


Gary Primo

Jan. 1 2011

Have you ever had a dream that you can remember, even years afterward? Have you ever wondered what they meant and more specifically if they were divinely inspired?

They say we all dream but the memory of many of our dreams vanishes the moment we wake up. In my own case I usually never remember my dreams. However there are two dreams that stand out in my memory quite well.

The earliest recollection I have is a dream I had when I was quite young and may have been inspired by something that I was taught in either church or Sunday school. I think I was around 8 years old and in the dream I was in the Garden of Gethsemane with the master at the time of His arrest. In my dream I was the apostle who cut off the ear of one of the Temple guards making the arrest. I believe that apostle was Kepha (Peter). I have no idea what kind of spiritual message, if any, was intended; however, I like to believe that YHVH was pointing out to me what direction my own spiritual life was going to one day take. The dream was in colour and was very vivid. I have never had another one like it.

The second dream I had that I can remember was equally vivid as the first. I never understood the dream until several months later, but still do not know until this day why I had it.

In 70 there was an episode in Canadian History known as the FLQ Crisis. The following is a brief summary of how it all came about.

The October Crisis


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During the 1960s, a national liberation movement sprang up in Quebec, calling for an independent province. One of its means of action was terrorism. In October 1970, a Quebec minister and a British diplomat were abducted.


The 1960s was a decade of profound change, both internationally and in Quebec. While Quebec was evolving due to The Quiet Revolution, many countries were achieving independence thanks to the trend towards de-colonization. Socialist groups, which had been popping up around the world for some time, started appearing in Quebec. During the 1960s, Quebec also witnessed the birth of groups that strove to achieve independence for the province without advocating terrorism or socialism. The most meaningful symbol of this movement was the creation of the Parti québécois.


Le Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) is a national liberation movement that was founded in 1963. Its goal was to achieve Quebec independence by resorting to terrorism, if necessary. After several bombing attempts, particularly in 1968 and 1969, the FLQ orchestrated the abduction of British diplomat, James Richard Cross, on October 5, 1970, and of provincial minister, Pierre Laporte, later on October 10. Meanwhile, negotiations were being held with Robert Bourassa's Quebec government, and the FLQ's manifesto was broadcast on CBC radio on October 8. Faced with an impasse in the negotiations, the Quebec government demanded the help of the army on October 15 to assist the Montreal police in their efforts. The following day, the federal government, led by Pierre-Éliott Trudeau, proclaimed the War Measures Act. As a result, civil rights were curtailed and Canadian Armed Forces occupied several Quebec cities. Pierre Laporte was assassinated the next day, on October 17. Between 450 and 500 people were subsequently arrested, without warrant. The majority of the people were artists, unionists, intellectuals and individuals who supported Quebec nationalism. The crisis finally came to an end in December. James Richard Cross was released on December 3 in exchange for a safe-conduct to Cuba for Marc Carbonneau and the other abductors. On December 28, Paul Rose and his accomplices were arrested for the murder of Pierre Laporte.

The person of interest in my dream was the British diplomat James Richard Cross. The following is a bit more information on him.

James Richard Cross

British diplomat born in Ireland in 1921. He held a diploma in economics and political sciences and was a lieutenant in Britain's Royal Engineers Corps from 1944 to 1947. He later served as deputy secretary and assistant secretary of the Board of Trade until 1953. He then held several commercial attaché positions around the globe. In 1967, he was sent to Montreal. During the October Crisis, he was abducted by Marc Carbonneau, a member of the FLQ.

To the best of my recollection I have never met the man, nor am I related to him in anyway. Yet on the night he was abducted I had a dream that I remember quite well to this day. In my dream I was the one who was abducted. The men who abducted me drove me in a convertible (I can’t recall the make) to a small rural town. I remember them turning down a well treed residential street and stopping at a two story, grey sided home where I was kept prisoner on the second floor. I was a smoker then and was denied cigarettes by my captors the entire time. One day I saw an opportunity to escape by jumping out of the 2nd floor window of the room where I was being held. However, they heard me and started shooting at me. One of the bullets struck me and I fell into some bushes and thought I was going to die. My last thoughts before I awoke were “I wish I could have a cigarette before I die!”

Two months later, when James Cross was released, the television news gave out all the details of his abduction and captivity. As it turned out, he was abducted in a convertible. He was driven to a small rural Quebec town. When they showed film of the street where he was held, I recognized it immediately. I also recognized the house that he was held in. It was a well treed residential street and the house was exactly like I pictured it in my dream. He was held on the second floor. He was a chain smoker and he was quoted as saying that his captors denied him any cigarettes and that he was “dying” for a smoke the entire time.

I was quite taken back by the news report and could not stop wondering “Why me?” Why did I have this dream? To this day I still do not know why. If the dream was from YHVH, what purpose did it serve? It certainly did not give me enough information concerning the abduction for me to be of any help to the police. I did not connect the dream to the abduction of James Cross till after he was released.

Yes, dreams can give us much cause to think and wonder. The human mind (especially the subconscious mind) can be an amazing thing. Could it be that I was receiving the telepathic thoughts of James Cross as he went through his ordeal. Was I hearing his anxious, silent screams for help? For a brief period of time could I have actually been inside his mind, feeling what he felt and seeing what he saw? What other things is the human mind capable of? These and countless other questions come to us when we have an experience like that. How many other things is the human mind capable of. What types of amazing powers would we have if we had 100% use of our brains instead of a measly 10%?

Some of the 2012 claims are that the age of Aquarius is going to be an age of spiritual enlightenment, which is perfectly understandable since we expect our Messiah to return in the coming age to establish His Kingdom on earth. Some are even speculating that we will enter a fourth dimension, whatever that is. A theoretical fourth dimension is also called “spacetime” which means that it is a situation where space and time meet. Not being a scientist or a great mathematician, I cannot offer a better explanation than that. However, if you want to check it for yourself and see if you can make sense of it, check out the following link.


Psychic abilities are often related to the occult, likely because it is so uncommon. And certainly many psychics do dabble in the occult. But how do we explain it when true Believers have psychic experiences. Are they of YHVH or of Satan? How do we perceive which is which? Could the reason that many psychics turn to the occult be simply because that is the only culture that readily accepts them? It is certainly an interesting science. Is it possible that the true known psychics are merely using a power of the brain that is lying dormant in all of us? In the new age are these powers going to be more common? Are more people going to be able to communicate telepathically? Will we have the power to teleport ourselves from one location to another? Will we be able to leave our bodies while in subconscious states, such as sleeping or meditating and travel to exotic places? Will we be able to self levitate and disappear simply by willing our molecules to separate and allow the light to shine through them? The possibilities seem to be endless and absolutely astounding.

What form will dreams take in the new age? Will we remember more of them? Will we have a better understanding of what they mean? Will dream telepathy be one of the methods that our Master uses to keep in touch with us and guide us? We may be in for a lot of surprises in the new age.

There is much to speculate about concerning dreams, what they mean and how we can utilize them to our advantage. There are numerous books out on dream interpretation, but who can say how accurate they are. One thing we can know for a fact is that if we survive the disasters that the end of an age usually brings, we are certainly in for a very interesting future. May YHVH be with us and carry us through the coming tribulation.

YHVH Bless
