
1934 Political Satire

They knew what was coming even back then.

E-books by Author

Recently I published my first e-book on Amazon but in two years have not sold a single copy. My purpose in doing so in the first place was not for

financial gain, but for the purpose of reaching out to a larger audience. Well, now I am thinking that maybe Yahuwah is trying to tell me something - that

this is not the way that is pleasing in His sight, or that perhaps I need to learn better marketing skills. Anyway, I have decided to post the e-books on my

site for free.

The Christian Counterfeit, Constantines One World Religion.docx

The Purpose of Man.docx

The Sermon on the Mount.docx

Who Was-Is the Messiah 2.docx

Who is the Beast and the False Prophet.docx

Almost Daily Blog

Sept. 30, 2022

Another False Flag?

The recent Russian pipeline disaster smells of yet another US false flag. This is a common tactic used by the US government as a pretense to war. How did it benefit the Russians, blowing up their own pipeline and wasting so much valuable fuel? It didn't. For the Americans, it brings them a little closer to a first strike nuclear scenario, and leaves Europe with no other viable source than American oil. BS wins again.

Sept. 29, 2022

It’s a Setup

Well, this week was a real bummer. Without going through all the details, I was hacked. First my computer and then my online banking. Got stung for $1,000. Be careful what you open, folks. I thought this one was from Microsoft.

The topic of this blog is about EVs. It occurred to me that this is one way the Elite can control or slow down rebellions. If they cut the power and most cannot start their electric vehicles, they can’t go anywhere. An EMP blast (high altitude nuclear blast) would destroy all power grids over a huge area. And the damage would take years to repair. A nation would be paralyzed.

Generators seem the most likely alternative; however, they run on fossil fuel and if they start banning that (as they are currently proposing in California), such generators will become useless. A Hendershot generator is the best bet because it runs on industrial magnets and gravity, but the energy companies bought and buried the patent. However, one can buy the plans online and build your own.

If nothing else, it is impressive how the Elite have thought of everything.

Also, in this week’s news.

EU farmers warn of food shortages – Reuters (infowars.com)

Who would know better than a farmer? I’d believe them over a politician any day.

FDA vaccine adviser warns healthy young people SHOULDN’T get new bivalent COVID booster (infowars.com)

Curious as to why they are issuing this decree? The Elite are now using the medical profession as a weapon against us “food-wasters”. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 24, 2022

It’s a Setup

California Bans Natural Gas Furnaces, Water Heaters (infowars.com)

Slowly but surely, the Elite are sealing our doom. What source of heat would be left? Electricity! They have already banned wood burning – the cheapest possible source. And, of course, no mention is made of the cost of producing the electricity.

I can clearly see the end to all of this. Non-compliance to any authoritarian authority (as in a civil war) will result in electricity (the absence of) being used as a weapon against us. Remember when the entire eastern coast experienced a power outage for 3-4 days? That was a test. Of course, it was blamed, by some, on the Russians using an EMP weapon. However, since the power mysteriously came back on after 4 days and completely returned to normal. That simply would not happen after and EMP attack. Such an attack would melt all elements in the electrical grid, and it would take years to repair.

But what a bonus for the Elite that would be. It would send us back practically to the stone age. Then we would be easy pickings for the UN armies.

The Elite want total control over our lives, including when, how and why we die. It is our mission not to allow them to do that. We are to resist utilizing all our spiritual armour. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 23, 2022

Weaponizing Money

PayPal shuts account of group who fought to keep schools open during pandemic (infowars.com)

Well, well, well! Can you see where this is heading? First PayPal and next – personal bank accounts. Anyone who dares to speak out against unpopular government mandates is going to punished with seized bank and PayPal accounts, cancelled bank and credit cards. If you are on government assistance, you will be cut off. This might even include Workmen’s Compensation, even though the recipients paid into the program.

How do we prepare for such an assault? Well, first off, move your money somewhere where the government cannot touch it. Next, start prepping, stocking up on supplies and preserving food. Remember, they will likely start cutting back on electricity through roving blackouts also. Therefore, freezing food may not be the best option. And hiding money may also not work if they switch to digital currency. (They seem to have thought of just about everything).

Things are heating up folks and are going to get very, very bad. If I were you, I’d begin prepping immediately. Yahuwah Bless and keep you safe.

Sept. 22, 2022

Stupid is as Stupid Says

Democrat Stacey Abrams Spreads Bizarre Conspiracy Theory: “No Such Thing as Heartbeat at 6 Weeks… Manufactured Sound” (infowars.com)

Of all the totally stupid claims by the pro-abortion people, this has got to go straight to the top of the chart. This woman (unbelievably) claims that there is no such thing as a baby’s heartbeat at 6 weeks old; and qualifies her statement with this, "There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body.".

She further adds, “heartbeats picked up through ultrasounds are merely computer interpretations of “electrical activity generated by an embryo.”

I cannot figure out how this movement ever became legal in the first place. The ending of a human life by another human is clearly murder. What fate awaits them in the day of judgement? Yahushua, speed you coming and make everything new.

Sept. 21, 2022

When the UN Secretary General says it’s True

'Our world is in peril,' UN secretary-general warns general assembly (msn.com)

The Secretary General of the UN is now warning that a global food crisis is coming. He negates to mention that it a manufactured crisis and how governments around the world are complicit. (E.g., in the US, farmers are being paid to destroy their crops and processed food plants are mysteriously burning down all over the country).

From what I see in reading between the lines is that they need to bring down the West to raise up the 3rd world countries. Naturally if we all have the same economic rating, all will become 3rd world counties.

And, of course, the U.N. just had a big meeting about it all and of course they blamed everything on Russia. 150 world leaders attended. The very fact that most showed up in person rather that a video conference speaks of the urgency of this meeting.

As we get one step closer to a New World Order and the end days of scriptural prophesy, global insanity is going to get much, much worse. Both Russia and the US are threatening nuclear war. Each is waiting for the other to make the first move. Things are so bad that in Pakistan, victims of the flood are blaming the West for not doing enough to stop climate change (like that was a real thing) and want us to send money. They are saying the West is to blame for economic harm and is a threat to human life. Of course, our own Idiot in Chief, Justin Trudeau, just had to throw in his 2 cents.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's two-day visit began Tuesday with a bilateral meeting with Chandrikapersad Santokhi, the president of Suriname, this year's chair of Caricom, a political and economic coalition of 15 member-states throughout the Caribbean.

The rest of Trudeau's UN agenda is laden with meetings on subjects close to his heart: climate change, gender equality and sustainable development, among others.”

Climate change is a totally bogus claim. Gender equality is also a lot of bull. What happened to the best qualified getting the jobs. But the biggest laugh is him including sustainable development which he has all but destroyed in Canada.

The sad part folks is that this is only the beginning. All the horrors of the Book of Revelation are coming. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 19, 2022

Can This be True?

Someone posted this article on Facebook (below), and I was intrigued. If anyone knows of any medical documents or studies supporting this news, please send it to me.

What I cannot understand is why therapies such as these seem to be locked away and hidden from the public. It is the same story with electromagnetic energy. At low levels it can heal. At higher levels it can kill and has already been developed into a handheld assassination weapon. This is a silent, invisible killer that completely shuts down all major organs in the body at the same time causing instant death.

We have been hearing much in the news recently about “sound canons” being used to dispel crowds of protestors. So, this technology has already been developed and used as a weapon against the public. So why aren’t they using this technology for healing also?

(5) Facebook

Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 17, 2022

The War Against Free Speech

We hear a lot, especially here in Canada, how it is no longer acceptable to use certain words and phrases. Well, what gives these “closet Commies” the right to tell us anything. And when we hear the idiotic alternative they want us to use instead, it is laughable, it is so ridiculous. . I mean, is there an idiot factory somewhere churning out these morons?

And most of the accusations have a racist tag attached. How, in anyway, using these common, everyday words and phrases implicate racism has me completely dumb founded.

Is there a motive to their madness? Of course, there is. And it will be used to silence all “free speech” everywhere. This will be the communist dream fully realized. And that is what the New World Order is all about. No worldly government should ever hold power over the people. It is the people who should always hold power over the worldly governments. The only government that is 100% righteous and trustworthy is the government of Yahuwah. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 16, 2022

UN Warning Should be Taken Seriously

The UN Has A Serious Warning About The Global Food Supply (msn.com)

The UN is now issuing this warning and it should be taken seriously. On account of the Russian/Ukrainian conflict, the UN calculates that we will be losing 25% or more of the world’s food supply by this winter. Anyone who can afford to do so, should be out there buying up veggies by the bushel where available and preserving them. If one has a wholesale store nearby that serves the public also, you can find numerous bulk items there (canned and dry). Also, if you can, stock up enough for family and close friends also. You know you won’t be able to say “no”.

Other things to stock up on – water, toilet paper, gas and furnace fuel, propane heaters, coal oil lamps, blankets, and comforters, and whatever else one can think of. This is going to be “a time of trouble such as the world has never known” Think about that folks and prepare yourselves as best as you can. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 15, 2022

Blaming Environment for Vaccine Side Effects

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but more and more news stories lately are blaming the vast array of vaccine side effects on the environment. Of course, their claims are totally bogus. For example, one story claimed that bad air quality was responsible for heart irregularities (skipping beats, etc.). Naturally, they will need to throw more cash at the clouds (the U.N.) to “save humanity”. And if you believe that, I have a 3-story igloo in Arizona for sale.

However, the genius behind this fable is that they have the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. First, they will have something besides the vaccine to blame the side effects on and avoid lawsuits. Secondly, it will give them the opportunity for the U.N. (New World Order) to begin collecting the first of all global taxes. In the future, after the N.W.O. has been established all taxes will be paid directly to the N.W.O. and distributed wherever, as they see fit.

