Friday, May 8, 2020: Getting Back into the Game

Hey! Good news: I finished my Mario Maker 2 Super World yesterday, so part of my day today (alongside playing my violin IRL for the first time in a while) has been getting back into the world of Animal Crossing: New Horizons! As Avery points out, it's been a bit since I last spoke with him.

Interesting word choice of "spell," as I saw a wizard's robe in the shop today! I gave it to my IRL friend you may have seen in livestreams, and in the letter wrote "Yer a wizard, Harry." :)

The main goal of this weekend is to do a whole bunch of landscaping, terraforming, and redecorating of the island, so I may not post too much of that in this blog, as these will be whole family activities for us to do on the TV. However, I started the process of redecorating my house; it's been a complete mess of random stuff thrown everywhere while I was working on Mario, so I cleared everything out to start again, and also removed some things in my yard. Now that I've had the game for a while, some of the early items (the campfire, mountain standee, etc.) don't appeal to me anymore.

We'll see how often I do end up posting going forward, but I am excited for a fun Animal Crossing weekend with my family! There will probably be a livestream sometime next week, and I'll continue to post about the personal things I do with my house and yard. Eventually, I can give a proper tour of the island-wide things we have done.

Have a wonderful rest of your day, and never stop Crossing!