ebla, Nimrud, Palmyra will feature the replicas of three ancient works from Iraq and Syria reconstructed in Italy using 3D printers and robots. The project was overseen by archaeologists and art historians.

Alongside the winged bull, the exhibition will feature a reconstruction of the Temple of Bel at Palmyra, which was considered Syria’s most important site, and a room of the State Archives of Ebla. All three have been rebuilt to their original dimensions.

Organisers said the purpose of the exhibition was to raise public awareness about the destruction of cultural heritage, and to promote the protection of sites and monuments from war and environmental catastrophes.

A replica of the ceiling from the Temple of Bel in Palmyra. Photograph: Gabriel Stabinger

“We do not accept the return of iconoclasm, meaning the slaughter of heritage alongside the murder of innocent people,” said Francesco Rutelli, one of the exhibition’s curators who previously served as culture minister and mayor of Rome.

Rutelli said the exhibition showed how technology – in this case, huge 3D printers – could be used to revive cultural sites that have been severely or completely destroyed.

“But it also requires a human touch. When you see the reproductions, it is something that is not cold, not frozen, but somehow gives a real idea of what has been destroyed,” he said.

In reconstructing such works, he added, it was important that replicas be made in a scientific way, so they do not resemble amusement parks such as Disneyland, or Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.

Rome is not the only city where such reconstructions are being exhibited. A recreation of Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York last month, a year after Isis destroyed the original structure.

The destruction committed by Isis has been condemned by activists and historians and described as a war crime by Unesco. Nimrud was the capital of the Neo-Assyrian empire, which dominated the Middle East from 900 to 612BC. The destroyed works are believed to date to the 13th century BC.

This would be funny if it were not so sad. What is sad is that mankind has not changed or gotten any wiser at all over the course of his history. The funny part is that for a supposedly vastly superior species, we are so stupid when it comes to learning from our mistakes and the examples that Yahushua has laid before us. Basically, the human race is hopeless; and, if not for Yahushua’s intervention, we would be doomed.

Using the guise of protecting cultural heritage, the unwitting servants of Satan have again resurrected the idols of old and will be proudly putting them on display before the place where Satan sits, Rome.

Meanwhile, all the news stories from around the world are merely going to comment on the quality of the restructuring instead of the meaning behind it all.

HaSatan is about to make his world début via the Beast and the False Profit (the Jesuit General and the Pope respectively) and the world will not recognize this fact until it is too late. By the time this happens, the population of Earth will be under such a cloud of deception that everyone will applaud HaSatan as the god of this planet and welcome him with open arms. That is, until he shows his true colours and desecrates the planet.

We have to remember that the goal of HaSatan is to destroy the planet and all that our Glorious Creator, Yahuwah, created, especially mankind. HE IS NOT OUR FRIEND! .

And yet, every manmade religion on Earth worships this vile deity who himself is doomed to destruction. How can we turn the minds and hearts of the general population to the One and Only Being who already has the power of eternal life; and has the power to give that power to us?

This has been an almost totally futile quest from the beginning of man’s existence. The number of men (and women) who have found favour with Yahuwah during this time is so small as to be almost totally insignificant when considering how many people have actually walked this Earth.

From what is recorded in the Scriptures, there were no organized religions before the Noatian flood. Everyone seems to have had their own personal relationship with Yahuwah and His Son, Yahushua. The first created, organized, religious body was Mystery Babylon. Every organized religion on Earth today came from that original; and follow the same pattern and worship the same gods. Chief amongst these is the Christian religion, which basically is nothing more than Emperor Constantine’s version of a “One World Religion”.

Of course, the Christian religion never did fulfill its purpose (to become the globally dominating religion) and has much competition from the Jewish, Muslim and Hindu religions. What is laughable is all were intended to deceive rather than enlighten, and all have led us further away from our Creator rather than closer to Him; and the world knows it not!