We are being played for idiots, people. Be awake, be aware! Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 12, 2022

Covid Vaccine Destroys Natural Immunity, NEJM Study Shows (infowars.com)

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) shows not only that the effectiveness of the Pfizer Covid vaccine becomes negative (meaning the vaccinated are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated) within five months but that the vaccine destroys any protection a person has from natural immunity.

I was telling people this long before Covid, concerning the regular flu shots. Most of us have very good immune systems which can fight off almost anything given the chance. Taking all of these so called ‘shots” does little in preventing the illness anyway and by constantly running for a shot, one is preventing the immune system from working. A good immune system is better than anything else in fighting colds and flues. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 10, 2022

Blaming the West for Pakistan Floods

Guterres blames developed countries for Pakistan floods: «It’s collective suicide». (msn.com)

Apparently, the west is to blame for all of the world’s woes, according to this moron. It doesn’t matter that they are living next to the world’s worst polluting country – China. But they wouldn't dare blame China or demand money from them. That would likely start a war.

The truth is that there is no one to blame for this tragedy. It is merely the natural consequence of living on this planet. It is yet forming and changing and similar events have happened in the distant past. And we are still here. The poles have shifted over 20 degrees. The magnetic poles are flipping North to South and visa versa. For every action there is a reaction. While there is no doubt we have to clean up our act, most of what we are seeing is a consequence of nature, not man. And that situation is only going to get worse from here on in. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 9, 22022

They Finally Admit It

New Study of Pfizer and Moderna Data Suggests Vaccine Harm Outweighs Benefit (theepochtimes.com)

“The stunning finding was as follows: The risk of serious adverse events from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine exceeds the benefit of reduction of COVID-19 hospitalization. In the analysis, Moderna caused higher adverse events than Pfizer, but both were elevated compared to the placebo arm.”

“Higher risk of serious AESI was observed in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine group relative to placebo in both the Pfizer and Moderna adult phase III trials, with 10.1 (Pfizer) and 15.1 (Moderna) additional events for every 10,000 individuals vaccinated,” the authors wrote.”

“The average risk difference across both vaccines was 12.5 serious AESIs per 10,000 individuals vaccinated. As the authors write, these results “raise concerns that mRNA vaccines are associated with more harm than initially estimated at the time of emergency authorization.”

Lies, lies and more lies. That is all we get from the vaccine manufacturers. The only true thing they ever said about it was that it was virtually untested. Plus, the very fact that everyone has to be continually, and more frequently vaccinated, tells us something else about this virus. IT IS NOT A VIRUS! Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 6, 2022

The World is Losing it’s Mind

Teacher suspended for refusing to use transgender pronouns ends up jailed | National Post

It is not only the teachers who are losing their minds but the parents also. What is wrong with them. They cannot seem to accept that there are only 2 sexes, male and female. It tells us that right in the opening chapters of the bible. And thy think we are backwards. I sure am glad I have no children in school. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 5, 2022

The Illusion of Sovereignty

Since the dawn of time, man has fought and fiercely defended the sovereignty of whichever nation he belonged to. Yet, it was always the rich and powerful who were running and controlling the show all along. And nothing has changed to this day. We do our patriotic duty by going out and voting for whichever political party we favor or donning a uniform to fight whichever war our politicians commit us to. Are we really any better off than the systems that preceded us? But in the end, we are usually disappointed (at least somewhat) with the choice we made.

But it really does not matter who we vote for because all are owned and controlled by the chief bankers and corporate CEOs. So, no matter how one tries to deny it, we are really living under a corporate/banker dictatorship, and democracy is a mere illusion of the people having any power at all.

Some years ago, Canadians were asked to take part in a national referendum to decide whether to join a proposed North American Union (NAU). This would have made Canada, the U.S. and Mexico one united state, the same as the EU. Canada voted against it, largely because it did not favor Canadians at all. It would have been Mexico that benefited the most.

Everyone is wondering what Justin Trudeau is doing, thinking him an idiot. Yet he is doing exactly as his Globalist masters want him to do – bankrupt the nation, steal its sovereignty and form a Communist dictatorship. This is exactly how the EU works. They have an elected Parliament, but an unelected “Commission of 30” who are the equivalent of the senate, Who unlike Western democratic governments, has absolute power over the elected parament. But that is what the New World Order really is, a united global communist state. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 3, 2022


Well, I began prepping this week. At first, I had trouble finding bushels of vegetables. But then I went to the Mennonite colony near me and found plenty. Another plus is that they are guaranteed organic. The average price was around $35 (Cdn) per bushel. Out of 1 bushel of peppers I filled 11- 1lt. jars. I’m still working on the tomatoes. I also got carrots and potatoes. I will be getting more again next month. I am also harvesting the seeds because I don’t believe there will be any to be had next season.

Preserving is definitely a lot of work. I had some help with the peppers but basically, I was on my own. What I am predicting is that by this time next year, one will be very fortunate to find a quality source of organic anything. The U.S government is already forcing farmers to destroy their crops (for which they are compensated). For any who do not comply, the government comes and destroys it for them and hit them with a huge fine.

No one likes the thought of war, but we are presently at war with the global Elite, for no other reason but to greatly reduce the human population. If we do nothing, we will lay amongst the victims. If we fight back, we may just be one of the survivors. Stay one step ahead of them, folks. Yahuwah Bless.

Sept. 2, 2022

If it happens in Europe, it can Happen Here

Darker and Colder: Europeans Warned of ‘Unprecedented’ Power Failures This Winter (infowars.com)

There is no logical reason that I can think of as to why we in North America should have to go without power this winter, We have all the energy we need here. Yet, I think it will be as certain as the sun coming up tomorrow. I have been warning everyone I speak to start getting ready for it now. Gas generators are a great idea, but they will only work if we have fuel to run them. The only alternative, as I see it, is the Hendershot generator that runs only on magnets and gravity. However, the patent has been bought up and buried by the energy giants. But you can buy the plans on the internet and build your own.

I am afraid the Elite have thought of everything possible to ensure our failure to survive. We need to get on top of things now, before it is too late. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 31, 2022

Trudeau’s Vote Buying

Trudeau gov’t to give $100 million to LGBT groups across Canada - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

One thing Canada’s “Idiot-in-chief” is good at is that he is great at giving away the hard-earned money of regular class Canadians (who pay the bulk of all taxes). Previously he drew much criticism for a grand media bailout. Now he is promising LGBT groups across the country a very generous $100 million. He is not even trying to keep such bribery/vote buying a secret. I believe he is eventually going to be recognized as the most corrupt Canadian PM in history.

Most people do not regard minority groups as having any sway over voting. However, when you combine all the minority groups together, they become the majority. And that is exactly how Trudeau won the last couple of elections. And this is the type of politics that taking root in all nations. Yahuwah, speed your coming! Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 28, 2022

Punishing the Unvaxxed

BC forcing unvaccinated mothers to pay back up to $50K in maternity leave | True North (tnc.news)

Well, it has started, folks, the war against the unvaxxed. Usually, one gets punished for something they did; but this is a case of punishment for something she did not do. And with 1200+ side effects of this vaccine, I wouldn’t recommend that any pregnant woman take it.

And isn’t that rather discriminating? They should either make all new mothers pay back their maternity leave or none. Hopefully all the other mothers in BC rise up to support their sisters. This is ridiculous and I am embarrassed to call myself a Canadian. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 26, 2022

Time to Bring Back Wood

Brits to fire up wood stoves to avoid freezing this winter — RT Business News

For years now, the Canadian government has been trying to “do away” with wood stoves. Now, with this so-called energy (completely manufactured) crisis going on, people are reconsidering their choice and trying to get them back again. In Toronto and some other cities, wood burning stoves have been banned altogether.

With claims of a “dark winter” coming. People are starting to panic. These are no longer the words of some crazy conspiracy theorist. This is front page news. It will not be only the electricity grid we have to worry about. Oil, natural gas and propane prices are also climbing out of reach, and accessibility is being called into question. Wood is something that can be found anywhere. As such, it is natures most readily available fuel source. No wonder they want to ban it.

We are at war folks. Nobody wants it. No one is ready for it. Half the planet does not even realize that we are at war and are in deep denial. We cannot wait for the NATO army to come marching down our streets. We need to resist and plan for our survival now – before it is too late. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 25, 2022

Cultivating the Human Herd

By vaccine, starvation, war or whatever means necessary, the Globalists plan for mass culling of the human population is well under way and has been for some time. Reading the following article from Natural News on how they plan to do it.

The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way… here’s exactly how it’s being accomplished to achieve mass extermination – NaturalNews.com

Aug. 22, 2022


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Postnationalism or non-nationalism[1] is the process or trend by which nation states and national identities lose their importance relative to cross-nation and self-organized or supranational and global entities as well as local entities. Although postnationalism is not strictly considered the antonym of nationalism, the two terms and their associated assumptions are antithetic as postnationalism is an internationalistic process. There are several factors that contribute to aspects of postnationalism, including economic, political, and cultural elements. Increasing globalization of economic factors (such as the expansion of international trade with raw materials, manufactured goods, and services, and the importance of multinational corporations and internationalization of financial markets) have shifted emphasis from national economies to global ones.

At the same time, socio-political power is partially transferred from national authorities to supernational entities, such as multinational corporations, the United Nations, the European Union, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and NATO. In addition, media and entertainment industries are becoming increasingly global and facilitate the formation of trends and opinions on a supranational scale. Migration of individuals or groups between countries contributes to the formation of postnational identities and beliefs, even though attachment to citizenship and national identities often remains important.[2][3][4]

Well, I learned a new word today. It is so new; it does not even appear in the dictionary yet. “Postnationalism”! What it basically means is “after nationalism no longer exists”. When there are no national borders/ no countries at all. There will only be 10 regions (such as the EU) and like the EU, the government of these regions will each be under a kingly dictatorship and all ten kings will be under one general king (the Beast)

And note who is championing this movement, why the media and entertainment industries. Imagine that! Are people actually going to look to the media and entertainment industries to provide truth, guidance and leadership to the them? It seems preposterous but from what I have witnessed in the news lately, I would not be the least surprised.

