The Mark of Yahuwah

The Mark of Yahuwah

(Exodus 13:9 & 16)


Gary Primo

I came across these verses when studying for the Passover. I believe it may hold a vital clue as to what the Mark of the Beast actually entails. They also support my conclusions from a previous article I presented only a short time ago, “the Mark of the Beast. My conclusion of that article was that the Mark of the Beast is not a literal mark at all, but a “mark” of obedience vss. disobedience.

These two verses appear in the part of Exodus dealing with the Passover.

Exodus 13:9 - This observance will be for you like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that this law of Yahuwah is to be on your lips. For Yahuwah brought you out of Egypt with his mighty hand.

16 - And it will be like a sign on your hand and a symbol on your forehead that Yahuwah brought us out of Egypt with his mighty hand.”

Clearly observing the Passover is considered a sign or mark of a person who is devoted to Yahuwah. Therefore, it only seems reasonable that the opposite holds true for those who do not keep the Passover (or any other of Yahuwah’s annual Sabbaths). This means that almost everyone (most of the earth’s population) bears the Mark of the Beast already.

We hear/read plenty of sermons concerning the Mark of the Beast; however, we hear little about the Mark of Yahuwah. In fact, I never heard it either until yesterday. (Actually, I made it up). But is that not exactly what these verses are describing? Yes folks, there definitely are two marks, one for Yahuwah and one for the Beast (HaSatan).

Possessing the Mark of Yahuwah is perhaps the greatest achievement any of us can acquire. This mark can be considered a seal. That means we are already sealed and earnest awaiting our reward. We are responsible for maintaining that seal through continued obedience to Yahuwah. The only thing that will remove that seal is if we turn away from Yahuwah towards the world.

The world does not know Yahuwah, but we not only know Him but are also “in” Yahuwah, which has a much deeper meaning. We are in Yahuwah (or Yahushua) when we do everything possible to take on His nature. It is then that we will be able to reflect Yahuwah in our own being and truly reflect Him before the world.

Of course, we have one church the is the pinnacle of all HaSatan’s deceptions – which is the Christian Church. They follow their “god”, Emperor Constantine, and all the gods of Rome instead of the Elohim of Israel, Yahuwah. It was Constantine that changed the customs and traditions, not Yahushua, as the lying Christian ministers proclaim. That makes Him the real subject of the Prophet, Daniel, when speaking of a future of Beast and False Prophet. Neither did Yahushua ever change the weekly Sabbath or any of the annual sabbaths. They remain today the same as when they were presented to Moses.

I continually harp on the Christian religion because it is the most disgusting one of all. They took the true teachings of Yahuwah and replaced them with the teachings of HaSatan. They discarded the True Elohim for the Beast. While pretending to worship the Elohim of Israel, they are, in reality, worshipping the Adversary. And they don’t even know the difference.

These people bare the seal of disobedience, also known as the Mark of the Beast. They are so devoted to their god; they have been totally blinded to the truth. I have tried to teach some different, but they love the lie much more than the truth. I believe this is mainly because of the social networks they have developed within the Christian churches and are reluctant to leave what they know for the unknown. Cowards, all of them!

There are frighteningly few truth seekers out there, especially when it comes to religion. All the world’s main religions are total lies. I believe everyone would be much better off establishing a close personal relationship with our heavenly Father before seeking out a church to join. No church can form this bond for us. It is something we must do on our own via studying and obeying the Word of Yahuwah alone. We cannot just blindly obey any man in this regard. We can only believe Yahuwah and His Righteous Son and our own Eternal High Priest, Yahushua. Everything we need is preserved for us within the pages of scripture. It is up to us to search and prove all things. Any failure to do so, will result in following a false path – a path of our own making.

Any not seeking the Mark of Yahuwah are automatically sealed with the Mark of the Beast. And there is little hope that they will ever change. However, only Yahuwah knows the end from the beginning, so I remain hopeful for them.

Is it their fault they were deceived? Of course, it is. We all have a mind of our own. We all have the opportunity to read the scriptures for ourselves and study and prove all things. Yet, some are just plain lazy and prefer to benefit from the work of others – whether it be true or false. The lying Christian leaders relish their devotion and adherence to their every word. They also relish all the donations they receive, which paid for their nice homes, luxury cars and flashy suits. They also relish the admiration of their congregations that cling to their every word, as if they are Elohim Himself.

The only “man” who has ever stood between Yahuwah and man is Yahushua. Yahuwah, Himself, cannot dwell where corruption is. That is a plain and simple fact. His mere presence destroys all corruption in its tracks. Therefore, He needed someone to represent Him before all His creation. That person was His Only Begotten Son, Yahushua. Via the power bestowed on Him, it was He who did all the creating and it was He who personally interacted with man throughout his entire existence. Since Yahushua is a created being, He was able to interact with us without destroying everything. Even in His present state (fully Elohim) there is no mention of everything corruptible being destroyed at His coming. That event is preserved for when the Father, Himself, comes.

Corruption breeds corruption. Righteousness breeds righteousness. It is Yahuwah’s hope that we all would seek after righteousness, especially after He sent His own Son to become the sacrifice for their sins. But sadly, it simply was not so. That “light” was quickly extinguished, and a new “star” took His place. That new star was, of course, the Roman Iesous/Jesus.

HaSatan is definitely the god of this world; and he is determined to destroy all that Yahuwah created. His thirst for revenge knows no bounds. He knows all the predictions concerning his eventual demise, but simply does not believe any of it. He is such a master of deception; he has even deceived himself. He thinks he is the smartest being in existence; but in reality, he’s as dumb as a rock.


So. There you have it. As long as we remain obedient to Yahuwah’s every word, we will bare the Mark of Yahuwah. If, for whatever reason, we leave off following and obeying those words, we will by fiat take on the Mark of the Beast. Then we will be like the rest of the world, condemned to eternal death. Only for us, the end will be much worse than for one who never knew the truth. Whatever the world throws at us, we must remain faithful and obedient. We must retain the Mark of Yahuwah at all times and costs. And from a worldly point of view, it is going to cost us plenty – even our lives. It is extremely imperative that we remain faithful and obedient till our dying day.

This has been a short study, as it was only meant to compliment the prior study on the subject. My conclusion remains the same; the Mark of the Beast is about attitude (obedience vss. disobedience) and not a literal mark at all. So, bare the Mark of Yahuwah proudly and continue to diligently search and prove all things, my noble Bereans.

Yahuwah Bless
