軸心與同盟太平洋版海空武器航行半徑研究 (Study on the ranges of warships and aircrafts in the "Axis & Allies Pacific")


(Study on the ranges of warships and aircrafts in the "Axis & Allies Pacific")


(Fong Fu Yun, Department of Chess, Chess United Kingdom College)

(註﹕「軸心與同盟」及「太平洋版」中文名稱由方潤自譯 / Chinese name of the game translated by author)

海軍艦船從母港出發航程範圍圖 / Range of warships from homeland harbours


Naval base — Normal range --- Inter-harbour range

Blue—Western U.S. Light blue—Hawaii Green—New South Wales Yellow—India Red—Japan

名詞解釋 / Vocabulary explanation﹕


Normal range: Normally, ships move 2 spaces, it is their normal range.


Inter-harbour range: During the Non-combat Movement phase, ships moving from a sea zone with friendly naval base to another sea zone with friendly naval base, they may move 3 spaces instead of 2. (According to Gameplay Manual)

空軍戰機從本土出發之航程 / Range of aircrafts from homeland

Ranges for U.S. fighter from homeland (Western) Air base

Blue—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.S. fighter from Hawaii Air base

Blue—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.S. fighter from Szechwan Air base

Blue—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.K. fighter from New South Wales Air base

Green—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.K. fighter from India Air base

Yellow—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for Japan fighter from homeland Air base

Red—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.S. bomber from homeland (Western) Air base

Blue—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.S. bomber from Hawaii Air base

Blue—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.S. bomber from Szechwan Air base

Blue—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.K. bomber from New South Wales Air base

Green—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for U.K. bomber from India Air base

Yellow—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action

Ranges for Japan bomber from homeland Air base

Red—Maximum flying range Pink—Maximum radius of action Light blue—Homeland radius of action