It is here folks – the end times. And I must admit that I was not expecting it in my lifetime. Are we prepared spiritually for it? Do we have all of our spiritual armor in place? Are we prepared to offer ourselves up as living sacrifices if the need arises?

We cannot all count on escaping to a Place of Safety. These are the things we need to be considering right now. There is no time to wait and see. We cannot be like the foolish five virgins who neglected to purchase oil for their lamps. Yahuwah Bless

Aug. 20, 2022

Yahuwah Wants You

Of course, the title is a play on words concerning the U.S. recruitment advertising (Uncle Sam Wants You). In many cases, we may not like what either asks of us. Some of the prophets of old were asked to do some pretty bizarre things.

I retrieved these tid bits from;

10 Strange And Controversial Biblical Prophets - Listverse

Ezekiel - lying on his side for 430 days to symbolize the number of years the people of Israel and Judah had spent in sin.

- he cut off his hair and beard using a sword

Isaiah - stripped off and wandered through Jerusalem naked and barefoot for 3 years.

Hosea - ordering Hosea to marry the most promiscuous woman he can find.

Elijah - the first prophet to raise a dead person.

- taken up to heaven in “a whirlwind.

Nehemiah - some of the Jews had married foreign women from Ashdod, Moab, and Ammon. As a result, their mixed children couldn’t even speak Hebrew.

Moshe - cheated death when he was merely an infant

- dared to challenge the pharaoh, the most powerful man in the world

- was allowed to speak to Yahuwah in person

Jonah - disobeyed this divine command and instead tried to get as far away from Assyria as possible

- Yahuwah had him swallowed by a “huge fish” until he agreed to get with the program

Jeremiah - to act out a lesson for the people via a linen “waistcloth.”

- bought himself a new linen undergarment, but forbidden him from letting water touch it

Have you ever read these passages and wondered what you would have done (will do) if in the prophet’s shoes? Well, our day may be coming. And what would our answer be. Would we welcome the challenge or run away as fast as we could. I think, from what we just read, that running away is not an option. Therefore, I ask everyone to say a short prayer asking Yahuwah for the privilage of doing His will, whatever it may be. And, above all else, do whatever He asks, else you may end up in the belly of a whale. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 19, 2022

The Vaccine Clots are not Blood Clots

EXCLUSIVE: Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots – NaturalNews.com

Apparently, the clots resulting from the vaccine are not "blood" clots at all. According to this report, very little of the elements that make up blood are present in these clots, yet, they have an elevated presence of the elements capable of conducting electricity. The fact is that these clots are completely foreign to what is known about actual blood clots. Also, according to this report, the rates will increase over the long term, with it taking perhaps two to three years, in some, to take effect.

You may remember my report a short while ago about my neighbor who got the H1N1 vaccine and how none of the side effects hit him for about 3 years. The only purpose in this delay Is to detract blame from the vaccine (my personal opinion).

Stay vigilant and stay alive, everyone. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 18, 2022

Free or Slave

If the average citizen of a Western nation such as Canada or the US, where democracy is practiced, were asked if they were free or a slave, they would likely answer “free”, because that is what they have been programmed to believe. But are we really free when we are paying up to 50% of our earnings in forced taxation? And they keep piling taxes upon taxes, without the consent of the citizens. That is not a democracy. How about when they eventually take it all and only “allow” you a bed and a meal. Is that not slavery? Of course, it is, but by the time everyone realizes it, it will be too late. The purpose of every government on Earth is to coerce the population into a state of “voluntary” slavery. We are told that it is for the common good. And, unfortunately, the vast majority are going to gobble it up like candy.

Check out this seminar. It is a long one, but if you can find the time to view the first ½ hour, you will get the general drift.

Natural Law Seminar - Part 3 of 3 - Mark Passio (odysee.com)

By now I am assuming that some are asking, “what about Yahuwah’s system of tithing/taxation”? First of all, it was a fixed rate of 10%. That did not change, ever. And it remains the same today. The first tithe went to the priesthood. The second tithe was put away to attend the feasts. The third was to support the poor and was collected every 3rd year. But that was the only form of taxation, and there certainly were not any hidden taxes lurking around.

Natural laws apply to every single human being, and no man has the right to take them away. That is enslavement! Yahuwah Bless.

Aug.17, 2022

We Called Them Savages

When the white men came to America, they encountered a people they deemed as savages – ignorant and backwards. I found the North American Natives to be rich in understanding and knowledge of everything natural around us, something that few white men even attempted to know and until this day continue in their ignorance.

This was written by Chief Dan George, in 1972..

"In the course of my lifetime I have lived in two distinct cultures. I was born into a culture that lived in communal houses. My grandfather’s house was eighty feet long. It was called a smoke house, and it stood down by the beach along the inlet. All my grandfather’s sons and their families lived in this dwelling. Their sleeping apartments were separated by blankets made of bull rush weeds, but one open fire in the middle served the cooking needs of all.

In houses like these, throughout the tribe, people learned to live with one another; learned to respect the rights of one another. And children shared the thoughts of the adult world and found themselves surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins who loved them and did not threaten them. My father was born in such a house and learned from infancy how to love people and be at home with them.

And beyond this acceptance of one another there was a deep respect for everything in Nature that surrounded them. My father loved the Earth and all its creatures. The Earth was his second mother. The Earth and everything it contained was a gift from See-see-am… and the way to thank this Great Spirit was to use his gifts with respect.

I remember, as a little boy, fishing with him up Indian River and I can still see him as the sun rose above the mountain top in the early morning…I can see him standing by the water’s edge with his arms raised above his head while he softly moaned…”Thank you, thank you.” It left a deep impression on my young mind.

And I shall never forget his disappointment when once he caught me gaffing for fish “just for the fun of it.” “My son” he said, “The Great Spirit gave you those fish to be your brothers, to feed you when you are hungry. You must respect them. You must not kill them just for the fun of it.”

This then was the culture I was born into and for some years the only one I really knew or tasted. This is why I find it hard to accept many of the things I see around me.

I see people living in smoke houses hundreds of times bigger than the one I knew. But the people in one apartment do not even know the people in the next and care less about them.

It is also difficult for me to understand the deep hate that exists among people. It is hard to understand a culture that justifies the killing of millions in past wars, and it at this very moment preparing bombs to kill even greater numbers. It is hard for me to understand a culture that spends more on wars and weapons to kill, than it does on education and welfare to help and develop.

It is hard for me to understand a culture that not only hates and fights his brothers but even attacks Nature and abuses her. I see my white brothers going about blotting out Nature from his cities. I see him strip the hills bare, leaving ugly wounds on the face of mountains. I see him tearing things from the bosom of Mother Earth as though she were a monster, who refused to share her treasures with him. I see him throw poison in the waters, indifferent to the life he kills there; as he chokes the air with deadly fumes.

My white brother does many things well for he is more clever than my people but I wonder if he has ever really learned to love at all. Perhaps he only loves the things that are his own but never learned to love the things that are outside and beyond him. And this is, of course, not love at all, for man must love all creation or he will love none of it. Man must love fully, or he will become the lowest of the animals. It is the power to love that makes him the greatest of them all… for he alone of all animals is capable of [a deeper] love.

My friends, how desperately do we need to be loved and to love. When Christ said man does not live by bread alone, he spoke of a hunger. This hunger was not the hunger of the body. He spoke of a hunger that begins in the very depths of man... a hunger for love. Love is something you and I must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love our self esteem weakens. Without it our courage fails. Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. Instead, we turn inwardly and begin to feed upon our own personalities and little by little we destroy ourselves.

You and I need the strength and joy that comes from knowing that we are loved. With it we are creative. With it we march tirelessly. With it, and with it alone, we are able to sacrifice for others. There have been times when we all wanted so desperately to feel a reassuring hand upon us… there have been lonely times when we so wanted a strong arm around us… I cannot tell you how deeply I miss my wife’s presence when I return from a trip. Her love was my greatest joy, my strength, my greatest blessing.

I am afraid my culture has little to offer yours. But my culture did prize friendship and companionship. It did not look on privacy as a thing to be clung to, for privacy builds walls and walls promote distrust. My culture lived in big family communities, and from infancy people learned to live with others.

My culture did not prize the hoarding of private possessions, in fact, to hoard was a shameful thing to do among my people. The Indian looked on all things in Nature as belonging to him and he expected to share them with others and to take only what he needed.

Everyone likes to give as well as receive. No one wishes only to receive all the time. We have taken something from your culture… I wish you had taken something from our culture, for there were some beautiful and good things in it.

Soon it will be too late to know my culture, for integration is upon us and soon we will have no values but yours. Already many of our young people have forgotten the old ways. And many have been shamed of their Indian ways by scorn and ridicule. My culture is like a wounded deer that has crawled away into the forest to bleed and die alone.

The only thing that can truly help us is genuine love. You must truly love, be patient with us and share with us. And we must love you—with a genuine love that forgives and forgets… a love that forgives the terrible sufferings your culture brought ours when it swept over us like a wave crashing along a beach… with a love that forgets and lifts up its head and sees in your eyes an answering love of trust and acceptance..."

~Chief Dan George was a leader of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation as well as a beloved actor, musician, poet and author. He was born in North Vancouver in 1899 and died in 1981. This column first appeared in the North Shore Free Press on March 1, 1972.