We can give HaSatan credit for one thing – he is a master deceiver. The secret of his success is that he is forever subtle. However, at some point in time (very soon) he is going to either feel his deception is complete or that it is in danger of being revealed, and act out of confidence or fear respectively to cement his rule over the planet. We, who are of the True Believers, are the flagship of the resistance. We are the watchmen and are responsible for sounding the alarm. We all have a part to play no matter how small or significant. We are all part of the same team, working towards the same end. It is time to roll up our shirt sleeves and get to it.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am never content with my own efforts in this regard. I am always striving to do more, and do better. However, most of the time, the cares of trying to exist in this world simply cuts into too much of my time. At times I dream of removing myself to a remote mountain top where I am guaranteed to have no interruptions. But we cannot use this as an excuse and need to progressively keep pushing the peanut towards the finish line.

The following sites depict the history of bull-worship.

One peculiar thing that I find with such worship is that the deified animal is then sacrificed or killed, which is exactly what mankind did to the real Elohim, Yahushua.

Is there some significance to this act? Does it show what was prophesied from the beginning – that man was at enmity against the supreme Elohim and would kill Him given the chance. Is that not exactly what they did with Yahushua.

Many would argue that the Israelites also used bulls in their sacrifices. Well, except for the Golden Calf incident, and later with Jeroboam, the Israelites did not worship the bull. It was merely offered up as an offering since it was the most prized possession a person could have.

The symbol of the bull was so revered that it was essentially the reason Troy fell. When they saw the giant statue of a bull outside their gates, they assumed either that the gods sent it, or that it was a peace offering from their enemies, the Achaeans. In their ignorance, they moved the statue inside their walls, not knowing that it was filled with enemy warriors. After nightfall the enemy forces let themselves out and captured the city. This can be symbolic of Satan’s victory over man.

Of course the general reason the Bull is chosen over any other animal is because of its strength and virility. The figures of a bull with a man’s head are symbolic of emperor worship where the bull is representative of god, thus the man/.god of every man-made pagan religion on Earth.

Gen. 3:5 - For Elohim does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as elohim, knowing good and evil.

It is man’s nature to want to be elohim without going through the process than is required. Man believed the serpent over Yahuwah that he was already elohim. And, of course we are already elohim due to the fact that we were created in the image of Elohim. However, the essential missing ingredient is eternal life. Without that, our existence is only temporary.

Of course, the bull is not the only animal idolized and made into a god by man. There is also the owl, the hawk, the tiger and a number of others. All are at the top of the food chain. The same can be said for man in light of his tendency towards emperor worship. An emperor can be considered at the top of the food chain, too.

Is animal worship and emperor worship alive today? You bet it is. Every year the Global Elite meet and worship before a statue of the all-seeing, all-knowing owl, the symbol of Molech. They are the richest, most important and intellectual men on the planet. How on earth could they be so deceived? Obviously, deception has no bearing on intelligence. Neither doees one’s religious beliefs.

11 - And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.

12 - And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him, and caused the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 - And he doeth great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 - And deceived them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 - And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

This is speaking of the end-time image or idol that mankind will be worshipping. No further description is given of this idol, but it could well be a golden bull/calf or a bull with a human upper half. As with all pagan religions of man the root of their devotion is nature, in place of the One who created it all.

Today we are witnessing a return to the world as it was before the flood. The fallen angels have once again been released to test mankind. The majority will fail.

As with Christianity, the coming One World Religion will convert by force. Any who do not bow down the Beast or his image will be beheaded. Via modern-day technology, the coming One World Religion will succeed where Constantine’s version failed. While its victory may be short lived, it will be the most devastating time of man’s history. It will be the final blow out of man’s reign before Yahushua has to intervene.

In the mean time, we can expect the general direction of mankind to turn more and more towards the god of this earth, HaSatan, and further and further from the Creator Yahuwah. After 6,000 years of trying to get man to come to Him on their own, Yahuwah is going to have to intervene and force man onto the right path. And even then, following 1,000 years of Yahushua ruling over us, there will still be a very great multitude that rebels in the end. What a sad species we are! Sometimes it is difficult to understand why Yahuwah even bothers with us; but isn’t that the way of most loving parents? They love even their most rebellious children, right up to the very end.

Yahuwah bless
