Thursday, September 5, 2013: A Relaxing Afternoon

Post date: Sep 5, 2013 10:14:02 PM

When I got to Main Street and bought the fortune cookies, out of one I got Majora's Mask! I never actually snapped a good picture of it, so you'll have to see that another time. The references in the game just kill me. :)

For some reason, as I was running around outside, I kept falling. I thought it had something to do with the mask, but later on, I was running around without it, and fell, too. Hmm... Anyways, also in that picture you can see something is being built up above the Able Sisters. I could still go in, though. I'm wondering if it's GracieGrace, but I've never actually seen her before, so... Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

After that, I headed back to town. Today was actually a quiet day, compared to yesterday. I sold some fruit that I had imported from the island (and those perfect cherries you see there) to make some money. I didn't feel like going all the way out to the island to sell that fruit, so maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

I also saw Hugh fishing at the river on my way to Re-Tail. You do that, Hugh... once you actually catch something.

That was about it! Just a simple, quiet evening in Liontown. Check back tomorrow!