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Aug. 16, 2022

Humans Have no Future Role in Society

‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ – Top WEF Advisor Harari (infowars.com)

According to top World economic Forum Advisor, Harari, humans are to have no useful purpose in the future. All useful, productive jobs will be carried out by artificial life (robots). Our only useful purpose will be caring for the elderly and watering the petunias or fishing. I like fishing. Harari also says we need to get rid of 5 billion people. My words to Harari is, “You first, buddy.” Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 15, 2022

Was Yahushua a Conspiracy Theorist?

con·spir·a·cy the·o·rist

[conspiracy theorist]


1. a person who believes that some secret, but influential organization is responsible for an event or phenomenon:

Would an invisible Creator Elohim qualify as “some secret but influential organization”? If so, then Yahushua HaMashiyack would qualify as a “conspiracy theorist. And that is basically what the chief religious’ authorities (of His day) were calling Him. They admonished their flocks not to listen to Him. He was delirious and delusional. This is exactly how Yahushua would be received if He were to return today.

Well, if Yahushua was a conspiracy theorist, then we are in good company, not only with the Messiah, but all of the prophets of old as well. No body believed their reports. Nor will they believe ours. So be prepared to be outcast and defamed, while holding your head up, knowing that you are following in the footsteps of the Messiah. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 13, 2022

Democrat Megadonor Tells Fox ‘Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Have Been Killed by’ COVID-19 Vaccines (infowars.com)

The following is a summary of the article.

When Kilmeade asked Kirsch what he found throughout his research, Kirsch told him, “What I found was hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by this vaccine and millions have been injured. Clearly, you are more likely to be injured or dead from the vaccine than if you were unvaccinated. So, what they’re saying, and the reality is completely opposite.”

And the conspiracy theorists have nailed it again. The vax is deadlier than the virus. And in another article, it was reported that they are going to try to force us to get the shot once a year. They did not say for how long. As far as I am concerned, It is the Mark of the Beast, and no one is going to force me to do anything. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 10, 2022

Politics just keeps Getting Dirtier and Dirtier

Wow. The US Democrats seem to have the ball completely in their court. Even with the current fool for a president, they have succeeded in setting the first precedent against any former US president. I can’t wit to see them scurrying like rats if Donald gets re-elected. Maybe this time he will put Jezebel, I mean Hillary, behind bars.

Of course, Canada has their own fool, Justin Trudeau, who manages to keep getting re-elected, even though he is selling Canada out to the UN. He has been caught lying and stealing, and still the fools vote him back in.

And the attacks on one another just keep getting dirtier and more childish. In fact, In my opinion, Vladimir Putin demonstrates greater leadership ability than any Western leader. While I do not support communism, I do applaud the way he maneuvered his way around the economic restrictions taken against Russia.

The Ukrainian president is no exception. He is using this war to accomplish numerous goals and he is ruthless in pursuing those goals. I believe the reports that he has bombed and killed his own citizens to gain allied support, while blaming Russia for the acts. However, the recent attack involving the Chernobyl site is stupid no matter who is responsible. But these are typical military maneuvers and to be expected and recognized for what they are. And I believe the proof is easy enough to attain via satellites.

The only thing we know for sure, is that it is only going to get worse and worse, until Yahushua returns. Please Yahuwah, speed His coming. Yahuwah Bless.

August 9, 2022

Early Unexpected Mortality

Well, there is a new medical term for you. The name itself does not place blame on any one thing. However, the very fact that following the vaccine, “suddenly” (their words, not mine) there is a 163% explosion in deaths from all causes. You see, what the vaccine does is mimic certain diseases in certain people. That way they can pitch a story that the person died of something other than the vaccine. That is how liars work – blame someone or something else. Read the story and prepare to be shocked. Yahuwah labels them the Beast power for good reason, they are savage beasts who are out of control and need to be put down for the future good of humanity – just as we would put a mad dog down. But, no worries, Yahuwah has a huge surprise in store for them. Yahuwah Bless.

Expect Insurance Companies to Sue Vaccine Manufacturers to Cover Pay-outs For Explosion of Early Unexpected Mortality Claims (infowars.com)

August 8, 2022

We are the Problem

According to the global Elite, the biggest threat to planet Earth is the human population. Therefore, they feel it is urgent that they reduce the global population by 90%, by whatever means possible. Of course, this has been going on behind the MS news for a long time, I’d say at least since the 1st world war. Recently, the manufactured pandemic aided the cause by first injecting the Mark of the Beast in everyone along with location monitors, death switches and Elohim knows what. I believe it is going to take 3 years for all the side effects to manifest themselves; and 1 year has already passed. The reason they take so long is to divert blame from the vaccines/ It would be more difficult to prove them to be the source of the problem


Rev. 13:17 - And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.

We almost got to this point already but don’t worry, it is coming. Watch out everyone on government assistance, Workman’s Comp. or a retirement pension.

Rev. 12:9 - And a third angel followed them, calling out in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives its mark on his forehead or on his hand,

10 - he too will drink the wine of Elohim’s anger, poured undiluted into the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented in fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.

11 - And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever. Day and night there is no rest for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”

Now I know that a good many “Christian folk” ran right out and got the shot. And even though they might regret it now, I think it is too late. They will be made to suffer the same fate as the Beast and False Prophet. Even if their pastor told them to get the shot, the onus is on the individual to make their own choice. Remember, it all boils down to whatever your personal relationship with Yahuwah is. Don’t follow a crowd or even your own pastor. Follow Yahuwah through Yahushua and them alone. We cannot entrust our salvation to anyone else. Yahuwah Bless.

August 6, 2022

Eternal Rest

This Christian term, “eternal rest”, caught my attention this week. Perhaps it was lingering from a funeral for a neighbor I attended last week. What does this term mean and when was it established? To me it implies that one simply rests in the ground for all of eternity. This term: therefore, can only infer that there is no resurrection and that our lives are over once interned in the ground.

Now I know that Christians talk about resurrection all the time, but do they genuinely believe it? How many people do we know who identify as Christians, yet never set foot in any place of worship, openly deny Elohim and generally disregard all his laws? Well for them, all there will be is an eternal dirt nap. They will be resurrected, only to be judged and then they will be DESTROYED for all of eternity. I guess one might call that a rest.

We, who believe, are not looking for eternal rest; we are looking to be eternally active in Yahuwah’s Kingdom. First, we will have to learn to be Elohim. After that the universe is our oyster. We will be bringing entire planets to life – by our own power! Then solar systems and ultimately new universes. There is going to be little rest, my friends. But then, by that time, we will not need to rest. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 5, 2022

In the News Today

The Great Reset at Work: The Dystopian Transformation of the Food Industry (infowars.com)

This article explains what is going on within the global food industry and where that is heading. Includes over 200 species of eatable insects. Yum, yum!

Japanese Surgeon Calls for Suspension of COVID Boosters (theepochtimes.com)

This surgeon is calling for the suspension of booster shots because they lead to a compromised immune system and early death (just what Bill Gates, Oprah and the rest of the globalist fiends are dreaming of). My bet is that the main cache of covid side effects will materialize over the next 2 years. It has already been one year for most.

Also, they were firs saying that the vaccine was harmful to children. Now they say they have concocted one for children. But why would anyone believe them? Following the myriad of complications involving the vaccine, why would any reasonably intelligent person even consider them for their child? It is like playing Russian roulette with their precious lives.

Both the above articles clearly point out the Elitist program that has been developed for us and both involve their depopulation agenda. Yahuwah Bless.

Aug. 4, 2022

Swedish Military Says Supporting Gay Pride Just as Important as Defending Country (infowars.com)

I am having trouble deciding who comes up with the most ridiculous arguments to cover their perversion and sin, the homosexuals, pro-abortionists, or trannies. The above claims that “supporting gay pride is the same as defending one’s country.” The problem is that asinine comments like these are bound to increase, since there is no moral or rational argument to support it. In other words, when intelligence is lacking, ignorance and stupidity takes over.

When I think of the Puritan days, I can’t help but think of how far we have gone in the opposite direction – from one extreme to another. Back then, such persons would have been burnt at the stake as witches. Now-a-days, more people are into the dark sciences than they are into worshiping Elohim. We are truly in a state that is more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah, and perhaps even surpassing these two cities. This situation cannot and will not end well.

It may seem that Yahuwah has turned a blind eye towards man’s activities, since He has not sent fire down from heaven – yet. But I can assure everyone that, in the end, Yahuwah’s Gehenna Fire will destroy EVERYTHING that remains corruptible. Nothing corruptible will escape that flame. Yahuwah Bless.

July 30, 2022

Cult of Mithras Explained - YouTube

The Cult of Mithras

An interesting clip, though not entirely correct. The Cult of Mithras is the religion that Emperor Constantine clung to. The reason that it disappeared in the 4th century was because Constantine merged Mithraism with the Jewish “cult” (of Believers) and the result was Christianity.

July 29, 2022

Conspiracy Theorists or Modern Day Prophets and Watchmen

I am often labelled a conspiracy theorist by most of my friends and relatives. Personally, I have come to regard that label as meaning someone who searches extensively to find whatever truth one can (a fact that I relish). As a matter of fact, I have spent the last 42 years doing pretty much nothing else. And I know for a fact that not one of those friends and relatives have in any way researched into the various matters, to qualify as any kind of critic at all.

Since the days of the apostles, I have not recognized anyone who would qualify as a prophet or watchman. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that there weren’t any. You see, such figures are usually solitary souls who get little attention. That homeless person begging on the street corner could be a prophet. The point is that we likely would not recognize a prophet or a watchman if they were to step on our toe.

However, when they begin to speak is when anyone notices them. The words they spoke were not their own. Elohim put the words in their mouths. And if they refused to prophesy, Elohim punished them (e.g., Jonah).

