Saturday, February 6, 2021: White Mage Pirate-Adventurer!

I briefly played last night after starting Square's 2019 re-release of Final Fantasy IX on the Switch with my friends. It was after midnight when I played, so Isabelle was mentioning the late hour.

The reason I mentioned Final Fantasy above is because I made a new themed costume! Gullivarr sent me a pirate outfit, and I decided to combine it with the white mage hat I had to create the White Mage Pirate-Adventurer! Sort of like Vivi the Black Mage in FFIX. Or "Toro", as he's known in our playthrough. I'll definitely have this costume on when we play online tomorrow - planning to see some new developments on their islands!

This morning, I got a letter from Clay about reading books. Remember this for later.

I bought this Festivale stall from the shop - what a perfect item for my plaza decorations!

Also in preparation for tomorrow, I bought a couple megaphones for my friends to play around with. I was surprised to get miles for that!

I found a lost item on the ground, and Merengue said it could belong to Clay. When I inspected it, I saw it was a picture book! I wonder if this was the book he was talking about in his letter, the one that only had 104 letters in it.

I ran into Phil sitting by a tree. I went away for a second and caught a Raja Brooke butterfly, and I saw Phil getting up, moving to the tree in front of him, and sitting down there! Alright then Phil. You do you.

I've also been loading up my New Leaf town a bit - which I restarted in November 2018 as a way to get hyped for the Switch version (so not the same town as my 2013 blog) - anyway, guess who I run into there! PHIL! I have to get rid of Phil in two Animal Crossing games now?!

I'm still trying to work out how I could potentially blog New Leaf again, but I'll probably wait until after March 20th before I do. I have to de-weed and get back in the groove of that game! The 3DS screenshots don't look that great blown up, so here's a pic of the Final Fantasy IX physical version box that apparently released in November 2020. I just remember the Nintendo Direct for the Final Fantasy games coming to Switch before they announced they were working on a new Animal Crossing for it too!