Wednesday, December 23, 2020: Chaotic Evening

Phil was teaching Sherb some yoga in the plaza when I first booted up the game this afternoon. It was pretty cute!

I bought some more wrapping paper at the shop today for presents for my villagers for Toy Day.

Sable was talking about the cold winter weather, and having cozy clothes as a distraction.

I went through my items in my storage to find some things for my villagers that I thought would go well in their homes. For example, I thought Sylvana might like one of my leaf piles to add another splash of color to her sakura-themed home. And one of my other many normal villagers wouldn't mind a good book I'm sure! I also customized a DJ turntable for someone with the DJ K.K. logo from New Leaf!

After making a snowman and doing a few other things, I decided to head back to Pace Haven, that fun maze island I saw BrianMP16 stream on Twitch, and spend more time on it since I was playing on the TV. Here are some pictures of my progress through it - I particularly liked jumping along this waterfall! It reminded me of a Breath of the Wild adventure map or something in Animal Crossing! Especially taking my Switch to go see more Christmas lights in real life, just like those trailers for continuing your adventures on the go.

When I got back to my island, I ran into Celeste unexpectedly, and she gave me a new recipe I hadn't seen before.

I chatted with Diana and Merengue about Toy Day tomorrow. It's Christmas Eve Eve and Toy Day Eve! I'm excited for the event tomorrow - and I feel like I'm as ready as I can hope for! I even do have an incense candle or something for Diana, so maybe she'll appreciate that - reminds me of New Leaf where throughout the month, villagers tell you clues about what they wanted. I wouldn't have minded that approach in New Horizons too! Maybe if they change holidays in 2021, we will get that approach next December!

Diana went home to invite Avery over apparently, and was telling me about the comfort of her beach towel. Alrighty then... Whatever you say!

I discovered Sherb and Sylvana together by the river - I think they were on a date! I got to listen in on a conversation they were having, too. It seemed Sherb's doing a good job of making Sylvana have fun at least!

Sherb also told me Clay was sick, so I went to drop off his medicine. On my way, I caught a tarantula! Didn't really expect to see them out this time of year, based on the past games.

During this time, I had run into Wisp, and went around finding his spirits. As I was heading around the back of the island, I saw Redd had docked his ship! Sydney or one of my normals mentioned him, and I didn't realize he was actually here! I bought an ancient statue because it reminded me of the Jōman period pottery that inspired some of the look of Breath of the Wild. I didn't think anything was real according to the guides, so I just went for it to put in my house.

When I finished locating the spirits, the last thing I did tonight was return them to Wisp - he gave me some cork flooring in return. It was quite a crazy Toy Day Eve!