Well, guess what. Folks. We are the modern-day prophets and watchmen. And, if we do not do what Yahuwah has chosen us to do, we too will be punished. Today we have the security of the internet to keep us more or less inconspicuous. In the old days, they did not have such security and were much more vulnerable than most today. But the situation today is not going to last. As we spring into the final days, the internet will be shut down, as will most communication networks. The only communication that will remain is the face-to-face type. That will force us out of our comfort zones and into the streets, Just like in the good-old-days. It is our time to change. It is our time to shine and become the heroes of tomorrow and the pride of Yahuwah’s eye. We are Kings and Priests. Is time to claim our crown. Yahuwah Bless.

July 28, 2022


Came across this list on FB. Good to keep handy for reference in our studies.

1. Matthew. Suffered martyrdom in Ethiopia, Killed by a sword wound.

2. Mark. Died in Alexandria, Egypt , after being dragged by Horses through the streets until he was dead.

3. Luke. Was hanged in Greece as a result of his tremendous Preaching to the lost.

4. John. Faced martyrdom when he was boiled in huge Basin of boiling oil during a wave of persecution In Rome. However, he was miraculously delivered From death.

John was then sentenced to the mines on the prison Island of Patmos. He wrote his prophetic Book of Revelation on Patmos . The apostle John was later freed and returned to serve As Bishop of Edessa in modern Turkey . He died as an old man, the only apostle to die peacefully

5. Peter. He was crucified upside down on an x shaped cross. According to church tradition it was because he told his tormentors that he felt unworthy to die In the same way that Jesus Christ had died.

6. James. The leader of the church in Jerusalem , was thrown over a hundred feet down from the southeast pinnacle of the Temple when he refused to deny his faith in Christ. When they discovered that he survived the fall, his enemies beat James to death with a fuller's club.

This was the same pinnacle where Satan had taken Jesus during the Temptation.

7. James the Son of Zebedee was a fisherman by trade when Jesus Called him to a lifetime of ministry.

As a strong leader of the church, James was beheaded at Jerusalem. The Roman officer who guarded James watched amazed as James defended his faith at his trial.

Later, the officer Walked beside James to the place of execution. Overcome by conviction, he declared his new faith to the judge and Knelt beside James to accept beheading as a Christian.

8. Bartholomew. Also known as Nathaniel. He Was a missionary to Asia. He witnessed for our Lord in present day Turkey. Bartholomew was martyred for his preaching in Armenia where he was flayed to death by a whip.

9. Andrew. He Was crucified on an x-shaped cross in Patras, Greece. After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony.

His followers reported that, when he was led toward the cross, Andrew saluted it in these words, "I have long desired and expected this happy hour. The cross has been consecrated by the body of Christ hanging on it". He continued to preach to his tormentors For two days until he expired.

10. Thomas. He Was stabbed with a spear in India during one of his missionary trips to establish the church in the Subcontinent.

11. Jude. He Was killed with arrows when he refused to deny his faith in Christ.

12. Matthias. The apostle chosen to replace the traitor Judas Iscariot. He was stoned and then beheaded.

13. Paul. He Was tortured and then beheaded by the evil Emperor Nero at Rome in A.D. 67. Paul endured a lengthy imprisonment, which allowed him to write his many epistles to the churches he had formed throughout the Roman Empire. These letters, which taught many of the foundational Doctrines of Christianity, form a large portion of the New Testament.

July 27, 2022

Elitists’ Goal: Wipe Out Good Food

· The Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy’s Food Compass, unveiled in late 2021, is another Great Reset tool designed to discourage consumption of animal foods by falsely rating them as unhealthy, and encouraging consumption of ultraprocessed foods by giving them high nutritional ratings

Elitists' Goal: Wipe Out Good Food (mercola.com)

July 23, 2022

What happened to the League of Nations

League of Nations - HISTORY

The League of Nations was an international diplomatic group developed after World War I as a way to solve disputes between countries before they erupted into open warfare. A precursor to the United Nations, the League achieved some victories but had a mixed record of success, sometimes putting self-interest before becoming involved with conflict resolution, while also contending with governments that did not recognize its authority. The League effectively ceased operations during World War II.

The League of nations was the precursor to the United Nations but, for some reason it failed. The Globalist had a dilemma. The world just did not share their vision of a One World Order. Everyone was more interested in fighting for their sovereign survival.

Now we have the United Nations. And we are seeing how neutered that organization is in regard to the Ukraine. Nobody wants a war with Russia. We all know how insane that would be. So, what do they do? They hit Russia with sanctions instead – a bit of a wrist slap. The US may be able to get away with sanctions, but Europe is a different story. They are a little too dependent on Russia for oil and other exports. For them, It is like cutting off their noses to spite their face.

I suppose we will just have to wait and see what happens, but I would bet almost nothing. A third world war would definitely be nuclear, and no one wants that. Yahuwah Bless.

July 22, 2022


Have you begun prepping for the coming food shortages? They are coming, just as in the aftermath of the Spanish Flu. I have already started buying and preserving veggies and I am also harvesting seeds from the vegetables I buy. I am expecting the store shelves to be empty by this time next year, or perhaps as soon as this fall. There will be no seeds available. Power outages will be common, spoiling any frozen food. The food must be stored in sterilized glass mason jars. And we probably should not tell too many people about this.

I expect that martial law will be declared, allowing police unwarranted access to our homes and to seize any and all stored food. We will not be allowed to grow gardens to feed ourselves. And seeds will not be found anywhere.

Even doing our very best preserving food will only give us food for 2 – 3 years. Therefore, we will need seeds to continue past that point. One will have to be in the billionaire’s club to escape. However, being in Yahuwah’s “club” is what I prefer. I believe in the power of the spirit a lot more than the power of money. Yahuwah Bless.

July 21, 2022

Compromising with the World

Believers are not to compromise with the world. We have one obligation and one only and that is to follow Yahuwah, and Him alone at all times. Remember, we have only two choices – Follow Yahuwah or follow HaSatan. Everything concerning this subject is presented in clear black and white – no exceptions. The Adversary stands in stark opposition to the Messiah. Attempting to compromise with a world that worships HaSatan is not in Yahuwah’s plan at all and is proof that we are yet in the Laodicean age. We cannot have one foot in the circle and one foot out. If we do not have both feet in the circle, then how is Yahuwah to trust us once in the Kingdom. Yahuwah has to be fully convinced of our sincerity before letting us in. Compromising with the world will only convince Yahuwah that we are not sincere and not fit for the Kingdom. Yahuwah Bless.

July 19, 2022

Coming to a Nation Near You

While everyone is shocked at the vaccine oppression in China, they fail to realize that this is what is planned for the entire globe. No, the pandemic is nowhere near over.

Vax Shedding & Blood Clots – Watch (infowars.com)

July 18, 2022

Serving Two Masters

I have noticed that a good number of ministries are using the Sacred Names in conjunction with the popular pagan names. They use them interchangeably like they had the same meaning and represented the same persons. This is simply not so, and I am sure is very confusing to the congregations hearing the sermons. Simply put, it is a sign of a Laodicean attitude known as fence sitting or caught between two opinions.

Some people simply fear to be different – to stand out from the crowd, but isn’t that exactly what Yahushua is asking of us? The time is growing short, and we need to wake up and smell the cappuccino more urgently than ever before. We need to make “revealing all truth” our chief objective in “restoring the truth once delivered”. Yahuwah Bless

July 16, 2022

Abortion On Demand Is “Freedom”

This is the latest idiotic remark made by Nancy Pelosi. It is freedom alright – freedom to sin and commit murder. All sinners will be punished. How can anyone be so blind? How can anyone so callously disregard a human life. There is no freedom for the fetus – only the cessation of life.

Life Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

Life - the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.

the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one.

a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life.

The first sign that the fetus is alive is that they are growing. The second is when the heart begins to beat. No abortion should be performed after that event (if ever, unless there is a danger to either the fetus or the mother). That is proof of life.

Sadly, however, these sickos are not the least concerned about the right of the child to life. The want live abortions up to 3 years of age. This is definitely a return to the Satan worshipping religions of the past and child sacrifice.

Recently in the US, it was discovered that they had run out of baby formula. Even more recently it was reported that the US government was paying farmers to destroy their own crops and hitting them with heavy fines if they did not comply. Here in Canada, our own elite puppet, Justin Trudeau, is considering doing the same thing. Aside from no baby formula, soon there will be no food at all on grocery shelves, there will be no seeds available, laws will be passed banning the growing of gardens, Inspectors will be coming door to door to see if you are storing and hoarding food (which will be destroyed or confiscated)

We might think such things would only happen is a dictatorial, 3rd world, country. However, the reality is that we are little better than any 3rd world country – which is what the Elite wish to reduce us to. Depopulation and the end of all rights and freedoms is the end game. It is up to us to sound the warning. We are the Watchmen. That is our chief job. If we fail to perform our job, there will be consequences. Yahuwah Bless.

July 15, 2022

When is a Racist not a Racist?

Racist is a word that is thrown around a lot these days, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how the subject matter has any stink of racism to it. It just seems as if you don’t agree with a person, you are labelled a racist.

Now I am not a racist, but occasionally I am labelled one, because I always speak my mind and if I see someone saying or doing something wrong, I confront them about it. In other words, I speak the truth, and someone usually gets offended. If the person does not like the truth, they attack me (personally) without responding to the subject matter at all.

But, like I said, I am not racist. And the reason for that is that I know what racism is like. You see, when I went to primary school, the school was about 75% Jewish, and I was Italian/Scottish. Being that WW 2 was merely 10 years in the past, the Jews already had a low opinion against Italians – and I was teased mercilessly. I quickly learned to fight and to win. So, understandably I did hate the Jewish kids who tormented me back then. But some years later, I made a few Jewish friends and started to like them.

But something entirely different is happening today as I firmly believe that our own governments are creating and leading this movement. What better way to achieve their “kill the food wasters” policy? Well, I may be criticized for this statement, but we are currently in an undeclared war for our lives. And we are currently losing the battle. About the only thing that will see us through it is our faith. Yahuwah Bless.

July 14, 2022

On a humorous Note

Found this pasted on Facebook. List of funny things children said about the Bible.

1. In the first book of the bible, Guinness. god got tired of creating the world so he took the sabbath off.

2. Adam and eve were created from an apple tree. Noah's wife was Joan of ark. Noah built and ark and the animals came on in pears.

3. Lots wife was a pillar of salt during the day, but a ball of fire during the night.

4. The jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with unsympathetic genitals.

5. Sampson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like Delilah.

6. Samson slayed the philistines with the axe of the apostles.

7. Moses led the jews to the red sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread without any ingredients.

8. The egyptians were all drowned in the dessert. Afterwards, Moses went up to mount cyanide to get the ten commandments.

9. The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.

10. The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery.

11. Moses died before he ever reached canada then Joshua led the hebrews in the battle of geritol.

12. The greatest miricle in the bible is when Joshua told his son to stand still and he obeyed him.

13. David was a hebrew king who was skilled at playing the liar. He fought the Finkelsteins, a race of people who lived in biblical times.

14. Solomon, one of Davids sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.

15. When Mary heard she was the mother of Jesus, she sang the magna carta.

16. When the three wise guys from the east side arrived they found Jesus in the manager.

17. Jesus was born because Mary had an immaculate contraption.

18. St. John the blacksmith dumped water on his head.

19. Jesus enunciated the golden rule, which says to do unto others before they do one to you. He also explained a man doth not live by sweat alone.

20. It was a miricle when Jesus rose from the dead and managed to get the tombstone off the entrance.

21. The people who followed the lord were called the 12 decibels.

22. The epistels were the wives of the apostles.

23. One of the oppossums was St. Matthew who was also a taximan.

24. St. Paul cavorted to christianity, he preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marraige.

25. Christians have only one spouse. This is called monotony.

July 11, 2022

How did Almost Everything Become About Race?

Have you been reading the news lately? Does it seem that they are going a little overboard with all this racist nonsense? If you don’t like someone, they are a racist. If someone says some little thing offensive, they are a racist. Someone is white, thy are a racist automatically. Any day of the week, we can pick up a newspaper and finding some new thing that is racist. The following is what I learned this morning.

“It is racist not to force taxpayers to fund abortions.”

Now, I ask you, how is that in any way racist. I mean, do these people stand before mirror and practice saying stupid nonsense, or what. I just don’t get it. Yet, I know that we are being played by the Global Elite, who are operating by Albert Pikes playbook.

Albert Pike and Three World Wars - Christian Observer

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

As insane as this all sounds, the first 2 worlds wars went off perfectly in accordance with Pike’s plan; so, there is no reason to believe that they will not be equally successful this time. Yahuwah Bless.

July 9, 2022

Central Government vs. State

The U.S. and Canada have at least one thing in common, we have one centralized government and numerous state and provincial governments. Originally the state/province acted autonomously with each have more control and authority than the feds. Slowly, however, the Feds began “dictating laws and policies to bring the states/provinces under their thumb instead of the other way around.

In spite of numerous rebellions (worldwide) everything eventually returns to its previous state. Democracy has long been touted as the best system of government there is. I do not necessarily disagree (humanly speaking) but it is a system open to gross corruption and most people do not tend to challenge the government on it abuses.

There is only one government that will hold up to the sands of time, and that is Yahuwah’s government. And from the looks of what is happening today, it won’t be long in coming. His will be a top-down government, with Yahuwah being at the top. Ordinarily people look on such a system as evil and wielding too much power. However, Yahuwah is not like man, seeking more and more power and influence over others. Yahuwah already has the power and influence. Yahuwah greatest power is the power of love. And that is how He rules – out of pure love. Yahuwah Bless.

July 8, 2022

The Red Heifer

You may remember the news about a Red Heifer born in Israel in 2002. This is the sign the Jews have been waiting for to begin to build the third Temple. The whole Jewish world was awash with joy and excitement. One overzealous rabbi was ready to blow up the Dome to make way for the Temple. However, it ended up that the calf was not quite perfect and was; therefore, disqualified. The sad thing was that it has been almost 2,000 years since any calf has been born so close to perfection.

This kind of reminded me of the relationship between the Adversary and Yahushua. Yahushua is the perfect one. HaSatan the imperfect. Yet the imperfect must come before the perfect. Of course, this is to teach us the value of perfection, as nothing else with do for a future Elohim.

HaSatan was created perfect in beauty and wisdom. However, the created is never greater that the Creator. And it was Yahushua who (by the power of the Father) created all things, including HaSatan. And even though the Scriptures tell a story of a return to the temple and all of its laws, the Messiah remains the only perfect sacrifice for sin but the Jews will never accept that fact. Yahuwah Bless.

July 5, 2022

Interview with Dr. Ryan Cole

Effects of the COVID Jab – Interview with Dr. Ryan Cole (infowars.com)

Dr. Cole works in the field of immunology and has expressed his alarm over the fraudulent vaccine, claiming that since Covid 19 is not even a virus and mutates so often that no vaccine is going to work for the long term. Watch the video for yourself and let me know what you think. Yahuwah Bless

July 2, 2022

Egyptian/Alien Connection

Just finished watching this 45-minute video by Steve Quale. Apparently, there are thousands of artifacts that have been found, in the Americas suggesting alien interference in the history of mankind. However, the Smithsonian Institute refuses to recognize or display any of them. There is obviously a great deal of effort by the governments to keep this info secrete.


It is common known that a great deal of knowledge that existed before the flood, disappeared afterward. A lot of this knowledge was taught to man by the fallen angels (or demons). Science has been trying to dig it back up for centuries. However, I will contend that this was not knowledge Yahuwah wanted us to have.

I believe the point is, we are to focus on Yahuwah and His ways ad not the ways of the fallen angel who, in the future will not be remember at all. Yahuwah Bless

The “God” the World Worships

What kind of retarded creature would worship a god whose chief desire is the complete and total elimination of the species. Why mankind, of course. What is the matter with us?

It is a fact that HaSatan can do nothing to us unless Yahuwah allows him to (remember the story of Job). Yahuwah has allowed the Adversary to influence us but not to kill us directly. Therefore, he uses lies and deceit to direct us into the trap he has laid for us. His is the most diabolical plan ever devised.

However, Yahuwah would never allow such a thing without giving us a path to escape. That path is His Word, and His Word is always truth. Doubt it not. The Devil cannot take someone whom Yahuwah has saved. (Again ref, Job). And this has nothing to do with the “once saved, always saved” nonsense. I’ve known numerous people who gave up on Yahuwah because of the lies of men. And those people will themselves be made to sit in the judgement seat and be judged. And woe to them if they deny their deeds before the Great and All-knowing Judge. Yahuwah Bless.

June 29, 2022

When Ignorance Screams, Intelligence Shuts Up

Just came across this (above) quote this morning and thought that it was very appropriate in regards to what is going on in the world today. Stupid, ignorant people feel that he whoever yells the loudest wins the argument. Engaging them at all will end in a screaming match and become an exorcise in futility. It is much better to simply let the fool carry on and make an even bigger idiot of himself. Yahuwah Bless.

June 29, 2022

Hungry? Eat Bugs!

Canadian Company Pledges To Produce TWO BILLION BUGS Per Year For Human Consumption (infowars.com)

Well, there you go folks, the Global Elite have everything figured out for us including what our future diets will consist of – bugs. And I am embarrassed that a Canadian came up with the idea. I’ll say the same thing I say to Bill Gates – “You first.”

They say that eating bugs is (somehow) going to save the planet. The Greenies have gone from mad to mildly retarded to totally insane. The best way to save the planet is to shut down mainstream news. That is the weapon the Elite use to feed the frenzy.

I don’t care what those morons come up with; as long as there are fish, wild turkeys and grouse around my home, that is what I will be eating. I will leave the bugs for them. Yahuwah Bless.

June 28, 2022

Canada Day vs. New Day

toronto sun, canada day, anthony furey, new day, the forks | Toronto Sun

This story appeared in the Toronto Sun today. It is clearly yet another move to merge our nation into a North American Union with the US and Mexico, which Canada previously vetoed. Now our Liberal government is trying to push the agenda through back channels and slow manipulation. They are trying to turn our sovereign identity into a new global identity that grovels at the feet of the New World Order.

Gradually we are going to be made to surrender all our human rights for the good of the Empire. Everything will be for the good of the Empire. Newer generations will never Know what great nations stood in their place, and how the citizens fought numerous wars to protect that sovereign territory, as none of that will ever be taught in the schools by then.

Our enemy, HaSatan, has a definite interest in the outcome of all of this. The day that this transition is completed, will be the beginning or HaSatan’s 3 ½ years of “absolute” rule on Earth, with the whole world openly worshipping him. It will be the day that HaSatan has always dreamed of. And gone will be the restraints that have bound him up till now. He will be free to do whatever he desires.

And, be assured that almost every world leader is on board with this plan to greater and lesser degrees. They know what is coming and hope to have a favored position in the new government. This is going to be the biggest act of treason ever committed by man. And it will be the ones we voted for that will pull it off. We are forced to admit that we are a very stupid and gullible lot. Yahuwah Bless.

June 27, 2022

Florida meningococcal outbreak among gay and bisexual men is one of worst in US history: CDC (infowars.com)

Meningococcal - of or relating to the meningococcus bacterium

Meningococcus - a reniform or spherical bacterium, Neisseria meningitidis, that causes cerebrospinal meningitis.

If Yahuwah is against it, who can be for it? Yahuwah has been opposed to homosexuality (bisexual is no different) from the beginning.

Lev. 20:13 - If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

What makes such an act “detestable” is the fact that Yahuwah never ordained it. Yahuwah knows the end from the beginning, which is what made him such a perfect Creator. We do not know how He knows, or where He even came from; but we do know that his word and judgements are true and wise. Yahuwah Bless.

June 26, 2022

Satan’s Serum and the Resurrection of the Nephilim! - YouTube

Video by FOY. A real Eye opener. A must watch.

June 25, 2022

Roe vs. Wade

The decision by the U.S. supreme court, to overturn Roe vs, Wade, has erupted into a worldwide demonstration of insanity. At the center are millions of unborn infants. How can so many support the murder of unborn children. There is no candy coating it. And it is the most horrific mass murder event in the history of man; and the most disgusting part is the justification they offer. They sincerely believe it is their basic human “right” to kill one’s child. Here is just a few of this morning’s headlines.

· It’s time to say it: The U.S. supreme court Has become an illegitimate institution.

· Biden condemns supreme court ruling as “a tragic mistake”.

· “We will fight like hell”. States band together to protect abortion rights.

· How the Christian right took over the judiciary and changed America.

· Pierre Trudeau/ “a devastating setback”.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD? Well, the answer to that question is easy. The world abandoned Elohim almost 6,000 years ago and now the ultimate result is a population that is morally depleted (perhaps retarded is a better word) I mean, the comments are absolutely insane; and they are coming from some of the world intellectual leaders. That fact is indeed scary. No wonder they also support the genocide of 9 billion people.

Yes folks, it is the Globalists who are behind it all. Getting the world to all sign on for abortions was their crowning achievement. The move likely slowed down the population “explosion” significantly (that many they wouldn’t have to kill later). They have overwritten the laws of Yahuwah, and believe they now stand in His place and have the right to strike down Yahuwah's commandments. (A huge "WOE" to them).

What if the whole world changed and repented of their ways? Would Yahuwah relent and extend man’s stay on earth? Sorry, I think the time for that has long passed. Man has proved over and over that he is basically unable to change. We are so dull of mind we need to be forced to be moral. Yahuwah Bless.

June 24, 2022

The Power of Love

John 15:12- My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

13 - Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

1 Corinthians 13:1 - If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal

Yahuwah is love. How does that work? His capacity for love is so great that he personifies it or becomes it. So, if this is also what Yahushua is, and being the express image of the father leaves no doubt that He also personifies love, is love not what we are to become/personify also? That means that everything we think, say and do, should have love at the center. If we fill our hearts with love, there would be no room for hate. If we do everything in the name of love, there would be no chance of making enemies.

And yet, there is a place for hate also. We are to hate sin. Hate evil. Hate hypocrisy and deception. Hate HaSatan. Etc., etc. What about hating things and people at first glance without any rational reason at all. Maybe they are just ugly or radically dressed or fat. We judge almost immediately when someone does not measure up to our expectations. Are we not grateful that Yahuwah does not behave this way? Well, if Yahuwah does not behave this way, neither should we. We are to be following in Yahushua’s footsteps and doing our best to make ourselves over into his image, and love is at the center of everything. Yahuwah Bless.

June 23, 2022

Racism, a Political Powder Keg

Watching the news these days can be somewhat amusing at times, Racism seems to be the big thing in the news these days. Not that racism is funny, just the way opponents accuse each other of racism as if it were the pet insult of the day (like it is fashionable). And sadly, racism is becoming a global issue. What easier way for the Globalists to turn us against one another than by starting a race war.

The grandest goal of the Globalists is to reduce the Global population by 90% to make the remnant easier to enslave. They are about to unleash every possible method imaginable to accomplish their sick plans.

I was pondering recently what place I had in Yahuwah’s plan; and I believe that he has chosen me to be a Watchman. They are the servants of Elohim chosen to sound the alarm when danger is approaching. I believe that this is what I have been doing (basically all along. And I recognize other watchmen out there too. If a Watchman fails in his duties he is on the hook for any disaster that befalls the children of Elohim. If the people refuse to believe him, then they are responsible for the outcome.

Jer. 6:17 - I appointed watchmen over you and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But you said, ‘We will not listen.’

They would not listen. That is exactly what happens when I try to warn my friends, relatives, and neighbors – they don’t listen and label me a conspiracy nut. If Yahushua were to come today, he too would be labelled a conspiracy nut also, so I am in good company. They will not remember my words until the day of distress comes. That has been the story all through history and I don’t expect things to change anytime soon. Yahuwah Bless.

June 20, 2022

Homosexual Pandemic

Leviticus 20:13 - If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

I am sure that most, like myself, are absolutely appalled by all the homosexual news these days – pride parades, drag queens lecturing children in primary schools, pedophiles seeking to decriminalize that disgusting sickness. We now know what it was like in Sodom and Gomorrah. We now know why Yahuwah was so disgusted that he condemned them all to death. And that is exactly what the scriptures tell us do to such individuals – put them to death. There are other crimes also that call for the death penalty. The following site lists them all.

What are the offences that required the death penalty in the OT? - BibleAsk

I would say that we should now see how a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Once man legalizes one sin, others soon follow. Is that not what Christianity has been teaching since its inception, that “the law is done away”? It is that teaching that proves that Christianity is the religion of the Antichrist, and their “Jesus” is the false prophet.

The penalty for committing any kind of homosexual act is death. That is how serious a crime it is considered. Yet man, in considering himself already fully Elohim, has no issue with overriding the Laws of Yahuwah and replacing them with his own. I wonder how our governments would respond if the citizens did this to their laws? Likely with martial law.

Yahuwah may be slow to punish such crimes, but that punishment is coming, and soon. Yahuwah Bless.

June 19, 2022

Thought Police

I am sure that most have heard that in the future the Globalists will be able to read our thoughts and check for any criminal behavior. When it comes to thoughts of sin, we need to police our own thoughts. So many thoughts flood through our brains per second, it is impossible to monitor them all. Some even come and go before we ever knew they were there. How do we stop this? The only answer I have is to pray about it. Pray for a sin free mind that only thinks the purest of thoughts.

It is foolish to think that just because we have been baptized, sin can no longer enter the brain. I believe Yahuwah leaves a portion of the human spirit in us to test the strength of His spirit that is in us. It will only be as strong as we allow it to be. Yahuwah Bless.

June 18, 2022

Get Serious

It is time to get serious, folks – about prepping for what is coming. I see so many people, including friends and family members, casually going about their daily affairs without a care in the world, despite the frequent warnings in the media concerning what is coming - food shortages, power outages, economic depression. For some, there is little they can do to prepare as they are already living in extreme poverty.

I have sounded the alarm to as many as I can, but most fell on deaf ears. It makes me feel like one of the profits of old, trying desperately to convey Yahuwah’s warning to the people, but no one listened. It is very disheartening, to say the least. Yet it is Yahuwah’s will that I seek, not man’s. Man has not changed in 6,000 years, so why expect him to start now? Besides, we already know how it is all going to end.

Also, we need to get serious about our spiritual conditioning. None of what we are doing will mean anything, if we are not, at the same time, working on our own spiritual condition. Once we prefect that, we will have 99% of the battle won.

Thought determines words and action, so that is where we must begin. Once (if) we manage to control our thoughts, words and action will follow. I fully realize the difficulty in doing so but know that is what we MUST do.

So, no more procrastinating, no more thinking “it can’t be done”, I’m not good enough; that is what HaSatan wants us to think. His goal is to see that we all fail. Let’s not play into the devil’s hands and honour Yahuwah’s faith in us. We can do it! Yahuwah Bless.

June 16, 2022


I am sure everyone is familiar with Orio cookies. They are likely every kid’s favorite cookie – chocolate wafers on the outside, white cream in the middle. This name is also used of black people (in a derogatory way) who try to act white. This term can also apply to religious folks, godly in part, demonic in part. We all like to think everything we do is approved of Elohim, but it is not always. And sometimes we harbor a more elevated self-image of ourselves than is real.

We see them in church settings all the time, strutting about with their chest puffed up and pushed out, like proud roosters. And the trouble is that most people accept this projected image as the real McCoy when it is anything but. The ones that likely stand out the most are the TV evangelist, in their flashy suits and perfect hair and makeup. They are usually the ones who disappoint the most. Yet, we must not judge ourselves as any better without thorough introspection. There is no greater deception than self-deception.

Rather than using our outer shell to hide and protect our true nature, it should be our true nature that shines through at all times. Bringing it out into the light and revealing our true selves will lead to changing what is wrong so that the projected image is perfect and has nothing else to hide. Yahuwah Bless.

June 15, 2022


If we are going to survive what is coming, we need to begin prepping right now. Prepping for hard times has become a lost art. Before the industrial revolution and even up to when I was about 20, my family would gather every year and make preserves. It was an essential custom at the time (and up to just recently) to prepare for winter and other times of difficulty. In those days they used a little thing called common sense, something that seems to be in short supply these days.

Today, everyone has gotten used to the fact that the grocery stores have everything we need, any time of the year; therefore, we no longer need to prepare for difficult times. Well folks, my research has revealed to me that the globalists have been working and manipulating us for at least the last 350 years, since the U.S. Declaration of Independence. That is when the Jesuits and the Illuminati were “kicked” out of Europe and came to America. A number of the founding fathers were Freemasons. And it can truthfully be said that the United States of America was, is and always will be a Freemason colony. The only thing free about the U.S. is that the people freely gave their power over to Freemasonry to rule over them and determine their future.

Of course, the US is merely one example. Canada is no better, neither is any Western nation. All are under the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and all of it's satellite organizations (Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits). Together, they plan to bring the world under one global government and religion. It is happening folks and has been going on right under our noses since the time of our forefathers. Slowly but surely, we have been manipulated to become totally dependent on the Globalists for anything and everything that we receive. We have been programmed like living computers to believe and obey everything our globalist masters tell us.

Unfortunately, the Globalist have decided that there are simply too many of us for them to possibly enslave, so they want to significantly reduce our numbers. And they feel that we should be grateful to them for saving us from ourselves. It is also unfortunate that so many are yet so sound asleep and clueless as to what is happening. Almost no one is prepping. These will wait till there is no food on the grocery shelves before they wake up and smell the coffee. And by then it will be too late to prepare.

I began prepping a while back. I began collecting resealable jars (any kind, not just mason). Then I planted veggies in my garden instead of flowers. I am planning to go to local farms this season and buy up bushels of veggies to preserve and am jarring up soups and stews also. I have also been encouraging others in my building to grow food instead of flowers. Some are listening, some are not. If we fail to prepare, we prepare to fail. Remember that folks. Yahuwah Bess.



Welcome to the official "In Search of YHVH" site. My name is Gary Primo. I live in Fenelon Falls, Ontario, Canada. I was called to serve Yahuwah 39 years ago and it has been a most interesting and educational journey ever since. The purpose of this site is to explore and reveal the way in which the Adversary has led man astray since the Garden of Eden. His deceptions spread out encompassing the world and influencing all aspects of our lives. At the root of the problem is our believing that we are already fully elohim, just as the serpent told Eve. Nowhere is this mindset more apparent than at the very top of the heap. Since the days of king Nimrud, every empire has followed the same pattern of establishing one religious system to represent the empire. Traditional Christianity (the RCC and all her harlot daughters) lend false claim that Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. In reality, Constantine created Christianity as a clever counterfeit to the ever growing Messianic movement. It was pretty much a makeover of Constantine's favoured Mithraic worship system. It bears resemblance to the truth in words but by their traditions it tells a completely different story.

My purpose not to turn anyone away from our Heavenly Father or his Son, but instead, to bring as many as I can out of the Satanic prison we find ourselves in and into the glorious light of the Creator. In John 17, while in deep prayer to His Father, Yahushua prayed that the Father would make his followers one with Him as He (Yahushua) was one with Him. And, Yahushua resemblance to the Father was Indeed as one and the same. That is our true purpose, not to become mere angels or some other lesser being; we are to become fully elohim, in all power and glory that comes with that station. Yahushua opened the door for all who believe to have an up close and personal relationship with the Father, without all the fancy window dressing, customs and traditions of traditional, government controlled religions. A new empire is coming. It will again create a universal system of worship to the Emperor's pleasing.

The feature e-book of this site is "The Christian Counterfeit, Constantine's One World Religion". It is 100% free, as is everything on my site. Read, share, do whatever you like. This e-book reveals exactly how the Christian religion truly developed from an extension of Judaism to a clever makeover of the two predominant pagan religions of Rome, Mithraism and Sol Invictus.

This e-book also shows how Daniel's dream about the fourth, world-ruling empire (Rome) would continue to the final coming of Yahushua to claim His kingdom. According to the worldly view of history, the Roman Empire died in the 6th century. However, my contention is that this was the deadly wound talked about concerning the beast in the Book of Revelation that was healed. The healing took place almost immediately after the fall of Rome when the leaders of Rome disguised themselves as priests of the Roman Catholic Church and have been ruling from inside the walls of the Vatican ever since. It reveals how the Vatican has waged war on all so-called "heretics" ever since using the military might of whichever nation was currently riding of the wave of global dominance at the time. At this time that global dominating power is the United States of America. However, it has changed many times throughout the centuries and it may be on the verge of changing once more to the European Union. It is also my belief that the Vatican heavily influenced the War of Independence and infiltrated the government of the United States since its inception, via the Illuminati and Freemasonry.

This e-book also demonstrates how the people of Yahuwah have been led astray over and over again throughout the course of history and that the separation of Judaism and Christianity is merely a case of history repeating itself - comparing it to the separation of the two nations of Judah and Israel after the death of Solomon.

The second most prominent e-book, "Who Was/Is Yahushua" deals with the identity of the Son of Elohim and the two distinctly different glories common to each the Father and the Son. The glory of the Father is that of being the Creator of all life and having always had the power of self-existence. The glory of the Son is that he was the only "seed" that Yahuwah planted directly and having been endowed with all the power and wisdom of Yahuwah, went on to create the rest of the universe and all life in it. Also, He was the first of all creation to complete the plan of Yahuwah and now is the only one besides the Father to possess the power of self-existent, eternal life. I know this to be a very controversial subject and is bound to draw some negative feedback from some people, but please try to give it an unbiased read and do your own study into the matter before sending any angry emails.

I welcome all communication concerning my articles, both positive and negative. I only ask that all such communications are kept on a civilized, intelligent level (no name calling or bashing) and be accompanied by your own personal studies into the various topics. Don't tell me what so-and-so said from such and such a church or website. I want to know what Yahuwah has revealed to you though your own personal studies.

I have a simple mindset when I study the Scriptures; one, that the Scriptures literally mean what they say and two, that there must be a harmonization of all scriptures on any given topic for it to make sense and have any ring of truth. Any disharmony tells me that there is something wrong with the traditional interpretation.

Also, I believe that most believers are getting too sidetracked in the small intricate details of truth and not focusing the main objective, or the big picture. In John 17, Yahushua reiterates over and over that his desire for His followers was, that they become "one" with the Father as He was/is. That is a much higher target that most realize or take seriously. Many are learning one or two truths (such as the Sabbath and High Days or the Sacred Names) and laying down thinking that they now have everything they need to make it into the Kingdom. We must remember that due to the fact that man chose to obey HaSatan rather than Yahuwah, man also made him the god that they worship. Constantine did the same with Christianity. Due to the fact that all societies on Earth are based on a satanic system we must never assume that we are beyond all deception. The search for truth is a life-time quest from which we should never quit until the day we die.

However, as important as knowing all truth is, our main focus should be becoming one with the Father as Yahushua was/is - writing his laws in our minds and in our hearts to the degree that any desire to sin no longer abides in us. We need to be pure of mind and heart. Can anyone today truthfully claim to possess that same oneness with the Father as Yahushua did? I think not. And, I am not making any such claim. The biggest obstacle, as I see it, lies in all the emotion baggage we carry around with us. Everyone, to greater and lesser degrees has such baggage. We are brought into the world as totally trusting infants. Yet, over the years certain events in our lives cause us to distrust. We mentally and emotionally build psychological walls around our minds and hearts to protect us from those who cause (or may cause) us physical and emotional harm. The height of these walls is dependent on how much emotional and physical trauma we have suffered in our lives. These walls are tough to tear down again once they are in place. We may even find ourselves projecting such emotions on totally undeserving individuals. For example, an abused woman may develop a fear of all men.

In most cases, people carry their natural sense of mistrust over into their relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua. We simply cannot help ourselves. This is what Yahushua meant when he said we must become like little children - freely and openly trusting Yahuwah without any reservation. We must strip ourselves bare and tear down those walls to have such a relationship with the Father as Yahushua had. This is the barrier before us all in becoming one with the Father and Yahushua. I believe it is also the barrier preventing us from awakening the full power of the spirit dwelling in us and working the marvelous works of Yahuwah. When and if we are able to break through this barrier and we truly become one with the Father, all the signs that followed Yahushua will follow us as well - as they did the apostles.

In the past whoever I have asked this question of, "why is Yahuwah not working with us as he did his apostles?" simply answered me "God does not work that way anymore." and that the apostles were different because they were eye witnesses to the life, death and resurrection of the Messiah. Yet, Yahushua said that those who believe without such a witness would be even more blessed. Therefore, my contention is that Yahuwah definitely does still work this way and that the problem lies with us, not the Father. Can you picture thousands of True Believers openly doing the work of the apostles - or even greater works. According to Yahushua, it is doable.

It is my hope that we who are earnestly seeking the truth will put our minds and hearts together to uncover all truth and serve YHVH as He would have us serve Him - and that we will all do our part in presenting the truth of Yahuwah to an almost totally deceived world. We must be like the "noble Berians" in not believing what any "man" teaches us, but search and prove all things on our own. In the judgement we will be made to stand on our own two feet to face the Creator of the universe and we will NOT at that time be able to point the finger at any man or religion, saying this is what they taught us, because Yahuwah will, at that time, say to us, "I never knew you." Is that what any of us want to hear?

Yahushua opened the door for us that allows us to freely approach the throne of the Father and learn directly from Him. We have no need of a human teacher. If we seek out the truth on our own, Yahuwah will reveal it to us. We have an obligation to share any new truth we discover with our brothers and sisters of the faith. Some of the truths we discover will not be readily accepted because so many people are locked into "set-in-stone" doctrines in which they feel comfortable and do not want to leave their comfort zone. They think that their doctrines, which they hold so near and dear, are going to allow them to coast into the Kingdom doing the bare minimum of what Yahuwah expects of us. That may well be so, but these people will then have to be satisfied with holding a much lower position in the Kingdom than those who put an all-out effort into uncovering all deception and discovering all truth.

It is my hope and desire to attract other avid truth seekers to join my cause and help with this venture. It really is too big for one man alone to uncover all truth. We must assume that EVERYTHING we have been brought up to believe was based in one way or another on the deceptions of HaSatan. We must remain focused on peeling back these deceptions layer by layer. The more we peel away, the closer we will come to that oneness with Yahuwah that He desires us ALL to have.

Yahuwah Bless

Gary Primo